Food Processing - 10 WHLP

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Weekly Home Learning Plan for Modular Distance Learning

Weekly Home Learning Plan for Grade 10 – (Food Processing)

Quarter 1

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

WEEK 1 TLE – FOOD LO 1. Develop and strengthen personal Food Processing Module 1, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING competencies and skills (PECs) needed Food Lesson 1 (LDM) through the
Processing implementation of
Quarter I, Week 1 Modular Distance Learning
1.1. Identify areas for improvement, (MDL).
development and growth
Parents will pick-up and
1.2. Align one’s PECs according to his/her return the module in the
business/career choice designated area.

1.3. Create a plan of action that ensures success Technical assistance will be
of his/her business/career choice provided by the adviser.

WEEK 2 TLE – FOOD LO 1. Develop a product/ service in Food Food Processing Module 2, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Processing Lesson 1 (LDM) through the
1.1. Identify what is of “Value” to the customer implementation of
Quarter I, Week 2 Modular Distance Learning
1.2. Identify the customer to sell to (MDL).
Parents will pick-up and
1.3. Explain what makes a product unique and
competitive return the module in the
designated area.
1.4. Apply creativity and Innovative techniques to Technical assistance will be
develop marketable product provided by the adviser.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

WEEK 3 TLE – FOOD LO 3. Develop a brand for the product Food Processing Module 2, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Lesson 1 (LDM) through the
3.1. Identify the benefits of having a good brand implementation of
Quarter I, Week 3
3.2. Enumerate recognizable brands in the Modular Distance Learning
town/province (MDL).

3.3. Enumerate the criteria for developing a brand Parents will pick-up and
return the module in the
3.4. Generate a clear appealing product brand designated area.
Technical assistance will be
provided by the adviser.

WEEK 4 TLE – FOOD LO 1. Select and prepare equipment for use Food Processing Module 3, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Lesson 5 (LDM) through the
1.1. Identify and access basic machine/equipment implementation of
required to complete tasks in accordance with Quarter I, Week 4 Modular Distance Learning
assignment instructions and workplace (MDL).
Parents will pick-up and
1.2. Carry out routine pre-operational checks return the module in the
according to manufacturers’ specifications and designated area.
workplace procedures
Technical assistance will be
1.3. Identify and report faulty and damaged provided by the adviser.
machine/equipment according to workplace

WEEK 5 TLE – FOOD LO2. Operate equipment Food Processing Module 3, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Lesson 5 (LDM) through the
2.1. Select, use and maintain suitable personal implementation of
protective equipment in accordance with Quarter I, Week 5 Modular Distance Learning
occupational health and safety (OHS)
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

requirements, and manufacturers’ specifications (MDL).

2.2. Operate machine/equipment in a safe and Parents will pick-up and
controlled manner in accordance with OHS return the module in the
requirements and manufacturers’ specifications designated area.
Technical assistance will be
provided by the adviser.

WEEK 6 TLE – FOOD LO3. Maintain equipment and resources Food Processing Module 3, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Lesson 5 (LDM) through the
3.1. Shut down machine/equipment according to implementation of
workplace procedures and manufacturers’ Quarter I, Week 6 Modular Distance Learning
specifications (MDL).
3.2. Clean and maintain work area in accordance Parents will pick-up and
with workplace requirements return the module in the
3.3. Clean, maintain and store tools and machine/ designated area.
equipment in accordance with workplace Technical assistance will be
requirements and manufacturers’ specifications provided by the adviser.
3.4. Report faulty or damaged
machine/equipment for repair or replacement in
accordance with workplace procedures
3.5. Manage wastes generated according to
workplace procedures and 3R principle

WEEK 7 TLE – FOOD LO1. Prepare for cleaning Food Processing Module 4, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Lesson 6 (LDM) through the
1.1. Identify cleaning/ sanitizing supplies and implementation of
materials, and utilities Quarter I, Week 7 Modular Distance Learning
1.2. Confirm availability of cleaning/sanitizing (MDL).
supplies and materials, and utilities according to Parents will pick-up and
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

cleaning and sanitizing requirements return the module in the

designated area.
1.3. Prepare mixture of sanitizing solutions, as
necessary, according to workplace requirements Technical assistance will be
and application provided by the adviser.
1.4. Clear equipment and processing/packaging
area in preparation for cleaning according to
workplace requirements and manufacturer’s

WEEK 8 TLE – FOOD LO2. Clean and sanitize equipment and processing Food Processing Module 4, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING / packaging area to meet workplace Lesson 6 (LDM) through the
requirements. implementation of
Quarter I, Week 8 Modular Distance Learning
2.1. Clean and sanitize equipment and (MDL).
processing/packaging area according to workplace
procedures, OHS requirements, and Parents will pick-up and
manufacturer’s specifications return the module in the
designated area.
2.2. Inspect equipment and processing/packaging
area according to Technical assistance will be
provided by the adviser.

WEEK 9 TLE – FOOD LO1. Load and unload raw materials, products and Food Processing Module 5, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING supplies. Lesson 7 (LDM) through the
implementation of
1.1. Select loading and unloading procedures Quarter I, Week 9 Modular Distance Learning
according to workplace and OHS requirements (MDL).
1.2. Identify and handle dangerous or hazardous Parents will pick-up and
raw materials, products and/or supplies in return the module in the
accordance with OHS, regulatory and legislative designated area.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

1.3. Identify raw materials, products and/or Technical assistance will be

supplies requiring special handling. provided by the adviser.
1.4. Follow special handling procedures according
to workplace requirements
1.5. Pack and unpack raw materials, products
and/or supplies according to workplace

WEEK 10 TLE – FOOD LO2. Secure and protect load Food Processing Module 5, Learning Delivery Modality
PROCESSING Lesson 7 (LDM) through the
2.1. Check load distribution to ensure that it is implementation of
even, legal and within the working capacity Quarter I, Week 10 Modular Distance Learning
according to workplace procedures (MDL).
2.2. Check load to ensure that dangerous goods Parents will pick-up and
and hazardous substances are appropriately return the module in the
segregated in accordance with regulatory and designated area.
workplace requirements
Technical assistance will be
2.3. Secure load using the correct load restraint provided by the adviser.
and protection equipment, carrying and garage
conditions according to workplace and OHS

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