Communication Add-On Modbus - RTU Addendum A
Communication Add-On Modbus - RTU Addendum A
Communication Add-On Modbus - RTU Addendum A
Modbus - RTU
Addendum A
Revision History:
1.00 – 1st Release
1.01 – Added RSM
1.02 – Updated bookmarks
The Arcus implementation of Modbus-RTU supports the holding register data type only.
Coils, Discrete Inputs and Input Registers are not supported.
Please note that the device baud rate must be within the range [1, 5].
To write the values to the device’s flash memory, use the STORE command. After a
complete power cycle, the new baud rate will be written to memory. Note that before a
power cycle is completed, the settings will not take effect.
This setting can be made either through RS-485 ASCII or USB communication
depending on your controller.
To write the values to the device’s flash memory, use the STORE command. After a
complete power cycle, the new device number will be written to memory. Note that
before a power cycle is completed, the settings will not take effect.
This setting can be made either through RS-485 ASCII or USB communication
depending on your controller.
Below is a table of the ASCII commands that are mentioned above. To see a complete
list of all ASCII commands, see the user manual specific to your controller.
See “Modbus RTU Addressing” for details on how to write the value.
In a typical application, the controller runs a stand-alone program while the Modbus
master accesses variables over the Modbus-RTU protocol.
HSPD=V4 ;* Set the high speed to V4 pulses/sec
LSPD=V5 ;* Set the low speed to V5 pulses/sec
ACC=V6 ;* Set the acceleration to V6 msec
Data Model
†V30 is reserved for communication mode setting. In order to change from Modbus
communication to ASCII, set V30=1.
When reading this value, the full 32-bit value is: +18739 (0x00004933)
Before running the program, make sure to register the 3rd party Modbus master driver on
your PC. See instructions below:
b. Using the command line, browse to the “mod102” directory within the GUI folder
and type “mbserver.exe /regserver” and press enter.
c. Note that if this process is not done correctly, you will receive the following error
when trying to run the program.
After the 3rd party Modbus driver has been successfully registered, start the program and
the following screen should show up.
Select the correct COM port, Baud Rate and Slave ID (Modbus Device Number).
The search function allows the user to search for a device on a COM port at a given baud
Main Screen