Practical Exam: Aim: To Design A State Diagram For Online Shopping Theory

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Practical exam

Saransh gujral A2305318039 B.Tech 5IT1

Aim: To design a State Diagram for Online Shopping

Every company having customers maintains customer accounts and
supports a complete life cycle of the account from its creation until it
is closed. There are differences in what the stages (states) are in the
account’s life cycle, and what are conditions or events causing account
to change its state. Here we provide an example of user account life
cycle in the context of online shopping, shown as UML protocol state
machine diagram.
For the user account to be created, it must meet some initial
requirements. For example, user id (used as a login name) must be
unique, at least for the existing accounts. After account was created,
it might need to be verified. Verification depends on the company and
could include e-mail, phone, and/or address verification. If account
was not verified during some predefined period of time, that account
could be moved to the suspended accounts.
New, active, or suspended accounts could be cancelled at any time by
client’s request. Note, the precondition for this usually includes
payment of any outstanding balances and might require some separate
account state or substrate to handle this case.
User account might be suspended for security reasons, manually or
automatically. For example, website intrusion detection system locks
user account for predefined period, if there were several unsuccessful
login attempts using incorrect account password. After account lock
times out, account is activated back automatically.
Some user accounts could be inactive for a long period of time.
Company policy or business rules could require moving such dormant
for a year or two accounts to the suspended state.
Once we listed user account states and specified all possible transitions
from one state to another, we can review the diagram with other
subject matter experts to see if anything is missing or needs further

State diagram:

A State Machine diagram (also known as statechart, state diagram or

state transition diagram), developed by David Harel, is one of the
seven diagrams used for 1odelling the dynamic nature of a system.
These diagrams are used to model the entire life cycle of an object.
The activity diagram is a special kind of Statechart diagram. Purpose
of State diagrams:

To model the dynamic aspect of a system.

To model the life time of a reactive system.
To describe different states of an object during its life time.
Define a state machine to model the states of an object. A state diagrams
include the following:
Initial state
Final state
Synchronization and Splitting of Control

State Diagram Relationships and its notations:

A state may be involved in one or more relationships with other

states. A relationship can be one of the following types:

Relationship Type Graphical

Initial state
We use a black filled circle represent the initial
state of a System or a class.
We use a solid arrow to represent the transition
or change of control from one state to another.
The arrow is labelled with the event which causes
the change in state.
We use a rounded rectangle to represent a state.
A state represents the conditions or
circumstances of an object of a class at an instant
of time.
We use a rounded solid rectangular bar to
represent a Fork notation with incoming arrow
from the parent state and outgoing arrows
towards the newly created states. We use the
fork notation to represent a state splitting into
two or more concurrent states.
We use a solid arrow pointing back to the state
itself to represent a self-transition. There might
be scenarios when the state of the object does not
change upon the occurrence of an event. We use
self-transitions to represent such cases.
Composite state
We use a rounded rectangle to represent a
composite state also. We represent a state with
internal activities using a composite state.
Final state
We use a filled circle within a circle notation to
represent the final state in a state machine


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