Instruction: Give at least 3 or more genus specie in each medical pathogenic fungi and from there insert an
image for each genus specie with a label on it.
B. Candida Albicans
Vulvovaginal candidiasis or
Small, oval, measuring 2-4 The overgrowth of C. a “yeast infection” is the
µm in diameter. Yeast albicans leads to symptoms overgrowth of C. albicans in
form, unicellular, of disease, and it occurs the vagina, and results in
reproduce by budding. ... when there are imbalances – rash, itchiness, and
Both yeast and for example, changes in the discharge from the genital
pseudo-hyphae are gram normal acidity of the vagina. region. Lastly, invasive
positive. Encapsulated and C. albicans infections very candidiasis occurs when the
diploid, also form true rarely spread through sexual fungal pathogen enters the
hyphae. 80-90% of cell intercourse. bloodstream and can easily
wall is carbohydrate spread to organs
throughout the body.
B. Histoplasma capsulatum produces Histoplasmosis is an The most severe variety of
hyphae-like conidiophores infection caused by histoplasmosis occurs
which arise at right angles breathing in spores of a primarily in infants and in
to the parent hyphae. It fungus often found in bird people with compromised
has both macro- and and bat droppings. The immune systems. Called
microconidia. infection is most commonly disseminated
Macroconidia are spread when these spores histoplasmosis, it can affect
tuberculate, thick-walled, are inhaled after taking to nearly any part of your
round, unicellular, hyaline, the air, such as during body, including your mouth,
large and often have demolition or cleanup liver, central nervous
fingerlike projections on projects. system, skin and adrenal
the surface. glands. If untreated,
histoplasmosis is usually
C. Blastomyces
They are solitary and
pyriform to globose in You can Blastomycosis is a fungal
shape. After incubation at get blastomycosis by contact infection caused by
37°C on an enriched with moist soil, most inhaling Blastomyces derma
medium or in infected commonly where there is titidis spores. If it involves
tissue sections, rotting wood and only the lungs, it is called
the fungus appears as leaves. The fungus enters the pulmonary blastomycosis.
budding yeast cells body through the lungs, Only about half of people
where the infection with the disease have
starts. The fungus can then symptoms, which can
spread to other parts of the include fever, cough, night
body. The disease may affect sweats, muscle pains,
the skin, bones and joints, weight loss, chest pain, and
and other areas. feeling tired.
Lacazia loboi is
C. Lobomycosis Infection most commonly
characterized by long Lobomycosis is
chains of spherical cells develops after minor a blastomycosis, a fungal
interconnected by scratches or insect bites, but infection of
tubules. The cells appear many patients cannot recall the skin caused by Lacazia
to be yeast-like with a any skin trauma. loboi (formerly
diameter of 5 to 12 μm. Human-to-human named Loboa loboi), and
transmission does not occur, discovered
and the disease is only by Brazilian dermatologist
acquired from the
Jorge Lobo.
environment.[6] The
appearances are of
a chronic keloidal nodular
lesions occur on
the face, ears, or extremities.
Microsporum canis
B. Microsporum produces septate hyphae, Microsporum canis is Microsporum is a genus of
macroconidia, and a pathogenic, asexual fungus fungi that causes tinea
microconidia. in the capitis, tinea corporis,
Macroconidia are phylum Ascomycota that ringworm, and other
spindle-shaped, with an infects the upper, dead dermatophytoses (fungal
asymmetrical apical knob. layers of skin on infections of the skin).
They are 6- to 15-celled, domesticated cats, and
long, rough and have thick occasionally dogs and
outer cell walls. The septal humans
walls are thin.
Morphological Description
C. Epidermophyton : Epidermophyton Epidermophyton floccosum
A deep yellowish-brown has the ability to is a filamentous fungus that
reverse pigment is usually utilise keratin, grow in the causes skin and nail
present. non-living tissues of hair, infections in humans. It can
Microscopic morphology s nails, and skin, in the region lead to diseases such as
hows characteristic above the layers where tinea pedis (athlete's foot),
smooth, thin-walled keratin is deposited tinea cruris, and
macroconidia which are onychomycosis.
often produced in clusters
growing directly from the
hyphae. Numerous
chlamydospores are
formed in older cultures.
Microconidia are not