Project: Proposed Two (2) Storey Building (Duplex Type)
Project: Proposed Two (2) Storey Building (Duplex Type)
Project: Proposed Two (2) Storey Building (Duplex Type)
Location : Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City
Owner : Mr. Rolando G. Gironella, III
The works under this project shall conform to all the technical drawings, plans and all
specifications here unto stated. All dimensions, lines, grades shall be in accordance with the
National Building Code. Other codes applicable herein shall also be complied with.
The construction shall complete all phases of works as shown in the drawings. The building lines
shall be laid our accurately within the lot and all other measurements shall be correctly verified.
No part of this building with window opening shall be less than two (2) meters from the
boundary of the lot, unless the dimensions of the lot will not allow, in which case a concrete
firewall extending at least five hundred (500) millimeters above the ridge of the roofing shall be
erected on the side in which is less than two meters from the lot line.
The entire lot shall be cleared and graded to suit the building site that shall be occupying the
highest portion of the lot. The building lines shall be laid in such a way that the bedroom portion
is facing where the sun rises wherever possible. Filling materials shall be done in three hundred
(300) millimeters layer of materials, thorough wetted and tamped.
Excavation for footing and foundations shall be graded as indicated in the drawings or as
necessary to secure a firm foundation.
All concrete Hollow Blocks shall be generally accepted brand, passed to the bureau of standards
for installation and sizes shall be 4”x 8” x 16”(100mm) and 6”x8”x16”(150mm)as specified.
All CHB shall be laid plumb, true to line, with level and accurately spaced courses, and shall
reveal corners plumb and true with each courses breaking joints halfway with the course below.
Units shall be wetted before laying; joints shall be 3/8” mortar. The mortar on both horizontal
and vertical joints shall be battered on the blocks at the time of laying not flushed or grouted in
All works shall be in accordance with the latest standard specifications for concrete materials, as
adopted by the government, and the following proportions shall be used unless otherwise
CLASS “A” (1.2.3) For all elevated slabs, beams, columns and septic tank cover.
Joints and plastering mortar shall be composed of one part Portland cement, and one part gravel
and six (6) part fine sand. Clean water shall be added to this mixture to form a workable paste.
Plastering shall be applied in one coat to a thickness of ¼”-1/2” worked to a smooth finished.
Surface shall be wetted before plastering, and the finished surface shall be kept wet for at least
72 hours.
The beams, columns, footing and slabs-see structural computation and working plans details.
All structural reinforcing bars shall be at structural grade 40 or any ACI Standards. The septic
Tank cover shall be reinforced concrete slab. The reinforcement shall be 10mm diameter rebars
laid at 6” and 8” on centers both ways and the end vent for anchorage.
Lumber shall be of the respective kinds for the various parts of the works, well seasoned, free
from large loose unsound knots, sap, cracks, shakes or other imperfections impairing its strength,
durability and or appearance. Some wooden structural and framing lumber maybe rough in
dimensions that are shown on the drawings. All exposed woodworks shall be smoothly planned
and if necessary sand papered.
Use approved good lumber for all rough wood works. All lumber in contact with masonry shall
be treated with approved wood preservatives or termite proofing compound.
All main partitions shall be 100mm concrete hollow blocks. Exterior walls shall be 100mm
concrete hollow blocks up to second floor line and 100mm from second floor line upwards.
Except if otherwise indicated, interior partitions shall be 6mm ordinary plywood on wooden
All doors, unless otherwise designed and specified, shall be flushed type construction using 6mm
thick plywood. Inside framing shall be of approved quality good lumber, stiles and nails,
mortised and tendon joints and well braced with diagonals placed at corners. Ready-made flush
doors if approved or use shall be of good quality and from an approved manufacturer. Panel
doors shall be of approved good lumber true to the dimensions and designs as specified in the
plans. PVC doors for bathrooms shall be true to the dimensions as shown in the plans. PVC
material shall conform with the Philippine Standard for Materials.
Windows shall be of casement type; 4mm thick clear glass on analok or aluminum frame, and
shall be true to the dimensions and placements as indicated in the plans. Unless otherwise
specified, other windows shall be jalousie type on aluminum frame.
All floor finishes shall conform to that as specified on the plans. Vitrified floor tiles shall be of
Mariwasa, Lepanto or any approved brand, sizes specified on the approved plans from 200mm x
200mm to 400mm x 400mm. Plain cement floor finish shall conform at locations specified, and
shall be smoothed finished.
Water closets and lavatories at the residential area shall be of HGC or equivalent brand. Along
the showroom area, American standard or toto brand shall be used. Faucets and shower valves
and heads shall be PP brand or equivalent. Provide adequate water proofing and grouting upon
installed fixtures.
All paint works shall be of Premium Welcoat Brand or its equivalent. Exterior walls shall be
Damp-proofed on smooth cement finish. Color shall be provided as per application.
The electrical installation shall conform to the plans and schedule as specified and shown in the
approved plans. All wiring installation shall be concealed and/or embedded unless other wise
specified to be exposed. Fixtures such as outlets and switches shall be of National Brand or
equivalent. Lighting fixtures shall be of Omni or Philips or Benzel brand. Lighting fixtures at the
residential unit shall be as provided by the owner.
Prepared by: