Ciulla - Myco
Ciulla - Myco
Ciulla - Myco
A bulldozer operator became ill while working on a new C. Areas of the San Joaquin Valley are highly
highway in the San Joaquin Valley. He developed chest pain, endemic for Coccidioides immitis, and infectious
anorexia, headache and general malaise, and myalgia with arthroconidia of this fungus can be distrib- uted
fever. Chest X-ray showed pneumonic infiltrate and a single, in dust aerosols produced by construction and
well-defined nodule in the left lower lobe. His leukocyte count other disturbances. Symptomatic pulmonary
and sedimentation rate were slightly elevated. Although no disease patterns vary, but the signs and
fungus was seen in direct examination of a sputum symptoms given are found in many cases. The
specimen, processing included a culture on Sabouraud fungus grows more rapidly than do other
dextrose agar with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide. systemic fungal pathogens, and the aerial
Within 3 days at 30°C,this culture produced moist, grayish mycelium will typically produce the characteristic
growth, and white aerial mycelia began to develop (see Color barrel-shaped arthrospores.
Plate 30). A lactophenol cotton blue wet mount of this
organismis seen in Color Plate 31. What is the most likely
identification of this fungus?
A. Asperigillus fumigatus
B. Blastomyces dermatitidis
C. Coccidioides immitis
D. Histoplasma capsulatum
A 44-year-old gardener pricked herself with a rose thorn. A D. Sporothrix schenckii is the agent of
subcutaneous fungal infection characterized by the develop- sporotrichosis. It usually enters the skin by
ment of necrotic ulcers followed this direct inoculation of traumatic implantation. This fungus grows in
fungal spores into the skin. The causative fungus was vitro as small yeasts at 35°C and as a mould at
cultured as a small yeast form at 35°C (see Color Plate 32) room temperature (22-30°C) with delicate
and as a mould at room temperature with delicate hyphae hyphae and conidia.
and conidia. This disease is
A. Blastomycosis
B. Chromomycosis
C. Mycetoma
D. Sporotrichosis
A yeastlike fungus was isolated from a sputum sample. No C. All species listed may be urease positive, but
hyphae were produced on cornmeal agar with Tween 80. The C. terreus does not grow at 35°C and may
assimilate nitrate. C. krusei is inositol negative,
isolate was negative for nitrate assimilation and positive for
and these species of Candida and Trichosporon
inositol assimilation and produced urease at 37°C. These produce hyphae on morphology agar. C. neofor-
findings are typical of mans typically does not produce hyphae and is
nitrate negative, is inositol and urease positive,
A. Candida krusei
and grows at 37°C.
B. Cryptococcus terreus
C. Cryptococcus neoformans
D. Trichospown beigelii
Which of the following types of Candida albicans infection is B. Neonatal thrush is the oral candidiasis most
commonly acquired from an exogenous source? commonly associated with mothers having
A. Diaper rash vaginal Candida, and the newborn acquires the
B. Neonatal thrush organism from the mother. Diaper rash due to C.
C. Perianal infection
albicans usually follows oral and perianal
D. Urinary tract infection
candidiasis of the infant. The other three
infections are associated with physiologic
changes in the host that permit proliferation of
C. albicans already present in the host's
The mould phase of the systemic fungus Blastomyces A. At 25-30°C, Blastomyces dermatitidis forms
It is usually difficult or impossible to identify a fungal culture B. Conidiophores of Aspergillus arise from a foot
before it is mature. However, hyaline, septate hyphae, and a cell and terminate in a vesicle. The vesicle
young conidiophore with a foot cell (see Color Plate 37) and a
produces phialides; the phialides then produce
swollen vesicle are excellent clues to the identification of
A. Acremonium the conidia. Before the culture is mature, the
B. Aspergillus presence of a young conidiophore with a foot
C. Paecilomyces
cell and vesicle is a good clue to the identity of
D. Penicillium
the fungus.
Broad, coenocytic hyphae found in tissue would be D. Rhizopus and other fungal agents of mucormycosis are
A fungus infecting only skin and nails typically D. Epidermophyton floccosum infects skin and nails. This
The most useful finding for prompt, presumptive D. Essentially all strains of Candida albicans produce
identification of C. albicans is its germ tubes within 2 hours of incubation at 37°C in serum.
A. Failure to assimilate sucrose Chlamydospores are produced by most strains of C.
B. "Feathering" on EMB albicans after 24-48 hours at 22-26°C on cornmeal Tween
C. Production of chlamydospores 80 agar or a similar substrate. Use of eosin methylene
D. Production of germ tubes blue medium to screen for C. albicans may require 24-48
hours of incubation.
Which of the following stains greatly enhances the C. The calcofluor white stain requires the use of a
visibility of fungi by binding to the cell walls, fluorescence microscope. It is a rapidly staining method,
causing the fungi to fluoresce blue-white or apple requiring only one minute to complete. Stain binds to
green? chitin in the cell wall of fungi.
A. Rhodamine-auramine
B. Warthin-Starry
C. Calcofluor white
D. Periodic acid-Schiff
The formation of arthroconidia is not an important D. Barrel-shaped arthroconidia, alternating with empty
characteristic in the identification of cells, are typical of the mature mycelial phase of
A. Coccidioides Coccidioides immitis. Species of Geot- richum produce
B. Geotrichum chains of hyaline arthroconidia, and Trichosporon is
C. Trichosporon characterized by production of hyaline arthroconidia,
D. Sporothrix blastoconidia, hyphae, and pseudohyphae.
Aureobasidium produces dematiaceous arthroconidia.
Sporothrix is the sole member of the list that does not
produce arthroconidia.
A black pigment produced by colonies growing on B. Phenol oxidase breaks down the substrate found in
bird seed agar is due to niger seeds producing melanin. This result is
A. Urease characteristic of C. neoformans. C. neo- formans is
B. Phenol oxidase urease positive, but that reaction is not detected on this
C. Sucrose assimilation medium.
D. Arthroconidiaproduction
Which of the following fungi is not considered an C. Absidia and Mucor can cause the uncommon disease
Which of the following fungi is most likely to be C. Mycotic keratitis due to Fusarium has been reported
found as a common saprobe and as an agent of following injury or cortisone treatment. An ulcerative lesion
keratitis? develops on the cornea. Corneal scrapings may be
A. Exophiala received for direct exam and culture.
B. Phialophora
C. Fusarium
D. Wamgiella
The microscopic identification of Pneumocystis B. Pneumocystis jirovecii produces cysts and trophozoites
jirovecii is based on the detection of that can be found in respiratory tract specimens. The
A. Arthroconidia in subcutaneous tissue biopsies fungus primarily infects the lungs, so specimens from the
B. Cysts and trophozoites in respiratory specimens lower respiratory tract are most productive (e.g.,
C. Yeasts in respiratory specimens brochoalveolar lavage). Specimens can be stained with a
D. Tuberculate macroconidia in lung biopsies silver stain or Giemsa stain.
Fungi that undergo asexual reproduction are termed A. Fungi with only an asexual stage of reproduction are
Hyaline septate hyphae, branched or unbranched A. Diagnostic features of Fusarium spp. include hyaline
conidiophores, and multicelled banana-shaped septate hyphae and sickle- or banana- shaped
conidia are characteristic of which of the following? macroconidia. Macroconidia are multi-septate with long or
A. Fusarium short branched or unbranched conidiophores.
B. Curvularia Microconidia (one or two celled) are also produced.
C. Acremonium
D. Trichophyton
Which of the following does not correctly describe B. Rhodotorula rubra has been isolated from soil, water,
the yeast Rhodotorula rubra? and a number of food sources, especially daily products
A. It has been isolated from dairy products, soil, and as a contaminant of skin, lung, urine, or feces.
and water. Rhodotorula fungemia has been caused by contaminated
B. It is the most common fungal cause of diaper catheters, intravenous solutions, and dialysis machines.
rash. C. albicans is a more common cause of diaper rash.
C. It has been identified as a nosocomial pathogen.
D. It has been found as a contaminant or
commensal in specimens of urine, sputum, and
Which of the following is likely to be found in clinical D. C.albicans is an endogenous species causing a variety
specimens as normal microflora and as clinically of opportunistic infections. Infection is usually secondary
significant isolates? to a predisposing debility. Aspergillus spp. are common
A. Aspergillus niger saprophytic con- taminants. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
B. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Penicillium marneffei are dimorphic fungi that cause
C. Penicillium marneffei systemic mycoses.
D. Candida albicans
A 4-year-old child's hair is falling out in patches. The A. Microsporum audouinii most commonly affects
hair fluoresces when subjected to the UV light from children. Only rarely are adults infected. Colonies are flat,
a Wood's lamp. When the hair is cultured, a white downy to silky, and gray to white in color. Colony reverse
cottony mould grows at 25°C on potato dextrose is salmon to brown with a reddish-brown center.
agar. Microscopically, rare microconidia, septate Microscopic examination reveals septate hyphae, terminal
hyphae, and terminal chlamydospores are seen. chlamydoconidia, and occasional microconidia (borne
Macroconidia are absent. The mould fails to grow on singly). Macroconidia are very rare or absent. Infected
polished rice grains. The causative agent is hair fluoresces. Growth on polished rice grains aids in
A. Microsporum audouinii differentiating M. audouinii from other Microsporum
B. Microsporum gypseum species that grow well on rice grains.
C. Trichophyton mentagrophytes
D. Trichophyton rubrum
In tissues infected with Histoplasma capsulatum D. Histoplasma capsulatum is found primarily within
A. The hyphae usually invade blood vessels histiocytes and in macrophages or monocytes in
B. Encapsulated yeast cells are typical specimens from bone marrow aspirates, biopsies, or the
C. Tuberculatemacroconidiaaretypical buffy coat of centrifuged blood. Unstained cell wall of the
D. The fungus is usually intracellular tissue (yeast) form of H. capsulatum may be mistaken for
a capsular halo in stained preparations. Only the mould
phase would exhibit hyphae and macroconidia.
For each numbered mycosis below, choose the B. Blastomyces dermatitidis is rarely found in the
letter of the environment most commonly associated environment, and there is no reliable skin test for
with an increased incidence of that infection. screening for past or subclinical blastomyco- sis.
Outbreaks occur most frequently following exposures to
Blastomycosis moist environments like streams and rivers. The incidence
of clinical cases in the U.S. is highest in the Mississippi
A. Lower Sonoran Life Zone and Ohio River basins and part of the Missouri River
B. Mississippi and Ohio River basins drainage.
C. Pigeon roosts
D. Bat roosts
For each numbered mycosis below, choose the B. The most highly endemic areas of histoplasmosis
letter of the environment most commonly associated (Missouri, Kentucky, southern Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio)
with an increased incidence of that infection. also have the most starlings, whose flocks produce large
accumulations of guano. Histoplasma capsulatum has
Histoplasmosis been found growing in almost pure culture in accumulated
starling guano. Exposure to aerosols containing many
A. Sphagnum moss spores of this fungus has been associated with a number
B. Starling roosts of "common source" outbreaks of histoplasmosis.
C. Stagnant fresh water
D. Colorado River Valley
For each numbered incomplete statement, select the B. White piedra is frequently caused by Trichosporon
letter of the most appropriate species. ovoides and T. inkin. T. beigelii was the name formerly
used for the species infecting humans. The disease is
The cause of white piedra characterized by soft, white to light brown nodules around
and in the hair shaft. The nodules are composed of
A. Hortaea werneckii hyphae, yeastlike arthroconidia, and sometimes blasto-
B. Trichosporon sp. conidia. The beard and body hair are more often affected
C. Piedraia hortae than scalp hair.
D. Fonsecaea compacta
The cause of tinea nigra A. Tinea nigra is a superficial skin infection caused by
For each numbered incomplete statement, select the B. Tinea versicolor is a chronic, mild, superfi- cial skin
letter of the most appropriate species. infection caused by Malassesia furfur, which may also be
found on normal skin. Despite the name "tinea versicolor,"
The cause of tinea versicolor the causative fungus is not a dermatophyte. Skin
scrapings from the lesions demonstrate characteristic
A. Aspergillus niger yeastlike cells and hyphae.
B. Malassesiafurfur
C. Microsporum gypseum
D. Geotrichum Candida
A. Candida albicans
B. Geotrichum
C. Trichosporon
D. Aspergillus fumigatus
True hyphae, arthroconidia, and blastoconidia C. Trichosporon spp. produce hyphae and arthroconidia.
Pseudohyphae, blastoconidia, and chlamydospores A. Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis both produce
The incomplete statements below describe the B. Candida tropicalis typically produces long- branched
appearance of growth of yeast or yeastlike fungi on pseudohyphae. Blastoconidia are pro- duced singly or in
morphology agar, such as rice agar or cornmeal short chains. This species does not produce
agar with Tween 80, a finding helpful in the chlamydospores. The carbon assimilation pattern of C.
presumptive identification of these organisms. For tropicalis resembles that of C. albicans, and some strains
each numbered description, select the letter of the of C. tropicalis may produce a positive germ tube test if
most appropriate species. incubated more than 3 hours.
A. Mucor sp.
B. Candida tropicalis
C. Cryptococcus neoformans
D. Candida albicans