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ominicatt jUaniral:



Pie Pater Dominice,

Tuorum niemor operum;
Sta coram suinmo Judice,
Pro tuo coetu paupcrum.

IBufjlin t



Kif;il ©bstat
Thomas O'Donnell,
Censor Theol. Deptd.

limpnmatur :

Archiep. Dublinen.,
Hibernics Pnmas,

Die 16'^ Juf lit, 1913.


Feasts of Oblisration in Ireland

On Prayer
Mornins" OflEerins:
Mornin? Prayers
Acts of Contrition, Faitii, Hope and Ciiarily
Salve Regina
Angelns .

Reg-ina Coeli
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Prayer of St. Aioysius .

How to Spend the Day in a Holy Manner

On Meditation .

Prayers of St. Ignatius .

Night Prayers
Litany of Our Blessed Lady of Loretto
Meniorare to the Blessed Virgin
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Act of Divine Love and Oblation
Prayer for the Choice of a State of Life .

Act of Oblation to the Will of God

Occasional Prayers
For the Holy Catholic Church
For the Pope
For Bishops . . . .

For a Congregation or Family

For the Preservation of Concord in a Con
grcgation . . .

In any Necessity
In any Tribulation .

In Time of Famine and Pestilence



Occasional Pra3'ers continued.

For Rain . . . ,

For Fair Weather .

Against Storms
For tlie Forsriveness of Sins
For the Tempted and Afflicted
For Perseverance, in Goodness
For our Friends
For a Friend in Distress
For Another's Conversion .

For the Sick

Before Study or Instructions
In time of Calamity
To Jesus Crucified, for a Happy Death
To the Mother of Good Counsel

Ordinary of the Mass

Devotions at Mass
On the Holy Sacrifice of the :\Ias8

The Manner of Serving Mass, according: t(
the Dominican Rite
A Method of Hearing Mass for the Souls of the
Faithful Departed .

A Devout Method of Hearing Mass commemo-

rating the Mysteries of the Passion
Tndulgenced Devotions for Mass
Method of Assisting at Mass. By St. Leonard of
Port Maui'ice
Offering to the Divine Incarnate Word of his own
Most Precious Blood, for persons of all con-
Preparation for Confession
Examination of Conscience
^Motives to Excite Contrition
Acts of Contrition
Thanksgiving after Confession
Examination of Conscience for a General Con-

The Capital or Deadly Sins

On Holy Communion
Aspirations for the Eve of Commnnion .

Prayers before Communion

A Method of Hearing Mass before Communion
Prayers after Communion
Indulgeueed Prayer to be said before a Crucifix or
Picture of Jesus Christ Crucified
Petitions after Communion
A Method Hearing Mass after Cominuuion
Sacrament of Baptism .

Prayer before Confirmation

Order of Confirmation ,

Prayer after Confirmation

Sacrament of Extrem.e Unction ..

Acts to be suggested to the Sick

Sacrament of Matrimony
Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament
An Act of Adoration of the Most Holy Trinity
Prayers to be said at Benediction of the Most
Holy Sacrament
Litany of the Blessed Sacrament
Devotions to the Sacred Heart .

Act of Atonement

.... .

Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of

of Consecration to the Sacred
Jesus, to be made on Passion Sunday
Heart of

Act of Reparation
Liiany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus .

Act of Consecration

Christ! ....
Devotions to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord-
of the Cross

Offering of the Passion of Christ for our Sins

The Fifteen Tuesdays in Honour of St. Dominic
Litany of St. Dominic .

Devotions of the Fifteen Saturdays in Ilonoiir of
the Rosary . . . . . '243

The Rosary
The Rosary Confraternity

of the Blessed Virgin


Act of Consecration to Ov.v Blessed Lady of the


Litany of the Blessed Virgin (Latin and English)



De Profundis (Latin and EnsHsh) .
. 288
Devotions for the Tuonths of the Year
January. The Holy Name of Je^us.
Prayers in Honour of the Holy Name of
Jesus . . . .288
Petition to Jesns . . .289
The Psalter of Jesus 290

February. Lent. Passion.
. . .

The Thirty Days' Prayer . 303


Devotions to the Holy Face of Our Lord 307

Supplication for the Time of Lent 309

Prayer in Honour of the Sacred Thirst of

Our Lord . . ..310
March. Si. Joseph.
ilemorare to St. Joseph . . 311
Prayers to St. Joseph . . .312
April. The Glorified Life of Jesus.
Prayers in Honour :f the Resurrection . 316
May. The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Act of Consecration . . .320
Litany of Our Lady of the Rosary . 321
Prayer to the Virgin Mother of Good
Counsel . . . .324
Prayer to Our Blessed Lady of Lonrdes 324
Prayer to the Madonna of Perpetual
Succour . . . .325
Covenant with the Holy Mother of God 326
June. The Sacred Heart of Jesvs.
Act of Consecration . . .327
Memorare to the Sacred Heart . . 328
Devotions to the Agonizing Heart of
Jesus for the Dying . . 329

Devotions for tise Months of the Year covtinued.

July. The Precious Blood.
Three Offerings of tlie Precious Blood . 332
Prayer to the Most Holy Virgin . 334
Prayer to Jesus Agonizing . • 335
x\ug-ust. The Sacred Heart of 21anj.
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Mary . 335
Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart
of Mary . . . .337
Septemljor. The Dolours of the Blessed Virgin
Rosary of the Seven Dolours . . 339
Act of Consecration to the Compassionate
Heart of Mary . . .340
Prayer to the Mother of Dolours for
last Hour . . . .340
October. The Holy Angels.
Meniorare to the Angels . . 341
Prajer to the Guardian Angel . . 342
Prayer to St. Michael, Archangel . 343
Prayer to St. Gabriel . . . 344
Prayer to St. Raphael . . . 344
November. The Holy Souls in Purgaiory.
Passion of Christ for the
Offering- of the
Faithful Departed . . .345
Beads of the Dead . . . 34G
Supplication to the Blessed Virgin . 347
Prayer for a Happy Death. By St.
Vincent Ferrer, O.P. . . 34S
December. Adrerd.— Christmas.
Rorate Creli . . . .349
Act of Oflering to the Mother of God . 351
Prayers in Honour of the Divine Infant 352
Consecration to the Infant Jesus . 353

Novenas for Various Periods of the Year
For the Feast of the Immaculate Concep-


Norenas continued.
For tlie Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord
In Honour of tiie Name of Jesus
For the Festival of the Epiphany
To St. Raymuud of Pennafort, C, O.P.
To St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland
To the Holy Family
For the Purification of the Blessed Virg-in
To St. Catherine de Ricci .

To St. Thomas of Aquin, O.P.

To St. Patrick
To Joseph
For the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin
In Honour of the Dolours of the Blessed
Virg-ju .

To Jesus Christ Crucified

To St. Vincent Ferrer, C, O.P.
To St. Peter Gonzales, C, O.P.
To St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano, V., O.P.
To St.. Peter Martyr, O.P. .

To St. Catherine of Sienna, V., O.P.

To St. Pius v.. Pope and C, O.P.
To St. Antoninus, B., C, O.P.
To B. Columba of Rieti. V., O.P.
Prayer for the Ten Days preceding Pentecost
For the Feast of Corpus Christ!
For the Feast of the Sacred Heart
In Honour of Our Blessed Lady of Per-
petual Succour .

To St. Aloysius
To SS- Peter and Paul
For the Feast of the Visitation
To St. Vincent of Paul
To St. ]»Iary Magdalen
To St. Anne
To St. Dominic
Memorare to St. Dominic .

For the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady


Novenas continued.
To St. Hyacintli, C, O.P. .

To St. Augustine, B., C. .

To St. Kose of Lima, V., O.P.

For the Nativity of tlie Blessed Virgin
In Honour of the Name of Mary
Prayer to St. Thomas
To B. Imelda, V., O.P.
For the Feast of the Angel Guardians
To St. Lewis Bertrand, C, O.P.
In Honour of AIJ Saints
For the Souls in Purgatory
In Honour of All Saints of the Order of St
For the Feast of the Presentation of the
B.V.M. .

Sinners ....
Prayer for One's Confessors
Prayer to Jesus Crucified for the Conversion of

Prayer of Madame Elizabeth

Act of Abandonment to Divine Providence
Prayers in Times of Sickness or Trouble
Praj^er for Peace
On the Rosary of Jesus
Rosary of the Biassed Name of Jesus
Prayer to the Sacred Heart
Prayers for a Happy Death
Prayers for the Dying .

The Seven Penitential Psalms .

The Litany of the Saints

A Universal Prayer
The Ofllce for the Dead
Devotions for the Time of Jubilees or other In
Renewal of the Baptismal Vowa
Prayer to the Sacred Heart
Prayer of the Holy Ghost
Anthems for Particular Periods of the Year
All Sundays in the year. Assumption of B.V.M.
Nativity and Circumcision of Feast of St. Patrick.
our Lord Feast of SS. Peter and Paul.
Epipliany and Ascension of our Solemnity of All Saints.


Wednesdays and Fridays in Vigils of Xativity of our Lord
Advent.' and of Pentecost.
Quarter Tense or Ember Days. Vigil of SS. Heter and Paul.
Days of Lent, Sundays excepted. Vigil of Assumption of B.V.M.
Vigil of All Saints


All Fridays throughout the year, except the Friday on wliich in
any year Christmas Day may fall. The vehole time of Lent, unless
otherwise allowed by the Bishop.

The time for complying with the Paschal Precept in Ireland

begins on Ash Wednesday .and ends on Ascension Day in some
Dav of the Feast of
dioce-es; in others it is extended to the Octave
SS. Peter and Paul. July 6th.

By an meant a relaxation or remission of the tem-
In(luls-«'nce is
poral punishment due to sins which are already forgiven, both as
to their guilt and the eternal punisliment they deserved. Some
Indulgences are called Plenary others are called Partial.
plenary Indulgence is so called because when its full effect is
gained, it remits the entire of the debt of temiioral punishment due
on account of sin. A Partial Indulgi-nce is sj called, because by it
a penitent is released, in part only, from the debt of temporal
punishment. For example, a PartTal Indulgence of ten years remits
as much of the temporal punishment due to sin as would have beeu
remitted by ten years of the Canonical Penances formerly imposed
on penitents.
To Indulgences of a certain number of years, the Holy Father
fr.-.|uently adds a similar number of Quarantines. These Quaran-
tines h:ivc reference to the L^ntal P^ist. Tlui''. sn indulgence of
— ;; : ;

seven years and as many Quarantines means the remission of as

mucli temporal punishment as would be remitted by the perform-
ance of seven ysars of Cauonicai Penances, joined to the special
austerities of seven Lents observed in all their strictness.
A JubVee is a Plenary Indulgence granted in the most solemn
manner, and accompanied with special privileges.
In order to gain an Indulgence, whether Plenary or Partial, it is
1. To perform faithfully all the works prescribed;
2. To have the intention of gaining the Indiilgence
3. To be in the state of grace, at least when the last of the pre-
scril-ed works is performed, for it is then that the fruit of the
Indul.a-ence is applied.

For a Plenary Indulgence it is necessary besides, to be free from

wilful venial sin. and all affection to venial sin.
Confession and Communion, as also some prayers for the inten-
tion of the Pope, are usually among the works prescribed for the
gaining of a I'lenary Indulgence. As to Confession those who —
are in the habit of going to Confession at leaf t once a ueek.ina.y
erain all the Plenary i«duigences occurring in the interval between
one Cou.'ession and another, without being obliged to confess each
time specially for each Indulgence.
By one Communion several Indulgences occurring on the same
dav! for each of which Communion may be prescribed, can be
gained. The other works, however, which are enjoined must be
performed as often as there are Indulgences to be gained.
"Wlien no particular prayers are prescribed for the Pope's inten-
tion,then one is free to "say any prayers for that purpose, as for
instance, the Our Father and Hail Mary five times. These pr.-^yers
should be said in the Church, if this condition be required.
A Plenary Indulgence may be gained by the faithful of Ireland
on the first "Snnday of each inouth, and
Circumcision and Epiphany of our Lord:
Purification, of B. V. M.. or on the following Sunday
St. Patrick, or on any of the seven following- days;
Annunciation and Assumption of B. V. M.
Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord:
, Cormts Christi;
Trinity Sundav. or on any of the seven following days;
SS. Peter and Paitl. or on any day within the Octave:
Immaculate Conception and Nativity of B.V. M..or on Sandfly
All Saints;
Nativitv of Our Lord:
[ Patron "Snint of the Church or Oratory.

ganuarg. jFrfivucin:.

CIRCUMCISION OF OUR St. Brig-id, V., Patroness of
LORD- rLiinerick.

St. Munchin. Bp.. Patron of Purification B.V.M.
3 I
St. Fintan. C. St. Coiman, Bp.. Patron of
4 St. Fiadhnat. V. Kilmacduaj;li.
5 '

St. Telesn'.i^TUs. P. M. St. Cuanna, Ab.

6 I
7 St.Donnanof Inis-Aingin.C St. Mel. Bp., Patron of
S St. Albert. Bp.. Patron of
Cashel. St. Aedh, Bp. of Slettv.
St.Finan of Linclisfarne. St. John of Hatha. C.
B. GandUalvvs. O.P. B. Bernard Scam/iiacca, 0.
St.Suibhne. Ab. St. Scholastica, V.
St. Oumtninn of Bobbio.Br. St. Theodora. Empress.
St. Ailell. Bp. of Armagh B. Regi,Mid of Orleans, O.P.
St. Hilary. Bp. St. Catherine de Ricci, V..
St. Ita.V. O.P.
St. Fursey, Ab. [V., O.P. Nicholas de Palea,
B. C ,

B. Stephana de Quinzanis. O.P.

St. Anthony. Ab. B. Jordan of Saxony. 0.,
Chair of St. Peter at Ronio. O.P
B. Andrew de I'e$crieria,OJ'. St. Tancho, Bp. of Verdan
St. Fechin. Ab. iu Saxony.
St. Agnes, V. M. [MM. St. Fintan, Ab. of Clone-
SS. Vincent andAna.«tasiu?. nagh.
The Espousal of B.Y.M. B. Laurence of Ripafratta.
St. Raumund de Pennafort. O.P.
O.P. B. Alvarez of Cordova, O.P
B. Marcolinus ofForli, O.P. St. Colga the Wise, C.
Conversion of St. Paul B. Aimo Taparellus. O.P.
/j. Maraaret of Hungary. The Chair of St. Peter at
v., O.P. [of the Church Antiocii.
.-^t.John Chry80stom,Doctor St. Fingar, M. in Cornwall
Trmidation of the bodp of St. Mathias, Ap.
St. Thomas Aquinax. O.P. B. Constant ius a Fabriano.
St. Ti-ancis de Sales, Doctor O.P.
29 of the Church. St. .Maonna, Bp.
St. :\Iartina. V. M. [Ferns. St. Comdhan of Gleuussen.
St. Aidan, Bp., Patron of B. Vvhw.a de Rottis. Widow.
ciuu lay withii: the Oct. of Ej.iph-
any— r/ie fii.ding of our Loid in
the Temple.
Second Sunday after Epiphany-
Feast of tha Most Holy Fame of


fBarrJ). flpvtl.

I B. Christopher. 0. P. St. Gobban, C.

B. Henry Suso. O.P. St. Francis de Paula, C.
St. <elechrist. Bp. TheS. S'.i(jmias of St. Cath-
St. Cassimir of Poland. erine of Sienna, V.. O.P.
St. Kieran. Bp., Patron of St. Tigiieruach, Bp. of
Ossory. Clones.
B. Jordan of Pisa. 0. /'. St. Vincrnt Ferrer. O.P.
; ,S^. Thomas O.P., St. Patrick enter.s on his
Doctor of the C'liitrcli. Apostolate in Ireland.
St. Cathaidus. Bp. St. Celsus, Bishop of Ar-
St. Frances of Rome, W. magh.

B. Petei- de Jeremia, 0. P. St. Finan Cam. C.
St. .fEnorus. Ah.
St. Cennfaeladh. Ab.
St. Gregory the Great. P..i B. Anthonii PavoiHas. O.P.
! and Doctor of the Church. B. Anthony Xcyrot, O.P.
I St. Gerald. Bp. of Mayo. St. Leo the Great. P.
St. Talmach.C. St. Conda. Ab.
The Three Sous of Xessan. B. Maraaret de CusteUo.
St. Finan. the Leper. O.P.
ST. PATRICK, Bp.,Apostle B. Peter Gonzales. O.P.
of Ireland. St. Ruadhan. Ab.
St. Gabriel. Archangel. St. letghal. C.
B. Sibbulina, V., O.P. B. Clara Oambncnrta. O.P.
St. Joseph. Spouse of the St. Laserian. Bp.. Patron
B.V.M. of Leiirhlin.
St. Cuthbert. Bp. St. Cilleu, C.
St. Benedict. Ab. St. Acmes of Monte Pulciano.
St. Enda, Ab. V..'O.P.'
B.Ambi'oseSaT.sedouius.O.P. B. Bartholemew de Cer-
St. Boedan. C. veriis. M., O.P.
St. Macartan. Bp., Patron St. Cuillean. Bp.
of Cloj-her. St. George. M.
THE ANNUNXIATION of St. Diarmait. Bp.
the B. V. :M. St. Mark. Evangelist.
St. Sinchell. Bp. St. Conain. C.
St. Rupert, Bp., Apostle oi BB. Dominic d-Greaory.O. P.
Bavaria. St. Asicus. Bp. Patron of
St. Conall. Bp. Elphin.
SS.Kthnea & Sodelbhia.VV. St. Cronan, Bp., Patron of
St. !kIochua. Ab. Roscrea.
St. Machabeus, Ab. of Ar- St. Peter, J/., O.P.
mag-h. I
St. Catherine of Sie-nna. V..
Third Sunday after Easier—Feast
of the Patronagf of St- Josepli.


Xobrmtifr. Brrnnbcr.


Commemoration of the St. Bibiuua. V.M.
Faithful Departed. St. Francis Xavicr. C.
St. ilahichy, Bp., Patron of St. Peter Chrysoiogus. Bp.
Annai;h. St. Sabbas, Ab.
B. Simon Ballachi. O.P. St. Nicholas. Bp., Patron of
St. Charles Eorromco, Bp. Gahvay.
B. Martin de Porres, O.P. St. Ambrose, Bp.. Doctor
St. Cronan, Ab. [O.P. of the Church.
Stephen de Rujfia, Martyr.
li. The Immaculate Conception
St. Fionnchan. C. [Dominic. Of the B.V.M.
All Saints of the Ord^erofSt. :
SS. Fiedhlim and Mnghain.
St. Osnat. V,
St. Martin of Tours. Bp. St. Modiomog, Bp.

St. Lirinus. Bp. and M.. I St. D;:masus. P.

Patron of Ghent. j
St. Finian of Clonard, A' .

St. Stanislaus Kustka, C. 1

St. Lucv. Y. M.
St. Lavrrence O'Toole. B., ,
St. Dalian, Bp.
Patron of Dublin. j
St. Flann, Ab.
B. Albert the Grent. O.P. ! St. Beanus, Bp.
B. Lucy of Noryii. O.P. St. Crunmael. Ab.
St. Greg-oryThaumataryus. j
St. Flannan, Bp. P itron o;

Bp. [of Lucca. Killa'oe.

St. Frigidian. Bp.. Patron B. Sebastian, O.P.
St. Elizabeth of Huno-arv St. Diarmait. Bp.
Widow. - ° ''
St. Thomas, Ap.
Felix of Yalois. C.
B. Marv Mancini. O.P.
Presentation of the B.V M St. Luchair, C.
"-t. V.M.
Cecilia. St. Mochua, C.
St. Clement. P..
St. Columban. Ab..
Patron LORD.
oi Bobbio St. Colnian.
: St. Stephen. Protomartyr.
Bp., Patron of Clovne. St. Jarlath. Bp.. Patron of
i^t. Catherine. V.M.". Pro-
tectress of the Dominican St. John. Ap., £v.
Order. The Holy Innocents, M^l.
St. John of the Cross. C. St.Thomas of Canterbury
St. Seachnall. Bp. B.Mar-
: Bp., M.
garet ofSavov.O.S.D. [O.P. St. Connla. Bp.
B. James de Benefactis. Bp.. St. Sylvester. Po-.e.
St. Brendan of Birr, Ab.
St. Andrew, Ap. i

e'ond Sundav of November

Feast of the" Patrorage of the
B.V. II.
— —


dojiinican manual
®n ^raijtr.

" Thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild, and plenteous in mercy to all
who call upon thee." Ps. Ixxsv. 5.

pRA-YEE. is an elevation of soul to God it is a con-

tlie ;

versation with God ; the continual occupation of

it is

the blessed in heaven ; — —

their food their rest tlieir ^vhole
felicity. It is the key of paradise, by means of which we
can obtain all graces ; it is a remedy for all our sins, the
most speedy and efficacious consolation in tim_e of trouble.
^^^hen we pray to the Lord, he opens his hands, and gives
us more than we ask. He reproaches us not with our sins;
he appears, on the contrary, to forget them.
" We ought always to pra,y." Luke x\'iii. 1.
I will open to you, says our Lord, but you must knock
and seek, and then you shall find.
Our infirmities and miseries, the dangers to which we
ai-e continually exposed, the temptations we have to
encounter our weaknesses, our inability to do the least

good without the grace of God all are con\'incing jDrooiS


of the necessity we have for prayer. Let us then pray

for " Prayer is the strength which saves, the courage
which p3rsevere3, the mystic bridge cast over the abyss
which joins the soul to G(jd." Ravi'gnan. Let us pray,
for we are as the frail ship exposed to stormy winds and
tempests. By prayer, we obtain the help of God's saving
arm, which alone can rescue us from shipwreck. We must



WE and give thee thnuks, Almighty God, for thy care

preservation of us in the night past ; for
having brought us in safety to the beginning of
another day and for all the manifold blessings which

thou hast bestowed upon us. Grant that we may pass

the remainder of our lives in worthy actt; of pra'se
and thanksgiving.
R. We give thee thanks, O Lord, for all t; v
V. Unto thee, O Lord, have we lifted up our voice ;

R. And early in the morning our prayer shall

come before thee.
F. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this day,
R. To keep us without sin.

V. Have mercy upon us, O Lord.

R. Have mercy upon us.
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord
R. Vrho hath made heaven and earth.


LOP.D God Almighty, who hast brought us to the

beginning of tliis day, let thy powerful grace so
conduct us through it, that we may not- fall into any
sin, but that all our thoughts, words, and works may

be guided by the rules of thy heavenly justice, and

tend to the obs'^rvance of thy holy law, throuoh our
Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who liveth and reigneth
with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God
for ever and ever. Amen.


O God, the Creator nnd Governor of men, in all

wiiom we live, and move, and have our being, and

without whom we can do nothing; we consecrate
all our thonghtf?, words, deeds, and siifxerings of

this day, to the glui y of thy name, ar.d of our Lord

Jesns Christ.
O holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God,
vouchsafe this day to direct and sanctify our hearts
and bodies in thy law, and in the works of thy com-
mandments, that here and hereafter ]jy thy assistance
we may deserve to be saved, through Cliri,-t our
Lord. Amea.

OURnaiue Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy

thy kingdom come thy will be done on
; ;

earth, as in heaven.
it is Give us this day our daily
bread aud forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive

them who trespass against us. And lead us not

into tciiiptation but deliver us from evil.
; Amen.
AIL, Mary, Lord is with thee
full of grace, the
1 blessed art thouamongst women, and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother
of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
our death. Ai len.


j BELIEVE God, the Father Almighty, Creator

i of heaven and eartli
and in Jesus Christ, his

only Son, our Lord who was conceived by the Holy


Ghost born of the Virgin ^lary suffered under
; ;

Pontius Pilate was crucified, dead, and buried he

; ;

descended into hell the third day he arose again


from tlie dead he ascended into heaven, and sitteth


at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from ;

thence he shall come to judge the lining and the dead,

I believe in theHoly Ghost; the Holy Catholic
Chm-ch ; the communion of saints the forgiveness :

of sins : the resurrecrion of the body and life ever- ;

lasting. Amen.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, 1 implore,
That I may ever love thee more and more. Amen.


CONFESS to Almighty God, to blessed Mary,

I ever Virgin, to blessed ?\lichael the Archangel,
to John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles
Peter and Paul, and to all the saints, that I have
sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed,
through my fault, through rrnj fdult, through my most
grievous fnult. Therefofe I beseech the blessed
Mary, ever Virgin, blessed "Michael the Archangel,
blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter
and Paul, and all the saints, to pray to the Lord our
God for me. Amen
J^Iay the Almighty God have mercy on me, foririve
me my sins, and bring me to life everlasting. Amen.
May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant me \^
pardon, absolution and remission of my sins.


OMY Godand am detest

! I
heartily sorry for having offended
my sins most sincerely,
because they displease thee, my
God, who art so
deserving of all my love for thy infinite goodness
and most amiable perfections; and I firmly purpose,
by thy holy grace, never more to offend thee, and to
amend my life- Amen.
0;MY God, I firmly believe in thee and in all that
thou hast revealed to thy Holy Catiiolic Church,
because thou art Truth itself, who neither canst
deceive nor be deceived.

OMV (jod,
who hast graciously promised every
even heaven itself, through Jesus
Christ, to those who keep thy commandments *»

relying on thy infinite power, goodness and mercy,

and on thy sacred promises to which thou art always
faithful, 1 confidently hope to obtain the pardon of
all my sins, grace to serve thee faithfully in this life,

by doing the good works thou hast commanded, and

which, with thy assistance, 1 will perform, and eternal
happiness in the next, through my Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ. Amen.
?.1Y God, T love thee with my whole heart and
soul, and above all things, because thou art

infinitelYgood and perfect, and most worthy of all
my and for thy sake, 1 lore my neighbour as
love :

myself. Mercifully grant, my God. that having

loved thee on earth. I may love and enjoy thee for
ever in heaven. Amen.
TTAiL, holy Queen, Mother of ^Tercy hail, oiu-life, !

ii- our svieetness, and our hope. To thee do we

cry. poor banished children of Eve to thee do we ;

send up oiir sighs, mourning and weeping in this

viiUey of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate,
thine eyes of mercy towards us, and, after this
our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy
womb, Jesus. O clement O loving O sweet Yiroin! !

Mary !

I '. Pray for us. *>

) holy Islother of God.
7?. That we may be made worthy of the pronjises
of Christ.

Angel of God, dear Angel mine,

Yf hose care I am, by Power divine
Rule me. and guide and guard my ways,
And teach m.e how my God to praise. Amen.

O great saint whose name L bear, St. Dominie,

and you my holy patrons, protect me, pray for me,
that like you, I may serve God faithfully ou earth,
and glorify him eternally with you in heaven.

V. The Angel of the Lord declared nnto Mary.
/?. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.
Bail Mary, ^t.
V.Behold the luindmaid of tlie Lord,
R. May it be done imto me according to thy word.

V. And the Word was made Flesh.

R. And dwelt amongst us.
Hail Mary, S^x.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Chrifct.
POUK forth, Ave beseech thee, Lord, thy grace
into our hearts, that we. to whom the Incar-
nation of Christ thy Son was made known by the
message of an angel, may by his passion and cioss be
brought to the glory of his resurrection. Through
the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
V. May the divine assistance remain always with us.
7i. Amen.
F. And may the souls of the faithful departed,
tlirough the mercy of God, rest in peace.
R Amen.
Instead of the AngcIusAhe Rcgiita Cali, Triumph,
Queen of Heaven, is said standing, from Easter to
Trinity Sunday.
Triumph, O Queen of Heaven, to see, Alleluia,
The Sacred Infant born of thee, Alleluia ;
Spring glory from the tomb, Alleluia;
lip in

Oh. by thy prayers prevent our doom. Alleluia.

F. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Allelr.ia.

R. Because our Lord is truly risen, Alleliu'a.


OGOD, who, by the resurrection uf thy Son our

Lord Jesus Christ, hast vouchsafed to gladden
the world, grant, we beseech thee, tliat, by the in-
tercession of the Virgin 2»lary, his Mother, we inay
receive the joys of eternal life. Through the same
Jesus Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
Through thy Sacred Virginity and thine Inima-
cidate Couception, O most chaste Virgin Mary,
]M other of God and Queen of Angels, obtain for us
[•urity of soul and body. Amen.
the Lord bless us, and protect us from all
evil,and bring us to everlasting life. And may the
souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy
of God, rest in peace. Amen.

WM iltost ^^oliT J5am^ nf %czni

LORD have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesufi^ gracionsJji hear us.
God, the Father of heaven,
God the Son, Redeemer of tlie worid,
God, the Holy Ghost.
Holy Trinity, (3ne God,
Jesus, son of the living God,
Jesus, splendour of the Father,
Jesiis, brightness of Eternal i-iglit,

Jesus, king of Giory,

Jesus, sun of Justice,
Jesus, son of the Virgin IM.iry,
Jcsus, most amiable,
Jesus, most admirable,
Jesus, miglity God,
Jesus, Father of the world to come,
Jesus, Angel of great counsel,
rJesas, most powerful,
Jesus, most patient,
Jesus, most obedient,
Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Jesus, lover of chastity,
Jesus, lover of us,
Jesus, God of peace,
Jesus, author of life,

Jesus, example of virtues,

Jesus, zealous lover of souls,
Jesus, our God,
Jesus, our refuge,
Jesus, Father of the poor,
Jesus, treasure of the faithful,
Jesus, good shepherd,

Throuoh thy pains and torments, H

Through thy death and burial, g^
Through thy o-lorious resurrection, ^
Through thy ascension, g
Through thy institution of the most holy "§.

Eucharist, g"-

Through thy joys and glory, "^

In the day of Judgment, .^^

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,

Spare us, Lord Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, Lord Jesus.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world^
Have mercy upon us, Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus, hear us.
L.ord Jesus, graciously hear us.


OLOUD Jesus Christ, who hast said : Ask, and ye

shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock,
and it siiall be opened unto you; grant, we beseech
taee, to our most humble supplications, the gift of
thy d'vine charity, that we may ever love thee with
oiu' 'vvliok hearts, and never cease from praising and
glorifying thy name.
O Divine Redeemer, give ns a perpetual fear and
love of thy holy name, for thou never ceasest to
direct and govern by thy grace, thrise v\rhom thou
instractegt in the solidi:y of tliy love, who livest and
reignest, world without end. Amen.


r'pO thee, O holy Mary, my sovereign Mistress, to
JL thy blessed trust aud spi^cial charge, and to the
bosom of thy mercy, this day and every day, and at
the hour of my death, I commend myself, my soul
andmy body to thee I commit all my hope aud all

my consolation, my distresses and my miseries, my

and the end thereof that through thy most holy
life ;

mtercetision, and through thy merits, all my works

may be directed and disposed, according to thy will
and the will of thy Son. Amen.

TTIE peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the virtue of

his sacred passion, the sign of his iioly cross, the
purity and humility of the Blessed Virgin ^rary,the
protection of the Angels and the intercession of all

the Saints and Elect of God, be with me aud defend

me. now, aud at the hour of my death, sweet Jesus.
BLESS us, O Lurd, and these thy giits, Avhich of
thy bountywe are to receive : through Jesus
Chiir^t our Lord. Amen.
fTTE give thee thauks, Almighty God, for all thy
' » benefits, who livest and reignest for ever.
.May the souls of the faithful departed, through
the niercy of God, rest in jjeace. Ajuen.


1bo\v to SpenD tbe 5)a^ In a lbolg /iRanner.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, walk in the

presence of God.
Perform all your actions from a pure motive of
pleasing God.
In temptations say " Jesus and Mary help
all :

me!" Repeat the Hail Alary or some other short

prayer, until you shall have conquered the enemy
and recovered your wonted peace of mind.
" My God is my helper, and in him will I put my
trust.'' Ps. xvii. 3.

Zbc /IDeDitatton*

The invalualAe fruits of Meditation should iuduce every

Cliristiau to piactise it with arfk)ur and perseverance.
Prayer is justly styled the food of the soul, but food in
order to promote vigour and maintain hie, must be
digested. It is by meditation and reflection that the soul
digests and draws nutriment from the truths of eternity.
By meditation, we learn to know God and to adore hiui.
In meditation, we "
and see how sweet is the Lord."
We find that " the Father of mercies, and the God
He is
of all con.>olation." St. Liguori asserts, that the person
who meditates cannot be lost ; she will either cease to
meditate or she will save her soul.
The morning is the best time for meditation, before the
duties of the day press on the mind.
What then should w« do before prayer, during prayer,
after prayer ?
— — —


" Before prayer, prepare tLy soul and be not as a niau


that tempteth God." Eccli. xviii. 23.

]Make lively acts of faith in the presence of God. acts of
lir.mility and of sorrow, and beg earnestly the assistance of
divine grace in the following or any other form of words :

my God, 1 firmly believe that thou art here present,

and I adore thee from the depths of my nothingness.
Too often have I offended thee, my God I am sorry for;

all my sins, pardon me in thy infinite mercy. Eternal

Father, for the love of -Jesus and of Mary, enlighten me in
this meditation and enable me to profit by it. Hail Mary,
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever sliail
be, God, world without end. Amen.
TVliat should be done during pi-ayer r Prayer is the
work of the understanding and of the -n-ill. The under-
standing studies the truths proposed by meditation, and
when it has done its duty, the will produces aixections and
acts of virtue suitable to the subject and to the disposition
of the soiol they must all tend to the ruin of sin, to

?orrow for faults, to petitions for pardon to acts of


faith, hope, charity, humility, patience, <^"c. The will

ought always to form a resolution to correct a particular
fault or to practise some particular ^^rtue on the very first
oeea«io7i of doing so. Then we should have recourse to
the powerful intercession of the Holy Mother of God, and
end with a vocal prayer, as the Anima Christi, making
supplication for the gouIs in purgatory, for the prelates of
the Church, for sinners, and for all our relations, friends,
and benefactors. Prayer should never be discontinued in
time of spiritual dryness. Let us go to meditation to wait
on our God and to please him let us thank him when

he^ vouchsafes us consolation and if he seems not to
heed us, let us still remain peaceably in his divine pre-
sence, adoring him and exposing to him our wants for,

" if he seems far off," says Habacuc, " he will appear in the
end and will not lie if he make any delay, wait for him
; ;

for, cominsr. he will come and will not be slack." Hab.

ii. 3.
"WTiat should be done after Prayer ?

Afjer Flayer, we should be faithful to our resolutions,


and by sTTiiivd of tlie senses and sweetness of manner, prove

to all tlinl we have hold converse with God, the source of
all sanc-tity.

Thou by whom ^ve come to God.

The Life, the Truth, the "Way; '

The path of prayer Thyself hast trod,

Lord! teach us how to pray.

Iprai^crs of St. Jtjnattus.

"PjEAREST Jesus, teach me to be generous; teach

^ me to serve thee as thou deservest ; to give,
and not to count the cost to fight, and not to heed

the wounds to toil, and not to ask for rest

; to ;

labour, and not to seek for any reward, save to feel

tliat 1 do thy holy v/ill, O my God. Amen.

RECEIVE, O Lord, my memory, my will, my

understanding, my entire liberty. Thou hast
given me all that I possess. I suiTender all to thy
Divine will, that thou mayest dispose of me as it
shall please thee. Give me only thy love and thy
grace, and 1 shall be happy, and shall have no more
to ask.

[ 18 ]

IRtGbt iprav?ei%

Say your night prayers wirh gieat feivour— never omit

your examination of conscience— read oref your meditation
for next morning:. Oifer your sleep to God, in union with
that which our divine Lord" Look upon earth. If you awake
during the night, take holy water, and raise your heart to
God by some short aspiration of love.
the name of the Father, aud of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghost. Amen,
lilesiied be tlie holy and nndivided Tiiiiity, now
and for everniore. Amen.
Our Father. &c.
Hail iNlary, &c.
i believe in God, &c.

OETFRXAL, Infinite, and Almiglity God, whose

glory the heaven of heavens cannot contain,
look down on thy unworthy servant, prostrate at
the feet of thy mercy, and humbly confessing to
thee, in the sight of all thy holy angels and blessed
saints, the sinfulness and vanity of her life, and
especially the transgressioris of this day.

CONFESS to Almighty God, to blessed Mary,

T ever Virgin, to blessed ?,Iichael the Archangel,
to blessedJohn the Baptist, to the holy Apostles,
Feter aud Paul, and to all the saints, that I have
sinned exceedingly in thought, word and deed,
tJo'ough my fault, through vuj fault, through my most
grievoua finlt.

Here examine ililigently the sins you may have fallen into this day,
by thought, word, deed, or omission:
Against God. — By omission or negligence in the
discharge of religious duties ; irreverence,
wilful distractions or inattention at prayer ;

resistance to the divine grace ; want of confi-

dence and resignation.
Against our Neighbour. — By rash judgments,
hatred, jealousy, desire of revenge, quarrelling,
passion, detraction, false reports, damaging,
either in goods or in reputation ;
bad example,
want of obedience or charity.
Against Ourselves. — By vanity, human respect,
lies; thoughts, desires, words or actions
contrary to purity ; intemperance, sloth.
Therefore I beseech the blessed ISlary, ever Virgin,
blessed IMichacl the Archangel, blessed John the
Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the
saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me. Amen.
May the Almighty God have mercy on me, forgive
me my sins, and bring me to life everlasting. Amen-
May the Almighty and merciful Lord grant me ^
pardon, absolution, and remission of my sins.

^\ MYGod, I am sorry, and beg pardon for all my

^ ^ sins,and detest them above all things, because
they deserve thy dreadful pi nishm.ents, because they
have crucified my loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, and,
most of all, because they offend thine infinite good-
; ;


ness,and I firmly resolve, by the help of thy grace»

never to offend thee again, and cai'efuliy to avoid
the occasions of sin.

Now -with the fast-departing light,
Maker of alll we ask of thee,
Of thy great mercy, thro' the night
Our guardian and defence to be.
Far off let idle visions fly :

No phantom of the night molest ;

Curb thou cur raging enemy.

That we in chaste repose may rest.
Father of mercies, hear our ciy
Hear us, O sole-begotten Son
Who with the Holy Ghost most iiigh,

Reignest while endless ages run.

AntipTi. Save ns, O Lord, whilst awake, and keep

aa whilst asleep, that we may watch with Christ and
rest in peace.
Preserve us, O Lord, as the apple of thiae eye ;

and under the shadow of thy wings protect us.

Vouchsafe, Lord, to keep us this night without

V. Have mercy on us, O Lord.

7i. Have mercy on tis.

T'. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us.

7i. As we have hoped in thee.

I'. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto thee.

VISIT, we beseech thee, O Lord, this habitation,
and drive from it all the snares of the enemy.
Let thy holy Angels dwell herein to preserve us in
peace, and may thy blessing be always upon us,
through Christ our Lord. Amen,
I^Iay the Almighty and merciful Lord, Father,
Sou, and Holy Ghost, bless us and keep us, and
deliver us from all evil. Amen.
We fly to tliy patronage, O holy Mother of God, de-
spise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us
from all dangers, O ever glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Angels, Archangels, Thrones and Dominations,

Principalities and Powers, Virtues of Heaven, praise
the Lord from heaven and pray for us.
O Great Father, holy Dominic, in the hour of
death take us to thee, and always lovingly look down
upon us here below.
All ye saints of God, vouchsafe to intercede for us,
V. Stay with us, O Lord.
JL Because the evening of our life approaches.
V. Vouchsafe that I praise thee, O Sacred Virgin.
R. And give me strength against thine enemies.
V. He hath given his angels charge over thee.
R. That they keep thee in all thy ways.
V. Loving Father Dominic, be mindful of thy works.
R. Stand before the Judge and plead for thy poor
]\ O
Lord, hear my prayer,
R. iVnd let my supplication come unto thee.

PHOTECT, O Lord, thy servants with the rampciit
of peace ; and trusting in the patronage of the
Blessed ]\[ary ever Virgin, strengthen us against
all OUT enemies.
God, who with unspeakable Providence hast
vouchsafed to appoint thy holy angels to be our
guardians, grant to thy humble supplicants that we
may be alv^ays defended by their protection, and
enjoy their everlasting society.
Grant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that we
who are pressed down by the weight of our sins, may
be comforted by the protection of our Blessed
Father Dominic, thy Confessor, who livest and
reignest, God, world without end. Amen.

Let iLs pray for the faithful departed.

Eternal light shine upon them with thy saints for

ever, for thou art merciful.


OGOD, Creator and Redeemer of all the


faithful, grant to the souls of thy servants

d-'jjarted the full reniission of all their sins, that by
means of pious supplications, th;:'y may obtain that
pardon of which they have ever been desirous 1 hroug'n
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Eternal rest grant to the in, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
lilay they rest in peace. Amen.
[ 23 ]

&nx mtsstb Wahv of toxmo.


T^TE thy patronage, O holy mother of God,

fly to
» ^ despise not our praY(?rs in our nec'^'ssities, but
deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and
blessed Virgin.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, gracvnidy hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, Flave mercy on ns.

God, the Son, Redeemer of the world. Have mercy
on us.

God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
Holy Mother of God, ^
Holy Virgin of virgisis, ^
Mother of Christ, ^2'
Mother of Divine grace,
Mother most pure, S
Mother most chaste.
Mother mviolate,

Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Martyrs, |5
Queen of Confessors, ^
Queen of Mr^ins, ^
Queen of all Saints, ^
(^ueen conceived -without original sin,
'Queen of the most holy Rosary,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, Lord,
Larnb of God, who takest away the sins of the world.
Graciousli) hear us, O Lord.
Laaib of God, who talcest away the sins of the world
[lave mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
7i. T!iat we may be made worthy of the promise;^
of Christ.


GRANT, we beseech thee, O l>ord God, that we

may enjoy perpetual health of
thy servants
mind and body and by the glorious intercession of

the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, we may be freed

present sorrow, and come to possess eternal joy.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
F. May the divine assistance remain always with us.
R. Amen.
V. And may the soids of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
B. Amen.


REMEMl'ER, O most pious siid tender Virgin

Mary, that it has never been heard of in any
age that those who implored thy powerful protection
were ever abandoned by thee. I, therefore, sacred
Virgin, animated with the most lively confidence,
cast myself at thy sacred feet, most earnestly be-
seeching thee to adopt me for ever as tliy child, to
take care of my and to watch over
eternal salvation,
:ne now and hour of my death. Oh, do not,
at the
Mother of the WVjrd Incarnate despise my prayer,

l)ut graciously hear and obtain the grant of my

Detitions. Amen.

IPra^^er to tbe Sacveb ibeart of Jesus.

i! lii'li maybe said (itfore re! ring to rL\sl.

SACRED Heart of Jesus, how indulgent is thy

goodness! thou wouldst have me sleep and
tiiou wouldst watch over me. Thy affections burn
whilst mine are buried in sleep. Nevertheless, 1
dvsire, as often as my heart shall beat this night, to
unite it to thine and to whatever shall be done in thy
honour by tlie Immaculate heart of Mary, by my

good Angel, by holy St. .Joseph, by St. Dominic?

and by all tlie Blussed. Divine Jesus, 1 offer thee
tlie rest Iam about to take, beseeching thee to open
to methy Sacred Heart, and to allow me to repose
therein this nifjht and for ever.

Holy Mother God, and all ye blessed Angels

and and vouchsafe to supply iny
Saints, pray for me,
place in adoring, loving^ honouring, blessing, and
praising Jesus in the most holy and august Sacrament
of the Altar, for all eternity. Amen.
^(lodthe Father, bless me Jesus Christ, defend

and keep me the virtue of the Holy Ghost enlighten


.rnd sanctify me, this night and for ever. Amen.

Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
Lord Jesus receive my soul. Amen.

Bet or 'Bivim %ovc auD Ablation.

MYGod and my All I most ardently desire,


by every breath I draw, by every thought, word

and action, by every movement of body and soul, to
tell thee a thousand and a thousand times that

I love thee more than my life, or anything in the

world, and that i consecrate myself to thee, renewing

my baptismal vows, together with the promises and
resolutions of my life past. 1 offer thee, also, all

the homage, love, joy, praise, thanks, and adoration

of the Clr.irch militant, triumphant, and suffering ;

all that it has offered, or will offer, thee to the end

of time all the love, complacenc}^ and deligiits

thou possessest in thy divine essence, one God

in three Persons all the homage my beloved Jesus

renders thee in the Adorable Sacrament of the

Altar and all the masses that are now celebrating,

that I may be a victim immolated with each, to thy


honour and glory, without will, wish, or desire, but

those solely of pleasing thee, loving thee, living for
thee, and dying for thee, I am thine, O my God,
make me Above all, take
so entirely and eternally.
my heart, with thy love, extirpate from it all
fill it

other affections, and make of it a burning furnace

of pure flames of thy most ardent love for ever and
ever. Amen.
May the most just, the most high, and the most
amiable will of God be done, praised, and eternally
exalied in all things. Amen.

ETERNAL God, light of the world, for whose

glory the whole creation is ordained, to thee
i submit my whole being I beseech thy mercy to

direct me in the choice of a state of life ; that guided

by thee I may walk in the path most pleasing to thee
and most proper for workmg out my salvation.
O Queen of heaven, and Mother of Jesus, be a
Motlier to me obtain for me of thy Divine Son that

i may hear his call and faithfully accomplish his

holy will. Amen.
T ORD Jesus Christ, do with us, in us, and by us,
-^ concerns us, in all that belongs to us,
in all that
and in all things for time and eternity, whatsoever
thou pleascst. Grant that we may have no desire
but that of pleasing thee, and no pursuit but that of
possessing thee eternally. Amen.

[29 ]

©aastonal prayers*


l^EFEND, O Lord, thy servants, we beseech the<i\
-L^ from all dangers both of soul and body : and, by
the intercession of the blessed and glorious Virgin
Mary, Mother of God, of the blessed xlpostles Peter
and Paul, of blessed iV., and of all thy saints, merci-
fully grant us the blessings of peace and safety ;

that all adversities and errors being removed, thy

Church may freely and securely serve thee through ;

our Lord. kc.

GOD, the Pastor and Pvuler of all the faithful,
mercifully look upon thy servant iV., whom thou
hast been pleased to appoint the pastor of thy
Church grant, we beseech thee, that both by word

and example he may edify those over whom he is set

and, together with the flock committed to his care,
may attain evc^rlasting hfe through, &c.


ALMIGHTY and Everlasting God, who alone
workest great marvels, send down upon thy
servants, the Bishops of thy Church [especially N.
our Bishopl, and all the congregations committed
unto them, the spirit of thy saving grace and that

they may truly please thee, pour upon them the

continual dew of thy blessing through, &c.


DEFEND, we O Lord, by the inter-
beseech thee,
Mary, ever Virgin, this thy
cossion of the blessed
family from all adversity; and mercifully protect
us. now prostrate before theewith our whole hearts,
from all the snares of our enemies through, &c. ;


OGOD, who art the giver of peace and lover of

charity, grant to thy servants true concord and
luiion with thy holy will, that we may be delivered
from all temp'tutions which assault us ;
through, &c.

0(tO1). our refuge and our strength, the author of
all godliness, give ear to the fervent prayers of
tliy Church; that what we ask in faith we may
oiiectualiv obtain ; through, &c.

ALMIGHTY God. despise not thy people who
cry unto thee in their affliction but for the ;

glory of thy name, turn away thine anger, and help

us in our tri>)ulations ; through, &c.
p<RANT, WO beseech thee. O Lord, an answer to
vJ our heaity supplications and, thy Avrath being

appeased, tuiTi away from us this famine (or pesti-

lence) that the hearts of men may know that these

scourges proceed from thine anger, and cease by

thy mercy ; through, &c.


OCtOD, in whom we
live, move, and have our

bem:4-,send us, we beseech thee, seasonable

rain ; that enjoying a sufficienriy of the necessaries
of this life, we may aspire with more confidence aftei'

tliose blessinffs whicii are eternal ; through, &c.


Lord, cryhjg out to thee, and grant
our lunnble request of a dry season that we ;

who are justly afHicted for our sins, may experience

thy clemency ai-d mercy; through. (S:c.

DEL- END, we beseech thee, O Lord, this house
against the assaults of our spiritual enemies;
and cause the present dreadful disorder of the air to
O Almighty and Eternal God, who both healest us
by chastisement, and preservest us by the grant of
thy pardon, hear our humble prayers that we may ;

rejoice in the ceasing of this storm and always make;

a good use of the grant of thy favours through, &c. ;


OGOD, who rejectest none that come unto thee^

but in pity art appeased even with the greatest
sjnnecs who i-epent, mercifully regard our prayers
in oiir humiliation, and lighten oar hearts, that we

may be able to fuHil thy commandments through, ;

32 OCCASIONAL pi;ayers.


OGOD, who jastifiest the urig-odly that rep- nt,
and not the death of the sinner, we humbly
entreat thy Majesty to protect thy servants with thy
heavenly assistance, who trust in thy mercy, and
preserve them by thy continual protection, thajt
they may constantly serve thee, and by no tempta-
tion be separated from thee : through, &c.
(""1 R ANT, O Lord Jesus Christ, that 1 may persevere
J in good purposes, and in thy holy service, to my
death ; and that I may this day peritctly begin, for
all 1 have hitherto done is nothing. Amen.
OGOD, who, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, hast
poured into the hearts of thy faithful the gifts
of charity grant to thy servants, for
whom we implore
thy mercy, health both of body and soul, that they
may love thee with all their strength, and cheerfully
perform those things wliich are pleasing imto thee ;

through, &c.
FOR a friend in DISTRESS.
\70UCHSAFE, O mercifid Lord, to afford the
sweetnes of thy comfort to thy afflicted servant,
(X.) and to remove according to thy accustomed
mercy, the heavy burden of her calamities. Give
her, we humbly beseech thee, patience in her suffer-
ings, resignation to thy good pleasure, perseverance
in thy service, and a happy translation from this

suffering life to thy eternal felicity. Amen.


FOK another's conversion.

DIVINE and adorable Saviour, thou ^Yllo art

the way, the truth, and the life, I beseech thee
to have mercy upon (N.) and bring him to the
knowledge and love of thy truth. Thou, () Lord,
knowest all his darkness, his weakness, and his
doubts; have pity upon him, merciful Saviour;
let the bright beams of thy eternal truth shine upon
liis mind clear away the cloud of error and of

prejudice from his eyes, and may he himself submit

to the teaching of thy Church. Oh, let not the
soul for whom I pray, be shut out from thy blessed
fold !Unite him to thyself in the sacraments of thy
love, and grant that partaking of the blessings of
thy grace in this life, he may come at last to the
possession of those eternal rewards which thou hast
promised to all Vvho believe in thee, and who do thy
will. Hear this my petition, O merciful Jesus, who,
with the Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and
reignest for ever and ever. Amen.


V. Heal thy servants, O Lord, who are sick, and

who put their trust in thee.
R. Send them help, O Lord, and comfort them
from thy holy place.
OALMIGirrY and Everlasting God, the eternal
salvation of them that believe in thee, hear us
on behalf of thy servants who are sick ; for whom

we humbly crave the help of thy mercy ; that, their

health bemg them, they may render
restored to
thanks to thee in thy Church through, &c. ;


Incomprehensible Creator, the true Fountain of
light, and only Author of all knowledge, vouch-
safe, we beseech thee, to enlighten our understandings,
and to remove from us all darkness of sin and
ignorance. Thou, who makest eloquent the tongues
of those that want utterance, direct our tongues, and
pour on our lips the grace of thy blessing. Give
us a diligent and obedient spirit, quickness of appre-
hension, capacity of retaining, and the powerful
assistance of thy holy grace that what we hear or

learn, we may apply to thy honour and the eternal

salvation of our own souls, through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.


JESUS, divine Redeemer, be merciful unto us

and to the whole world. Amen.
powerful God, holy God, O immortal God,
have pity on us and on all that are in the world.
Pardon and mercy, O my Jesus, during these
present dangers, pour on us thy most Precious
Blood. Amen.
O Eternal Father, be merciful to us. By the
Blood of Jesus Christ, thy only Son, be merciful
unto us, we beseech thee. Amen.


To obtain the (Jrace of a Happy Death.

MY Lord Jesus Christ, through that bitterness

which thou didst suffer on the cross, when
thy blessed soul was separated from thy sacred body
have pity on my sinful soul, when it shall depart
from my miserable body, and shall enter into
eternity. Amen.
OMary, watch the hour when my depai'tiug soul
shall lose its hold on earthly things, and shall stand
unveiled in the presence of its great Creator. Oh,
be then to me a powerful advocate and a tender
^Mother, and place the sacred merits of thy Son
Jesus, in the scales of justice in my behalf. Amen.
TI7E fly to thy protection, O Holy Mother of God,
T T thou art the defence of all good Christians,
the Seat of Wisdom, the Mother of Good Counsel.
Oh mayest thou shed upon us the light of thy

countenance, and direct and sanctify all our under-

Thou knowest. Most Holy Virgin, how much we
require thy all-powerful aid put an end, then,

Sweet Mother, to the evils that afflict us; heal

our wounds relieve our wants and miseries
and ;

obtain for us strength and courage to struggle

against the assaults of the enemy, and to detect his
snares and, thi'ough thy intercession, to persevere

until death in the holy fear and love of God. Amen.

— —

[ 36 ]

Unlu ^atriaa of tl}^ Jltass.

" of the sun even to the going down, my mime

From the rising
is great among the
Gentiles, and ia every place there is Sacrifice,
and there offered to my name a clean oblation
is for my name is :

great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of hosts." ''[alar., i. 11.

The Siicrifice of the ^fass is essentially the same as the

Sacrifice of the Cross. It is the most pleasing offering we
cotild mate to God during an entire eternity. It is, of all
things here below, that which procures most joy to the

Church Triurapluint most help to the Church Suffering
most profit to the Church ^iiilitant.

The Sacrifice of the I\Iass is a holocaust most perfect,

since v.e render to God an infinite honour in offering to
him our Di^"ine Lord.
It a sacrifice of propitiation, since it is the same as

that offered on the Cross, which has effaced all the sins of
m-'n by the Blood of Jesus Christ shed thereon which ;

lv:is paid with superabundance, all that was due for them

to the Divine Justice. We ought then to use with great

care this means of obtaining pardon of our sins, and of
averting from us the vengeance of God.
The Sacrifice of the Mass is eucharistic by it we offer ;

to God thantsgi\'iug worthy of the benefits he bestows upon

us. Vi'hat shall I render to the Lord for all he has done
for me David. WTiat can we render for all his
? asks holy
benefits Alas we have nothing
? ! But,
our dear Lord, touched with comp;ission at the sight of
our poverty, has enriched us ^-ith all his treasures, has
instituted the Sacrifice of the Mass in which he gives
himself to us, that we may take bun and offer him to God
his Father, in gratitude for all he has given to us.

the Sacnfice of the Mass ia impetratory to

obtain all goods of boJy and soul of which we have need ;

for onr Lord is of infinitely gi-eater value than anything

we can ask of God. Holy Mass has the power of obtaining
what we ast 1. Because Jesus Christ offers to his Father

in our favour' all the merits of liis life and death.

2. Because our Lord actually prays in heaven for those
who offer the Mass or for wliom it is offered. 3. Because
of the prayers of the Chm-ch which ai'e made at Mass.
i. Because of our own prayei's which are then more
efiicacious than they are at any other time.
The Saci'ifice of the Mass obtains for the sinner the
grace of repentance : that is, it presses the di\^ine mercy
to have pity on him. It obtains for the just, pardon of
venial sins, because of the interior acts of virtue it makes
him practise, and which acts of themselves efface these sins.
It obtains for the just an increase of habitual grace,
charity, and all virtues ; it obtains great actual graces,
particular succours to perform good works, to live in
charity and to persevere till death. Finally, we obtain by
this Sacrifice all necessary temporal things, as far as God
finds it expedient to bestow them for his glory and our
own salvation.
Let us then always bring to this august Sacrifice the
most earnest devotion let us make an offering of ourselves

with Christ to his Eternal Father, let our hearts, thoughts

and imaginations be buried in God fi-om the beginning to
the end of the JEass for there is no other act of religion

po holy, so divine, so rich in graces and in heavenly


38 J

©ruinarn of tlj^ jHsss.

Jut. Asperges uie, Doniine, .'lit. Thou slialt spriukle me
hyssopo, til muadabor: lavabis with hyssop, O Lord, ami 1 sliall
me, et super nivem dealbabor. ',e cleansed ; tliou shall wasli me,
;md I shall be made xrhiter than
i's. Miserere mei Deus. secun- J^s. Have mercy on me. God,
dum ma gii am misericordiam tu liccording to thy great mercy.
V. Gloria Patri. .'cc. F. Glory be, &c.
Ant. Asperges me. A7it. Thou shalt sprinkle me.

Tlie Priest, being returned to the foot of the A Iter, says :

Osteude nobis. Domine, mi-

V. V. Show us. O Lord, thy mere
sericordiam tuam.
E. Et ealutare tuum da nobis. Au.l grant us thy s;ilvation,
V. iJomiue. exaudi orationem Lord, hear my prayer.
A'. Et clamor mer.9 ad te re- /.'. And let my cry come unto
niat. thee.
F. Douiinus vobiscum V. Tlic Lord be with you.
R. El cum spirilu tuo. n. -Aii.l with thy spirit.

Let us Pra\

Exaudi nos. Uoniine sancte, Hear us. O holy Lord. Almighty

Pater omni]K)tens. leterne Deus; Father, Eternal God; and vouch-
ctmitleredigneris sanctum ange- safe to send thy holy angel from
lum tuum de coolis. qui custodial, heaven, to guard, cherish. protect,
foveat. protegal, visilet, alque visit, and defend all that are as-
defendatomneshabitantes in hoc semliltd in this house. Through
habitaculo Per Christum Domi- Christ our Lord, Amen.
num nostrum. Amen.

/"ro'.i Eisner to Whit Sunday inrlusivehj, htsteaJ of the foregoing

AnthL'Ui. the fol'oicing is' sung. a?i(i Alleluia is aaded to .the
V. (Ostende nobis, and also to its R. (Et salutareV

Ant. Vidi aquam egredientemde Ant I sawwat< r flowing from

templo a latere dexlro. Alleluia : the r. d\t side of the temple.
[39 J

j^tboiXQixs ai Jilass*


IIECEIVE, O holy Trinity, one God, the holy
-a-t sacrifice of body and blood of om- Lord
Jesns Christ, ^vilich I, thy unworthy servant, desire
TiOw to offer unto thy divine Majesty by the hands
of this thy minister, with all the sacrifices which have
ever been or are to be offered unto thee, in union
with that most holy sacrifice offered by our Lord
himself at the last supper, and on the altar of the
cioss. I offer it imto thee with the utmost affection
of devotion, out of pure love for thine infinite good-
ness, and according to the i)itention of our holy
mother Church :

1. To the great and eternal glory and love of thy

divine Majesty.
2. In acknowledgment of thy sovereign excellence

and supreme dominion over us, and our subjection

to thee, and dependence upon thee.
3. In perpetual commemoration of the passion and

death of the same Christ our Lord.

4. For the honour and greater glory of tlie

Blessed Virgin, and of all the saints triumphant,

5. In eternal thanksgiving for all thy benefits

conferred upon the most sacred humanity of our

Lord, upon the Blessed Virgin his Mother, upon the
saints my patrons; and for all the benefits hitherto
et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua Alleluia;and all to whom that
i,?tasalvi facti sunt, et dicent. water came were saved, and they
Alleluia. shall say. Alleluia.
Ps. Coufiteuijiii Domino, quo- Ps. Praise the l^ord. tor he Is
n'am bonus: quoniam in sasculum good: for his mercy endnreth for
misericordia ejus. Gloria. iVc. erer. Glorv. itc.


The Priest begins at the foot of the Altar.
In nomine Patris. et Filii, et In the n.ame of the Fath. r.

Spiritus Sancti. Amen. and of the Son. and of the Holy

Ghost. Amen.
Introibo ad altare Dei. I will sro unto the altar of Go i.

R. Ad Deum, qui la>titicat ju- R. To God. who giveth joy to

ventutem meam. my youth.
* Psalm xlii.

Judica me, Dcus, et discernc

S. P. Judge me. O God. and dis-
causam meam de gente iion tinguish my cause from the
sancta ab homine iniquo et do-
: nation that is not holy; deliver
Icjso erue me. me from the unjust and deceitful
M. Quia tu LS, Deus. fortitude R. For thou. O God, art my
mea quare mc rcpulisti ? et quare strength, why hast thou cast me
tristis incetlo duni aftligit me ini- off? and -why do I go sorrowful
mic'us? whilst the euemv aiiiicteth me?
^. Emitte lucem tuam ct veri- J'. Send forth thy light and thy
tatem tuam ipse me deduxerunt
: truth; they have conducted mc
et aiiduxerunt in montem sanc- and brought me unto thy holy
tum tuum. etin tabcrnacula tua mount, and unto thy tabernacles.
M. Et introibo ad altare Dei: R. And I will go unto the altar
atl Deum qui laetificat juA'CUtu- of God: to God. who giveth joy
tem meam. to my youth.
.S. Confitebor tibi in cithara. P. I will praise thee on the
Deus. Deus meus; quare tristis harp, O God. my God: why art
es. anima mea? et quare contur- thou sorrowful. O my soul ? and
bas me ? whv (lost thou disquiet me ?
M. Spera in Deo, quoniam ad- R. Hope in God. for I will still
huc confitebor illi; salutare tuI- give praise to him; who is the
tns mei. et Deus mens. salvation of my countenance, and
my God.
S. Gloria Patri. et Filio, ci P. Glory be to the Father, and
Spiritui Sancto. to the Son. and to the Holy Ghost.
AI. Sicut erat in principio, et R. As it was in the begiiming.
nunc, et semper, et in saecula is now, and ever shall be, world
s£eculorum. Amen. without end. Amen.
» Tlie above Psalm is not said in Passion time, when the Mass peculiar
to the time is said, nor in Masses for the Dead.

or yet to be conferred upon all the blessed and pre-

destinated, and upon me, the most unworthy of all.
n. In satisfaction for my sins, and for the sins of
all the faithful, livincj or dead.
7. In particular, I offer it for the attainment of
these (iV. N.) graces or blessings, for these {N. N.)
persons particularly recomnirnded to me, and for
all for Avhom I am accustomed or bound to jjray ;

that thou wouldst grant to the departed rest, and

know, and love, and glorify
to the living grace to
thee perfectly now in
and hereafter blissfully
this life,
in heaven. Accept and perfect this my desire, and
vouchsafe thy abundant grace and blessing for its

BLESSED Trinity, one God, Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost, prostrate in spirit before thee I
liere confess in the whole court of
sight of the
heaven, and of all innumerable
the faithful, my
treasons against thy divine Majesty. 1 have sinned.
O Lord, I have sinned I have grievously offended

through the whole course of my life, in thought,

word, and deed and therefore am unworthy to lift

my eyes to heaven, or so much as to name thy sacred

name how much more am I unworthy to appear

here in thy sanctuary, and to assist among thy angels

at these heavenly mysteries, which require so much
purity, because Jesus Christ himself is here in person,
both Priest and Victim But, O my God, thy
r. Introiho ad altare Dei. V. I will go unto the altar of
E. Ad Deum.qui laetificat ju- R. To God. who giveth joy to
veiitutem meam. my youth.
V.Adjuiorium nostrum in 1'. Our help is in the name of
uoraine Domini. tlio Lord.
R. Qui fecit coelnm et terram. H. Who hath made heaven and

Tlien. joining his hands andhumh'y boiring down, h says the Confessio7i,

S. Cou'Steor Deo omnipotenti. -P. I confess to Almighty God,

vtC. (fee.

J/. Jlisereatur tni omnipotens R. May Almighty God have

Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis. mercy upon thee, forgive thee thy
perducat te ad vitam aBtemam. sins, and bring thee to life ever-
S. Amen. F. Amen.
M. Contiteor Deo omnipotenti. E. I confess to Almighty God,
beat;e Mari;B semper Virgini. to bkssed JIary ever Virgin, to
hcato Michacli Archangelo.beato blessed Michael the Archang'el, to
Jonnni Baptisti>3, Sanctis Apos- blessed Juiiii Baptist, to the holy
tolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Apostles Peter and Paul, to all
Sanctis, et tibi pater, quia peecavi the Saints, and to you father,
nimis cogitatione.verbo, et opere, that I have sinned exceedingly in
mea culpa, moa culpa, mea maxi- thought, word, and deed [here
ma culpa. Ideo precor beatam itrike th"- breast ?/trtce]. through
Mariam semper Virginem, bea- my my
fault, through fault,
tum Michaelem Archangtdum. through my most grievous fault
beatum Joannem Baptistum. Therefore I beseech blessed Mary
sauctos Apostolos Petrum et ever Vii-gin. Idcssc-d Michael the
Paulum. omnes Sanctos, et te Arch.angel. blessed .John Baptist,
pater, orare pro me adDominnm the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
Deum nostrum. and all the Saints, and you,
father, to pray to the Lord our
God for me.
Tlioi the Priest, icith his hands Joined, gives the Absolvtion, saying :

S, Misereatur vestri omnipo' P. May Almighty God have

tens Deus. et dimissis peccati- mercy upon you, forgive you your
vestris, perducat vos ad vitaiii sins, and bring you to life ever-
iBternam. lasting.
J/. Amen. E. Amen.
Signing himself with the sign of the Cross, he says:
S. *b Indulgentiam. absolutio- P. tji May the Almighty and
nem. et remissionem pcccatorum Merciful Lord grant us pardon,
nostrorum tribuat nobis omni- absolution and remission of our
potens ct misericors Dominus. sins.
M. Amen. IL Amen.

mercies are above all thy works, and thou v»'ilt noi
despise a contrite and humble heart; and therefore
1 here venture to come into thy temple, and with the
poor publican, strike my breast and say, God bo
merciful to me a sinner. Amen.
DIVINE Jesus, thou art the victim charged witli
all thou didst weep
the iniquities of the world ;

for tliem bitter tears thou didst expiate them by


the most dreadful torments and by the most cruel of

deatb.s. I come to mingle my tears with thine I ;

confess to thee, in the presence of jNIary ever Virgin

and of all the Saints, that I have sinned exceedingly ;

that it is my ingratitude that pierced thy heart, and

put thee to a cruel death, O God, riiy Saviour,
through thy tears, through thy agony in the Garden,
and through thy precious blood and the wound in
thy Sacred Heart, I beseech thee to accept this my
confession, and mercifully pardon all my deficiencies,
that, according to the greatness of thy mercy, I may
be fully and perfectly absolved in heaven who livest ;

and reignest, &c.


LET US adore the Heart of Jesus, which has loved

us so much let us prostrate ourselves before

him, and bewail the sins of which we have been

guilty. Grant us, O
Lord, a contrite and humble
heart let the homage of our adorations be as accept-

able to thee as if we offered thee thousands of victims.

T/ieJi. hoxring dovcn, he proceeds :

V. Deu3, tu con versus, yivifi- T". Thou being turned again,

cabis no=. O God. wilt quicken us.
R. Etplebstualffitabiturinte. li. And thy people shall rejoice
in thoe.
I'. Ostendenobis, Domine. mi- r. Show us. Lord, thy mercy,
sericordiaui tuani.
/?. Et salntarc tnuni da nobis. 7?. And grant us thy salvation.
V. Uomine, exaudi orationem V: O Lord, hear my prayer,
i?. Et clamor mens ad teveniat. a'. And let my cry come unto
V. Dominus vobiscum. 1'. The Lord be with you.
A'. Et cum spiritu tuo. li. And with thy spirit.

Asceuding to the Altar Jie says secretly:

Aufcr a nobis, qussumus, Do- Take away from us our iuiqui-
mine, iniquitatcs nostras; ut ad ties, we
beseech thee, O Lord :

Saiicta sanctorum puris merca- that we may

be wortliy to enter
mur mentibus introirc. Per with pure minds into tiie holy of
Christum Dominum nostrum, holies. Through Christ our Lord
Amen. Amen.
Bowing doirn over the Attar, he says:

Oramus te Dominc. permerita We beseech thcc, O Lord, by

sanctorum tuorum quorum reli- the merits of thy saints whose
qui.-c hie sunt, et omnium sancto- relics are here, and of all the
rum,utindul2:ercdJgneri3omnia sainis, that thou wouldst vouch-
pcccatamca. Amen. safe to forgive me all sins. my
[At Hiah Mass the Altar is here incensed.] Then the /'rifst. sijning
himself with the sign of the Cro<s. reads the IntToit.'
TheKyric eleison is then said:

Kyrie eleisun (three times). Lord hace mercy upon us.

Christe eleison {three times). Christ ii'tre mercy iipnn its.
Kyrie eleison {three times). Lord have mercy upon us.

Afterir:irds, standing at the middle of the Altar, extending, and then

joining his hands, he says -he Gloria in excelsis.f
Gloria in excelsis. Deo ct in Glory be toGodonhig)i.and<n
terra pax homiuibus boniBvoiini- earth peace to men of good wili.
tatis. Laudamusie; benedicimus We praise thee; we bless thcc: uy
Tiiese, as well as the Collects, Epistle, Gradual, Gospel, OiTertory,
Secretri. Cnmmunion, and Post-Comhiuaions, are variable, and may be
found 1)1 the Slissal.
t Tlie Gloria is omitted duringr Lent and Advent, when the ^Is'^s
peculiar to the time is sai.l. and in Classes for the LH?d.

rilHE Lord hath opened the gates of heaven ;he
X hath rallied down manna to feed us ; he hath
given us the bread of angels. Thy goodness, O my
God, hath prepared it for poor and humble heart
tlie ;

blessed art thou, O God of Israel, thou only canst

Avork such wonders for me. I will offer to thee, in
the piesence of all thy people, the homage of my
love and gratitude.

FATHER of infinite mercy, have pity on thy
children ; O Jesus, sacrificed for us, apply to us
the merits of thy precious blood ; O Holy Ghost,
the Sanctifier, descend into our hearts, and inflame
them with thy love.

HAVE mercy on Lord, and forgive me all

me, (3

my and though I have nothing of my

own to move thy goodness, yet let my importunity
prevail have mercy, O Lord, have mercy on me.


WHAT happiness for us that the Son of the Most

High should have been pleased to dwell
amongst us, and have vouchsafed to offer us a
dwelling in"bis Divine Heart Suffer us, O Lord, to

unngle our voices with those of the angelic choir, to

thank thee for so great a favour and let us say ;

with them, " Glory to God in the highest heavens."

te; aduramus te; glorificamus ai'orethee; we glorify thee. We
te. Gratias agimus tibi propter give thee thanks for* thy great
magnam gloriam tuam, Domine glory^O Lord God. heavenly Kin,'-.
Deus. Rex coelestis, Deus Pater God the Father Almighty. Lord
oninlpotens. Domiue P^ili uni- Jesus Christ, the only- begotten
genite Jesu Christe; Domine Son: Lord God. Lamb of God.
Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris, Son of the Father, who takest
qui tollispeccatamundi. miserere away the sins of the world, have
nobis; qiii tollis peccata mundi, mercy on us thou who takest

suscipe deprecationem nos- awaythe sins of the world, receive

tram: qiiisedesaddcxteram Pa- our prayers; thou who sittest at
tris, mi>erere nobis. Quoniam tu the right hand of the Father, have
solussanctu?: tu solus Domiuus: mercy on us. For thou only art
tu solus altissimus, Jesu Christe, holy; thou only art the Lord:
cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei thou only. O Jesus Christ, with
Patris. Amen. the Holy Ghost, art most high in
the glory of God the Father.

The Priest kisses the Altar, and turning to (he people, says

V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.

Then follow (he Collects, which may he found in the Missal, or the
following may be vsed instead:
Defend us. Lord, Ave beseech thee, from all dangers of sonl and
body; and by the intercession of the Glorious and blessed ilary ever
Vir.rin, Mother of God, St. Joseph, the blessed Apostles Peter and
Paul, the blessed X, and all thy Saints, grant us, in thy mercy,
health and peace; that all adversities and errors being done away,
Ihv Church may serve thee with a pure and undisturbed devotion.
Through, <fec.
O Almighty and Everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body
of the Church is sanctified and governed; hear our humble su]>i li-
cations for all degrees and orders thereof, that by the assistance of
thy grace, they may faithfully serve thee. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ thy Son. who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of
the same Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

Theri is read the Epistle, or the following may be read instead:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Let your

modesty be knov.-n to all nien: the Lord is nigh. Be nothing
solicitous, but in everj-thinr, by prayer and supplication -nith
thanksgiving. It-t your pctititns be made known to God. And the
peace of God. v>hlch surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts
and minds in Christ Jesus. Fur the rest, brethren, whatsoever
things are hoi v. whatsoever things are amiable, whatsoever thinirs

O Almighty Father, we praise thee, we bless thee,

we adore thee ; we give thee thanks for all the
benefits which thou hast lavished upon us without
ceasing. O Jesus, Lamb
without spot, who takest
away the have mercy on us thou
sins of the world, ;

only art holy, thou only art the Lord, who reignest
with the Father and the Holy Ghost in glory, and
meritest all our homage on earth.

LORD, vouchsafe favourably to hear the prayers
which thy priest offers to thee for the Church
and for me.
I earnestly beseech thee to grant me those graces
and virtues of which I have need, in order to deserve
thy love. Fill my heart with eternal gratitude for
all the blessings which thou hast conferred upon me,
with a lively horror of sin, and with perfect charity
towards my neighbour. Make my whole life worthy
of one who is thy child. I deserve not to be
heard for my own sake, O my God, but I beseech
thy mercy through the infinite merits of thy divine
divine Jesus, inexhaustible Fountain of good
things, open to us, we beseech thee, the interior of
thy Heart that having entered, by pious meditation,

into this august sanctuary of divine love, we may fix

for ever our hearts there, as the place wherein are
found the treasure, the rej)Ose, and the happiness of
holv souls.

are of good repute, there be any virtne, if there be any prnis? of

dis'-iplino. think on these t'.iinars. The things which you have both
learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, these do ye; and
the God of pe-.ce shall be with you. {Phil. iv. 4-9).

A/ter which:
Deo ^-ratlas. Thanks be to God.

T'tTi (hi Gradual. Tract. Alleluia, or Sen^nence.

Before the Gospel.

Munda cor meum ac labia mea, Clean<5e my he.irt and my lips,
omnipotens Deus. qui labia \sa\x Almi.2hty God. who didst cleanse
prophetae calculo mundasti i.^ni- the lips of the prophet Isaias
to: ita me tua grata miseratiune with a burning coal ; andvoucli-
digniare mundare. ut sanction safe, through thy gracious mercy,
Evangelium tuum digue valeara so to purify me, that I may
nuntiare. Per Christum Domi- worthily proclaim thy holy Gos-
num nostrum. Amen. \k\. Through Christ our Lord.
* Jube Domine benedicere ; The Lord be in my heart and
Dominus sit in corde meo et in on my lips, that I may worthily,
lahiis mcis. ut digne. et compc- and in a becoming manner, au-
tcnter annuntiem Evangelium nounce his holy Gospel,
suum. Amen.
V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with von.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.

r. Sequentia (i-e/initium) sane- V. The continuation

(o?" begln-
ti Evangelii secundum N. ning) of the holy Gospel accord-
ing to xV.

R. Gloria tibi. Domine. R. Glory bt to thee, Lord.

Then is read the Gospel, or the foUoicing may be v-f<i instead:

If ye love me. keep my commandments. And I will ask the

Father, and he will give y«u another Paraclete, that he may abide
with you for ever, the Sjnrit of truth, whom the world cannot
receive, because it sceth him not. nor knoweth him; but you shall
know him. because he shall aliide with you. and shall be in you. I
will not leave you orphans I will come to yon.
; Yet a little while,
ar.d the world seeth me no more. But ye see me. because I live,
and you shall live. In that day ye shall know that I am in my
Father, and you in me. and I in yon. He that hath my command-
ments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me. And he that
* This is omitted in Masses for the Dead.


THOQ hast vouchsafed, O Lord, to teach us thy

sacred truths by theprophets-aud aposthis : oh,
grant that we may so improve by then- doctrine and
examples in the love of thy holy name and of thy
holy law, that we may show forth by our lives whose
disciples we are that we may no longer follow the

corrupt inclinations of fiesh and blood, but master

all our passions; that we may be ev^er directed by

thy light and strengthened by thy grace, to walk

in the way of thy commandments, and to serve thee
with clean hearts. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.


OGOD, the Father of light, blessed for ever

be thy mercy, whereby thou hast called the
nations of the earth from the darkness of igno-
rance and the shades of death into the marvel-
lous light of thy Faith ;
grant that all mankind,
being delivered by thee from the slavery of Satan
and of sin, may take upon them the light burden
and sweet yoke of thy holy law that thy name;

may be known and praised through all the earth,

so that we may become one family of eaints,
through Christ our Lord.
IAVILL hear what the Lord will say unto me.
O Jesus, light of the world, enlighten my under-
standing, that I may comprehend thy word and ;

cleanse ray heart, that it may bring forth fruit. Amen.



loveth me shall be loved by mj- ¥ at her; and I will love him, and
I will manifest mvself to him.
B. Laus tibi, Christe. /?. Praise be to thee. O Christ.
Per evangelica dicta deleantur By the words of the Gospel
iiobira deiicta. may our sins be blotted out.
• Omicted in M»<ise5 iir the Dead.
Mcene Creed.
Credo in unnm Deum, Patrem 1 believeinoneGod, tiieFjither
onjiiipoteiitem. Factorem coeli et almighty, maker of heaven and
terra?. Tisibilium omnium etinvi- earth, and of all tilings visible
sibilinm. and invisible.
Et in unum Doaiinum Jesum And one Lord Jesus Christ,
Christum. Tilium Dei imigeni the only-begotten Son of God.
tum, et ei Patre natum ante born of the Father before all ages
'•ninia srecula. Deiim de Deo; God of God Light of true
; ;

Lumen de Lumine Deum verum ; God of true God; begotten not

de Deo vero ^.Tuitum non lac-
made; consubstanial \vith ti.o
tum: consubstaiitialem Patri.per Father, bv whom all things were
quern omnia facta sunt. Qui made. Who for us men, and for
propter nos homines et propter our salvation, came aown from
nostram salutcm. descendit de heaven, and was incarnate by tlie
crelis, et incarnatus est de Spiritu Holy Ghost of the Virg-iu Mary :

Sancto, ex Maria Viro'ine ; et Axu WAS MADE MAN. He was cru-

HOMO FACTUS EST. [Hic gmufiecti- eified also for us. suffered under
tiir.] Crucitixus etiam pro ncbis Pontius Pilate, and was buried.
sub Pontio Pilato passus. et sc- The third day he rose again ac-
pultus est. Et resurre-xit tertia cording to tiie scriptures; and
die secundum Scripturas; et as- ascended into heaven and sitteth
cendit in cnelum. sedet ad dexte- at the right hand of the Father;
ram Patris et iterum vc-nturus
: and he shall come again wirh
est cum gloria jtidicare vivos et glory to judge both the living and
mortuos: cujus re^i non ei-it the dead: of whose kingdom there
finis, shall be no end.
Et in Spiritum Sanctum. Domi- And I believe in the H Gh .st.
num et vivificantem. qui ex Patre the Lord and life-giyer. who pro-
Filioque procedit : qiu cum Patre ceencth from the Fath. r and the
et Filio siraul adoratur et conglo- Son; who together with the Frt-
rilicatur qui lucutusest per pro-
; th r and the Son is a lored and
phetas. Kt unam snuctam Catho- glorified: who sp.ike by the pro-
licam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam. phets. And one holy Catholic ai:d
Counteor unum baptisma in Apostolic Church. Ic nfessonc
remissionem peccatorum. Et baptism for the remission of sins.
expecio resurrectionem mor- And I look for the resurrection of
tuorum, et vitam venturi speculi. the dead, aiid the life of the world
Amen. to come. .\men.
V. I'ominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with yon.
R. Et earn spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
The Cie i) ;s always sail on Sun Livs.. aud ou m. s of tli^ gT i*T
f. -tivwls. It is omitted m Ma.-ses

FIRMLY believe —because God -who is lufallible
J Trar.h hath so reveaKed it to the Holy Catholic
Church, and through the Church to us I firmly —
believe that thereis only one God, in Three Divine

Persons, equal and distinct, whose names are

Father, Son, and IToly Ghost that the Son be-

came man, and through the operation of the Holy

Spirit took flesh and a human soul in the womb
of the most pure A'irgin Mary, that he died for
us upon the cross, rose again, ascended into heaven,
and that he wiJl come from thence at the end of
the world to judge all the living and dead, to give
paradise to the good, and hell to the wicked, for
ever ;and furthermore, upon the same motive, I
believe everything that the Holy Church believes
and teaches. In this faith and for this faith I desire
to live and die. Grant, Lord, that my life may
be comfortable with my faith, that my faith may
be animated by good works, that 1 never be may
ashamed to declare myself a Catholic, and may con-
stantly maintain the interests of thy holy religion.
Draw closer to me, Lord, the bonds that bind me to
thy Holy Church put into my heart a spirit of per-

fect obedience to its lawful pastors. In its bosom I

became thy child, and in its bosom I desire to live
and die. Amen.
ADORE thee, O my God ; and, in union with the
I priest, offer thee this sacrifice, for thy honour and


Then the Priest reads the Offtrtnry, and taking the paten tvith the Host,
sai/s :

Suscipe. sanctc Pater, omiiipo- Accept. holy Father, Al-

tens, ajtcrne Deus. banc immacu- mighty. Eternal God, this imma-
latam Ilostiain, quam ego iudig- culate' Host, which I, thy un-
mis famulus tuus offero tibi. Deo worthy servant, offer unto thee,
mco vivo et vero. pro innumera- my living and true God, for my
bilibus pcccatis, et offcnsionibus. innumerable sins, offences, and
et uegligentiis riieis. et pro omni- negligences, and for all here
bus circunistantibus: sed et pro present as also for all faithful

omnibus fidelilnis Cliristianis, vi- Christians, both living and dead,

vis atque defunctis ut mihi et
: that it may be profitable for my
ill is profkiat ad salutem in vi- own and for their salvation unto
taui aeternnni. Amen. eternal life. Amen.
louring ivine and uater into the chalice, he says :

Dens. >J' qui human substan-iij God •?" who

creating in
tia dignitatem mirabiliter con- human nature, didst wonderfully
didisti, et mirabilius rcformasti dignify it. and hast still morewon-
da nobis per hujus aqu;^ et vini derfidiy renewed it; grant that,
mysterium, ejus divinitatis esse by the mystery of this water and
consortes, qui humanitatis nos- wine, we may be made partakeis
troe fieri dignatus est ]mrticeps, of his divinity who vouchsafed
Jesus Christus, Fiiius tuus, to become partaker of our hu-
Dominus noster qui tecum vi-
; manity, Jesus Christ, thy Son,
vit et rcgnat in unitate Spiritus our Lord who liveth and reign-

Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula eth with thee in the unity of, cfcc.
s.Tculoruni. Amen.

Offering up the chalice, he soys :

Offerimus tibi, Domine, call- We

offer unto thee, Lord, the
cem salutaris, tuam deprecantes chalice of salvation, beseeching
clementiam. ut in conspectu thy clemency, that, in the siglit
divinaj Majestatis nostra of thy divine Majesty, it may as;
et totius mundi salute cum odore cend with the odour of sweetness,
suavitatis ascendat. Amen. for our salvation, and for that of
the whole world. Amen.

Bouing dotcn, he saps:

In spiritu htimilitatis. et in ani- In the spirit of humility, and

mo contrito. suscipiamur a te, with a contrite heart, let us be re-
Domine, et sic fiat sacrificium ceived by thee. O Lord: and grant
nostrum in conspectu tuo hodie, that the sacrifice we offer in thy
ut plr.ccvt tibi, Domine Deus- sight this daymav be pleasing to
thee, LordGod '.

glory, in thanksgiving- for ali the benefits conferred

upon myself and upon the whole world ; and in
satisfaction for my many sins, tind the sins of other
men. Accept, O Lord, of this holocaust, which isno
other than thy divine Son at once made priest and
victim, offering and offerer, and apply his saving
ineiits to my needy soul. Be comforted, O my
iieiirt, Jesus sacrifices himself for thee.
O my Lord Jesus Christ, in remembrance and praise
ul the boundless love, with which thou didst give
thyself wholly to us upon the altar of the cross,
behold I offer unto thee this day this present sacrifice
of the i\las3, together with all the which are
celebrated throughout the world, by the hands of thy
priests, to be presented to thy Eternal Father in
union with, and in virtue of, that oblation in which
tbou thyself, dying on the cross, didst offer tiiy sacred
body and blood for the salvation of the world.
Grant that the oblation of the same, thy body and
blood, which here is renewed in mystery, and is made
under the form of bread and wine, may effectually
obtain its proper fruit that thereby the living may re-

ceive grace, and the faithful departed, everlasting rest.

Accept, also, O Lord, tliis same sacrifice, which
contains in itself the fruit of thy passion ami death,
as an act of thanksgiving for the innumerable benefits.'
thoa has conferred upon us, and a propitiation and
we have committed,
riutisfaction for the countless sins
the good we have omitted to do, mid the punishments
we have deserved. Wt o livest, &c.
: :


E'evating his i^its and stretchiny out hit luiiids, he says:

Veui, sanctificator.omnipotcns Como. sanctificr, alsnighty.

jEterne Deus. et btnc»5<dichoc sa eternal God.andbless'i'thissacri-
ciincium, tno sancto nomini pr;v- lico. prepared to thy holy name,
At Hiah Mass. he blesfes the incense:
Per intercessioncm beati Mi- May the Lord, by the iutercet«-
stantis a dox-
ehffilis archaii<reli. siou of blessed Michael the arch-
tris altaris incensi, et oumium standing at the ri_'ht hand
electorum suorum. inccnsum is- of the altar of incense, and of al!
tud dignaetur Domiuus benedi- his elect, vouchsafe to bless this
cere. et in odorem sunvitatis incense, and receive it as an odoin
accipere. Per Christum Domiiiuni of sweetness Through. <kc.
nostrum. Amen. Amen.

He incenffs the bread and iciue, saying:

Inccnsum istud a te benedic- May this incense which ihou

tum ascendat ad te. Dominc. et hast blessed. O Lord, ascend to
desceudat suji.-r ncs misericordia thee, and may thy mercy descend
taa. upon us.

Then tenses tin AUa saying

Dirigatur. Domine, oratiomea Let my

prayer, Lord, be
(licut incensnm inconspectu tuo: directed as incense in thy sidit:
elcvatiomanuummcarum sacrifi- the lifting up of my liands as
cium vespL-rtinu'.ii.Pone. Dominc, evening sacrifice. Set a watch,
custodiam ori meo,et ostium cir- Lord, before my mouth, and a
cumstantiiB labiis meis, ut non door round about my lips, that
declinet cor meum in verba mali- my heart may not incline to evil
tia?. ad excusandas excusationes words, to make excuses in sins.
in peccatis.
Giving the censer to the Deacon, he says:
Acocr.dat in nobis Dominuslg- May the Lord enkindle in us
nem sui amoris, et fiammam aeter- the fire of his love, and the flame
ii.K caritatis. Amen, of everlasting charity. Amen.

Washing his fingers, he recites the j'ollowing

Lavabo inter innocentes manus I will wash my h.inds among

meas: et circumdabo altare tuum, the innocent and will encoiiipiisa

Pomine. Utaudiam vocem iaudis, thy altar, O Lord. That I may

«t enarrem universa mirahilia hear the voice of praise, and tell
tiia. Domine. dilexi decorem of all thy marvellous works. I
domus tuoe, et locum habitationis have loved. O Lord, the beauty of
gioriie tufe. ^Ne pcrdas cum im- thy house, and the place where
p!is,Deus. animam mt am et cum : thy glory dwelleth. Take not

ETERNAL Father, who wast pleased that by this
most holy Scicrifice of the New Law, thy only-
begotten Son be offered to thee I offer the same ;

to thy divme IMajesty, and in union therewith I offer

myself, and all that of thy bounty thou hast be-
-towed upon me. Look upon me, and have mercy
upon me. Amen.
O my soul, how Jesus Christ hath loved us At what !

aprice he hath redeemed us ! Not with gold, nor with

riches, butby the voluntary shedding of his blood. He
hath sacrificed himself for us let us, then, live only ;

for him, let us sacrifice ourselves together with him.

wiliest, O Jesus, that I should be a victim of
love,wholly consecrated to thy Divine Heart it is :

ray most ardent desire. Thy benefits are number,

less tliou hast broken the bonds of my servitude;

thou hast adopted me for thy child thou hast ad- ;

uiitted me to thy table thou hast given me a place


in thy Divine Heart and even yet, for all my conti-


nual 2)revancations, thou preparest me an everlasting

blesse(hiess : how could 1 ever forget so many bene-
fits ! I will publish thy mercies, and will never cease
to love thee with all the fervour of my heart. But,
O my God, my heart is not full enough of love and
fervour to be an offering worthy of thee. What, then,
shall I give thee ? I will give thee thy Son. That
Son, the most worthy object of thy complacency, will
supply my inability. O Lord, look not on me, but
on this divine offering.

vlris sanguinum vitam meam. away my soul. God. -^ith the

In quorum manibus iniquitates wicked, nor my life with bloody
sunt dextera eorum repleta est
: men. In whose hands are iniqui
muneribus. Ego autcm in inno- ties: their right hand is tilltd
centia mea ingressus sura: re- with gifts. As for me, I have
dime me. et miserere mei. Pes walked in my innocence redeem ;

mens stetit in directo : in ecclesiis me. and have mercy upon me.
benedicam te. Domine. *Gloria, My foot Iiath stood in the right
etc. path: in the churches I wiJl bless
thee, O Lord. Glory. <fcc.
Boxcing before thr '
Altar, fir- says :

Suscipe, sancta Trinitas, banc Receive. O Holy

Trinity, this
oblatiouem quam tibi offerimus oblation. Triiich we make to thee,
ob memoriam Pnssiouis Resur- in memory of the Passion. Resur-
rectionis. et Ascensionis Jesu rectitm. and Ascension of our
Christi Domini nostri: et in Lord Jesus Christ, and in honour
honorem beatae Marije semper of the blessed Mary ever Virgin,
Virgini". et beati Joannis Bap- of blessed John Baptist, the holy
tist;?, i' sanctorum Apostolorum Apostles Peter and Paul, of these
Petri et PaiUi. et istorumet om- and of all the Saints: that it may
nium Sanctorum: ut illisproficiat be available to their honour and
ad honorem, nobis autem ad our salvation: and may they
salutem: et illi pro nobis inter- vouchsafe to intercede for us in
cedere dignentur in ccelis, quo- heaven, whose memory we cele-
rum memoriam agimns in terris. brate on earth. Through, Sec.
Per eundem.
Turning to the people, lie saijs :

Orate, f ratres, ut meum ac ves- Brethren, pray that my sacrifice

trum sacrificium acceptabile fiat and yours may be acceptable to
apud Deum Patrem omnipoten- God 'the Father Almighty.
R. Suscipiat Domfnus sacrifi- R. May the Lord receive tlie
cium de manibus tuis, adlaudem sacrifice from thy hands, to the
etgloriam nominis sui, ad utili- praise and glory of his name, to
tatem quoque nostram, totiusque our benefit, and to that of all his
EcclosiK suje samtre. Amen. holy Church. Amen.
IJe then recites the Secret Prayers,

W?iicJt. being finished, he says in an audible voice:

V. Per omnia saecnla sKcalo- F. World without end.

R. Amen. R. Amen.
Y. Dominus vobiscum. F. The Lord be with yon.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
V. Sursum corda. F. Lift ui» vour hearts.

Gloria is oniittcil in Pigsion-tinif, wliou the JIars p(

time is said ; nud in JIaf ses ior tUo I<ead.

0]\1Y Jesus, would that I could take thee to wit-
ness of the holiness of my life and the innocence
of my heart But it is in thy mercy only that I place

my hope my consolation is in meditating on thy


promises to the penitent heart, and thy faitiifulness

in performing them confounded at all the sins that

I have committed to this day, and encouraged by the

favours which thou hast bestowed upon me, I can
but promise to correspond better with thy graces
than I have hitherto done. I will j^urify myself
more and more with tears of penitence ; 1 wiU bless
thee as I do this day ; and I will sing of the wonders
of thy power and of thy mercy.


OJMOST holy and adorable Trinity, vouchsafe to

receive this our sacrifice in remeuibrance of our
Savioiu''s Passion, Kesurrection, and glorious Ascen-
sion : and grant that we may die with him to our
sins, rise with him to a new and ascend with him

to thee. Let those saints, whose memory we cele-

brate on earth, remember us before thy throne in
iieaven, and obtain mercy for us, through the same
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

THE creature can offer nothing to the Creator that

acceptance I unite myself.
can be woiihy of his ;

therefore, to the sacrifice of Jesus Cluist, which can

alone merit anything in my behalf. I desire nothing
R. Habemns ad Dominum. R. We have them Mifcd up
unto the Lord.
V. Gratias agaiuus Domino V. Let us give thanks to the
Deo uostro. Lord our God.
R. Dignum ot justum est. R. It is meet .and just.
Vere dignum et justnm est, It is truly meet and just, right
fequum et salutare. nos tibi sem- and salutary, that we should al-
per et ubique. anitias agei'C. Do- ways. and in all places. give thank.i
mine sancte, Pater omnipotens. to thee, O holy Lord, Father Al-
antrne Deus. Per Christum Do- mighty, Eternal God. Throngh
minum nostrum per quern Ma-
; Christ our Lord through whom

jestatem tuam laudant angeli. the angels praise thy Majesty.the

idorant domiintiones, tremunt dominations adore, the powers do
potestates, ca;lico;lorumque vir- hold in awe, the heavens, and the
tutes. ac beata seraphim, socia virtues of the heavens, and the
exultatione concolebrant. Cum blessed seraphim, do cek'>rate
quibus et nostras voces, ut ad- xvith united joy. In union with
mit tijubeasdeprecamur.supiilici whom.we beseech thee, that thou
eonfessione ilicentes: Sanctus, wouldst conmiand our voices
sanctus. sanctus. Dominus I3eus also to be admitted with suppliant
Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coslictten-a confession, saying; Holy, holy,
-loria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. holy. Lord God of Sabaoth.
P.enedietus qui venit in nomine Heaven and earth are full of thy
Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. glory. Hosanni in the highest.
Blessed is he that cometh in the
name of the Lord. Hosaims* in
the highest.


Te igitur,clementissime Pater, We therefore humbly pray and

per Jesum Christum Filium beseech thee, most merciful Fa-
tuum Dominum nostrum, sup- ther, through Jesus Christ thy
pliers rogamus ac petimus uti Son. our LiOrd'Jie kisses the Altar],
accepta habeas et benedicas that thou wouldst vouchsafe to
hffic'i'dona. h;ec >t< munera, hsc accept and bless these>J<gifts.these
•^ sancta sacrificia illibata, in •J"prcsents.these >J« holy unspotted
primis, qure tibi offerimus pro sacrifices, which in the first place.
P^cclesia tua sancta Catholica: we offer thee for thy holy Catholic
quam pacificare. custodire, adu- Church, to which vouchsafe to
uare, et regere digneris toto orbe grant peace: as also to protect,
terrarum. una cum famulo tuo unite, and govern it throughout
Papanostro Antistite nos- the world, together with thy ser-
tro N.. et omnibus orthodoxis, vant N. our Pope, N. our Bishop.
atque Catholicae et Apostolicae as also all orthodox believers and
Fidel cultoribus. professors of the Catholic and
Apostolic Faith.


but through him and with him. have no wish be-

yond him. O God of mercy, 1 seek nothing- but thy
love. Graciously accept of the sacrifice of my heart
and of my whole and may it, like the sacrifice of

Jesus, be pleasing to thee and unite us to him,

MEPvCIPULLY hear om- prayers, O Lord, and
graciously accept this oblation which we thy
servants make to thee ; and as we offer it to the
honom- of thy name, so may it be to us here a means
of obtaining thy grace, and life everlasting hereafter.
Through Jesus Christ, Amen.
LIFT up, O Lord, do thou thyself lift up my heart
to thee. Take from it all imholy thoughts, all
earthly affections. Lift it wholly up to heaven, where
thou art worthily adored, and to the altar, where thou
art about to manifest thyself to me. My life is but
one continual succession of thy mercies let it be one

continual succession of thanksgivings and as thou art


now about to renew the greatest of all sacrifices, is it not

meet that I should burst forth in expressions of heart-
felt gratitude? Suffer me, then, to join my feeble voice

with the voices of all the heavenly spirits, and in imion

with them to say, in a transport of joy and admiration
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabao'ih.
Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of
THE Lord. Hosanna in the highest.


Menionto. Domine. famulorum Be mindful. Lord, of thy scr-
famulaiuuniue tuaruui. X et ^y. vauts. men and wouieu. X

He pauses, and prays silently for t/iose he intends to pray for, dud
proct eds:
Et omnium circumstantium. And of all here present, whose
quorum tibi fides losmita est, ct faith and devotion are known
nuta devotio: pro quibus tibi of- unto thee; for whom we offer or
fcrimus. vel qui tibi offerunt who offer up to thee, this sacrifice
hoc sacrificium laudis, pro se, of praise for themselves, their fa-
suisq\ic omnibus, pro redemp- milies and friends, for the redemp-
tione aniniarum suarum. pro sno tion of their souis, for the hope
salutis et incolumitatis sua' tibi- : of their safety and salvation, and
que red<Unit vota sua. letenio wiio pay their vows to thee, the
Deo. vivo et vero. cteiual. livhig. and true God.
Communicantos. et memorinm Communicating with, and ho-
vencrantes, in priniis glorios;? nouring in the first place the
semper VirginisMarire Genitrk is memory of tlie glorious and ever
Dei ci Domini nostriJcsuChristi Virgin Mary, Mother of God ami
sed et beatonim Apostolornm ae our Lord Jesus Christ as also of;

Martyrum tuorum. Petri et Pauli, the blessed Apostles and Mai tyrs,
Anihi'jB. .Jacobi.Joannis.Tliom.v. Peter and Paul. Andrew, James,
Jacubi. Philippi, Bartholoma'i. Jolm.Thomas. James, Philip, Bar-
Matthi^i. Simonis et ThaddaM: tholomew. Mattlicw, Simon and
Lini, Cleti, dementis, Xysti, Thaddeus. Linus, Cietiis, Clement
Oonielii, Cypriani. Laurentii. Xystus. Cornell iis.Cyprian. Law-
ClnysoiToni, Joannis et Paiili, rence. Chrysogonus, John and
Cosiiiaict Damiani. et omnium Paul. Cosmas and Damian, and of
Sanctorum ttiorum; quorum all thy Saints; by whose moits
meritis precibusque concedas, ut and prayers grnnt that we may
in omnibus protectionis tuie be always defended by the t el p
muniiimur aiixilio. Per enndem of thy protection. Through the
Chri-^tum Domiuum nostrum. same Clirist our Lord. Amen.

Spreading his Jtands o>-er the oblation, he says:

Hanc igitur oblntioncm servi- "VVe therefore beseech thee, O

tutis nostra, sedet cuuctre fami- Lord, graciously to accept this ob-
liar tua?. qiTasuraus, Domine, u: lation of our service, as also of thy
placatus accipias; diesque nostrcs whole family; dispose our days in
in tua pace disponas. atque a^i thy peace, command us to be de-
OBterna damnatione nos eripi. ct livered from eternal damnatioii,
inelectorum t uorum jubeas grege and to be numbered in the flock
numiraii. Per Christum Domi- of thy elect. Through Christ our
nuui nostrum. Amen. Lord. Amen.
C^iiam oblationem, tu Deus, in Wiiich oblation do thou. God,
omnibus, qntesumus benedic-»J» vouchsafe in all things to make

/ \ PATERNAL and most merciful Father, behold, m c
yj come to offer thee om- homage this day we desire ;

to adore, praise, and glorify thee,and to give thee

thanks for thy great glory, joining our hearts and voices
with aU thy blessed in heaven, and with thy whole
Church upon earth. But acknowledging our great
miworthiness and innumerable sins, for which we are
heartily sorry and humbly beg thy pardon, we dare not
venture to approach thee otherwise than in company
of tiiy Son, our Advocate and Mediator, .Jesus,
whom thou hast given us to be both oiu- High Priest
and Sacrifice. With him, therefore, and through him
we venture to offer thee this sacrifice to his most

sacred intentions we desire to unite om-s and with


this offering which he makes of himself, we desire to

uialce an offering of our whole being to thee. AVith
him, and through him, we beseech thee to exalt thy
holy Catholic Chm'ch, throughout the whole world ;

to maintain her in peace, imity, holiness, and truth :

to have mercy on thy servant N. our chief bishop. A'.

our prelate, and on all that truly fear thee on our ;

pastor iparents, children'], friends and benefactors,

kc. ; on all those whom we have in any way scan-
dalised, injured or oifended, or for whom we are on
any other account bound to pray on all that are in

their agony, or under ^dolent temptations, or other

necessities, corporal or spiritual ;on all our enemies ;

and, in a word, on all poor sinners that we may all


be converted to thee, and find mercy, tlirough Jesus



tai'i. ni1scrip>i' rai'tum. ra-
t ;ui. blessed, approved, ratified, r?n-
tionahileui. accpptabilemquo fa- sonable, and ac'-L.i;l.;-il«. that it
cere digneris; ut nobis cor>J<pus may become to us the botlv- (p
ct san »{< gnis fiat dilectissimi and ^ blood of thy most beloved
Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Son Jesns Christ our Lord.
Qui pridie qnam pateretur. ac- Wlio the da J' licforehe suffered
cepit panem in sanctas ac venera- took bread [he takes the Host] into
bilos manus suas. et elovatis his holy and venerable liands [Ae
oculisin te DeamPa- riii.-es /lis cf/i's to heaveii]. and with
trem suum omnipotentom: tibi his eyes lifted up towards heaven,
gratiasagen?, benc^dixit. fregit to thee God, his almighty Father,
deditque discipulis suis, dicens giving thanks to thee, did bless,
Ac'jipite. et maiKhicate ex hoc lu'cak, and give to his disciples,
omncs; HOC est enim cokpus saying: Take, and eat ye all of

After pronouncing (he words of consecration, the Pried. IneeUng,

adores Vie Sacred Host, and risiyig, he elevates it.

(At the Elevation, the bell is rung thrice.)

Simili mode postquam ccena- In like manner, after he had

tuni est. accipicns et hunc prje- supped [he takes the chaWce in both
clanim calicem in snnctas ac his hands], taking also this excel-
venerabiles manus s.ias. item tibi lent chalice into his holyand vene-
gratias agens. bene>J<dixit, dedit- rable hands, and giving thee
que discipulis suis, dicens: Acci- thanks, he bless^ed,. and gave to
pite et bibite ex eo omnes: hic his disciples, saying: Take, and
EPT enim CALIX SA>7(jCINIS MEI drink ye all of this; for this is
Hfec quotiescumque fecritis, As often as ye do these things,
in mei memoriam facietis. ye shall do them in remembrance
of me.

Kneeling, he adores, and rising, elevates the Chalice.

Unde et memores, Domine,nos Wherefore, Lord, we thy ser- tui. sed et plebs tua sancta, vants, as also thy holy
ejusdem Christi Filii tui Domini Ing to mind the blessed passion of
nostri. tarn beatre passionis, nec- the same Christ thy Son our Lord,
non et ab inferis resurrcctionis, his resurrection from hell, and
sed et in c«los gloriosae ascen- glorious ascension into heaven,
sionis. off erimus priPclaraeMn jes- offer unto thy most excellent Ma-
tati tuae, de tuis donis ac datis, jesty, of thy gifts and grants, a

Chn'st thy Son ;

hope one day to whom we
be admitted into the company of all thy saints and
elect, whose memory we here celebrate, Avhose prayers
we desire, and with wdiom we communicate in these
holy mysteries Amen.
[Bow down your liociy nnd soul in solemn adorariou make an act of ;

faith ill the real proscnco of your Saviour's body and blood, soul and
divinity, uniler the s;icramental veils. Offer your whole self to
hiiii. .'ind through hiui to his Father; beg that your heart and soul
may be happily changed into liim.]
(Here the hell is rung thrice.)

HAIL, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, which

and wast immolated on the
didst truly suffer
cross for man, whose side was pierced, and flowed
with water and with blood may we have a foretaste ;

of thee in the last agony of death. O kind, O loving

one, Jesus, Son of Mary, have mercy on me Am. en. I


HAIL, saving ^'ictim, incarnate AV'ord, sacrificed

for me and all mankind Hail precious Body !

of the Son of God Hail sacred Flesh, torn with


nails, pierced with a lance, and bleecling on a cross

for us sinners ! O amazing goodness ! O infinite
love ! Oh, let that tender love plead now in my
belialf : let all my iniquities be here effaced, let my
soul be cleansed from all its defilements. Lord, I

believe in thee hope in thee I love thee. To

; I ;

thee be honour, praise, and glory, from all creatures.

for ever and ever. Amen,


Ilostiam ^ purnm. Hostiam ^ pnre •!< Host, a holy »5< Host, an
snuctam, Hcistiam »5< immacula- immaculate ^
Host, the holy "i"
tam, panem <^ sanctum vitas aeter- bread of eterinl life.aud the cha-
nx, et cftlicem •!< salutis per- lice ^ of everlasting salvation.
Extending his htnds. he proceeds:
Supra qua; propitio i.c sercno Upon v. hick vouchsafe to look
vultu respicere disnieris. et ac- >vith a propitious and serene
cepta habere, sicuti accepts ha- countenance, and to accept thfm,
bere digmatus es muucra puori as thou vvert srraciously pleased
tui justi Abel, ct sacriiicinm to accept thec-ifts of thy just ser-
Patriarch.'E m.'stri Abr^ha; et vaut Abe!, and the sacrifice of
quod tibi obtulit summus sacer- our Patriarch Abraham, and that
dos tuus Mel( hisedech. sanctum which thy high-priest Melchise-
sacrificium, iL'imaculatam hos- dech offered to thee, a holy sr.cri-
tiam. fice, jin immaculate host.

Bitcing dmen, he fcys

Sujipliccs te ro^amus. omnipo- Vk'e most humbly beseech thee,
tens Deus, jube haec perferri per almighty God. command these
;!.aiius sancti iujcli tui in aub- thiuirs to be carried by the hands
liiue altare tuum, in conspcctu of thy holy angel to 'hy altar on
divinae Majestatis tuas, ut quot- high, in the sight of thy divine
quot ex hac altaris participa- Majesty, that as many of us [he
lione, sacrosanctum Filii tui ki.<fcs the A/tar] as, by participa-
corpus ^ et •£« sauiruiuem sump- tion at this Altar, shall receive
serimus, omni benedictione the most sacred body >i< and "J"
coekstiet gratia repleamur. Per blood of thy Son, may be filled
eiindom Christum Dominum nos- with all heavenly benediction and
trum. Amen. grace. Through the same Christ,
&c. Amen.
Jlemento etiam. Domine,famTi- Bemindful al80,0 Lord, of thy
lorum famularumqne tuarum 2f. servants and hantlmaids X. and
et A'., qui nos pra?cesserunt cimi 3^. who are gone before us, with
signo fidei. et dormiuatin somno the sign of faith, and repusc in
pacis. the sleep of peace.

He prays /or such of the Dead as he intends to prat/ for.

Ipsis, Domine, et oniuibus in To ihcse. O Lord, and to all that

Christo quiescentibus, locum re- rest in Christ, grant, we beseech
frigerii, lucis et pacis, ut indul- thee, a place of refreshment,
geas, deprecamur. Per eundem light, and peace. Through the
Christum, <tc. Amen, same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Here, striking his breast and slightly raising his voice, he says:
Nobis quoque peccatoribus fa- And to us sinners, thy servants,
mulls tuis, de multitudiue mise hoping in the multitude of thy


(Here also the liell is rung thrice.)

SAVIOUR for by thy cross

of the world, save us ;

and by thy blood thou hast redeemed us help ;

us, we beseech thee, O our God. Ameu.

Have mercy on me, dear Jesus, and grant that thy
blood may not be shed in vain for me, 1 most
humbly beseech thee. Amen.

HAIL, sacred Blood, flowing from the wounds of

Jesus Christ, and washing away the sins of the
world! O cleanse, sanctify, and preserve my soul,
that nothing in future may ever separate me from
thee. Behold, O Eternal Father, thy holy Jesus, and
look upon th'j face of thy Christ, in whom thou art

well pleased. Hear the voice of his blood crying out

to thee, not for vengeance, but for mercy and pardon.
Accept and through the infinite
this divine oblation,
merits of all the sufferings that Jesas endured on the
cross for our salvation, be pleased to look upon us,
and upon all thy people, with an eye of mercy.
OFFER thee again, O Lord, this holy sacrifice of

I the body and blood of thy only Son, in behalf of

die faithful departed, and in particular for the souls
of [here name whom you chiefly propose to pray for'] my
parents [if dead], relatives, benefactors, neighbours,
&c. Likewise of such as I have any ways injured,
or been the occasion of their sins ; of such as have
injm"ed me, and been my enemies ; of such as die in


rationum tuarum sperautiljus. mercica. vouchsafe to grdnt sor.-ie

partem aliquam et societutcm do- part and f el iowship witli thy holy
nare diyueris. cum tuis sanctig ap.jstk-8and martyrs; will! John,
apostolis et martyribus': cum Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ig-
Joanne. Stephano. Matthia, Bar- n itius. Alexan.ler, Marcellinus,
nuba, Ignutio, Alexandio, iJar- Peter, Felicitas, Pcrpetua. A-a-
ceilino,Petro, Felicitate, i'cr- tlia, Licy, Agnes, Cecily, Anas-
petua, Agatha. Lucia. Agnete. tasia, and with all thy Saints
Csecilia, Auastiisia, et omnibus into whose company we beseech
Sanctis tuis :intra quorum nos thee to admit us, not considering
consortium, uou estimator meri- our merit, but freely pardoning
ti.sid vt-niic, quaesumus, lar^itor our offences. Through Christ
adniitte. Per Cliristum Domi- our Lord.
nuni nostrum.
Per quern h;Ec omnia, Domiue, By whom, Lord, thou dost al-
semper bona creas, sancti >£< ficas ways create, sanctify,»i<quicken,
vivi !< ticas, bene *b dicis, et ^ and give us all these
bless. {«
proistas nobis. Per ip "s^ sum, it good things. Through him >i>
cum ip *I* so. et in ip "x' so, est and with liim, >Ji and in him.»j-
tibi L)<'0 Piitri »J« <.nini).otonti, in is to thee, Uod the Father *x« Al-
unitate Spiritus »i« Sancti, omnis mighty, in the unity of the Holy
honor et .gloria. ii« Ghost, all honour and glory.
y. Per omnia tcula sa-culo- V. For ever aud over.
A'. Amen. li. Amen,
on EM ITS.
Pricceptis saluUiribus moniti, Instructed by thy saving pre
etdivina institutioneformati,au- cejits, and following thy divine
(lemus dieere: iustitution. vre presume to say:
Pater noster, qui es in ccelis, Our Father, who art in heaven,
sanctificetur nonien tuum: adve- hallowed l)e thy name: thy king-
niat regnum tuum; fiat volun- dom come thy will be done on

tas tua sieut in coelo et in terra. earth as it is in h.-uven. Give

Panem nostrum quotidianum da us this day our daily bread; and
nobis hodie et dimitte nobis
; forgive us our tres()asses. as we
debitu nostra, sicut et nos dimit- forgive them that trespass against
timus debitoribus nostris. Et ne us. And lead us not into temp-
nos indueas in tentationeni. tation.
ji. Sed libera nos a in ilo. K. But deliver us from evil.
JJe then says in a loa voice, •
.\men," a?id contitiites:

Libera nos qujesumus, Do- Deliver us, we beseech thee,

mine, ab omnibus malis, prate- Lord, from all evils, past, present,;tsentibu8,et futuris:et in- and to come and by the inter-

tercedente beata etg oriosa sem- cession of the blessed and g:oriou3
per Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria, Mary ever Virgin, Mother of
cum beatis Apostolis tuis Petro God, together with thy blessed
et Paulo, atque Andrea, et omni- Apostles Peter and Paul, and
bus Sanctis, da propitius pacem AiKlrew, and all the Saints
in diebus nostris: ut opemiseri- li7iai:in(/ the ngn of Hie Cross on

war, or have none to pray for them. To these, O

Lord, and to all we beseech
that rest in Christ, grant,
thee, a place of refreshment, light and peace. Through
the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
VOUCHSAFE to grant the same to us, poor and
miserable sinnersjudge us not according to our

demerits but through the infinite multitude of thy


mercies, in which we hope, liberally extend to us thy

grace and pardon.
"We ask it of thee in the name of thy dear Son,
who and reigneth eternally with thee, and in
that form of prayer which he himself hath taught us.


OOUR Father, who reignest in heaven, come and
reign in my soul, come and sanctify itby thy
presence ;
come and subject it to thy holy will, and
render it obedient to the inspirations of thy grace.
Extinguish in my heart every feeling of hatred and
revenge ; forgive me aa I forgive. Grant to me such
wisdom and such strength that I may triumph over
all temptations. Deliver me from all those evils
which oppress me, and under which I groan, being-
burdened. I come to thee, as a child to his father, to
be fed as a subject to his prince, to be protected as
; ;

one afflicted, to his only succour, to be consoled and


THOU, O God, art our Father. Our

Father, because thou hast created ua with so much

cordiit tu83 adjuti. et a peccato liiime'fuiih the paten, hskisies it,

simus semper lilicri. ct ab omiii and says], mercifully grant peace
perturbatione securi. Per eun- in our days that by the assist-

dem Dominum nostrum Jes'.im ance of thy mercy we may be

Christum Filium tuum. yui te- always free from sin, and secure
cum vivit et repniat in unitate from 11 disturbance. Through

Spiritus Sancti Ueus. the same Jesus Christ thy Sun

our Lord. Who with thee in the
nnity of the Holy Ghost liveth
and reisrueth God.
r/.CTi he Siivs aloud:
V. For omnia sajoula iseeulo- V, "World without ''nd.
K. Amen, R. Amen.
r P;ix «5< Domini ait >i* semper V. May the peace of the ^ Lord
vobi8»i«cum. be »r< always with >i< you.

R. Et cum sniritu tuo. R. .A.ndwitli thy spirit.

In a low voice:
llfflc commixtio consecratio
ct May this minglinsr and consecra-
corporis et sanguinis Domini nos- tion of the body and blood of our
tri Jesu Christi fiat accipientibus Lord Jesus Christ beto us that re-
nobis in vitam anernam. Amen. ceive it effectual to eternal life.
atriki hi. reait tUrei time.<. he fttus
*Agnus Dei, qui toliis peocata Lamb of God, who talicst away
mundi, miserere nobis {itcice, ; or the .<ins(if the woild, have mercy
l)ona eis requiem [ttcire). upon us (twice).
Agnus Dei. qui toliis peccata Lamb of God, who away
mundi. dona nobis paccm or ; the sins of the world, grant us
Iiona eis requiem scmpitenuam. thy peace.
Domiiie Jesu Christe, qui Lord Jesus Christ, who saidst
sti Apostolistuis.Pacemrelinquo to thy Apostles: Peace I leave
vobi^. pace 111 nieam do vol)i.>: ne with you. my peace I crive unto
respicias peccata mca, sed fidem you; "regard not my sins, but the
EcclesiretutE: eamque secundum faith of thy Church; and vouch-
^oluntatem tuam pacificare et safe to it that peace and unity
coadunarc dicneris: qui vivis et which is agreeable to thy will:
regnas Deus, per omnia saecula who livest and reignest God for
SiECuIorum. Amen. ever and ever. Amen.
Domine Jesu Christe. Fili Dei Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the
Tivi.qui e.x. vohintate Patris. co- living God. who, according to the
oporante Spiritu Sincto. per mor- will of the Father, throu.h the
tem tuam mundum vivificasti; co-operation of the Holy Ghost,
liberame per hoc sacrosanctum hast by thy death given life to
corpus et sanguinem tuum abom- the world; deliver me by this,
nibus ini(iuitatibus meis. ct uni- thy most sacred body and blood.
" 1b Mai*, j ior the Dead, the pri.ct does n...t strike hii breast at the

A^iiJ," ami he omits the firit of the three following prayrrs.

love. Our Father, because thou hast redeemed us

with so much blood. Our Father because thou dost
preserve us by thy omnipotence. Deal with us, O
Lord, as thy children and grant that we may truly

reverence thee as our Father. Endow us, we beseech

thee, with grace to seek only thy glory, as becomes
the children of so good a Parent. "We were created
by t])ee, we are governed by thee. grant that we
may live only for thee.


DELIVER us, we beseech thee, O Lord, from all

evils, past, and by the

present, and to come ;

intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and of all

the saints, mercifully grant peace in our dcys, that
by the assistance of thy holy grace we may be always
freefrom sin and secure from all disturbance.


THY body was broken, and thy blood shed for us.
Grant that the commemoration of this holy
mystery may obtain for us peace and that those ;

who receive it may find everlasting rest.

O Lamb of God, pure and spotless victim who
alone canst satisfy the justice of an offended God,
vouchsafe to make me partaker of the merits of thy
sacrifice. What lessons of humility, meekness,
charity and patience dost thou not give ! Impress
these virtues upon my heart, that it may be to thee
a pleasant habitation, wherein thou mayest repose as
in an abode of peace.


versls malis, ct fnc me tnis sem- from all my Iniqtiilies and from
per inhssrerenitndiUis. Pt a te all evils: and make me ahvays
nun j
I. Ill s-!!arariy)crauttiis: qui adhere to thy commmdments. nn-l
cuni cuiiv:!! Deo Fatrc et Spirita never suffer me to he separateci
Saiicto vivis et regnas Deiis in from thee vrho with the s;mc

sjccula saiculorum. Amen. God the Father and Holy Ghost

livest and reiirnest God for ever
and erer. Amen.
Terceptlo corporis toi.Domin© Let not the parti ipation of thy
Jrsu Christe. quod e»o indigrnug body. O Lord J' sus Christ, which
Bumere pr.tsumo.non milii prove- I, unwoi thy, presume to receive,
ni.1t in judicium et condeninatio- turn to my judgiiicnt and con-
nem; sed pro tua pietate prosit demnati«m: but through thy
mihi ad tutamentum mentis et goodness maj' it be to uie a safe-
corporis, et ad uiedelam percipieu- guard .nnd remedy, both of soul
dam. Qui vivis et regnas ctim and boi'.y. Who with God the
Deo Patre, in unitate Spiritus Father, in the unity of the Holy
Sancti. Deus per omnia ssecula Ghost. livest and reigiicst God
•jsculornm. Amen. for ever and ever. .\men.

Havvig made a gemttJection. the Prirst rit«s a^id says:

Fanem ccelestem acclpiam, et I t> il! take the br.vil of hea v( n,

nomcn Doniini invocabo. and call upon the name of t.'ie

Then striking hii breast, and raising /lis voire a lill.'e. lie says three

Domine.non sum dignus lit in- Lord. I am not worthy that

tres sub tectum meum; sed tan- thou shouldst enter under my
turn die verbo,etsanabituranimft roo:"; s;iy but tli;^ vvord, and my
mea. soul shall be liealed.

After tchich he savs

Corpus Doniini nostri Jesti May tlie bony of our Lord

Chriiii cu^todiat aniniam meam Jesus Christ pres. rve my soul to
In vitam aternam. Amen. life everlasting. Ameu.

He then rereiva the sacred Host, and a'''fr a short pause, says:

Quid retribuam Domino i>ro Whit shall I render to the Lord

omnibus quae rctrihuit mihi? for all he hath rendered unto me ?
Calicem s.\lutaris aceipiani. et I will take tlie chalice o"" s^'.lr.a-
nomen Domini invocabo. Lau- tion, and call upon the nan><^ of
dans invoijibo Dominura. et ab the l-ord. Praising I will call
inimicis mei« snlvus pro. tipon the Lord, and I shill be
saved from mv en mies.



saving to thy Apostles, Peace I leave with you,

my peace I give unto you, thou hast promised, O
Lord, to all thyChurch, that peace which the world can-

not give peace with thee, and peace with ourselves.
Let nothing, O Lord, ever interrupt this holy peace;
let nothing separate us from thee, to whom we
heartily desire to be united, through the blessed
sacrament of peace and reconciliation. Let this food
of angels strengthen us in every Christian duty, so
as never more to yield under temptations, or fall
into our common weaknesses.

O my good God. and sweet Saviour Jesus, who art

present for my sake, and givest thyself to me

for daily food, and for the supply of all my necessi-

ties : since without thee, who art the true food of my
soul, I cannot humbly beseech thee to refresh
live, 1

me spiritually, and make me partaker of that grace

which they experience who devoutly receive thee.
O good Jesus, despise me not, but vouchsafe to visit
thy servant, and by thy grace to work and perfect all
the effects and virtues of thy holy sacrament in me,
to thy honour, O my God, and the eternal salvation
of my soul. Amen.
Soul of Christ, sanctify me ; body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me "Water issuing from the

side of Christ, wash me Passion of Christ, strengthen


me. O good Jesus, hear me, hide me within thy wounds;

never suffer me to be separated from thee; from the

Receiving the CliaJic. 'r saj/g :

SaiiETUis Domini nostri Jesu May the blood of onr Lord

Christi custoaiat anirnam meam Jcsn* Christ preserve my soul to
in vitam seternam. Amen. everlasting life. Amen.

T/ose who are. to connntmicafe go vp to the Sanctuary at the Don\iy.e.

lion suni difrniis. tph.n the bell rings: the Acolyte spreads a cloth
before them, und says the Confitoor.

Then Ihf Iriest, turning tn the Comniunicatttf. pronouvcea the


Mivreatiir vrstri. <tc. Indul- May Almifrhty Godhnvc n;ercT

g-ontiani. abso'utioneni. etc. Ac. May the almighty and mci
cifnl Lord, (tc.

Elevatiiio out of the nacre'l Fartidey. and turning lotrords the

people, he says :

Ecce Agrnus Dei, ecce qui tollit Rohold the Lamb of God, behold
p»:c'Ciita mundi. him who taketh away the sins of

Avfl then ) 'peatf three times. D-niine. non sum dij^ntis. <tr.

I/e then administers the Holy Communion. saying to earh:

Corpus nostri
Doiriini Jesu May the body of our Lord Jesus
Christi custodiat tuam Christ preserve thy soul to life
in vitam a-ternam. Amen. everlastinir. Amen.

Taking the first ahhiti&n. he fays :

ore suuii>simus, Domine, Grant. Lord, that wh«t we
pura mente capianius; et de mu- have taken with our mouth we
nere temporali fiat nobis reme- may receive with a pure mind;
dium sempiternum. and of a temporal jrift may it
become to it? an eternal remedy.

Taking tie second ah'u'iov, he says:

Comus tuum, Domine. quod May tiiy body. O Lord, which

8ui;ips;. et saivruis quem potavi. I hnve received, and thy blood
adhaereat visccribns meis : et which I huve drunk, cleave to my
pr.Tsta. tit in me non rem.infnt bowels; andprant that no stain of
scelcrum macula, quem pura et ?in may remain in me. who hare

malignant enemy defend me at ; the hour of my

death call me, and bid me come unto thee, that with
thy saints I may praise thee for all eternity. Amen.


GOD only can be worthy of receiving God how,


then, can a soul so sinful as mine merit so

great a happiness But thou, O Lord, regardest not

tby greatness but thy mercy. Thou wiliest that I

come to thee, as one sick to the physician who can
heal him, as one poor to the rich lord who can assist
him. O God of love, behold at thy feet the poorest,
the most infirm, of thy creatures. Unite me to thy-
self, and I shall become rich and whole in thy sight.

Work, I beseech thee, this miracle, worthy of thy

omnipotence and charity.


SACK ED banquet, in which Christ is received,
the memory renewed, the mind
of his passion is

is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is

given to us I

Grant, O Lord Jesus, that we may so reverence the

sacred mysteries of thy body and blood, that we may
ever find in ourselves the fruits of thy redemption.
OMY thrt
m-ost loving Saviour, since I cannot have
happiness of receiving thee this day, suffer
!»;incta refecernut sacnimeiiU. b^en refreshed with pure and
t^ui vivig et rcpTiasin sa-cula 836- holv sacrnnKiits. Who livest.
culorum. Amen. Jtc. Amoii.

V. Dominn!" TohiscBm. V. The L<jrd be with yon.

H. Et cum spiritu tuo. A'. And ivith thy spirit.

Then fit f^ads the ro^t-CommViUions.

A/lei-vtiiiif he lunis uguin towards the ftople. ami says:

V. Pomiuus Yobiscum. V. The Lord be with von.

A*. Kt ciirn spiritn tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
• Ite. missa est. Go. the Mass is ended.
n. Deo gratias. A'. Thanks be to God.

« In pl«i e of " Ite, missa ert," tlie priest sometimes 8«t.=. turned towards
the altir, Kenedicamus Domino," :ind in Massea for the Dead, " Requies-

cant hi Pace." R. Amen.

Boicing dotcn be'^cre the A'lar. h^ sav- :

Placeat sancta Trinitas.

tibi, holy Trinity, lot the perfor-
obsequinm serritutis me£e; et mance of my
homage be pleasing
l)r.Tst:i lit sacrificiuniqnodocnlis to th-.e; and grant that the sacri-
tuae Majestatis inditmiis obttili. fice which I, unworthy, have
tibi sit acccptabile. mihique, et offered up in the si^ht of thy
omnibus i>ro quibus illud obtuli, Majesty, may be acceptable to
sit, te miseraute. propitiabilo. thee, and through thy mercy be a
Per Christum Dominum nos- propitiation for me. and allthose
tium. Amen. for whom I have offered it.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thenhf kisses the Altar, and raising his eyes, ertending. raising, and
Joining his hands, he botes his head to the Crucifix. an-J says:
Benedicat tos omnipotens Deus, May Almighty God. the Father.
Pater, e; Filius et Spiritus ^ and the Son. »}• *"d t^ie Holy
Sanctus. Ajneu. Ghott. bless you. Amen.

At the tPiird^' l)PU3." he iurns toirards the pfop'e. and makes the siyn
of the Cross on them. Then turning to the Gospel side of the Altar
he says:

T. Dominus vobiscum. V. The lord be with you.

R. Et cum ipiritu tuo R. Am! with thy spirit.

{The lllesaing is omitted m ifastes/or the Dead.)


me to gather up the precious crumbs that fall from

thy table, and to unite myself to thy divine heart by
faith, hope, and charity. I confess I do not desei-ve
the children's bread but I venture humbly to declare

that, away from thee, my soul is diied up with tliirst,

and my heart cast down with faintness. Come, then,
into me, O my divine Jesus ; come into my mind, to
illuminate it with thy light ; come into my heart,
to enkindle in it the thy love, and to unite it
fire of

so intimately with thy own, that it may be no more

I that live, but thou that livest in me, and reignest iu

me for ever.


pRANT us, O Lord, a part in the fruits of thy
'-^ deathand passion, which we liave this day
commemorated. I adore thy goodness, O gracious
Lord, for thy inestimable favour in admitting me to
be present again at that holy sacrifice where thou
art both priest and victim. Oh, make me always
sensible of so great a blessing, and let not my un-
worthiness put a bar to thy mercy and goodness.


LET it be now, O Lord, the effect of thy mercy,

that we, who have been present at this holy
mystery, may find the benefit of it in our souls.
Oh, how sweet, Lord, is thy spmt who, to show ;

thy sweetness towards thy children, givest them the

most delicious bread from heaven, and seudest the
proud away empty.
; :


He then begins the Gospel accord i.^j to St. John, saving:

V. F. The beurinning of the ho!y
cundum Joanneni. Gospe! accordhig to St. John.
R. Gloria tibi. Dotnine. R. Glory be to thee, Lord.

In princi[iio erat Vcrbum, et In the bejinninij was the Word,

Verbum erat apud Deiim, et and the Word was with Go 1. and
Deus erat Verbum hoc erat in : thf Word was God ; the same was
princii'io npud Doum. Omnia in the beginning with (Jod. AH
per ipsum f:>.cta sine ipso things were made by liim. an;i
factum est nihil quod factum without him was made nothing
est in
; erat. et vita
ipso vita was made in him was life.
tliat :

erat lux hominum; et lux in and the life was the light of men
tenobrig lucet, ct tenebroe enm and the light shineth in darkness,
non comprehv-ndcrunt. and the darkness didnot compre-
hen I it.

Faithomo missus a Deo. cui There was a man sent froniGod,

nomen erat Juannrs. Hie von it whosename w:is John. This man
in testimonium, ut testimonium came for a witness to bear wit
perliiberet de lumine. ut onmes ness of the light, that all men
crederent per ilium. 2son erat might believe through him. He
ille lux st-d ut testimonium per-
; was not the light, but was to
hiberet de lumine. Krat lux vera bear witness of the VvAt. That
qusE illuminat omnem hominem was the true light which cn'i^rht-
venientem inhuncmundum. eneth every man th it cometh into
th!=; world.
In mundo erat, et mundus per He was in the world, and the
il'sum fnctus est. et mundus eum world was made by him, and the
non co,:,Tiovit. In propria venit. world knew him not. He came
et sui eum non receporunt. unto his own, and his own re-
Quotquot autem receperunt eum. ceived him not. But as many as
dedit eis potestatem lilios Dei received him, to them he gave
fieri: his qui credunt in nomine power to be made the sons of God,
ejus, qui non ex san?uinibus. to them that believe in his name,
Deque ex voluntate carnis. neque who are born not of blood, nor of
ex voluntnte viri, sed ex the will of the flesh, nor of the
Deo nati sunt. Et Verbcm willofnian. butof God. And the
CARO FACTUM EST [htc gciiuftecti- Word was made {here
tiir], et habitavit in nobis t/te people kneel doicn]. and dwrlt
et vidimus gloriam ejus, g'lo- among us. and we saw his glory,
riam quasi Uni>roniti a Patre, as it were the glory of the Only-
plenum g: atije ct veritatis. begotten of the Father, full of
gTa.ce and truth.
R. Deo gratias. R. Tiianks be to God.

When a Feast Mh
on a Sunday, or other day which has a proper
Gospe! of its own, the Oosoel of the '(ay is read imtend of the
Gape! of St. John.


POUR forth upon us, Lord, the Spirit of thy

love, that, by thy mercy, thou mayest make those
mind whom thou hast fed with one celestial food.
of one
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reign-
eth with thee in the unity of the same Holy
Spirit, (kc.


ETERNAL Word, speak my
soul, which
thou who art
adores thse in profound silence :

the great Creator of all things, abandon not, I be-

seech thee, thy own creature be thou my life, my

light, and my all,

TT7^ <?i^'- thanks, almighty and gracious
» V thou hast permitted us this day
Fatlier, that
to offer our homage to thy divine Majesty. Of
thine infinite mercy grant us pardon of our sins,
and all things necessary for the welfare of our souls
and bodies. Amen.


Hail Mary, &c., to be said thrice hy the Priest and

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, hail; our life,


our sweetnets, and our hope To thee do we cry,


poor bauished children of Eve. To thee do we send

up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley
of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate,
thijie eyes of mercy towards us and after this ;

our exde, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy

womb, Jesus. O clement, loving, O Sweet Virgin
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God
Ji. That we may be made worthy of the promises

of Christ.

LET us pi: AT.

OGOD our refuge and our strength, look down

with favour thy on people who cry to thee ;

and through the intercession of the glorious and

Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of
St.Joseph, her Spouse, of thy blessed Apostles,
Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, in mercy and
goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of
sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of our
Holy Mother the Church. Through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Blessed Michael, Archangel, defend us in the hour
of conflict ; be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil. May God restrain him we
humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the
heavenly host, by the power of God thrust, down

to hell, Satan, and with him the other wicked spirits

who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.
(300 days* Indnlyence.)

%\n jHann^r of ^nbixx^ ^aaa,


The C^erk gives wine and water before the beginning of the Mats.
In presenting the water (except in Masses for the Dead), he says.
" Bcnedicite; and after the blessing answers. '• Amen."

P. In nomine Patrls, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus.
C. Quoniam in sseculum misericordia ejus.
P. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, et Beatte Mariae semper
Virgini, et Beato Dominico Patri nostro, et omnibus
Sanctis, et vobis, Fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,
loeutione, opere et omissione, mea culpa, precor vos orare
pro me.
C. Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimittat tibi omnia
pecoata tua, liberet te ab omni malo, salvet et confirmet in
omni opere bono, et perducat te ad vitam »ternam.
P. Amen.
C. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, et Beatse Mariie semper
Virgini, et Beato DominicoPatri nostro, et omnibus Sanctis,
et tibi, Pater, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, loeutione,
opere et omissione, mea culpa, precor te orare pro me.

* The Dominican Rite, though substantially the same, differs iu a

few particulars from that of the Seculars. It is of the highest
antiquity, lieinir the Romano-Gallican, introduced from Rome into
France ia the reign of Charlemagne.


P. Misereatur vestri Omnipoteus Deus et dimittat vobis

ommft peccata vestra, liberet vos ab onini malo, s^alvet et
confirmet in omni opere bono, et perducat vos ad vitani
C. Amen.
P. Absolutionem et remissionem omniura pecoatoram
vestrorum tribuat vobis omnipotens et misericors Dominue.
C. Amen.
P. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
C. Qui fecit coelum et terram.
The Clerk is not to say Deo gratics after the Epistle, tior Laus
tibi Christe after the Gospel. No answer is retunicd when tLe
Priest says tlie Orate Fratr'i. The Domive non sum digiius is not


®lj^ ^ouls 0f i\)t fattbfol D^partrb.


OGOD of all mercy, I come to offer thee
the blood
of the Lamb
without spot for the sonls which
thou lovest, and which sigh only after the blessedness
of seeing thee and glorifying thee. Just as are the
punishments which thou inflictest, open to them
this day the boundless treasures of the satisfactions
of thy divine Son and bestow upon them in this

holy sacrifice wherewithal to discharge the debt

which they still owe to thy sovereign justice.
[If yon intend to communicate, and wish to offer your
Communion for particular Souls, say:

I beseech thee, O Lord, to apply to the souls of

N.N. the indulgences which 1 shall be able to obtain
by the communion I am about to make.]
'] cojifess our sins, O God and we acknowledge

that if tlioii hadst regard only to our iniquities,

no one could be justified in thy sight, and endure
the severity of thy countenance. AVoe to us if thou
judgest us without mercy! To appease tJiy justice,
we have recourse, after the example of tliy saints, to
the unbloody saciifice of him wdio was pleased to be
nailed to the cross for us, and who never ceaseth to
make intercession witli thee on our behalf. Forgive
us our sins; forgive also our brethren departed the
sins which they committed against thee whilst they
abode in this land of exile. Let thy mercy prevail
over tiiy justice, since thou hast promised graciously
to hear those who show mercy, and be thou faithful
to thy promises.
pEQUIEM feternam TjlTERNAL rest give
-1-V dona eis, Domiue; et AJ unto them, O Lord ;

lux perpetua luceat eis. and let perpetual light

Ps. 6L Te decet hymnus shine upon them. Ps. G-i.

Deus, in Sion ; et tibi red- A hymn, O God, becometh

deturvotum in Jerusalem, thee in Sion; and a vow
Exaudi orationem meam shall be paid to thee in

ad te omnis caro venict. Jerusalem. Oh, hear my

Requiem, E<c. prayer to thee shall all :

flesh come. Eternal, &c.

JESUS, show thyself a God of mercy ; have pity
on the souls that groan in the place of suffering
and expiatioi].

Deiis r\ GOD,tlierreatornnd
J- nium Couciitor et v^ Redeemer of all the
Redemptor. animabus fa- faithful, give to the souls
mulorum famu] arum que of thy servants departed
tuarmii reuiissionem cunc the remission of all their

torum tribue peccatorum ; through pious

sins ; that,
ut iudulgentiam, quani supplications, they may
setnper optavernnt, piis obtain the pardon which
supplicationibus conse- they have always desired,
quantnr. C^ui vivis et Who livest and r^-ignest,
regnas, etc. &c.
Or sny.
/\ MOST gracious God, v.ho art always ready to
V/ have mercy and to spare, forget not, 1 beseech
thee, the souls of thy servants whom thou hast sum-
moned to thy judgment let thy holy angels conduct

them into the heavenly country they have believed


and hoped in thee, let them not be disappointed in

their hope, but enter speedily into possession of that
throne of glory which thou hast prepared for thy elect.

ii "HRETHREN, we will not have you ignorant
concerning them that are asleep, that you be
not sorrowful, even as others who have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
even so them who have slept through Jesus, will
God bring with him. For this we say unto you
in the word of the Tjord, that we who are alive,

who remain imto the cominsr of the Tjord, shall not


prevent them who have slept. For the Lord himself

shr.ll come down from heaven with commandment,
and with the voice of an Archangel, and with the
trumpet of God and the dead who are in Christ

shall rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left,

shall be taken up together with them in the clouds

to raeet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always
with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort ye one another
with these words." (1 Thess. iv. 12-17.)
Or say :
LORD, I believe that the souls of those who at-

out of this world, have still to

their departure
satisfy thy sovereign justice, are relieved by the
oblation of the holy sacrifice. What consolation is
there in this most blessed doctrine ! I see therein
the accomplishment of that declaration of thy word,
that thou wilt never forget the souls of thy servants ;

therefore also wouldst thou have us come to the

succour of the faithful departed by prayers, and alms,
and sacrifices. O Lord, £ enter, with all my heart,
into thy merciful designs and I come this day to

unite myself with the pious intentions of the Church,

by praying for those whom thou didst adopt at the
l»aptismal font, and hast given to us for brethren.

f)EQUIEM setemam Tj^TEENAL rest give
^ donaeis, Domme ; et -i-^ unto them. OLord;
lux ptrpetua luceat eis. and let perpetual light
V. Ps. cxi. In memoria shine upon them. V-
astern a erit Justus : ab The juet shall be in evet


auditione mala non time- lasting remembrance : he

bit. shall not be afraid for evil
O Lord,
-i-^ animas omnium fide- J-t the souls of all the
Hum defunctorum ab omni faithful departed from the
vinculo delictorum. V. bonds of their sins. V.
Et gratia tua illis succur- And, by the assistance of
rente, mereantur evadere thy grace, may they merit
judiciimi ultionis. T^ Et to escape the sentence of
lucis aeternse beatitudine condemnation. V. And
perfrui. enjoy the bliss of eternal

Dies ir.TS. dies ilia Nigber still, and sti". p-.ore ni^h
Solvct srpclnm in favilla Draws the day of prophecy,
Teste David cum Sibylla. Doom'd to melt the earth and sky
Quantus tremor est luturus, Oh.what trembliiig there shall be
Quando Judex est venturus, "When the world its Judge ihall
Cuncta stricte discussurusi Coming in dread majesty

Tuba mirum sparireus sonnm Hark the trump, \rith thrilling


Per sepulchra rcgionum. From sepulchral regions lone.
Coget omncs ante throuum. Summons all before the throne.
Mors stupebit et natura, Time and death it doth appal.
Cum rtsurg-et creatura, To see the buried ages all
Judicanti responsura. Rise to answer at the call.

Liber scriptus proferetiir, Now the books are open spread;

In quo totnm continetur, Now the WTitino- must b;. read.
Uude mundus jndicetur. Which doth judge the quick and
Judex er^o cnm scdebit, Now, before the Judge severe.
Quidquid latct, apparebit Hidden things must all appear;
Nil iuidtuni remanebit. Nought can pass unpunish'd here.
: ;: ; ; ; ;
!: ; ;


Quiii sum miser tunc dicturus ? What shall guilty I then plead ?
Quem patronum ro;^aturus V Who for me will intercede,
Cura vix Justus sitsecurus. When e'en saints shall comfort

Rex tremendfe majestatis. King of dreadful majesty,

Qui salvandos salvas gratis, Who dost freely justii'y.
Salva me, fons pietatis! Fount of pity save thou me

Recordare Jesu pie. Recollect, O Love divine,

Quod sum causa tna3 viae, 'Twas for this lost sheep of tb.iue
Thou thy glory didst resign
Ne me pei-das ilia die.
Quaerens me sedisti lassus, Safest wearied seeking me
Redemisti crucem passus: Sufferedst upon the tree
Tautus labor non sit cassus. Let not vain thy labour be.

Juste Judex ultionis, Judge of justice, hear my prayer

Donum fac remissionis Spare me, Lord, in mercy spare ;

Ante diem rationis. Ere the reckoning-day appear.

In-emisco tanquam reus. Lo, thy gracious face I seek
Culpa rubet vultus meus, Shame and grief are on my
Supplicanti parceDeus. Sighs and tears my sorrow speak.

Qui Mariam absolvisti, Thou didst Mary's guilt forgive ;

Et latrouem exaudisti, Didst the dying thief receive ;

Mihi quoque spem dedisti. Hence doth" hope within me live.

Preces mess non sunt digiiae. Worthless are my prayers, I

Sed tu bonus fac benigne, Yet, oh, cause me not to go
Xe perenui cremer igue. Into everlasting woe.

Inter oves locum prassta, Sever'd from the guilty band.

Et ab hoedis me sequestra. Make me with thy sheep to stand,
Statuens iu parte dextra. Placing me on thy right hand.

Confutatis maledictis, When the cursed in anguish

Flammis acribus addicti«, Into flames of misery
Voca me cum benedictis. With the blest then call thou

Oro snpplex et acclinis, Suppliant in the dust I lie

Cor contritum quasi ciuis My heart a cinder, crush'd and
Gere curam mei finis. Help me. Lord, when death is
Lacrymosa dies ilia, Full of tears, and full of dread,
Qua iesurgrot ex farlUa Is the day that wakes the dead,
Judicandus homo reus. Callingr nil with solemn blast,
Huic ergo parce Deus; From the ashes of the past.
Pie Jesu Douiine, Lord oi mercy, Jcsu blest.
Dona eis requiem. Grant the faithful light and rest.
Amen. Amen.

A- thou liadst been here, my brother had not

died. But now, also, I know that whatsoever thou
wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. Jesus saith
to her : Thy br{ ther shall rise a^ain, Martha saith
to him ; I know that he shall rise again in the resur-
rectiou at the last day. Jesus said to hi-r 1 am the :

resurrection and the he that beiievcth in me,

life ;

although he be dead, shall Jive. And everyone that

liveth, and believeth in me, shall not die for ever.
Believest thou tliis ? She sr'th to him Yea, Lord, :

I have believed that thou ait Christ, the Son of the

living God, who art come into this world." St. John
xi. 21-27.
Or say :

"rXLIGHTEN" me, O me what

Lord, and tea^h
-L-^ I must do, that 1 may not be confounded with
tl.ose who have shut their eyes to the light of thy
Gospel. Look down compassionately upon me, and
vouchsafe, O most merciful Jesus, to pronounce that
sentence in my behalf Thy sins are forgiven thee.

And let the faithful departed, for whom I pray, hear

those words of joy which thou utteredst on the cross
to the penitent thief this day thou shall he with me in

paradise. I know that I am not worthy that thou


shouidst hear me. We iiiust

pay that which we owe
to thy justice. We must return to the dust from
whence we came. We must be purified by fire be-
fore we can enjoy thy presence. But, Ix>rd, thy
mercies are greater than our sins ; we shall say to
thee with the Psalmist thy hands de-
: My lot is hi ;

liver me out of the hands of my enemies, and from

them that persecute me. Make thy face to shine
upon tliy servant save me in thy mercy. Let me

not be confounded, O Lord, for I have called upon



DOMINE Jesu Christe, IORD Jesus Christ,

1 1 ex glorise, libera -^ King of Glory, deliver
animas omnium fidelium the souls of all the faith-
def unctorum de peenis in- from the ful departed
ferni, et de prof undo lacu: pains of hell, and from
libera eas de ore leonis, ne the deep pit deliver them :

"bsorbeat eas tartarus, ne from the lion's mouth,

cadant in obscurum sed lest hell swallow them up,

sionifer sanctus Michael lest thev fall into dark-

repraesentet eas in lucem ness: andletthestandard-
sanctam * quam: olim bearei-, St. Michael, bring
Abrahse promisisti, et se- them into the holy light :*

mini ejus. V. Hostias et as thou didst promise of

preces tibi, Domine, laudis old to Abraham and to his
offerimus tu suscipe pro
: seed. V. A^'e offer thee,
animabusillis,quarumho- O Lord, a sacrifice of
die memoriam fRcimus praise and prayers accept : :

fac eas, Domine, demorte them on behalf of thesouls



tmiisire ad vitam. *Quani, we commemorate this day;

etc. and make them pass. O
Lord, from death to life.
* As, &c.
WILL go down. O just Judge of the living and the
I dead, 1 will go down in spirit to that dread place
where thy hand is heas-y on thy children, the heirs
of thy glory. There I will sigh and lament, I will
unite my prayers to the sacrifice of thy dear Son, that
thou may est shorten their pains, aud change their
sufferings mto consolation, their humiliation into
glory. Lord, in the giief that oppresses them, their
souls cry unto thee. Have mercy on me, for I
acknowledge that 1 have sinned in thy sight. One
thing have asked
t of thee, this shall 1 seek after
that 1 may
dwell in thy house for ever, to behold the
fair beauty of thy temple. I believe verily to see
thy face in the land of the living.


is and reasonable, right and salutary, to give
thee thanks at all times and in all places. Father
Almighty, Eternal God, through Jesus Christ, our
Lord: through whom thou hast given us the hope
of a blessed resurrection, to the end that, if the
recollection of the sentence of death passed upon all
men comes to sadden us, the promise of immortality
may encourage and console our faith for to those ;

who are faithful to thee, O Lord, to die is to lose a

mortal life to pass into a better, and when tliis their

earthly tabernacle is dissolved, they obtain one in

the heavens. Avhich shall endure eternally. And
therefore, with all the heavenly host, we sing a hymn
to thy glory, saying without ceasing Holy, holy, :

holy, Lord God of Sabaoth heaven and earth ai^e ;

full of thy glory. Blessed is he that corneth in the

name of the Lord his blood cries aloud for pardon,

raid its voice reacheth oven to the throne of mercy.


ALMIGHTY God, whose providence extendcth
over all thy creatures, for thou art their Father,
cast an eye of pity on the souls that love thee, and
whose bitterest pain it is to be separated from
thee. Remember, O my God, that they are the
work of thy hands, and the price of the sufferings,
the death, and the infinite merits of thy divine
Son Jesus. Wilt thou not relent towards them
for his name's sake ? We offer thee, on their behalf,
the precious blood which was shed for them on the
cross the powerf id intercession of the blessed Virgin

Mary, of St. Joseph, St. Peter, and St. Paul, and all the
Saints the humble supplications of thy Church, and

the prayersand meritorious works of all the faithful.

Having this confidence, we hope all from thy mercy,
O my God, for the souls which were dear unto us,
and which thou hast made it our duty to love and
succour. Let thy paternal tenderness disarm at
length thy justice. Open to them thy heart mani-;

fest to them thy glory ; show thyself to them as

thou art, and let flow into their souls that toiTeut of
delights of which thou art the everlasting source.


OHOLY Victim, immolated for the salvation of

the world, listen favomably to o^ir prayers, O
precious Blood of oiir Saviom\ shed to take away
our sins, sanctify us, and cry for mercy on the souls
of the faithful departed.


JESUS, who didst go down into Limbo to de-
liver thence the souls of the patriarchs and
prophets who awaited thy coming, visit the souls of
thy servants m their place of suffering. Modeiate,
with the dew of thy grace, the heat of the furnace in
which they are tried. Thou hast said that thou wilt
consider as done unto thyself, the least good which
we shall do unto our brethren I may hope then,

that the relief which I shall procure for the souls of

the faitliful will be as acceptable to thee as if I had
procured it for thyself. Cease from thy anger, O
my God, through the intercession of Her who is the
comfortress of the afflicted, and throuah the prayers
of all the heavenly host, who plead for the blessed-
ness of the souls in purgatory. Grant, I beseech
thee, eternal rest to these our brethren on whose
behalf we prostrate ourselves before thee.

JESUS, O thou at whose name every knee doth
bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth ;

O thou who art the sovereign Judge of the living

and the dead, let thy name be hallowed by the

deliverance of the souls for whom we

Let thepray.
gate of thy tabernacles be opened to them, and thy
will to save them be done this day. Grant that,
after ha\ang oaten the bread of affliction, they may be
nourished with the living bread, which is the fruition
of thyself. We beseech thee in thy mercy to forgive
the sins of ow parents^ friends, and benefactors^ ,

and the sins which we have caused them to commit,

that thou mayest not impute the guilt to them in
the rigour of thy justice. Preserve us from those
avenging flames, v/liich, alas! we have too justly
merited by the abuse of thy graces, our tepidity in
thy service, and om- mifaithfulness in resisting temp-
tation. Deliver us from sin, the greatest of all evils.
We know that it is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God.


0.JESUS. hoY/ great is the love which led thee to
offer thyself, as a lamb to the sacrifice, for the
expiation of the sins of the world ! Vf hat tongue can
v/orthily extol that charity which leads thee to become
surety for om* debts, even after our death ! What
ought not our gratitude to be for so great a benefit I

Lamb of God, who, by thy death, didst overcome

the roaring lion that goeth about seeking whom he
may devour, have mercy on the faithful departed.
Lamb without spot, who wast immolated to the
justice of thy divine Father, to the end that he might
forgive us om* sins, have mercy on those who have
'lied united by love to thy Sacred Heart.

Lamb of God, who wast offered in sacrifice, that

thou mightest lead us out of this land of perdition
to the true land of promise thou who hast said 1
; :

am the resurrection and the life ; he that believeth in me,

although he be dtad, shall lice — give to the souls of
the faithful departed that life, the principle of which
was impai'ted to them by the grace of the holy sacra-
ments bestow upon them the happiness of which

they have so often received the precious pledge in

thy heavenly banquet. I desire to have part therein
(spiritually), that I may obtain for them, as much as
in me lies, the society of thine elect for ever 1 offer ;

to thee on their behalf, and especially for N., all the

devotions and good works wliich I may be enabled
to perform. Despise not my humble prayer but be ;

thou thyseK my consolation in my loss, and grant

relief to those soids which were so dear to me, and
especially N.

LET shine upon them, O Lord, thy eternal light,

that they may

dwell for ever with thy saints :

grant this favour to them, I beseech thee, O God of


OMY God, who hast constituted prayer for the

souls in purgatory one of the most essential

of om- duties, grant that I may find, in thy infinite

merits and chai^ity, the pardon of all my past tepidity

and sloth. Let the remembrance of thy justice, ;

which keeps them fast bound in prison for faults |


which I myself so commonly commit, excite in me a

firm resolution of entering on the way of j^enance to
expiate my sins, and cause me to walk with more
circumspection, that I may not relapse into my
former errors. I will no longer delay to do penance.
Henceforth I will labour thereat whilst there is yet
time. 1 will pray most humbly for the souls of the
faithful departed I will deprive myself even of

allowable pleasures and enjoyments, to quench the

flames in which they suffer I will pour my alms into

the lap of the poor, to make interest on their behalf.

Bless these resolutions, O my God, and grant me
grace to fulfil them.
t ^T KNOW that my Eedeemer liveth, and in the
A last day I shall rise out of the earth, and I shall
be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I
shall see my God, my Saviour my eyes shall behold

him this my hope is laid up in my bosom." (Job


" i will look towards the Lord, I will wait for God
my Saviour ; my God will hear my voice. I shall
arise when I sit in darkness, the Lord is my light. . . .

He will bring me forth into the light, 1 shall behold

his justice." {Mich. vii. 7-9.)


(St Gertrude.)

LOOK down, O Father of compassion, from thy high

and holy seat upon the hapless souls detained

in purgatory. Look upon all the pains and torments

wherewith they are so piteously chastised regard ]iow ;

the plaintive groans and tears which they pour forth

imto thee hear the prayers and the supplications

wherewith they entreat thy mercy, and be merciful

unto their sins. Remember, O most compassionate
Father, all the suif erings which thy Son hath endured
for them remember his precious Blood, shed in such

abundance for them call to mind the most bitter


death which he suffered for them, and have mercy on

them. For all the sins they have ever committed
against thee I offer thee the most holy life and con-
versation of thy most beloved Son for all their neg-

ligences I offer thee his most fervent desires towards

thee ; for all their omissions I offer thee the great
abundance of his merits ; for their every uisult and
wrong to thee I offer thee the sweet submission with
which he honoured thee. Finally, for all the chas-
tisements which they have ever incmTed I offer thee
all the mortifications, fastings, watchings, the laboiurs
and afflictions, wounds and stripes, passion and death,
which he endured in such spotless innocence and with
such loving eagerness beseeching thee now to suffer

tliy anger to be appeased towards them, and to lead

them forth into everlasting joy. Amen.
[ 95 ]

^ I3^ii0ut iJldlj0tr oi ^raring JJtass,

Commemorating the Mysteries of the Passion,


DIVINE Jesus I sacred Victim, immolated for
the redemption of mankind I ! earnestly beseech
thee that I may assist at this adorable sacrifice with
the most lively faith, animated hope, unbounded
gratitude, and tender love. Permit me to follow
thee in spirit through the different stages of thy
sacred passion, and give me an abundant share of
that infinite charity which induced thee to suffer such
excessive torments for my sake.
With the daughters of Sion, who met thee carrying
tJiy cross, and thy blessed Mother, who saw thee
expire for our salvation, I desire to compassionate
thy sufferings, and to detest sin, as the only sove-
reign evil. I offer this divine sacrifice to com-
memorate in a special manner thy dolorous passion,
and to obtain through its efficacious merits the grace
of true and sincere devotion towards thy life-giving
sufferings and death.


The priest goin^ from the sacristy to the altar, represents Jesus
Christ retiring from the Cenacle 'to the Garden of Gethsemani,
Unite your sentiments with the divine disposition of the Son of
Got, and dispose yourself by sincere repentance to assist wortiiily
Tt the great sacrifice about to be offered.

DIVINE Lord in the multitude of thy mercies


I will enter thy house, and adore thee in thy

96 A np:vouT method
holy temple. Though ray sius are multiplied beyond
number, yet I will appeal to thy unbounded mercies.
which far exceed my malice, or the extent of my
ingratitude. I will confide in the sufferings of my
Redeemer, and hope, through his infinite merits, to
find grace and salvation. O dear Jesus thou who :

hast washed me heretofore in the laver of baptism,

wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me
from my sin sprinkle me with thy blood, and I

shall be cleansed wash me, and 1 shall e made


whiter than snow.

Wh. n the priest i;o>vs unci ki.iSk.-s the altc-ir. cont. mplate our
divine Lord prostrate before his heavenly Father. loaded with the
sins of mankind, and bathed in blood through excess of sorrov.-.
Reflect on the anguish -which the treacherous kiss of Judas caust^d
our divine Redeemer,

OGOOD Jesus ! I fervently bless rhee, for all thou

hast done and suffered for my salvation. Give
me grace to weep over those sins which drew streams
of blood from thy sacred veins, I desire to com-
memorate with the most lively and humble contrition,
thy agony in the garden, and T firmly resolve to
detest my sins to the latest moment of my life.

Pierce my soul with grief, for havJiig repaid thy

goodness with ingratitude, and let me frequently cry
out with the humble publican O God be merciful
: !

to me a sinner. May those bonds whJch confined

thy sacred hands, burst the fetters of my sins, and
restore me to the sweet liberty of thy children. I

cast myself at thy sacred feet, and conjm'e thee to



strengthen me by
thy all-powerful grace, that under
every trial and [ may submit cheerfully to
the decrees of thy adorable Providence, and never
cease to bless thy holy name.


The Kyrie eleison is repeated three times to honoui- the adorable
Trinity ; it may also serve to remind you of the denials of
St. Peter, and excite the deepest regret for your much more
frequent denials of so good a Master. At the Gloria in ercehis,
reflect on the miraculous conversions Avhich sigmilised the public
life of Jesus Christ, and beg that one benign glance may convert
and penetrate your soul, as it did that of St. Peter.

OMY Godmercyhave pardon

mercy on me,

me, who have

according to thy
so often

had the misfortune of denying thee, by a life alto-

gether opposite to thy sacred maxims. Look on me,
divine Jesus, with that compassion and tenderness
which the sight of misery always excited in thy most
amiable heart. Purify me, as thou didst thy penitent
apostle, that I may worthily unite with thy Church
in celebrating the wonderful work of man's redemp-
tion. O how fervently should I join in thy praises,
juost amiable Jesus How ardently should I sing,

Glory be to God on high, glory be to that adorable

I]eing, who, forgetful of his own glory, underwent
for my sake such prodigious humiliations O my !

sovereign King my di\ane and adorable ]\lodel


since thou wert pleased to descend so low as my frail

nature, grant that I may place all my glory, honour,
and happiness, in sharing thy humiliations, and
carrying thy cross.

When the Priest goes from the middle of the altar to the Epistle
side, and thence to the Gospel side, represent to yourself the eternal
Son of God. dragged about to the different tribunals of Ann:is,
Calphas, Pilate, and Herod and vrheii you stand to hear the Gospel,

remember that it is the word of Him, who alone has the words of
eternal life; of Him, who came from heaven to instruct you, and who,
for your sake, confirmed his doctruieby shedding his precious blood.

OETERXAL God! unerring Truth! whose

sacredword I am so happy as to hear, penetrate
my heart by the influence of thy grace, that I may
not hear it to my eternal reprobation, like the Jews
who so long and so fruitlessly listened to thy sacred
maxims. O spotless Lamb of God while thy judges

proclaim thee an impostor,! rise without fear or shame

to declare in the face of heaven and earth, that I
believe thee to be Christ, the Son of the living God,
and that I most unreservedly assent to all and every
article proposed by thy holy Church to my belief.
But,O divine Lord give me grace to profess my faith

by my actions as well as by my words. Have mercy on

who are involved in the dreadful night of infidelity;

may the light of thy grace shine upon them, and so

penetrate their hearts, that they ma.y embrace the truth,
and be united to the communion of the holy Church.
AVheu the priest unveils the chalice, and offers the bread and
wine, contemplate your merciful Redeemer, stripped of his gar-
ments, bound to a pillar, and cruelly scourged; offer yourself, in
union with the sacrifice he then offered of his precious blood, aud
which he renews on the altar.

ADORABLE Jesus when I reflect on the tor-


ments thou didst endure when fastened to the

pillar, I begin to conceive the enormity of sin, and

the immense extent of thy eternal love. I behold

in thy wounds the greatness of my ingratitude, and
the depth of the misery to which I am reduced.
But, O Lord ! how happy am I, in being able to
present thee, at this moment, a victim of thanksgiving
and atonement, fully proportioned to, or rather far
exceeding, the magnitude of my obligation, and the
multitude ofmy crimes. I offer thee the streams of
blood that flowed from thy sacred body during thy
ignominious scourging, and also the bread and wine
which is now presented to thy divine Majesty,
Accept, in miion with this precious oblation, my
body and soul, my thoughts, words, desires, affections,
and sufferings in fine, my whole being, that hence-

forward I may be entirely thine by the bonds &f

ardent charity.
When the priest washes his hands, call to mind the testimony
•which Pilate gave to the innocence of Jesiis Christ; and at the
Orate fratres adore your Saviour, exhibited to the people as a mock
kins'. Prostrate yourself in spirit before your Sovereign Lord, and
pour out at his sacred feet the grateful effusions of your compassion
and love.

OMOST adorable Blood! which flowed as a remedy

for all human woes, I beseech thee to wash,
purify, and sanctify my sinful soul, that I may, with
a pure and upright conscience, assist at these awful
mysteries. I cannot, O my God presume to wash !

my hands among the innocent, for alas I have !

been long since excluded from the happy few who

never offended thee; but, at least, I can claim a
privilege not reserved to the innocent alone, but

mercifully o-raiited even to the most

I can guilty.
v.ash my hands, my heart, my
thy precious
soul, in
blood. I can cast myself on thy di\nne mercy, with
a firm resolution, rather to die, than to offend thee
daring the remainder of my life. O King of my
soul I acknowledge thee for
my sole and sovereign
Lord. O
Jesus! 1 implore, by the sorrow and agony
of heart thou didst endure when Barabbas was pre-
ferred to thee, that thou wouldst preserve me from
ever preferring any created object to thy friendship
and favour. By thy ignominious clothing with a purple
garment, I entreat thee to give me a garment of
justice, whenl shall appear before thy dread tribunal^
and 1 fervently conjure thee, that through thy infinite
mercy and the merits of thy thorny crown I may
hereafter obtain a crown of immortal glory.
The praying some time in secret before the Pre/ace, repre-
sents and commemorates the admirable silence observed by Jesus
Christ in the course of his sacred passion. Do you now address
your divine Lord in the secret of your heart represent to him all

your spiritual necessities; implore an application of his infinite

merits to the wounds of your soul, and >vhen the priest raises his
voice to recite the Preface, do you redouble your fervour, and join
in spirit with the Church militant, triumphant, and suffering, in
praising and magnifying that ivine Lamb who was slain for the

health and life of his own creatures.

DIVINE Searcher of hearts! from whom no-

thing is hidden, since thou desirest so ardently
to establish thy reign in my soul, permit me to repre-
sent to thee and all the obstacles
its miseries,
which unfortunately oppose the sweet empire of
thy love in my heart. O Lord, thou needest not


my representations to discern iiiy wants. 1 am too

insensible to feel ray luiseries as 1 onglit — too
weak to call loudly on thy mercy — too guilty to
deseive beiDg heard. I^et my silence then speak, O
most merciful saviour ! let my multiplied miseries
plead on my behalf. Thou
wilt not be deaf to their
eloquent supplications: and surely, my God! thou
needest but consult thy own sacred heart, and that
infinite love which brings tiiee daily on our altars,
to tind motives for granting pardon and mercy to
tlie most unworthy thy creatures. O blessed
spirits of heaven holy and happy saints of God

v;'ho, in the mirror of his adorable sanctity, behold

the enormity of sin, supply for me, who am un-

worthy to join Avith tiie Church in celebrating his
praise and magnifying his goodness.

Let tho \i)W voice in wliich the Cojton is read, iciuiml yon ot
tiuit niouniiny and consternation -which amazed and silenced ail
natuie at the sufferings of Jesus Christ; and when the priest
spreads liis hands over the oblation, iiiaking the sign of the cross,
ciili to wind the torments our divine Redeemer endured when
fastened to the cross.

OMY God,
on the number and
1 reflect
sins, 1 am
sensible that I have
no claim to a share in those precious graces which
thou hast died to purchase for thy creatures but ;

v/hen I contemplate that cross on which thou didst

agonise when I tarn my eyes on this altar, tJiis
new Calvary, on which thou art about to descend,
and again offer thyself for my salvation, I feel


conyiiiced that thou wilt always be to me a Jesus,
a Saviour. whole being,
Accept, therefore, of my
in union with the sacred oblation I am about to
offer. Piu'ify my sinful soul in those streams of
blood which gushed from thy adorable woimds, and
wliich will soon flow on this altar. Grant to us all,
through its efficacious merits, the grace to practise
what thy holy law commands, and to avoid what it
prohibits. Extend the blessings of peace and unity
to thy Church repentance and pardon to all sinners;

comfort to the sick, the dying, and the afflicted

in a word, mercy and eternal happiness to all, since
for all, di^-ine Victim thou didst shed thy adorable

and saving blood. I particularly implore tliy precious

graces, O my God, for those for whom I am bomid

to pray those who have recommended themselves
to my prayers— who pray for me, or wlio, at this
moment, may specially want thy divine assistance.
O may this adorable and august sacrifice be received
by thy Divine Majesty as was the victim which Christ
offered in his own person on the altar of the cross.

At the E'evatioii of the sacred host and chiilice, reflect on the panics
which Jesus endured, when, Hfted up between heaven and earth,
his precious blood flowed abundantly for the remission of your sins,
for the conversion of the world, and of his greatest enemies. Let
the first-fruit of his ci-oss and passion, applied to the penitent thief
on the cross, encourage you to recur confidently to his mercies, and
to hope that his infinite love will one day assign you likewise a place
in Paradise.

AIL, O King
H Sa^-iour of the
of Glory

Prince of I'eace
Hail, O


Victim! sacrificed for me and all mankind on the

altar of the cross. I bless thee, I adore thee, I love
thee, O cHvine Jesus ! and T ardently invite the whole
universe to join in praising and blessing thy holy
name. O bleeding and adorable Victim of my sins !

why have I not the faith, the love, the anguish which
penetrated the hearts of those who beheld thy sacred
blood flow from thy precious wounds ? Hear, O
eternal God the voice of this blood, which cries

loudly, not for vengeance, but for pardon and mercy.

O let it plead powerfully on my behalf let it blot
! ;

out my sins, cleanse every stain from my soul,

and render me pm^e and pleasing in thy sight.


BEHOLD, O Almighty and all-gracious God thy !

Son Jesus, in whom thou art well pleased. Look

upon the face of thy Christ and my Saviour, here
present look upon this spotless Lamb, this adorable

victim, this pure holocaust of obedience, humbled to

the ignominious death of the cross Behold in him
what may move thee to look upon us with an eye of
mercy and compassion. He is our High Friest,
sprinkled with his own blood. Receive the sacrifice
he has offered for us, in consideration of the honour
and homage that are due to thy sovereign goodness
from me and all creatures. Extend, O compassionate
Creator 1 its efficacious virtue to the souls of the
faithful departed, and grant them rest and life ever-
lasting, particularly to iV.iV. : deign to mitigate their

punishment, and translate them to that place of

glory for which they are destined. Thou didst once
promise that, looking on the rainbow, thou wouldst
remember the covenant made between thee and the
Patriarch Noe {Gen. canst thou then look on
ix.) :

the blood of thy beloved Son Jesus, offered to thee

in sacrifice, without remembering the great covenant
of the New Law. sealed and confirmed with the effu-
sion of his sacred blood ?
O dearest Jesus ! why cannot I love thee as thy
goodness deserves ? The more thou hast humbled
thyself for my sake, the more I am bound to love
thee, and spend my life in thy service. Remember
thou hast purchased my soul at a dear rate O let ;

not thy blood be lost or shed in vain, but receive me

into the number of thy elect. I detest my sins,
which were the cause of thy sufferings alas they ; !

were the nails that pierced thy hands and feet, and
fastened thee to an ignominious cross. O who will
give sorrow to my heart, and a fountain of tears to
my eyes, that I may bewail them in the bitterness of my
soul all the days of my life, and thus, at the hour of
death, be entitled to hear those consolatory words
addressed to the penitent thief : This day shalt thou
he with me in Paradise. I acknowledge, that I do not
deserve to be ranked among the number of thy
children ;
yet, in obedience to thy precept, and with
profound veneration for thy sacred words, 1 will
presume to say that heavenly prayer which thou hast
tauglit me : Oki- Father, ^x.


When the priest s.iys the A(/»u.< Dei. rcllt'Ct on the nuracnious
change of heart wrought in the Centurinii ami other witn -sstS of
the death of Jesus Cl'irist. and be careful, as far as it depiuils on
you, not to depart from tliis new Calvary Avithout particiiinting in
their holy dispositions.

OIXXOCENT Lamb of God wlio takest away


tlie sins of the world, have mercy ou me, for thy

peculiarand distinguishing property is infinite mercy.
Give to my
heart the sorrow and repentance of tliose
wlio mourned thy cruel death, and teach me, like
them, to place all my hopes in thee, and to love and
seek thee as my only sovereign Good. I most
humbly beseech thee, by all the anguish^ thou didst
endm-L' during the course of thy passion, especially
at the separation of thy sacred soul from thy body,
that thou wouldst have mercy and compassion on
me, Avhen I shall be on the point of appeiiring before
thy dread tribunal. Let thy passion and death then
interpose between my soul and the rigours of thy
justice. Ah v/hile 1 yet sojourn in this valley of

tears, let the remembrance of thy bitter draught of

vinegar and gall preserve me from delighting in the
false pleasures of this world, and let thy burning
thirst upon the cross make me thirst only after the
enjoyment of thy presence. May the recollection of
thy saving death penetrate my sovd with such lively
gratitude, that from this moment I may place all my
happiness in loving and serving thee, my only joy
and sovereign felicity.
The Priest's Communion i-eprcsents the burial of Jesus Christ's
sacred body wlien it was taken from the cross; and the coverinir of
the chalice is a figure of tlie sepulchre shut up. and covered with a
stone. This is the time peculiarly adapted to invite our Lord by
a spiritual communion to repose in your heart, and to honour it
frequently by his sacramental presence, or habitually by the in-
fluence of his holy grace.

OMY God ! how

can I reflect on the happiness
approach worthily to the holy-
of those Avho
Eucharist, without ardently desiring to enjoy the like
blessing ? how can I assist at this adorable sacrifice,
without regretting the sins and miseries which justly
deter me from recei^'ing thee sacramentally. I am not
worthy, O infinite pimty ! to lodge thee in my heart ;

1 amnot worthy to share in the happiness of those

who now eajoy thy sacramental presence. But, Lord !

though 1 cannot miite myself to thee really, yet I am

not forbidden to do so in spirit and desire. I believe
most firmly that thou art present in this sacred host ;

I hope in that infinite mercy which detains thee there-

in and I ardently love and desire to receive thee,

notwithstanding my unworthiness. I unite in the

adoration, love, humility, and fervour of all who this
day received thee throughout the universe, with the
most perfect dispositions and I earnestly beg of

rhee, by that tender love which induces thee to give

thyself to thy creatm-es, to accept of every thought,
word, and action, from this to my next communion,
as so many acts of love, desire, and preparation to
receive thee and I earnestly conjure thee to crown

thy blessings by the inestimable grace of a worthy


communion at the hour of my death.



Tlic last Collects reprosent the apparitions and instructions of
Josus Christ to his Apostles and Disciples after his resurrection:
and the Priest's Blessing denotes that parting benediction given by
our divine Lord, when ascending into heaven. Remember, when
the last Gospel is being read at the left side of the altar, that Jesus
Christ did not come to call the just but sinners to repentance, and
that his infinite mercy in thus daily on oitr altars the
Sacrifice of the Cross, should animate even the most guilty to
recur with confidence to his infinite goodness and abundant
BLESSED Redeemer who ! coming forth from
the grave didst rise triumphant over death, I
jDraise and glorify thee for all thy mercies, and in
particular for having conversed so long with thy
apostles, and confirmed them in that saving faith,
which they were destined to transmit to succeeding
ages. O how shall I thank thee for the inestimable

advantage of having beheld thee sacrificed on this

altar, and for having thereby participated in the
abundant merits of thy passion and death. Let me
not depart from this sanctuary without those senti-
ments of piety, and that spiritual strength for the
amendment of my life, which may be always drawn
from this adorable sacrifice. Pardon, O Lord my !

distractions and irreverences. Engrave on my heart

the remembrance of thy sufferings, that I may hence-
forward glory only in Jesus Christ, and in him
crucified. Teach me to follow thy divine example,
that rising with thee to a new life, I may, through
thy powerful grace, advance daily and hourly in
virtue, and at length attain to the unlimited and
eternal enjoyment of thee, my God and my All in !

the kingdom of thy glory. Amen

[ 108 ]

|lntiulgntrr& Briiotious for ittass.

From the heginning of Mass to the Gospel.

Ill the name of the \^ Father, and of the Son, and

of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
MY God, holy
1 am now
sacrifice of
aliout to assist at the
the Mass. With my
heart and soul, I beg of thee the proper dispositions
to perionn -well this sacred duty.
Holy Mary, pray for me.
St. Joseph, St. Dominic, all ye holy saints and
angels, intercede for me.
Eternal Father, I offer to thee the sacrifice wliicli

thy beloved Son Jesus made of liimself upon tlie

cross, and which he now renews u^Don this altar ; I

offer it to thee in the name of all creatures, together
with the masses which have been celebrated, and
which shall be celebrated in the whole world, in
order to adore thee, and to give thee the honour
which thou dost deserve to render to thee due

thanks for thy innumerable benefits, to appease thy

anger for our sins, and to give thee due Siitisfaction
for them ; to entreat thee also for myself, for the
Church, for the whole world, and for the blessed
souls in pm-gatory. Amen.
I. We offer to the most holv Triiritv. the n!erir>;

of Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for the most precious

bjood, whicli Jesus shed in the garden for us and

tlu'ough his merits we implore of the divine Majesty

the pardon of our sins.
< )ur Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
II. We offer to the most holy Trinity, the merits
of Jesus (Jhrist, in thanksgiving for his most precious
death, suffered for us upon the Cross ; and through
Iris merits we implore of the di\ane Majesty the
remission of the pujiishment due to our sins.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
offer to the most holy Trinity, the merits of
Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for his ineffable charity
incoming down from heaven to take human flesh on
earth,and to suffer and die for us upon the Cross,
and through his merits to implore the divine Majesty
to conduct our souls after death to celestial glory.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.
Father, O Son, O Holy Ghost O most sacred !

Trinity ! O Jesus ! O Mary ! ye blessed angels, all

ye saints of heaven, obtain for me the graces v/hich I

irk. through the most precious blood of Jesus Christ.

1. To do always the will of God: 2. To be

always with God. 8. To think of no other but God.

4. To love God alone. 5. To do all for God.

G. To seek only the glory of God. To become 7.

holy only for God. 8. To know well my own

nothingness. 9. To know more and more the will

of my God. 10. And to [here mention some par-

tirular pious petit ion.


Most holy Mary, offer to the Eternal Father the

most precious blood of Jesus Christ for my soul, for
the holy souls in purgatory, for the wants of the
holy Catholic Church, for the conversion of sinners,
and for the wliole world.
Tlien recite Glory be to the Father, &c., three times

to the most precious blood of Jesus Christy the Hail Mary

once to the dolorous Vircjin Man/, and the versicle,

Eternal rest grant them, O Lord, and let per-

petual light shine unto them, /or tlie suffering souls
in purgatory.
DELIVER us, we beseech thee, O Lord! in thy
clemency, from the chains of our sins, and
protect us thy servants, and our dwellings in all
holiness, by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, ^Mother of God, of thy Blessed Apostles.
Peter and Paul, and of all the saints; cleanse from
iniquity all our relations and friends, and adorn them
with virtues grant us peace and health, and pre-

serve us from our enemies, visible and invisible

drive away carnal desires, give healthful temperature
to the air we breathe, grant us charity towards both
friends and enemies. Protect thy city preserve our

chief Pontiff [jiame hiiix] ;

defend from every adver-
sity all prelates and princes, and the whole Christian
people. May thy blessing be always upon us, and
grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, through
Christ our Lord. Amen.


From the Gospel to the Elevation.



IN.jDower desirous
N., to make the best return in my
for thy benefits, and the most ample
atonement for my transgressions, give thee my
heart, and consecrate my whole being to thee, O
amiable Jesus and I purpose, with the assistance of

thy grace, never more to offend thee.

OMOST holy Virgin, Mother of the Word Incar-
nate, depository of graces, and refuge of us
miserable sinners ! we have recourse to thy maternal
love with a lively faith, and we ask the grace to do
always the will of God and thine. We resign our-
selves intothy most sacred hands, and beg of thee
to save us soul and body. We confidently hope
that thou, O most loving Mother wilt graciously !

hear and therefore with a lively faith we say


Hail Mary, three times.

PROTECT, we beseech thee, O Lord thy servants !

from every frailty, by the intercession of the

Blessed Virgin Mary and while we prostrate our-

selves before thee with our whole hearts, mercifully

preserve us from the snares of our enemies, through
Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation.



OLORD Jesus Christ who. to i-edeem the world


from the slavery of hell, woulrlst be born amongst

us passible and mortal, didst suifer thyself to be
circumcised, to be reproved and persecuted by the
Jews, to be betrayed by Judas, thy disciple, with a
sacrik'O-ious kiss, and, as a meek and innocent Lamb,
to be bound with cords, and inhumanly dra^'c^ed to
the tribunals of Annas, Caiphas, I'ilate, and Herod r

didst submit to be accused by false witnesses, torn

with scourpfes, crowned with thorns, struck on the
face, defiled wirh spittle, blindfolded through derision,
insulted in a tliousand ways, outraged, saturated with
reproaches and ignominy ; and, finally, being stripjied
of thy garments, nailed to and elevated on a cross
between two thieves, presented with gall and vinegar
to drink, and pierced with the lance, wouldst con-
summate t!ie great work of our redemption. Oh,
ray most merciful Redeemer by these so many and

so atrocious pains, suffered for love of me, which I,

though unworthy, commemorate, and by thy holy
cross and bitter death, preserve me from the pains of
hell, and vouchsafe to bring me to Paradise, where thou
hast conducted the penitent tiiief, crucified with thee,
my Jesus who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost,

livest and reignest. (rod. world without end. Amen

Then say : Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to
the Father, five thncs.


BLESSED be God. Blessed be his Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be his most
Sacred He.irt. Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy
Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the great Mother
of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and
Immaculate Conception. Blessed be the name of
JNIary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be God in his
Angels and in his Saints.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts; all the
earth is full of thy glory. Glory be to the Father,
glory be to the Son, glory be to the Holy Ghost.

From the Elevation to the Coinyintnion.
At the Elevation of both sacred species, adore Jesus Christ
ill tlie Blessed Sacrament, and saj'

O Sa/rament most holy !

O Sacrament divine !

All praise and all thanksgiving'

Be every moment thine ! Amen.
ETERNAL Father, I offer thee the most precious
Blood of Jesus Christ, in satisfaction for my
sins, and for the wants of the holy Catholic Church.
Dearest Jesus, be not thou my Judge, but my
My Jesus I mercy.
Mary! help.
Jesus, my God, I love thee above all tilings.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.


1. r\ ETERNAL' Father 1 offer thee the merits of

V/ the most precious Blood of Jesus, thy be-

loved Son, and my divine Redeemer, for the propa-
gation and exaltation of my dear mother the Holy
Church, for the safety and prosperity of her visible
head, the holy Roman Pontiff, for the cardinals,
bishops, and pastors of souls, and for all the ministers
of the sanctuary.
r. (rlory be to the Father, and to the Son. and
to the Holy Ghost.
A*. bt-oinniiig, is now, and ever
As it was in the
shall be, world without end. Amen.
Blessed and praised for evermore be Jesus, who
hath saved us with his blood.
2. Eternal Father ! I offer thee the merits of the
most precious Blood of Jesus, thy beloved Son and
my divine Redeemer, for the peace and concord of
kings and catholic princes, for the humiliation of
tlie enemies of the holy faith, and for the happiness

of all christian people.

Glory be to the Father, &c. Blessed and praised,

3. Eternal Father ! 1 offer thee the merits of the

most precious Blood of Jesus, thy beloved Son and
my di\ane Redeemer, for the repentance of un-
believers, the extirpation of all heresies, and the
conversion of sinners.
Glory be to the Father, kc. Blessed and praised,

!Ndulgen;ci:d devotioxs for mass, 115

4. Eterucil Father ! 1 offer tiiee the merits of the

most precious Blood of Jesus, thy beloved Son and
my divine llcdeemer, for all my relations, friends,
and enemies for the poor, the sick, and those in
tribulation, and for ail th6se for whom thou wiliest
I should pray, or knowest that I ought to I3ray.
Glory be to the Father, &c. Blessed and piaised,
/"- ,

6. Eternal Father! I offer thee the merits of the

most precious Blood of Jesus, t'ny beloved Son and
my divine iledeemer, for all those who shall this day
pass to another life, that thou may est deliver them
from the pains of hell, and admit them speedily to
the possession of thy oflory.
Glory be to the Father. &c. Blessed and praised.
6. Eternal Father, I offer thee the merits of the
most precious blood of Jesus, thy beloved Son, and
my divine Eedeemer, for all those who esteem this
great treasure of his sacred Blood, for those who are
united with me in adoring and honouring it, and
finally, for those who endeavour to promote this
holy devotion.
Glory be to the Father, &c. Blessed and praised,
7. Eternal Father, I offer thee the merits of the
most precious Blood of Jesus, thy beloved Son, and
my divine Redeemer, for all my spiritual and tem-
poral wants, for the relief of the holy souls suffering
in purgatory, and especially for those v.'ho have been

most devoted to this price of our redemption, and to

the dolours and sufferings of the Blessed Virgin
Marv, our beloved Mother.
Glory be to the Father, &c. Blessed and praised,
Blessed and exalted be the Blood of Jesus, now
and always, and through all eternity. Amen.

From the Communion to the End of the Mass.


MY God, I am heartily sorry for having oiiended

thee, because by my sins I have offended thy
infinite goodness. I will never offend thee any more.
My God, I believe in thee, because thou art
Truth itself, who neither canst deceive nor be
My God, I hope in thee for grace and for glory,
because thou art infinitely powerful and infinitely
My God, I love thee with all my heart, because
thou art infinitely good, and for thy sake I love my
neighbour as myseK.
O divine Jesus, I am not worthy to receive thee
sacramentaUy, but I beseech thee come at least
spiritually into my heart and unite it so intimately
with thy own, that it may be no more I that live,
but thou that livest in me and reignest in me for
ever. Amen.



BEHOLD, O most loving Jesus ! the wonderful

extent of thy excessive charity. Thou hast
prepared for me and most pre-
of thy sacred flesh
cious blood, a divine banquet, where thou givest
me thyself without reserve. Who has urged thee
to this excess of love ? Assuredly no other than thy
own mDst loving Heart. O adorable Heart of my
Jesus, most ardent furnace of divine love receive !

my soul into thy most sacred wound, in order that

in this school of charityI may learn to make a
return of love to that God who has given me such
admirable proofs of his love.



ETERNAL Father, I offer thee the precious blood

through exceeding love,
of Jesus, shed for us
and with exceeding pain from the wound of his
right hand. Through the merits and virtue of which,
we beseech thy divine Majesty to bestow on us thy
sacred benediction, that by its efficacy we may be
protected from om* enemies, and delivered from
every evil. For this purpose we say May the :

blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, descend upon us, and remain always with us.

Then say: Oiir Father, Hail Mary, fl?<(Z Glory be

to the Father, once, to the most adorable Trinltij. in
(haiil-snicing for all its llessinfis and benefits.

tiirkl; prayers to the b.v.m.

I. ^,1 UST holy Virgin, I venerate tliee with my
i-'-l whole heart above all angels ani saints in
paradise, as the Daughter of the Eternal Father, and
i consecrate to thee my soul with all its powers.
77'^// Mar I/.

II. ^ rOST holy Virgin, I venerate thee with niy

jJJl whole heart above all angels and saints in

paradise, as the Mother of the Only-begotton Son.

and 1 consecrate to thee my body with all its senses.

Had Manj.
J 11. yi
OST holy Vn-gin, I venerate thee with my
llJL -whole heart above all angels and saints in
paradise, as the Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and I
consecrate to thee my heart and all its affections,
praying thee to obtain for me from the ever-blessed
Trinity all that is necess;ny for my salvation.
77f/'7 Mar:i.


Psalm cxxix.

OUT of the depths I have cried to tlieo, O Lord !

Lord, hear my voice.

Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my


If tlioii. () Lord I Avilt mark iiji(|iiities : Lord, who

slial] stand it V

For with thee there is mercif nl forgiveness : and

hj reason of thy law, i have waited for thee. O
My soul hath relied on liis v.ord; my sold hath
hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night, let
Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy, and with
him plentifid redemption.
And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
V. Give them, O Lord, eternal rest.

R. And let perpetual light sliine upon them.

V. May they rest in peace.
7?. Amen.

GOD, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faith-
ful, give to the souls of thy servants departed

the full remission of all their sins, that by means of

pious supplications they may obtain that pardon of
which they have ever been desirous, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
F. Give them, O Lord, eternal rest.
n. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
T'. ]SIay they rest in peace.
Fi. Amen.

[ 1^0 ]

ittetlTDb of ]lssistitt0 at Mnss.


In the first pr.rt, from the Confiteor to the end of the Gospel, you
must discharge your first obiigatioa, ^vliich consists in honouring
the Divine Majesty, to wiiom you undoubtedly owe a tribute of
honour and praise. You must, therefore, humble yourself exceed-
ingly at the thought of your own unworthiness, acknowledging
yourself to be nothing in comparison with the infinite Majesiy
whom you are come to adore, and being careful to let yotir
exterior correspond with the sentiments of your heart, priiy as
follows :

MY God ! I adore thee

the Lord and Master of
and acknowledge thee for
my soul. I confess
that all that I have, and all that I am, come solely
from the hand of thy bounty. But, since thy
sovereign Majesty deserves and demands infinite
honour and homage, and on my part, my extreme
poverty and raiseiy are sacli, tliat I cannot of
myself discharge the debt which 1 owe thee, I offer
thee the humiliation and the homage which thou
receivest from Jesus upon this altar. I prostrate
and humble myself, together with Jeous, before thy
supreme Majesty. I adore thee with the same
humiliations and the same sentiments as my Jesus
does, and 1 rejoice at seeing thee thus infinitely
honoured for me by thy most blessed Son.
Here close your book, and continue to form repeated interior
acts of joy at the infinite lionour which Jesus Christ gives to his
Hternal Father. Repeat also at intervals these or siuiilar words.

YES, my God, I feel tlie greatest satisfaction in

considering the honour vrhich thy Divine
Majesty receives from this holy sacrifice. My joy
and happiness are such as cannot be expressed.

Do not, however, confine yourself to a scrupulous repetition of

the .«amc ivords; hut give free scope to the sonrimeuts Avhich your
devotion may suggest, whilst you are united in a spirit of recol-
lection with vour God.

Tlie second part is from the conclusion of the Gospel to the
Elevation. You are indebted to God for many great and innume-
rable benefits which he has bestowed upon you. Offer him. then,
in thanksgiving this gift of infinite value, the adorable Body and
the precious Blood of Jesus Ciirist. Invite all the angels and
saints of heaven to join you, and for this end pray in the following

OMY God never

I shall
I lovest me' so tenderly, and
love as much
as thou deservest,
thou seest me here before thee laden with numberless
benetrts, which thou hast been pleased to bestow
upon me in time, to say nothing of those which
thou hast in store for me in eternity, I acknowledge
and confess that thy mercies towards me have been,
and are still infinite. Nevertheless I am ready to
discharge the debt, which I owe thee, with the
rigour of strict justice. Receive in payment of
what 1owe, in thanksgi\ang, and as a testimony of
my gratitude, this Divine Blood, this adorable Body,
this pure, holy, and spotless Victim, which 1 present
to thee by the hands of thy minister. This oifering
is certainly more than sufficient to repay thee for
122 :\ir.TiioD of assistixg at mass.

all the benciits thou hast ever bestowed upon me.

This ofFerJiig alone, being of infinite value, is

equivalent to thou hast ever done for me, or


which thou wilt do for nie through all eternity.

O all you angels of the Lord, and all you blessed
citizens of the heavenly Sion, return for me to our
God inimoital thanks and, in gratitude for so

many favours, offer him not only this Mass, but all
the ^Masses \Yhich are now being celebrated in ev^ery
part of the -world, that the tenderness and mercy,
which induce him to load me with his benefits, may
receive a just and that he may be repaid
for the graces -whicii he has ever bestowed upon me,
which he still grants at every instant, and which he
wishes to continue for endless ages.

oil. ^vitll what sweet coinitlaeency will not Goil receive this
testimony of affectionate gratitude, and this offeiing of infinite
value! In order to impress these pions and tender sentiments slill
more uceply nion your heart, invite a.irain the whole court of
heaven to thank God for you, and say within yourself.

OYOU. my holy patrons, and all you celestial

spirits, wiio stand before the throne of the

]\Iost High ! return for me a thou.sand acts of
thanksgiving to the ineffable goodness of my God.
that I may not live and die under the guilt of the
blackest ingratitude. Beseech hiin to accept my
good will, and the sincere desires of my heart but ;

especially conjure him to regard tlie most loving-

thanks which Jesus Christ offers him in my belialf

in tliis holy sacrifice.

During the consecration (wlierein the essence of this holy
sacrifice prlncii>aliy consists) contemplate with the eyes if your
soul Jesus Clu-ist ek'vatt'd upon the cross: bow yourself down to
adore your Saviour, who now becomes present on the altar, first
under the appearance of bread, and then under the appearance of
wine. Malvc a lively act of faith in this great truth, together witli
an act of sincere gratitude to Jesus Christ for all his mercies, and
of sorrow for your sins, begging that your heart, and the hearts of
all his creatures, may be inseparably united t(> him.

In the third part of the Mass, from the Elevation to the
Communion, you must endeavour to discharge the debt which you
have contracted with the Divine Justice, by your lUimberless and
gTii.'VOu- sins Witli this view say with a contrite heart

BEHOLD, O luy God ! a traitor and a perfidious

wretch, who has so repeatedly rebelled against
thee. Alas! filled with confusion, and penetrated
with the most heartfelt grief, I detest and abominate
mj numberless sins, and in atonement for them, I
offer thee Jesus Christ thy Divine Son. He has
undertaken to make satisfaction for me by immo-
lating himself upon this altar. offer thee, there-

fore, all his merits, by presenting to thee the Blood

of this same Jesus, God and man, who has here
vouchsafed to renew, in my behalf, the sacrifice
which he heretofore offered upon the altar of the
cross. And because this divine Jesus, who has
descended for me upon this altar, wishes to become
my mediator and my advocate, and his precious
Blood is soliciting my pardon at thy equitable
tribuiv.l, I unite my voice to that of the Blood
which love has caused to flow from his veins, and I

implore with confidence thy generous mercy, hoping

that it will cover and efface the multitude and enor-
mity of my crimes. The Blood of my Jesus is

calling aloud to thee for mercy, and my contrite and

humble heart unites its feeble voice with it. Ah,
my God, and jSIaster of my heart if my tears are !

incapable of moving thee to mercy, canst thou resist

the voice of the sighs and groans of my Jesus ?

Cannot that mercy, which upon the cross and with

his Blood has signed the redemption of all mankind,
obtain forgiveness for me upon this altar y Yes, I
hope it can through the virtue of this adorable

Blood, thou wilt pardon me all, even the most

iieinous of my crimes; and, on my part, I will daily
strive to wash them away witii penitential tears.

Here close your book, and make in your heart repeated acts of
the most lively and sincere contrition; and, from the interior of
your soul, witliout articulating the words with your lips, say to
your Divine Jesus.

AMIABLE Jesus! give to my eyes the tears of

Peter, to my heart the contrition of Magdalen,
and to my soul the grief of all the saints, who from
sinners have been converted into true penitents,
that by assisting at this mass. I may obtain the
entire pardon of all my sins.

Repeat these acts several time? and thus, through the mediation

of Jesus Christ, you will abundantly repay the debt •nhicli you
have contracted with the Divine Justice by your sin>:.
At the communion of the priest, you must make a spiritual
communion, unless you have the happiness of coramunicatin-r
sacramentally. For this purpose you may recite the following

OMY God ! my heart is

so often offended and insulted thee,

truly afflicted at ha^^ng
who art
my only and my sovereign good, goodness itself,

infinite goodness, and worthy of all the affections

of my soul. My
amiable and adorable Jesus! I
believe that thou art present upon this altar. Yes,
1 believe that the Sacred Host and the Chalice
really contain thy immaculate Body, thy most pre-
cious Blood, thy Soul, and thy Divinity. Thou art
the tenderest of fathers, and I love thee above all

things. Come, then, dear Jesus, and enter into my

heart ;come, and satisfy my desires come, and ;

sanctify my soul. O my sweetest Jesus come !

without delay.

To augment your devotion, figure to your mind, that the

Blessed Virgin, or your angel guardian, or y^our holy patron, comes
to present you with the Sacred Host, and, tenderly embracing
Jesus in your heart, make interiorly and at intervals this short
act of love.

MY above dear Jesus

! I love thee
things, and with
I love thee
the ardour of
my soul. My only hope is in thee. Never suffer
me to have the misfortune to forsake thee.

This spiritual communion is of infinite advantage to the soul.

Oh, how many, by the frequent repetition of this salutary practice
have arrived at the most eminent degree of sanctity !

In the fourth part, from the communion to the conclu.sion, you
must pray for the graces and blessings wliich you want either for
yourself or others; but pray with confidence, under the conviction
that, in offering to the Eternal Father his beloved Son. he will
refuse you notliiu,ar tliat he sees cxiiedicnt for you. Tor this
purpose say witl-. humility:

^ rY God, 1 acknowledge myself unworthy of any

i-^i favour from thee.
I confess, with all sincerity,
niy extreme perfidiousness, and that in consequence
of tlie multitude and enormity of my sins, I do not
de.-orve to he heard. Canst thou
prayer resist the
wliii^hthy adoi;ible Son presents in my behalf upon
this altar, where he offers thee his life and his Blood ?
() God of my heart hear the supplication of Him

who is pleading for me to thy Divine Majesty and :

in consideration of his merits, grant me all the

graces whic'i thou seest necessary for me to succeed

in the great afiair of my
Jesus inspires
me with confidence to beg for the general pardon of
my sins, the grace of loving thee, and of final perse-
verance. Moreover, confiding in the intercession of
my Saviour, i presume to ask for every \-iitue in the
most heroic degree, and the most efficacious help to
become a true saint. 1 ask, also, for the conversion
of all unbelievers and sinners, and especially of such
as are united to mc by the ties of kindred. 1 con-
jure thee to grant the deliverance, not only of one
but of all those poor souls who are now suffering in
purgatory. Convert, O Lord all those souls whom !

thou hast created after thy own image, and who arc
spread over the face of the earth, that this miserable
and sinful world may be changed into a paradise of
delights for thy ])i\nne Majesty that nil our hearts ;

may be so many temples in which thou mayst be


loved, praised aud adored, till the happy period

arrives when we shall praise aud glorify thee together
for all eternity. Amen.
You may continue to pray on behalf of yourself; your relations ,
and friends for what-ver you please.
Pray especially with fervour ami contidcnce for the peace and
welfare of the Holy Catholic Church, being assured that your
prayers joined with those of your Divine Saviour will be favour-
ably i-ecoived.



OMOST Holy Word ! thy priests, and

I offer thee
whatever is most
in their behalf I offer thee
dear to thee in heaven and on earth, in union with
all thy most precious Blood and I pray thee to

enable them fitly to comprehend the high degree to

which they are exalted, and to hold in extreme
abhorrence whatever can dishonour their dignity or
contaminate their lives.
O Most Loving Word! I offer thee the virgins
consecrated to thee, and in their behalf I offer thee
the most precious Blood which thou didst sweat in
thine agony in the garden. I place these doves in

their own nest, and these lilies in their garden, thy

most amiable Heart and I pray thee to make them

know the heigiit of the vocation to which thou hast

called them, and faithfully correspond to thy love.
O Eternal Word ! 1 offer thee all the faithful sons
ofHoly Church, thy Spouse, the members of that
body of which thou art the head and I offer thee ;

in their behalf themost jirecioiis Blood which thou

didst shed in thy scourging. 1 pray thee that
they may remember the solemn renunciation of the
world, the flesh, and the devil, which they made in
baptism; and that they may lead such lives as will
not bring discredit on the faith which they profess.
O Di^-ine A\'ord I offer thee all poor sinners, and

in their I offer thee the most precious

Blood and Water which issued from thy sacred side
when pierced by the lance. I pray thee to wasli
the stains from their souls in this Blood and Water,
and to grant that, with a timely repentance, they
may, by returning love for love, make up for the
sins they have committed against thee.
O Eternal Word I offer thee all heretics, and in

their behalf I offer thee that most precious Blood

which thou didst shed from thy body, all wounded
as it was, when thou wast stripped to be crucified.
I entreat thee to have compassion on these poor
sheep, which, separated from thy fold, are in danger
of losing themselves in the paths of error and
obstinacy and place them in the bosom of thy

Church, where alone are found truth and safety.

O Divine Word I offer thee all infidels, and in

their behalf 1 offer thee the most precious Blood

which thou didst shed from thy most sacred head
when crowned with thorns. I beseech thee to
remember that these souls also are the works of thy
hand. Enlighten them, that they may know their
true and only God, and their Saviour that they,

too, may be made partakers of the grace of the

Sacraments, and of our common redemption.
Eternal Father! I ofFer thee the intense pains
which thy only-begotten Son suffered during the
three hours that he was nailed to the cross for love
of us particularly when, in the intensity of his

grief and abandonment, he exclaimed, " My God !

My God why hast thou forsaken Me ? " 1 offer


them to thee in behalf of all those in their agony,

together with the Blood that flowed from his five
wounds that, by the power of his Blood they may

be fortified and defended against all temptations,

and may reach the port of eternal bliss.
O Most Merciful Word ! I offer to thee all the holy
souls in Purgatory, and in their behalf I offer thee thy
most precious Blood. I beseech thee to grant that
this sacred fount of comfort may incessantly flow, to
mitigate their pains and to hasten their release, that
so they may quickly come to be united with thee in
that glory to which they are destined. Amen. Amen,
O Eternal Father ! which
I offer thee the love
Jesus Christ, thy Son, testified towards the human
race during the whole course of his Passion, and
especially in the pain wliich he endured in the
hiding of the beatific vision from the lower part of
his nature. pray thee that thy complacency in
this love may
so delight thee, that thou mayest
mercifully vouchsafe to overlook the many offences
committed against thee in the world at this time.
[Seven Glorias in honour of tlie Diost precious BlooJ.]

[ 130]

Withr.iit riif. s;iys Christ, you can do not?nng.—Sf. Jo/di xv. 5.

Wlipn. therefore, we desire to eo to confession, we must first

implore God to give us his powerful arraoe. We must ask him, with
all the fervour of our soul, light to know all our sins, and courage
and strength to confess them to his minister. We are next to
examine our consciences, to discover all the mortal sins we may have
committed, ami the number of times we have fallen into each distinct
kind and species of mortal sin.
Then, we must excite ourselves to soitow by the consideration of
hell, which we have deserved; of heaven, whose gates by sin, we
have closed against our poor souls, and by the consideration of the
sufferings of our Blessed Lord, who shed every drop of his precious
blood to redeem us. Finally, we must be determined, with God's
grace, never to commit mortal sin again, and to adopt the means
iiecessnry to preserve us from falling back into our foimer
grievous vransgI<'s^ ions.



OGRE AT, Almighty and Merciful Lord God I !

confess to thee my sins and iniquities like a ;

deluge they overwhehn me, and as an intolerable

burden they oppress me. O Lord, rebuke me not
in thy indignation, nor chastise me in thy wrath.
O merciful and gracious God, hear my prayer, and let
my cry come unto thee. I cast myself down before
thee, and humbly supplicate thy mercy. Oh, for the
sake of Jesus Christ thy Son, and my Redeemer,
take pity upon an unhappy sinner, and pardon the
t vil I have committed. I acknowledge my trans-
gressions, and my sin is always before me. Cast me
not away from thy face, and take not thy Holy Spirit
from me. Send forth thy light into my soul, and

discover to me all those sins by which I have

offended thee.
Assist me by thy grace, that 1 may be able to
declare them to the priest, thy vicar, fully, hmnbly,
and with a contrite heart ;* that so I may obtain
perfect remission of them, through thine infinite
goodness. Amen.
O Mar}', Virgin Mother of Perpetual Succour,
assist me and protect me. O my dear guardian angel,
St. Dominic, and all ye saints of God, come now^ to
my assistance, that I may make a good confession,
and obtain for me true and real contrition. Amen.
[Here examine the sins you have committed since your last con-
fession, by thought, word, deed or omission, against God, your
neigiihour, or yourself.]

1st. Against God. — Have you confessed or com-

municated without sufficient preparation ?
Have you omitted your morning or night prayers,
or discharged any spiritual duty with wilful distrac-
tion ? Have you behaved disrespectfully in the
chapel ?

•2nd. Against 'jour Neighbour. — Have you been dis-

obedient to your pai-ents or superiors ? Have you
given way to anger, hatred, jealousy, or desire of
revenge Have you, by bad example, led others

into sin ? Have you been guilty of intemperance,

rash judgment, detraction, or lies ? Have you been
guilty of theft ? Have you spoken of the faults of
others without necessity?
3rd. Against Yourself. — Have you sinned by
thoughts, words, looks, actions, or desires contrary

to purity ? Have you entertained unjust desires of

your neighbour's coods ? Have you been guilty of
pride or vanity in thoughts, words, or actions?
Have you given way to en\'y or sloth ?


DIVINE Jesus. I desire with my whole heart to

bewail my sins as they deserve. But the grace
of contrition must be thy Oh, give it me in

thy mercy. 1 beg it through the merits of thy most

precious blood, and since thou wiliest not the death
of the sinner, but that he be converted and live,
convert me, God, and hear me in thy mercy.
All my sins displease me exceedingly ; 1 will never
more commit them; I am sorry for them; forgive
me, O my God, forgive me. Save my poor soul
which thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood,
I commit myself to thy mercy I resign myself into ;

thy hands ; deal with me according to thy goodness,

not according to my iniquity.
Mnry, helpmel Thou art the refuge of sinners.
1 place all my hopes in thee.



1. There are many souls now burning in hell for

one mortal sin !Look into hell, and see what

. . .

the sinner has gained by his crimes.

" Day and night he shall be tortured." Bound
down to his bed of fire, in the rage of his asronv he

will violently strive to tear hiinself from it, l)ut he

is fastened by the eternal chains of hell. . . . O my
God O ! infinite and holy God 1 confess that I have

i;iven the death-blow to my immortal soul.

My sins are more nmnerous than the grains of
sand on the sea-shore.
And yet, only one of them was sufficient for my
ruin. Hell opened under my feet when I committed
my first sin others followed until now, like a
; —
mountain, they lie heavy upon my soul. O my
most merciful l^oid, I sincerely repent of all my
sins. 1 hate and detest them from the bottom of
my heart. Forgive me this once, and rather will I lose
my life itself tlian ever again separate from thy grace.
2. Mortal sin deprives the soul of all right to
heaven, that blessed country, that paradise of
delights, where for all eternity the saints enjoy the
clear vision of Almighty God. Hear, miserable
sinner, the voice of God thy Father and Benefactor,
who complains thus of thy ingratitude. What could —
1 do for thee that I have not done ? 1 created thee
to my own image I redeemed thee with the blood of

mine only Son I made thee a Christian, a Catholic,

when millions were left in the darkness of infidelity.

I have borne patiently with thy sins and vices I ;

have given thee many and easy means of salvation.

And on thy side what hast thou done? For all,
thou hast retiu-ned base ingratitude Oh wretched !

sinner that I am O most merciful

! Lord, have
pity on me ! The sins of my youth and of my

ignorance remember not ;

wash them away in the
sweet streams of thyprecious blood: may that precious
blood now bring forth the fruit of a sincere repent-
ance, and open to me a path of life everlasting.
3. Look upon your loving Saviour on the cross
of Calvary His sacred hands and feet are pierced

through and through with rude nails, hammered

deep into the wood his kingly head is crowned with

thorns his sacred body is covered with marks of the


cruel scourges and his unspeakable agony appears


in his dpng eyes and in the convulsions of his

suffering limbs. Ah sinner, it is your transgressions

that have brought your Sanour to this sad extremity.

Lamb of God, sacrificed, lifeless on the cross,
remember that I am a soul redeemed by thy blood ;

pardon me my sins, for 1 detest them from the

bottom of my heart. I have wandered like a sheep
that is gone astray but I hear thy sweet voice

crying after me : Come, dear soul, thou hast gone

after many Joceis, but retwn to me and I will receive
thee yet again. (Jer. iii.)

O my God thou art merciful and gracious

! !

slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and as the !

heaven is high above the earth, so is thy goodness

great towards them that fear thee and return to
thee from their heart. As a father pitieth his child,
so thou, O Lord, dost pity them that fear thee and ;

thy mercy is from everlasting to everlasting !

And when again, I cast a look on thy beloved Son,

Jesus Christ, 'n-ucified for me, and I contemplate a

God-raan pouring out his blood, even to the very

last drop, to appease thy wrath against me, to
expiate my sins, I am filled with confidence that
thou wilt have mercy upon me and receive me again
to thy favour. Jesus, my dear Redeemer be !

thou my defence screen me from the justice and


the wrath of thy Eternal Father, and from thy own

justice injured by my sins.

OMY God, I am sorry, and beg pardon for all my
sins, and detest them above all things, because

they deserve thy dreadful punishments, because they

have crucified my loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, and,
most of all, because they offend thine infinite good-
ness ; and by the help of thy grace,
I firmly resolve,
never to offend thee again, and carefully to avoid
the occasions of sin.

OMY GOD, love thee aboveI
by the merits and passion
all things. I
of Jesus Christ, to

obtain pardon of my
I grieve from the bottom

of my by them offended thy infinite

heart for having
goodness. I detest them more than all imaginable
evils. I unite my grief for them to that by which
Jesus Christ was oppressed in the Garden of Olive?.
I firmly resolve, by the assistance of thy grace, never

more to offend thee.

I^'ORGIVE ray sins, O Lord, forgive my sins— the
sins of my youth —
the sins of maturer years—

the sins of mv son], aud the sins of my treacherous
body ; the sins which by frailty I have committed
my presumptive and crying sins ;
the sins I have
committed to please others the ; sins I have com-
mitted to please myself. Forgive serious, deliberate,
voluntary sins the sins I know aud the sins I

know not the sins 1 have laboured so long to


conceal from others, and which now, alas are !

hidden from my own recollection. Let me then,

O Lord, be absolved from all my ofFences, and
delivered from the bonds of all their evils, through
the life, passion, and death of my dear Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


OMY God! see me prostrate at the foot of thy

cross, sprinkled with thy adorable blood. Ah !

that blood pleads for me and implores mercy and

forgiveness. O Father of mercies in the name of !

thy beloved Son, by the merits of his sacred

passion, by his scourging and crowning with thorns,
by his blood, his agony, his death, look upon my
sinful soul with an eye of pity and compassion. I
repent of my sins, O Lord, I am sorry for them from
the bottom of my heart, because they have offended
thee, the sovereign good, who art infinitely perfect,
and worthy of being adored, loved, obeyed, served,
and honoured. I firmly resolve, with the assistance
of thy holy grace, never to offend thee again. 1
desire to abandon every occasion of sin, to com-

raence a new life, to love thee with my whole

heart and soul, and to die rather than offend thee.


TO thee, O merciful Jesus, in the bitterness of ni}'

soul, Icome, beseeching thee to have com-

passion on me, and to deliver me from my sins.
Enable me, O God, by thy grace, to make a full and
sincere confession of all my sins to thy minister.
Animate and enlighten him with tiiy divine spirit of
wisdom and charity, that he may discern the true
state of my heart, and apply to my guilty soul the
merits of the passion and blood of thy Son Jesus
Christ. To supply for my want of contrition, I
sorrow which thy divine heart felt
offer thee all the
for my through
sins in the Garden of Olives, begging,
the merits of that Sacred Heart, that thou wilt
cleanse me from them, and grant me the grace to
avoid them in future. Amen.
Holy Mary, pray for me.

My good angel, and all ye saints of God, intercede

for me.


MERCIFUL God! as, at the words of thy

Peter was immediately restored to
angel, St.
liberty by the chains falling off from his feet," so
grant, dear Lord, that by the words of this holy

sacrament, pronounced by the priest, the chains of

my sins may be loosed, and all my offences be par-
doned. Amen.
Jesns, Son of David, have mercy on me! O God,
be merciful to me a sinner ! O thou,who sufferedst
for me, have mercy on me ! Sprinkle me with thy
blood, Jesus, and I shall be made whiter than
snow !


OMOST sweet Jesus graciously vouchsafe to


remember all those holy thoughts that have

passed in thy divine mind, from the beginning of the
world to this very moment, and particularly thy ten-
der design to become man for the redemption of the
world ;
pardon, through the merits of these, not
only all the evil thoughts and vain imaginations
1 have ever conceived of myself, but those also
which I might have excited in the minds of others.
O most amiable Jesus look on all the good works

thou hast performed for our salvation and be pleased ;

now to pardon whatever I have committed against

thee. Mercifully direct all my thoughts, words, and
actions, to thy greater glory, and regulate them by
the model of thine own blessed life. Amen.
O God of mercy and pity ! having now, through
thy gracious goodness, disburdened ray conscience
of the guilt wherewith it was oppressed, and in the


humblest manner 1 was able, discovered all the sins

I could possibly think of to thy minister, my ghostly
father, I most humbly beseech thee to accept this
confession, and forgive rae my trespasses, as well
such as I forget as those I remember.
Grant me grace, O Lord, to live more carefully and
diligently hereafter, and to abstain from my former
follies, which I utterly detest, firmly purposing,
tiirough thy grace, never more to offend in them es-
pecially. O my merciful and most bountiful Saviour !

give me grace to withstand those temptations where-

with I am most grievously attacked here they are
to be Jiientioned] —as also to avoid all occasions of
offending thee for the future.
O Blessed Virgin Mary my holy Patron [name
! !

him or and all ye saints and angels praise and

her], !

extol our Lord for his boundless goodness towards

me, a most miserable sinner. Beseech him to accept
of this my humble confession, and to supply, through
his infinite mercies, all its deficiencies. Beg of him
to ratify in heaven the sentence of absolution which
his minister, the priest, hath pronounced in my favour
at the tribunal of confession. Amen.
O sweet Saviour, for thy bitter passion's sake,
and for thy tender mercy's sake, forgive and forget
what 1 have been; pity, oh, pity what I am;
satisfy for what I deserve, and suj^ply what I
desire. Thou didst pardon me when 1 fled from
thee oh
; wilt thou reject me, now that I seek

thee ?



OMY God and my Creator, 1 offer thee the

Penance I am abnut to perform thou didst ;

impose it on me by the ministry of my confessor,

and 1 desire to perform it with the utmost contrition,
devotion, and humility. But, Lord, since thou well
knowest that it is inadequate to my sins, and that
anything I could do would be incapable of blotting
out the least of my offences, permit me to unite this
penance, as well as all the actions, pains, and suffer-
ings of my life, to the bitter sufferings of my
Redeemer ; to the great sacrifice of expiation which
rlesus offered on Mount Calvary for my sins ; also
to the merits of the Blessed Virgin, to the penance
and sufferings of all the saints, and all the just, that
thereby the deficiencies of my imperfect satisfaction
may be abundantly supplied. Amen,
[141 ]

(Biamtnatton of €Qxxmma for a

(Bmtxal Contesion.
" / am the Lord thf God, thou shall have no strange
Gods before me.'
Did I ever wilfully deny an article of my holy
faith? How often?
Did I ever join Protestants in their worship ; for
example, assist at family morning or evening-
prayer? enter their churches during ser%ice. read
their books, assist at their marriages, baptisms,
funerals, &c. How often?
Did I ever consult fortune-tellers, or make use of
charms or the like ; or induce others to commit any
such sins ? How often ?

Was I ever a whole 3^ear from confession through

my own fault ? How many years ?
Did I ever neglect my Easter Communion ? How
often ?

Did 1 ever neglect a large penance imposed on me

at confession ? How often ?

Did I ever wilfully conceal a mortal sin in

confession ? How often ?

" Thou shah not take the name of the Lord thy God
in vain.''
Did I ever take the name of God in vain ? How
was I in this bad habit
loni: ?

Did swear rashly? How often in the week,

I ever
month, or year?
Did I ever tak^" a false oath ? How often ?
Did I ever curse any one from my heart ? How
often? (As cur^nng and swearing frequently proceed
from drunkenness, it will be nseful here to examine on
sins of intemperance.') How often was I drunk? If
this sin was habitual. I am to mention how often
in the week, month, or year it occurred.

" Fiememher to keep holy the Sabbath Day^
Did I ever lose Mass on Sundays or Holidays of
obligation through ray own fault ? How often
altogether ? or, if I had the liabit, how often in the
Was I ever late for Mass through my own fault ?
How often? How was Mass advanced?
Did I ever work for two or three hours on Sundays
or Holidays of obligation Avithout cause? How
often ?

Did I ever wilfully eat flesh meat on Fridays oi

last days ? How often ?

" Honour thy father and thy mother.'*'*

Did I ever disobey my parents or superiors in any

serious matter ? How often ?
Did I ever curse my parents, call them very bad
names, or the like ? How often ?

Did I ever them, or make use of any

threatening language towards them ? How often ?
Did I ever wish them any great evil such as their —

death or treat them harshly ? How often ? Did
I ever steal from my parents, and how much ?
[Parents sJiould examine themselves if they allowed
their children to go to Protestant schools^ or to keep had
company^ or to neglect the sacraments, or if they them-
selves gave them had example hy cursing, swear ing^ or

the like. How often ?]

" Thou shalt not kill:'

Was I ever guilty of fighting with my neighbour ?

How often ?
Did I ever wish him any great injury, such as his
death, or any other great misfortune ? How often ?
Did 1 ever return great spite, malice or hatred to
my neighbour ? How long did this spite and malice
continue ?


" Thou shalt not commit adultery:^
" Thou shalt not covet thy neighhour's ivife.''''

Did I ever wilfully indulge in immodest thoughts

or desires, and dwell upon them with pleasm-e, and
for how long a time? \_If this sin was habitual,
mention for how long a time this had habit continued.]
Did I ever make use of immodest words, or sing
unbecoming sono-s ? How often ?
Did I ever read immodest books, or listen to the
reading of them, or lend them to others ? How
often ?

Did I ever look at immodest pictures, statues, or

the like ? How often ?
Did I ever join in immodest and forbidden dances ?
or encourage them ? How often ?
Did I ever commit immodest actions with myself
or others ? How often ?


'' Thou shalt not steaV
" Thou shah not covet thy neiyhhour^s goods^
^Vas I ever guilty of dishonesty in buying or
selling ? How often ?

Did I ever take or keep what belonged to another?

[here mention the amount.']
Did I ever buy or receive stolen goods ? How
often ?

Did I ever neglect to pay my debts, or to make

restitution when it was in my power ? How often ?

" Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."'

Did I ever mention to others the grievous sins of

my neighbour, except when generally known ? How

often ?
Did I ever tell a great lie to mjure my neighbour's
characrcr. flow often ?

^h^ Capital or fi^aDb ^ius.

Pride. Have I been guilty of pride, vain-glory,
or contempt of others ? How often ?

Covetoasness. Have I been guilty of covetousness

by desiring the goods of others ? How often ?

Lust. This sin has been examined with the Sixth

Com mandment.
Anger. This sin iias been examined with the Fifth
C " ommandment.
Gluttony. Have I been guilty of gluttony by eating
or drinking to excess, so as to endanger or injure
my health or reason ? How often ? and with what
sr;iudal ?
Envy. Have I rejoiced at the misfortune of my
neighbours or yielded to jealousy ? How often ?
Sloth. Have I squandered away my time in idle or

useless occupation ?

I am the bread of life ; he that corneth to me shall not hunger;
and ho that believeth in me shall not thirst."— /S^ John vi.35.

rpHE most sublime and holy action a Christian can

-L perform is to receive worthily the sacrament of
the Holy Eucharist, which contains God himself.
Oh, sacrament of loving kindness! exclaims
St. Augustine. Oh ! sign of union ! Oh ! bond of


perfect charity ! whereby we become closely united

in body and soid Redeemer Accoid-
to our loving
ing to the angelic Doctor, this sacrament produces
withiu us four salutary effects :

1. It supports our spiritual life: '"He who eats

me, the same shall live by me." The sacrament of
the Eu( harist keeps the soul free from tlie death of
grievous sin ; it preserves us from lesser offences,
which are the immediate disposition to this most
lamentable death.
2. The blessed Eucharist fortifies tlie soul against
all that might prove hurtful and tend to its destruc-
3. It gives growth and increase to our spiritual
life ; and
4. It fills the soul with delight, imparting to it

a certain peace, an inclination to good, a readiness

for the practice of virtue.
We should desire nothing more ardently than to
receive oiu- divine Lord in Holy Commimion. Our
only trouble, om- only sorrow, says St. Chrysostom,
should be to see ourselves deprived of this food of
our souls !

To kindle within us before the time of communion

holy desires, we may contemplate our divine Saviour
under divers aspects, each of which is saitable to his
immense loving kindness. We may consider him as
ii trusty friend, who comes to comfort our hearts
as a loving Father who awaits us with open arms to
press us to his bosom as a compassionate physician

who comes with the bttluj of his grace to heal the

wounds of om- soul ; who comes
as a tender shepherd,
own flesh, and to
to feed us, his poor flock, with his
quench our thirst with his blood. Above all, we
must behold in him, our highest and only good, who
comes to All us with all manner of heavenly gifts
and blessings.
AVith these and similar devout reflections, let us
approach and receive the God who, for our sakes,
died upon the cross.


SACRAMENT most holy, O Sacrament divine,

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment
thine. Amen.
Lord, I am not worthy that tnou shouldst enter
under my roof, but say only the word, and my soul
ghall be healed. Amen.
Lord increase my faith. I believe. Lord, help
thou my unbelief.
In thee, O Lord, I have hoped, let me never be
Jesus, my God, I love thee above all things.
God be merciful to me a sinner.
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, i trust in thee. Amen.
O holy Virgin Mary, prepare my soul for Holy
Mary, our hope, have pity on me.



OLORD Jesus Christ, I desire, in these holy
mysteries, commemorate as thou hast
commanded, thy sufferings
all thy agony and ;

bloody sweat thy being betrayed and appre-


hended ;all the reproaches and calumnies, all

the scoffs and affronts, all the blows and buffets,
thou hast endured for me thy being scourged;

crowned with thorns, and loaded with a heavy crops

for my sins, and for those of the whole world thy :

crucifixion and death, together with thy glorious

resurrection, and triumphant ascension. I adore thee,
and give thee thanks for all that thou hast done and
suffered for us and for giving us, in this Blessed

Sacrament, this pledge of our redemption, this

victim of our ransom, this body and blood which
were offered for us.

MOST fii-mly believe Holy Sacrament
that in this
I thou and indeed that here are
art present verily ;

thy body and blood, thy soul and thy divinity, I

believe that thou, my Saviour, true God and true
Man, art really here, with all thy treasures that ;

here thou communicatest thyself to us, makest us

partakers of the fruit of thy passion, and givest us
;•pledge of eternal life. 1 believe that there cannot
be a greater happiness than to receive thee wortliily,
nor a greater misery than to receive thee unworthily,
All this I must steadfastly believe, because it is

taught us by thy Church.


OLORD, I detest, with my whole heart,
all the sms

by which I have ever offended thy divine Majesty,

from the first moment that I v/as capable of sinning
to this very hour. I desire to lay them all at thy
feet, tobe cancelled by thy precious blood. Hear
me, O Lord, by that infinite love which induced thee
to shed thy blood for me. Oh, let not that blood be
shed in vain I detest my sins, because they have

offended thy infinite goodness. By thy grace I will

never commit them any more I am sorry for them,

and T will be sorry for them as long as I live ; and.

according to the best of my power, I
do penance will
for them. Forgive me, dear Lord, for thy mercy's
sake pardon me all that is past
and be thou my ;

keeper for the time to come, that I may never more

offend thee.
OLORD JESUS, God of my heart and life of my
soul, as the hart pants after the fountains of
water, so does my soul pant after tiiee, tiie f oimtain of
life,and the ocean of all good. I am overjoyed at the
happy tidings, that I am to go into the house of the
Lord or rather, that our Lord is to come into my

house, and take up his abode within me. O happy

moments, when I shall be admitted to the embraces
of the living God, for whom my poor soul languishes
for love Oh, come, dear Jesus, and take full

possession of my lietirt for ever ! I offer it to thee

without reserve ; J desire to consecrate it eternally

to thee. I love thee with my whole soul above all

things ; at least, I desire so to love thee. It is

nothing less than infinite love that brings thee to

me ; oh, teach me to make a sm'table retmn of level


BUT, O my God, thou knowest my great poverty

and misery, and that of myself I can do notliing :

thou knowest how unworthy I am of this infinite

favour; thou alone canst make me worthy. Since
thou art so good as to invite me to come to thee, add
this one bounty more to all the rest, prepare me
for thyself. Cleanse my soul from all its stains,
clothe it with the nuptial garment of charity, adorn
it with all virtues, and make it a fit abode for thee.

Drive sin and the devil far from this dwelling, which
tiiou art pleased to choose for thyself. Oh, rather
let me die ten thousand deaths than ever commit one

mortal sin.

JESUS, thou true ^nd only li/e of my soul ! I

earnestly desire to receive thee in this divine

mystery ; for without thee, how could T support the
labours and fatigues of this miserable life. Whilst
thou art with me I cannot fear. 1 will adhere to
thee, my faithful safeguard and siu-e guide ;
I will
follow thee, for thou art truly the ivay, the truth, and
the life. Oh ! leave me not to the guidance of my
own ignorance and blindness ;
illuminate my soul
with thy brightness ; dispel those gloomy misis

wherewith I amsurrounded, and shine upon me in a

clear, bright day, that I may happily discern my way
to thee.
Oh, thou true life and happiness of my soul thou !

callest, thou invitest me to come to thee. In thee

I shall possess all grace and all blessings. What can
I desire in heaven or on earth but thee, my God ?
^Vhsit return can I make to thee for all thy favours ?
Thou requirest no other return but my love. I will
love thee then, my Lord and m}^ God. Too late
have I known thee, too late have I given myself to
thee. I only regret now that there was a moment
of my life in which I did not love thee. I am sorry
and will be sorry for it whilst I live. I will love,
thee, my God, at all times I will love thee during

life ; I will love thee in death, that I may love thee

for the endless ages of eternity. Amen.

OALL ye blessed angels and saints of God, who

see face to face Him v,hom I am about to receive
under these humble veils : and thou most especially,
ever blessed Virgin, Mother of Perpetual Succour-,
1 most hmnbly beg the assistance of yom' prayers
and intercession. Obtain for me that nuptial robe
with which being adorned, I may be admitted to the
celestial banquet of the heavenly king. Amen.

[ 152 ]

'©raring iitasn brfcrr (Eomnntnton.


To hear Mass with fruit, and to obtain from tliat adorable Sacrifice
nhuniiant treasures of graco, there is no method more efficacious to unite ourselves with Jesus Christ, who is at once our
Priest. Mediator, and Victim. Separated from liini. we are uotliins ;

but even in tlie eyes of God himself we are truly trreat by and with
his beloved Son, United thus with Je^us Christ, sharing as it were
in his merits, present yourself before the throne of mercy, saying--.

1 UA'INE Je.-us i Mediator of the New Testanieut

J-' who didst ascend bito heaven, to appear in the
presence of God f (Heb. ix. 24), yet descendest
01' «s
on otir altart:. to renew that sacrifice by which we
were all redeemed, mercifully penetrate my heart
with a just sense of the happiness and the advantage
of assisting at a sacritice, by which I can abundantly
satisfy the justice of God, honour his divine Majesty,
acknowledge his infinite mercies, and obtain the
graces necessary for serving him on earth and
enjoying him in heaven. Permit me, O divine
Jesus to ascend this new Calvary with thee, that

my whole soul may do homage to the greatness of

thy majesty that my heart, with all its affections.

may acknowledge thy infinite love that my memory ;

may dwell on the admirable nn'steries here renewed;

and that the sacrifice of my whole being may accom-
pany that which thou art about to offer. Alas I am !

unworthy to join with thy minister in adoring thee ;


thy blessings nor

I can neither feel the extent of
acknowledge them as I ardently desire to do but, ;

O Lord be thou with me, that by thee, and Avitli


thee, I may worthily assist at these tremendous



At the Gloria in excelsis you may devoutly join in the prayer of
the Church, and at the Bominus vobiscum niid following prayers,
imairine j'ou behold Jesus Christ himself turning', as he did to
Magdalen, with the consolatory assurance of your sins having been

SAVIOUR of my soul how sweet is the hope


thatthou hast absolved me from my trans-

gressions that thy sacred blood has washed them

away and that thou art about to seal my pardon by


the most precious gift thou canst possibly bestow.

O divine Lord let this encouraging hope be realised

say to my soul, that thou art her salvation. With

the fervent penitent of the Gospel, I cast myself at
thy sacred feet let me hear with her, from thy own

adorable lips, the consolatory sentence of peace and

mercy let me experience with her, the conviction

that thou hast accepted my repentance, and granted

me pardon. Alas 1 well know that I have neither

her humility nor her contrition, her fervour, nor her

love to offer but, O my God
; I venture to say,

that my hopes are established on still surer gromids

than would be those virtues, were 1 happy enough to
possess them. If many sins were pardoned her,
because she loved thee mucti, still greater crimes will
be remitted to me, because thou hast infinitely loved

me, a wretched creature. adorable Jesus! iu thy

love and mercy I firmly trust deign then to do for ;

me what is altogether above my strength and capa-

city purify my soul, and prepare it for the reception

of thy life-giving sacrament.


BELIEVE, O my God ! every article proposed
I by the Holy Catholic Church to my belief ; and
through thy grace I am disposed to die, rather than
relinquish the precious gift of faith, wliich elevates
me to the adoption
of the sons of God, and
makes me and joint-heir with Jesus Christ
{Rom. \4ii. 15, 17.) 1 believe O divine Lord! pene-

trate my heart and soul with the entire import of

these short but comprehensive words, and let them
produce one of those prodigies of grace and con-
version, which so often followed from similar
confessions. I believe all thou hast revealed, without
exception or reserve ; for thou hast the words of
eternal life, and thou art likewise the way and the

truth. (St. John xiv. 6.) On thy imerriug word 1

also most firmly believe that tluju art really present

in of which I am about to
the august sacrament
participate. O
what miracles are contained in this
sacred and ever adorable mystery! Incomprehen-
sible as they are, I believe them all I adore thy ;

omnipotence, which is a sufficient jjledge of their

po<sibility and thy boundless love proves to me.

in an eudearino- manner, that thev are real. Were


my animated as I hope it is sincere, my

faith as
heart would be inflamed at the near approach of its
heavenly guest, and every movement of my body
and soul would be a transport of gratitude and
ardent love. Come, then, O Lord thou art the God

in whom I firmly believe. Come, for thou art the

support and term of my hope, and thou art, by
excellence, the adorable object of my most fervent
love. Come, enliven and increase in my soul the
divine virtues infused therein on my admission into
the bosom of thy Church. Come, and purify my
baptismal robe, that I may present myself before
thee with a nuptial garment, and may not deserve to
be excluded from the marriage feast.

While the mmister of God disposes the bread and wine for the
sacrifice, dispose your heai't for participating in its abundant

RECEIVE, O Lord, this spotless host, which thy

name of thy Church.
minister offers thee in the
Receive, eternal ^lajesty this oblation of bread and

wine, which will soon become the body and blood of

Jesus Christ, who, to render thee in the name of
weak mortals the adoration thou meritest, vouchsafed
to clothe himself with our miseries —
to become
susceptible of death, and to immolate himself daily
on our altars as the precious victim of our salvation.
O omnipotent Lord behold me at thy feet loaded

with miseries, and charged with innumerable debts,

whicii would overwhelm me, were 1 not provided by

thyself with a treasure of infinite vnlue to acknow-

ledge thy mercies, to satisfy tliy justice,and to obtain
for myself and otlieis the graces thou desirost to
bestow. Animated with the most lively confidence
in the merits of my
Redeemer, I offer thee once
more his sufferings and death and I make this ;

offering for the great ends for which he instituted

this adorable mystery. I offer thee this sacred
Victim to adore thee as my God, to testify my love
for tliee, my sovereign Benefactor! to tliank thee
for the blessijig.s thou hast bestowed on all mankind ;

to implore thy mercy on behalf of all those in the

dreadful state of mortal shi, and to obtain the
deliverance of the suffering souls in purgatory. To
an mireserved oblation of my
this offering I unite
whole being, and I desire to do so with the most
generous and ardent love. I conjure thee, O my
God ! by the perfect oblation of my divine Saviour,
on the altar of the cross, to pardon my past ingrati-
tude, and to grant me the inestimable grace of
preservation from all mortal sin. But, O my
sovereign Benefactor! h5w shall I thank thee for t lie
precious gift of thy body and blood, which thus
enables me to satisfy my obligation This gift, !

which the homage of angels and men would bi-

insufficient to acknowledge, can only be repaid by

itself. I then offer thee my Redeemer himself,
us a sacrifice of j raise, and pay my vows to thee
(Ps. cxv. 18), in union with him iu whom from all
eternity thou wert well pleased.

During the prayer which serves as a preliminary to the Canon, or
main action of the sacrifice, endeavour to animate your devotion,
and prepare -with great fervour to adore your Redeemer when he
shall have descended on the altar.

I3ERMIT not, O Lord! that my mind should

wander from the consideration of the adorable
mysteries now being celebrated on this altar. En-
lighten my understanding, inflame and animate every
affection of my heart, that I may be attentive to these
miracles of mercy and love, O give me to under-
stand the breadth, and length, and height, and depth
(Ephes. iii. 18) of that love which will soon veil thy
glories under the humiliating forms of bread and
wine ! O that my heart were penetrated with ardent
love, that might be enabled to acknowledge less
unworthily thy infinite greatness and boundless
mercies. Prostrate in spirit before that throne of
glory where the cherubim and seraphim, with all
the heavenly host, adore thy awful Majesty, I conjure
thee to receive my homage, in imion with the trans-
ports of love with which they
admiration and
incessantly proclaim thou art Holy, Holy,
Holy, and that the Lamb which was slain is icorthy to
receive power, and divinity, and wisdom, and strength,
and honour, and glory, and benediction, for ever and
ever. Amen. (Apoc. v. 12.)


AH onmy God, whywithdo


this altar,
I not sigh for
as much ardour
thy coining
as did the
ancient patriarchs and prophets ; with as much pure
desire as thy Blessed Mother, the tirst and most per-
fect adorer of thy sacred humanity. I offer thee
my heart, soul, mind, streuuth, desh-es, and affec-
tions, in union with the admirable dispositions of
thy saints but particularly in union with the love

and devotion of that incouiparable Virijiu, in wliose

pure soul, prepared by thy divine Spirit, and adorned
with tlie treasures of thy grace, thou didst deligiitto
dwell. I offer thee, to atone for my coldness and
tepidity, her sacred heart, with all the love with
which it ever was, and for all eternity will be,
animated. I offer thee her heavenly contemplations,
her purity, profound humility, and sufferings at the
foot of the cross ;beseeching thee, through her
intercession, to pardon the iniquities of her unworthy
And t!i(>u, O most sacred \'irgin ! obtain for me a
share in the holy dispositions that adorned thy soul
from the moment of thy Immaculate Conception :

since I am also destined for the residence and

sanctuary of a God, assured refuge of sinners !

I address thee with the most lively confidence,

beseeching thee to obtain that I may be worthily
replenished with him who was born of thee with —
him who is the desire and expectdtioa vj' all /icitious.

The moments which iuimediatcly precede th3 descent of our
divine Lord on our altjirs, and the entrance of tlie same God into our
hearts, are e>rtninly those iu which our souls should be piuetr.Ued
with the most Hvely sentiments of luimility. adoration love, nnd

Therefore, while all heaven attends in admiration and reverential

awe to the adorable mysteries now being celebrated on earth, do
you profoundly humble yourself before God, and Avith lively faith,
animated hope, and ardent love, lay all your miseries and sins
on the altar; that being washed away by the tide of that precious
blood which will soon flow thereon, they may be no obstacle to the
grace of a worthy Communion.

/"^ JESUS ! brightness of eternal light, unspotted

^^ mirror of God's Meijesty ! my sovereign Life, and

only Good thou art he whom I acknowledge for


my Lord and my God, and who alone art Avorthy of

the homage and adoration of men and angels. O
IMonarch of heaven and earth ! mighty in word and
work ! Verily, thou art a hidden God, the God of
but the shades which conceal thy
Israel, the Saviour,
majesty are those of the tenderest love.
divine Jesus 1 thou art now glorified by the
homage of numberless angels who invisibly assist at
these sacred mysteries. O how should their adora-
tion and love confound and humble me, since it is
not for them, but for me, that thou art hidden and
degraded on the altar. O holy angels blessed !

spirits love and adore the Almighty for me, and


redouble your ardour to supply for my insuthciency.


Now that your Saviour himself is present on the altar, endeavour
to profit of so favourable an opportunity for exposing all your
wants and miseries to him, who desires nothing more ardently than
to remeiiy them.

AD OR ABLE Jesus ! the happy moment is fast

approacliing, when that sacred body which was
immolated on the cross will abide in my heart, and
that precious blood, which was shed with so much

anguish for my ransom, v,'i]\ be really and truly

applied as a sovereign remedy to my soul. My God !

is ii possible that thou, whom the heavens cannot

contain, wilt confine thy greatness within the narrow
limits of my heart ; that thou, before whom the
angels themselves are not pm-e, wilt unite thyself to
a soul like mine, disfigured and defiled with in-
numerable crimes ! O
Lord, with the most sincere
conviction of my wretchedness, I protest with the
centurion, that I am not worthy thou shovhid eyUer
under my roof. Shall I then say with St. Peter:
Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful creature ?
Shall I depai't from this sanctuary, which I am un-
worthy to entei, and relinquish that happiness for
which my soul sighs, but which 1 shall never merit ?

Ah ! no,my divme Saviour ! I will not leave thee ;

for to whom should I go but to thee ? Hast thou

not invited all that labour and are heavy laden
to approach thee ? Therefore, notwithstanding the
miseries of my soul, I come, perfectly convinced
that if thou ivilt, thou canst make me clean. I am
weak, but thou wilt be my sovereign strength I am ;

poor, but thou wilt adorn my soul with the riches

of thy grace thou wilt destroy my pride by the

force of thy profoimd humiliations in the centre of

my soul! thou wilt warm my tepidity, by the fire
which thou earnest on earth to enkindle thou ;

wilt communicate to me thy divinity itself, that I

may not live, but that thou mayest live in me. Come,
then. O my God! the desire of the everlasting hills,

the friend of sinners, the comfort of the afflicted,

the hope of all the ends of the earthy come into my

house, and let salvation enter with thee come, that ;

my soul, united with thee, may magnify its Lord,

and my spirit rejoice in God my Saviour.


At tliePater Noster you should devoutly repeat that sacred

prayer, in which all others are contained, and rejoice in reflecting
that you are authorised V)y Christ himself to address the Almii^hty
as your Father. Trusting-, therefore, in the tenderness of his
paternal heart, beg of him to nourish you this day with the true
bread of his children.

FATHER of my soul, who residest in the highest

heavens, and yet attendest to the wants of thy
cliildren on earth, behold thy prodigal but rej)entant
child, who returns to thee penetrated with regret for
having ever sought to shake ofE that yoke, which
thou thyself hast pronounced to be sweet and light.
Pardon me, O my divine Benefactor for thou know- !

est the clay of which I am formed thou rememberest


that I am but dust. Forget my criminal abuse of

thy mercies, for the sake of Him in whose name I dare
to address thoe, as my Father, my Friend, and only
happiness. O give me thy Divine Spirit, that Spirit
of love and adoption which will cause me to have
recourse to thee in all my necessities. Give me a
docile, and submissive heart, tiiai thy
supremely just and adorable will may be the rule of
all my actions. But above all, O divine Lord! give
me the hread of life, the food of immortality give ;

me thy Divine Son J 'give me him in whom thou wert



al\vays well pleased, that being instructedby thy

wisdmn and thj ivord^ I may never
from the deviate
respect and love due from a child to the best and
most indulgent of Fathers.
TJio interval lict ween the ^<7?»m.' Dei and the time for commtini-
cating. should be spfiit in fervent acts of confidence and love, to
enliven your hope in Him who comes to take away your offences.

IAMB God, who takest away the sins of the

^ me not be excluded from a share in
world ! let
thy universal mercies. Cleanse and purify my soul
adorn it, I entreat thee, with those virtues which will
lender nie less nnworthy of participating in the food
(,>f angels.
1 am, it is true, wretched and
adorable Jesus \

unworthy but hast thou not denominated thyself


the Fntlar of the poor; and shall not that endearing

title encourage me to recur to thee, as to my Father,

and the best of friends? Yes, my God, I will go to

thee, for thou well knowest, that had I the heavens
and tiie earth at my disposal, 1 would sacrifice all,

rather than forego the iiappiness that I am now

going to enjoy. What have 1 in heaven, a7id besides
thee what do f desire upon earth ? Thou art the God of
run heart, and th< God that is my portion for ever.
{Ps. Ixxii. 25, 26.)
O thou art styled by excellence
amiable Virgin !

Blessed among iromen ; show thyself now my tender

mother and advocate obtain for me the grace to

receive with faith, purity, fervour, and humility, the

divine object of thy ardent love.-

Blessed spirits you who unceasingly attend, love,


and adore the Almighty Being I am about to receive,

intercede for me at this awful moment, and supply by
your ardent charity for the tender devotion witli
which I would wish to receive my Redeemer under
my roof,
Reflect for some moments, in the ))itterncs3 of your soul, on the
offences which render you unworthy of i-eceiving the God of all
holiness. Humbly acknowledging and sincerely detesting them,
join in the Confiteor, and endeavour, in the spirit of humility and
repentance, to cleanse your soul still more from every stain of shi
or imperfection.

ODIVIXE Redeemer my
into thy sacred
of soul !

heart I cast all my

they are not more
offences :

numerous than thy mercies, nor can they equal the

tenderness of that love which invites me to receive
O Jesus ! veiled as thou art, I acknowledge thee
i'or my Lord and mil God ; 1 adore thee with all the
powers of my soul, and I fervently love thee with my
whole heart.
After having become the living tsmple of the Divinity, you
should remain for some moments prostrate as it were at the sacred
feet of your divine Lord. Penetrated with the profound adoration
and respect whicli should result from the presence of the Almighty,
produce occasional short acts of faith, hope, gratitude, and prin-
cipally of love. This may be done in any terms your devotion may
suggest, or else by the following prayers :—

DIVINE Lord ! thou hast at length satisfied the

earnest desires of my heart. I possess thee, I
embrace tliee : make me entirely thine.
O Jesus ! thou who constitutest the happiness of

the bles^^ed I is it possible that thou art at this

moment present in my heart ! Yes. I finulv believe
that 1 possess thee, with all the treasure of thy
O most sacred Virgin who so long bore and so

fervently loved the (iod I now possess, praise and

magnify his goodness. Offer him for me those joys
which tilled thy pure soul at the moment of his in-
carnation in thy sacred womb, and assist me to make
some return for his unbounded mercies.
Remember, O divine Lord that one visit from !

thee would suffice to sanctify the greatest .'dinner ;

permit not then that I should receive thee in vain :

let not thy precious blood fall on my heart without

producing therein the fruits of virtue thou hast so
long expected. Oh, take me out of life this moment
rather than permit me to relapse into sin.
Ailoiable Lord of heaven and earth thou beholdest !

in Uiy heart thy beloved Son he is all mine his ; ;

abundant merits belong to me at this moment. 1

offer them to thee, O my God and in return 1 ask !

for tlie most ardent love, sincere humility, and above

all. the grace never to offend thee by any mortal

[ 165 ]

fprai^crs after Coinnuintoiu

A MY God and my all 1 thou hast at length satis-

^^ fied the desires of my heart. 1 possess thee,
I cling to thee : O make me thine, eternally
thuiL'. Eternal \\ isdom ! teach me the value of
these precious moments of thy actual presence
in my heart. Oh ! assist me thyself to profit
by thy stay let not thy precious
blood fall
on the barren soil of my heart without softening it
and producing the fruits of virtue thou hast so long
expected. Stay with me, O beloved Lord, stay with
me, for the day is far spent, and the evening of my life
approaches. Stay with me, for 1 have yet a thousand
v.oes to expose to thee, my adorable Saviour— to
thee who art my Lord and the only sincere friend of
my soul.
O my Jesus, God of mercy and of love ! in the
depths of my heart, and with all the powers of my
soul, I adore, reverence and thank thee. most
ardently welcome thee. Embrace me, O God, and
make me all thine ow^n. Thou our heavenly
Physician, who healest all our infirmities by thy
precious blood ; oh, heal my soul, for I have sinned
against thee. Thou art the good Shepherd who
hast laid down thy life for thy flock; I am that
sheep that was lost, and yet thou vouchsafest to feed
me with thy body and blood take me now upon ;

thy shoulders and carry me home, \yhat canst thou


deny me, having given me thyself? () king of

heaven and of earth, rich in mercy, behold lam poor

and needy, thou knowest my wants, and thou alone
canst assist me. O good Jesus, grant me hence-
forward in all things to know and do thy holy will.
'Mdj 1 delight to feed on thee may my soul ever ;

thirst after thee ; may it ever desire thee, seek thee,

till it happily arrives in thy presence.
May my thoughts be incessajitly fixed on thee of :

thee always speak, and may I perform all my

may I
actions for the praise and glory of thy name with
humility and love, and so may I persevere to tlic
end. Thus, mayest thou alone be my hope and my
strength my refuge, my help, my wisdom.



Or.OllD Jesus Christ, my Creator and my

Redeemer, my God and my All, whejice is this
to me, that my Lord, and so great a Lord, whom
heaven and earth cannot contain, should come into
this poor dwelling, this house of clay of my earthly
habitation Oh, that I could entertain thee as I

ought Thy loving kindness invites me to thy


embraces and 1 would willingly say, with the spouse


in the Canticles, " I have fomid him whom my soul

loveth 1 have held him. and will never let him go."

But the awe of so great a majesty checks me, and

the sense of my great unworthiness and inniunerable
sins keeps me back. Would that I could embrace

thy feet that like Magdalen, I could wash them


with my tears.
Bow down thyself, with all thy powers, my soul, to adore the
sovei'eign Majesty which hath vouchsafed to visit thee; pay him the
best homa.'jie thou art ahle. as thy first begrinning and thy last end;
and perlectly annihilate thyself in thepreseiice of thiseternal.immensc,
infinite Deity. Then pour thyself forth in his presence in praise and
thanksgiving; and invite all heaven and earth to join with thee in
magnifying their Lord and thine, for his mercy and bounty to thee.
What return shall I make to thee, Lord, for all
thou hast done for me ? Behold, when 1 had no being
at all, thou didst create me and when I had gone

astray, and was lost in my sins, thou didst redeem

me, by dying for me. All that I have, all that 1 am,
is thy gift and now, after all thy other favours,

thou hast given me thyself blessed be thy name for


ever ! Thou art great, O Lord, and exceedingly to

be praised great are thy works, and of thy wisdom

there is no end but thy tender mercies, thy bounty


and goodness to me, are above all thy works these :

I desire to confess and extol for ever. Bless, then,

the Lord, O my soul, and let all that is within thee
praise and magnify his name. Bless the Lord, my
soul, and see thou never forget all that he hath done
for thee. O all ye works of the Lord, bless the
Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. all ye

angels of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and glorify

his holy name.Bless the Lord all ye saints, and let
the whole Church of heaven and earth join in praising
and giving him thanks for all his mercies and graces
to me and so, in some measure, supply for what is

due from me. But as all this still falls short of what
I owe thee for thy infinite love, 1 offer to thee,

Eternal Father, the same Son of thine whom thou

hast given nie and his thanksgiving, which is in finite

in value. Look upon my insensibility and

not, then,
ingratitude, but upon the face of thy Christ, and
with him, and through him, receive this offering of
my poor self, which I desire to make to tiiee.


GIVE thee thanks, O holy Lord, Father Almighty,
I Eternal God, that thou hast vouchsafed, for no
merit of my own. but of the mere condescension of
thy mercy, to satisfy me a sinner and thine unworthy
servant with the precious body and blood of th.y Son
our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 implore thee, let not this
holy communion be to me an increase of guilt unto
my punishment, but an availing plea unto pardon and
forgiveness. Let it be to me the armour of faith and
the shield of goodwill. Grant that it may work the ex-
tinction of my vices, the rooting out of concupiscence
and of lust, and the increase within me of charity
and of patience, of humility and of obedience. Let
it be my strong defence against the snares of all my
enemies, visible and invisible ; the stilling and the
calm of all my impulses, carnal and spiritual: my
indissoluble miion with thee the one and true God,
and a blessed consummation at my last end. And I
beseech thee that thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring
me, sinner as I am, to that hieffable banquet where
thou, with thy Son and the Holy Ghost, art to thy
Saints true and unfailing Light, fulness of content,
joy for evermore, gladness without alloy, consum-

mate and everlasting bliss. Tiirough tliL- same

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I iiumbly implore tliine ineffable mercy, O my
L(jid Jesus Christ, that this sacrament of thy body
and blood, wiiich I unworthy have now received, may
be to me the cleansing of all my sins, the strengthen-
ing of what is weak within me, and my sure defence
against all the perils of tlie world.May it bestow
upon me thy forgiveness and establish me in grace ;

may it be to me the medicine of life, the abiding-

memory of thy Passion, my stay in weakness, the
A'iaticum and sure supply of jUI my pilgrimage. May
it me as L go, bring me back when I wander,
receive me when I return, uphold me when I stumble,
laise me again when I fall, strengthen me to per-
severe even unto the end, and bring me to glory.
() most high God, may the blissfid presence of thy

body and blood so change the taste of my heart,

that it may find no sweetness in aught besides tliee

alone, may love no other beauty, seek no unpermitted

love, desire no consolation, admit no other delight,
cave for no honour but thine, stand in fear of no enemy
or suffering. "Who livest and reignest with God the
Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without
end. Amen,

TUAVK found iiim whom my soul loveth I hold ;

hill), and will not let hun go. I embrace thee.

() my Jesus, and receive the full joy of my love. I

possess thee, thou treasuie of my heart, in whom I


possess all things. I implore thee, let my soul feel

tlie power of thy presence ; let it taste how sweet
thou art, O my Lord, that, led captive by thy love,
it may seek none else besides thee, nor love aught
but for thy sake. Thou art my King ; forget not
my tribulation and my need. Thou art my Judge :

spare me, and be merciful to my sins. Thou art my

Physician ; heal all my infirmities. Thou art the
Spouse of my soul ; betroth me to thyself for ever-
more. Thou art my Leader and my Defender ;
me by thy side, and then I care not who lifteth his
liand against me. Thou hast offered thyself a Victim
for me, and I will sacrifice to thee a sacrifice of
praise. Thou ai't my Iiedeemer; redeem my soul
from the power of hell, and preserve me. Thou art
my God and my All for what have I in heaven but

thee, and besides thee what do 1 desire upon earth ?

Thou, O my God, art the God of my heart, and my
portion for ever. Amen.
Glorious Virgin Mother of Good Counsel look !

upon me ; speak good things for me to thy dearest

Son, who has sweetly consoled me with his body and
blood, and offer to him thy merits to supply my
insufficiency. Give him thanks for me, and obtain
that his sacramental presence may not depart without
leaving the greatest blessings for my soul and body.
]\Iy holy Guardian Angel, my blessed patrons, and ye
souls who burn with divine love. " come and I will
tell you what good things the Lord hath done to
my soul." Come, bless and thank my God for

me, and admire the wondrous orace Avhich I have

Praised and blessed for ever be the most holy
Sacrament of the Altar, and blessed be the holy and
Immaculate Conception of the most holy Virgin
Marj'. Amen.
Clement VIII. and Benedict XIV. have granted a Plenary ladul-
grence to those who recite the lollowinj: prayer before any image
or representation of Christ crucified, provided they confess and
approach the holy Communion. This Indulgence is confirmed by
Pope Pius VII.. by a Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul-
gences, dated the lOth of April, 1S23. and is applicable, by way of
suffrage, to the suffering souls in Purgatory.

BEHOLD me, O good and amiable Jesus ! prostrate

in thy divine presence, and beseeching thee,
with ail the ardour of my soul, to impress upon my
heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity,
and of repentance for my sins, and a most determined
resolution of never offending thee again v.^hilst with :

all the affection of my heart, and with the sincerest

sorrow, I consider and contemplate thy five woimds,

mechtating chiefly on the words of the Koyal Prophet
concerning thee, O my Jesus " They have dug my

hands and feet they have numbered

; all my bones.''

{Psalm xxi. 18.)

At an audience of his Holiness.on the -Jnd June. 1S81, in reply to a
petitionmade on behalf of the Community of St. :Mart's Dominican
Convent, Cabka, our Most Holy Father Leo XIII., by Divine Provi-
'lencePope, was pleased to grant a Plenary Indulgence, to be gained
by the children in the aforesaid Monastery, on the occasion of their
approaching for the first time, the Holy Table, provided that they
pray devoutly according to the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff.
^Jrtitious afttT (tommuiuoiL
ETERNAL Father, living God, and Protector of
our souls, cast thy eyes on Jesus Christ, tliy
mrist dear Son, and look upon nie with the same
tenderness as thou lookest upon him. since he is
closely miited to me. Regard me not as one
separated from him : but for his sake show mercy to
nio. I offer him to thee ; and in virtue of the
promise he has made to thou wilt grant
us, that
wluttsoever we shall ask in his name, I beg that his
divine virtues may be infused into my soul, and that
tiirough the merit of his adorable Incarnation, it

would please thee to give me profound humility;

through his presentation in the Temple, a perfect
obedience unto death through his holy life, a con-

tempt of self and the world; through iris holy

conversation, a sweet meekness and compassion for
the aiilictions of my neighbour, a perseverance in
the path of virtue, a perfect love of thee and all
thou lovest. I beseech thee, my God, to give me,
in virtue of his death and passion, a seraphic charity,
an abnegation of self, and a desire to suffer for thy
glory a w^ill prompt in thy service as ready in
; —
prosperity as in adversity, in life as in death. Most
holy and eternal Father, I beg thee, in virtue of the
ulorious resurrection of thy Son, to protect and
ds^'fend thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Cliureh :

and I beseech thee, by the love tiiou bearcst to my

Redeemer, to bless, maintain, and preserve (A^iV.),
and to l)anish from them all that displeases thee.

Eternal Father, I beseech thee, in virtue of his

tiimnphant ascension into heaven, to convert all
infidels, heretics, and sinners, and to give thy grace

to all who are related to me, that they may work

out their salvation, and finally attain eternal happi-
ness. I ask of thee grace for the afflicted, that they
may be consoled ; inspire them with confidence in
thy mercy, and strength to bear their sufferings
patiently and for those that are in poverty, patience

under their trials, that they may conform themselves

to the sufferinu'S of thy Son. recommend to thee
all thy creatures: and, through the holy name of
Jesus, shed in our souls the ^'irtues he practised in
this world, in order that we may serve him and love
thee as thou deservest. I recommend to thy mercy
the souls of the faithful departed, especially those
for whom 1 am most bound to pray. Apply to
them the merits of the passion and death of my
Saviour Jesus Christ, and in virtue of this holy
sacrament grant that they may enjoy thy glory for
ever. O holy Father, I cast all my necessities, and
those of thy |)Oor creatures, into the abyss of thy
infinite goodness; and for this end I unite my inten-
tions, and the petitions I have offered up, to those
of Jesus my Saviour, the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph,
St.Dominic, and all the Angels and Saints, and to
thy whole Church militant and triumphant, which
ceases not to pray to thee, through Jesus Christ thy
Son, in whom and by whom thou wilt not turn a
denf ear to our prayers. Amen.
[ 174 1

'^taring iitass alitx ©ommumon.


Having received from your divine Redeemer tlie most convincing
proof of love wliicli God could bestow on his creature, endeavour to
tf.stifythe lively gratitude which should penetrate your soul. For
this purpo'^e you could do uoihiug better, or more acceiitable to God,
than to assist anew at the adorable sacriiice; thus offering to the
Almighty the only victim of thanksgiving proportioned to the
benefit you have received.

DIVINE Jesus I possess thee now

! thou thy- ;

self, oiunipotent as thou art, canst give nie nothing

more estimable, more precious. O my God how !

canst thou possibly endure thy present habitation,

far more wretched than the stable in which thou wert
born ? — how canst thou remain with a soul so
ungrateful, so tepid, and, even at this moment, so
little penetrated with a sense of thy divine presence?
() God! huw hast thou multiplied thy mercies in favour
of thy least deserving creatm-e ! Should not the
profusion of thy benefits terrify me, when 1 consider
my poverty, misery, and inability to acknowledge or
repay them ? Yet, on the other hand, O divine
Benefactor of my soul ! when was 1 ever so rich as at
present V Convinced, then, of my personal indigence,
yet filled with gratitude for the dignity to which 1

am raised have contracted with my

by the union I
Redeemer, 1 will again offer thee, O King of heaven
and earth, a victim of thanksgiving proportioned to

thy gifts I will offer thee a host of praise, immolated


not only on this altar, but in the midst of my heart.

And thou, O Jesus, sweet and mild, and plenteous
in mercy, give ear to my earnest petition ;let me
be now so closely united to thee, that I may become
one with thee create within me that humble,

meek, and fervent heart, which will make me pleasing

and acceptable in thy sight let thy divine presence

fill my soul with consolation and peace, and let thy

mercies be now upon me, according to the hope I have

placed in thee.


You mayfervently repeat the Oloriain excelsis, a prayer
acceptable to the Divinity, inviting both angels and men to give
glory to God, not only on high, but also residing within your

OGod of my soul ! worthy and adorable object of

the praise and benediction of all creatures!
permit me to sing to thee a nciv canticle, because
in ray thou hast done wonderful things.
Permit me to bless thy adorable name, because thou
art good, and thy mercy cndui'eth for ever. In union
with him who is the splendour of thy glory, and the
figureof thy substance, 1 praise thee, 1 bless thee, I
adore thee, and rejoice in all that glory, that felicity
which is essential to thyself, and which the ingrati-
tude of thy creatures can never lessen. Why cannot
1 extol thy goodness with lips purified as were those

of the Prophet ? Why

cannot 1, O Jesus, residing
in my heart ! bum
with the ardour which consumed
the heavenly spirits who first sang the praises of thy

hidden majrsty ? More ardent, thouL^h infinitely less

favoured than I ain, they proclaimed with joy the
blessings tliou wert come to scatter on earth. Oh I

that I had the hearts, the voices of men and angels, to

thank thee for those gifts with which thy coming this
day has enriched me. O King of Peace reign in my !

soul, and let thy dominion be absolute over all its

powers, affections, desires, and movements. Let my
perverse inclinations become submissive to the orders
of thy amiable providence, that I may have no will
but thine, no pursuit but that of pleasing thee and ;

no desire but that of enjoying thee eternally.

Imasrine you hear the voice of the Eternal Father. sa.riii_'. T'lisis
niv beloreil ^i'o)} : //ear ve him. (St. Matt. xvii. 5.) Listen witii clueility,
not only to the maxims contained in the Gospel, but also to the
words of eternal life, which Christ himself will speak to yonr heart.
Not content with instructin<r you by his prophets and apostles, lie
has come this day in person to teacii and enlighten you.

OETERXAI. Truth ! how happy are those who

thy divine inspirations, who hide thy
listen to
words in their hearts, that they may never sin against
thee. that wy iray.t may be henceforth directtil to
keep thy /KstljiratioJis. O that I may this day learn
from thy own lips, that true life consists in knoAving
and loving thee alone. Eternal Wisdom, proceeding
out of the mouth of the Most High my heart is at

this moment thy throne and thy possession teach ;

me to practise the \irtues of humility, charity, and

obedience. But alasl divine Jesus! I deserve not
thy lieavenly lessons. I am unworthy that thou afti:r communion. 177

shonlrlrt spoak to my soul; for I have often trans-

Gfressed thy iaw, trampled on thy graces, and sjighted
tliy inspirations. I have gone astray from thee like
a sheep that was lost; but, O charitable Pastor!
seek thy servant, because, amid my wanderings, I all

have never forgotten thy commandments I have ;

never censed to acknowledge thee for my God, my

ivedeemcr, my heavenly Guide. Oli ! had I fled from
sin with the horror it is calculated to inspire — had I
valued as I ought, the graces which were purchased
for me by thy precious blood, how near shoidd I be
to thee at moment how pleasing would my soul
tjiis ;

be in thy sight, how dear would it be to thy merciful

heart I O my God! the hope and salvation of those
who trust in thee ! enlighten my darkness, that I may
know thy testimonies, for I have inclined my heart to
keep them for ever.

Call to mind
the trnnspurts of grutitude which filled the 30ul of
Zachtus on receivinjr into his house the Salvation ofIsrael; persuaded
that you arc much more favoured than he was. endeavour to imitate
his spirit of sicrificc. and take care not to be outdone by a publican
in gratitude and fervour.

ADORABLE Jesus ! how insensible should I be

to my own eternal and temporal welfare, did I
refuse my heart to thee, for whom it was created,
and who alone canst satisfy its desires ! Yet, my God I

in offering thee all that I have, what do I present ?

A soul, redeemed indeed by thy precious blood, but

stained with such sins as should render it hatefid in
thv sight ; an im grateful heart, which thou hast

repeatedly demanded, but which I have so loug

refused. O my God ! caust thou accept now a gift
which thy mercy alone could have caused thee to
require? Yes, divine Jesus thou wilt now accept

my offering, for I present it to thee, not as my heart,

but as tJiy sanctuary not single, but incorporated

with thee by ms strict a union as a God can contract

with his creature. O most merciful Lord! do thou
crown all thy mercies, by bestowing on me that
humble, contrite heart which is the only offering
thou desirest to receive from thy creatures. O divine
Lord assisted by that grace which 1 have this day

abimdantly received, I now make thee a free oblation

of my whole being, whicii 1 am determined never
more to reclaim.
r.ntPr into the sjiirii uf the Church, and, in union with the
minister oi God, oflfcr to the Kin? of Heaven the hymns of praise
which exto'i liij greatness and bless his mercies for all t-ternity,

OKING of heaven and earth ! thou art he, whose

greatness and whose majesty no created intelli-
gence can ever compreheud, and whose amiable
perfections no huuian heart can ever sufficiently
love how then shall 1 presume to appear before

thee? how shall 1 pronounce that sacred name 1 am

so unworthy to utter? Yet. my God, permit me,
for the sake of the adorable Yictim J have received,
to offer thee my most fervent adoration, in union
with the angelswho surround this altar or rather, ;

inunion with the acceptable adorations of my divine

Redeemer, the Holy of Holies, the Lord of Angels !


By thee, great High Priest, who hath penetrated

the iv. 1-1), I can join wGrthily in the
heavens {Heb.
praises which resound in the heavenly Jerusalem
Thou art come to me this day in the name of the
Lord. Blessed for ever be that infinite mercy, which
is come to pardon me blessed be that love, which is

come to inflame me blessed be that liberality, which


is come to enrich me. O Son of David Son of the !

Most High God may never-ending Hosannas cele-


brate thy mercies lieaped on me and may I, through


thy infinite goodness, one day join in the praise

which will ascend before thy throne for all eternity !

At this solemn part of the Mass, let the consideration of the love
which the Almighty has this day manifested towards tou, aniaiate
yuu liOt only with gratitude towards your divine Benefactor, but
also with a lively interest in the temporal and eternal welfare of
all your fellow-creatures. Pray icrvently for .i.'l, whether friends
or enemies since, Jesus Christ loves all, and did not refuse to l;ty
down his life for them,
DIVINE Jesns! the redeemer of all mankind
who come to save even those who were lost!
whose adorable blood was shed for mauy to the
remission of sins deign to listen to the prayers I

now not for myself alone, but for the great

family of mankind, Avhose Creator, Lord, and Sove-
reign Master thou art permit me to offer my

supplications for the peace and prosperity of that

Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, which w^as
founded on thy unerring word, established by thy
miracles, enriched by thy merits, and peopled by thy
saints of that Church, whose unworthy child I am,

ill whose bosom, ihiough thy ^^/.ice, 1 rcsoJve to live

and to die that Church, which has this day impailed


to me her most precious treasure, in giving lue tliu

adorable body and blood of her heavenly Spouse.

O my God! bless, sanctify, and jjrotect the Tope,
thy representative on earth ; have mercy on the
Bishops, Priests, and ail who labour in thy vineyard ;

animate them with zeal for the salvation of souls,

who are the of thy blood give them ;

prudence, perseverance. liumiJiry, and patience ; in-

flame their hearts Avith that ardent zeal which con-
sumed thy holy Apostles. Render their lives as holy
as the law they inculcate make them all according

to thy own heart, and let their light so shine before

«ien, that they, seeing their good works, may glorify
their Father who is in heaven. O my God ! 7 seek not
that ichicli is profitable to mi/stlf, hut to main/, that
thcij may Coi: x. o3)
he sared (1 therefore I most ;

earnestly conjme thee to show forth the riches of thy

infinite mercy, by pardoning those who are in the
dreadful state of mortal sin. Thou art the lamb that
was sIai/1, and hast thou not redeemed us to God in
thy hh)od, out of every tribe, and tonrjue, and iieoplr.,
rind nation, and made ns to our God a liuf/dom?
(Apoc.Y. 9, 10.) Let none then be excluded from
that saving faith, which is the only sm-e road to thee ;

let all hear thy voice, O good Pastor of oiu- souls!

that all may follow tliee, and
be but one let tliere

sheepfold and one Permit me, also,

adorable Jesus! to implore thy mercy on all who.

tiaA'ing received from thee the precious gift of faith,

have suffered the light to become darkness in their

hearts. O Lord, forgive them, for they knoiv not
what they do; convert them, and they shall be
converted ; teach them, before it be too late, that
they are created to love and serve thee alone, and
let that important truth be so deeply impressed on
tlieir hearts, that they may sincerely retiiru to thy
love and service.
Iun>lore at this awfulmomont. that lively faith which will enab'e
vou adore vour Saviour with all the powers of your soul not
onlv on thij^ altar, but in the centre of your breast. Choosing
.vith Magdaljn the better part, place yourself at the
feet of your
Redeemer, and disclose to him all the desires and necessi;Ks of your

DIVINE Lord! by what miracle of mercy do 1

ao-ain Ah my God,
behold thee on this altar? !

when wilt thou set l)Ounds to that love which is so

of ieii abused? when wilt thou shield thy too often
slio-hted Majesty from the insults it leceives in this
ineffable mystery ? Oh that 1 could repair them all

in this moment by the sacrifice of ten thousand

lives !O di\ine Jesus how true it is, that thy

'/('//;//// is of nun {Pror. \'iii. 31)

to he irith lh( children ;

for though thy eternal throne is surrounded by

heavenly spirits, who adore thee as a God of infinite
and who love thee as the source of infinite

•oodness itself yet thou bowest the very heavens

to come on this altar, and even into the wretched

mansion of ray soul. I need not then ascend to
lieaveu to find thee. Luid: 1 need not even seek

thee on this altar, foriii this happy moment 1 enjoy

thy sacramental presence. O Divme Lord what !

great things hast thou done in my soul! But, my

God what can be the reason that I am so little

sensible of thy adorable presence? How is it possible

that 1 conc(\al fire in my bosom, and yet do not bum ?
Why am I so slothful and tepid, when 1 possess in
my soul the principle" of life ? Alas how little return

of gratitude hast thou ever met in my heart !

— but,
my God, what can resist thee? Hast tiiou not often
trimnphed over hearts equal even in malice to mine?
Do, then, I conjure thee, that for which thou art
come; transform me into thyself, and let me expe-
rience the effect of the petition thou didst deign to
make on our behalf, viz., that we should be one with
thee, as thou and thy heavenly Father art one. (St.
John xvii. 21.)


Il is a holy and u/iole.'ome thought to pray for the denU, that they
may be loKxt^J from t/ttir sins ("2 J/ac. xii. 46); therefore endeavuur
to acceleratf the bliss of tliose who are destined to love and praise
God fur ^turiiity. and who will ahiiudantly repay, before the tlirone
of the Most High, the charitable iiiter«st' of their intercessors on

OALiSlIGHTY God! the resurrection and tiie

he that believeth in thee, even though he

life !

were dead, shall certainly live, and enjoy in thy

kingdom the true liberty of the children of God.
Look, then, I beseech thee, with compassion an<l
mercy on those suffering souls who have always
believed and confessed thv name. O Sovereign Lord !


remember that they are the icorh

of thy cion hands
(Joh X. 3) ; thy power, redeemed in thy
created in
iaercy, preserved in thy goodness, find formed to thy
adorable image. Ah why then hidest thou thy

adorable face from those who have been dear to

thy sacred heart, and who long to behold and
enjoy thee, their sovereign Beatitude? Accept,
O Eternal God in their favour, the adorable

Victim, who now offers himself to thee on

this altar, and whom 1 likewise possess in the
centre of my Apply
to them also, () Lord,
the indulgence which thy Church this day holds
forth in thy name to worthy communicants, and
let not my imperfect dispositions be an obstacle
to the exercise of thy mercy on their behalf. In
consideration of thy beloved Son, cease to remem-
ber their iniquities, and take no further revenge
of their sins. I particularly implore thy mercy,
O Lord ! for my parents, friends, and benefactors
for all those who are most abandoned ; for
those to whose have been
sufferings I may
accessory for all who, during life, were most de-

voted to the adorable sacrament of thy love, and

also for those who were the fervent clients of thy
Blessed Mother. O Almighty Lord i transport
them into thy bosom, where they shall be replen-
ished with the goods of thy house ; confirm them
in thy sight for ever, that they may joyfully sing a
hymn to thee in Sion, and pay to thee a vow iu
.lerusalem. [Ps. ixiv. :?.)


After repeating- with the Priest the Pater noster call to mind
the indulgence wtiich the prodigal sou expes ienced from his father
on his sincere return, and acknowledge with gratitude, that tlie
tenderness of his irood parent, has been infinitely surpassed in your
favour by your heavenly Ftither.

ALMIGHTY Lord ! how shall I presiune to address

thee as my Father, since by the abuse of tiiy

mercies I have forfeited the thy child ?

title of
() my GoJ I acknowledge that I have squandered

thy graces, that I have been deaf to thy voice, and

have abandoned thee, my only good. 1 have sinned
against heaven and before thee, and vrere I treated as
1 deserve, I should be for ever excluded from that

kingdom wliich I was created to enjoy. Yet not-

withstanding all, I will not despair, for 1 possess in
ray sold the sweet pledge of my forgiveness : —thou
canst not behold me without looking at the same time
on the face of that dear Son, whose delight, while on
earth, and whose food it v/as. to do thy will. But,
O my God hast thou not already anticipated my

conversion ? Didst thou not see me from afar, by

facilitating to me the means of return to thy aims 'i

Didst thou not clothe me in the tribunal of thy mercy

with the robe of innocence? And this very day
hast thou not fed me with the heavenly banquet,
which is prepared only for the childi'en of tliy
kingdom ? Why didst thou load me with mercies,
often denied to those whom thou hast ahvay.? with
thee, and who have never disobeyed thee in any
thing? Ah! it is because I was lost, and thou hast

found me, because I was dead, and by thy all -reviving
grace I am now re-animated. O coinplete thy mercies,
Infinite Goodness ; restore unto me the joy of thy
mlvation ; restore unto me that peace and happiness
I once enjoyed in thy service. I am not worthy to
be called tliy child, but I entreat thee once more, in
the name of thy beloved Son, to receive me among
the last of those who are hnppy enough to love and
serve thee.
You should have been smcerely persuaded, -with the centurion,
thatj-ou were unworthy to receive under your roof the Lord of
Glory, but since, overlooking- your misery, he has not disdained to
visit you in person, beseech of him, wlio is meek and Jiumble of
heart, to destroy every vice in your soul, particularly that priJe,
vi-hkh is iltebegi?iningofaU sin. {Eccli. n. \b.)

DIVINE Jesus was not worthy to receive thee

! 1
I am unworthy to possess thee and i —
acknowledge myself infinitely undeserving of thy
stay in my sinful heart. O may the love and humility
of this thy minister, and of all those happy souls
who are at this moment about to receive thee in any
part of the world, supply for the little preparation
thou hast found in my heart and may their thanks-

gi^nng and lively gratitude offer thee such lively

homage as thou canst never expect to receive from
me. My God since thou hast condescended to

enter under my roof since thou hast come in person


to heal my soul, when one word would have suflicerl,

leave me not without effecting the cure for which
thou art come depart not, until thou hast planted

on the ruins of my pride and vanity the di^^ne virtues



of liumility and meekness, so strongly inculcated by

thy divine example. Teach me, I beseech thee, to
walk in thy footsteps make choice of my heait, to

model it after and to adorn it with the solid

virtues of charity, patience, compassion for the poor
and afflicted, a lively horror of sin, and of all that
offends thy divine Majesty.
At tliePriest's blcj<.~in2', most leivciitly iiiKilore the parting
bencdiitinn of your divine Gu< st. that it nmv remain as a memorial
and a iiru-ervative of the graces you have thisiiay received.

MY God,methou
me until thou
shalt never leave
thou givest me that efficacious
benediction which will be the safeguard of thy gi :\ces.
That the world may know I sincerely love thee, and
have had the happiness of receiving thee, I will
follow thee, and serve thee faithfully to the last
moment of life; but yet, my God! with what
diffidence should I make these prouiises ! How often
have I pronn'sed to be faithful to thy law. and yet on
occasions of trial, how repeatedly have I transgresst-d
Thou hast given me thy precious body and blood,
yet I have imgratefuUy refused thee the most trifling
sacrifices. Thus have I hitherto acted, and what 1
once did, I may and certainly shall do again, if not
supported by thy powerfid grace. Yet, notwith-
standing my experience of past weakness, I do again
promise to keep thy commandments, to love thee
and serve thee with all my heart and soul. Remain
with me, O Divine Lord, by the influence of thy
all-powerful grace take my whole being, and reign


over me so absolutely, that 1 may never acknowledge

any King or Master but thee. May I rather die than
forget thy infinite goodness and unspeakable mercies:
may these same mercies give thee glory, and may they
follow me all the days of my life. In the strength of
the heavenly nourishment 1 have received, may I walk
steadily in the paths of virtue until 1 come to that
happy region where I shall eternally sing Benediction
and glory, and ivisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour,
and power, andj strength to our God, for ever and ei'f-r.
Amen. {Apoc. v. 12.)

^atramntt of baptism.
Baptism, we
BY from
the Sacrament
the power of Satan, whose
of are
we were

born by original sin. Being washed, by virtue of

the Son of God in Baptism, we receive a new birth ;

are made children of God by grace ; incorporated in

Christ consecrated as temples of the Holy Ghost

and become living members of the Church, with an

undoubted right to the kingdom of keaven.
Provided an infant is in danger of dying before a priest can be
procured, any other person, whether man, woman, or child, may
baptize it in the following manner :—
Whilst pouring' common water on the head of the infant,
pronounce the words, "I baptize thee in the name of the Father,
and of the Sou, and of the Holy Ghost," at the same time intending
to do what the Church does in rtdmiiiistering Baptism.
The water must be common and natural water, and must be
poured on by the same person who repeats tlie words and care ;

must lie taken to lepeat the words exactly, and to pronounce

them ar the same time that the water is poured on.
r 188 ]

Sacrainntt of Cnnfirmation,

The principal effect of Confirmation is to confirm m^\1 fortify those

•who receive it in tlie profes-iun of the true faith to arm tJura

ajraiu^t ticir spii-itual en'^mic?. and to complete in them the ^ancti

which Baptism has begun.
For these purposes the Seven Gifts of the Holy Gliost arccouftried
on tlie worthy recipient of Confirmation.
No iierson contirnud sliould. upon any account, leave the ciuirch
until she receives tlie solemn benediction pronounced by the bishop
aiter the sacrament has been a'hninistered.
Confirmation imprints on the soul an indelible character;
hence it caimot be received more than once.


OHOLY Spirit ! %srhom I ardently desire to receive

Sacrament of Confirmation, grant to my
in the
soul tlie beauty of an angel, the ardour of a seraph,
and the purity of a ^'irgin, tliat so, it may be pleasing
in thine eyes and then, O Spirit of AVisdom, come

10 dispel tlie darkness of my mind, that I may clearly

see the nothingness of all that passes with time,
and the infinite importance of securing my salvation.
Spirit of Understanding and of Knowledge, come
to impress on my heart the lessons of my holy
religion, and to teach me the science of the saints.
Spirit of Counsel, come to guide me in all my
undertakings, and to a>.sist me ever to follow thy
inspirations rather than the suggestions of Satan
or the promptings of self-love. Spirit of Fortitude,
come to strengthen me to conquer my passions, and
to resist the evil influence of the world's maxims and
example. Spirit of Piety, come to fill my heart with

the love of God, with love of all that can lead me to

God, and dread and horror of whatever can separate
me from him. Spirit of Fear, come to impart to me a
lively apprehension of sin, and grant me fidelity in
avoiding small faults, as the best security against
serious ones. May 1 think so often and so det'ply of
my last may
never transgress thy law, but,
end, that I
on the contrary, persevere constantly in thy service,
and thus merit eternal union with thee in heaven.
O ever glorious and blessed Virgin Mary! Daughter
of tiie Eternal Father, Mother of the Eternal Son,
Spouse of the Most Holy Spirit, enriched with a
superabundance of grace reserved for thyseff alone,
take pity on my poverty, and offer to thy heavenly
Spouse, as a supplement for my deficiencies, the dis-
positions of thy pure soul on the day of Pentecost.
Holy Apostles, pray for me. Dear Angel, guar-
dian of my soul, prepare me. All ye saints of God,
intercede for me.


An Act of Faith. —O Holy Spirit, 1 firmly believe
that I am about to receive thee in the Sacrament of
Confirmation. I believe it because thou hast said it,

and thou art Truth itself.

All Act of Hope. — Relying on thy infinite goodness

() Holy and Sanctifying confidently hope
Spirit, 1
that, receiving thee in the Sacrament of Confirma-
tion, I shall receive the abundance of thy graces. 1


trust in thee that thou wilt make nie a perfect
Christian, and that thou wilt give me strength to
my life.
confess the faith, even at the peril of
An Act of Charity. — I love thee, O Holy Spirit,
with all my heart, and with all my soul, above all
things, because thou art infinitely good and worthy
to be loved. Kindle in my heart the tire of thy
love and grant that, having received thee in the

Sacrament of Confirmation. I may faith.fully perform

all the duties of my state to the end of my life.

The Bishop proceeds to the fald^tcol. before the altar, or other
convenient place, and sits thereon, with his face to the people.
holding his pastoral staff in his Ic ft hand. Rising up, he stands
with his face towards the persons to be confirmed, and having his
hands joined before his breast, he says:

y^PIKlTUS Sanctus su- May the Holy Ghost

O perveniat in vos, et come down upon you,
virtus Altissimi custodiat and may the power of
vos a peccatis. the Most High preserve
you from sin.
K. Amen. R. Amen.

Then signing himself, witli his right hand, with the sign of the
cross from his forehead to liis breast, he says

V.Adjutorium nos- V. Our help is in the

tram nomine Domini, name of the Lord.
R. Qui fecit coelum et R. Who hath made
terrum. heaven and earth.

V. Domine, exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my

tionem meam. prayer.
R. Et clamor mens ad R. And let my cry
te veniat. come unto thee.
V. Dominus vobiscum. V, The Lord be with
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. x\nd with thy spirit.

Then, with his liands extended towards the persons to be

confirmed, he savs :

Oremus. Let us pray.

Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty, Everlasting
Deus, qui regenerare dig- God, who hast vouchsafed
natus es hos famulos tuos to regenerate these thy
ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto, servants by water and the
quique dedisti eis remis- Holy Ghost and hast
sion em omnium pecca- given unto them the re-
torum, emitte in eos mission of all their sins,
septiformem Spiritum send forth upon them thy
tuum sanctmn Faracli- Sevenfold Spirit the Holy
tum de coelis. Paraclete from heaven.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
V. Spiritum sapientiae V. The Spirit of wisdom
et intellectus. and of understanding.
7i. Amen. R. Amen.
V. Spiritum consilii et V. TheSpirit of counsel
fortitudinis. and of fortitude.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
V. Spiritum scientiae V. The Spirit of know-
et pietatis. ledge and of godliness.
R, Amen. R. Amen.
Adimple eos Spiritu ti- Ilepleiiish them with
nioris tui, et consigna eos tlie .spirit of thy fear, and
siofiio cruj^cis Christi. in sign them with the sign
vitam propitiatns aeter- of the cross i^* of Christ,
nam. Per eundem Do- in thy mercy, unto life

minum nostrum Jesum eternal. Through the

Christum tuum, sameJesusChrist thy Son,
qui tecum vivit et regnat our Lord, who liveth and
in unitate ejusdem reign eth wdth thee in the
Spiritus Sancti Deus, per unity of the same Holy
omnia saecula saeculorum. Spirit, God, world without
Amen. end. Amen.
The Bishop inquires separately the name
of each person to he
confirmed, and havin,^ dipped the end of the thumb of his riq-ht
hand in chrism, he says, making therewith at the word cru ijf cis
the sign of tlie Cross on the forehead of each :

N., Signo te signo xV., 1 sign thee with the

cru dX^ cis, etconlirmo te sign of tlie Cross »|3, and
chrismate In 1 confirm thee with the

nomine Pa i^* tris, et chrism of salvation. In

Fi ^ Hi, ct Spiritus ^ thename of theFa ij* ther
Sancti. Amen. and of the Son. >^ and of
the Holy ^
Then he strikes gently on the cheek tlic person confirmed, saying;

Pax tecvmi. Peace be with thee.

Wlun have born confirmed, the Bishop -n-ashcs his and
the following anthem is sung, or read by the priest assisting:

Confirma hoc, Deus, Contirm, O Lord, that

quod operatus es in nobis, which thou hast wrought

a teiJiplo sancto tno quod iu us, from tliy holy

est iu Jerusalem. temple, wiiich is iu
R. Gloria i'atri. R. Glory be to the
Father, &c.

Then the antiphon Confirtua hoc. is repeated, and the Bishop

standing towards the altar, saj's :

F. Osteude nobis, Do- V. Show us, O Lord,

mine.misericordiam tuam. thy mercy.
R. £t salutare tuum da R. And grant us thy
iiobis. salvation.
V. Domine, V. O Lord, he;u-
exaudi my
orationem moarn. prayer.
R. Kt clamor meus ad R. And let m.y cry
le veniat. come unto thee.
V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with

R. Et cum spirit u tuo. R. And with thy spirit.

Then, wit!) his hands still joined before his lireast, and all the
tersons confirmed devoutly kneeling-, he says :

God, who didst give to thy Apostles the Holy

and didst ordain that by them and their
successors he should be delivered to the rest of the
faithful, look mercifully on the service of our
iiumility ; and grant that the hearts of those whose
foreheads we have anointed with the sacred chrism,
and signed with the sign of the holy cross, may by
the same Holy Spirit descending upon them, and
vouchsafing to dwell therein, be made the temple of


his glory. Who, with the Father and the same

Holy Spirit, livest and reignest, God, world without
R. Amen.
Theu he says :

Ecce, sic benedicetur Behold, thua shall

omnis homo qui timet every man be blessed that
Domiiiuuj. feareth thp Lord.

Aii'lturiiing to the persons confirmeci, he makes o?er ihem the

slqn of the cross, .^.nying::

Bene&Jsdieat vos Domi- May the Lord bless»J<

nus ex Sion, ut videatis you out of Sion, that you
bona Jerusalem omnibus may see the good things
diebus vitae vestrae, et of Jerusalem all the days
habeati^i yitam aeternam. of your life, and have
life everlasting.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
On to your plnce after having been confirmed, conse-
crate some moments to thank God for the g:racfcs he has so
mercifully hcstowed upon you in the Sacr.iment i-' (Confirmation.
Imagine you are nmong the Apo.-tles after the descent of the Huly
Ghost, and join m st devoutly in the transports v. i,.i which they
glorified God. Reut'W your jrood resolutions; place yourself under
t-ie protection of the most holy Virgin praying the ansu't Sponse
of the Holy Gho-t to obtain for you grace to remain laitc to the .1

divine inspiraiion-. and to perforin all thar you have promised, for
the glory of God .lud your o^vn salvation.

[ 195 ]


OMY saints
God, accept the
in tiiauksgiving
praises of
thy angels and
thy unbounded
mercies to me. May the blessed Mother of thy
Divine Son, anc' the glorious choir of Apostles,
tli.'ink thee for me. May the cross of Christ, Avith
which my forehead has been signed, defend me from
all my enemies, and save me at the last day. May
the inward unction of sanctifying grace, figured by
the chrism with which I have been anointed, pene-
trate my soul, soften my heart, strengthen my will,

and consecrate my
whole being to thy service.
heavenly Spirit Third T*erson of the adorable

'JViiiity whom 1 liave received, and must fervently


adore, deign to take eternal possession of my soul,

create and maintain therein the purity and sanctity
which becomes thy temple. O Spirit of TF/.s'cZowi .'

preside over all njy thoughts, words, and actions

from this hour to the moment of my death. Spirit
of Understanding! enlighten and teach me. Spirit
of Fortitude ! strengthen my weakness. Spirit of
Counsel ! direct my youth and inexperience. Spirit of
Knowledge ! instruct my ignorance. Spirit of Piety!
make me fervent in good works. Spirit of Fear
restrain me from all evil. Spirit of Peace! give me
thy peace : I neither desire nor ask the peace whicli
rlie world gives the false— peace found in pleasure

and self -gratification but the solid, lasting peace,
which I know from my own experience is found only


in the service of God. Teach me in future to place

all my glory, all my happiness and peace in serving
my good God, who has so tenderly loved me — in
combiiting for Jesus my Saviour, who has chosen
me for his soldier, and in listening to and obevhig
thy voice, O Divine Spirit ! who hast deigned to
make my soul thy habitation. Heavenly Spirit
dwelling within me, let thy sacred presence change
my and influence the whole tenor of my future
life. all my works be fruits of charity
Let infuse ;

into my heart the joy of a good conscituce, and

teach me to delight in lue service of God, and to
despise the false joys of the world. Give me grace
to preserve peace with God, my neighbour, and my-
self ;
— ^give me patience to bear with all the ills of
this life ; make God,
uie persevere in the service of
and enable me ro act on all occasions with Goodness,
Benignity, Mildness, and Fidelity. Let the he<ivenly
virtues of Modesty. Coutinency, and Chastity, adorn
tlie temple thou ha.«t chosen for thy abode. O Spirit
ot Parity by thy all-powerful grace, preserve from

the misfortune of sin my soul, which for all eternity

will be discinoiiislK-d by the double title and sacred
character of a Christiiin by I'aptism, and a soldier ot
Jesus Christ by the Sacrament of Confirmation.
[ 197 ]

^aixaimixt of Extreme alnction.

The effect of this Sacrament is to impart to the sick jie >on t]ie
grace of resisting, in her last moments. the tempt-itionsof the devil.
and of sufjporting with patience the pains under which she labnuii.
This Sacramen' should n.-rer be deferred until the sick person is in
imni-nent danger Oi' deatli on th" contrary, we should be anxious

10 receive it in any illness that will probably temiin ite fatally.

Wiicn the cler^'vman is calied to attend a sick person everything?
ho requires for the administration of the Sacraments should be
furnished as nicely as possible in the room where the sick per?iin
lies —viz., a small table,coyered with a clean limn cloth; a crucifix,
one or two candles, holy water, asperges, a small vessil of comciun
water, and a napkin for tiie sick person at the time of communion.
The Holy Coniniuuion administered to the sick a? prepar ition for
death, i.s called Vinticurti. It is the safeguard that must preserve
the soul on its journey to eternity— it is the )>ledye of immortal
elorv. -'He that eat' th this bread shall live for ever."—
5«. ^John vi. .5-2.1



OM Y God, I accept of this illiicss with

hast been pleased to visit me. I
which thou
bow down iiiv

whole soul to adore thee in all thy appointments. I

offer up myself to thee for time and eternity.
Lord, do with me what thou pleasest not my :

will, bm thine be done. Thy will be done on earth

as it is in heaven.
Ijord Jesus, who ha^-t died for me, have mercy on
me. Lord, I believe in thee. In thee I put all my
tnist. Oh ! let me never be confounded.
Oh, hide me. dear Jesus, in thy wounds bathe my ;

soul in thy precious blood. Oh, protect me and

defend me in this hour.

Into thy hands, O Lord, I commit my spirit:

Lord Jesus receive my soul.
O my God and my all, I desire to praise thee, to
bless thee, and to glorify thee for aU eternity.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to he i

Holy Ghost.
divine love, take thou fuU posses;-ion of my
sonl ; Oh, teach me to love thee for ever.
1 give thee my whole heart, for all thy
thanks, with
graces and benefits pardon me, I beseech tliee,
; oh,
all my ingratitude, together with all the other sins

of my whole life.
Have mercy on me. O God, according to thy great
mercy and according to themidtitude ol thy tender

mercies, blot out all my iniquity.

O God, be merciful to me a sinner. Incline
unto my aid, O God O Lord make haste to help

Remember, dear Jesus, thou hast purchased me
for thyself by thy precious blood oh, let nothing

ever separate me from thee. Forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive them that tresp;.ss against
Holy Mary. Mother of God. pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. O my good Angel,
stand by me in this hour. O all you blessed angels
and saints of God, assist me by your prayers defend ;

me in the combat, that I perish not in the dreadful

May oiu- Lord Jesus Christ appear to u^- with a

mild cind cheerful countenance, and give us place

amongst those who are to be in his presence for ever.
Embrace with gratitude the great trrace which is prepared for
you in the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, and whilst the priest
anoints your sense*, implore with a contrite and humble heart the
mercy of God for the forgiveness of all those sins which throug-h any
of those avenues, have made their way into your soul ; beg also his
supporting grace in this your illness, that you may continue to the
end ever faithful to him.
After Extreme Unction return thanks to your loving Saviour for
having favoured you with so many helps in your sickness. Beg of
him, that his holy unction may produce nil its happy fruits in you,
by heaHng your soul of all its weakness and spiritual maladies, by
fortifymg you against all the temptations of thr enemy, by sup-
porting and comforting you under all your pain and anguish. Keep
yourself, henceforth, as much ;is you can in the company of your
Lord; bewail your sins at his feet, and call lii'on him for mercy.
Oh hide your poor soul in liis wounds
! ; b ithc yourself in liis
precious Blood! resign yourself entirely into his liands; be patient
under all yon suffer and offiT up all your pains and uneasiness to

him. Implore also the intenission of the Blessed Virgin, and of all
the glorious angels and saints, that you may be helped by their
prayers in life and in death.

^arranti^nt of iKatrimoug.

THIS is a great Sacrament " (St. Paul), a repre-

sentation of that sacred union \viiich exists

betAveen Christ and his spouse the Church.

Those Avho intend to enter this holy state should
implore the divine assistance for the guidance they
so much They must obtain pardon of tlieir
sins in the Sacrament of Penance; for. to receive
INIatrimony in the state of mortal sin Avould be to
profane a divine institution, and instead of a blessing
to merit an endless train of unspeakable miseries.
Tlie Cluirch, m ilie Getieiai Coimcii ot I'rent,

exer solicitous for the welfare of her children, exhorts

the faithful before their marriage to receive with
(Lrotiou the Ilolv C'ommimiou.

Mir Blessed Saviour Jesus Chri'^t. is really present in the conse-


crated Host. He reiuHins upon our altars as upon a throne of love

and nui'cy. whenee he 'li-^penses Iiis graces to us, hears ;uid redresses
all our wants, accepts our offerings, and grants all our demands.
It is prolitabje to liouour our Blessed Saviour in the Sacrament of
his love, under tht- different titles he assumes and the ditfer^nt
relations he maintains uith us. AVc niay sometimes jiay him our
homo^'o in the Blessed Sacrament as God: sometimes as uur Kiiig.a$
our Model, onx Judge. AVe should frequently visit him. confidently
exp se to him our n( cct^sities, speak to him of our ditrjculties anil

solicit grace and ^tl ength to conquer the ohstacles we encounter

(in the road to heaven.
liei him that thirsts come tome"" (67. John vii.) "You shall
draw waters ii^ joy frum the fountains of your Saviour." {IsaiaszW.

Ulsits to tbe /lOost 1bolp Saciament.


MU^T humbly adore thee, uncreated Father.
1 and thee, O Only-begotten Son, and thee, O
Holy Ghost the Paraclete, one almighty, everlasting
and unchangeable God, Creator of heaven and earth,
and of all tilings visible and in\isible. I acknow-
ledge in thee a true and ineffable 'Liinity of persons,
a true and indivisible Unity of substance. 1 glorify
thee, O ever-serene, effidgent Trinity, one only
Deity, my most compassionate Lord, my sweetest
hope, my dearest light, my most desired repose, my
joy, my life, and all my good. To thy most merciful
goodness 1 commend my soul and body; to thy


most sacred ^Majesty wholly devote myself, and to


thy divine will and yield myself eternally. AV.

I resign
honour and glory be to thee for ever and ever. Amen.
O heavenly Father, O most forgiving Father. O
Lord God, have mercy upon me a wretched sinner,
have mercy upon all men. In fullest reparation,
expiation, and satisfaction for all my ini-j^nities and
negligences, and for the sins of the whole world, and
perfectly to supply the deficiency of my good works
and merits. I offer to thee thy beloved Son, Christ
Jesus, in union with that sovereign charity with
which thou didst send him to us, and didst give him
to us as our Sa^^our. I offer thee his transcendent
virtues and all that he did and suffered for us. 1

offer thee his labours, sorrows, torments, and most

precious blood. I offer thee the merits of the most
blessed Virgin Mary, and of all thy Saints. Assist
me. t O most merciful Father, through
beseech thee,
the same thy Son, by the power of thy Holy Spirit.
Have mercy on all unhappy sinners, and graciously
call them back to the way of salvation. Grant to
the living, pardon and grace, and to the faithful
departed eternal light and rest. Amen.
O Holy Spirit, sweetest Comforter, who proceedest
from the Father and the Son in an ineffable
manner, come. I beseech thee, into my heart. Purify
and cleanse me from all sin sanctify my soul

wash away its defilements, moisten its dryness, heal

its wounds, subdue its stubbornness, melt its
coldness, and correct its wanderings. Make me

truly humble and lesii^ned, that I may be pleasing

to thee, and that thou mayest abide with me for ever.
O most blessed light, O most amiable light, enlighten
me ! O rr.vishing joy of Paradise, O fount of pn:est
delights, O my
God, give thyself to me, and kindle
vehemently in my inmost soul the fire of thy love.
O my Lord, instruct, direct and defend me. Give
me strength against all immoderate fears bestow ;

upon me a right faith, a firm hope, and a sincere and

perfect chaiity and grant that I may ever do thy

most gracious will. Amen.

O sacred banquet, in which Christ is received :

the memory of his passion is renewed : the mind i?

filled witli grace ; and a pledge of future glory is

fjiven to us. Alleluia.


ODIYIXE Redeemer of our souls, who of thy great

goodness hast been pleased to leave us thy
precious body and blood in the blessed Sacrament
of the Altar, I adore thee with the most profoimd
reverence. I himibly thank thee for all the favours
thou hast bestowed upon us, especially for the insti-
tution of this most Holy Sacrament. And as thou art
the source of every blessing, I entreat thee to poiu:
down thy benediction this day upon us. and upon
all those for whom we offer up our prayers. And
that nothing may interrupt the course of thy
])lcs.sing, I beseech thee to banish from ray heart all

that displeases thee : pai'don me my sins, O my God.

since I sincerely detest them for love of thee :

purify my heart, sanctify my soul, bestow on me a

blessing like that which thou didst grant to thy
disciples at thy ascension into heaven ;
grant me a
blessing that may change, consecrate, and unite me
perfectly to thee, and may till me with thy Spirit,
and be to me in this life a foretaste of those
blessings vvhich thou reservest for thy elect in
heaven. All this 1 beg in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Auieu.


Oh, Jesus ! who art about to give thy Benediction
to me, and to all who are assembled here, I humbly
beseech thee that it may
impart to each and all of us
the special grace we need.
But uiore than this 1 ask.
Let thy blessing go forth far and wide. Let it be
felt in the souls of the afflicted, who cannot come
liither to receive it at thy feet. Let the weak and
tiunpted feel its pawer wherever they may be. Let
the poor sinner feel its influence, arousing him to
come to thee. Let it cross the seas and animate and
comfoi-t the Missioner, away far from home and
brethren, and toiling for the love of souls so dear to
thy Sacred Heart. [ humbly beg thy blessing for
N. and iV., &c. And may it effect that salutary
purpose for which, O Lord, thou dost so lovingly
impart it. Amen.
[ 204 ]

WAimw of i\jt ^itssth Sacrament,

Lord, have meroy on iis.

Christ hair mercy on us.

Lord, have mercv on us.

Living bread, that came down from heaven,

Hidden God and Saviour,
Wheat of the elect, and vine bearing vir[:in8,
Perpetual sacrifice, and clean oblation,
Lamb without spot and immaculate feast,
Food of angels, and hidden manna,
Memorial of the wonders of Hod,
Word made flesh, dwelling in us, w

Sacred Host, and Chalice of Ben '.diction, f

Mystery of faith, most excellent and vencral'ic ^

sacrament, «

Atonement for the hviug and ihe dead,


Heavenly antidote against the poison of sin, :

Most wonderful of all miracles, I

Most holy commemoration of the Passion of Christ,

Plenitude of all gifts.

Special memoriiJ of divine love,

Ovediovviiig ft)untain of divine goodness,
Most liigh and holy mystery,
A.wful and life-giving sacrifice,
Bread made flesh by the (.umipotMice of the
Incarnate Word,
Sacrament of piety, oign of unity, and bond of


Priest and Victim, ..

Viaticum of such as die in the Lord, 2 5"
Pledge of future glory. 'i^

From an unworthy reception of thy body and

From evt^ry occasion of sin. ^
Through the desire thou hadst to eat this Passover ,^'

with thy disciples, ^

Through thy precious blood, shed for us on the -^
cross, and really present on our altars, ^
Through the five wounds thou didst leceive in ^
thy sacred body,
Vv'e sinners, beseech thee to hear ui<,

That thou wouldst pres('rve and increase our

faith, reverence, and devotion towards this
admirable sacrament, _h
That by sincere confession we may be disposed "^^

for frequent and worth) communion, %

That thou wouldst vouchsafe to deliver us from ^
all tepidity, coldness, and obduracy, l!L

'{"hat thou wouldst vouchsafe to impart to us I

the precious and heavenly fruits of tliis most ?
huly Sacrament, I"
That at the hour of death thou wouldst defend ^j

and strengthen us by this heavenly Viaticum, ?

8on of God,
r^amb of God. who takest away the sins of the world.
Span HS, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the
world, Graciouslii hear us, O Lord.
206 DEVo riONS lo the

Lniiib God. who takest away the sins of the

world, Have mercii on ils.
V. Thou didst give them Bread from heaven.
R. Containing in it.self all sweetness. Alleluia.

() God. who in this wondrous Sacramout hast left

unto US a memorial of thy Passion, grant us so to

venerate the sacred mysteries of thy Body and Blood,
that we may ever continue to feel within ourselves
the blessed fruit of thy redemption. Who livest
and reignest God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Brliotions t0 i\]t ^arrrb H^art.

The Hpart of our adorable Redeiiucr is tin- scat of love —
source of per.'i ct charity! In it we shall find amis against tempta-
tion, consolation in troubh'. stren rth in weakness.
The particular object of thi< d.votion is to makp reparation for
the outrages committed asrainst the Heart of Jesus during- his mortal
life ;outrages which continue to be committed against him in the
.idorable Eucharist, which is the Sacrament of Ills love.

To th(.' Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, which may be made In
common or in private.
ADO LIABLE Heart of my Saviour and my God,
penetrated with a lively sorrow at the sight of
the outrages which thou hast received, and which
thou daily dost receive in the Sacrament of thy love,
behold me prostrate at the foot of thy altar, to make
an acceptable atonement. Oh. that I were able, by

my homage and veneration, to make satisfaction to

thine injured iionour, and efface, with my tears and
with my blood, so many irreverences, profanations,
and which outrage thine infinite greatness.

How well shouldmy life be disposed of, could it be

sacrificed for so worthy an object Pardon, divine

Saviour, my ingratitude, and all the infidelities and

indignities which I myself have committed against
thy Sovereign Majest3^ Remember that thy adorable
Heart, bearing the weight of my sins in the days of
its mortal life, was sorrowful even unto death do ;

not suffer thy agony and thy blood to be unprofitable

to me. Annihilate within me my criminal heart, and
give me one according to thine —
a heart contrite
and humble, a heart pure and spotless, a heart which
may be henceforth a victim consecrated to thy glory,
and inflamed with the sacred fire of thy love : O Lord,
I deplore in the bitterness of myformer heart my
irreverences and which I wish in future to
lepair, by my pious deportment in the churches, my
assiduity in visiting, and my devotion and fervour in
receiving, the most holy Sacrament of the Altar.
But in order to render my respect and my adoration
more grateful to thee, I unite them with those
which are rendered to thee in our temples, by those
blessed spirits who are at the foot of thy sacred
tabeinacles. Hear their vows, O my God, and accept
the homage of a heart which returns to thee with
the solo view of loving only thee, that I may morit
loving thee eternally. Amen.



TO thee, O
Sacred Heart of Jesus, do I devote and
offer up my life, my thoughts, words, actions,
and sufferings. May my whole being be no longer
employed but in loving, serving, and glorifying thee.
Sacred Heart, be thou henceforth the sole object
of my love, the protector of my life, the pledge of
my salvation, and my refuge at the hour of my
death. Justify me, O blessed and adorable Heart,
at the bar of dix^ine justice, and screen me from the
anger which my sins deserve. Imprint thyself, like
a divine seal, on my heart, that I may never be
separated from thee. ^lay my name also be ever
engraven ui)on thee, and may I ever be consecrated
to thy glory, ever burning with the flames of thy
love, and entirely penetrated with it for all eternity.
This is all my desire, to live in thee. One thing
have I sought of the Lord, and this will I seek, that

1 may dwell in the Heart of my Lord all the days of

my life. Amen.


{To he made on Passion Sunday, the Anniversary of the

Dediradnn of Ireland to the Sacred Heart, 1873.)

HUMIiLY O Lord Jesus Christ, before

thy on which thou art really present, we
dedicate ourselves and everytiung dear tu us to thy
Sacred Heart.

"W'c believe, T.ord Jesis. tluit thou art the only

Sou of the Eternal Father, the Word made Flesh, true
(iodandtrue man, vmiting- two really distinct natures,
the human and the divine, in one Divine Person.
V\Q believe, O Lord Jesus, that for our salvation
thou didst suffer and die in thy human nature, and
that we have been redeemed by the preciou.s blood
v.hich issued from thy Sacred Heart.
We believe that the merits of thy Sacred Heart,
Lord Jesus, are applied to us in the sacraments ;

nnd that thou hast given to the Catholic priesthood

the power of forgiving sins in the Sacrament of
Penance, and hast left us in the Blessed Eucharist
thy body and blood, with thy soul and divinity, to
strengthen us in oiu* pilgvimage throngh the dark-
ness of this world.
We believe. O Lord Jesus, that thou hast founded
the Holy Catholic Church, the depository of thy
doctrines and precepts, to be the unerring guide of
thy children in this valley of tears; that thou iiast
committed the supreme goveiniiient of this Church
^o thy Vicar on earth, the liomnn Pontiff, rendering
him, by thy divine assistance, infallible in his dreisions
addressed to the Church, regarding faith and morals.
We believe that thou wilt be always with the pastors
of the Church, when united and acting with thy
\'iear on earth, and that the powers of darkness can
never lead into error or destroy this divinely-
instituted Church, or the Rock of Peter on which
she is built.


How can wo ade(iiiatelv jiraise tiieo, O Sacred

Ileait of flesus, for so many gifts and graceci I How
can we ever sufficiently a<lmireand adore that infinite
love for ns which burns in thee, and the source
origin of all blessings! thousands of
AVitli the
thousands of angels and saints of the Apocalypse,
we cry out " The Lamb that was slain is worthy to

leceive power, and dix-inity.and wisdom. and strength.

and honour, and glory, and benediction To
him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Tiamb,
benediction, and honour, and glory, and power, for
ever and ever.*" (Ajxw. v. 12.)

Filled with thankfulness and gratitude for all

these benefits conferred on us, without any men't on

our part, again we consecrate ourselves, our thoughts,
words, and actions our sorrows and ourhoi)e= our
; ;

friends, our families, our parish, our diocese, and

OUT (^ountry to thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus we :

desire to belong entuely to thee, to know nothing

but thee, to seek thee before all thijigs, and to des-
pise tl'o pleasures, riches, and honours of this world,
if they be an impediment to us in thy ser^^ce.
Teach us, () Sacred Heart of flesus. meekness and
by thy example
luimility in the grotto of Bethlehem,
and by every act of thy life : teach us patience and
resignation to the holy will of (lod by thy agony
and sufferings on the Cross; teach us also to admire
thy power, and wisdom, and love, Avhich shine
forth so wonderfidly in the mystery of the Hcly


We recommend to thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus,

rho prosperity of tlie Holy Catholic Church, outside
of which there
is no salvation the welfare and hap-

Holy Father the Pope, now abandoned

piness of our
by the powers of earth, and surrounded by great

We recommend to thee also the cause of so many

bishops, priests, and other faithfid Catholics cruelly
persecuted in many countries, and doomed to suffer
the severeirt trials, equal to those of the early
martyrs, because they will not betray the rights and
liberties ofthe Church, and subject their consciences
to the powers of earth. O Sacred Heart of Jesus
grant that we and all our atiiicted brethren, clad with
the breastplate of faith and tbe helmet of salvation,
may fight a good tight, persevere to the end, and
merit an imperishable crown. Above all, grant us
true charity, so that, whilst serving our Creator, we
may love our neighbours as ourselves ; and, united
in the performance of good works, co-operate vvith

each other in upholding religion and promoting

Clod's glory on earth.
We recommend to thee, O Sacred Pleart of Jesus,
unhappy sinners detained the bonds of iniquity,

and straying mazes of indifference, heresy, or

in the \

infidelity. May they be converted and live may ;


they return to the fold of Christ, and to the ju.ris- j

diction of the one Shepherd !


We recommend to thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus ! i

our own dear country, which, through a long night |


of persecution, lia.s always faithfiiUy adhfied to thy

true Cinu'ch aud to the Rock of Peter, upon which
thou built it. Look upon her wants, heal her
many wounds, banish inlidelity from her borders,
protect her from that wild revolutioniuy spirit now
so widely spread in other coimtries, guai-d her against
the dark deeds of secret societies, so severely cen-
sured by the Chiu'ch. Grant to her children, rich
and poor, the good Catholic
advantages of a
education put an end to proselytism. and inspire

our rulers with wisdom and mercy, so that we may

lead good and holy lives, and, freed from the fear of
our enemies, spend our days in sanctity and justice.
May we live altogether for thee, O Sacred Heart
of Jesus ; may our thoughts be ever directed to
thee ; may
be our greatest desire always to seive

thee and prontote thy glory on earth and, when we :

arc called to another world, may we die with thy

sacred name, and witli the names of Mary and
Joseph, on our lips.

Holy Virgin, and St. Joseph, St. Patrick. .St. Brigid,

and St. Laurence, our holy patrons, present our
petitions at the throne of mercy, and obtain for us
the grace that, ha%'ing served (iod faithfullyon
enrth. we may hereafter see him face to face, enjoy
1 happiness of his presence, rejoice ^vith the angels

and saints in heaven, and sing the praises of the

Lord Jesus and his Sacred Heart, with rn})*ures of
delight, for endless ages in the regions of eternal
bliss. Amen.
[ ^^ ]

^d of fli^parattnn
Tu be made on the Fenst itself or at any other time in presence (.f

the Blessed Sacrament.

0^1 OST amiable and adorable Heart of Jesus,

centre of aJ] hearts, glowing with charity, and
inflamed with zeal for the interest of thy Father, and
for the salvation of mankind ! Heart ever sen-
sible of our misery, and ever ready to redress our
tvils 1 the real •victim of Iwve in the holy Eucharist,
and a propitiatory sacrifice for sin on the altar of the
cross; seeing that the generality of Christians make
no other return for thy mercies than contempt for
thy favours, forgetfulness of their own obligation, and
ingratitude to the best of Benefactors, is it not just
that we thy servants.penetrated with the deepest sense
of the mdignities offered to tiiee, sliould, as far as is

in our power, make a due and satisfactory reparation

of honour to thy most sacred Majesty. Prostrate,
therefore, in body, and with humble and contrite
hearts, we solemnly declare before heaven and earth
our utter detestation and abhorrence of such con-
duct. Inexpressible was the bitterness which our
manifold sins l»rought on thy tender Heart; insuffer-
able the weight of our iniquities, which pressed thy
face to the earth in the Garden of Olives ;
and incon-
ceivable thy anguisli Vr'hen expiring Avith love, grief,

and agony, on Mount Calv.iiy, yet thou didst, with

thy last breath, pray for sinners, and invite them to
their duty and repentance. This we know, dear
Redeemer, and Avould most willingly redress thy
sufferings, by our own, or share with thee in thine.
O merciful Jesus! ever present on our Altari?.
with a heart open to receive all who lab<jur and are
biu-theued O adorable Heart of Jesus, source of

true contrition, give to our hearts the spirit of sin-

cere penance, and to our eyes a fountain of tt-ars.
that we may bewail all our sins and the sins of the
world. Pardon, Divine Jesus, all the injuries and
outracics done to thee by sinners forgive all the ;

impieties, irreverences, and sacrileges wliich have

been committed against thee in tlie holy sacrament
of the Eucharist, since its institution. Graciously
receive the small tribute of our sincere repentance,
as an agreeable offering in thy sight, and in requital

for the bencfit.s we daily receive from, the Altar,

where thou art a living and continued sacrifice, and
in union with that bloody holocaust thou didst pre-

-ut to thy Eternal Father on the cross.

Sweet Jesus give thy blessing to the ardent

lesire we now entertain, and the holy resolution we

ave taken, of ever loving and adoring thee with our
vYhole mind, and with our whole heart, in the Sacra-
ment of thy love thus to r pair, by a true conver-

sion of heart, and ardent zeal for thy glory, our

past negligence.^, and infidelities. Be thou, O ado-
rable Je.sus ! who knowest our frailty, be thou oui
LiTAXV OF nii: ^ACitKD HKAirr. 215

Mediator with thy heavenly Falher, whom we Iiave

so giievonsly oifeiided strengthen our Aveakntss,

confirju our resolutions, and with thy chai'ity,

humility, meekness, and patience, cancel the multi-
tude of our niiquities. Be thou our support, our
rei'uge and our strength, that nothing henceforth in
life or death may ever sepai'ate us from thee. Amen.

Xitan^ of tbe Sacret) Ibeart ot 3cbxxs.

[F7'0vi ICtiriiclicol of His Holinetis Pope Leo XIII.. on the
Connerrdtion of Mankind to the Hacrcd Ihurt of Jesus.]

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, havemercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on u.s.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Fatlier of heaven,
God, Redeemer of the world,
the Son,
God, Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father,
Hef.rt of Jesus, formed by t e Holy (xliost in

the womb of the Virgin Mary,

Heart of Jesus, most intimately united to the
Word of God,
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty.
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God,
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High,

Heart of Jesus, liouse of God and gate of

Heart of Jesus, buminsr furnace of charity.
Heart of Jesus, sanctuary of justice and love,
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love,
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues.

Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise,

Heart of Jesus, King and centre of all hearts,
Heart of Jesus, in which are ail the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge,
Heart of Jesus, in which dwells all the fulness
of the Godhead,
Heart of Jesus, in which the Father is well
Heart of Jesus, of wliose fulness we all have
Heart of Jesus, the desire of the everlasting

Heart of Jesus, patient and full of mercy,

Heart of Jesus, iich to all that call on thee,
Heart of Jesus, source of life and holiness,
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, filled with reproaclies.
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, obedient even unto death.
Heart of Jestis, pierced with a lance.
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,
Heart of Jesus, our life and our resurrection.
Heart of Jesus, our peace and our reconciliation,
Heart of Jusus, victim for sinners.

Heart of Jesus, salvation of them that hope 5

in thee, 3 5
Heart of Jesus, hope of them that die in thee, ^ S
Herat of Jesus, delight of all the saifsrs, ^
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the ^
world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the
world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the
world, Have mercy on as.

r. Jesus, meek and humble of heart.

R. Make our hearts like unto thine.
ALMIGHTY and eternal God, look on the heart
of thy most beloved Son and on the praise and
satisfaction it renders thee in the name of sinners,
and, being appeased, grant pardon to those that
implore thy mercy in the name of the same Jesus
Christ, thy Son, who livetli and reigneth with tiiee
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without
end. Amen.


MOST sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race,
look down upon us most humbly prostrate
before thine altar. Thine we are. Tiiine we desire
ever to remain : and that we may be the more
securely united to thee, behold each one of us here
to-day freely consecrates himself to thy most Sacred


Heart. Many, indeed, have never known thee:

many, too, have despised thy commandments and
rejected thee. Have mercy on them all, O most
merciful Jesus, and draw them all to thy most
Sacred Heart Be thou, O Lord. King, not only of

t-lie faithful who have never departed from thee, but

also of the prodigal children who have turned tiieir

backs upon thee. Grant that they may return to
their fathers honse. lest they perish of wretchedness
and hunger. Be iliou King of those who have been
deceived by error or whom discord keeps estranged.
Bring them back to the haven of truth and to the
unity of faith, that soon there may be but one fold
and one shepherd. He thou King, moreover, of all
those who continue in the ancient sujierstition of
the Gentiles. Refuse not to deliver them out of
darkness into the light and the kingdom of God.
Grant, O Lord, to thy Churcli freedom and secmity ;

give peace and order to all nations ; make the earth

resound from pole to pole with one voice: ••
to the Divine Heart, through which our salvation has
been accomplished : to tlie same be glovv and honour
lor ever. Amen.-'— 300 days' luaulg. (jjuce a day).

May the Sacred Heart ofJesus be everywhere

loved."100 dam' Induhi.—{Pins IX 23 Sept., 1860. ,

Heart of Jesus, in Thee 1 trust. 300 days' Indul-

fjeiice.—(Plus X, 27 June, 1906.)
O Lord, preserve in us the faith. 100 days' Itidul-

gence.—( Pius A'.. 20 March, 19'>8.)


••There is nothing more ettii;a<:ious for ciirinsr tlie wounils of our

vonscicnce t' continually to nufiitate on the sorrows and suffcr-
iuys of onr Mossed Lord." St. I'.krnarw.

(Nort. -Mnny Pknarv and Partial Indulgences may bft o-nlned by

t-'oiiig round the Stations o? thf Cros-s in the stuie of grace, medi-
latins' on t'lC paa-iou. Tht- following- method is by St. Alphon-
iusj Lignori.)


A JESUS CHRIST, my Lord! with what great
-^ love thou didst pass over this paiuful road,
which led thee to death: and 1. how often I have
abandoned thee But now 1 love thee with my

whole soul, and because I love thee, I am sincerely

sorry for having offended thee. My Jesus, pardon
me, and permit me to accompany tiiee in this journey.
Tliou art going to die for love of me. and it is my
wish also, () my dearest Redeemer to die for love of

tliee. O yes, my Jesus! iu thy love i wish to live,

in thy love I wish to die.

V. We orlore thee. O Christ and bless
! thpe.
R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast red' emed
the world.

Consider how Jesus, after having been scourged

and crowned with thorns, was unjustly condemned
by Pilate to die on tlie cross. Pause and meditate

My adorable Jesus ! it was not Pilate — no, it was

)ny sins — that condemned thee to die. I beseech thee,
by the merits of this sorrowful journey, to assist my
soul in her journey towards eternity. I love thee,
my beloved Jesus : I love thee more than myself ; I

repent with my
whole heart of having offended thee.
Xever permit me to separate myself from thee again.
Grant that I may love thee always and then do ;

with me what thou wilt.

Our Father. Hail Maiy.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
O Jesus who, for love of me,

Diiistbear thy cr'>ss to Calvary ;

In thy sweet mercy grant to me
To suffer and to die with thee,


V. We adore thee, O
and bless thee.
(^hiist !

A'. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.

Consider how Jesus, iu making this journey with

tiie cross on his shoulders, thought of us. and
offered iov us to his Father the death he was about
ro undergo. Pause, £c.

My most beloved Jesns I embrace all the tribu-


lations thou iiast destined for me until death. I be-

seech thee, by the merits of the paiu thou didst suf-
fer ill carrying tiiy cross, to give me the necvs^ary
help to carry mine witli perfect patience and resig-
nation. I lore thee. Jesus, my love above all!

things ; 1 repent with my whole heart of having

offended thee. Never permit me to separate myself
from thee again. Grant that I may love thee always ;

and then do with me what thon wilt.

<Jnr Father. Hail Mary.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Jews ! who, for love of me, Sec.


F. We
adore thee, O Christ! and bless thee.
R. Because by thy holy cros.s thou hast redeemed
the world.
Consider this first fall of Jesus under his cross, his
flesh v/as tornby the scourges, his head crowned
with thorns, and he had lost a great quantity of
blood. He was so weakened he could scarcely walk,
and yet he had to carry this great load upon his
shoulders. The soldiers struck him rudely, and thus
he fell several times. Pause, ^c.
My Jesus, it is not the weight of the cross, but of
my sins, which has made thee suffer so much pain.
Ah by ! the merits of this first fall, deliver me from
the misfortune of falling into mortal sin, 1 love

thee, O my .fesiis I I repent with luy whole heart of

having offended thee. Never permit me to separate
myself from thee again. Grant that 1 may love thee
always; and then do with me what thou wilt.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
O Je-iis who. for love
! of m«, Sre.

r. We adure thee, O Christ imd bless thee. I

R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeenjed

the world.
Consider the meeting of the Son and the Mother,
which took place on this journey. Their looks be-
came like so many arrows to wound those hearts
which loved each other so tenderly. Paui<c\ ^c.
My sweet Jesus, by the sorrow thou didst experi-
ence in this meeting, grant me the grace of a truly
devoted love for thy most holy Mother. And thou,
my Queen, who wast overwhelmed with sorrow, ob-
tain for me, by thy intercession, a continual and
tender remembrance of the passion of thy Son. I
love thee, Jesus, my above all things 1 repent
! ;

of ever having offended thee. Never permit me to

separate myself from thee again. Grant that 1 may
love thee always and then do with me what thou wilt.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
O Jesus -who. for iovc of me, &c.
iHi: WAY OK 'inr cross. 228


V. We adore thee, O Christ ! and bless thee.

H. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.

Consider how the Jews, seeing that at each step

Jesus was on the point of expiring, and fearing he
Avould die ou the v>'ay, ^Yhen they wished him to die
the ignominious death of tho cross, constrained Simon
the (Jyrenean to carry the cross behind our Lord
Pause, dc.

My most beloved Jesus not refuse the

I 1 v.ill

cross as the Cyr(.nean did it

! 1 embrace
1 accept ;

it. I accept in particular the death thou hast des-

tined for me, with all its pains; I imite it to thy
death ; 1 ofEer it to thee. Thou hast died for love of
me ! I will die for love of thee. Help me by thy
grace. 1 my love
above all things
love thee, Jesus, ! ;

1 repent with my
whole heart of having offentk'd
thee. Never permit me to separate myself from thee
again. Grant that I may love thee ahvays and then :

do with me what thou wilt.

Our Father. Ilail Mary.

Glory be to the Futlier, Szg.

O Jriiis ! wiirt, for lovft of me. "



F. We adore thee. and bless thc-e.

C) Christ !

R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

tile world

Consider how the holy woman named Veronica,

seeing Jesus so and his face bathed in sweat
ill used,
and blood, pi'esented him wiih a towel, with which
he wiped his adorable face, leaving on it the impres-
sion of his holy coimienance. Pause, dc.
My most beloved Jesus, thy face was beautiful be-
fore, but in this journey it has lost all its beauty,
and wounds and blood have disfigured it. Alas my I

soul also was once beautiful, when it received thy

grace in baptism but I have disfigured it since by

my sins. Thou aione, my redeemer, canst restore it

to its former beauty. thy passion. O

Do this by
Jesus !1 repent with UjV whole heart of having
olTended thee. Xever permit me to separate myself
from thee again. Grant that 1 may love thee always;
aud then do with me what thou wjit.
Our Father. Hail Mary.
Glory be to the Father, ivc.
Jesus 1 wlio, iur love of me, S^e.

T". \Ve adore thee, O Christ and bless thee.

R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.
THE WAY Oy THE cuoss. 225

Consider the second fall of Jesus under the cross :

renews the pain of all tha wounds of his

a fall \vhicb
head and members. Pause dc. ^

Mj most sweet Jesus how many times thou hast


pardoned me, and how many times have I fallen

again, and begun again to offend thea Oh by the
! !

merits of this second fall, give me the necessary helps

to persevere in thy grace until death. Grant that in
all temptations which assail me, I may always com-

mend myself to thee. I love thee, Jesus, my love !

above all things 1 repent with my whole heart of


having offended thee. Never permit me to separate

myself from thee again. Grant that I may love the©
always and then do with me what thou wilt.

Our Father.
. Hail Mary.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
Jesus! who, for love of me, ^e,


V. We adore thee, O Christ and bless thee.


R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.

Consider how these women wept with compassion

at seeing Jesus in such a pitiable state, streaming
with blood, as he walked along. "My children,''
said he, " weep not for me, but for yourselves and
your children." Pause. d;c.

My Jesus! laden with sorrows, I weep for the

offences I have committed against thee, becaus*; of
the pains they have deserved, and still more because
of the displeasure they have caused thee, who hast
loved me so much. It is thy love, more than the
fear of hell,which causes me to weep for my sins.
My Jesus I love thee more than myself.
! I repent

with my whole heart of having offended thee. Never

permit me to separate myself from thee again. Grant
that I may love thee always; and then do with me
what thou wilt.

Our Father, Hail Mr.rv,

Glory be to the Father, &c.
O Jesus I who, for love of me, &0,


r. V\e adore thee. O Christ ! and bless thee.

It. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.

Consider the third fall of Jesus Christ. His weak-

ness was extreme, and the cruelty of his executioners
excessive, who tried to hasten his steps when he could
scarcely move. Pause, dc.

Ah my outraged Jesus, by the merits of the


weakness thou didst suffer in going to Calvary, give

me strength sufficient to conquer all human respect,

and all my wicked passions, which have led me to

despise thy friendship. I love thee, Jesus, my love I

above all things; 1 repent with my whole heart of

having offended thee. Never permit me to separate
myself from thee again. Grant that 1 may love thee
always; and then do with me what thou wilt.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

Glory be to the Father, &,c.

O Jesas 1 who, for love of me, &o.


V. We adore thee, O Christ ! and bless thee.

R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed
the world.

Consider the violence with wliich the executioners

stripped Jesus. His inner garments adhered to his
torn flesh, and they dragged them off so rouirhly
that the .skin came with them. Compassionate your
Saviour thus cruelly treated. Pa/'St, dc.

My innocent Jesus! by the merits of the tormeni

thou hast felt, help me to strip myself of all affection to
things of earth, in order that i may place all my love
in thee, who ai't so worthy of my love. I love thee,
O Jesus ! above all things ; I repent with my whole
heart of ever having offended thee. Never permit me
to separate myself from thee .igain. Grant that I may

love thee always; and then do wiih ma what thou

Our Father. Hail Mary.
Glory be to the Father, &e.
O Je«ua ! who, for love of ir.a, &e.


F. We adore thee,O Christ and bleas thee.!

7t. ISecause by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.

how Jesus, after being thrown on the

cross,extended his hands, and offered to his eternal
Father the sacrifice of his life for our salvation.
These barbarians fastened him with nails, and then
securing the cross, allov/ed him to die with anguish
on this infamous gibbet. Pause, ^c.

My Jesus! loaded with contempt, nail my heart

to thy feet, that it may ever remain there to love
thee, and never qiut thee again. I love ihee more
than myself. I repent with my whole heart of hav-
ing offended thee. Never permit me to separate my-
self from thee again. Grant that 1 may love thee

always and then do with me what thou wilt.


Our Father. Plail Mary.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
Jesus ! who, for love of me, Src.


V. Weadore thee, O Christ and bless thee. !

R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed

the world.

Consider how Jesus, after three hours' agony on

the cross, consumed with anguish, abandoned himself
to the weight of his body, bowed his head, and died.
Pwise, Sfc.

O mydying JesasI I kiss devoutly the cross on

which thou didst die for love of me. I have merited
by my sins to die a miserable death, but thy death is
my hope. Ah by the merits of thy death, give me

grace to die embracing thy feet, and burning with

love for thee. 1 commit mj soul into thy hands. I
love thee, O Jesus above all things 1 repent of
! ;

ever having offended thee. Permit not that I ever

offend thee again. Grant that 1 may love thee
always and then do with me what thou wilt.

Our Father. Hail Mary,

Glory be to the Father, &c.
Jesus ! who, for love of me, ;^c


r. We adore thee, O Christ! and bless thee.

R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed
the world.

Consider how our r.oid, having expired, two of

his disciples,Joseph and ISicodemus, took him down
from the cross, and placed him in the arms of his
afflicted Mother, who received him with unutterable
tenderness, and pressed him to her bosom, Paiise^ dc.
O Mother of sorrow ! for the love of this Son,
accept me and pray for me. And
for thy servant,
thou, my Redeemer, since thou hast died for me,
permit me to love thee for I wish but thee and
; ;

nothing more. I love thee, my Jesus! above all

things ; 1 repent of ever having offended thee. 2s ever
permit me Grant that I may
to offend thee again.
love thee always and then do with me whdt thou wilt.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
Jesiii! I who, for Iot€ of m<», :>.'c.

V. We adore thee, O Christ ! and bless thee.
R. Because by thy holy cross thou hast redeemed
the world.
Consider how the disciples carried the body of
Jtsus to bury it, accompanied by his holy Mother,
wlio arranged it in the sepulchre with her own hands
Then they closed the tomb, and all withdrew,
Panse, dc.
Ah my! buried Jesus. I kiss the stone that en-
closes thee. But thou didst rise again the third day.
I beseech thee, by thy resurrection, to make me rise


glorious with thee at the last day, to be always united

with thee in heaven, to praise tliee and loye thee for
ever. O Jesus! I love thee, and 1 repent of ever
having offended thee. Permit not that I ever offend
thee again. Grant that I may love thee always ; and
then do with me what thou wilt.
Our Father. Hail Mary.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
O Jesus I who, for loye of m? &c.

The stations of the Cross, or, the Way of the

Cross, is enriched with innumeiabie indulgences.
The following decree of the Sacred Congregation of
Indulgences will make this clear :

In order to gain the indulgences of the fourteen

Stations of the Cross, nothing more is necessary
than to move from one Station to another, as far as
the number of the Faithful making the Stations and
the size of the place in which they are erected will
allow, and to meditate on the Passion of Jesus
Christ, our Divine Saviour.
Therefore other prayers, such as Pater, Ave.
Miserere, &c., are only a praiseworthy custom of
the faithful.
The indulgences are abundant, and are applicable
to the holy souls in purgatory.
The necessary conditions: — (1) state of grace;
(2) intention of gaining the indulgences ; (3) go round
the Stations — canonically erected ; (4) Meditate on
the sufferings of our blessed Lord. Sept. 22, 1829.

Soul of Christ, be raj sar.ctincation
Body of Christ, be mv salvation ;

Blood of Christ, fill all my veins,

'•Vater of Chi'ist's side, wash out iny stains
Passion of Christ, ray comfort be
O good Jesus! listen to me ;

In thy wounds I fain woidd hide.

Ne'er to be parted from thy "ide :

Guard me should the foe a!!saii me.

Call me when my life shall fail me
Bid mc come to thee above.
With thy saints to sing thy love.
World without end. Airen.
SOO days' indulgence each time ; 7 yen.TS if paid
after Communion. — Pius IX., 185-4.



OMOST lovinc^ Father, in atonement and satisfac-

tion for ail my sins, 1 offer thee the passion of
thy most beloved Son, from the plaintive wail he
uttered when laid upnn straw in the manger, through
all the helplessness of his infancy, the privations of
his boyhood, the adversities of his youth, the suffer-
ings of his manhood, until that hour when he
bowed his head upon the cross and with a loud cry
gave up the ghost. And in atonement and satisfao-

tion for all my O most

negligences, I offer thee,
loving Father, the most holy and conversation

of thy Son, most perfect in its every thought, and

T.'ord and action, from the hour when he came down
from his lofty throne to the Virgin's womb, and
thence came forth mto our dreary wilderaess. to the
hour when he presented to thy Fatherly regard the
glory of his conquering flesh. Amen.

©!jB ^iiUtn Sfit^s^atjs in %Biwnv of

St. ©ominxr:*
The ^erotion of the Fiftt-en Taesdavs is a conrss of spiritnal
«*.tevcisp«i in honour of St. Dominic and of tiie fifteen mysteries
of the Hos.'iry. The Convent of Bologna, needing: repair, It became
necessary to disturb the tomb of St. Dominic. This was drno on
the "i^th of Miy, twelve years after his death, with permission of
Pope Grcg^ory IX. As the lid of the cofiin was raised in presence
of bishops, prelates, And hundreds of friars pren.chers. it was found
tli.1t the" featarea of the saint had undergon- no change. They
wore the same loolc of Bweetness which had distinguished them
diicing life. The whole church was filled with an extraordinary
perfume, and miracles attested the sanctity of the servant of God.
The devotion of the people increased day by day, and as the
opening of "he tomb and translation of the relics t'lok place on a
T :esday, that day was thenceforth conwcrated to the honour of the
•fliiit in'all churches and convents of the Order.

The Devotion of tiie Fifteen Tuesdays may be performed before

the Feas'u of the Saint, the 4th of August; or it may be performed
simultaneously with the Devotion of the Fifteen Saturdays. On
each TuesdAY, Holi/ Communion shotildbe received.

Consid^raA.irya 1. — Our blessed Lord descends from
heaven and becomes man to redeem a sinful world.
Dominic is raised up by Divine Providence
2. St.

to save the Church in her most imminent dangers.



BLESSED Father St. Dominic, cast upon mv

poor sinful soul one look of mercy and of pro-
tection. Obtain for me the pardon of my sijis an^l
the grant of my present petition.
U. Oh, admirable hope, which, in the hour of thy
death, thou didst bestow upon thy weeping brethren,
promising that after death thou wouldst assist thy
children ;Father fulfil thy word and help us by thy


LORD, have mercy on ns.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Who dwellest in light inacessible, have mercy on us.
Splendour of the Father's glory, have viercy on us.
Sanctifying Spirit, have mercy on us.
Father, Son, and lioly Ghost, have mercy oji us.
Mary, Mother of holy love.
Holy Father St. Dominic,
Glory of the House of Guzman,
Follower of Jesus Christ,
Eminently endowed with the virtues of his
Sacred Heart, -^

Singularly devoted to our Blessed Lady,

Promoter of her honour, ^
Splendour of the priesthood, g
Founder of Friars Preachers,
Confounder of the Albigenses.

Thaumaturgiis of thy age.

ReA-iver of ecclesiastical discipline,
St. Dominic, most humble,
St. Dominic, most obedient,
St. Dominic, most charitable, ^^

St. Dominic, most poor, ^

Glorious patriarch, ~
Father of saints, ^
Treasure of divine love.
Enjoying the beatific vision in the splendour
of the saints.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world.
Spare us, Lord.
I^amb of God, who takest away the sins of the world.
Graciously hear us. Lord.
Lamb of God. who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on ns, T^ord.
Ant. Greater love tlian this no man hath, that he
lay down his life for his friends.
\\ Fray for us, O holy Father St. Dominic.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
God, who hast vouchsafed to enlighten thy
Church by the eminent merits and doctrine of blessed
Dominic, thy confessor and our father, mercifully
grant, that by his intercession we may find relief in
our temporal necessities, and ever be assisted in
arriving at perfection. Through Christ our L6rd.

Com'uhratwn 1. Immediately after his incamntion.
Jesus, in quality of Saviour, blesses the house of
Za chary.
2, St. Dominic is the herald of divine blessings
wherever he goes. In the distress of his brethren he
provides food for them through the ministry of angels

Father St. Dominic, happy those
who beheld thy countenance, who listened to
thy words, and enjoyed thy conversation Thy I

presence was an earnest of blessings, spiritual and

temporal. Come, then, most loving Father, to the
assistance of my soul. Visit me in mercy, and obtain
for me of Jesus and ^lary the favour I petition.
/»'. Oh.adnihalde Jiops^ and Litaivj, page -oi.

CovKirffrafion 1. On the day of his birth, Jesus
brings peace to men of good will.

2. Dominic brings peace by reconciling sinners

to God. lie interposes between heaven and earth
the resplendent rainbow of the Rosary error dis- ;

appears, and calm succeeds the tempest.

GREAT Father St. Domhiic. he my mediator
with Jesus and Mary ; obtain for me the pardon of
my'sins, the gift of peace, and the favour I petition.
R Oh, admirable hope, and Litany, page 234.

Consideration 1. Jesus, offered up hj his Mother,
in the Temple of Jerusalem, presents himself as
High Priest to his heavenly Father, for the redemp-
tion of mankind.
2. St. Dominic offers himself to become a slave
for the deliverance of his brethren.

Father St. Dominic, how greatly do
I need thy charitable assistance. Offer thyself,
I beseech thee, once more to the adorable Trinity, in
union with Jesus and Mary, to deliver my soul from
the slavery of and to restore it to the liberty of

the children of God. Obtain for me also the grant

of my present petition.
li. Oh, admirable hope, and Litany, page 234.

Consideration Jesus, lost in Jerusalem, is found

in the Temple, conferring with the doctors of the law.

2. St. Dominic, by frequent conferences and con-
tinuous instructions, convinces the Albigensian
heretics of their errors, commands their admiration,
and brings them back to the path of truth.

OHOLY Dominic, whose entire life

Father St.
was consecrated to the glory of God shining ;

light, who didst confound so many errors, enlighten

my ignorance, show me the true way of salvation,

increase my love and deyotion towards the Holr

Catholic Church, and beg for me from Jesus and
Mary the grant of my present petition.
R. Oh, admirable hope-, and Litany, page 234.

Comideration 1.Jesus in the Garden of Olives, is
seized -with a mortal sadness. His body is bathed in
a bloody sweat ; and he prays to obtain pardon of
our sins.
2. St. Dominic, moved with compassion for sinners,

spends whole nights in prayer for their conversion.

He uses a holy violence with God his earnest sup- ;

plications appease the heart of the Almighty. His

prayer is more efficacious than his preaching.


OLOYIXG Father St. Dominic, to whom Gud

never refused anything, how powerful must thou
be in heaven Show thy greatness, good Father,

by obtaining for me true contrition for all my past

sins, and also the grant of my present petition.
R. Oh. admirable hope, and Litany, page 234.

Consideration 1. Jesus is scourged for our sins.
2. St. DomAnic takes every night three bloody
disciplines with a chain of iron. The first for his
own sins, the second for the conversion of sinners,
and the third for the souls in purgntory.
BLESSED am one of
Father St. Dominic, I
those sinners for whom
thou didst offer thy
blood. Obtain for me, then, pardon of my sins,
my entire conversion, and the grant of my present

Pi,. Oh, admirable hope, and Litany, page 23i.

Consideration 1. Jesus is crowned with thorns by
the Roman soldiers, in mockery of his royalty.
2. St.Dominic accepts, with resignation and with
joy, ignominy and contempt. lie rejoices to be
created as a fool.

BLESSED Father St. Dominic, faithful imitator

of Jesus, obtain for me grace to repair the
scandals of my past life. May I henceforth serve no
other King but Jesus; may I adore and love him
alone. Beg also for me, O my dear and- blessed
Father, the grant of my present petition.
R. Uhf admirable hope, and Litany, page 23 i.

Consideration Jesus carries his cross loaded

with the weight of our iunmnerabie sins, to deliver

us from our miseries.
2. St. Dominic embraces the cross of his Saviour,

and carries it perseveringly to the end of his life,

practi&ing assiduously self-abnegation.


MIRROR of penance, my holy Father and

protector, St. Dominic, deign to intercede for
me, that imitating thee in suffering and in mortifica-
tion, Imay hereafter enjoy with thee the reward of
eternal glory. Amen.
R. Oh, admirable hope, and Litany^ page 234.

Consideration 1. Jesu3 is nailed to the cross.
2. St. Dominic is crucified in a spiritual sense. His
fast is continual his body is girt with an iron chain
; ;

he sleeps sometimes on the bare ground; sometimes

on the altar steps.
He is consumed with an ardent desire of martyrdom;
he bums to shed his blood for love of Jesus Christ.

BLESSED Father St. Dominic, crucified in
spirit with thy Divine Master, obtain that the
Blood of Jesus may wash away the defilements of
my sinful soul, that after death I may enjoy with
thee a glorious and immortal life iu heaven. Amen.
a. Oil, aui/iirable hope, axid Litany, pajt 234.


Consideration 1. Jesus, by his Resmrrection, attains

to immortal glory, and fills the whole world with joy.
2. St. Dominic resuscitates the dead, and shares in

the empire of Jesus over death.



BLESSED Father St, Domiuic, 1 am in thy,

presence as one dead. O good Father, show now
the greatness of thy power. Speak, break the bonds of
sij which fetter me. "Raise me from the tomb of my
evil habits. Give me anew life, hidden in Jesns Christ,
and beg for mo the grant of my present petition.
R. Oh, admirdbh hope, and Litany, page 234.

Cov?'deration 1. Jesus ascends to heaven, there to
prepare for us a place at the eternal feast of love.
2. The place being ready and the feast prepared, he

sends St. Dominic to invite us to come.


BLESSED Father St. Dominic, I hear thy voice

and I will follow thee. From thy intercession
I hope for all good thingSs and for the grant of my
present earnest request.
R. Oh, admirahle hope, and Litany, page 2.S4.

Consideration 1. Jesus sends down the Holy Ghost
upon the Apostles, and they spread the fire of divine
love throughout the earth.
2. St. Dominic is an xVpostle he spreads the divine

are throughout France, Spain, and Italy, and after

his death his work is continued by his children,
renowned nlike for their zeal and charity.


BLESSED Father St. Dominic, take pity on

me. and obtain through thy merits, that Jesus
may graciously extend his hand to assist me in my
numerous wants. Beg for me also tlie favour I now
so earnestly petition. Amen.
R. Oh, admirahle hope, and Lit'ini/, page 234.

Consideration 1. The Blessed Mother of God ia
triumphantly assumed into heaven, and there seated
at the right hand of her beloved Son.
2. Jesus and Mary receive the s«ul of St. Dominic

on the day of his death. A year before the event, he

is shown by an angel of the Lord the palms and

crowns reserved as the reward of his labours.

BLESSED Father St. Dominic, may my last end
be like unto thine I implore thy asisistance for

the moment which shall decide my eternity. Abandon

me not by thy protection I hope to escape eternal

punishment, and by fidelity to thy holy Rosary I

shall momit the mysterious ladder which will lead me
to heaven. Beg for me also the favour I now petition.
R. Oh. admirahle hope, and Litany, page 234.

Consideration 1. Jesus crowns his most holy
Mother, Queen of heaven and earth.

Jesus and Mary share their power with St.


Dominic, granting him extraordinary powers over the

diseases, miseries, and afflictions of humanity.

RENOWNED Father St. Dominic, 1 rejoice in

the glory conferred upon thee. I have chosen

thee for my Father receive me as thy child deliver
; ;

me from mj enemies protect me from their assaults

; ;

beg for me all the graces necessary to work out my

eternal salvation and ask for me also the grant of

my present earnest petition.

R. Oh, admirable kope, and Litany, page 23-1.

This Devotion is a course of spiritiial exercises perf»vnied, and of

commnnions r?ceived, on fifteen consecutive Saturdays in honour of
the Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary. It had its origin in the city of
Toulouse, towards the end of the seventeenth century, and it
received at once the approbation of the Church. It is a most
efficacious me^ms of obtaiiiin;? from God siu'^nal hlessinys, spiritual
and temporal, and it is enriched with numerous indulfrences.
usually practised befoi e the Feast of the Holy Rosary, -which
It is
is always celebrated on the first Sunday of October.


The Annunciation.
Before Communion. — It appears to me, my good
Angel, that thou invitest me to holy commimion

and that, thou addressest to me the words of Ga Vjriel

to the Holy Virgin, before the invstery of her
miraculous Conception of the Son of Cxod : Fear
not ; thou hast found grace before God ; approach
then, lovingly, and receive his sacred bod^
AVith Mary, I answer : Ecce aucilla Domini. Behold
the most unworthy of thy creatures. I refuse not,
my adorable Savioiu", the grace thou ufferest to me.
Oh, grant that I may never be separated from thee.
After Communion. —
My God, 1 possess thee I ;

adore thee with humility, gratitude, and love.

Prayer. — O holy Virgin, Queen of the Rosary, by
the joy which filled thy heart in the mystery of the
Annmu'iation, obtain for me the favours I petition.
Practice. — Humility.
Example. — St. Thomas of Aquin belonged to the
illustrious famiiv of the Lords of Aquino, in Naples.
He possessed the most astonishing amount of
knowledge, and was always remarkable for simplicity,
modesty, silence, and prayer.
When questioned on one occasion by his gifted
master, Albertus IMagnus, on some very obscure
matters of science, Thomas replied with so much
clearness, that Albert in a transport of joy exclaimed:
We call Thomas a dumb ox; but he will one day
make such a bellow in learning that he shall be heard
throughout the universe. Such aflatteringeuiogium
excited no motion of vanity in the saint. Sensible
of the greatness of God and of his own nothingness,
he was totally indifferent to praise or commendation
The Visitaiion.

Before Communion. — I adore thee, divine Jesus, in

the chaste womb of thy holy Mother. Thy presence
purifies from original sin the little John Baptist.
Ah ! v/ash away my sins in the adorable Sacrament I
am about to receive. Whence is this tome? Oh,
goodness of my God My
Jesus comes himself to

visit me in person and to load me with his benefits.

After Communion. —
Jesus, thy presence, and that
of Mary filled the house of Zachai'y with a thousand
blessings. Bless my poor soul, and let nothing in
life or death ever separate me from thee.
Prayer. —O glorious Virgin Queen of the holy
Rosary, by the joy which filled thy soul in the
mystery of the Visitation, obtain for me the favours
I petition.
Practice. — Charity towards the neighbour.
Example. — Catherine de Ricci exercised a charity
most agreeable to God in delivering from purgatory
many souls by her prayers. She sometimes endured
for them tlie sensible torments of that place of
suffering. The fire which consumed her then was so
great, that drops of water poured on her flesh, pro-
duced the same effect that they would have produced
on red hot iron.
The Nativity of our Lord.
Before Communion. — The Blessed Virgin eeeks in



vain in Bethlehem a lodging wherein she may give

birth to the llbdeemtr of the world. She must be
satisfied with a stable. O Mary ! I present thee my
heart, defiled as it is by sin ;
purify it and make it a
dwelling worthy of thy divine Son.
After Comniiiidon. —Adorable Jesus, my heart is

now the dwelling-place of the divine Majesty. I

adore thee, O Jesus, in union with thy holy Mother,
St. Joseph, the angels, the shepherds, and the kings.
Presei-ve me, derir Lord, from relapsing into sin. Let
me ucver act towards thee the cruel jDart of Herod.
Pray&i\ —holy Virgin, Queen of the Rosary, by
the joy which filled thy blessed heart in the mystery
of the Nati^^ty, obtain, I beseech thee, the grant of
my present petition.
Practice. —Disengagement from the riches <jf the
EdKLViiple. — Blessed Margaret of Castello, of the
Third Order of St. Dominic, was blind from birth.
She exercised an extraordinary devotion towards the
B 'be of Bethlehem. After her death three stones
were found in her heart on one of them was

engraven an image of the infant Jesus, on another

that of the holy Virgin, and on the third, the image
of St. Joseph.

The. Presentation of our Lord in the Temple,
Before —
Holy Simeon had received
from God the promise that he should not die until he

had seen the Redeemer. In Mary's arms, on the

Feast of the Puiification, he beholds with joy the

Messias the Christ of the Lord. " Now, Lord,"
he exclaims, " thou dost dismiss thy servant iu peace."
My happiness, O divine Jesus, is still greater, for
thou comest in this sweet sacrament to take entire
possession of my heart.
After Communion. —
O my God when the holy old

man Simeon bore thee in his arms, he pressed thee

with raptures to his heart but thou hast entered

intomy very soul to become one with me. Assist

me, O my Jesus, to love thee, to do in all things thy
holy will ; and then, with confidence, I may say :

Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine.

Prayer. —
O glorious Virgin, Queen of the most
holy Rosary, by the joy which iilled thy soul in the
mystery of the Presentation of our Lord in the
Temple, I beseech thee, obtain for me the grant of
my present petition.
Pracdre. —
Purity of heart.
Example. — The blessed Dominica of Paradiso, a
was remarkable for
village in the vicinity of Florence,
the purity and modesty of her jife. One day, when
very young, she met a poor woman, with a little
child in her arms. Remarking that the hands, feet,
and breast of the child were wounded, she inquired if
he suffered much pain. A pensive smile was his only
answer. Perceiving a sweet odour from the child's
wounds, Dominica incj[uired of his mother with what
ointment she dressed them, and whether she could


purchase some. "You can buy it," was tlie reply,
by and good works.'"
The delightful odour contmued to increase until,
overcome by its sweetness, Dominica swooned away.
On recovering, she fomid the vision changed, and
recognised her heavenly \'isitants to be Jesus and
]Mary. Dominica subsequently became a nun of the
Ordtjr of St. Dominic, and died in the odour of
sanctity, a.d, 16o3.

Tlie Finding of our Lord in the Temple.
Before —
Communion. The child Jesus disappears.
How profomid the grief of Mary and of her holy
Spouse! with w^hat earnestness they seek their lost
treasure Alas my Jesus, how often have I lost
! !

thee by my sins. I shaJl seek thee then with all the

fervoiu- of my soul. I behold thee upon this altar
thou callest rne— thou invitest me to receive thee.
Come, then, thou light of mine eyes, thou happiness
of my soul, thou only treasure of my life Come, !

and may I never again separate myself from thee.

After Conununioii. —
Oh, heaven oh, earth I have
! !

found my beloved. I hold him, I will never let him

go. Bless him, praise him, glorify him with me-
Oh, what shall henceforth separate me from his love?
1 am certain that neither hmiger, nor thirst, nor cold,
nor heat, nor torments, nor hell itself, nor paradise?
nor life, nor death, shall ever separate me from thee,
my God.
f 11? TEEN satckdays. 249
Prayer. —O blessed Virgin, Queen of the most holy-
Rosary, by the joy which filled thy heart in the
mystery of the Finding of our Lord in the Temple,
obtain for me the favours I petition.
Practice. —Fidelity to grace.
Example. St. Lewis Bertrand once ordered a
novice, during religious service, to lift up some burn-
ing coals. " Where shall I put them, my Father?''
asked the religious. '' In your scapular,'' replied the
saint. The obedience of the young novice was re-
warded by a miracle. He carried the burning coals
in the folds of his scapular, and the stuff received not
the slightest injury therefrom.

lilt Agony of our Saviour in the Garden.
Before —
Communion. Jesus, prostrate before his
Eternal Father, overwhelmed with sorrow, sweating
blood, accepts the bitter chalice of his passion. What
a diiTerence between the chalice offered thee in the
Garden of Olives and that which thou presentest
to me at thy holy table, O mercifid Jesus The !

brothers of Joseph esteemed it a great happiness to

eat at his table and drink out of his cup. My happi-
ness is infinitely greater, for I partake of the food of
angels, and drink the blood of Jesus Christ.
After Communion, — O sacred banquet, admirable
feast, joy of the elect thou art my nourishment, my

strength, my consolation, in this valley of tears 1


Most sweet Jesus, I pray thee to detach my heart

from all created things ; unite me so closely to
thyself that I may love thee with a perfect love
through all eternity. Amen.
Prayer. —O holy Virgin, Queen of the most holy
Rosary, by the sword of sorrow which pierced thy
tender heart during the agony of thy Son, I beseech
thee obtain the grant of my present petitions.
— Perseverance in Prayer.
Example. — Rose of Lima devoted twelve hours
every day to the exercise of mental prayer.
For a very long period she experienced in it aridi-
tiesand fearful dryness nevertheless, she persevered

as a rose of patience. In her infancy she was never

kuov.n to cry insults and injuries were her delight.

The Scourging.
Before Communion. —
O my sweet Saviour, what an
example of patience thou art to me in this painful
mysteiy ! I unite my sufferings to thine I detest :

my sins which bound thee to the pillar. May tliy

precious blood obtain for me pardon and mercy.
After Communion.- O sweet Lamb! delivered up
to the inhuman fury of the wicked, I thank thee
for having taken refuge in my poor heart. Oh how

sincerely I desire by love and affection to make thee

forget the scourges and affronts thou didst receive in
Pilate's house. I bitterly repent of my past sins.
O most merciful Mother, pray to Jesus for me.

Prayer. — O sacred Virgin, Queen of the most holy

Rosary, by that sword of sorrow which transpierced
thy most holy heart during the scourging of thy
heloved Son, obtain for me, I beseech thee, the
favours I petition.
Practice. — Patience.

Example. The saints of the Order of Friars
Preachers have borne iu their bodies the mortification
of Jesus Christ in an eminent degree. Their blessed
founder, St. Dominic, scourged himself to blood three
times every night. St. Catherine, of Sienna, worthy
daughter of the blessed patriarch, imitated him in
this severe penance. St. Vincent Ferrer, to obtain
fruit in his missionary labours, scourged himself
unmercifully and when in sickness he had not

sufficient strength to mort'fy himself as he desired,

he humbly begged the assistance of his brethren,
and received from their hands the discipline. St.
Catherine, of Sienna, subsisted on Jierbs on one ;

occasion she passed eighty days without any other

nourishment than the blessed Eucharist. She con-
tented herself with a half hour's sleep during the
night. St. Catherine de Ricci went still farther in
the practice of this mortification:one during
entire month, she slept only for the space of four
Let us admire these heroic examples, and if we
cannot imitate them, let us at least cultivate the spirit
of self-denial, without which we cannot attain to
-52 d£Vutionj> ov the

eigrth satukday.
The Crowniiuj with Thorns.

Before Communion.— "My divine Saviour, crovmed

with thorns, covered with a piirple mantle of deiision,
and bearing a reed in his hand, is presented by Pilate
to the people. Ecce homo, behold the man SoonI

shall the priest present to me the King of Reaven

concealed under the Eucharistic veils. Ecce Agmis
Dei ; behold the Lamb of God. O King of Glory,
I adore thee in the humiliations of thy passion and
in those of the Blessed Sacrament. I acknowledge
thee with faith and love as my Lord and Master.
After Communion. — O divine Jesus, thy crown of
thorns is the burning bush which Moses saw, and

which was not consumed by the flames. Thy royalty

is eternal. Reign then over my heart and afiFections.
This crown teaches me that the kingdom of
heaven suffers violence, and that the violent alone
bear it away.
Ah Lord, may thy example teach me to accept

the crown of thorns in this world, that I may weai-

the crown of glory in the next.

Prayer. —
O Blessed Virgin, Queen of the most
holy Rosarv', by the sword of sorrow which pierced
thy heart when thou didst see thy dear Sou cro^n:od
•wiih thorns, obtain for me the favours I petition.
Practice. —Love of contempt and hmuiliati^jn.
Example. — St. Dominic having been asked why he
more willingly abode in Carcasonne than in Toulouse

replisd : "Because iii Toulouse they consider me a

saint, whereas in Carcasonne I am scoffed, ridicultd^
and despised by all."
\Vhen travelling, before entering town or country
he was accustomed to offer a most fervent prayer to
Crod, beseeching him not to destroy the place on
accoimt of his sins, and yet he never committed a
.grievous sin during his whole life. In death he wished
to make a general confession in the presence of
twelve religious of the convent at Bologna. And,
asked by his children where he wished to be bujied,
he humbly answered •'
at the feet of all my


The Carrying of the Cross.

Before Communion. — Jesus bends under the weight

of his cross. Whence proceeds this weight ? From
my sins. . . O Lord ! I desire with the daughters
of Jerusalem to weep over thy sufferings. Thou
comest to me. Thou presentest to me thy holy
croGS. Oh, 1 accept it with all my heart. I will die
in its embraces.
After Communion. —
O my God, thou hast entered
into ray heart.Permit not, that it should be to thee
as a new Calvary, an imgrateful, barren, imfruitful
Goii. May thy precious blood blot out my sins.
May the memory of thy dolorous passion be to me
a mosi/ powerful protection of soul and body

a>rainst all the deceits, temptations and molestations

of my cruel enemies. Ameu,
Prayer. —
O sweet Virgin Mary, Queen of the holy
Rosary, by the sword of sorrow which pierced thy
heart on beJiolding Jesus carrying the cross, obtain
for me the grant of my earnest petitions. Amen.
Practice. — Resignation rmder all trials to the will
of God.
Example. —
St. Dominic braved eveiy danger when
therewas question of saving a soul. He was once
warned of a party of heretics who lay concealed in a
certain place, to assassinate him. He treated the
information with mdifference, and passed on. On
their next meeting, the heretics accosted him, thus :

" And so thou dost not fear death ? Tell us what

wouldst thou have done thou hadst fallen into our

htmds?" '•
1 would liaveprayed you,'" said the
great Dominic, '*
not to have taken my life at a
single blow, but by little, cutting off each

member of my body
one by one and ha%'ing done ;

that, that you should have plucked out my eyes,

and then have left me so, to prolong my torments
and to enn'cli my crown."

The Crucijixion.
Before Communion. — Jesus, God of love and of com-
passion, 1 thank thee for the infinite love thou didst
manifest towards rae in sacrificing thyself for me on


the altar of the cross. Accept, I beseech thee, the

sacrifice I now make to thee, of my soiil and all its

powers ; my body and all its senses.

After Communion. —
Jesus, taken down from the
arms of his Blessed Mother.
cross, is laid in the
O divine Master, I offer thee my heart, that thou
mayest repose therein in peace. What shall T render
unto thee, O my well-beloved, for all thy benefits ?
O my one good, I have nothing else besides.
O Jesus, my sweetest peace, when shall I lay me
down and take my rest in thee?
Prayer. — O Blessed Virgin, Queen of the holy
Rosary, by the sword of grief which pierced thy soul
during the crucifixion of thy divine Son, I beseech
thee, obtain the grant of my earnest petitions ?

Practice. — C'harity towards our enemies.

Gambacorta, of the Order
£'a;a?npZe.— Blessed Clare
of St. Dominic, gave refuge in her convent to the
murderer of her father vviio was pursued by assassins.
After the death of the miu'derer she supported his
widow and educated his children.

The Resurrection of our Lord.

Befort Communion. I rejoice, O divine Jesus,
with Mary thy Mother, in thy glorious Resurrection,
r adore thee in all the majesty ajid loveliness of thy

most dear soul and glorified body. An angel said

to the holy women who sought thee in the sepulchre
Surrexit. Non est hie. He is risen he is not here.


And so, O my soul, resuscitated from

dearest Lord,
sin to grace, is no longer what it was. Yesterday,
it fed on the onions of Egj^t, that is. on sin to-day ;

it eats the bread of Angels it hungers for the body


of Jesus, it thirsts for his precious blood.

After Communion. — The joy of Mary was extreme
in beholding her divine Son risen from the dead. Let
us too rejoice and sing alleluias to the King of Glory
because he has redeemed his people and is triumphant
over the powers of hell. Happy the Apostles, saluted
by our glorified Saviour in the words, pax vobis.
O sweet Redeemer, 1 possess thee who art the peace
of our souls. Give me then thy peace, that peace
which will calm my passions and establish in my soul
the reign of thy grace.
Pradire. — Mortification of the passions to obtain
interior peace.
Prayer.— O glorious Virgin, Queen of the most
holy Rosary, by the joy which filled thy heart in the

mystery of the Resurrection of thy dearly-beloved

Son, obtain for me, I beseech thee, the grant of my
earnest petitions.

Example. St. Peter Martyr, the son of heretical
parents, became one of the brightest ornaments of
the Order of St. Dominic. He received the habit
from the holy Patriarch himself.
To an angelic innocence of life he united an extra-
ordinary courage in the profession of the Catholic
faith. " Hammer of the heretics." as he was
commonly called, he died by their hands, writing on


the ground in his blood the word Credo. During

this act his beautiful soul ascended to heaven, and
received the palm of victory.

The Ascension 0/ our Lord.
Before Communion. — Jesus quits the earth, and
tnkes with him to heaven the holy patriarchs-
O my God, vouchsafe that we may seek the things
that are above. Dwell in our hearts by faith, and
pour down upon us thy plenteous benedictions.
Come, O Bread of Angels, sweet viaticum fortify ;

me on my journey to eternity, and take me to thyself,

that where thou art I also m.ay be.
After Communion. — In leaving us, sweet Jesus,
thou didst find by means of the Holy Eucharist, the
secret of remaining with us to the end of the world.
Eternal thanks be given to thee for this wonderful
invention of thy charity. I know not how to thank
thee, my God, for the favour thou hast just bestowed
upon me in feeding me with the body and blood of
thy Di%ane Son.
Henceforth I will visit thee as often as I am able
I will come to thy altar to adore thee, to praise thee,
to lament my sins before thee, to seek light and
comfort in all my difficulties, until the day arrives
when I shall behold thee unveiled, and when thou
wilt receive me to thy love for ever. Amen.
Prayer. —
O glorious Virgin, Queen of the most
holy Rosary, by the joy which filled thy soul in the


-58 DEvoTroN5; of the

mystery of the Ascension of thy dear Son, obtain for

me, I beseech thee, the grant of my earnest petitions.
Practice. — Contempt of the riches and honours of
the world.

Example. Fra Girohimo Monsignori, of the Third
Order of Preachers, was chiefly distinguished for his
love of prayer and his indifference to the world. The
money which he earned by his artistic works was
hung up in an old box without a lid, so that anyone
who wished might use it.
>V'hen Mantua was visited by the plague and every
one fled in alarm, he, moved by charity, attended the
sick with his ov/n hands. Thus, sacrificing his life
to God. he caught the contagion, and died at the age
of sixty.
The Descent of the Holy Gho.^t.

Before Communion. —O King of Glory ! thou art

about to favour me, as thou didst favour the A postles
and disciples assembled in the upper room at
Jerusalem. A
thousand times blessed be thine
infinite charity which moves thee to repair our
miseries by bestowing upon us a gift wherein is
contained all good Purify then, my heart, O God,

as thou didst sanctify the hearts of thy Apostles, and

kindle in it the tire of thy love.
Afttr Communion. — O sweet Saviour, I adore thee
as true God, together with the Father and the Holy
Ghost. Most Holy Spirit create a new heart within me.
A thousand times I bless thee, and with the Seraphim

before thy throne, I cry : Sanctus, Sanctux, Sanctus!

Thou art the giver of all heavenly gifts ;
animate me
with thy charity and save me by thy mercy, that I may
praise and love thee in time and in eternity. Amen.
Prayer. — O Blessed Virgin, Queen of the most holy
Rosary, by the joy which filled thy soul at Pentecost,
obtain for me, I beseech thee, the grant of my earnest
Practice. — Zenl for the salvation of souls.
Example. — Hyacinth, of the Order of Friars
Preachers, laboured incessantly for the glory of God
and for the salvation of sinners. For the space of
forty years he preached successively in Poland,
Silesia, Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, the borders
of the Black and Caspian Seas, Tartary, &c. He
penetrated even into Thibet and China. On one
occasion, to save a statue of our Blessed Lady from
profanation, he took it in his arms, though it was of
enormous weight, and charged with his precious
burden, he walked upon the waters of a deep and
rapid river, as if it had been firm land.
He expired on the Feast of the Assiunption, being
seventy-two years old.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

Before Communion. —" Let us the Lord,

all rejoice in

on account of the honour done the Blessed Virgin

IMary, at whose Assumption the angels rejoice and
adore the Son of God."

^VTiat must have been tlie trail sports of the heart

of Mary npproach of death! How perfect her
at the
security; how ardent her love and her desire to be re-
united to her beloved Son, for whom alone she lived.
most amiable Sa%nour, draw my heart to thee ;

fill it the insatiable desire of seeing thee, of

contemplating thee, and of loving thee under the
sacramental veils, and in the full light of thy glory.
After Communion. —O Saviour of souls, why car; I

not, with thy Holy Mother, die of love, now that I

hold thee in my heart ? Ah mayest thou be hence-


forth my sole delight, the God of my heart, and my

[)ortion for ever.
Prayer. —O Glorious Virgin, Queen of the holy
Rosary, by the joy which filled thy soul on the day

of thy Assumption into heaven, obtain for me the

grant of my present petitions.
— Desire of enjoying God in heaven.
Example. — About the year 1393, happened that it

some little children were about to receive their first

Holy Communion in a Dominican Convent at
Bologna. One knelt alone in sadness and tears,
because she had been pronounced tooyoung to receive
Ilim whom she loved. As the celebrating priest held
in his hand the Blessed Sacrament, saying Ecce :

Agnus Dei, a ray of dazzling light went forth from

it, and the Sacred Host, which, a few minutes before

he held in his hand at the altar, stood in the air above

the head of Imelda. "With trembling hand, he com-
municated the child. Shortly after, she was seen to

lean on one side as if she were ill. The nuns thought

she had fainted; her arms were crossed over her
breast, an angelic smile lighted up her countenance ;

her heart was too weak to bear the excessive joy she
felt in receiving her Jesus the thread of life was

broken. . . The soul of the little child was gone

to heaven !

The Coronation vf the Blessed Virgin in Heaven.

Before Communion. — The glorious Mother of Jesus

is assumed into heaven, enthroned there as Queen of
the Universe, seated at tlie right hand of her Son.

The sacrament of the Eucharist is the pledge of future

glory. " He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood,"
says Jesus Christ, " shall live for ever." Come, then,
O heavenly food, open to me the gates of a blessed
eternity, support me in life, and at the av/ful moment
of my death. Amen.
After Communion. —
O divine Majesty, thou hast
crowned thy holy Mother with a royal diadem, and
now thou condescendest to feed a v/retched sinner
with thy body and blood. Oh what unspeakable !

goodness, what infinite mercy !

Mary, Queen of Angels and of men, show thyself

our Mother in pity look upon our miseries, and rule

us by the gentle sway of thy protection. Amen.

Prayer. — glorious Virgin, Queen of the holy
iiosary, by the joy with which thouwert replenished
in the mystery of thy Coronation, I beseech thee obtain
for me the grant of my earnest petitions. Amen.

Practice. —(Confidence
in ^lary. Renew your con-
secration to Queen of the holy Rosary, and beg

of her to obtain for you the precious gift of final

Example. — In the year 1l.'o9, when the Tartars
made frequent and sudden irruptions into the Rolish
territories, there existed at Sandomir a Convent of
Dominicans %vherehi forty ycuug religious led most
perfect lives under the direction of one Sadov", a man
full of faith and zeal. On the let of Jane, all
the brethren being seated at supper, the lector,
who, according to custom, was reading the martyr-
olnoy of the next day, saw written in the book
the following words, which he read aloud " At : —
Sandomir, the martyrdom of forty-one Christians."
These words were applied to the 2nd of Jime. The
lector paused the astonished religious knew not

what the words could signify no one had ever seen


them in the book before. It seemed like a warning

that they shonld prepare for death. They spent the
night in prayer. At daybreak, the pious Sadoc
celebrated the sacred mysteries ; all received the holy
Communion asViaticum and as they cha ited the

Salve after ."Mass, they were f^,tartled by a loud noise

and by terrific screams. The Tartars had broken into
the town, massacred the inhabitants, and in a few
moments, entered the Convent of the Dominicans,
brandishing swords and axes, which thev used for the
murder of the brothers, who still continued their
holy chant. Sadoc was tlie last to fall bv a blow from

an axe, just as he had finished alone the last words of

the hymn :
clemens^ pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.'"
These martyrs have been honoured at Saadomir
since the thu'teenth century. Every evening they
rocited in common the Rosary and Salve Regina.
Sadoc had never once been absent from the devotion.
Our blessed Lady assists in a particular manner at
the hour of death those v/ho are faithful to honour
her in the devotion of the holy Rosary,

She HasFtriT ConfratBrnitn.

" Preach the Rosary ; it will be a reraridy againsc all evils.
— Words ofB.V.M. to St. Dominic, A.D. 1S06.

Of all the Confraternities, that of the Holy Rosary

isthe most important. Scarcely any has so long a

history behind it no other is so widely spread has ;

produced such abundctnt fruits of holiness has ;

brought so many blessings on the Chm^-li has re- ;

ceived so many favours and privileges at the hands

of the Popes or is so well suited to the spiritual

needs of the times. It is the most richly indulgenced

Confraternity in the Church, and membership in it
is necessary for all who would gain in their fullness

the advantages of the saving devotion of the Rosary.

In order to join the Confraternity all that is neces-
saiA is to getyour name enrolled on the Register in
a Dominican Church, or Parish Church, where the
Confraternity has been established by authority of
the Master- General of the Dominican Order.


To gain the adcantages^ you must have your beads

blessed by a Doniinicau Priest (or a priest having
special faculties from the Master-General of the
Dominican Order), and say the fifteen decades of the
Kosary once each week, meditating on the Mysteries
while doing so. This obligation does not bind under
sin. You need not say the whole Rosary together,
but recite the decades, one or more at a time, as you

The Advantages of the Confraternity are,

briefly, as foliows :

{a) The special protection of Our Lady, Queen of

the Kosary.
(&) A
share in all tlie good works and spiritual
benefits of the members of the Dominican Order,
and of the Rosary Confraternity the world over.
(c) A
share, after death, in the prayers and
suffrages offered by the same for the dead.
(c/) Very great indulgences, daily, monthly, and
annually, of which are applicable to tJie dead.
(e) A
speciid indulgence for every work of charity
or piety you do.
(/) An indulgence of 2,025 days for each Hail
Mary in the Kosary.
(g) Anindulgence of 100 years and 4,000 days
daijy for merely carrying the blessed beads about
with you.
Qi) A plenary indulgence every day (applicable to
the dead) for those mtmt ers who go to Confession
and (^ommunion. visit a Church, and offer the Fif-
teen Mysteries of the Kosary for the triumph of the
Cathulic Church.
(i) A
plenary indulgence at the hour of death.

Uabg 0f tilt EoBarg.

VIRGIN Mary, Mother of God, Queen of the

most holy llosary, thou beholdest at thy feet
the most miserable of sinners. I deserve not to be
called thy child, for I have too grievously offended
thy divine Son. But thou art my Mother, my
merciful Mother, the Mother of contrite sinners.
Oh, reject me not I acknowledge my sins, I hate

them, I detest them, I deplore them in the bitter-

ness of my soul. I firmly purpose never to commit
them again. I give thee my heart, I consecrate
myself to thee ; O ^iaiy, I promise thee an eternal

O Queen of the Rosary, take possession of my

whole being ; rule me as my sovereign ; banish from
my heart all that displeases thee; sanctify my soul,
purify ray intentions. I wish to love all that thou
lovest thy desires shall be my desires, thy joy shall

be my thy sorrows my sorrows. O most holy

Mother of desus, hear me. Queen of the holy Rosary,
hear me, through thy joys, thy sorrov/s, thy triumphs,
have pity on a poor sinner who implores thy mercy.
Protect me during me at the hour of my
life, assist
death ; receive my soul, and present it to the Sovereign
Judge. Grant me a safe retreat in the fountain of
meicy, that with thee I may glorify the Sacred Heart
of thy dear Son, for ever and ever. Amen.
L 266 J

©It tljz Eosam of iljt Skas^ii Within.

About the year 1206, when war and bloodshed raged in France,
the celebrated devotion of tlie Rosary began to be propagated by
Saint Uominic.
The universal voice of tradition affirms that tho Rosary devotion
was revealed to him by the Blessed Virgin herseli and, indeed, if

we consider its almost supernatural character, and the cxtra-

ordin -ry power with which it has been blessed, we can have no
difficulty in recognisin;,' in it the gift and most precious token of
the love of our dear and blessed Mother.
' To pray in the proseuce of Christ," says a holy bishop, "and
to trust in the help oi Mary, these are the impulses of the Christian
heart." The Rosary helps us to do both. Itmigh.t have been hard
to fix our minds on "the invisible and unapproachable Deity. But
the infinite God became a little child, a boy, a man with a human
soul, and heart, and feelings. He spoke to us, he blessed us. he
pitied us, he suffered and died for us. He went up to heaven and
left us, but we have still hi the holy name of Jesus the vivid picture
of all that he was and all that he aid.
Since he came amongst us, our worship and our love are very
easy and natural; for we may speak to him as to a friend and
brother, offer him our gifts, s3-mpathise with him in his sufferings,
and lament our sins at his feet. Ihe Bends are placed in our
fingers to rouse our attention ; and then a picture is set before us
of our Lord or of his blessed Mother, and we are told to utter some
of the sweetest words that ever brought hope and healing to
A little picture is put before us '' Let us contemplate the Annun-

ciation of the most holy Virgin, by the angel '• or. '• Let us

meditate upon the birth of our Lor 1 Jesus Christ at Bethlehem,"

or upon his "Crucifi.xion," or upon the " assumption of the Biessed
Virgin Mary." Words like these fix onr hearts in the presence of
our Saviour.
Then we say Our Father and all the worship, the praise, the

asking and affection of that glorious prayer are poured out at the
feet of him who is at once our God and our Brother. As it rlies
away, we take up the Hail Mary. When the world was first
b'essed with the sight of Jesus, he was shown to it in the arms of
Mary his Mother. The shepherds offered him their earliest gifts
and homage as she held him there. It has been so ever since, and
It will be 80 always.
To recite the Hail JLary, is to honour the prophetic announce-
ment of the coming of Jesus; it is to bless him; to bless bis
By the Son of Mary, all good has come to the earth. To lift np
the banner of Mnry, the Mother of Jesus, is to lift up the Ark of the


New Covenant, and God ariscB and his foes are scattered. So it
was with tlie early heresies so it was when the Turks menaced

Christendom, and so it must be now.

The Rosarj- is a grand crusade of prayer. Next to the Divine
Office it is the most Catholic prayer in the Church, and the most
authoritatively approved, even so far as to have a special festival
in its honour. To have it recited as family prayer in every hons»-
hold. would be an earnest of the abundant hlessingra of heaVen.



Assigned for the Mondays a?id Thursdays throughout the^vear, tht
Sundays of Advent, and the Sundays after Epiphany till Lent.

the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of

JN the Holy Ghost. Amen.
V. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with
R. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
V. Thou, O Lord, wilt open my lips.

R. And my tongue shall announce thy praise.

V. Incline unto m.y aid, O God.
R. O Lord, make haste to help m-.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.

I. The Annunciation.
Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the

angel Gabriel saluted our Blessed Lady with

the title " Full of G-race," and declared unto her
the Incaination of our Lord and Saviour Jesus

*t Be still, and let our hearts adore in language

higher than that of words, the amazing wonders of
the infinite goodness of God, in thus olTering himself
a holocaust for us, poor miserable sinners, who had
deserved to be thrown from his mercy for ever.
Let us imagine to ourselves that we see the angel of
God descending from heaven with the joyful news
to our Blessed Lady :
" Hail, full of grace . .

thou sh'alt conceive .... the pon-er of the Most

High shall overshadow thee . . . .thou shalt bear

a Son, aud thou shalt call his name Jesus.^^

Oh, miracle of love the co-eternal Son of the


li\nngGod, seeing the miseries into which we were

plunged, descends from heaven, that we might
ascend thither, and becomes the Son of man, that we
might become the children of God.
Our Father, ouce.
Hail Mary, ten times.
Glory be to the Father, once.
O Holy Mary, Queen of Virgins, by the most
high mystery of the Incarnation of thy beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, by which our salvation was
so happily begun, obtain for us. by thy intercession,
light to know this so great benefit which he hath

* This mark (t) here, as in the otlier mysteries, indicates the

additional reflections, to be made use of, as devotion shall suggest.

bestowed upon us. vouchsafing iu it to make himself

our Brother, and thee, his own most beloved Zvlother,
our Mother also. Amen.

U.—The Visitation

T^et us contemplate in this mystery, how the

Blessed Virgin Mary, understanding from the angel
that her cousin St. Elizabeth had conceived went
with haste into the mountains of Judea to visit her,

and remained with her three months.

Let us imagine here, that we see our Blessed
Ijady preparing herself for the journey, and let us
devoutly accompany her. She enters the house of
Zachary and salutes Elizabeth. Oh, blessed Salu-
tation, at which the infant Precursor leaps for joy in
his mother's womb, is sanctified and cleansed from
original sin ! Oh, let us here make one moment's
stay where the Mother of God stayed three months
exercising every virtue, every kind ofUce, and work
of charity.
My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoiceth

in God my Saviour.
Our Father, &c.
O Holy Virgin, most spotless mirror of humility,
by that exceeding charity which moved thee to visit
thy holy cousin, Sfc. Elizabeth, obtain for us by thy
intercession that our hearts may be so visited by
thy most holy Son, that, being free from all sin, we
may praise him and give him thanks for ever.


ni.~The Nativity.

i^t us contemplate, in this mystery, how the

Blessed Yirgiu Mary, when the time of her delivery
had come, biought forth our Redeemer Christ Jesus
at midnight, and laid him in a manger, because there
was no room for him in the inns at Bethlehem.
t Let us imagine ourselves here suiTounded by a
divine brightness, and flying to Bethlehem with the
watchful shepherds. Let us imagine we hear the
melodious harmony of the heavenly musicians,
singing Ghri/ ?n the highest to God^ upon accomit
of those tidings of great joy which were brought
to us ;because this day is born to us a Saviour, who is
Christ the Lord, iji the city of David.

Let us now enter into the stable, and humbly fall

prostrate before our divine Jesus. Oh, what amaz-
ing mysteries! A pmre creature gives life to her
Creator 1a Virgin becomes a Mother without
ceasing to be a virgin ! the Son of God the Father
v/ithout a I^iother from all eternity, becomes in time,
the Son of a Virgin Mother without a Father, and
He whom the heavens cannot comprehend is wrapped
in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger ! O
Blessed Jesus! thou art my King and my Lord
I bless and praise thee for having become a little
Babe for love of me.
Our Father, &c.
O most pure Mother of God, by thy virginal and
most joyfid delivery, by which thou gavest imto the
world thy only Son, our Saviour, we beseech thee

obtain for us by thy intercession grace to lead such

pui'e and holy lives in this world, that we may
worthily sing without ceasing, both by day and
night, thti mercies of thy Son, and his benefits to us
by thee. Amen.

IV. — The Prescutalion of our BIc^^.^hI Loul in the


liCt us contemplate in this mystery, how tiie

iilessed Virgin Mary, on the day of her Farificalion,

presented the child Jesiis in the temple, where holy
Simeon, giving thanks to God, with great devotion,
received him into hh arms.
t Let us place ourselves here in the temple of
Jerusalem, and ima?inc we see the Mother of God
coming with the child Jesus in her arms, to offer
him to his Kternal Father, and to submit to the cere-
mony of Purification, in obedience to the laws of
Moses. Hear the devout Anna praising the Ijord ;

see holy Simeon taking the Divine Infant into his

arms, blessing God, and saying *' Now, them dost :

dismiss thy servant, Lord, according to thy word, in

peace ; because my eyes have seen thy salvation."
Oh, may we, most Sacred Virgin, receive thy
Blessed Son into our hearts, and there enjoy in the
closest embraces, Him who is the life of our souls,
our light and ihe glory of his people Israel.
Our Father, &c.
O holy Virgin, most admirable Mistress and pat-
tern of obedience, who didst present in the Teiuplo

the Lord of the Temple, obtain for us of thy

rrrace, that with holy Simeon and devout
beloved Son,
Anna, we may praise and glorify him for ever.
A men,
V. — The Fiu'Iing of the Child Jesi(S in the I'empk.

Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the most

r/ies?ed Virgin ^^Lary, having lost, without any fault
of hers, her beloved Son in Jerusalem, sought him
for the space of three days, and at length found
him, on the fourth day, in the Temple, in the u)idst of
the doctors disputing with them, being but twelve
years of ago.
t Let us imn^'ine here that we see the holy Virgin,
now come homewards a day's journey, missing
Jesus, and. all drowned in tears, seeking him among
her acquaintances. She hastens back to Jerusalem, and
there finds him, questioning the doctors of the law.
Our Father, &c.
Most blessed Virgin, more than martyr in thy
sufferings, and yet the comfort of such as are
afflicted, by that unspeakable joy, wherewith thy

soul was ravished in finding thy beloved Son in the

Temple, in the midst of the doctors, disputing with
them, obtain of him for us, so to seek him and to
Und him in the Holy Catholic Church, that we niay
never be separated from him A men

For Tuesdays and Fridays throus^hout the year, and the Simdayi
in Lent.

L — The Prayer and Bloody Sweat of our Blessed

Saviour in the Garden.
Let us contemplate in this mystery, how our Lord
Jesus Christ was so aftlicted for us in the Garden of
Gethsemani, that his body was bathed in a bloody
down in great drops to
sweat, which ran trick] ing
the ground.
t Let us imagine ourselves here with Jesus and
his three beloved disciples, in the mournful garden,
and that we hear him say : My said is exceeding
sorrowful, even unto death.
Ah ! woe is me, my dearest Jesus, that thou
shouldst be so afflicted for me. Let ua consider
what our sins have —
done let us see the Son of God
lying prostrate on the ground, struggling imder the
most dismal agonies of mind, sweating blood from
every pore, and praying that if it were possible the
bitterness of that cup might pass away from him.
he adds not my will hut thine be done.
Nevertheless, :

Our Father, &c.

most Iioly Virgin, more than martyr, by that
ardent prayer which thy beloved Son poured forth
unto his Father in the garden, vouchsafe to inter-
cede for us, that our passions being reduced to the
obedience of reason, we may always, and ia all


things, conform and subject ourselves to the will of

God. Anirn.

II. — The Scourging of our Blessed Lord at the Pillar.

Let us coutL-mplate in this mystery, how our Lord

Jesus Christ was most cruelly scourged in Pilate's
house, the niunber of stripes they gave him being
above five tliousand, as it was revealed to St. Bridget.
t Let us imagine here that we see our dearest
Jesus, after he had been apprehended, blindfolded,
buffeted, spit upon, and insulted in the most igno-
minious manner, stripped of all his clothes, and bound
to a pillar. His skin is torn off with knotty scourges
His blood springs out in streams, pieces of flesh fly

and his bones are

in the air, laid uncovered ! — one
wound from head to foot. Oh ! the heinousness,
the monstrous heinousness of sin, and the fierceness
of God's anger against it.
Our Father, &c.
O Mother of (iod, overflowing fountain of
patience, by those stripes thy only and most beloved
Son vouchsafed to suffer for us, obtain of him for
us, grace, that we may know how to mortify our
rebellious senses, and cut off all occasions of sinning
with that sword of grief and compassion which
pierced thy most tender soul. Amen.

III. — The Crowning of our Blessed Saviour with Thorns.

Let us contemplate in this mystery, how those
cruel ministers of Satan plaited a crown of sharp
— !


thorns, and most cruelly pressed it on the most

.sacred head of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
t Let us imagine that we behold our suffering
Jesus, clothed with the purple of derision as if he

had pretended to some royalty that did not belong

to him. See the thorny crown struck deep into
his sacred temples, and the blood gushing out from
every wound. Wounded for our iniquities, bruised for

our sins. Behold his sacred head, bruised with the

reed, that mock sceptre which they put into his
hands, whilst they bend the knee before him and cry


Hail, Ecce Homo Beliold the man !

King of the Jews.
That divine Man-God, laid as low for our pride, as
grief and sorrow and pain and shame could lay him !

Behold the uncreated Wisdom of his Eternal Father

ridiculed —
Omnipotence injured and affronted and ;

Divine Majesty crowned with ignominy

Our Father. &c.
O Mother of our eternal Prince and King of Glory,
by those sharp thorns wherewith his most holy head
was pierced, we beseech thee, that by tky intercession
we may be delivered here from all motions of pride,
and in the day of judgment, from that confusion
which our sins deserve. Amen.

IV. Jesus carrying His Cross.

Let us contemplate in this mystery, how our Lord

Jesus Christ being sentenced to die, bore with great
patience tlie cross which was laid upon him for his
greater torment and isrnominv.

I Let us imagine to ourselves here, that we see

those inhuraan, spiteful, pililc .3 wretches, tear off^
his cleavJDg purple, and lay upon Jesus, now agon-
ising and exhausted, the heavy load of a rude, un-
wieldy cross, imder whose weight he falls, unable
to bear the ignominious instrument of his own pains.
See how they drag our dearest Lord amidst insults,
scorn nnd reproach, to the top of that fatal mountain.
Oh! let us, who have had so great a hand in his
blood, with Simeon of Cyivme, part of his bur-
den let us accompany him with his dearest afflicted

Mother, and bathe his bloody footsteps with our

Our Father, &c.
O Holy Virgin, example of patience, by the most
painful carrying of the cross, on which thy Son, our
Lord Jesus Clirist, bore the heavy weight of our
sins, obtain for us of him, by thy intercession, cour-
age and strength to follow his steps, and bear our
cross after him to the end of our lives. Amen.

\. — Tht Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let ua contemplate in this mystery, how our Lord

Jesus Christ, being come to Mount Calvary, was
stripped of his clothes, and his hands and feet most
cruelly nailed to the cross in the presence of his
most Mother.

t Let us imagine ourselves here under the cross

holing upon him whom u-e have pierced. Metliinks
I see him, the Priest sacrihcing, and the Lamb


sacrificed for the sins of the whole world and for

.mine in particular, fastened by three gross nails to
the tree of the cross. Methinks, I hear the strokes
of the hariimer, enough to rend the rocks and make
heaven and earth tremble. O how fast the blood

gushes forth whilst he prays for his enemies

languishing, agonising, thirsting, fainting, bleeding,
dying. But, oh ! my sweetest Jesus, am I the
cause of thy death? Oh I that my head were waters,
and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep
both day and night, lament and sympathise with thee.
Our Father, &c.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, as the body of thy
beloved Son was for us extended on the cross, so
may our desires be daily more and more stretched
out in his service, and our hearts woimded with
compassion for his most bitter passion and thou, ;

O most Blessed Virgin, vouchsafe to negociate for

and with us the work of our salvation, by thy
powerful intercession. Amen.

For '^ednesda-s and Saturdays throughout the year, and Sundays
from Easter to Adrent.
I.- -The Resurrection.

Let us contemplate in this myster} , how our

Lord Jesus Christ, triumphing gloriously over death,
rose again the third day, immortal and impassible.

t I^et US imarrine to ourselves here, that we see our

blessed Lovd arising out of the sepulchre, disfigured
the other day, and hacked and mangled, but now
immortal, clothed with splendour, and endowed with
all the gifts of a glorified bod}", never to die any
Let us our eyes upon iiim, and behold him

going to his Blessed Mother, to cheer and

3lear up that eclipsed heaven, to dry up the tears of
her chaste eyes, and to give her the kiss of peace.
Oh! what a heaven of joy filled her soul when she
saw her beloved Son, our triumphant conqueror of
sinand Satan, not hanging any more between two
thioves,but environed by multitudes of angels, not
covered with blood and gore, but enrobed witli
immortality and glory.
Sweetest Jesus, give us grace to die to sin, that,

rising again to life, we may conquer as thou hast

done, and trample under foot every unruly passion.
Our Father, &c.
O glorious Virgin Mary, by that unspeakable joy
thou receivedst in the resurrection of thy only-
beloved Son, we beseech thee obtain of him for us,
tliat our hearts may never go astray after the false

joys of this world, but may be ever and wholly

employed in pursuit of the only true and solid joys
of heaven. Amen.
II. — The Ascension.
Let us contemplate in this myster*', how our
Lord Jesus Christ, forty days after his resurrection.

ascended into heaven, attended by angels, in sight

of his most holy Mother, and his Apostles and
disciples, to the great admiration of them all.

t Let us imagine.ourselves here upon the mountain

of Olives, and that we see the glorious chan)pion of
our salvation taking leave of his blessed Mother
and disciples, comforting them, lifting up His hands
and blessing them, and that we hear the angels sing.
Arise, O Lord, and go to the place of thy rejwse. See
him mounting up upon a cloud, ascending victorious
from the wars, all dyed in blood, and leading
captivity captive, whilst the heavenly chorus sing :

Who is this thai cnmeth from Edom, icith dyed garments

from Basra; this beautiful one in his robe, walking in
the greatness of his strength? (Isalas Ixiii. 1.) Who is

King of Glory ? Our Lord strong and mighty ; our


Lord mighty in battle. Be ye lifted up, eternal gates,

and the King of Glory shall enter in.
Our Father, &c.
O Mother of God, comfort of the afflicted, as thy
beloved Son, when he ascended into heaven, lifted
up his hands and blessed his Apostles, so vouchsafe,
most holy Mother, to lift up thy pure hands to him
we r^ay enjoy the benefit of his blessing
for us, that
and thine here on earth, and hereafter in heaven.

111. — The Descent of the Holy Ghost.

Let us contemplate in this mystery, how our

Lord Jesus Christ, being seated at the right hand of

God, eeut (as he had promised) the Holy Ghost,

upon his Apostles, who, after he had ascended,
returning to Jerusalem, continued in prayer and
supplication with the Blessed Virgin Mary, expecting
the performance of his promise.
t Let us imagine ourselves here in the holy
company of assembled with them,
the Apostles,
and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in an upper room
in Jerusalem, persevering with one mind in
prayer, preparing our souls for the coming of
the Holy Ghost, the blessed Comforter and
Spirit of Truth. Let us imagine that we hear
the noise, which all of a sudden came from
heaven as of a viohnt. rushing wind^ ivhich filled the
whole house where they were sitting. And there
appeared to them cloven tongues, as it were of fire,
and it sat vpon. each of them. And they were all
Holy Ghost. O holy Mary, blessed and
filled with the
happy Aposiles, we congratulate you, and beseech
you to obtain that the Dinne Spirit may visit us also
and take full possession of our hearts for time and
eternity. Amen.
Our Father, &c.
O sacred Virgin, Tabernacle of the Holy Ghost,
we beseech thee obtain by tliy intercession, that this
most sweet Comforter, whom thy beloved Sou sent
down upon his Apostles, filling them thereby with
spiritual joy, may teach us in this world the true
way of salvation, and make us walk in the paths of
virtue and good works. Amen.


IV. — The Asaumption.

Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the
glorious Virgin, twelve years after the resurrection
of her Son, passed out of this world unto him, and
was by him assumed into heaven, accompanied by
the holy angels.
t Let us imagine to ourselves here, that we see the
most glorious procession upon which the sun ever
shone, the glurious, the gloriftcd Virgin Mrry, three
days after she had given up her soul into the hands
of that King of Glory, to whom she had given flesh,
mounting up, body and sor' through the air with all
incredible joy and triumph.
Hear the music, the applause, and acclamations of
angels. Who Vf this that ascends on high like the

viorriing light^ beautiful as the moon, chosen as the siin ?

Oh, may we so imitate her virtues, that at the

hour of death we may be met by the angels as she
was, and welcomed to the joys of heaven.
Our Father, &c.
O most prud(.-nt Virgin, who. entering into the
heavenly palace, didst fill the holy angels with joy.

and man with hope, vouchsafe to intercede for us

in the hour of our death, that, being free from the
illusions and temptations of the devil, we may joy-
fully and securely pass out of this temporal state, to
enjoy the happiness of eternal life. Amen.
'v. The Coronation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Let us contemplate in this mystery, how the

glorious Virgin Mary -was, with great jubilee and

exaltation of the whole court of heaven, and with
particular glory of all the saints, crowned by her
Son with the brightest diadem of gloiy.
t Let us imagine to ourselves here, that we see the
solemnity of this heavenly coronation, that we see
her blessed Son, circling her brows with an imperial
crown, investing her sacred body with a most
peculiar glory, and proclaiming her Queen of all
See all the choirs of angels coming to pay their
homage and obedience to her. casting down their
crowns before her, and congratulating her as their
Queen and their Lady.
Oh ! let us leave off gazing upon trifles here below,
and look up to our eternal inheritance in heaven ;

let us run with joy the race that is set before us, that

with our Queen we may live eternally in glory.

Our Father, &c.
O Glorious Queen of all the heavenly citizens,
we beseech thee to acc:^pt this Rosary, v.hich (as a
crown of roses) we offer at thy feet and grant, ;

most gracious Lady, that by thy intercession, our

souls may be inflamed with so ardent a desire of
seeing thee so gloriously crowned, that it may never

die in us, until it shall be changed into the happy

fruition of thy blessed sight. Amen.

AIL, holy Queen. Mother of mercy, hail our

H our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we



poor banished children of Eve to thee do we send up


our sighs, mourning and weeping, in this vale of

tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine
eyes of mercy towards us ajid after this our exile,

shov/ unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.


OGOD, whose only-begotten Son, by his life,

death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the

rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech thee, that
meditating upon these mysteries in the most holy
Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate
what they contain, and obtain what they promise ;


Xttan^ ot tfoe Blesseb mvQin.

Ajit. Sub tuum prfEsidiiuxi Ant.We fly to thy patron-
confugimussar.cta DeiGeni- a2;e, holy JMothe'- of God,
trix, nostras deprecatioiies despise not our petitions in
na despicias in necessitabus our necessitips, but deliver
nostris, sed a periculis cunc- ug from all dangers, O evor
tis libera nos, semper Vivgo glorious and blessed Virgin.
gloriosa et benedicta.

TZ YRIE, eleison. Lord, have mercy on ug.

*-^_ Chnste, oleisou. Clirist,have mercy on ug.
Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christe, audi nos. Christ, hear us.
Clin'ste, esaudi nr.g. Christ, graciously hear us.
Pater de coelis Deun, God, the fatber of heaven,
Miserere nobis. Have mercy on us.
284 L1TA:,T OF IKE

I'ili, Redemptor mnudi Gol. tlio Son, Reacemer vf

tie world,
Mifterers nobis- Have mercy on us.
Spirit us Sancte Devifl, God, the H. ly Ghost,
Miserere vobis. Have mfrcy on us.
v"^aiieta TriTiita<, uniis Dous, Ho!y Trinity, one God,
Miserere nobis. Have Tticrcy on us.
Siuieta Maria, Holy Mary,
Saiicta Dei Grn'trir. Holy Moth^Tof God.
Sancta Virgo rirginam, Holy Virgin of virgin?,
Mater Christi, jrother of Christ,
M:iter diviiiae grutit^, Mother of divine gTR^e^
Mater purissitna, Mother most pure,
Mater castissin.a. Mother most chaste,
Mater inviolata, ^Mother inviolate,
Mater iutemerata, Mothor uudefiled, •

Matter araabiJis, Tilother most amiable,

Mater adriiirabilis. _ ]\L>ther most admii-able.
Mater boni cousilii, ? Mother of good counsel. *^
Mater Creatoris, ^ Mother of our Creator, ^
Plater Salvatorit. ^ Mother of our Redeemer,*'
Virf,'0 prudorti-pi"'^'*. ^ Virgin most prudent, ^
Virgo veu^randa, o Virgin most venerable, ^
Virgo prtE(3icandn, most renowned,
Virgo pot-:iue,
^ Virgin
Virgin most powerful,

Virgo clenieus, Virgin most merciful.

Virgo fidclis, Virgin most faithful,
Speculum justitiae, Mirror of justice.
Sedes sapient'o:-, Scat of wisdom,
Causa nostne letitia% Cause of our joy,
Vaa spirituale, Spiritual vessel,
Y&s honorabUe. Ve.csel ofhonour,
Vas insigne devotioL'<?, Vessel of singular devotion,
K'fia mydiica, Mystical rose,
Turria Dandi^ii, Tower of Da\-id,
Tnrri3 eburn^a, Tower of ivory.
DomTiB aurea, House of gold,
Fadens area, Ark of tho covenant,
Janoa cosli, Gate nf heaven,
S*^-^]'! matutina, Morning st-ar,
Pa 'VIS infirmorum, Health of the weak,
Refugiutn pocc^itomm, Refuge of sinners,
Coneo'atrix afflict '^rum. Comforter of the affHot-ed,
: : ;


Auxilium Cbristianorum, IIolp of Cbri'st'Rng,

Regina angelorum, O Queen of angab.
Regma pati-iarehanim, ^ Queen of patriarchs, ^3
Regina prophetamm., 'w Queen of propliots, ^
Regina apostolorum, o Queen of apostles, ^
Rf gina martyrum, ^ Queen of martyrs, S
Rpgina copfedsorum, o^ Queen of confen'sors, ~
Ri^gina Virgin um, ?» Queen of virgins, ^
Regina sanctorum omnium, Queen of all saints,
Regina sine labe originali Queen conceived without
concepta, original sin,
liegina sacrafciesimi rosarii, Queen of the most Holy
Agnu3 Dei, qui tollispeccata Lamb of God, who takest
mundi: away the sins >f the world

Farce nobis, Domine. Spare ufs, O Lord.

Agnus Deijquit'sllis peocata Lamb of God, who takest
mundi away the sin^ )f the world

Exaudi nos, Domine. Graciously hear ^*s, O

Agnus Dei, quitollis peccata Lamb of God, who taketh
mundi: away the sins of the world:

Miserere nobis. Have mercy on tis.

V. Ora pro nobis, sancta V. Pray for us, holy

Dei Genitrix. Mother of God.
R. Ut dignipfficiamv.rpro- iJ. That we may be made
missionibus Cbristi. worthy of the promisea of


Concede nos famulos tuos, Grant we beseech thee. O
qusesumus Domine Deus, Lord God, that we thy ser-
perpetua mentis et corporis vants may enjoy perpetual
sanitate gaudore et gloriosa
health of mind and body
beatse Marine semper Virginis and by the glorious interces-
intercessione, a pr^senti li.- sion of the blessed Mary ever
berari tristitia, et aeterna per- Virgin, we may be freed from
frui lastitia. Per Christum present sorrow, and come to
Dominum nostnim. Amen. possess eternal joy. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
[ 288 ]

©ebnttons for tljt ^Xoniljs of tbe ^tax.

It i^ a pious castora to set apart the months of the year for
s; ecial devotion. Some of these arrangements nre jreuerally recog-
nised ; whilst in oJurs thecustcim T.rie> in different pLtces. The
orde-^ obserred in this manna) it that of a scrieii^f Italian derotions
for the montlis of th^ year.

January: The Holy Name of Jesus.

Fchrnai-y Lent and Passion.

March : St. Joseph.

April: The Glorified Life of Jesus.
May The: Blessed Virgin Mary.
June: The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
July The Precious Blood of Our Lord.

August The Sacred Heart of Mary.


September: The Seven Dolours of the B.V.M.

October: The Holy Angels.
November I'he Holy Souls in Purgatory.

December: Advent and the Nativity.


7'he Holy Name of Jesus.
The devout Invo ation of the holy name of Jesns, Implies an act
of fwith, of hope, and of lore. Jesus means Saviour. The name is
wonderful in jovrer; it is our fltren?th in temptation, our help in
^eskn S3, ou' lijrht in dnrknes'. our buckh r in the battle of life.
When we pronounce with love the name of Jesus, we invoke our
blessed Lord as Father. Iroiher, Friend, and we believe that lie
will realisf in our regard all that is signified by each of those titles.
Let us. then, frequenily repeat the n^mo of Jesus; sacred name
of salvation which. " is as a lamp to our feet, .ind a light to our
paths," a refuge in temptation, and a remedy in our evils.


BLESSED name of Jesus, I adore thee as a name
of grandeur and of majesty ; I invoke thee as


a name, the foundation of all my hopes ; I love thee

as a name worthy of my tenderest affections.
O Jesus, be incessantly in my
mind, that I may
think of thee ; be upon my
may speak of
lips, that I
thee be in my heart, that I may love but thee.

And since, under heaven, no other name has been

given to man whereby he must be saved, oh be to me !

a Jesus during life, be to me a Jesus at the hour of

ray death, for my eternal salvation. Amen.
SWEET Jesus! grant me a lively devotion to
thy sacred name teach me thyself to mider-

stand its meaning and to realise its efficacy to relish ;

its sweetness and to trust in its power teach me to ;

call on it worthily in all my difficulties and afflictions.

May it be the last sound of my dying lips as I go
forth to meet thee in judgment. Oh! be to me
then, dear Lord, a merciful Saviour, not an angry

OMOST compassionate tJesus, full of pity and of

mercy, who despisest not the sighing of the
vvTetched alas, my whole life is perished and gone

without fruit, nor have I ever done anything good in

thy sight. To thee, therefore, 1 betake myself,
imploring thy clemency. Do thou speak for me, do
thou satisfy for ma. Wash away all the defilement
of my sinful eyes with the pure tears of thy most
glorious eyes. By the sweet compassion of thy


hlessed etu.s, tfike away the iniquity of my sinful ears.

By most holy thoughts,
the pure intention of thy
and by the ardent love of thy pierced heart, wash
away all the guilt of my evil thoughts and of my
wicked heart. By the thrilling power of the sweet
Avords of thy blessed mouth, blot out all the offences
of my polluted mouth. By the perfection of thy
actions and the crucifixion of thy hands, wash away
all the offences of my impious hands. By the painfiU
weariness of thy blessed feet, and by their cruel
piercmg with the nails, wash away all the defdement
of my sinfid feet. By the majestic innocence of thy
life, and by thy unblemished holiness, wash awiiy
tlie foulness ofmy corrupt life. Finally, do thou
wash away, efface, extinguish all the sins of my heart
and my soid in the abundant streams of thy most
precious blood, that so, by thy most holy merits I
may be thoroughly cleansed, and henceforward keej)
all thy commandments blameless. Amen.

STijc 13 Salter of ^tm^.

" Tlicie is no other name under heaven given to men. wliorcliy
we must be saved," Acts iv. 12.

Begin by a devout hernling of the head, or genitjlectlort, at th^ adoroUt

nanifi o/J'^SfS.

Pakt 1.

"At tlic name of every knee bmv. of tliin-s in licavcn, of

Jesus let
tliinirson eartli. .nnd of things in hell; and lei every tongue
confess fiiat our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glorv of God the
Father."— /V/?7. ii. 10, 11.


First Petition.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Je.sus, Jesus, Jesus, > have mercy on me.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, )
Jesus, have mercy ou me, O God of compassion,
and forgive the many and great offences T liave com-
mitted in thy sight.
Many have been the follies of my life, and great
are the miseries I have deserved for my ingratitude.
Have mercy on me, dear Jesus, for I am wen1< :

O Lord heal me, who am unable to help myself.

Deliver me from setting my heart upon any of thy
creatures, which may divert my eyes from continually
looking up to thee.
Grant me grace henceforth, for the love of thee, to
hate sin and out of a just esteem of thee to despise

all worldly vanities.

Have mercy on all sinners, O Jesus, 1 beseech thee
turn their vices into virtues, and, making them true
observers of thy law, and sincere lovers of thee, bring
them to bliss in everlasting glory. Have mercy also
on the souls in purgatory, for thy bitter passion. I

beseech thee, and for thy glorious name, Jesus.

O blessed Trinity, one eternal God, have mercy on
r. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son. and to
the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.
Our Father, &c. Hail Marv, is:c.


Sccoud Petitiou.
J08US, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, V help inc.

Jesus. Jesus, Jesus,

Jesus, lielp me to overcome jill temptations to siu,

and the malice of my ghostly enemy.
Helji me to spend my time in virtuous actions, and
in such labours as are acceptable to thee.
To and repress the motions of
resist my flesh to
sloth, gluttony, and impurity.
To render my heart enamoured of virtue, and
inflamed with desires of tliy glorious presence.
Help me to deserve and keep a good name, by a
and pious li^^ng, to thy honoiu", O Jesus,
to my own comfort, and the benefit of others.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Third Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, i

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, v strengthen mc.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.)
Jesus, strengthen me in sotil and body, to please
thee in doing such works of virtue as may bring nie
to thy everlasthig joy and felicity.
Grant me a firm purpose, most mercif id Saviour, to
amend my life, and atone for the years past :

Those years which 1 have misspent to thy dis-

pleasure, in vain or wicked tlioughts. words, deeds,
and cv\l habits.


Make my heart obedient to thy will ;

and ready,
for thy love, to perform all the works of mercy.
Grant me the gifts of the Holy Ghost, which,
through a virtuous life, and a devout frequenting of
thy most holy sacraments, may at length bring me to
thy heavenly kingdom.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Fourth Petition.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, >• comfort me.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, comfort me, and give me grace to place my
chief, my only joy and felicity in thee.
Send me heavenly meditations, spuitual sweetness,
and fervent desires of thy glory ravish my soul with

the contemplation of heaven, where I shall ever-

lastingly dwell with thee.
Bring often to my remembrance thy unspeakable
go odness,thy gif ts,and thy great kindness sh o wu tome.
And when thou bringest to my mind the sad re-
membrance of my sins, whereby I have so unkindly
offended thee, comfort me with the assurance of obtahi-
ing thy grace, by the spirit of perfect penance, purging
away my guilt, and preparing me for thy kingdom.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.
Fifth Petition.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, 8

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, make me constant.


Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

: —


Jesus, make me constant in faith, hope,and charity,

with continuance in all virtues, and resolution not to
offend thee.
Make memory of thy passion, and of those
bitter pains thou sufferedst for me, sustain my
patience, and refresh me in all tribulations and
Make me ever hold fast the doctrines of thy holy
Catholic Church, and be a diligent frequenter of all

iioly duties.
Let no false delight of this deceitful world blind
ii-.\ no fleshly temptation or fraud of the devil shake
my heart
My heart, which has for ever set up its rest in thee,

and is resolved to give up all things for thy eternal

Have mercy on all sinners. &c.
Oar Lord Jesus C'lrist humbled liimself. becoming obedient unto
death, even the death of the cross."' Phil. ii. 8.

Hear these my petitions, O most merciful Saviour,

and grant me thy grace so frequently to repeat and
consider them, that they may pro re easy steps,
whereby my soul may climb up to the knowledge,
love, and performanre of my duty to thee and to my
neighbour, throuch the whole course of my life.
Our Father. &c.
Hail Mary, &c.
I believe in God, &c
the psalter of jesus. 295

Part 11.

Sixth Petithn.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
' ")
w me with
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > '
. ., , . ,

' V spiritual wisaoni.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ) ^
Jesus, enlighten me with spiritual wisdom, to know
thy goodness, and all those things which are most
acceptable to thee.
Grant me a clear apprehension of w\j only good,
and discretion to order my life according to it.
Grant that 1 may wisely proceed from virtue to
virtue, till at length I arrive at the clear vision of thy
glorious Majesty.
Permit me not, dear Lord, to return to those sins
for which I have sorrowed, and of which I have purged
myself by confession.
Grant me grace to benefit the souls of others by
my good example, and to convert those by good
counselwho have used me ill.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Seventh Petition.
Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, )
, '
r (
grant me grace to
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > . ^
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, )

Jesus, grant me grace inwardly to fear thee, and

to avoid all occasions of offending thee.
Let the threats of the torments which shall befall
thy love and thy heavenly
sinners, the fear of losing
inheritance, ever keep me in awe.


Let me not dare to remain in sin, but call me soon

to repentance lest through thine anger the dreadful

sentence of ndless death and damnation fall upon me.


May the powerful intercession of thy blessed

Mother and all the saints, and, above all, thy own
merits and mercy. O my SaA^our, be ever between thy
avenging justice and me.
Enable me, my God. to work out my salvation
with fear and trembling and may the apprehension

of thy secret judgments render me a more hnmble

and diligent suitor atthe-thvone of grace.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Eighth I'etition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ^ ^ ,

T T T grant me grace trulv

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > °
° i ,

T r r \ to love thee.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, )
Jesus, grant me grace tridy to love thee for thy
infinite goodness, and those great bounties I have
received,and hope for ever to receive from thee.
Let the remembrance of thy kindness and patienc<
conquer the malice and evil inclinations of my per-
verse nature.
Let the consideration of my many deliverances, and
thy gracious calls and continued protection through
life, shame me out of my ingratitude.
And what dost thou require of me, for and by all
thy mercies, but to love thee ; and why, but because
thou art my only good ?
O my dear Lord! my whole life shall be nothing


but ca and because I truly love thee,

desire of thee ; 1
will most diligently keep thy commandments.
Have meiey on all sinners, &c.
Ninth Petition.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ^
r -r -r
f ®
me f?race to re-
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, V ,
'^ ,
member my

T T T \ death.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, )

Jesus giant me grace always to remember my

death, and the great account I then must render ;

that so being kept continually disposed, my soul

niiiy depart out of this world rightly in thy grace.
Then by the gracious intercession of thy blessed
Mother, and the assistance of the glorious St. Michael,
deliver me from the danger of my soul's enemies ;

and do thou, my good angel, I beseech thee, help me

at the hour of death.
Then, dear Jesus, remember thy mercy, and turn
not for my offences, thy face away from me.
Secure me against the terrors of that day, by
causing me now to die daily to all earthly things,
and to have my continual conversation in heaven.
Let the remembrance of thy death teach me how to
esteem my life and the memorv of thy resurrection

encourage me cheerfully to descend into tlie grave.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.
'Jhith Pttition.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,) ,

J '
, f send mo here mv
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, y

T V purtiutorv.
Jesua. Jesus, Jesus,
) —


Jesus, send me here my pm-gatory, and so prevent

the torments of that cleansing fire, which, after this

life, awaits iinpurged souls.

Vouchsafe to grant me those mercifid crosses and
atllictions, which thou seest are necessary to break off
my affections from all things here below.
Since none can see thee that loves anytlnng but for
thy sake, permit not my heart to find here any rest
but in seeking after thee.
Too bitter, alas ! will be the anguish of a separated
soul that desires, but cannot come to thee, clogged
with the heavy chains of sin.
Here, then, O my Saviour, keep me continually
mortified in this world ; that ptirged thoroughly hy
the fire of thy love, I may immediately pass into the
everlasting possessions.
Have mercy on iilJ sinners, <k.c.

'•Our Lord Jesus Christ humbled himself, becomiug obedi. nt unto

death, even the death of the cross." Phil, ii ft.

Hear these my petitions. Page 294r.

Our Father, &c.

Hail Mary. &c.
1 believe in God. &:c.

Part III.

Eleventh Petition.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,) . . „
' '
f errant
me grace to n->
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > .,
' '

evil companv.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Jesus, grant me !?race to tlv e^'il companv : or. if

I chance to come among such, I beseech thee, by the

merits of thy imcorrupt conversation among sinners,
preserve me from being overcome by any temptations
to mortal sin.
Make me, O blessed Lord, to remember always
with dread, that thou art present and hearest who ;

wilt judge us according to our words and actions.

How, then, dare I converse with slanderers, liars,
drunkards, or swearers, or those whose discourse is
quarrelsome, dissolute, or vain ?

Repress in me, dear Jesus, ail inordinate affection

for the pleasures of taste and of the flesh ;
and grant
me grace to avoid all such as would excite tlie fire of
these unhappy appetites.
May thy power defend, thy wisdom direct, thy
fatherly pity chastise me, and make me so to live here
among men, as may fi.t me for the conversation of
angels hereafter.
Have mercy on all sinners, dear Jesus, I beseech

thee ; turn their vices into virtues, and having made

them true observers of thy law, and sincere lovers of
thee, bring them to bliss in everlasting glory.
Have mercy also on the soids in purgatory, for
thy bitter passion, I beseech thee, and for thy
glorious name, Jesus.
O blessed Trinity, one Eternal God, have mercy on
(jlory be to the Father.
Our Father.
Hail INlary.

Tu-elfth Pitilion.
Jesus, Jesiis, Jesus. ,,
T T X (
me "erace ,

to call
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > , , , ^ ,

-r X T V for help to thee.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, )
Jesus, grant me grace in all my necessities to call
for help to thee, and faithfully to remember thy death
and resurrection for me.
Wilt thou be deaf to my cries, who wouldst lay
down thy life for my ransom ? or canst thou not save
me. who couldst take it up again for my croAvn ?
Whom have I to invoke but thee, O my Jesus,
whose own blessed mouth has pronounced, Call upon
me in the day of irouUe, and I icill relieve thee.
Thou art my sure rock of defence against all kinds
of enemies thou art my ever present grace, able to

strengthen me to fight and conquer.

In all my suiferings, therefore, in all my weakness
and temptations, will I confidently call upon thee ;

hear me, O my Jesus, and when thou hearest. have

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Thirteenth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus, J; 'sus. ^ ,

-, , '
( make me to persevoi c
Jesus, Jesus, J.'sus. >

virtue. m
• •

Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, )

Jesus, make me to persevere in virtue and in a
good life; and never to draw back from serving theu,

tillthou bringest me to my reward in thy kingdom.

Tu all pious customs and holy duties, in my honest

and necessary employments, continue and strengthen,

(J Lord, both my soul and body.

Is my life anything but a pilgrimage upon earth

towards the new Jerusalem, at which he that sits
down, or turns out of tJie way, can never arrive?
O Jesus, make me always consider thy blessed
example, through how many and great pains and how
little pleasure thou pressedst on to a bitter death ;

because it is the way to a glorious resurrection.

Make me, O my Redeemer, seriously to ponder
He onhj that jierseceres
those severe words of thine,
to the end i<hall be saved.
Have mercy on all sinners, &c.

Fourteenth Petition.

Jesus, Jesus. Jesus, ") ^ ^ ^

, '
I grant me grace to fix
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, >
my mmd
' , ,,
, ' \ "^
on thee.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus )
,Fesus, grant me grace to fix my mind on thee ;

especially in the time of prayer, when I aspire to

converse directly with thee.
Control the wanderings of my mind a.nd the affec-
tions of my heart power of my spiritual
; repress the
enemies, who could then draw off my mind from
heavenly things, to thoughts and imaginations of
So shall 1, with joy and gratitude, behold Ihee, as
my deliverer from all the evils I liave escaped, and
a> my benefactor for all the good I have received or
can hope for.


1 shall see that thou thy very self art my only good
and that all other things are but means ordained by
thee to make me fix my mind on thee, to make me
love thee more, and be eternally happy.
O beloved of my soul, absorb all my thoughts
liere, that I may become worthy to behold thee for
evermore face to face in thy glory.
Have mercv on all sinners, &c.

Fifteenth Petiiioa.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.)

e meirrace to order
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, y ° ,.'^
^ ^,
T 7 T V iny ''
life to thee.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, give me grace to order my life to thee,
heartily intending and wisely designing all the
operations of my body and soul, for obtaining the
reward of thy infinite bliss and eternal felicity.
For what else is this world but a school to discipline
souls, and fit them for the other ? and how are they
fitted for it but by an eager desire of enjoying God,
their only endV
Break my f roward spirit, O Jesus make it humble ;

and obedient grant me grace to depart hence with


a contempt for this world, and with a joyful hope of

coming to thee in the next.

Let the memory of thy passion make me cheer-
fully embrace all occasions of suffering here for thy
love ; while my soul breathes after that blissful life

and immortal glory, which thou hast ordained in

heaven for thy servants.


O Jesus, let me frequently and attentively con-

sider, that Avhatsoever I gain, if I lose thee, all is lost ;

and whatsoever I lose, if I gain thee, all is gained.

Have mercy on all sinners, &c.
•'Our Lord Jesus Christ humhled himself, becoming obedient
uutu death, even the deatli of the cross." Phil. ii. b.

Hear these my petitions. Page 294.


T.eiit. — Passion.
Let us do penance, lest suddenly overtaken by the day of our
death, we seek for time to do penance, and cannot find it."
"Be converted to me with all your heart, in fasting, in weeping
and in mourning. Blow the trumpet in Sion and sanctify a
Let us unite witli the whole Church during this penitential season
in honouring the sufferings of our dear Redeemer, and let us unite,
to his great sacrifice of atonement the oblation of voluntary penance
for the sins which must be expiated either in this life or in the
next. Let us determine that with the divine assistance this Lent
shall be the epoch of our entire conversion to God.

^Ijc ^Ijtrt^ Sags' i^rager.

It is particularly recommended as a proper devotion for every day in
Lent, and nil the Fridays throughout the year.
1?YER and blessed Mary, Queen of
^ Virgins, Mother of Mercy, hope and comfort
of dejected and desolate souls through that sword;

of sorroAv which pierced thy tender heart, whilst

thine only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, suffered death
and ignominy on the cross ; through that filial

bad for thee, grieving

tendernfiss iind pure love he
in thy from his cross he recommended
grief, whilst
thee to the care and protection of his beloved
disciple St. John ; take pity, I beseech thee, on
my poverty and necessities ; have compassion on
my anxieties and cares ; assist and comfort me
in all my infirmities and miseries. Thou art the
Mother of mercies, the sweet comforter and only
refuge of the needy and the orphan, of the desolate
and the afiiicted. Cast, therefore, an eye of pity
on a poor child of Eve, and hear my prayer for ;

since, in just j)unishment of myself my sins, I find

encompassed by a multitude of enls, and oppressed
with much anguish of spirit, whither can I fly for
more secure shelter, O amiable Mother of my Lord
and Sariour Jesus Christ ! than to the wings of thy
maternal protection? Attend, therefore, I beseech
tliee.with an ear of pity and comimssion, to my
humble and earnest request. I ask it through the
mercy of thy dear Son through that love and con-

descension wherewith he embraced our nature, when,

in compliance with the divine v. ill. thou gavest thy
consent and whom, after the expiration of nine

months, thou didst bring forth from thy chaste

womb to visit this world, and bless it with his
presence. I ask it through that anguish of mind
wherewith thy beloved Son, our dear Savioiu", was
overwhelmed on the Mount of Olives, when he
besought liis Eternal Father to remove from him, if
possible, the bitter chalice of his Passion. I ask it


through the threefold repetition of his prayer in the

garden, from whence afterwards, with sorrowing
steps, and mournful tears, thou didst accompany him
to the doleful theatre of his death and sufferings. I
ask it through the wounds and sores of his virginal
flesh, occasioned by the cords and Avhips wherewith

he was bound and scourged, when stripped of his

seamless garment, for which his executioners after-
wards cast lots. 1 ask it through the scoffs and
ignominies wherewith he was insulted; the false
accusations and unjust sentence by which he was
condemned to death, and which he bore with heavenly
patience. I ask it through his bitter tears and bloody
sweat, his silence and resignation, his sadness and
grief of heart, I ask it through the blood which
trickled from his royal and sacred head, Avhen struck
with his sceptre of a reed, and pierced with his
crown of thorns. I ask it through the excruciating
torments he suffered, when his hands and feet were
fastened with gross nails to the tree of the cross. I
ask it through his vehement thirst, and bitter portion
of vinegar and gall. I ask it through his dereliction
on the cross, when he exclaimed. My God/ My God
iclty hast thou formken me ? I ask it through his
mercy extended to the good thief, and through his
recommending his precious soul and spirit into the
hands of his Eternal Father before he expired, saying.
If w finished. 1 ask it through the blood, mixed with

Wii.ter, which issued from his sacred side when pierced

with a lance, from whence a plenteous stream of grace


306 DEVcrnoNS for February.

and ineicy hath floAved to us. T ask it through his

immaculate life, his bitter passion, and ignominious
death on the cross, at Avhicli nature itself was thrown
into convulsions, by the bursting of rocks, rending
of the veil of the temple, the earthqnake, and dark-
ness of the sun and moon. I ask it througii his
descent into hell, where he comforted the saints of
the old law with his presence, and Jed captivity
captive. I ask it through his glorious victory over
death, Avhen he rose again to life on the third day,
and tlirough the joy which his appearance for forty
days after gave thee, his Blessed Mother, his Apostles,
and the rest of his disciples, when in thy presence
and in theirs he miraculously ascended into heaven.
I ask it through the grace of the Holy Ghost, infused

into the hearts of the disciples, when he descended

upon them in the form of fiery tongues, and by
which they were inspired with zeal in the conversion
of the world when they went to preach the Gospel.
1 it through the awful appearance of thy Son at

the last dreadful day, when he shall come to judge

the living and the dead, and the world by fire. I ask
itthrough the compassion he bore thee in this life,
and the ineffable joy thou didst feel at thine assump-
tion into heaven, where thou art eternally absorbed
m the sweet contemplation of his adorable per-
fections. O Glorious and ever blessed Virgin
comfort the heart of thy supplicant by obtaining for
me. l^Here mention or reflect on your lawful request,
under the reservation of its being agreeable to the


Will of God, who sees ivhether it iriU contribute

towards your spiritual (jood\. And as 1 am persuaded
my Divine Saviour doth honour thee as his beloved
Mother, to whom he can refuse nothing, let me
speedily experience the efficacy of thy powerful
intercession, according to the tenderness of thy
maternal affection, and his filial loving heart, who
)nereifu]ly grantest the requests and compliest with
the desires of those that love and fear him. O most
blessed Virgin! besides the object of my present
petition, and whatever may
stand in need of,
else I
obtain for me of thy dear Son, our Lord and our
God, a lively faith, firm hope, perfect charity, true
contrition, a horror of sin, love of God and my
neiglibour, contempt of the world, and patience and
resignation under the trials and afllictions of this life.

Obtain likewise for me, O Sacred Mother of God !

the great gift of final perseverance, and grace to

receive the last sacraments worthily at the hour of
death. Lastly, obtain, I beseech thee, for the souls
of my parents, brethren, relations and benefactors,
both living and dead, life everlasting. Amen.

Brbotions to tije i^cl» Jface of our i.ort!.

Protector noster aspice Deus\ et reapice in faciem Christ i tui.
Behold, God our protector; and look on tlie face of thy Christ.
Ps. Ixxxiii, 10.
This touching devotion, which our Lord Ilimself seems to have
instituted on the day of his death, by imprinting miraculously the
traces of his blood-stained features on the veil of Veronica, has
al'.vays been practised in the Church. Lately, the devotion lias
spread considerably. It is a shield against the scourges of Divine
justice, a po',verful means of obtaining the conversion of sinners.


OMY Jesus cast upon us a look of mercy turn


thy Face towards eacb of us as thou didst to


Veronica not thai we may see it with our bodily


eyes, for this we do not deserve but turn it towards


our hearts, so that, remembering thee, we may ever

draw from this fountain of strength the vigour neces-
sary to sustain the combats of life. Amen.
Bcnedicat tibi Doninus, et custodiat U ;

Ostendat Domlnns Faciem suani tihi, et misercaiur lui.

Convcrtat Dominus vtdtum suum ad te et del till pacem.

The Lord bless thee and keep thee.
The Lord show his Face to thee and have mercy on
thee. The Lord turn his countenance to thee, and
give thee peace. (NumUrs vi. 24, 2b, 26.)

Eternal Father, we Adorable Face

offer thee the
of thy well-beloved Son, for the honour and glory of
thy holy name and for the conversion of France and
England. (^Sister Marie dc Saint-Purre.')
May I die consumed by an ardent to see the
desirable Face of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
(^Thought of Saint Edmund ichich M. Dupont frequently
rcpcatid towards the close of /</.> life.)

MNIPOTKNT God. Eternal Father, look upon
the Face of thy Son Jesus we confidently!
present it to thee, imploring thy pardon. He is
himself our Advocate, he pleads our cause. Hear
his cries ;
see his tea^rs, O my God and because of ;

his infinite merits, h.ear him pleading for iis poor and
miserable sinners.
O adorable Face of my Jesus bowed ! so mercifully
from the on the day of thy Passion
tree of the cross,
for the salvation of the world, now in pity bend
towards us, cast upon us a look of compassion, and
receive us to the kiss of peace. Amen.

Su|j)jItration for tfje S'tme of Hcnt

F. Have pity on us, O most V. We liave been made a
merciful Lord, and spare thy prey to evils that we know
people ;
not, and every evil has come
R. For, we have sinned upon uf.
against theo. JR. For, we have sinned
V. We prostrate before against thee.
thee, and pour out our tears ;
V. We all cry unto thee :

we confess unto thee our we all seek thee we are re- ;

hidden sins, and beseech pentant, and weeping follow

thee, G-od, to pardon us. thee, for, we have provoked
R. For, wo have sinned thy nug^r.
against thee. R. For, we have sinned
V. Thou art angry against against theo.
us : our heinous crimes have V. We beseech thee : O
bowed us down to the earth Jesus, we prostrate before

and we have gi-own faint, thee and petition thee let :

l'?cause there is no hope thy power raise us from our

vdtliin us. misery.
R. For, we have sinned F. For, we have sinned
against thee. ago in st thee.
— !


V. Receive tliy people's us,we humbly beseech thee,

confession : full of son-ow, Lord
we pour it out before thee R. For, we have sinned

and oui- hearts are sad against thee.

lor the sins we have com- V. Bow dowTi thine ear,
mitted. most merciful God cleanse ;

R. For, we have sinned us from the stains of our

against thee. sins, and in thy pity, deliver
V. We sue for peace; us from all dang rs.
grant us peace avert the
! R. Have mercy on us, and
?=courge of war, and deliver spare us.


Let us pray for those who tamper with drink, for those who
ddnk habitually, and for those in d.-mger of death from drink. Let
lis say for them daily, in honour of the Sacred Thirst of Jesus, and
the transfixed Heart of Mary
Que Pater and three Aves.
"That the Scripture might be fulfilled. Jesus said. 1 thirst.'—
>7. John xix. 28.

OMOST sweet Jesus, what thirst is it that torment ;>

thee ? What else but a thirst for our salvation

and our healing ? " I thirst." O m\ Sa\aour, who
will give thee AVlio will bring back a
wandering sheep to thee? 1 will. Lord. I will
seek for sinners endeavour to bring them
; I will
back to thee. I will endeavour to assuage thy thirst
by tears of repentance, sorrow and contrition.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, through thy thirst and
agony on the cross, have mercy on us.
Immaculato Virgin, through the sorrow which

pierced thy heart on beholding the refreshment

offered to thy Divine Son on the
cross, deign to
thy grief protect us from the
assist us, cliildren of :

enemy, and receive us at the hour of death.

V. From a sudden and unprovided death.
it. Dehver us, Lord.
V. From the snares of the devil.
R. Deliver us, Lord.
T'. From everlasting death.
R. Deliver us, Lord.
God of my by those live wounds, which
thy love for us inflicted on thee, succour thy servants
whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.


Month Dedicated to the Honour of St. Joseph.

The Incarnate Word dethroned the world: its atheisms, its idola-
tries, its superstitionawere swept away in the light of the incarna-
tion. Hence, the person of our Divine Lord has been from the
beginning the centre of all the chief heresies that have tormented
the Christian world. In this nineteenth centmy the Church has
been, and is. most violentlj' assailed by her enemies and to it, also,

God has specially reserved two consoling devotions devotion to the
Sacred Heart aiid devotion to St. Joseph ; the one to revive in
hearts grown cold the love of God; the other to secure in heaven
for the Church a new Protector in the days of bitter trial.
In answer to the prayers of almost all the Bishops of Christendom,
assembled at the Vatican Council, the illustrious Pontiff, Pope
Pius IX.. by a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, published
on the 8th December. 1870, proclaimed, to the joy of all the faithful,
St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church.
He also ordained that the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19th, should
be raised to the rite of a double of the first class.

1)EMEM1jER, most illustrious and glorious
V Patriarch, St. Joseph, that no one ever had

recourse to thy protection -without obtaining relief.

Confidinc^, therefore, in thy goodness, my most

loving Father, I fly unto thee, humbly begging of
thee to procure for me all the graces I require for my
eternal salvation. Do not, Giiardian of the Word
made Flesh, reject ray petition, but graciously hear
and grant it. Amen.
blessed St. Joseph, who hadst the happiest of
all deaths, obtain for us grace to die as thou didst in
the arms of Jesus and of Mutj, and -with thee to
enjoy their blessed company for all eternity. Amen
To obtain his Guidance thronf/h life.

BLESSED St. Joseph, faithful Guide of Jesus

Christ in his childh.ood and youth thou ;

who didst lead him Egypt,

safely in his flight to
and didst dwell with him during thirty years
of thy earthly pilgrimage be also my guide and

companion in my pilgrimage through life, and never

permit me to turn aside from the way of God's com-
mandments. Be my refuge in adversity, my support
in temptation, my solace in affliction, and conduct

me at last to the land of the living, where, with thee

and with Mary, thy most holy spouse, I may eternally
bless, praise, and thank my God. Amen.

MOST holy heart of Joseph ! heart of the most

venerable of Patriarchs ! heai"t of the most holy

Spouse of the Mother of Jesus heart of the reputed !

Fnther of our Saviour and Redeemer obtain that my !

heart may resemble thine in the virtues of silence,

meekness, humility, charity, recollection, obedience,
and purity. O heart of Josejjh, deign to watch over
me and assist me during life, and obtain for me the
grace of expiring, like thee, in the arms of Jesus and
of Mary. Amen.
Special favours have been oMaiiied by reciting the following short invocation
and versicle in honour of St. JohCijh.

OGLOlirOUS St. Joseph, faithful follower of

Jesus Christ, to thee we raise our hearts and
hands, to implore through thy powerful intercession,
from the benign Heart of Jesus, all the helps and
graces necessary for our spiritual and temi)oral
welfare, the grace of a happy death, and the special
favours we hope to obtain. [Name them.']
O Guardian of the word Incarnate, we have the most
unbounded confidence that thy prayers in our behalf
will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

[Here sav the following versicle seven times, in honour of the seven Dolours
Joseph] ;-
ai.a .TriVB of St.

T'. O Glorious SL Joseph, through the love thou

dost bear to Jeeus Christ, and for the glory of his name,
R. Hear our prayers, and obtain the grant of our
GLORIOUS Joseph, spouse of the ever
Immaculate Virgin Mary, tlit- Mother of God,
obtain for mc a pure, humble, and charitable mind ;


the spirit of prayer, interior recollection, and perfect

resiguat ion to the divine will. Be my guide, my father,
and model during and obtain that, like thee, I

may expire in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Amen.

C^LOKIOUS St. Joseph, model of all those who
I are devoted to labour, obtain for me the grace
to work in a spirit of Penance for the expiation of
my many sins ; to work conscientiously, putting the
call of duty above my inclinations ; to work with
gratitude and joy, considering it an honour to employ
and develop by means of labour the gifts received
from God to work with order, peace, moderation,

and patience, without ever recoiling before weariness

or difficulties; to work, above all, with purity of
intention and -with detachment from self, having
always death before my eyes and the account which
I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good

omitted, of vain complacency in success, so fatal to

the work of God.
All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after thy example,
O Patriarch Joseph, such shall be my watchword in
life and in death. Amen, (^Pius A'.)
To obtain a Temporal Favour.
GRKAT St. Joseph, whose influence over the Sacred
Hearts of .lesus and Mary is all powerful, thou
whom no one has ever invoked in vain, prostate in
spirit before thee, I ask with the most firm and

lively confidence the grant of my personal request.

Do, dear saint, obtain for me tiie object of my
prayer, if it be for the glory of God and my own
salvation ; if not, obtain for me the grace lovingly to

resign myself to the will of my heavenly Father,

who, in the affliction he sends, as well as in the
temporal favours he grants, has ever in view my
happiness here and my eternal salvation. Amen.



To thee, O Blessed Joseph, we have recom-se in

our tribulations, and while imploring the aid of thy
most hoiy Spouse, we confidently invoke thy patron-
age also. By that love which united thee to the
Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and l)y the
fatherly alTection with which thou didst embrace the
Infant Jesus, we humbly beseech thee graciously to
regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased
by his blood, and to help us in our necessities by thy
powerful intercession.
Protect. O most provident guardian of the Holy
F;miily, the chosen children of Jesus Christ; ward
off from us, O most loving Father, all taint of error
and corruption graciously assist us from heaven,

U most powerful Protector, in our struggle with the

powers of darkness and as thou didst once rescue

the Child Jesus from imminent peril to His life, so

now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares
of her enemies and from all adversity. Shield each

one of us with thy unceasing patronage, that imitat-

ing thy example, and supported by thy aid, we may be
enabled to live a good life, die a holy death, and
secure everlasting happiness in heaven. Amen.
(300 dat/s^ induhjeuce — applicable to the souls in

Purgatory — once every day of the year for recital even

in private.)
{hiduhjence of seven years aiid seven quarantines
for each public recital during month of October.)


The Glorified Life ofJe^ius.

On the eri-eat Feast of the Kesurrection, we solemnize ^ith holy
iov the triumph of our Blessed Kedoemcr over suffeiuigs and denth.
\Vo exult iu the consciousness of his bliss.' 'Christ rising from the dead,
dieth now no more." He is risen with the sauie flesh that qiiivere I
on Calvary, the very same blood that imrpled the liard rock. He is
clothed with light so sparklincr that the eyes of the Roman soldiers
are struck blind; so beautiful, that the hearts of Mary and the
devout women are emjitied of sorrow, " Oh grave wliere is thy !
victory? Oh, death! where is thy stin??

In Honour of the Mysteries ofjesns Risen,

OMY blessed adore thee, bright and

beautiful in thy RosiuTection
I adore thee in :

all the mysteries of thy Risen Life on earth, and iu

all the majesty an«l loveliness of thy most dear Soul
and glorified Body, as seen and worsliipped in heaven
at tbis hour. I acknowledge thee to be my Lord
and my God ; 1 bless thee for thy sweet victory over
death, and for thy faithful love in retaining tliy five
holy Wounds, wherewith we sinners wounded thee
on earth. Grant, I beseech thee, my dearest
Jesus, that I may so often and so tenderly meditate
upon thee Risen and Glorified, that my heart may
become daily more and more inflamed with love of
thee, so that thy beauty may make the world dull
and and that 1 may thirst exceedingly
with pure and disinterested love for the hour Avhen
tliou shalt admit me to behold thee as thou art, my
dearest Lord, at this very moment on thy throne in
heaven ;who livest and reignest, with the Fatlier
and the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
I believe in God. &c.
O Queen of iieaven and earth. Mother of God,
Mother of mercy, conceived without stain of original
sin, and gloriously crowned in heaven, I desire with
all the love ofmy poor heart to congratulate thee on
those wonderful delights which thou didst and wliich
thou dost still enjoy in the glory and splendour of Jesus
Risen from that first dawn when he appeared to thee in
tliy sorrows even to the present hour; and I beseech

thee to accept this my devotion to thy maternal joys,

and to obtain for me an increase of love to Jesus in
this world, and in the world to come the never-fading
light of his most blessed countenance. Amen.
Hail I\lary.
O glorious and affectionate St. Joseph, Foster-
Jesus and Spouse of Mary, by the joy of
fatlier of
thy meeting with Jesus in the place of departed

and by the joy thou hast tliis honr in thy


nearness to his risen beauty and most sweet

splendour, present unto him, I beseech thee, O my
dear father and protector, this my devotion to the
mysteries of his Risen Life and as he spared thee

the bitterness of his Sacred Passion, obtain for me

the peace of his Resurrection and the gift of spiritual
joy, that I may find no delight but in God, in Jesus,
in Mary, and in thyself. Amen.
Our Father.
V. Fray for us, holy angels of God. Allfluia.
R. That we may be made worthy of the vision of
Jesus Glorified. Alleluia.
Eternal Fatlier. who, of thine infinite goodness,
didst give unto us thine eternal and only-begotten Son
Jesus Christ, and hast now raised his sacred humanity
to the high places of heaven grant, we beseech

thee, that by our devotion to the mysteries of his

Risen and Glorified Life both on earth and in
heaven, we may so please theo. that by thy clemency
we may attain to the vision and enjoyment of thee
in the world to come through the same Jesus

Christ, thy Son. our Lord, who with theo and the
Holy Giiost liveth and reigneth, God, world without
end. Amen.


0;MOST blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

who in various ways and places, during the
forty days of thy Risen Life on earth, didst

appear to thy Mother and thine Apostles vouch- ;

safe, we beseech thee, to manifest thy Avill to us

on earth so that by the help of thy grace, following

thy divine vocation in this life, we may come to see

thee in t lie unfading vi .ion of thy glory in the life
to come.
O Lord Jesus Christ, eternal Shepherd of thy
chosen flock, desert not thy Chmxh, which thou liast
gathered out of the nations, and redeemed by thy
Precious Blood ; but for the sake of the joyful and
glorious mysteries of thy Risen Life, vouchsafe to
grant unto her in all lands an increase of the peace
of thy Resurrection, and the sevenfold gifts of thy
Blessed Spirit, that slip may grow in holiness before
thee, thou comest to judge the world and we
till ;

beseech thee, for her sake, to pour down most

abundantly the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon
thy Yicar, the Sovereign Pontiff that the Spirit

of St. Peter may rest upon him, as the double

spirit of Elias rested upon Eliseus, and that by thy
clemency he may come, with the flock committed
to his care, to the blessed vision of thy glory in
heaven. Who lirest and reignest, with the Father
and the same Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
Let us say one Our Father and one Ilail Mary for the soul in
purgatory most devoted to the mysteries of Jesus IMsen.
[ 820 ]


The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Love and devotion to the Mother o' Godform apart of Christianity
—they are an earnest of salvation. The Saints have numbered
them amonj^st tlic marks of prc'lestin;Uion. Tliere is no sliorter.
no easier way to Christ than by his Mother. We pray to her. we
praise hor. and we know with certninty that she draws us tu God,
Always bearing in mind and promotinj the honour of her Son, this
lovin':^ Mother exercises her wondrous power over us in a thousand

winning and tcndi-r ways. Let us then respond to her love let us
cling to her and join with the universal Church in conseciating' to
her this sweet Month of May. We arc her children, she is the
guardian of our peace, place(l on the lughe.''t summit of power and
glory which any pure creature can possess in heaven, that she may
give the aid other protection to all who call upon her.

To he said everyday during the Month of May.
OMOST august and blessed Virgin Mary, holy
Mother of God, glorious Queen of heaven and
earth, powerful protectress of those who love thee,
and unfailing advocate of all who invoke thee, look
down, I beseech thee, from thy throne of glory, on
thy devoted child accept the soU mn offering I

present thee of this month, specially dedicated to

thee, and receive my ardent, humble desire, that by
my love and fervour, I could worthily honour thee,
who, next to God, art deserving of all honour.
Receive me, O Mother of mercy among thy best!

beloved children, extend to me thy maternal tender-

ness and solicitude, obtain for me a place in the
Heart of Jesus, and a special share in the gifts of
his grace. Oh, deign 1 beseech thee, to recognise
my claims on thy protection, to wat(-h over my
spiritual and temporal interests, as well as those of


all who are dear to me, to infuse into my soul the

spirit of Christ, and to teach me thyself to become
meek, humble, charitable, patient, and siibmissive to
rhe will of God. May my heart burn with the love
of thy divine Son, and of thee, his blessed Mother,
not for a month alone, but for time and eternity
may L thirst for the promotion of his honour and
thine, and contribute as far as I can to its extension.
Receive me, O Mary, the Refuge of sinners Grant I

me a Mother's blessing and

at the hour of my death. Amen.

ILttany of ottr Hatjis) o! t!je Mosari?*

r.ord have mercy on us,

Chrii^t have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us,

Christ hear us,
Christ grncioushj hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one Gocl, have mercy on us.

Queen of the Holy Rosary, sg

Queen, conceived without sin, S

Queen of the Rosary, wonderful in thy joys, -^
sorrows, and glory, ^
S\'ho didst teach St. Dominic this efficacious ,^



Who didst select his children to preserve, pro-

tect and spread it throughout the rniverse,
Pra;/ for us.
By the joy which filled thy soul in the mystery
of the Annunciation,
By the benedictions which thy presence brought
to the house of Zachary,
By the bliss which thou didst impart to the
world in the birth of our Saviour,
By the consolations iiifused into the heart of ^
holy Simeon in the mystery of the pre- ^
By thy joy in fmdingthybeloved childinthetemple,^-
By the bitter agony of Jesus, ^
By his cruel scourging, ^
By his thorny crown, ^"
By the weight of his holy cross, ^
By his crucifixion and his blood shed for the §
remission of our sins, ^
By the glorious Resurrection of thy Son, |~
By his triumphant Ascension,
By the coming of the Holy Ghost the Comforter, ."^

By thy glorious Assumption into heaven,

By thy resplendent Coronation and thine im-
mortal empire,
That tlie children of St. Dominic may be faithful
to their vocation,
That sinners may be converted,
That the agonising may be assisted in their dis-

That the souls in Turc^atory rnay be fleliverod ^

from tlieir sufferings. S
That ill our last moments we may be forti- =^

fied with the holy Sacraments of the ^S

I r
That thou mayest receive our souls and present J ><
them before the Judge, "^
That thou mayest grant us in heaven the seats 5"

of predilection promised to the children of ^

thy Confraternity,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the
world, Spare xs, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the
world. Hear tta. O Lorrl.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the
world, Have mercy cm «.«, Lord.
V. Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.


OMAlir, sweet Queen of the Rosary, take pity

on our miseries, and give us thy holy benediction.
Thou ait our refuge. Speak for us to the Heart of
thy Divine Son ; appease his indignation ; restrain
iiis arm so justly raised to strike.
O Mary, obtain pardon for sinners, pardon and
grace for all. peace and triumph for the Church,

through thy holy Rosnry. Amen.



MOST holy Virgin, seat of wisdom. Immaculate

Motherof Good Coimscl, all hail to thee,
through whom the Blessed Trinity is adored! to
thee, through whom Angels and Archangels are filled
with gladness, through whom heaven exults, through
whom demons put to flight
are i beseech thep ;

mercifully to take me under thy powerful protec-

tion. By that gift of Coimsel with which thy
beloved Son enriched thee, instruct my ignorance,
guard and keep me, thy poor helpless child. Look
upon me, O Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, with an
(.•ye of pity. Be thou my light, my guide, my
consolation. Forsake me not give peace to my ;

soul. Obtain for me the pardon of my sins, grace

to imitate thy virtues, and a holy, happy death.
O my tender ^lother, at that tremendous hour, come
and receive ray soul, present it to the Sovereign
Judge, and obtain for me a favourable sentence. 1
deserve not this grace but I am thy child. I love

thee, I desire to make all hearts love thee, O my

amiable Queen, my Virgin Mother of Good Counsel.
I am the Imniaculate Conoopfioii."

IMMACULATE Virgin, most pure Mother of

God, model of all sweetness, hasten to the aid
of thy wretched children convert those who sin.

give courage and patience to tlM)se who suffer. O


most sweet, tenderand holy Virgin, Qiieen of

Lourdes, hear the cry of our misery and trouble
listen to the whisperings of thy maternal compassion
and mercy whilst we cry iSlerciful Lady of Lourdes,

pray for us. Thou art our Mother bequeathed to
us from the cross, come therefore to our aid come ;

and cure us, covered as we are with the lej)ropy of

sin. Humbly prostrate at thy feet, we consecrate
ourselves to thee, O Lady of Lourdes to thee we —
confide the direction of our lives. Be henceforward
our hope and our strength, our consolation and our

support our joy and our love. And when we are
about to appear before our Almighty Judge, may we
repeat with our dying lips: Immacidate Mother,
Queen of Lourdes, pray for us.


" Have confidence in me. I have suffered, I can therefore compas-
sionate thy miseries. I am strong. I am able to assist thee. I am
the ISIothe'r of Perpetual Succour."

MOST Holy Virgin of Perpetual Succour, my

dearest Mother and my hope, I consecrate
liiyself entirelyto thee. I take refuge under thy
manth'. Oh, take me by the hand, keep me at thy
side until all danger shall have passed away and
imtil my happy lot shall be secured for ever. Again
and again I cry to thee for protection in my journey
through this valley of tears. I salute thee, Mother
of my Lord and God, Mother of him who pardons
and of sinners who are pardoned. Oh hear us, !

hear us, Holy Mary pray for us, intercede for us,
d26 r)p:voTioNS for may.

disdain not to help us, for thcu can»t obtain what-

soever thou wilt of thy beloved Son. O Mother of
Perpetual Succom-, deign to cast an eye of compas-
sion on my
poverty, and to help me in every need.
All my wants and petitions, all jny concerns and
interests for time and eternity, I place in thy sacred
hands. O my Mother and my refuge, be thou my
perpetual, unfailing succour. Stand by me in the
hour of trial, intercede for me in my temptations,
hasten to me m my afflictions, bring with thee Jesus
my salvation, and may his mercy be shown unto me
according to the hope I have placed in him. ^lother
of Jesus, show thyself my Mother, for I have tried
to prove myself thy child. Be to me a powerful

and merciful protectress come unto mo in my last
moments vouchsafe to me thy maternal blessmg

succour me with a Mother's tenderness, that I may

be rescued from peril, and with thee attain to ever-
lasting ghidness. ^Vmen.


MOTHER of God, and my most dear Mother,

by the Heart of Jesus, I beg of thee each time
I sliall say, " O Mother of God, remember me," to
adore then for me the Heart of thy Divine Son, and
to offer my im worthy heart to him, asking pardon for
all that is amiss in it — telling that God of love, how
much it desires perfectly to love him : and obtain
by thy powerful intercession, a love that may con-
sume in it all earthly affections, and that he may

replenish it to tlie full extent of its small capacity.

This, dear ISlother, I beg, through the Heart of
Jesus, to which thou canst refuse nothing, and by
which I know thou canst not be rejected. Oh, show
thyself then my Mother, and comply with the
desires of thy poor unworthy child.


The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The Oevotiou to the Sacred Hoart of Jesus, now so approTcd and
cherished by the Church, substance identified with the devotion
is in
to tlie Bhssed Sacrament. The object of this devotion is the
uiaterial Heart of flesh that beat within the breast of Jesus;
the Heart that was formed at tlie moment of the Incar-
nation ; the Heart that was pierced on Calvary, and that
is now enthroned a^ part of the Sncnd Humanity, at the right
hand of bis Father in heaven. Special devotion to tlie Sacred Heart
lias been, as it wcro. iuaujrurati'd hy our Lord ]nnis*_-lf in that
sublime sentence which contains; in Itself the whole pbilosoiihy of
Christian life: "Learn of .Me bcean.^c I am meek and hunib'e of
heart." If yon <lisin' to make at'incmenl for the sins of your past
life, offer to the Eternal Father the merits of his Divine Son.
" Honour the adoralile Heart of Jesus by constant acts of fervent
devotion." saysLansperpius; "offer all your petitions to God through
that IMvine Heart; in your troubles and perplexities seek refuge in
the Sacred Heart, aiul be convinced that though all the ^^or!d
should forget and forsake you. Jesus will ever be your faithful
friend, and his Heart yonr secure asylum."

To he made every day during (he Month.

OLORD Jesus, I consecrate my heart to thee :

place it in thine. It is therein 1 wish to

breathe, to love, to live unknown to men and known
only to thee. It is in this Sacred Heart I shall
derive those loving ardours which should consume


mine it is there 1 shall find strength, light, coinage


and true consolation. When sad, it will rejoice me :

when languishing, it will animate me when trou- ;

l^led and disquieted, it v.ill encourage and uphold

uc. O Heart of Jesus, may my heart be the altar

•jf thy love. ^lay my tongue publish thy bounty.
my mind nieditate on thy perfections, my memory
preserve for ever the precious remembrance of thy
iicrcies. May all in rae express my love for tlvj

Heart, O Jesus, and may m?/ heart be disposed to

offer thee every sacritice.
O Heart of Mary, the most amiable, compassionate
and merciful after that of Jesus, present to his
Divine Heart, my love, my resolutions, my consecra-
tion. moved by my miseries; it will
It will be
deliver me from them and, O Blessed Mother, having

l)een my protectress on earth, thou wilt be my Queen

in heaven. Amen.

i^tcmovare to tije ^acrrtJ i!?fart

T) EM EM D Eli, O Jesus, meek and humble of
» I Heart, that thou hast never yet beheld misery
without being moved to mercy and compassion.
Animated, therefore, with boundless confidence in
rliy unwearied love, \ come to thee, sweet Saviour ;

biu'dened with miseries, I fly to thee; laden with

sorrows, I throw myself upon thy compassionate
mercy. Do not, O my Lord, my Father, cast me
off, but graciou.sJy receive me into thy munificent

Heart, nor suffer me ever to be separated therefrom.



Aid me, I beseech thee, in all my difficulties bless ;

me, O
benign Heart of Jesus, in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Ploly Ghost
and let thy blessing descend upon all those for whom
I desire to pray. Amen.
The end of this devotion is :

1st. To pay a tribute of homage to the sufferings

which the Heart of Jesus endured for the salvation
of souls thj'oughout the whole course of his life, and
especially during his Sacred Passion.
2ndly. To obtain, through the merits of this long
agony, the grace of a happy death for those who, in
niunber about 80,000, die each day throughout the
world; a niunber in nothing exaggerated it is an —
ascertained fact.

To he said daily on hehalf of those ichi are in their
ogovy^ and of all those icho are that day to die.
O clementissirae Jesu, O most merciful Jesus,
amator animarum obsecro fond lover of soul s, purify,

te per agoniam Cordis tui I implore thee by the agony

sanctissimi, et per dolores of thine own most Sacred
Matris tuse immaculatse. Heart, am] by the grief of
lava in sanguine tuo pec- thy Immaculate Mother
catores totius mundi, nunc purify i)i the laver of thy
positos in agonia, et hodie blood all sinners who are
moritiu-os. Amen. in their figony, and who are
this day to die. Amen.
! ! !


Cor Jesu in agoiiia fac- Agonizing Heart of

turn, miserere morien- Jesus, have pity on the
tirun. dying
Offer up together with this prayer some of yom-
daily actions to the agonizing Heart of Jesus, on
behalf of those who are this day in their agony,


To-day eighty thomand souls are falling in the

harvest of death they are standing before the awful

judgment-seat of God they are entering on an


eternity either of weal or woe; and, oh. of that

nmn^:er tliousands perhaps are in the state of mortal
Christian, blessed with a heart to feel, it is the
Heart of Jesus that asks this of you, that Pleart
which has loved you so dearly, that Heart which has
suffered such anguish for you and for these poor
souls. Pray then, and above all, for sinners now in
their agony and alou.t to die. All that is wanting to
save them from hell is a well-made confession or a
perfect act of contrition. Ask of the agonizing-
Heart of Jesus to grant them the one or the other
of these two graces. Ask it without delay time, ;

urges — to-morrow will he too late.

Pray for the agonizing they are yom^ brethren in


Jesus Christ, your relations perhaps, yoiir friends,

vour benefactors.

Praij for the agonizing ; and you will do what

Jesus Christ did — you will save souls. How sublime
a missiou
— " He who

Praii for the agonizing. St. James says :

causeth a sinner to be converted from the error o^

his way, shall save his soul from death, and shall
(•over amultitude of sins."
Pray foi- the agonizing. Prayers will one day \«'
offered for you when you are in your agony. How
sweet a consolation in this last terrible struggle !

Make " the devotion to the agonizing Heart

of Jesus known to those who are ignorant of it

introduce it and into your com-

into your families
munities, and the Sacred Heart will heap blessings
upon you.
If by the favour of your prayers you succeed in
saving one soul each day, at the end of the year the
number will amount to 365 at the end of ten years ;

to 8,650. How rich this harvest "What a diadem !

for eternity I

O adorable Heart of Jesus, my soul is filled with
gvi^f to see the tokens of thy love received with
so great contempt or inditfercnce by so many men,
and I am ashamed, and mourn that I myself have been
numbered amongst those ungrateful ones. In repara-
tion for all these insults I offer thee, O Divine Heart.-
the love of all just souls, the glowing ardours of the
love of Mary and of Joseph. Deign. O most lo>nng

Jesus, to accept with these the oifering of all the affec-

tions of my heart and all its good desires. Amen.
O Good Sliepherd, have pity on thy sheep, seek
the lost, bring back the wanderers, heal the sick,
strengthen the weak, preserve those whom thou hast
led into thy fold. pray especially for all who are
to die to-day. O Lord, forgive thy people and let
not thine inheritance fall into contempt. Save us,
and we will never cease to sing thy praise.


The Precious IJloi"/.

Tlie Precious Blood of Jesus shoiiM be the object of our rever-

ential, .LTntc-Cui love, since it has rescued us from eternal misery.
Our loving Saviour first shed his Blood, as an infant, on the ci.ijrlith
day after his birth. Mute as a lamb, he opposed no resistance to
the knife of Circumcision. The Ang-els wuiiflered and our Lady
wopt on lieholdinir the Biood of her most precious, holy child. In
the Gar.!. 11 ot Olives, the Sacred Ml.iod bedewed the earth. In the
cruel Scour^'ing Rml CrowninL' wiili TI:o::iS, strenms of the same
divine balsim Mowed from the Body of Jesus; but oh. on the sad
way to Calvary his fa.>tii:iMts were marked with his Blood! He
died to complete hi? sacrifice, sheddin;? for us the very last drop of
his most precious Blood. Let us therefore, love God, says
fit. John, because God first loved us. This Divine Blood placed in
the scabs of Gods justice fr.r outwei;jrlis our crimes. Its power
has broken the very jratcs nf hell and severed our chains. Let us
therefore w,i«h our wounds in it, and sig-n our foreheads with it, as
with an indelible mark,whi(.h may protect us on the day of wnitii.


L) thanksf/iving for the gij(s and privileges with ^vh^^'h
the most holij Virgin Mary, Mother of Gtd, was
enriched, more (specially for those which she received in
her Immaculate Conception.

1. Eternal Father, in union with the most Holy

and Immaculate Virgin, and in her name, and in
union with, and in the name of all the blessed
in heaven, and of all the elect upon earth, 1
offer thee the most Precious Blood of Jesus
Christ, m thanksgiviuQ- for the gifts and privileges
with which thou hast enriched Mary, as thy most
obedient Daughter, particularly in her Immaculate
Conception. I oiTer thee also this Precious Blood
for the conversion of poor sinners, for the pro-
pagation and exaltation of thy holy Church, for
the safety and prosperity of our chief pastor the
Bishop of Home, and according to his intentions.
Glory be to the Fatiier, &c.
2. Eternal and Incarnate Word, in union with the

most Holy and Immaculate Virgin, and in her name,

and in union with, and in the name of all the blessed
in heaven, and of all the elect upon earth, I offer
thee thine own most Precious Blood, in thanksgiving
for the gifts and privileges with which thou hast
enriched Mary, as thy most loving Mother, particu-
larly in her Immaculate Conception. I offer thee
also this Precious Blood for the conversion of poor
sinners, for the propagation and exaltation of thy
holy Church, for the safety and prosperity of our
chief pastor the Bishop of Rome, and according to
his intentions.
Glory, &c.
3. Holy and Eternal Spirit, in union with the

mosc Holy and Immaculate Virgin, and in her name,


and inunion with, and in the naine of all the

blessed in heaven, and of all the elect upon earth,
I offer thee the most Precious Blood of .fesus, in
thanksgiving for the gifts and privileges with which
thou hast enriched Mary, as thy most faithful Spouse,
particularly in her Immaculate Conception. 1 offer
thee also this Precious Blood for the conversion of
poor sinners, for the propagation and exaltation of
thy holy Church, for the safety and prospeinty of
our chief pastor the Bishop of lionie. and according
to his intentions.
Glory, &r.
^lary, Mother of God, most Holy and Immacu-
late Virgin, by tlie love thou dost ever bear to God,
by the gratitude thou hast towards him, for the
manifold graces and favours with which thou wast
enriched by him, particularly for the privilegt;
granted to thee alone, of tliy Immaculate Conception,
and by the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, thy divine
Son our Lord, we pray thee most earnestly to obtain
for us a most perfect and constant devotion towards
thyself, and a full trust that through thy most
mighty intercession we shall receive all the graces
which we ask certain henceforth of obtaining them

from thy great goodness, with hearts overflowing

with joy and thankfulness we venerate thee, repeat-
ing the salutation which the holy archangel Gabriel
made to thee.
Hail Mary.


pivipcr to gfsus 'Bgoiu^ing.

]n honour of his Bloody Sircat.

REMEMBER, O my Divine Saviour, thine anguish

and fear, when, being in an agony, thou didst pray
the longer, and water the ground with tliy Blood.
O tender Lamb, permit me vvitli the deepest rever-
ence and love, to gather ujd every drop of thy
Precious Blood, and present it to thee for my own
salvation and that of the dying. Deign to apply its
merits to ns, and, having purified us by its virtue from
allour stains, bring us to the dwelling of eternal joy.
O Mother of Perpetual Succour, thou
JMary, glorious
didst stand at the foot of the Cross of thy dying Son,
receive the last siglis of those, who, after God, place
all fhr-ir hopes in thy maternal protection. Amen.


VVie Sacred Heart of Mary.
The Heart most perfect copy of the ever adorable
of Mtiry is the
Ilea It of Jesus. Wc
have no easier means of gainins' admission
to our Saviour's Heart than through devotion to the immaculate
Heart of His most dear Mother. " She is an infinite treasure toman.
%\-h'"h they that use, become the friends of God.'" (Wisilom vii. 14.
1 he Heart of Mary is al! love, all tenderness. How
great soever
our Primes may lie. Mary stretches out her hand, opens her heart

to receive us. And when she pleads, she must be heard.

my Sovereiu-n Lady, receive me into thy sacred Heart, pray
for me, bless me, and obtain that I may have perpetual recourse
tc tiiy poM-erfui protection.

X^ximx of %t ^nlrutie
To the Sacred Ihart of Mary.
IMMACULATE Heart of Alary! 1 have
nothing in myself to offer that is worthy of


thee but what thanks do I not owe thee for all the

favours which thou hast obtained for me from the

Sacred Heart of Jesus ! what reparation ought I not
to make to thee for all my tepidity in thy ser\dce ! I

desire to retiu-n thee love for love. I offer thee the

Heart of thy beloved Son ; it is a treasure of
infinite price — receive with it my poor heart and I

shall be for ever blessed. Amen.

OHEAllT of Mary, Mother of God, and our
Mother also ; O Heart most worthy of love, In
which the most HuJy Trinity is well pleased O ;

Heart worthy to be loved and honoured by angels

and men. most similar to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
whose clear and perfect image tliou reflectest
Heart of ^lary, seat of mercy, full of the bowels
of compassion towards us wretched creatures; warm,
1 beseech thee, the cold hearts of thy children, and
make them henceforth think of nothing, love
nothing, desire nothing, but the Heart of Jesus
Christ. Infuse into our breasts the love of thy
virtues, and kindle them the flame of thy unfail-
ing charity. Watch over
the Churcli, and con-
tinually defend it be thou the sweet refuge of all

faithful Christians be thou their impregnable tower,


wherein they may abide secure against the assaults of

the enemy. Through thee, O Heart of Mary, may
we have access to thy Sou, chrough thee may we
obtain all graces necessary to our eternal salvation

xVssist US in all straits and necessities, comfort iis

when sorrowful, strengthen us when tempted, be

tliou our refuge in persecution, our succour in
danger; but especially at the hour of death, in our
last awful agony, wlien the powers of hell assail us

that they may tfike away our souls in that terrible
day, and at that tremendous hour, on which our
eternity depends, then, O most compassionate
A^irgin, make thy servants feel the goodness of thy
maternal Heart ; then be mindful, we beseech thee,
of that power which the Saviour of the world, who
was born of thee, hath given to thee. (Trant us a
most safe retreat in the very fountain of mercy,
that one day we may be made worthy to glorify
with thee in the heavens, the most Sacred Heart of
thy dear Son, for ever and ever. Amen.
May the 13ivine Heart of Jesus and the Immacu-
lateHeart of Mary be always, and in all places,
acknowledged, praised, blessed, loved, and faithfully
honoured and glorified. Amen.

Bet Of iirparation
To tlie Sacred Heart of Mary.
HEART of Mary, I
honour thee as the Heart
most pleasing to our Lord, and most intimately
miited to his. I love thee as the Heart of the best
of Mothers, and i rejoice in thy glorious preroga-
tives. Prostrate before thee, O Heart of Mary, I
mnVe thee this humble act of reparation for all the
outrages which thou hast received from mo and ivom

388 PEVoriONS for skptlmber.

all niaijkiiid. I humbly confess that I have been

.oruilty of the greatest ingratitude towards thee ;
seeing that, through thee, the Divine mercy lias so
often had regard imto me, I venture, even yet, to
hope that thou wilt not abandon me. In this sweet
confidence I am animated by a most earnest desire

to be more faithful and more devoted to thee.

[ i^ray thee to accept all the good that henceforth
[ am resolved to do, to present it to thy dear .Son
Jesus, so through thee, my most loving
Saviour may pom' down his benedictions more and
more on me. and on all who are dear unto me. Amen.
O Holy A-^irgin thou ait my good Mother, and

by excellence the Mother of pure love. Thou hast

obtained for me many favours diu-ing life beg for ;

me one more which will crown all the rest that is, ;

to love my God —
to love him purely to love him —

ardently to love him constantly as long as I shall
live on earth —
that I may have the happiness to love
him eternallv with thee in heaven. Amen.


The Doloin:< of the Blcf^.-'ed Virgin Mary.

Mary became nur Mother amidst nimttcrable anjrnisli and pain.
She was solemnly decL^red our Mother when standio? at the foot
of the Cross, whilst the Blood flowed in streams from the wounds
of her dyins: Jesus. "We are told that the holoved discirle.
St. John." yearning- for a vi.^ion of his dear Mother after her
Assumption into heaven, the favour was srranted him. Whilst he
looked upon her in an ecstncy of love, he heard her ask her Divine
Son what particular graces he would jrrant to those who honour
her dolour"?. •' I will give them," replied our Lord, " the gfrace of
-^incore contrition before death ; I willbe with them in tlieir tribu-
lations, and r^iircially at the hour of death: Iw'ill engrave on
tlioir hearts thf memory of my jta^sion. and I will reward them in
heaven for having sympathised in my sufferings I will conunit

the care of their souls in a special manner to thee, my Mother,

that thou mayest dispose of them according to the tenderuess of
thy maternal heart."

iiosarg or Cijaplet
Of the Seven Dolours.
1. The Prophecy of Simeon. One Our Father
Olid seven Hail Mai'ijs'.

2. The Flight into Egypt. One Our Father and

sri:en Hail Marys.
3. The Loss of Jesus for three days. One Our
Father and seven Hail Marys.
4. Mary meeting Jesus carrying his Cross. One Our
Father and seven Hail Marys.
5. Mary standing beneath the Cross on Calvary.

One Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

6. Mary receiving on her lap the Sacred Body of

Jesus taken down from the cross. One Our Father

II nd scveu Hail Marys.

7. Mary witnessing tlie burial of the Sacred Body

of her Son. One Our Father and srcen Hail Marys.

In honour of the tears shed by our Lady during
these dolours. Three Hail Marys.
V. Pray for us, O most sorrowful Virgin.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.

(rrant, we beseech thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, that
the Blessed Virgin Mary, thy Mother, may intercede

torus with thy clemency now and hour of our

at the
death, wlio in the hour of thy Passion was pierced
in her most iioly soul by the sword of sorrow grant ;

this, O Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, who,

with the Fatlier and the Holy Ghost, livcth and
veiorneth, world without end. Amen.

Bet nf ©onsectatiou
To the Conqmssionate Heart of Mary.

O^IARY, hnmacalate Virgin, Motliev of God

and our Mother, I consecrate myself to thee and
lovingly oti'er thee, my body and my soul, my life
and my death. O Queen of Martyrs, I offer thee my
sufferings and my sorrows. O most compassionate
Virgin, by the Agonizing Heart of Jesus tliy Son,
deign to take pity on the afflictions of the Holy
Church, our Mother remember cm- Sovereign

I'ontiff; beg mercy for our dear country mercy for ;

the faithful of this diocese mercy for all the mem-


bers of our families, for our benefactors, our friends,

and oiu' enemies mercy for all sinners, especially

for all the dying. O most afflicted of Mothers, do not

reject the sincere homage of our compassion and sorrow,
pray for us now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.


OMOTFIER Dolours by the anguish and love

of I

with which you stood beneath the Cross of

Jesus, stand by me in my last agony. To your
maternal heart I commend the last hours of mv life,
ofYer these hours to the Eternal Father in union with
tiie agony of our clearest Lord. Offer frequently,
ioatonement for my sins, the Precious Blood ot Jesus
which mingled with your tears on Calvary to obtain
for me the grace to receive Holy Communion imme-
diately before my death, and to breathe forth my
soul in the actual presence of Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament O dearest Mother, when the moment
; and
of my death
has at length arrived, present me as your
child to Jesus —
say to him in my beiialf "Son, —
forgive her, for she knew not what she did. Receive
lier this day into thy Kingdom " Amen. !


The Holy
'J'ho life of man on earth is awarfnit. Ho Ims to fvjhx n^cAnsi
ieuii)tatlons fii'iii Avithin ;uk1 temj)tntions from without. We
combat au'ainst tlie devils, poworful in might, cruel in rage, count-
less in number. On our victory (lei)cntls our otornal fate." Whence
look for help in such dan^'crs ? God has provided it for us. '• lie
hath }fivon his Angels charge of thee, to keep thee in all tliy
ways." {Ps. xc. 11.) Th.e Angels obtain for us victory over our
jiassions, they invite ns to penance, they support us in the way of
virtue, they console ns in sufferings, quiet our fears, and impart to
ns holy joy and divine peace. Souls devoted to the Anarels during
life, shall receive extraordinary helps from them at the hour of
d^ath. After death, the Angels present our souls before the bar of
divine justice and most zealously plead our cause. If heaven be
awarded us, transported with joy, they accompany ns thither ;

if comlemned to Purgatory, they visit ns there and render to us in

its flames very great consolation. Let us then in all spiritual and
corporal dangers, recur to the powerful patronage of the Ifoly
Angels whom the Lord lias appointed for our defence, through a
marv'.'Uous excess of love.

EMEMBER, O.Holy Angels, that Jesus, the

R Eternal Truth, assures us, you '*
rejoice more at


the conversion of one sinner, than at the persever-

ance of many Encouraged thereby, I, the
least of creatures, humbly entreat you to receive me
as your servant, and make me unto you a cause of
true joy. Do not, O blessed spirits, reject my
petition, but graciously hear and grant it. Ameu.


OMOST companion, whom God has


appointed to watch over me, my guide and

protector, ever at my side, what thanks can I offer
tliee for thy love, thy constancy, and thy inmnnerable

benefits ? Thou watchest over me in sleep thou :

consolest me in sorrow me when I fall

; thouraisest
thou wardcst off clanger thou preparest me for th<_-

future thou witlulrawest me from sin

; thou m:"gest ;

me to good, and movest me to do penance, and

rcconcilest me with my God. Already, perliaps, I
should have been thrust into hell, miless thou by
thy prayers hadst averted from me the di-eadful
wrath of God. Desert me not, then, I beseech thee :

encom-age me in adversity; restrain me in prosperity ;

protect me in dangers and assist me in temptations,


lest at any time I jield to them. Offer to the

Divine Majesty all my prayers and sighs and works,
and obtain for me the grace to die in the friendship
of God. and so to enter into life eternal. Amen.
O most holy Angel of God, appointed by him
to be my guardian, I give thee thanks for all the
Venefits wliich tliou hast ever bestowed on me in

pray?:rs and devotkins. 348

body and in soul. and glorify thee tluit

I praise
thou dost condescend to assist me, miserable and
v>ortliiess as I am, with such patient fidelity, and to
defend me against ail the assaults of my enemies.
Blessed be the hour in vvhich thou v.asfc assigned me
for my my defender, and my patron-
Blessed be thy love to me, anil ail thy care for

luo. wherewith thou dost unvrearyingly further my

salvation. In acknowledgment of and return for all

thy loving ministries to me from my youth, I offer
thee the infinitely precious and noble Heart of
Jesus, full and overflowing with all blessedness
beseeching thee to forgive me for having so often
striven against thy holy inspirations, and saddened
tiiee my nearest, dearest friend, firmly purposing
to obey thee henceforAvard, and most fait'ifully to
serve my God. Amen. (^S"^, Gertrude.^
MICHAEIi. glorious prince, chiefand champion
of the heavenly host, guardian of the souls of
men, conqueror of the rebel angels, steward of the
palace of God, our worthy captain under Jesus
Christ, endowed with superhiunan excellence and
virtue ; vouchsafe to free us from every evil, who
v.'ith full confidence have recourse to thee and by

thy powerful protection enable us to make j^rogress

every day in the faithful service of our God.
V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of
the Church of Jesus Christ.
R. That we may be made worthy of his promises.


Almighty and eternal God. who in thine own

marvellous goodness and pity didst, for the common
salvation of man, choose the glorious Archangel
Michael to be the Prince of thy Church make us ;

worthy, we pray thee, to be delivered by his benefi-

cent protection k'om all our enemies, that at the
hour of death no one of them may approach to

harm us, and that by the same Archangel i\iichael we

may be introduced mto the presence of thy high
and heavenly Majesty. Amen.
GABRIEL, might of God, who didst announce
to the Virgin Mary the incarnation of the only
Son God, and in the garden didst console and
strengthen Christ oppri'ssed with fear and sorrow ;

I praise thee, I worship thee, chosen spirit, and

humbly pray thee to be my advocate with Jesus
Christ my Saviom', and with Mary, his blessed
Virgin IMother in all my trials do thou assist me,

lest overcome liy temptation I offend my God and

Sovereign Good. Amen,


HEAVENLY physician and faithful companion
St. Raphael, who didst restore sight to the
elder Tobias, and guide the ycungei in his long
jom-ney and preserve him in safety be thou the ;

physician of my soul and body, disperse the dark

clouds of ignorance, defend me from the dano^ers of

my earthly pilgrimage, and lead me to that heavenly

country viiere. with thee, I may gaze for ever on
the face of God. Amen.


The Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Tlic existence of Purgatory is defined by the Church as an
Article of Faith. The souls in Purgatory always sigh after the
]i05session of God; their sufferings are excessive. St. Thomas
asserts, that, one quarter of an liour's suffering in Purgatory is
more insupportable than the united pangs of all the martyrs.
Who are those who suffer in Purgatory ? . They are the

members of Jesus Christ they are perhaps our parents or our


best friends. What do they suffer ? . .Of this, we can form


no conception but, we know for certain that we can procure for
th'm the greatest, the most precious of comforts, the clear vision
and entire possession of God. The ordinary means of relieving the
dead are these Prayer, Fasting, and Alms-deeds. There is no

prayer comparable to the oblation of the Holy Sacrifice of the

?.Iass— it affords the greatest heip to those for whom it is offered.
St. Austin praised his deceased mother in these words: "She
thought n'>t of having her body sumi.tuuusly buried or embalmed,
but she desired that her memory might be made at God's altar."
Another most powerful means of assisting the souls in Purgatory,
is to gain Indulgences for them. We may also offer for their relief
all our good acts, thoughts, words, and sufferings, inasmuch as they
are yatis/actoro, whilst we remain free to apply the same works, ai
they are impetratory, to obtain anything we dasire or pray for.

C^^rnng of tfje pagsion of ^Ijrist

For the Faithful Departed.

LOOK down, O Father of compassion, from thy

high and holy seat upon the hapless souls
detained in Pitrgatory. Look upon all the j)ains
and torments wherewith they are so grievously
chastised regard now the plaintive groans and

t ars which they pour forth unto thee; and be


niercifu] unto their sins. Remember, O most com-

jinssionate Father, all the sufferings wliich thy Son
hatli endurec-l for them remember his Precious

rUood shed in such abundance for them; call to

mind the most bitter death wliich he suffered for
them, and have mercy on them. For all the sins
they have ever committed against thee, I offer thee
the most holy life and conversation of thy most
beloved Son for all their negligences, I offer thee

his most fervent desires towards thee for all their ;

omissions, J offer thee the great abundance of his

merits for their every insult and wrong to tliee,

1 offer thee the sweet submission with which he

honoured thee. Finally, for all the chastisements
which they have ever incurred, 1 offer tliee all the
mortifications, fastings, watcliings, the labours and
afflictions, woimds and stripes, passion and death,
wliich he endiu-ed in such spotless innocence and
with such loving eagerness ; beseeching thee now to
suffer thy anger to be appeased towards them, and
to lead them forth into everlasting joy. Amen.
The Forty small Beads of which this Chaplct is composed, are in
honour of the Forty Hours our Blessed Lord spent in the

On the Cross^ say

The De Trofundis, or a Pater and Ave,

On the Large Beads.

Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon then-;.

Act of Faith. My God, I beliuvo in theo, because

thou art Truth itself.
Act of Hope. Mj God, I hope in thee, because
thou art infinitely good.
Act of Charity. My God, I love thee with my
whole heart and above all things, because tliou art
infinitely perfect, and for tliy sake. I love my neigh-
])om' as myself.

On the Small Bead!?.

Sweet Heart of ^Nlary, be my Salvation.
Conclude with a Pater and Ave. .

Large Indiilg'eiiees may be gained each time above Rosary la



holy Virgin Mary, my Mother
TO I turn Oin most
supplication, and through that sword
which pierced thy heart, when thou chdst behold thy
beloved Son Jesus Christ bow down his head and
give up the ghost, I pray and implore thee, with the
greatest confidence, to succour the poor holy souls
in Pm-gatory, and particularly those of wliich an
especial commemoration has been made. O Mother
of Sorrows, O Queen of Martyrs, for the love of
Jesus, who died for us upon the Cross, do thou with
thy powerful prayers give succour also unto us, who
are in danger not only of falling into Purgatory,
but even of losing ourselves for ever. O Mary, our
dear Mother, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy,
have pity upon us.

pva^cv tor a Toaw'Q Beatb.

JJy Sf. Vaicent Ferrer, OP.
OMOST dear aud adorable Jesus : who desirest
that no one should perish, but was crucified for
the redemption of mankind, I beseech thee by thy
dolorous passion, by tiiy dreadful agony, by thy
countless 'wounds, by the effusion of thy precious
blood, by the recommendation of thy sacred soul,
into the hands of thy Eternal Fathtr. aud by thy
ignominious death on the Altar of the Cross, that
thou wilt graciously vouchsafe to me at my last
iiour a sincere contrition, a true faith, an ardent
hope, a perfect charity, and then to receive me into
the bosom of thy mercy. Amen.

Jndi:lgexced A^piratiqxs.
MyJesus Mercy. IOC dai/s.—
Divine Pleart of Jesus, convert sinners, save tiie
d>iug, deliver the Holy Souls in rurgatory, 8U0 —
days. {Pius X.. Voth Jal;/, 1906.)


Adrcni. Christmaf.

Ft Vcrh'ihi ruro factum ( M: " T/r Word was mad'

The Incarnation is tlie fiiiidanieniai article of the Chri-tian reli-
Abuve all other mysteries, it challenges <^nr most profound
homage and constant devotion. It is the joy of Joys to the v\-ho1o
earth. Let ns dra-w near to Bethlehem to study tlie mystery oi


the sacred Inf.nncy. Weshall see more at Bethlehem than '.ve cau
understand, and even what we cannot understand will fill us full of
love, and it is love which makes us wise unto salvation. See the
divine Infant laid in the manger. He assumes all the weakness of

a tender infant he offers himself to his Internal Father to bear
unceasingly during his whole life sorrow and affliction, hunger

and fatigue, contempt and excess of pain to be in every respect
a victim —a lamb prepared for sacrifice.
Let us next fix our eyes upon the wonderful tenderness of the
Heart of our Infant Saviour, remembering all the while, that if he
be the most affectionate being that ever trod his own earth, it is
because he is God. Oh, ho.v beautiful and how adorable was the
holy Child as he '• grew in wisdom and in age and in grace before
God and man." It is little enough that the Gospel tells us of his
exterioi-, but enough is knov\-n to shov/ that the majesty of a sweet
and winning Jove shone forth in all his actions. The prophets
foretold that he should be " beautiful exceedingly above the sons
of men:" and when in very deed became on earth, he drew ail
hearts to him by the blandness and suavity of his every lock and
gesture. He passed through the years of infancy for the verv
purpose of winning us the more surely to himself. •' sweet Babe
of Bethlehem, we consecrate ourselves to thee. When shad wo
kneel before thy face ? When shall we see thee smile— smile on us
our welcome into heaven, smile on us with that smile which will sit
upon thy lips as our own glory and possession for evermore."

Borate Coell.


RORATb: cceli
coeli desu- J^ROP down dew, ye
Der. et iiu])e5 pluant
per, Dluant -L/
a-Jheavens, from above.
Justum. and let the clouds ram
down the Just One.
No irascaris, Domiue, Be not very angry, O
et ne ultra memineris ini- Lord, and remember no
quitatis : ecce, civitas longer our iniquity ; be-
Sancti facta est deserta hold, the city of the Holy
Sion deserta facta est One is become deserted ;

Jerusalem desolata est Sion is become a desert :

domns sanctificationis Jerusalem is desolate: the


tuse et gioriie tuse, iibi, house of thy sanctiiication

laudaverunt te patres nos- and of thy glory, where
tri. our fathers praised thee.
llorate, &c.
Peccavimus, et facti sii- ^Ve have sinuud. and
mus tamquam immundi are become as unclean :

uos et cecidimiTs quasi and we have all fallen as


folium universi, et iniqui- a leaf, and our iniquities

tates nostrje quasi veiitus like the wind have carried
abstulerunt uos abscou- us away thou* hast hid
: :

disti faciem tuam a nobis, den thy face from us, and
et allisisti uos in manu hast crushed us in the
iniquitatis nostrse. hand of our iniquity.
Korate, &c.
Vide Domine, afflic- Behold, O
Lord, the
tionem populi tui, et affliction thy people,
mitte quern missui'us es : and send him whom thou
emitte Agnum
dominato- wilt send send forth

rem terrse, de Petra de- the Lamb, the ruler of

serti, ad montem fili?e the earth, from Petra of
Sion ; ut auferat ipse the desert, to the mount
jugum captivitatis nos- of the daughter of Sion :

tras, that he may take away

the yoke of our capti-
Borate, &c, vity.
Consolamini, consola- Be comforted, be
mini, popule meus : cito comforted, my people ;

veniet salus tua : quare thy salvation cometh

moerore consumeris ? quia quickly : why with grief
innovavit te dolor : salva- art thou cousimied ? for

bo fce noli timere ego sorrow hath stricken thee

: :

enim sum Dominiis Dens I will save thee, fear not ;

tuns, Sanctns Israel, Re- for I am the Lord thy

demptor tuns. God, the Holy One of
Piorate, &c. Israel, thy Redeemer.

art of Offering to ti)t filost 1l!oI» l^ar^.

\'IRGIN and Mother, O sacred temple of the
Divinity, O
marvel of heaven and earth, my
great Mother Mary,
it is but just that, v/hilst thou

hast brought forth for us an Infant God, we should

venerate in thee the most exalted dignity of the
Mother God, and should consecrate to so worthy a
Mother all the homage of our whole being. I there-
fore offer myself and give myself up wholly unto
thee this day, and desire Avith a resolute will to serve
and love thy holy Child Jesus, my Saviour and my
God. I know that in doing so I shall give thee
pleasure, and the homage which I pay to the Son
will be also a homage paid unto the Mother,
Accept, then, O most loving Mother, this my
offering of love, which, that it may be still more
acceptable to thee, I present to thee by the hands of
the Infant Jesus. Ah by those swathing bands in

which thou didst wrap him in the manger, bind my

will so that I may never retract the offering which I

have made of myself this day to thee, and to thy Holy

Infant place me under thy most holy mantle, guard

me, help me, and defend me to the last moment of my

life. Amen.
052 DEVorioxs for decembep.

i^vaptv 10 ii)t infant STcsus.

A LL bailmost lovely, most holy, most amiable
^ !

and most loving Infant Jesus, King of my soul.

O most beautiful above the children of men, come
into my heart ;
give me the true spirit of thy holy
nativity —the spirit of humility, silence, docihty,
meekness, true and ardent charity. Give me grace
daily to advance in devotion to tliy blessed infancy,
and faithfully to persevere in my good purposes.
Bless me, divine Infant, as thou didst bless the
hmnble Shepherds, watching over their flocks. May
my only treasure be henceforth thy graces my only ;

pleasure, thy service and love, and my only desire,

the accomplishment of thy most holy will. Amen.

^trningg to tije ilBost il^ol^ l-mant*

OMY most and

adorable Infant Jesus,
Lord, I dedicate myself to
King, my

thee this day, giving up to thee my whole being,

my sold, my body, my will, the goods which
thou hast given me, and in short, all that
belongs to me ; I beseech thee to take possession
rnd absolute dominion of all, as I desire no longer
\o live but in thee, nor to possess anything in the
world, except it be according to thy will, permission,
and divine appointment, so that henceforth I must
look upon myself simply as an instrument in thy
hands, O most holy Infant Jesus, to do whatsoever
thou desirest of me, with a simple heart.


I beg these graces of thee, through the in-
tercession of the most holy Yirgin Mother and
my advocate, and of my protector, St. Joseph.

Consecration to if)t Infant Resits*

SWEET Infant Jesus, I give thee my soul, fill it

with thy di\ane love.

Holy Infant Jesus, I give thee my heart, renovate
it thy crib.
Divine Infant Jesus, I give thee my crosses and
pains, through thee alone they will merit.
Amiable Infant Jesus, I give thee my mouth may ;

it bless thee in time and in eternity.

Adorable Infant Jesus, I give thee my thoughts,

that thou mayest be the sole object of them.
Jesus, Infant King, I give thee my eyes which
desire to behold thee alone.
Jesus, Infant Creator, I give thee my hands
may they henceforth be employed in thy service
Jesus, Infant Saviour, I give thee my feet, that
they may conduct me to thee alone.
Jesus, Infant Redeemer, I give thee my will
may thine in exchange be the sole rule of my
Jesus, Infant God, my Lord and my all, my joy
and my happiness, my life and »y strength, I give
myself entirely to thee. Thou siialt be mine for
[ S5i]



OPUllE and Immaculate Virgin, Avho wert digni-

fied by thy Divine Son with that happy
privilege of exemption from sin, which the God of
all sanctity alone could claim, I commemorate, with

the Kveliest gratitude towards thy Divine Benefactor,

that happy moment in which thou didst begin to
live to grace. I return thanks to Him, who in
the instant of thy Immaculate Conception, began
to do great tliinrjs to thee. {Luke i. 49.) O incor-
ruptible Ark, whichwas prepared to enclose the true
Manna descended from heaven O sanctuary of the !

Incarnate Word thou art among the children of


Adam like the lily among thorns thou art the —

most privileged of aU creatures, the parent of all
virgins, the most perfect image of thy Divine
Creator. Thou didst not partake of that general
misery, in those fatal evils which overwhelmed man-
kind. Ah ! since thou wert chosen among all

creatiu-es to bring forth the Saviour of men, deign

to distil on me some drops of that heavenly dew of
grace with which thou wert replenished. Preserve
me by thy powerful intercession, from yielding to
those perverse inclinations which never disturbed the
tranquillity of thy pure soul. Repress my fatal pro-
pensity to evil, and obtain for me such courage and

perseverance in surmounting my passions, such

fervour an«l resolution in the practice of self-denial
and penance, that I may recover the treasure of
innocence I have so often forfeited, and thus attain
to that mansion of rest, where nothing defiled can
gain admittance. Amen.



OSON of the living God, Des'red of all nations

{Agg. ii. 8), the Expectation, the Saviour oi
the world, do not permit that this glorious solemnity,
which transported the angels with joy, and satisfied
the longing desires of all the just, shoidd pass with-
out recalling to my mind the greatness of thy mercy,
and the excess of that love which brought thee on
earth. Word made flesh and dwelling among ns
(St. John i. 14), O infinite Goodness, who wouldsfc
rather save than condemn us; Eternal Greatness,
who wouldst teach us to practise virtue by thy ow'i
example, prostrate at thy crib, there icill I dwell, jar
1 have chosen it {Ps. cxxxi. l-i), or rather, O most
hcantifid above the sonsof men (Ps. xliv. .S), I pre-
sent thee my heart, that thou mayest prepare it to
become the crib of thy nativity. I offer thee my
memory, that it may dwell on the wonders of love,
which the manger of Bethlehem exhibits to the
world. I offer thee my will, that the view of my
Lord and Master become subject to his creatures,
may totally destroy its perverse inclinations
0' drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the

clouds rain the Just One ; let the earth he opened and
lud forth a Saviour. (Isa. xlv. 8.) brightness of
eternal light (Wisd. vii. 26), come and show us the
vanity of all that the Avoiid calls great. Adorable
Infant, Sacred Babe of Bethlehem, in whose very
name thy saints have f oimd inexpressible sweetness.
I wish I could imite in my heart the fidth of the
ancient patriarchs ; the desires of the just who pre-
ceded thy coming ; the purity of the angels who
longed to annormce thy birth the tender love, the;

ineffable transports, which thy infant humanity has

since excited in thy saints that thus I may invite

thee with more fei'vour, and receive thee with less

indignity into the cold, wTetched mansion of my
heart. But, my sovereign Lord, though the dis-
positions of thy angels and saints are far beyond my
reach, yet I have a resource of which thou wilt not
forbid me to profit. I unite my heart to thine, O
adorable Treasure of thy creatures I desire to
all ;

become thy sanctuary, in union with the eternal

charity with which thou didst long to be born, for
man's redemption. I unite my heart to that of thy
Sacred ^Mother, and desire to receive thee with the
transports of love with which she sighed to behold
thee. O most pure Mother of God, deign to pre-
pare the dwelling of thy Divine Infant in my heart
— lay thy Sacred Babe therein but I entreat of ;

thee, by the anguish thou didst endure from the

cold and misery to which thou wert obliged to expose

him at his birth, that his tears may soften my heart,

his love inflame it, and his mercy adorn it with a
share in the perfect dispositions of thy pnre soul


MERCIFUL Jesus, who didst in thy early in-

fancy commence thy office of Saviour, by
shedding thy precious blood, and assimiing- for us
that name which is above all names we thank thee ;

for such proofs of thy infinite love Ave venerate thy


sacred name, in union with the profound respect of

the angel who first annomiced it to the earth, and
unite our aifections to the sentiments of tender
devotion which the adorable name of Jesus has in
all ages enkindled in the hearts of thy servants.

Animated with a firm faith in thy unerring word,

and penetrated with confidence in thy mercy, we
now most hmnbly remind thee of the promise thou
hast made, thatwhen two or three should assemble
inthy name, thou thyseK wouldst be in the midst of
them. Come, then, into the midst of us, most
amiable Jesus ! for it is in thy Sacred Name we are
here assembled. Come into our hearts, that thy
Holy Spirit may pray in and by us; and mercifully
grant us, through that adorable Name which is the
joy of heaven, the terror of hell, the consolation of
the afflicted, and the solid groimd of our unlimited
confidence, all the petitions we make in this Novena.
Oh ! Blessed Mother of our Redeemer ! who didst


participate bo sensibly in the sufferings of thy dear

Son, when he shed his Sacred Blood, and assumed for
us the Name of Jesus ; obtain for us, through that
adorable Name, the favours we petition in this
Novena. Beg also, that the most ardent love may
imprint on our hearts that Sacred Name, that it may
be always in our minds, and frequently on oiu* lips

that it may be our defence in temptations, and our

refuge in danger, during our lives, and our con-

solation and support in the hour of death. Amen.


ADORABLE Infant, infuse into our hearts the
holy dispositions of the three kings, that, ani-
mated with a lively faith, we may seek thee as faith-
fully and perseveringly as they did. Infant God !

Infant King! Adorable Emmanuel! God with usl

permit us to adore thee. May our tribute of praise
ascend as the sweet odour of incense to thy throne
above. We offer thee the affection of oiu- hearts as
gold, that Avill be purified by the application of thy
merits. Weoffer thee om' senses, that they may

be instrumental to thy glory, and that by the myrrh

of mortificationwhatever tends not to that end, may
be retrenched. Adorable Infant, deign to cast on us
one look of mercy graciously receive our offering

forgive us our sins clothe us with thy merits in-

; ;

flame our hearts with thy holy love grant that we ;

may serve thee faithfully during life, and that we may

reign with thee in eternal glory. Amen.


A GOD, who didst choose the Blessed Raymimd

^ for a glorious minister of the sacrament of
penance, and didst guide him wonderfully across the
waves of the sea,grant that we, through his inter-
cession, may bring forth worthy fruits of penance,
and at length reach the haven of salvation. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.


GLORIOUS St. Brigid, Mother of the Churches

of Erin, patroness of our missionary race,
wherever their lot may be cast be thou our guide

in the paths of virtue, protect us amid temptation,

shield us from danger. Preserve to us the heritage
of chastity and temperance keep ever brightly

burning on the altar of our hearts the sacred fire of

Faith, Charity, and Hope, that thus we may emulate
the ancient piety of Ireland's children, and the
Church of Erin may shine with peerless glory as of
old. Thou wert styled by our fathers " The Mary
of Erit7^^^ secure for us by thy prayers the all-power-
ful protection of the Blessed Virgin, that we may
be numbered here among her most fervent clients,
and may hereafter merit a place together with Thee
and the countless Saints of Ireland in the ranks of
her triumphant children in paradise. Amen.


OMOST loving Jesns,who through thy ineffable
virtues and the example of thy domestic life
didst sanctify on earth the family chosea by thee,
^;^raciously look down on this our family which throws
itself at thy feet and implores thy grace. Remember
that this family is thy property, because it has given
and consecrated itself to thy love and service. Gra-
ciously protect it, save it from dangers, lend it thy
assistance in tribulation and bestow on it streugtti
to persevere in the imitation of thy Holy Family, so
that after iiaviiig faithfully continued in obedience
and love during the time of its earthly pilgrim:ige, it
may one day sing thy praise for ever in heaven.
O Mary, most sweet Mother, we implore thy
protection, trusting with confidence that thy divine
Son will hear thy requests.
And thou also, most glorious Patriarch, Saint
Joseph, come to our assistance with thy mighty
protection, place our resolutions in the hands, of
Mary, that she may present them to Jesus Christ.


ETERNAL God, whose adorable Majesty was

so imperfectly honoured by the sacrifices of the
Old Law, we rejoice from the bottom of our iiearts,
in the homa^^e thou didst receive from thy beloved
Son, on his presentation in the Temple. Sacrifices
and sin-ofFeriugs had ceased to please thee when ;

behold he came, in whom, from eternity, thou wert


well pleased, to offer thee that victim of adoration,

which thy infinite Majesty expected — that sacrifice
of expiation, which thy justice required —that victim
of thanksgiving, w^hich thy benefits deserved— and
that host of impetration to which thy mercy had
reserved the most precious favours. O most happy
Virgin from whom the Almighty first received a

victim worthy of himself, let us not be excluded

from a share in the graces, which tlirough thee have
been granted to the world. Give us thyself, thy
Divine Infant, in each of our communions, as thou
didst to holy Simeon. Obtain that, like him, a
lively faith may discover to us, our Lord and salva-
tion, in the mystery of his humiliation that our ;

liearts may
love him therein ardently, and that
frequent union with Jesus, in the sacrament of his
infinite goodness, may so detach us from the world,
that we may never cease to sigh after that kingdom
of peace, where we shall never sin, and never cease to
love, ximen.


PRIVILEGED Virgin, most blessed St.

Catherine de Ricci, I rejoice from my heart in
thy bliss, the exceeding great reward of thy crucified
lifeon earth. Thou didst early burst every human
tie and generously offer the morning of thy life to

(Tod. Oh, let not thy bright example be lost on

me pray that now, at least. I may begin to lore my

God — that his cross may become my delight ; hie

sufferings, the study of my life ;
and intimate union
with him, the only joy of my soul. O %actim of
charity, take pity on my miseries, beg for me sincere
sorrow for my past sins, and full remission of them.
Obtain that by constant meditation on the bitter
Passion of my Redeemer, I may find as thou didst,
in the wounded Heart of Jesus, an asylum of security
and a haven of peace and rest. Amen.

K\)t aitano of St. 3rt)omas of

OTHOU, the Most High, have merry on us.

Mighty One of Jacob, hai^e mercy on iis .

Divine Spirit, have mercy on us.

Great Triune God, have mercy on us.

Glorious Mother of the King of kings,
Saint Thomas of Aqiiin,
Worthy child of the Queen of Virgins,
Aquinas most chaste,
Aquinas most patient, s^
Prodigy of science, ^
Silently eloquent, -^
Reproach of the ambitious, ^
Lover of that life which is hidden with Christ in ^
Fragrant flower in the parterre of St. Dominic.
Glory of Friars Preachers,
Dliunined from on high.
Angel of the Schools.
Oracle of the Church,

Incomparable scribe of the Man-God,

Satiated with the odour of his perfumes, '^

Perfect in the school of his cross, ^§

Intoxicated with the strong wine of his charity, "^
Glittering gem in the cabinet of the Lord, ^
Model of perfect obedience,
Endowed with the true spirit of holy poverty,
Lamb of God, &c., tJiree times.
Ant.— Oh, how beautiful is the chaste generatioc
with glory, for the memory thereof is immortal,
because it is known with God and man, and it
triumpheth crowned for ever.
V. Oh! what have I in heaven, or what do I de-
sire on earth ?

R. Thou art the God of my heart, and my portion

for ever.

O God, who hast ordained that blessed Thomas

should enlighten thy Church, grant that through his
prayers we may practise what he taught, through
Christ our Lord. Amen.


BLESSED Apostle of Ireland ! glorious St.

Patrick ! who didst become my Father and
Benefactor long before my birth, receive my prayers
and accept the sentiments of gratitude and venera-
tion with which my heart is filled towards thee.


Thou wert the channel of the greatest graces to me

deign then to become also the channel of mv grateful
thanksgivings to God for having granted me, through
thee, that precious gift of faith, which is dearer than
life. most blessed Father, and patron of my
country do not, I beseech thee, despise my weakness.

Remember, that the cries of little children were the

mysterious in\itation thou didst receive to come
among us. Listen, then, to my most humble suppli-
cations ; I unite them and blessings
to the praises
which will ever follow thy name and thy memory
throughout the Irish Church I unite them to the

prayers of the multitude of my ancestors, who now

enjoy eternal bliss, and owe their salvation, under
God, to thy zeal and charity. They will eternally
share thy glory, because they listened to thy word
and followed thy example. Ah since I am descended

from saints, may I blush to differ from them may I ;

begin from this moment to love God with all my

heart, and serve him with all my strength. For this
end I most humbly beg thy blessing, O great St.
Patrick and thy particular intercession, for obtain-

ing whatever grace thou seest to be most necessary

for me, and also the particular intentions of this
Novena. (Name them.)
O of the Irish Flock
charitable Shepherd who !

wouldst have laid down a thousand lives to save

one soul, take my soul, and the souls of aU
Christians under thy special care, and preserve us
from the dreadful misfortune of sin. Thy zealous

preaching provided us the blessing of religious in-

structions which we now enjoy ; obtain that none of
us may receive them in vain. Thou didst teach our
ancestors how to connect the pursuit of virtue with
that of science deign also to take
; my studies imder
thy protection, and to obtain for me the grace to
sanctify them by God and
a pure motive of pleasing
my superiors. most humbly recommend to thee
this country, which was so dear to thee while on
earth. Protect it still and above all, obtain for its

pastors, principally for those who instruct us, the

grace to walk in thy footsteps, that they may share
in thy eternal bliss.


GLORIOUS Patriarch, Virgin Spouse of the

Virgin Mother of God, faithful guardian of the
Word Incarnate, I consecrate myself to thee, I place
all my concerns under thy care and protection.
Accept me as thy child take charge of my salvation

watch over me day and night preserve me from the ;

occasions of sin ; obtain for me purity of body and

soul, the spirit of prayer, the spirit of humility and
of self-denial.
Obtain for me a burning love for Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament, a sweet and tender love for
Mary my Mother, and also the particular favours
I ask in this No vena. O great St. Joseph, be with
me living, be with me dying, and obtain for me a

favourable judgment from Jesus, thy loving care

and my most merciful Saviour. Amen.


OADMIRABIiE Virgin, the most exalted, yet the

most humble among all creatures, I salute thee
in union with the respect and veneration of the angel
who was deputed from heaven to hail thee full
of grace, and to choose thee for the Mother and
Sanctuary of the Author of grace. O most happy
Mother, most pure Virgin, most favoured among all
women, shall not I join with all generations in
calling thee blessed ? Why cannot I share in
the profound feelings of humiliation which filled

thy soul, even in the moment of thy glorious

exaltation ? O most humble, but most privileged
" handmaid of the Lord," since thou hast found
grace before God, obtain for me that invaluable
treasure, and fidelity to practise all that it requires.
Since thou hast never felt the anguish which springs
from sin, and wert never degraded by a single imper-
fection, thou hast no cause to fear those tremendous
judgments which should make me tremble. O
powerful Protectress of those who trust in thee.
O refuge of siniiers, whose misfortunes thou well
knowest how to compassionate, shield me from the
anger of thy divine Son, and since it is by thee he
comes to us. may we by thee attain to the enjopnent
of his adorable presence in heaven. Aiiicn.


OMOST holy aod afflicted Virgin, Queen of

Martyrs, thou who didst stand motionless
beneath the cross, witnessing the agony of thy
expiring Son, through the unceasing sufferings of
thy life of sorrow, and the bliss which now more
til an amply repays thee for thy past trials, look
down with a Mother's tenderness and pity on me,
who kneel before thee to venerate thy dolours and
place my requests with filial confidence in the
sanctuary of thy wounded Heart present them,

I beseech thee, on my behalf to Jesus Christ, through

the merits of his own most sacred death and passion^
together with thj^ sufferings at the foot of the
cross, and through the united efficacy of both, obtain
the grant of my present petition. To whom shall I
recur in my wants and miseries, if not to thee,
O Mother of mercy, who having so deeply drunk of
the chalice of thy Son, canst compassionate the
woes of those who still sigh in the land of exile.
Offer for me to my Sa\iour one drop of the blood
which flowed from his sacred veins, one of the tears
which trickled from his divine eyes, one of the sighs
which rent his adorable Heart. O Refuge of tlie
universe and Hope of the whole world, do not reject
my earnest prayer, but graciously obtain the grant
of my petition. Amen.
368 NO VEX AS.


JESUS Christ crucified! Son of the most holy
Virgin Mary, incline thy sacred head, and listen
to my prayers and sighs, as thou didst listen to
thy Eternal Father on Mount Thabor. Hail
Mary, &c.
Jesus Christ crucified! Son of the most holy
Virgin ^lary, open thy sacred eyes, and look on me
as thou didst look on thy afflicted Mother from the
cross. Hail Mary, &c.
Jesus Christ crucified! Son of the most holy
Virgin Mary, open thy sacred lips, and speak to my
sad heart as thou didst to St. John, when recom-
mending to him thy blessed Mother. Hail Mary.
Jesus Christ crucified ! Son of the most holy
Virgin Mary, open thy sacred arms, and receive me
thy poor child, as thou didst embrace the hard wood
of the cross, for love of me and all sinners. Hail
Mary, &c.
Jesus Christ crucified Son of the most holy

Virgin Mary, open thy Sacred Heart, that seat of

love and mercy receive mine into it
; make it ;

wholly tliine ; hear my prayers, and mercifully grant

ray petitions. Hail Mary, &c.
O down on me, for whom
Eternal Father! look
thy beloved Son Jesus Christ, was delivered up to
the death of the cross and as he did not refuse

to die for my salvation, do not thou refuse, O


heavenly Father ! to grant me pardon and eternal !

life, through the merits of thy Son Jesus on the

Cross. Amen.


OGOD, who didst bring multitudes of nations to

the knowledge of thy holy Name, by the won-
derful preaching of the blessed Vincent, thy
confessor; grant, we beseech thee, that we may
deserve to find in heaven a bomitifal re warder in
him whom he preached upon earth as the Judge to
come, Christ our Lord. Amen.


OGOD, who dost afford singular help through

blessed Peter to such as are in the dangers of
the sea, grant, through his intercession, that in all

the storms of this life the light of thy grace may

ever shine upon us, whereby we may be able to gain
the port of eternal salvation. Through Christ om'
Lord. Amen.


OGOD, who wast often pleased to shed a

heavenly dew over thy holy virgin, the
blessed Agnes, and to deck the places of her prayer
with divers fresh-blown flowers mercifully grant ;


that we, through hor prayers, may be sprinkled with

the unfailing dew of thy blessing, and made tit to
receive the fruits of immortauty. Through Christ
our Lord. Amen.


/^RANT. we beseech thee. Almighty God. that we

^-^ may imitate with due devotion the faith ot
blessed Peter, thy martyr, who for the spreading of
that same faith was made worthy to obtain the palm
of martvrdom. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

?litanr of %t. Catfininr of ^irnna. F., ©.i3.

LORD have mercy on us,

Chnst have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Eternal Fountain of all being, liave mercy on vs.
Unspotted Mirror of God's ?.[ajt'Sty, have mercy.
Love of the Father and of the Son, have mercy.
Sacred Trinity of persons, in unity of essence, hare
August Mary, tabernacle of God with men,
Holy father Saint Dominiri.
Saint Catherine of Sienna. :^'

Saint Catherine, our holy ^Mother and ;-^

Patroness. ^.

Chaste Spouse of Jesus Christ, ^

Fervent lover of our I^ord,
Faithful follower of the Cross,

Contemplative soul, instructed by the Holy

Enemy of vanity,
Vanquisher of the evil one,
Pattern of obedience and docility,
Himible Catherine,
Ivigidly austere,
Immaculate Catherine,
Most devout to the Blessed Sacrament, ^
Entirely devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ^^

Lustre of Dominicanesses, ^
Heroically meek and patient, 2
Transcendently charitable, P
Powerful in converting souls,
Mediatrix for smners.
Angel of peace,
Guide in the interior life.
Replenished with eternal knowledge,
Filled with divine gifts,
Caught up to the throne of the divinity,
Following the Lamb whithersoever he goeth,
Encompassed with glory, and inebriated with
the plenitude of the house of God,
Brightness of Eternal Light, Have mercy on us.
Teacher of St. Catherine, Have mercy on us.
Increated Beauty, rewarder of St. Catherine,
Have mercy on ?/.<?.

T, Pray for us, O blessed St. Catherine.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.

^'-^ NO VENA S.

0GOI\ wlio didst adoru blessed Catherine with
a special privilege of purity and patience, and
didst enable her to triumph over maliij-nant spirits,
and to persevere unshaken in the love of thy holy
name; grant, we beseech thee, that by her example,
contemning the world, and overcoming all its de-
ceits, we may securely pass to the enjoyment of thy

glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


OGOD, who wast pleased to elect the blessed

Pius to the office of chief Pontiff for the defeat
of the enemies of the Church, and the consecration
of divine worship ;
grant that we may be defended
by and be so intent upon
his watchful guardianship,
thy holy service, that overcoming all the wiles of our
enemies, we may enjoy eternal peace. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.

MAY we be O Lord, by the merits thy

blessed confessor and bishop Saint Antoninus

that as we confess thee wonderful in him, so we may

glory in that thou art mercifid unto us. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.

COINTE, O my chosen one, and I will establish my

thi'one within thee, for the King hath greatly
desired thv beautv.
NO YEN AS. 373
V. Pray for us, () blessed Coluniba.
li. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.


OGOD, who wast pleased that thy holy Virgin,

the blessed Columba, graced with the spotless
white of pm:'ity and innocence, should shine forth
with heavenly splendours, grant, we beseech thee,
by her intercession, that serving thee here with
pure minds, w^e may deserve to enjoy the brightness
of thy glory in heaven. Througli Christ our Lord.

7b implore the Descent of the Divine Spirit, partiadarhj

suitable for the ten days preceding Pentecost.

JESUS, triumphant Conqueror of sin and death,

who hast taken possession of that seat of bliss
purchased by thy blood, remember thy tender pro-
mise, that thou wouldst " not leave us orphans."
(St. John xiv. 18.) Send down upon us, and upon
thy Avhole Cliurch, that Spirit of light, of truth, and
of love, who alone can bring to our minds, and
imprint on our hearts the divine lessons thou hast
taught us. But, alas, how can I hope for his
descent into a heart defiled like mine by a thou-
sand imperfect and sinful inclinations? O my
God, if thou desirest to give me thy Divine Spirit,
prepare thyself his dwelling in my soul ; unite my
37:1: NOVENAS.

heart and and perfect

nffoctions to the ardeut sighs
dispositions which thy blessed Mother and thy

Apostles awaited his coming. And thou, O adorable

Spirit, who hreathest where thou wiliest, deign to de-
scend on me, and on all the members of that Church,
to which thou dost "teach all truth " to the end of
time. Spirit of purity, Spirit of peace, whom the
foulest stains of sin cannot resist, purify our souls,
and infuse therein that peace which the world cannot
give. " Oh, rend the heavens and come down," con-
soling Spirit, that, strengthened and encouraged by
thue, we may never be attached to this wretched
world, 80 as to prefer its consolations to the perfect
accomplishment of God's holy will. Amen.


AMI ABLE Jesus, who hast given us the m

adorable Eucharist, so convincing a proof of
thy infinite love, permit us to thank thee in the
name of all thy creatures for the blessings included
in this one precious gift. \\'e adore thee, hidden
Deity and most aixlently wish we could offer thee

such love as would atone for our own offences, and

those committed by all mankind against this most
amiable mystery. We firmly purpose to become
from this moment the devoted adorers of this sacra
nient of love, and to take thy Eucharistic life for
the rule and model of ours. O living Bread of
eternal life, we humbly beseech thee to remove all


obstacles to our frequently and worthily receiving

thee and to grant us so tender a devotion to this

mystery of love, that our hearts and thoughts may

ever be turned to thee, present on our altars, and
every action of our lives be directed to the perfect
accomplishment of thy holy will. Amen.


ADORABLE- Jesus, who hast discovered to us

thy most Sacred Heart, that we may form
some idea of the extent of thy love, grant that v/e
may value as we ought so precious a favour. We
adore thee, O infinitely amiable Heart, and beseech
thee to receive our adorations, in unison with those
thou thy self renderest to the Divinity on our altars
in unison with the perfect homage of all thy saints,
— and in particular in unison with the miceasing
adorations of the heavenly spirits, who crowd thy
sanctuary during this glorious solemnity. We
humbJy represent all our necessities to thee, O ador-
able Heart, the fountain of all graces, the ocean of
mercy, and exhaustless source of consolation and
strength ! We most fervently entreat of thee to
infuse into our hearts the dispositions thou requirest;
and then, for thy own saiie, to grant the earnest
petitions of this Novena.
Thou art, O Furnace of Love, a public victim,
thy mercies and graces are now offered to all, who
will only ask, that they may receive ; but thy
tenderest compassion seeinspeculiai-ly directed to all

unhappy For them thou wert overvrhclmed

sinners. .

with sorrow in the Garden of Olives, and wounded

on the cross for them we most particularly pray,
and most earnestly entreat the grace of conversion.
Assist us all to learn of thee who art vieek and
Jtumhle of heart, that thereby we may find rest to our
souls in this life, and everlasting repose in a happy

eternity. Amen.


Feast. — First Sunday before ^ith oj June.

MOST tender Mother of Perpetual Succour, grant

under our present necessity, those mater-
nal consolations and that peculiar protection thou
hast promised to all who invoke thee. Relying on
thy sacred word, we humbly entreat thee to obtain
from thy Di%'ine Son our earnest request. May the
light we burn before thy loved image stand as a
memorial of the lively confidence we repose in thee.
May it consume in honour of that inflamed love and
joy with which thy Sacred Heart was replenished in
holding in thy arms thy Blessed Son. We offer
to thee the sentiments of our poor hearts, and
beseech thee to comfort us, by obtaining from thy
dear Son a favom-able answer to the petition we
make to thy compassionate mercy and benevolence.



GLORIOUS Aloysins! prostrate inspirit
before thy resplendent throne, I rejoice in thy
happiness, and bless the most adorable Trinity for
the magnificent rewards which have crowned thy
virtues. Th.y purity, thy penance, and thy perfect
charity rendered thee dear to the Heart of Jesus
Obtain for me, I beseech thee, a share in all thy
virtues. Assist me to pursue the road of sanctity
undeten-ed by the difficulties I shall meet on the

way. May the remembrance of thy earthh* combats

support me in my struggles, and the thought of thy
glory encourage me in my trials. Conduct me
safely through this region of sin and temptation
pray for me until I shall have reached my true and
happy home Assist me especially in my
in heaven.
last hour ;
me then by thy sweet presence,
and strengthen me with thy holy blessing. Oh !

obtain that by miitating thy life, I may deserve

to share in the peace and joy of thy saintly death.


OHOLY Apostles Peter and Paul! I {N.) do
choose you this day and f »r ever, as my special
protectors and advocates. I humbly rejoice witli
thee, Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, because
thou ai't that Ftock on which God built his Church,
and with thee, Saint Paul, chosen by God for a
vessel of election, and a preacher of the truth

through the entire world. Obtain for me, I pray

you, a lively faith, a firm hope, and a perfect charity,
and a total disengagement from myseK, a con-
tempt for the world, patience in adversity, and
humility in prosperity, attention in prayer, purity of
heart,an upright intention in my actions, diligence
in fulfilling the obligations of my state, constancy in
my resolutions, resignation to the will of God, and
perseverance in the divine grace, until death. Grant
that, through your intercession and glorious
merits, I may overcome the temptations of the
world, of the devil, and of the flesh, and may be-
come worthy to appear before the supreme and
eternal Pastor of souls, Jesus Christ, in order to
enjoy and love him eternally, who, with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth for ever
and ever. Amen.


OPURE and holy Mother deign to visit the poor


lodging of my soul as thou didst visit and

sanctify the dwelling of St. Elizabeth. Visit me in
life ; visit me hour of death when I
especially at the
shall so peculiarly require thy consoling help, and
lead me by thy prayers to the glorious kingdom
where thou wilt reign in peace for ever. Ask for me
also, I beseech thee, the particular intention of this
Aspiration. — Comfortress of the afflicted, pray for

iLttauu of St. Fuurnt of paul.

LORD have mercy oti us.

Christ have mercy on us.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
God creating, God begotten, God proceeding
from both. Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ,
St. Vincent of Paul,
St. Vincent, confessor of Christ,
St. Vincent, most humble and patient,
St. Vincent, perfectly mortified,
St. Vincent, deeply imbued witli the spirit of
the Apostles,
St. Vincent, iiidef atigable in extending the king-
dom God,
St. Vincent, abounding in the charity of .Jesus
St. Vincent, father of the poor,
St. Vincent, succour of the indigent,
St. Vincent, refuge of the miserable,
St. Vincent, honour of the priesthood,
St. Vincent, reviver of the ecclesiastical spirit,

St. Vincent, founder of the Fathers of the Mis-

St. Vincent, institiitor and pat on of the Sisters
of Charity,
St. Vincent, promoter of conventual discipline,
St. Vincent, prudent in counsel,
St. Vincent, truly devoted to divine Providence,


St. Vincent, good and faithful servant,

St. Vincent, man according to God's own heart,
St. Vincent, highly exalted in the heavenly city,
Bv the merits of blessed Vincent, c^

By his ardent zeal, §"•

By his burning charity, "^

By all the good he has operated, .='•

By the bliss he now enjoys in thy kingdom,

Lamb of God, &c., three times:.
Ant. When thou didst pray with tears, and bury
the dead, I offered thy prayer to the Lord.
T'. He distributed ; he gave to the poor.
R. His justice remains for ever.


OGOD, who didst enable blessed Vincent of Paul

to evangelize the poor, and
promote the honour
we who honour
of the ecclesiastical order, grant that
his memory, may be helped by his prayers, and profit
by the example of his eminent virtues. Through
Jesus Christ, thy Son, &c. Amen.
iitanr of St. i^aro i^agtialen.

LORD have mercy on us.

Christ have mercy on us.

God the Father, Son, ami Holy Ghost, Have meroj
on us.

Holy Trinity one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, "o^^ ,,.,

Holy Mother of God, |'

^ ^
St. Mary Magdalen, -^

Anchor of the afflicted,

Sister of Ijuzarus raised from the dead,
Apostle of the apostles,
Disciple of our Lord,
Bright shining gem, restored from darkness to
Wounded with the love of God,
Sweet advocate of sinners, 5
Inflamed with the love of Christ, ':<

Thou who wert unclean and wort made whole, 2

Constant woman, g
Thou who wert called by Christ to penance.
St. Mary Magdalen,
Thou who didst v/ash the feet of Jesus with thy
Who didst wipe them with thy hair,
Who from Jesus didst obtain pardon of thy sins,
Who wert enamoured with the SaAiour of the
Lamb of God, &c., three times,
V. Tray for us, holy St. Magdalen,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.


ALMIGHTY and morcifid God, who by the

intercession of St. Mary Magdalen, didst raise
Lazarus from the dead after he had been four days
in the tomb, we beseech thee, by the intercession of
the same, to raise us from all our sins, and without
382 NO VENA?.

impediment, to grant us a speedy passage to life

everlasting. "Who livest and reignest "world without
end. Amen.

OMOST amiable mother of the ever Immaculate

Virgin Mary, with unbounded confidence I have
recom'se to thy powerful intercession. Deign to
accept me as thy devoted client, and to assist me in
every necessity of soul and body. I rejoice with
thee for all the good gifts of nature and of grace
which thou didst receive from God. I rejoice in the
bliss which for all eteniity thou wilt possess in
beholdhig the glory of thy blessed child, the holy
Mother of God. And I pray thee to obtain for me
true and persevering devotion to her, that I may be
partaker of thy happiness in paradise. Amen.


RENOWNED champion of the faith of Christ,
most holy Dominic, look down from
father, St.
that throne of glory where thou enjoyest the
reward of all thy labours, upon me, thy poor
unworthy child.
I praise and thank God for tiie exalted degree of
sanctity to which he has raised thee, and the special
priN-ileges by which he has distinguished thee ; and I
conjure thee by that gratitude with which thou shalt
for all eternity be penetrated to thy divine Bene-
factor, to root out of my heart whatever is not
agreeable in his sight, especially that evil habit by

•vhich I most frequently offend him. Obtain, like-

wise, the favours I request in this No vena.
O glorious MotherGod, Queen of the Sacred
Rosary, who Dominic with the affectiou
didst love
of a mother, and wert most tenderly loved and
honoured by him, vouchsafe to look upon me for
his sake with an eye of pity deign to join with him in

presenting my petitions to thy most blessed Jesus,

whom I sincerely desire from this moment to love
with all my heart, and to serve with all my strength.
Mother of my Redeemer, I place myself now under
thy powerful protection, as a certain means of
obtaining all necessary grace here, and eternal hap-
piness hereafter. Amen.
REMEMBER, O most dear and holy Father
Dominic, that, at the close of thy mortal
career,thou didst raise thy pure hands to heaven and
pray '• Holy Father, since by thy mercy I have ever

accomplished thy will, and have kept and preserved

those whom thou hast given to me, now I recom-
mend them to thee do thou keep them, do thou

preserve them.'' Animated with unbounded con-

fidence in thee. O tender Father, I cast myself at
thy beseeching thee to plead still for thy poor
helpless children, to protect us amidst the dangers
of om- earthly pilgrimage, to guard and keep us.
Be mindful, O great Father, of the comforting
assurance thou didst make in thy last moments to


thy weeping brethren, promising that after death

thou wouldst assist thy children.
O Father, fulfil thy word, and help us by thy


OrrLOKIOUS Queen of all the heavenly host,

whose sacred body, the immaculate temple of
the Divinity, is now assumed into heaven, I unite
my voice to the choirs of angels who celebrate tliy
triumph. " Winter is now past "'
for thee, O fervent
follower of thy crucified Son. In this world, like
him, thou hadst not any part in itsperishable posses-
sions, but now all the treasures of heaven are thine
— they are thine to enjoy, and thine to distribute, for
thy intercession " is now an infinite treasm-e to man,
which they that use, become the friends of God."
Thou wert buried in obscurity in this valley of tears,
but now thou" art compared with the light,'' and '• art
f oimd before it." O Mother of God, elevated to the
highest pinnacle of glory, should not thy triumphant
exaltation encourage us to despise this world, and
aspire after the next ; for, O amiable Virgin, how
short were thy sufferings on earth, yet, for all eter-
nity, thou " shalt be admired in the holy assembly
among the elect thou shalt have praise, and among
the blessed thou shalt be blessed."' Look down then
with compassion on us poor banished children of

Eve draw our hearts after thee by filial confidence
and vigorous exertions to imitate thv virtues; above
NOV EN AS. 885

all,obtain for us that true liumility, which neither

seeks nor values any earthly distinction detach- ;

ment from the things world purity of heart,

of the ;

and such ardent love for Jesus Christ as may cause us

to despise this earth, and incessantly sigh after those
eternal joys, which the eye hath not seeji, no?' the car
heard, neither hath it p.ntered into the heart of man to


God, who cUdst make blessed Hyacinth, thy
confessor, glorious amongst the people of divers
nations, for the holiness of his life, and the glory of

his miracles ;
grant that by his example we niay
amend our lives, and be defended by his help in all
adversities. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Ant. — Hail, O gem of confessors, tongue of
Christ, voice of heaven, scribe of life, light of the
learned, most blessed prelate : may those who
venerate thee as a father, under thy guidance, obtain
tiiat life in which the soids of the blessed exult.
V. The just man shall bloom as a lily.

R. And flourish for ever in the sight of the Lord.

Give ear, O
Lord, to our prayers, and by the inter-
cession of blessed Augustine,thy confessor and bishop,
favourably bestow the effects of thy accustomed
mercy on us, to whom thou hast given reason to trust
in thy goodness, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, who

wast pleased that blessed Rose, early watered by the
dew of thy grace, should Hom-ish in the Indies in all
the beauty of virgiuity and patience, grant unto us,
tliy servants, that running in the odour of her
sweetness, we may be found worthy to become the
good odour of Christ who liveth and reign eth

with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God,

world without end. Amen.


O Mary, the channel of God's tenderest mercies

to man, thou wert promised from the beginning of
the world to crush the serpent's head, to bring forth
the Redeemer of mankind. In thy sacred birth
appears the dawn of that glorious day of grace, for
which all nations ardently sighed. O blessed Infant,
already thou beginnest to accomplish the predictions
of the prophets, and to satisfy the longing desires of
the just ; already thou hast conceived in thy heart,
by the most perfect love, that adorable Being who
was afterwards to be born of thee. O happy
Virgin, who on entering this world didst become a
victim of charity, perfectly and unreservedly sub-
missive to the will of God, may I, even at the last
hour of my life, be enriched with a share in the dis-
positions which animated thy sacred infancy. Thou
art the dignified descendant of kings, patriarchs, and
prophets, yet thy birth so little corresponds with thy

rank, that even the earliest part of thy life may

liken thee to Him whom thou
wert destined to
resemble in all things. Inspire me then by thy
example and intercession with that spirit of renunci-
ation, detachment from the world, and self-contempt
which 1 promised at baptism. Thou knowest the
weakness and perverse inclinations which I brought
into the world, and which unhappily have gained
strength with increasing years. Pray for me then,
O most holy Mary, whose nativity I commemorate;
obtain for me strength to fulfil my duties as a Chris-
tian, and fidelity to co-operate with the graces of
heaven. Beg for me also the favours I petition in
this Novena.
MART what would be our poverty and misery

if the Father of mercies had not drawn thee

from his treasury to give thee to earth. O my life
and consolation I trust and confide in thy holy

name. My heart wishes to love thee; my mouth to

praise thee ; my mind to contemplate thee; my soul
sighs to be thine Keceive me, defend me, preserve
me. I cannot perish in thy hands. Let the demons
tremble when 1 pronounce thy holy name, since thou
hast ruined their empire. We shall esteem it our
greatest honour to rank among the number of thy
servants. Let thy glory, blessed i\[other, be equal
to the extent of thy name; reign after God, over all
that is beneath God : but, above all, reign in my
heart. Thou shalt be my consolation in suffering,

my strength in weakness, my counsel in doubt. At

the name of Mary my hope be enlivened, my
love inflamed. Oh, that I could deeply engrave thy
dear name on every heart, suggest it to every tongue,
and make all celebrate it with me. Alary ! sacred
name, under which no one should despair. Mary !

sacred name often assaulted, but always victorious.

Mary ! it shall be my life, my strength, my comfort.
Every day shall I and the divine name of
invoke it

Jesus. Jesus and Mary this is what my heart shall


say at the last hour, if my tongue cannot. I shall hear

these names on my death-bed they shall be wjifted on

my expiring breath, and I with them, to see, know,

bless and love Jesus and Mary for eternity. Amen.
MERCIFUL God, grant that 1 may eagerly
desire, carefully search out, truthfully acknow-
ledge, and ever perfectly fulfil all things that are
pleas^ing to thee, to the praise and glory of thy
name. Amen.
(300 days' Indulgence, Lpo XI 11.)

and glorious virgin, for tht; Lord of

SHE is a wise
all hath loved her.
OLORD Jesus Christ, who woimding the blcBsed
vugin Imelda with the fire of thy love, and
miraculously feeding her with the Immaculate Host,
didst receive her into heaven, grant us, through her

intercession, to approach the holy Table with the

same fervour of charity, that we may long to be dis-
solved, and deserve to be with thee, who livest and
reiguest for ever and ever. Amen.


/ \ PUREand happy spirits, whom the Almighty
^y become the angels and guardians of
selected to
men, I most humbly prostrate before you to thank
you for the charity and zeal with which you execute
thiscommission. Alas! how many pass a long life
without ever thanking that invisible friend to whom
they a thousand times owed its preservation. O
charitable guardians of those souls for whom Christ
died ! O burning Spirits, who cannot avoid loving
tiiose whom Jesus eternally loved, permit me to
address you on behalf of all those committed to
your care, and to implore for them all in general a
grateful sense of your many favours, and also the
grace to profit of your charitable assistance. O
angels of those happy infants, who as yet " are with-
out spot before God," preserve their innocence, 1
earnestly conjure you. Angels of youth, who are
exposed to so many dangers, conduct them safely to
the bosom of God, as Tobias was conducted back to
his father. Angels of those who employ themselves
in the instruction of youth, animate them with your
ze;)l and love teach them to emulate your purity and

incessant view of God, that they may worthily and

successfully co-operate with the invisible guardians


of their young charge. O angels of the clergy,

who have them
the eternal Gospel to preach to
tliat upon earth," present their words, their

actions, and their intentions to God, and purify tliem

in that fire of love which consmnes you. Angels of
infidels whom the true faith has never enlightened,
intercede for them, that, practising what they know,
they may at length discover the hidden secrets of
the kingdom
of God. O angels of all those who
throughout the world are deprived of religious in-
struction, open for them some source of salvation
raise up someone to break for them the bread of the
word. And you, guaidian angels of siuneis
unhappy mortals, whose
charitable guides of those
perseverance in sin would embitter even your un-
utterable joys, wereyou not established in the peace
of God, oh me, I ardently beseech you, in im-
! join
plormg their conversion. Angels of all those who
at this moment struggle in the agonies of death,
strengthen, encourage, and defend them against the
attacks of their infernal enemy. O faithful guides,
holy spirit.?, ardent adorers of the Divinity, guardian
angels of aU creatures, protect us all — ti\ich us to
love, to pray, to combat on and rather obtain
for us instant deatli, than permit us to commit one
mortal sin. Amen.


GLORIOUS Lewis Bertrand, perfect di.s-

ciple of our crucified Redeemer, vouchsafe to

cast upon nid of love. I have

nie a look of pity
recourse to thee with confidence. Throughout thy
wliole life, thou didst ever labour most zealously to
secure the salvation of thy neighbour, seeking by
a]] means in thy power to win hearts to God. Oh,
pray for me thy devoted client, that together with
the pardon of my sins, I may become like thee, an
apostle of charity, that I may compassionate the
miseries of my fellow-creatm-es, wipe away the tears
from their eyes,and assist them as far as I can in
and corporal necessities.
all their spiritual Fieg for
me, O great saint, from the adorable Heart of Jesus,
a constant increase of divine love. Be thou my
protector during life obtain for me a death calm

and peaceful, imder the protection of Mary, the

Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, th.e Immaculate
iMother of God. Amen.
IPRAISE'thee, God, in thy saints, for having
created them and given them thy abundant
grace. Thou knowest the merits of all thy friends.
TtioLi didst foresee them for thy beloved from tiie
beginning of the world. Thou didst choose them
out of the world, and draw them to thyself by many
attractions thou didst pour celestial consolations

into their souls. Strengthened by thee, they per-

severed in good. And how affectionately didst
thou crown their virtue With what unspeakable

love dost thou love them all Yes, O thou who art

holy and incomprehensiV)le, 1 praise thee in thy


saints. Thou O Jesus, from

hast delivered them,
thou hast brought them to
darkness, sin and death ;

thy kmgdom, the kingdom of light, of life, and of

love. O
beloved saints, you are as the fairest flowers
in garden of my God. O happy company of

God, you are seen, you love, you flourish in God's

eternity; you shine in the truth of God, you exidt
in the good things of God. I will fix my abode
with you on high, I will leave this world in affection,
and mix in your holy society, and with you, become
one heart, one soul, one contmued homage of praise
to God. Thither ] direct my eyes. To that abode
on high and to you, 1 lift up my heart. To you,
ye saints of Cod, I direct my prayers. Oh that they !

may be direcud in one everlasting alleluia with you 1

And to youi Creator and mme, to your Redeemer

and mine, to your Sanctifier and mine, to the most
Blessed Trinity, to God and to the Lamb, be glory,
praise, and l)enediction for all eternity.- Amen.


OMOST sweet Jesus through the bloody sweat


which thou didst suffer in the Garden of Geth-

>oinoui, have mercy on these blessed souls.
Have mercy on them, O Lord have mercy on !

t lien).

') most feweet Jesus! through the pains which

thou didst suffer during thy most cruel scourging,
have mercy on them.
H. Have mercy on them, &c.

O most sweet Jesus! through the pains which

thou didst suffer in thy most painful crowning with
thorns, have mercy on them.
B. Have mercy on them, &c.
O most sweet Jesus through the pains which

thou didst suffer in carrying thy cross to Calvaiy,

have mercy on them,
7t. Have mercy on them, &c.

O most sweet Jesus through the pains w^hich


thou didst suffer in thy most cruel crucifixion, have

mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, &g.
O most sweet Jesus through the pains w-hich

thou didst suffer in thy most bitter agony on the

cross, have mercy on them.
7?. Have mercy on thern. &c.

O most sv.eet Jesus tlirough tliat immense p;iin


wliich thou didst sirfferin breathing forth tijy blessed

soul, have mercy on them.
R. Have mercy on them, &c.
Blessed souls we have prayed for you
! ;
we entreat
you who are so dear to God, and who are secure of
never losing him, to pray for us, miserable sinners,
who are in danger of being damned and of losing
God for ever.
OGOD ! the author of mercy, the lover of the
salvation of mankind, we address thy clemency
on behalf of our brethren, relations and benefactors,
who are departed this life, that by the intercession
of blessed Mary ever Virgin, and of all the saints,
odi NO VEX AS.

thou woiildst receive them into the enjoyment of

eternal liappiuess, tlirough Christ our Lord. Amen.

^IIE Lord hath raised up the needy from the
earth, and hath pkced them among princes;
making Dominic, in his heavenly home, a joyful
father of children.

OGOD, who hast vouchsafed to make the Order
of Preachers fruitful in an aVjundant progeny
of saints, and hast gloriously crowned in them the
merits of allheroic virtues grant unto us to follow

their footsteps, that we may

at last be united in
with those in heaven, whom we
pei-petual festivity
venerate to-day under one celebration upon earth.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

INCOMPARABLE Virgin! destined from all

eternity to become the living temple of the

Most High, permit thy devoted clients to remind
thee of that entire, fervent, and most perfect obla-
tion which thou didst make of thyself on the day
of thy Presentation in the Temple. We beseech
thee, by the singular graces bestowed on thee then,
to employ thy powerful interest in our behalf, and
to obtain for us the intentions of this Xovena.


Teach us to comniemomte thy consecration of

thyself to God, on the day of thy Presentation, by a
fervent renewal of our Baptismal Vows pray thai ;

we may love God ardently and all creatures for his

sake that his adorable v.ill may be ours and that
; ;

every exertion of our mind and body, may be happily

consecrated to the promoting of his greater glory.

^vamvs anh B^tr0tt0ns.

JESUS, great king, good shepherd, my wisdom,
my hope, my reward; with Mary my Mother^
I adore thy wounded heart. 1 pray to thee for all

priests, especially for those whose charity has aided

me ;
for those who have guided, instructed, absolved
me ; for those who have commended themselves to
my prayers.
Preserve them for the glory of tliy name, for they
have proclaimed thy praise ; regard them with mercy,
for they have shown mercy ;
gladden them in tlieir

troubles, for they have brought joy to the sorrowful

keep unstained their anointed hands, for they have
blessed keep unearthly their hearts sealed with the

sublime marks of thy priesthood. Bless their labours,

the souls they love, tbe souls they seek, the souls
they pray for. May those to whom they have
ministered be here their joy and consolation, and in
hf.-aven their beautiful crown. Amen,


JESUS, my Crucified Lord! look down with
pity and compassion upon sinful man ; suffer
not those souls for -whom thou didst die upon the
Cross to be lost to thy Heavenly Kingdom, and to
be punished eternally.
By that compassion which moved thee to raise
Thine Adorable Head, crowiied with Thorns, and
agonizing with pain, to listen to the prayer of the
good thief, have pity on us and out of that immense

charity which con.=^unied thee on the Cross, pardon

us !

Let not thy Precious Blood be shed in vain,

O Lord, but may each drop fall with mercy upon
all poor sinners, for whom thou didst suffer
and die 1


KNOW not, O my
God. what may befall me to-
I know, that nothing will happen
day, but this I
which thou hast not foreseen and ordained from
eternity. I adore thy eternal and impenetrable
designs I submit to them for thy love I sacrifice
: ;

myself in union with the sacnfice of Jesus Christ,

my divine Saviour, I ask in his holy name, for
patience and resignation in my sufferings, and perfect
conformity of my will to thine in all things, past,
present, and to come. My God, I have nothing
worthy of thy acceptance to offer thee. I know
nothmg, I can do nothing I have but my heart to;

give thee. 1 may be deprived of health, reputation,

and even life, but my heart is my own I consecrate ;

it to thee, hoping never to resume it, and desiring

not to live if not for thee. Amen.
SWEET and tender Providence of my God
into thy hands I commend my spirit : to thee
I my hopes and
abandon and fears, my desires
repugnances, my temporal and eternal prospects.
To thee I commit the wants of my perishable body ;

to thee I more precious interests of

commit the far
ray immortal spirit for whose lot I have nothing to
apprehend whilst I withdraw it not from thy bosom.
Though my faults are many, my miseries great, my
spiritual poverty extreme, my hope in thee sm-passes
all ; it is superior to my weakness, greater than my
difficulties, stronger than death. '

Though temptation
should assail me, I will trust in thee though I ;

should sink, beneath my weakness I will hope in

thee still ; though I should break my resolutions, I
willlook to thee wath confidence for grace to keep
them at last; though thou shouldst kill me, even then
will I trust in thee, for my Father, my God,
thou art
and the protector of my
thou art my kind, my
life ;

tender, my indulgent Parent, and [ am thy devoted

child who cast myself into thy arms and beg thy
blessing, who put my trust in thee and so trusting
shall not be confounded.


MERCY of God, encompass us, '"nd deliver us

from every plague.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
Eternal Father, sign us ^vith the blood of the
Immaculate Lamb, as thou didst sign the dwellings
of thy people.
Glory, &c.
Most precious blood of Jesus, our love, cry for
mercy for us from thy Divine Father, and deliver us.
Glory, &c.
Wounds of my Jesus, mouths of love and mercy,
speak for us in pity to the Eternal Father; hidu
us within yourselves, and deliver us.
Glory, <xc.

Eternal Father, Jesus is ours; ours his blood;

ours his infinite merits to thee we offer ourselves

wholly ; then, if thoil lovest him, and boldest precious

this gift we make thee, thou oughtest to deliver us;
and for this we hope with fullest confidence.

Glory, &c.
Eternal Father, thou desirest not the death of a
sinner, but rather that he should be converted and
live: in thy mercy grant that we may live before
thee, and be ever thine.
Glory, &c.
Save us, Christ our Saviour, by the virtue of thy
holy cross thou who didst save Peter in the sea,

have mercv on us.


Mary, Mother of mercy, pray for us, and we shall

be delivered Maiy our advocate, speak for us, and

we shall be saved.
The Lord justly scourgeth us for our sins ; but do
thou, Mary, plead for us, for thou ai't our most
tender mother.
Mary, in thy Jesus and in thee have we put our
'lope oh let us never be confounded.
; !

Salve Regma.


Ant. — Give peace, O Lord, in our days ; for there
isnone other who fighteth for us, but only tliou,
our God.
V. Let peace be in thy strength, O Lord.
Zt. And plenty in thy strong places.


OGOL), from whom jDroceed all holy desires, all

works gnmt unto us,
right counsels and just ;

thy servants, that peace which the world cannot

give, that our heiirts may be devoted to thy com-
mands and that, being delivered from the fear of

our enemies, we may pass our time in peace imder

tliy protection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
[ 400 ]

®n tbe TRo^ar^ ot Scsxxb.

In tlie thirteenth century, when tlie abominal)le
vices of cursing, swearing, and blasphemy raged
throughout the world, and called loudly to heaven
for the severest punishnients that an all-powerful
God could inflict, the blessed Pope Gregory X.
addressed a Bull to the Master-General of the Order
of Preachers, rn treating and requiring him and his
brethren to propagate devotion to the all-saving
name of Jesus. As soon as the Master-General, John
of Vercelli, had received the Bull, he wrote a circular
letter, full of piety, exhorting his subjects in all parts
of the world to exert tliemseives in the execution of
the Supreme Pontiff's pious intention. This they
did with so much unction and constancy that a
singular devotion and respect for the Most Sacred
Name was introduced amongst the faithful, and the
execrable vices of cursing, swearing, and blasphem-
ing most remarkably decreased.
To perpetuate this ha,ppy change, the sons of St.
Dominic resolved, that in all their churches, an altar
should be erected and dedicated solely to the most
holy and august name of Jesus.
In this state the devotion continijed till the year
1-132, at which time the kingdom of Portugal was
visited by a most dreadful plague, wliich swept
away such multitudes that the kingdom appeared
almost depopulated, and Lisbon, its capital, seemed
little more than a receptncle for the dead. The few
that survived imputed these chastisements to the
just judgment of heaven for their crimes, and
particularly for those of cursing and swearing. They
earnestly sought forgiveness, and firmly purposed
amendment. The children of St. Dominic were
singularly active in promoting so desirable a re-
formation. Foremost amongst them in the important
cause was Andrew Diaz, for some time Bishop of
Megara, an ancient city in Greece, but who, having
renounced his pastoral charge, had retu-ed to his
Convent at Lisbon. This venera];le Prelate, afflicted
at tlie distresses of the people, and perceiving that
heaven seemed deaf to their lanientatioris, ascended
the pulpit, and most pressingly exhorted all to have
recourse to the merciful name The people
of Jesus.
responded to his entreaties — the
plague suddenly

ceased the corruption of mnra,ls banished, the
cont0;gion also disappeared. Universal joy and
thanks were diffused throughout all Europe, whose
every nation had dreaded the spreading infection.
To enga^ge future generations to praise the all-
gracious name of Jesvis, the zealous Prelate founded
a Sodality or Confraternity sacred to the most holy
name of Jesus.
This Sodality was not to be confined to Spain and
Portugal. It spread, by the labours of the Dominiea.n
Fathers, into the most distant climes, and by it
numberless sinners were everywhere reclaimed.
As Almighty God had inspired and appointed St.
Dominic to be the founder and preacher of the
Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Ma.ry, so the same all-
gracious God singled out St. Dominic's children to
be the happy instruments of instituting and preach-
ing the Sodality and Rosary sacred to the most
holy name of Jesus.
This Rosary is an efficacious form of prayer .fc

was framed by Blessed John Micon, of the Order of

Preachers, a.nd modelled after the Rosary of the
B. V. M. It is a simamary of the life, sufferings, and
triumplis of Jesus Christ. By the devout and
constant recital of it we give great glory to God.
To praise God's adorable name is a most acceptable
homage 'tis the language, 'tis the employment of

the a.ngels and saints in paradise. In the agonies of

death, when the world, with all its momentary
pleasures^ is bidding us an eternal farewell, the



dovout invocation of the most holy name of Jesus

will administer to us unutterable comfort. By
accustoming oiu-selves to glorify the name of Jesua
with heart and mouth on earth, it will be quite
familiar to us when we liappily arrive at the regions
of bhss and glory. Save ns, O Lcrd our God, that we
may give thanks to thy holy riamc, and may glory in
thy •praise. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting ; and let all the pe&pl"
say So he it, so he it. fPs. cv. 47, 48.)

"Kosarvj ot tbe Blesseb "fflame of Jesus.

In the Xame of the Father, and of the Son, and of
Holy Giiost. Amen.
OTHOU the Son and Image of the Almighty
Father, anointed Saviour of mankind O thou !

who art I O Jehovah ! Emmanuel

Adonai ! O
O thou the holy One! O thou tlie dreadful One!
O thou the Wonderful O tliou our God O thou
! !

the strong One O thou the Prince of Peace O thou

! I

tlie Father of the future age we adore thee in all


thy names. But thou hast humbled iiiyself, bein^-

made obedient unto death, even the death of the
cross, for which God hath exalted thee, and given
thee a name above all names, that in the name of
Jesus every knee may bend, of those that are in
heaven, on earth, and in hell. I offer thee my thanks

for uniting me in this holy Society. O grant me to

partake of those benefits which were obtained by the
merits of the glorious Order of St. Dominic. 1

purpose for ever to honour thee in all thy sacred

names, and never to profane them. I purpose to
— —

hinder and prevent so great a crime in others, to

the best of my ability. Inspire me with reverence
and zeal to fuli'il this j^iii-pose. I implore thee in
virtue of the mysteries of thy most holy Rosary
O thou the Son of David, miraculously made man,
and born from the womb of a Virgin O thou the —
King of the Jews, who bore for me a jnost bitter
passion —
O fchou the Son of the living God, risen
from death, and the Judge of the living and the
dead, grant to me and to all our Society, to perform
this great devotion in the spirit of thy Church, that
we may duly celebrare thy mysterious greatness :

and obtain grace and merit in this life, and happiness

in the next through thee, who with the Father and

the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God for all

eternity. Amen.
T'. ITiou () Lord, wilt open my lips.

R. And my tongue shall announce thy praise.

r. Incline imto my aid, O God.

R. O liOrd, make haste to help me.

T'. Glory bo to the Father. &c.

li. As it was in the beginning, &c.

I. The Incarnation of our LordJesus Christ.

riniE Son of (rod assumes human flesh, of the

pure l)Iood of the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and
is made man in her wo.mb.
O Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us [ten

tinica']. Glory be to the Father, &c.



II. — Eu'th of our Lord Jcsks (lirist.

fTMlE Saviour of the AVoiid is born for oiu- redemp-

J- Mother remaining a Virgin.
tion, his
O Jesus, Son of David, iiave meicy ou us [Un
tintcij. Glory be to the Father, &c.
III. — The Circumcision of ovr Lord Jesus Christ.

OUR Saviour being eight days old begins to suffer

for our sins, and his blood already flows for us.
He is circumcised according to the law, as if he had
been himself a sinner.
O Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us [ten

times']. Glorj- be to the Father, &c.

IV Our Lord Jesus Christ fouihl in the Temple.

OUll Saviour being twelve years old shows himself

more than mortal by his knowledge and wisdom,
t< aching the teachers of the Jews.
O Jesus,Son of David, have mercy on us [ten
times]. Glory be to the Father, &c.

V. JIk Baptism of our Lord ./ts us Christ.

ri^IIE Saviour of the world is baptized by St. John.
J- The Eternal Father declares him to be his Son.
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on us [ten
times]. Glory be to the Father, &c.
JESUS, whose name is above all names, that
at the name of Jesus, every knee may bend, of
those that are in heaven, on eartli, or in hell. Who,
at the time appointed by the Eternal Wisdom,
— ;


assumedst flesh in the womb of the blessed ^lary
ever Virgin, and thus becamest the Son of David;
whose birth gladdened men and angels who began ;

so early to suffer for us, and to shed, on our account,

that blood which waslieth away the sins of the world
whose immortal Avisdom appeared at the age of
twelve years to whose baptism all heaven was

attentive grant to us to celebrate those mysteries


to thy honour and our own salvation who with the ;

Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest,

God for all eternity. Amen.

J. Oar Saviour ic ashes his i >iscip}es\feet.

OUR show us an example of humility,

Savioiu-, to
and how much v/e ought to serve each other,
descendeth so low as to wash the feet of his dis-
ciples, though he is t.he God v/hom heaven and earth
O Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, have
mercy on us [ten times']. Glory be to the Father, &c.
II. — The Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ in the

Saviour, knowing passion to be now
affected with the thoughts of
is S£>
and it,

so oppressed with the load of our sins, that he prays

to liis Almighty Father that the bitter chalice might
pass away from him.
O Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, have
mercy on us \ten times'] . Glory be to the Father, &c.


III. Our Saviour is apprehended.

OUJi he had been no more than man,

Saviour, as if

yields to the power of men, and permits himself,

for our redemption, to be apprehended, as if he were
a malefactor.
() Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, haFe
mercy on us [ten times]. Glory be to the Father, &c.
IV. Oar Saviour carries his Cross.

OUll Saviour being torn with scourges and pierced

is obhged
with thorns, to expiate our sins,
on which he is to die, and moves
to carry the cross
on, labouring with sorrow, towards the place of
O Jesus of Nazareth, King of the rJews, liave
mercy on us [ten times'] Glory be to the Father, &:c.
V. — The Descent of our Saviour into Hell.

THE soul of our Saviour being separated by death

from the body, descends to that place where
the Saints were expecting their redemption.
O Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, liave
mercy on us [ten times], (ilory be to the Father, &c.

OJ KSUS, wliose name is above all names, that

the name of Jesus every kne« may bend,
those that are in heaven, on eartli, or in hell whose ;

mysterious humiliations and sorrows, appointed for

thee on account of om^ sins, appeared in the wasliing
of the feet of thy servants and creatures: in thy
distress, and prayer, and bloody sweat ; in thy being

secured and brought before courts as a criminal : in

thy bearing the load of the cross and in the separa-

tion of thy soul from thy body, and its descent to

the regions below ;
grant to us to celebrate those
mysteries to thy honour and our own salvation ;

who with the Father and the Holy Gliost, livest and
reignest God for all eternity. Amen.


I. — The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

rpiiK Lord Jesus Christ, which had

soul of our
-i- been separated from the body, is re-united to
it by a miracle of tiie Almighty Power and that ;

l)ody, which had been dead, rises to die no more.

O Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on us
[ten tiiiies'\. Glory be to the Father, &c.

II. The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.

rsMiE body Lord Jesus Christ ascends into

of our
X the highest heaven, where the Saviour of man-
kind sitsat the right hand of Godtbe Almighty Faiiier.
O Jesus, Son of the living God. have mercy on us
[Itn nines']. Glory be to the Father, &c.

[]|. Our Lord Jesus Christ semis duivu the Holy


OUR now seated at the right hand of

God, Almighty Father, sends down the
Holy Ghost, to inspire and animate his disciples,
that they may be qualified to publish to mankind
his cross and his glory.

O Jesiis, Son God, have mercy on us

of the living
[ten times]. Glory be to the Father, &c.

rV. — Onr Lord Jesus Christ crowning the Blessed

Virgin and Saints.

OUR Saviour, having by his passion, resurrection,

and ascension, opened the way for the Sons of
Adam to the heaven which they had lost by sin,
bestows on liis Mother and liis saints crowns of
iimn >rtal glory.

U Jesus, Son of the living God, have u\ercy on us

[ten times]. Glory be to the Father, &c.

V. — Our Lord Jesus Christ connng to Judgment.

OUR Saviour will come, in power and majesty, to

judge the living and the dead, and to render
to everyone according to his works.
O Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on us
[ten iimis]. Glory be to the Father, &c.

JESUS, whose name is above all names, that at
the name Jesus every knee may bend, of
those that are in heaven, on earth, or in hell whose ;

body, that was murdered by jnankind, the Almighty

laised from death glorious and immortal; who by
thy ascension triumphed over death and led captivity
oapiive ; wMio, according to thy promise, didst send
down the Spirit, that proceedeth from the Father
and thee, the Comforter and Enlivener; who, stretch-
ing forth the bounty of thy Almighty hand, didst


shed upon tlio oliosen children of Adam, that glory

which neither eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, nor
hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive
and who will come forth in power and majesty to
judge the living- and the dead; before whose throne
all mortals shall appear grant to us to celebrate these

mysteries to thy honour and our own salvation

who, with the l:\ather and the Holy Ghost, livest
and rcignest God for all eternity. Amen.
<) God, who hast made the most glorious name of

.'e.SLis Christ, thy Son, our Lord, most lovely to thy

faithful, by the great and alfectiug sweetness of it,

and at the same time dreadful to malignant spirits,
grant propitiously that all who venerate it on earth
may obtain the sweetness of consolation for the
present, and afterwards the joy of happiness with-
out end; through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son,
our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Ghost livetJi
and reigneth, God, world without end. Amen.

JESUS I cast myself and all my concerns into


your Sacred Heart, overflowing with all sweet-

ness. 1 commit to you with perfect confidence all
my spiritual and temporal interests. I beg of you
in the hours of my weakness and excitement, when
I forget and neglect to call upon you for help, to be
still ray Protector and Guide. Give me light to see
your will, strength to do it, and the grace not to
oliend you by the least deliberate fault. Amen.


MY Lord Jesus
which thou
Christ, throiigh that bitterness
didst suffer of on the Cross, when
thy blessed Soul was separated from thy Sacred
Body, have pity on iny sinful soul, when it shall
depart from my miserable body, and shall enter into
eternity. (One Had Murij.)
Mary, watch the hour when my departing soul
shall lose its hold on earthly things, and shall stand
unveiled in the presence of its Creator. Oh ! be
then to me and a tender Mother,
a powerful advocate
and place the merits of thy Son Jesus in the scales
of justice in my behalf. Amen. {One Hail Mary.')
O blessed St. Joseph, who hadst the happiest of
all deaths, obtain for us grace to die as thou didst in
the arms of Jesus and of Mary, and with thee to
enjoy their blessed company for all eternity. Amen.
{One Hail Mary.)
OGOD, who hast doomed all men to die, but hast
concealed from thehour of their death, grant

that 1 may pass my days in the practice of holiness

and justice, and that 1 may deserve to quit this world
in the peace of a good conscience, 'and in the embrace
of thy love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
LORD have mercy on her. Cleri^t have mercy on Jur.
Lord have mercy on her.
Holy Mother of God, pray for her.
All ye Angels and Archangels, pray for her.

All ye blessed Company of the Just,

All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, ^
All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, ^^'

All ye holy Disciples of our Lord, C

All ye holy Martyrs, ;;^

All ye lioly Bishops and Confessors, 2

All ye holy Virgins and Widows,
All ye holy Saints of God, make intercession for her.
Have mercy, O Lord and spare her.

Have mercy, O Lord ! and hear her.

From all her offences, and the punishment
due to them,
From all the snares and temptations of the devil.
From impatience and repining at thy just

chastisements, b
From dejection of spirit, and dilfidence in thy ^
mercies, ^
From all undue feai' of death, and immoderate 5
desires of life, %
From distraction of mind, and neglect of pre- >
paration for eternity, 5
By thy Cross and Passion,
By thy Death and Burial,
By thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension,
By the grace of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
In the hour of death, and in the day of judgment,
AYe sinners, beseech thee to hear us.
That it would please thee to comfort her in her

anguish, and enable her to look to a happy futurity,

We beseech thee to hear us.
412 i'RAvr;RS for a happy i->eatii.

That it would please thee to remind her of all

thy mercies, and encouraji'e her to confide in

thy goodness,
U'iiat thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant her tlie

grace to forgive those by whom she may have ^

been offended, and to satisfy those whom she '^"'

may have injured in word or deed, ^

That being thus reconciled to thee, and all i
creatures, she may, with assured hope, and ^
steadfast faith, receive the sacrament of thy J^

Blessed Body, and by this heavenly food be 3"

strengthened against the pangs of death, |"

That patient submission under the pains of sick- j

ness, may cxjvlate the punishment due to her ?=

sins, diminish herlove of this world, andincrease

herdesireof thehappiness which awaitsthe just.
That she may readily acquiesce in the orders of
thy providence, both in life and death,
Son of God, ive beseech thee to hear us.
Lamb of God, &c., &c.
Lord have mercy on us, &c.
Our Father, &c.
() Lord, hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto thee.

LET us PliAY.

4 LMIGHTY and Eternal God, in whose hands are

-i-'A. life and death, whose infinite wisdom disposes
allthings advantageously for those who love thee,
behold thv servant whom thou hast laid on the bed


of sickness ; comfort, we beseech thee, her afflicted

spirit; increase her faith, strengthen her hope, and
perfect her charity. Enable her to sanctify all her
sulferings, by patient resignation, and if thy mercy
shall restore her to health, may she carefully correct
all tiiat is displeasing in tliy sight. If it please thee
to call her out of this world, grant that she may
pass safely through the shades of death, transported
by thy holy angels into the mansions of bliss, where
no fear shall trouble her, no pain afflict her, no grief
<lisquiet her mind; but pure delight, unspeakable
joys, and perfect security shall be for ever confirmed
to her, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
DEPART, Christian soul, out of this world, in
the name of God the Fatlier iVlmighty, who
created thee ; in the name of Jesus Christ, Son of
the living God, who suffered for thee ; in the name
of the Holy Ghost, who was poured out upon thee
in thename of the Angels, Archangels in the name ;

of the Thronos and Dominations in the name of the ;

Principalities and Powers in the name of the Che- ;

rubim and Seraphim in the name of the Patriarchs


and Prophets in the name of the holy Apostles and


Evangelists in the name of the holy Martyrs and


Confessors in the name of the holy Monks and


Hermits; in the name of the holy Virgins, and of

all the Saints of God ; let thy place be this day in
peace, and thy abode in holy Siou, through Christ
our Lord. Amen.

God of ineii-y. God of goodness ! who, according

to the multitude of thy mercies, forgivest the sins of
such as repent, and graciously remittest the guilt of
their past offences, mercifully regard this thy servant
N. and hear her asking most earnestly a full remission
of her sins, llenew, merciful Father, whatever is
corrupt in her through human frailty, or by the
snares of the enemy ; make her a true member of
the Church, and let her pai'take of the fruit of thy
redemption. Have compassion, Lord, on her sighs,
take pity on her tears, and admit her to the Sacra-
ment of thy reconciliation, for she has no hope but
in thee. Througli Christ our Loid. Amen.
1 recommend thee, dear Sister, to Almighty God.
and leave thee to his mercy, whose creature thou art,
that, having paid the common debt by surrendering
thy soul, thou mayest return to thy Maker, who
formed thee out of the earth. I^t, therefore, the
holy angels meet thy soul at its departure let tlif ;

court of the apostles receive thee, let the triumphant

army of glorious martyrs conduct thee let the ;

crowds of joyful confe.ssors encompass thee let the ;

choir of blessed \irgins go before thee; and let a

happy rest be thy portion in the company of the
patriarchs let Jesus Christ appear to thee with a

mild and cheerful ooimtenance. and give thee a place

among those who are to be in his presence for ever.
Mayest thou be a stranger to all that is piuiished
with darkness, that is chastised with flames, and that
suffers in torments, May all the ministers of hell be

filled with confusion and shame, and let no evil spirit

dare to stop thee in thy way. Christ Jesus be thy
deliverer, who was crucified for thee : Christ Jesus
deliver thee from death, who vouchsafed to die for
thee; Christ Jesus, Son of the li\-ing God, place
thee in the possession of the ever new delights of
paradise ; and may he, the true Shepherd, own thee
for one of his flock ; may he absolve thee from all

thy sins, and place thee on his right hand, in the in-
heritance of his elect. We pray it may be thy happy
lot to behold thy Redeemer face to face to be for ;

ever in his presence, and in the vision of that truth

which is the joy of the blessed. Amen.
TT7E O Lord, the soul of this
reconuneiid to thee,
'T thy servant, and beseech thee, Jesus Christ.
Redeemer of the world, that as in mercy to her thou
becamest man, so now thou wouldst vouchsafe to
admit her into the number of the blessed. Remember,
Lord, she is thy creature, not made by strange god.-^,
but by thee, the only true and living God; for there
is no other God but thee, none that can work thy

wonders. Let her soul find comfort in thy sight,

and remember not her former sins, nor any of those
excesses which she has fallen into, through the
^^olence of passion and corruption. For although
she has sinned, yet she has still retained true faith
and Holy Ghost: she has had
in thee, Father, Son,
zeal for thy honour, and faithfully adored thee, her
God, and the Creator of all things.

Remcmljer not, O I^ord, we beseech thee, the .sins

and ignorance of her j'onth but according to thy

great mercy, be mindful of her in thy eternal glory.

Let the heavens be opened to her, f.nd the angels
rejoice with her. Receive, O Lord, thy servant into
thy kingdom. Let the Archangel St. Michael, the
chief of tiie heavenly host, conduct her. Let the holy
Angels of God meet her, and bring her into the city
of the heavenly Jerusalem. May blessed Peter the
Apostle, to whom were given the keys of the king-
do7ii of heaven, receive her. Mrv holy Paul the
Apostle, who was a ves.^el of election, lielp her. May
St. John, the beloved Disciple, to whom God revealed
the secrets of heaven, intercede for her. May all

the holy Apostles, to whom was given the power of

binding and loosing, pray for her. ^lay all the
blessed and chosen servants of God, who, in this
world, have suffered torments for the name of Christ,
pray for her, that, being delivered from this body of
corruption, she may be admitted into the kingdom
of heaven through the assistance and merits of our

Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with

the Father and the Holy Ghost, world Aviihout end.
Iffurther prayers are required, anj of the Penitential
Psalms may he saul.
Immediately after the sick pprM»n h i« pxpir«>d. the following
Respoiisory is said.

Come to her assistance, all ye saints of God; meet

her, all ye angels of God ; receive her soul, and pre-

sent it now before the Most High. May Jesus Christ

receive her, who called her, and the angels conduct
her to Abraham's bosom may they receive her
; soul,
and present it now before the Most High.
Grant her, O Lord, eternal rest,
And let perpetual light shine on her.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Our Father, &c.
And lead us not into temptation^ ^'c.

Grant her, O Lord, eternal rest, &c.

From the gates of hell.
Deliver her soul, Lord.
May she rest in peace.
O Lord, hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto thee.


we recommend
To vant thee. Lord,
the soul of thy ser-
that being dead to this world, she may
live to thee ; and whatever sins she has committed
through human frailty, we beseech thee, in thy good-
pardon through Christ our Lord.
ness, mercifully to


[418 ]

Prayer To be reciiid on Fasting Days, and at other penitential


Ant. Rejnember not.

Psalm vi. Domine, ne in furore.

1. David, in deep afflicion. prays fcir a mitig-atlon of the divine
antrt-r; 4. in considi. ration of God's mercy ; 6. his glory; 6. his
own repentance. 8. By faith triumphs over his enemies.

Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation,

nor chastise me in thy wrath.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am ^Yeak
heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.
And my soul is troubled exceedingly but thou, :

Lord, how long ?

Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my soul : save
me for thy mercy's sake.
For there is no one in death that is mindful of
thee and who shall confess to thee in
: hell ?
1 have laboured in my groanings every night

1 will wash my bed. and will water my couch with my

Mine eye is troubled through indignation : 1

have grown old among all my enemies.

Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity : for
the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.
Tlie Lord hath heard my supplication : the Lord
hath received my prayer.

Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be very much

troubled : let them be turned back, and be ashamed
very speedily. Glory be, &c.

Psalm xxxi. Beaii qiiorum.

1, Blessings remission of sins.
of 3. Misery of impenitence.
6. Confession of sin bringeth ease. 8. Safety. 14. Joy.

Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven,

and whose sins are covered.
Blessed the man to whom the Lord hath not

imputed sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Because I was silent, my bones grew old whilst
I cried out all the day long.
For day and night thy hand was heavy upon
me I am turned in mine anguish, whilst the thorn

is fasitened.

I have acknowledged my sin unto thee : and my

injustice I have not concealed.
I said, I will confess against myself my injustice
to the Lord : and thou hast forgiven the wickedness
of my sin.

For this shall every one that is holy pray to

thee : in a seasonable time.
And yet in a flood of many v/aters ;
they shall not
come nigh un^:o him.
Thou ait my refuge from the trouble which hath
encompassed me : my joy, deliver me from them that
surround me.
I will give thee imderstanding, and 1 will instruct
thee in this way, in which thou shalt go : I will fix
my eyes upon thee.

Do not become like the hoise and the mule, who

have no understanding.
With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws who come ;

not near unto thee.

Manj^ are the scourges of the sinner but mercy :

shall encompass him that hopeth in the Lord.

Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice ye just and ;

glory all ye right of hearc. Glory be, &c.

Psalm xxxvii. Bomine^iie in furore.

1. David's extreme anguish. 15. He hopeth in God. 18. His leslg:-
nation, grief. 22. Fervent prayer.
Rebuke me not,O Lord, in thine indignation : nor
chastise me in thy wrath.
For thine arrows are fastened in me: and thy hand
hath been strong upon me.
There is no health in my flesh, because of thy
wrath ; there is no peace to my bones, because of

my sins.
For mine iniquities are gone over my head and, :

as a hea\'y burden, are become heavy upon me.

My sores are putrefied and coiTupted : because of
my foolishness.
I am become miserable, and am bowed down even
to the end : walked sorrowful all the day long.
For my loins are filled with illusions and there is :

no health in my flesh.
I am afflicted and humbled exceedingly : I roared
with the groaning of my heart.
Lord, all my desire is before thee : and ray
groaning is not hidden from thee.


My heart is troubled, my strength has left

me : and the light of mine eyes itself is not with

My friends and my neiyhbom's have drawn near,

and stood against me.
And they that -were near me stood afar off and :

they that sought my soul used violence.

And they that sought evils to me ?poke vain
things and studied deceits all the day.

But I, as a deaf man. heard not and was as a :

dumb man, not opening his mouth.

And I became as a man tliat hcareth not and that ;

hath no reproofs in his mouth.

For in thee, O Lord, have I lioped thou wilt :

hear me, O Lord my God.

For I said, lest at any time mine enemies rejoice
over me: and whilst my feet are moved, they speak
great things against me.
For I am ready for scourges : and m.y sorrow is

continually before me.

For I will declare my iui(|iiity : and I will think
for my sin.

But my enemies live, and are stronger than I

and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied.

They that render evil for good have detracted
me, because I followed goodness.
Forsake) me not, O Lord my God : do not thou
depart from me.
Attend unto my help, O Lord, the God of my
salvation. Glory, &c.
422 THE penitt:ntial psalms.

Psalm l. Misarere.
1. David prayeth 3. for perfect sanctity;
for remission of his sins;
17. God delighteth not but in a contrite ho^rt;
in sacrifice,
19. he prayeth for the building of a temple in Jerusalem,
figuratively the exaltation of the Church.

Have mercy upon me, O God : according to thy

great mercy.
And according to the multitude of thy tender
mercies : blot out my iniquity.
Wash me yet more from my iniquity : and cleanse
me from my sin.
For I know my iniquity: and my sin is always
before me.
To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil
before thee . that thou mayst be justified in thy
words, and mayst overcome whe)i thou art judged.
For behold, I was conceived in iniquities and :

did my mother conceive me.

in sins

For behold, thou hast loved truth the uncertain :

and hidden things of thy wisdoin thou hast made

manifest to me.
Thou sprinkle me with liyssop, and T shall

be cleansed thou shalt wash me, and T shall be made


whiter than snow.

To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness :

and the bones that have been humbled shall

Turn away thy face from my sins : and blot out
all my iniquities.
Create a clean heart in me, God : and renew a
right spirit within my bowels.

Cast rae not caway from thy face: and take not
thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and :

strengthen me with a perfect spirit.

I will teach the unjust thy ways: and the wicked

shall be converted to thee.
Deliver me from blood, God, thou God of my
salvation and my tongue
: shall extolthy justice.
O Lord, thou will open my lips.- and my mouth
shall declare thy praise.
For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would indeed
liave given it : with burnt-offerings thou wilt not
be delighted.
A sacrifice of God is an afflicted spirit a con- :

trite and humble heart, O God. thou wilt not despiii'.

Deal favourably, Lord, in thy good will with
Sion : may be built up.
that the walls of -Jerusalem
Then thou accept the sacrifice of justice,
oblations, and whole burnt-offerings then shall they :

lay calves upon thine altar. Glory be, etc.

Psalm cl Domhip, cxaudi.

1. Tii^ extreme aaliction of thr; Psalmist, 12. The eternity and
mercy cf God. 19. To bo recorded and praised by future, gpnera-
tions. 2G. The unchaiigeabkness of God.

Hear O Lord, my prayer : and let ray cry come

to thee.
Turn not away thy face from me in the day :

when 1 am in trouble, incline thine ear unto me.

In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear
me speedily.


For my days are vanished like smoke : and my

bones are grown dry like fuel for the five,
I am smitten as grass, and my heart is withered :

because I forgot to eat my bre^d.

Through the voice of my groaning, my bone
hath cleaved to my flesh.
I am become like to a pehcan of the ^Yild^,'^ness:
I am like a night-raven in the house.
I have watched,, and am become as a sparrow
all alone on the house-top.
All the day long my enemies reproached me : and
they that praised me did swear against me.
For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled niy
drink with weeping.
Because of thy anger and inchgnation for having :

lifted me up thou hast thrown mc down.

My days have declined like a shadow, and I am
withered like griuss.

But thou. O Lord, endm-est for ever: and tliy

memorial to all generations.

Thou shalt arise and have mercy on Sion : for it

is time to have mercy on it, for the time is come.

For the stones thereof have pleased thy servants
;ind they shall have pity on the earth thereof.
And the Gentiles shall fear tliy name, O Lord, and
all the king.? of the earth thy glory.
For the Lord hath built up Sion : and he shall
be seen in his glory.
He hath had regard imto the prayer of tlie

humble and he hath not despised their petition.



Let these things be written unto another gene-

ration and the people that shall be created shall

praise the Lord.

Because he hath looked forth from his high sanc-
tuary from heaven the Lord hath looked upon the

That he might hear the groans of them tJiat are in
fetters that he might release the children of the slain.

That they may declare the name of the Lord in

Sion and his praise in Jerusalem.

Vrhen the people assemble together, and kings

to serve the Lord.
He answered him in the way of his strength
me the fewness of my days.
declare unto
Call me not away in the midst of my days : thy
years are unto generation and generation.
In the beginning, O Lord, thou fomidedst the
earth and the heavens are the works of thy hands.

TJiey shall perish, but thou remainest and all of :

them shall grow old like a garment.

And as a vesture thou shalt change them, and
rliey shall be changed but thou art always the

j«elf-same. and thy years shall not fail.

The children of thy servants shall continue and :

their seed shall be directed for ever.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
TsALM cxxix. Beprofundis.
An excellent model for sinners imploring,'- the divine mercy.

Out of the depths I have cried to thee, O Lord :

Lord, hear my voice



Let thiue oars be ntteutive to the voice of mv

If thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquities : Lord, who
shall Btand it ?

For with thee there is merciful forgiveness : and by

reason of thy law, I Lave waited for thee, O Lord.
My sou] hath relied on his word : my soul hath
hoped in the Lord.
the morning watch even until night, let
Israelhope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy and with :

him plentiful redemption.

And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Glory be, &c.

Psalm cxlu. Domini, frm/rfL

]. Davfd prfi_\ethfor favour In jnd?ment H. repre«ent« his dis-

tress. 7. He pr^iyrii for <?rao^ 9. for deliverance; 10. for sane


tif:cation; 12. -victury over his enfinies.

Hear, Lord, my prayer : give ear to my sup-

plication in thy truth thy justice.
; hear me in

And enter not into jud.^ment with thy servant

for in thy sight no man living shall be justified.
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul he :

hath brought down my life to the earth.

He hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those
that have been dead of old and my spirit is in :

anfruish within me my
heart within me is troubled.
I remembered the days of old, I meditated on
all thy works I mused upon the works of thy



I stretched forth iny hands to thee : iny soul is as

earth without water unto thee.
Hear me speedily, O Lord : my spirit hath fainted
'J'urn not away thy face from me lest I be like :

unto them that go down into the pit.

Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning for :

in thee have I hoped.

Make the way known to me wherein I should
walk : up my soul to thee.
for I have lifted
Deliver me from mine enemies, Lord ; to thee
liave I fled : teach me to do thy will, for thou art
my God.
Thy good spirit shall lead me into the ricrht
land: for thy name's sake, Lord, thou wilt quicken
me in thy justice.
Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble : and m
thy mercy thou wilt destroy mine enemies.
And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul
for Iam thy servant. Glory be. &c.
Avt. Remember not. Lord, our offences, nor
those of our parents : and take not revenge oi our
[ 428]

Sancte Joannes Baptista, St. John Baptist,

Ora pro nphis.

Sancte Joseph, Ora^ etc. St. Joseph,

Omnes sancti Patriarchse All ye holy Patriarchs
etProphetse, Orate, etc. and Prophets,
Sancte Petre, St. Peter,
Sancte Paule, St. Paul,
Sancte Andrea, St. Andrew,
Sancte Jacobe, St. James,
Sancte Joannes, St. John,
Sancte Thoma, St. Thomas,
Sancte Jacobe, St. James,
Sancte Philippe, St. Philip,

Sancte Bartholomaee, ^ St. Bartholomew,

Sancte JNlattbaee, ^ St. Matthew, ,

Sancte Simon, © St. Simon,

Sancte Thaddsee, i St. Thaddeiis,
Sancte Matthia, 5- St. Matthias,
Sancte Barnaba, St. Barnaby,
Sancte Liica, St. Luke,
Sancte Marce, St. Mark,

Omnes sancti Apostoli et All ye holy Apostles

Evangelist 3e, Orate., etc. and Evangelists,
Omnes sancti Discipiili All ye holy Disciples
Dommi, Orate, etc. of our Lord,
Omnes sancti Innocentes^ All ye holy Innocents,
Orate, etc.

Sancte Stephane, St. Stephen,

Sancte Laurenti, St. Laurence,
Sancte Yiucenti, St. Vincent,

Sancti Fabiane et Sebas- SS. Fabian and Sebas-

tiane, Orate pro nobis. tian,
Sancti Joannes et Paule, SS. John and Paul,
Orate, etc.

Sancti Cosmaet Damiane, SS. Cosmas and Damiau,

Orate, etc.

Sancti Gervasi et Protaai, SS. Gervase and Protase

Orate, etc.

Omnes sancti Martyres, All ye holy Martyrs,

Orate, etc.

Sancte Sylvester, St. Sylvester,

Sanote Gregori, ^ St. Gregory,
Sancte Ambrosi, »^ St. Ambrose,
Sancte Augustine, o St. Augustine,
Sancte Hieronjone, o St. Jerome,
Sancte Martine, f St. Martin, o^

Sancte Xicol*, St. Nicholas, .^

Omnes sancti Pontifice All ye holy Bishops ^'

ot Confessoies, Orate,ctc. and Confessors, s
Omnes sancti Doctores, All ye holy Doctors,
Orate, etc.

Sancte Antoni, St. Anthony,

Sancte Benedicte, St. Benedict,
Sancte Bernarde, St. Bernard,
Sancce Dominice, St. Dominic,
Sancte Francisce, St. Francis,
Omnes sancti Sacerdotes All ye holy Priests and
et Levitae, Orate, etc. Levites,
Omnes sancti Monachi et All ye holy Monks and
Eremitse, Oraie, etc. Hermits,

Ut nobis indulgeas, That thou pardon us.

Ut ad veram poeiiiten- That thou vouchsafe to
tiam nos perducere bring us to true pe-
digneris, nance.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam 'J hilt thou vouchsafe to
sanctarn, regere et govern and preserve
conservare digneres, thy holy Church,
Ut Dominura Apostoli- That thou vouchsafe to
ciim, et oinnes Eccle- preserve our Apos-
siasticos Ordines in tolic Lord, and all
sancta religione con- Ecclesiastical Orders :

servare digneris, holy religion,

in \

Ut inimicossanct?e Ec- That thou vouchsafe to <

clesiffi humiliare dig- humble the enemies :

neris, of the holy Church,

Ut Regibus et Principi- That thou vouchsafe to '

bus Christianis pacem give peace and true [

et veram concordiam concord to Christian

donare digneris, kings and princes,
Ut cuncto populo That thou vouchsafe
Christiano pacciii et to grant peace and
unitatem largiri dig- unity to all Christian
neris, people,
Ut nos metipsos in tuo That thou vouchsafe to
sancto servitio eon- confirm and preserve
fortare et conservare us in thy holy service.
Ut mentes nostras ad That thou lift up our
coelestiadesideria eri- minds to heavenly
gas, desires,


Ut omuibus benefac- That thou render eter-

toribusnostrissempi- nal good things to all
teriia bona retribuas, our benefactors.
Ut animas nostras, fra- That thou deliver our
trum, propinquorum, souls and those (»f
et benefactorum uos- '^'^
our brethren, kins- ^
trorum ab seterna.2 -Cl
folk, and benefac- ^
damnatione eripias, | tors, from eternal 2
damnation, o_

Ut fructus terrse dare § That thou vouchsafe to 5.

et conservare dig- ~" give and preserve the ^
iieris, I fruits of the earih, ^
Ut omnibus fidelibus That thou rouchsafe to a
defunctis requiem give eternal rest to ~

seternam donare dig- all the faithful de-

neris. parted,
Ut nos exaudire dig- That thou vouchsafe
neris, graciously to hear us.
Fili Dei, Son of God,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest
cata mundi, Parce nohis away the sins of tl:e

Domine. world, Spare us,

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of G od, who takest
cata mundi, Exaudi nos away tlie sins of tlie

Domine. world. Graciously hear

us, Lord
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest
cata mundi, Miserere away the sins of the
nohi-<. world, Havemercy on us.

rihristeaudi nos. Cbriste Christ, hear us. Christ,

exaudi nos. Kyrie elei- graciously hear us.

son. Christe eleison. Lord, have mercy on u?.

Kyrie eleison. Pater Christ, have mercy on us.
noster, secreto. Lord, have mercy on us.
Our Father, in secret.

V. Et ne nos inducaa V. And lead us not

in tentationem. into temptation.
R. Sed libera nos a R. But deliver us from
malo. Amen. evil. Amen.


DEUS in adjntorium Incline unto my aid

meum intende ;* Do- God; *0 Lord, make
mine .ad adjuvandiim me haste to help me.

Confundantur et reve- Let them be confounded

reantur, * qui qu?eriint and ashamed * that seek
animam meam. my goul.
Avertantuv retrorsum, Let them be turned
et erubescant,* qui volunt backward, and blush for
tnihi mala. shame, * that desire evils
to me.
Avertantur statim eru- L^t them be presently
" dicunt turned away blushing for
bescentes, qui
mihi, Euge, euge. shame, * that say to me,
'Tis well, 'tis well.
Exultent et laetentur in Let all that seek thee
te omnes qui quscrunt te, rejoice, and be glad in
* et dicant semper ; Mag- thee, * and let such as love


niticetur Dominiis qui di- thy salvation say always

ligunt salutare tiium. The liOrd be magnified.
Ego vero egenus et But I am needy and
pauper sura * Deus ad-
; poor, * O God, help me.
juva me.
Adjutor meus, et libera- Thou art my helper
tor mens es tu *Doiinne ;
nn<l my deliverer; * O
lie more lis. Lord, make no delay.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father
]'. Salvos fac servos T'. Save thy servants-
tuos. R. Deus meus spe- R. Trusting in thee. O my
rantes in te. V. Esto God. V. Be unto us, O
nobis D online turris for- Lord, a tower of strength.
titadinis. R. A facie in! R. From the face of the
mici. T'. Xiliil proficiat enemy. V. Let not the
inimicus in nobis. R. Et enemy prevail against us
filius iniquitatis non ap- at all. R. Xorthe son of
ponat nocere nobis.. T'. iniquity have any power
l^omine, non fsecundum to hurt us. V. O Lord,
poccata nostra facias no- deal not with us according
bis. 7t. Ncque secundum to our sins. R. Neither
iniquitates nostras retri- reward us according to
buas nobis. V. Oremus our iniquities. V. Ijet
pro Pontifice nostro A'. us pray for our chief
R. Dominus conservet Bishop. R. Our Lord
eum, ct vivificet eum, et preserve him. and give him
beatum faciat eum in and make him blessed

terra, et non tradat eum upon earth, and deliver

in animara iuimicorum him not to the will of
ejus. V. Oremus pro his enemies. Let us pray
benefactoribus nostris. for our benefactors.
R. Retribuere dignare R. Vouchsafe, O Lord, for
Domine, omnibus nobis thy mame's sake, to reward
bona facientibus, propter with eternal life all them
nomen tuum, vitam seter- that have done us good-
nam. Amen. V. Oremus Amen. V. Let us pray
pro fidelibus defunctis. K. for the faithful departed.
Requiem reternam dona R. Eternal rest give to
eis Domine, et lux per- them, Lord ;
and let

petua luceat eis. T'^. Re- perpetual light shine upon

quiescant in pace. R. them. V. May they rest
Amen. V. Pro fratribus in peace. R. Amen. V.

nostris absentibus. R. For our absent brethren.

Salvos fac servos tuos, R. my God, save thy
Deus mens, sperantes in servants trusting in thee.
te. T^ ^litte eis Domine V. Send them help, O
auxilium de sancto. R. Lord, from thy holy pi ace.
Et de Sion tuere eos. V. it. And from Sion pro-

Domine exaudi orationem tect them. F. Lord,

meam. R. Et clamor hear my prayer. R. And
mens ad te veniat. let my cry come unto thee.
lj:t us pray.
always to Imve mercy
OGOD, whose attribute it is,

and to spare, receive our petition, that we, and

ailthy servants who are bound by the chains of sin,
may, by the compassion of thy goodness, mercifully
be absolved.
Hear, we beseech thee, O Lord, the prayers of thy
suppliants, and pardon the sins of them that confess

to thee ; that, in thy bounty, thou mayest give ui

both pardon and peace.
Out of thy clemency, O Lord, show thy unspeak-
able mercy to us, that so, thou mayest both acquit us
of our sins, and deliver us from the punishment we
deserve for them.
O God, who by sin art offended, and by penance
pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of thy people
making supplication to thee, and turn away the
scourges of thy anger, which we deserve for our sins.

Almighty and Eternal God, have mercy on thy
servant iV., our chief Bishop, and direct hhn
according to thy clemency, in the way of ever-
lasting salvation that by thy grace he may desire

those things that are agreeable to thee, and perform

them with all his strength.
God, from whom are all holy desires, right coun-
sels, and just works, give to thy servants that peace

which the world cannot give that oiu' hearts may


be disposed to keep thy commandments, and the

fear of enemies being removed, the times, by thy pro-
tection, may be peaceable.
Inflame,Lord, our reins and hearts with the fire
of thy Holy Spirit, that we may serve thee with a
chaste body, and please thee with a clean heart.
God, the Creator and Redeemer- of all the faith-
ful, give to the souls of thy servants departed the
remission of all their sins ;
that through pious sup-
plications they may obtain the pardon which they
have always desired.

Prevent, we beseech thee. O Lord, our actions by

thy holv inspirations, and carry them on by thy gra-
cious assistance ; that every prayer and work of ours
may always begin from thee, and by thee be happily
Almighty and Eternal God, who hast dominion
over the living and the dead, and art merciful to all

whom thou foreknowest shall be thine by faith and

good works; we humbly beseech thee that they for
whom we have determined to offer up our prayers,
whether this world still detains -them in the flesh, or
the world to come has already received them out of
their bodies, may, by the clemency of thy goodness,
all thy saints interceding for them, obtain pardon and

full remission of all their sins, through our Lord

Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth, etc.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
/?. And let my cry come unto thee.
V. May the Almighty and most merciful Lord
graciously hear us. R. Amen.
V. And may the souls of the faithful departed,
ihrough the mercy of God, rest in peace. R. Amen.

^ Otniii^rsal |3ray^r

O^IY God, do thou strengther.

I believe in thee,
my faith. All my
hopes are in thee do thou ;

secure them. 1 love thee with my whole heart: oh!

teach me to love thee daily more and more. I am
sorry that I have offended thee do thou increase ;

my sorrow.
I adore t'lee as my first beginning ; I aspire after
thee as my last end ; I give thee thanks as my con-
stant benefactor : I call upon thee as my sovereign
Vouchsafe, O my God, to conduct me by thy wis-
dom, to restrain me by thy justice, to comfort me
by thy mercy, to defend me by thy power.
To thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts,
words, actions and sufferings that henceforward I ;

may thhik of thee, speak of thee, willingly refer all

t ly actions to thy greater glory, and suffer willingly
whatever thou shalt appomt.
Lord, I desire that in all things thy will may be
done, because it is thy will, and in the manner thou
I beg of thee to enlighten my imderstandiug, to
inflame my will : to purify my body, and to sanctify
my sold.
Give me strength, O my God, to expiate my
oft'ences, to overcome my temptations, to subdue
my passions, and to acquire the virtues proper for
my state.
Fill my heart with a tender affection for thy good-
ness, a hatred for my faults, a love for my neighbour,
and a contempt of the world.
Let me always remember to be submissive to my
superiors, condescending to my inferiors, faithful to
my and charitable
friends, to my enemies.
Assist me
to overcome sensuality by niortification,
avarice by ahns-deedSj anger by meekness, and
tepidity by devotion.
O my God, make me prudent in my undertakmgs,
courageous in dangers, patient in afflictions, and
liumble in prosperity.
Grant that I may be ever attentive at my prayers,
temperate at mj meals, diligent in my employments,
and constant in my resolutions.
Let my conscience be ever upright and pure, my
exterior modest, my conversation edifying, and my
comportment regular.
Assist me, that I may continually labour to over-
come nature, to correspond with thy grace, to keep
thy commandments, and to work out my salvation.
Discover to me, O my God, the nothingness of
this world, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of
time, and the length of eternity.
Grant that I may prepare for deatii, that 1 may
fear thy judgments, that 1 may escape hell, and
in the end obtain heaveri tlirough Jesus Christ.

When the -whoie Office ia said, the Vespers should be recited in
the evening, and the Matins and Lauds on the followin,? morninc:.
concluding with one or more appropriate prayers. The Antiphons
are doubled, that is. said completely before and after each Psalm
on All Souls" Day. the Day of Burial, .ind on the third, seventh,
and thirtieth days alter Decease, as a!so on the Anniversary. On
other occasions, only one or tv/o words of the Antiphon are recited
before each Psalm, and the whole of the Antiphon at the end thereof.


Ant. I will please the Lord in the land of the

Psalm cxiv. Lilexi^ quoniam.

I have loved, because the Lord will hear the voice

of my prayer.
Because he hath inclined his ear unto me and in :

oiy days I will call upon him.

The sorrows of death have compassed me and the :

perils of hell have found me.

I met with trouble and sorrow and [ called upon

the name of the Lord.

Lord, deliver my soul. The Lord is merciful and
just, and our God showeth mercy.
The Lord is the keeper of little ones I was :

humbled, and he delivered me.

Turn, my soul, into thy rest for the Lord hath

been bountiful to thee.

For he hath delivered my soul from death my ;

eyes from tears, my feet from falling.

1 will please the Lord in the land of the living.

Grant them eternal rest, Lord :

And let perpetual light shine on them.

Ant. I will please the Lord in the land

My help is from the liOrd, who hath made heaven

aud earth.
May he not suffer thy foot to be moved ; neither
let him slumber that keepeth thee.
Behold he shall neither slumber nor sleep, that
keepeth Israel.
The Lord is thy keeper, tlie Lord is thy protec-
tion upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not burn thee by (hiy nor the moon :

by night.
The Lord keepeth thee from all evil may the ;

Lord keep thy soul.

May the Lord keep thy coming in and thy going
out, from henceforth, now, and for ever.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Anfh. The Lord keepeth thee from all evil may ;

the Lord keep thy soul.

Anth. If thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquities ; Lord,
who shall stand it ?

fsALM cxxix. De profundis (page 118).

Av.t. If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities; Lord,
who shall stand it y

Ant. Despise not, O Lord, the works of thy hands.

FSALM cxxxvii. Confitehor tibi.

I will praise thee, Lord, with my whole heart :

for thou hast heard the words of my mouth.

I will sing praise to thee in the sight of the angels :

I will worship towards thy holy temple, and I will

give glory to thy name.


For thy mercy, and for thy truth ; for thou hast
magnified thy holy name above all.
In wJiat day soever I. shall call upon thee, hear
me thou shalt multiply strength in my soul.

May all the kings of the earth give glory to thee :

for they have heard all the words of thy mouth.

And let them sing iu the ways of the Lord : for
great is the glory of the Lord.
For the Lord is high, and looketh on the low
ftnd the high he knoweth afar off.

If I shall walkmidst of tribulation, thou

in the
wilt quicken me and thou hast stretched forth thy

hand ngainst the wrath of my enemies and thy right ;

hand hath saved me.

The Lord will repay for me thy mercy, Lord,

endureth for ever. Oh, despise not the works of thy

Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Anth. Despise not, Lord, the works of thy hands.
V. I heard a voice from heaven saying to me,
7?. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

Ant. All that the Father giveth to me, shall come

to me; and him that cometh to me, 1 will not cast

Gonticle of the Blessed Virgin Morij (p. 502).

Grant them eternal rest, &c.

Ant. All that the Father giveth to me, shall come

to me ; and him that cometh to me I will not cast

The following Prayers are said kneeling.

Our Father, &c., in secret.

V. And lead us not into temptation.

R. But deliver us from eWl.
Psalm cxlv. Lauda anima.
Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will
praise the Lord : I -will sing to my God as long as i
shall be.
Put not your trust in princes in the children of :

men, in whom there is no salvation.

His spirit shall go forth, and he shall return into
his earth in that day all their thoughts shall peiish.

Blessed is he who hath the God of Jacob for bis

helper, whose hupe is in the Lord his God who made :

heaven and earth, the sea, and all things that are in
Who keepeth truth for ever ; who executeth judg-
ment for them that suiter wrong ;
wlio giveth food
to the himgry.
The Lord looseth them that are fettertd : the Lord
eulighteneth the blind.
The Lord lifteth up them that are cast down the :

Lord loveth the just.

The Lord keepeth the strangers he will support :

the fatherless and the widow and the ways of sinners


he will destroy.
The Lord shall reign for ever; thy God, O Sion,
unto generation and generation.
• This Fsalm is omitted on AU Saints' Day, and on the day of

Grant them eternal rest, &c.

V. Froiii the gates of hell.
/?. Deliver their souls, O Lord.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come to thee.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.


OGOD, who among thy apostolic priests, hast

bestowed on thy servants the dignity of
bishops or priests : we beseech thee, that
these may also be joined with them in perpetual
O God, the giver of pardon, and lover of human
salvation, we beseech thy clemency, that the brethren,
relations, and benefactors of our congregation, who
are departed this life, may, through the interces-
sion of the blessed Mary, ever a virgin, and
of all thy saints, attain to the fellowship of eternal

God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faith-

ful, give to the souls of thy servants, men and
women, the remission of all their sins; thut by pious
supplications they may obtain the pardon they have
always desired. Who livest and reignest, world
without end.
it. Amen.
V. Eternal rest give them, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual light shine on them.
T^ May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
[On the Commemoration of All Sonh, the last nf the

foregoing Prayers is said exclusively, with the following

conclusion : Who livest and reignest with God the
Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world
without end. Amen.]

A Proheron the Day of the decease of a Man or Woman.

ABSOLVE, we beseech
Lord, the soul of
thee, O
thy servant N., that being dead to the world, he
(or she) may live to thee and whatever sins he (or

she) has committed through human frailty, do thou

wipe away by the pardon of thy most merciful good-
ness through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who

'iveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the

Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
E. Amen.
V. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
B. And let pei-petual light shine on them.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.

A Prayer for a Bishop or Priest deceased. When it

isfor a Priest, the word Pontifical is omitted, and
Priestly introduced.

OGOD, who among thy apostolic priests hast

bestoAved on thy servant N., the p'aitifical {or
priestly) dignity; grant, we beseech thee, that he
may also be joined with them in perpetual society.
Through, &c.
For a Father and Mother deceased.

OGOD, who hast commanded us to honour our

father and mother, have compassion, in thy
mercy, on the souls of my father and mother, and
forgive them their sins, and grant that we may meet
in the joy of eternal bliss. Through, &c.

For a Father or Mother.

OGOD, who' hast commanded us to honour our

father and mother, have mercy through thy
goodness on the soul of my father (or my mother),
and forgive him (Jier') his (Jier^ sins, and grant I may
see him Qier) in the joy of eternal bliss. Through, &c.

For a Man deceased.

INCLINE, O Lord, thy ear to our prayers, in which

we humbly beseech thy mercy, that thou wouldst
place the soul of thy servant, which thou hast caused
to depart from this world, in the region of peace and
light ; and give him a share in the fellowship of thy
saints. Through, &c.

For a Woman deceased.

TT7E beseech O
Lord, for thy goodness, have
\V mercy on the soul of thy servant and being ;

freed from the corruption of mortality, restore to

her the portion of eternal salvation. Through, &c.


On an Anniversary Day. If it he for one person only,

it i^ to be said in the singular numuer.

OLORD, the God of pardon, give to the souls of

thy servants, men and women, -svhose anni-
versary day of departure we commemorate, the seat
of refreshment, the happiness of rest, and the
brightness of eternal light. Through, &c.

For Brethren, Relations, and Benefactors.

OGOD, the giver of pardon, and lover of human

salvation, we beseech thy clemency to grant
that the brethren, relations, and benefactors of our
congregation, who are departed this world, may, by
the intercession of the blessed Mary, ever virgin^
and of all thy saints, attain to the fellowship of
eternal beatitude. Through, &c.
For the Dead in general.

OGOD, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faith-

ful, give to the souls of thy servants, men and
women, the remission of all their sins, that, by pious
supplications, they may obtain the pardon which
they have always desired. Who livest and reignest
world without end. R. Amen.

The following Invitatoi-y is recited on All-Souls' Day, on day of
Burial, and as often as the three yoctttnis are said. At other times
it is omitted, and the Office hejrin? -with the Antiphon of the Psalms
of the Nocturn assigned to the day. The trrft yocturn is assiu'ned
to Monday and Thursday; the s«co«(f. to Tuesday and Friday the ;

third, to Wedno-id.'iy and Saturday.



The Invitatory.

Come, let us adore the Km^j, to whom all things


Come, let us adore the Kmg\ to whom all tilings


Psalm xciv. Venite exultemus.

Come, us praise the LordTvith joy let us joy-

let :

fully sing to God our Saviour. Let us come before

his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful
noise to hjm with psalms.
Come, let us adore the King, to whom all things

For the Lord a great God, and a great King


above all gods because the Lord repels not his


people, for in his hand are all the ends of the earth
and the heights of the moimtains are his.
Come, let us adore.
For the sea is his, and he made it and his hands :

formed the dry land. Come, let us adore and fall

down, and weep before the Lord that made us.
For he is the Lord our God, and we are the people
of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
Come, let us adore the King, to whom all things

To-day if you shall hear his voice, harden not your

hearts: as in the provocation, according to the day
of temptation in the wildernesswhere your fathers

tempted me, they proved me, and saw my works.

Come, let us adore.
Forty years long was I offended with that gene-
ration and I said
; These always err in heai't.

And these men have not known my ways so I :

swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my

Come, let us adore the Kmg, to wliom all things

Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual

light shine on them.
Come, let us adore.
Come, let us adore the King, to whom all things


On Morviny and Thuvciday.

Ant. Direct.

Psalm v. Verba mea.

Give ear, Lord, to my words, understand my cry.

Hearken to the voice of my prayer, O my King
and my God.
For to thee will I pray O Lord, in the moming :

thou ehalt hear my voice.

In the moming I will stand before thee, and will
see because thou art not a God t)jat wiliest inio^uity.

Neither shall the wicked dwell near thee nor shall :

the unjust abide before thy eyes.

Tliou hatest all the workers of iniquity : thou wilt
destroy all that speak a lie.

The bloody and the deceitful man the Lord will

abhor : but as for me, in the multitude of thv merrv,


I will come into thy house I will worebip towards


thy holy temple, in thy fear.

Conduct me, O Lord, in thy justice because of my :

enemies, direct my way in thy sight.

For there is no truth in their mouth : their heart
is Yain.
Their throat is an open sepulchre
they dealt de- :

ceitfully with their tongues judge them, O God.


Let them fall from their devices according to the :

multitude of their wickednesses cast them out for :

they have provoked thee, O Lord.

But let all them be glad that hope in thee they ;

shall rejoice for ever, and thou shalt dwell in them.

And all they that love thy name shall glory in
th?e for thou wilt bless the just.

O Lord, thou hast crowned us, as with a shield

of thy good-will.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Aiit. Direct, O Lord my God, my steps in thy

A7)t. Turn to me, O Lord.

FsAT.M VI. Domine, nein furore. (See p. 418).

Grant them eternal rest, &c.

Ant. Turn to me, O Lord, and deliver my soul
for there is none in death who will be mindful of thee
Ant. Lest at any time.

Psalm vii. Domhie. Dens mens.

Lord, my God, in thee have I put my trust : save
mo from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.

Lest at any time he seize upon my soul, like alien,

while there no one to redeem me, nor to save.

O Lord, my God, if I have done this thing, if there

be iniquity in my hands :

If I have rendered to them that repaid me evils

let me deservedly fall empty before my enemies.
Let the enemy pursue my soul, and seize it, and
tread down my life on the earth, and bring down my
glory to the dust.
Rise up, O Lord, in thy anger ; and be thou
exalted in the borders of my enemies.
And arise, O Lord my God, in the precept which
thou hast commanded. And a congregation of
people shall surround thee.
And for their sakes return thou on high. The Lord
judgeth the people.
Judge me, Lord, according to my justice, and
according to my innocence in me.
The wickedness of sinners shall be brought to
nought, and thou shalt direct the just the searcher :

of hearts and reins, is God.

Just is my help from the Lord: who savcth the
upright of heart.
God is a just judge, strong and patient is he :

angry every day ?

Except you will be converted, he will brandish his
sword he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.

And in it he hath prepared the instruments of

death he hath made ready his arrows for them that

Behold he hath been in labour with injustice; he
hath conceived sorrow, and brought forth iniquity.
He hath opened a pit and dug it ; and he is fallen

into the hole he made.

His sorrow shall be turned on his own head ; and
his iniquity shall come down upon his crown.
I will give glory to the Lord according to his
justice ;
and will sing to the name of the Lord the
most high.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Ant. Lest at any time he seize upon my soul,
like a lion, while there is no one to redeem me
nor to save.
V. From the gates of hell,
R. Deliver their souls, O Lord.
Our Father, &c., in secret.

The First Lesson. Job \i\.

Spare me, O Lord, for my days are nothing. Wnat

is man that thou shouldst magnify him? or why
dost thou set thy heart upon him ? Thou visitest
him early in the morning, and tiiou provest him
suddenly. How long wilt thou not spare me, nor
let me alone to swallow down my spittle ? I have
sinned, what shall I do to thee, O keeper of men?
why hast thou set me opposite to thee, and I am
become burdensome to myself ? Why dost thou not
remove my sin, and why dost thou not take away my
iniquity? Behold now I shall sleep in the dust;
and if thou seek me in the morninif 1 shall not be.


R. I believe my Redeemer liveth, and that in the

bst day I shall rise from the caith. And in ray flesh I
shall see God my Saviour.
V. Whom I myself shall see, and not another,
and my eyes shall behold. And in my flesh.

The Second Lesson. Job x.

My soul is weary of my life ; I will let go my

speech against myself, I will speak in the bitterness
of my soul. I will say to God Do not condemn

me ; tell me why thou judgest me so. Doth it seem


good to thee that thou ehoiildst calumniate me, and

oppress me, the work of thy own hands, and help the
coimsel of the wicked V Hast thou eyes of flesh ;

or shalt thou see as man seeth? Are thy days as

the days of man, and are thy years as the times of
men, that thou shouldst inquire after my iniquity,
and search after my sin V And shouldst know that
I have done no wicked thmg, whereas there is no
man that can deliver out of thy hand.
R. Thou who didst raise Lazarus stinking from
the grave. Thou, O Lord, give them rest, and a
place of pardon.
r. Who art to come to judge the living and tlie

dead, and the world by fire. Thou, O Lord.

I'he Third Lessoji. Job x.

Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me wholly

round about, and dost thou thus cast me down head-
long on a sudden ? Remember, I beseech thee, that
thou hast made mc as the clay, and thou wilt bring


me into dust again. Hast thou not milked me as milk

and curdled me like cheese ? Thou hast clothed me
with skin and flesh thou hast put me together with

bones and sinews: thou hast granted me life and

mercy, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.
R. O Lord, when thou wilt come to judge the earth,
where shall I hide myself from the face of thy wrath ?
For I have sinned exceedingly during my life.
V. I dread my misdeeds, and blush before thee
do not condemn me, when thou wilt come to judge.
For I have sinned exceedingly during my life.
V. Grant them eternal rest, Lord, and let per-
petual light shine on them. For I have.
ffer-e Lauch are recited when the first Nocturn only is said.


On Tuesday and Friday.

Ant. In a place of pasture.

Psalm xxii. Dominvs regit me.

The Lord ruleth me ; and I shall v*'ant nothing.

He hath set me in a place of pasture.
He hath brought me up on the water of refresh-
ment ; he hath converted my soul.
He hath led me*, on the paths of justice, for his
own name's sake.
Forthough walk in the midst of the shadow
I should
no evils, for thou art with me.
of death, I will fear
Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me.
Thou hast prepared a table before me, against them
that afflict me.


Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my

which inebriateth me, how goodly is it
And thy mercy "«ill follow me all the days of my life.
And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord,
unto length of days.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Ant. In a place of pasture he hath set me.
Ant. The offences.

Psalm xxiv. Ad te, Domine, levari.

To O Lord, have I lifted up my soul. In thee,

my God, I put my trust let me not be ashamed.

Neither let my enemies laugh at me for none of :

them that wait on thee shall be confounded.

Let all them be confounded that act unjust things
without cause.
Direct me in thy truth, and teach me for thou art :

God my Saviour; and on thee have I waited all the

day long.
Remember, O Lord, thy bowels of compassion and ;

thy mercies that are from the beginning of the world.

The sins of my youth and my ignorances do not
According to thy mercy remember thou me : for
thy goodness' sake, Lord.
The Lord is sweet and righteous : therefore he will
give a law to sinners in the way.
He "will guide the mild in judgment : he will teach
the meek his ways.

All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth, to

them that seek after his covenant and his testirnoiiie.^.
For thy name's sake, O Lord, thou wilt pardon my
sin : for it is great.
Who man that f earcth the Lord ? he hath
is the
appointed him a law in the way he hath chosen.
His soul shall dwell in good things and his seed :

shall inherit the land.

The Lord is a firmament to them that fear him ;

and his covenant shall be made manifest mito

My eyes are ever towards the Lord ; for he shall
pluck my feet out of the snare.
Look thou upon me, and have mercy on me ; for I
am alone and poor.
The troubles of my heart are multiplied : deliver
me from my necessities.
See my abjection and my labour ;
and forgive me
all my sins.
Consider my enemies, for they are multiplied, ajid

have hated me with an unjust hatred.

Keep thou my soul, and deliver me I shall not be :

ashamed, for 1 have hoped in thee.

The innocent and the upright have adhered to me ;

because I have waited on thee.

Deliver Israel, O God, from all his tribulations.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Ant. The sins of my youth, and my ignoiances
do not remember, O Lord.
Ant. I believe to see.

Psalm xxvi. Dominusilluruinaiio mea.

The Lord is my light and ray sahation, whom shall
I fear?
The Lord is the protector of my life ; of whom
shall I be afraid ?
Whilst the wicked draw near against me to cat my

My enemies that trouble nie have themselves been

weakened, and have fallen.
If armies in camp shoidd stand together against
me, my heart shall not fear.
If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I
be confident.
One thing have I asked of the Lord, this will I
seek after ; that I may dwell in the house of the
Lord all the days of my life.
That I may see the delight of the Lord, and may
visit his temple.
For he hath hidden me in liis tabernacle : in the day
of evils, he hath protected me in the secret place of
his tabernacle.
He me upon a rock and now he hath
hath exalted :

lifted up my
head above my enemies.
1 have gone round, and liave offered up in his taber-
nacle a sacrifice of jubilation. I will sing, and recite
a psalm to the Lprd.
Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which 1 have cried
to thee have mercy on me, and hear me.

My heart hath said to thee my face hath sought


thee : thy face, O Lord, will I still seek.


Turn not away thy face from me : decline not in

thy wrath from thy servant.
Be thou my helper, forsake me not ; do not thou
despise me, O God my Saviour.
For my father and my mother have left me ; but
theLord hath taken me up.
Set me, Lord, a law in thy way, and guide me in
the right path, because of my enemies.
Deliver me not over to the will of them that trouble
me : for unjust witnesses have risen up against me :

and iniquity hath lied to itself.

I believe to see the good things of the Lord in the
land of the living.
Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy heart
take courage, and wait thou for the Lord.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Ant. I believe to see the good things of the Lord
in the land of the living.
V. May the Lord place him with the princes.
R. With the princes of his people.
Our Father, &c., iyi secret.

TJie fourth Lesson. Job Xlii.

Answer me how many are my iniquities and


sins? make me know my crimes and offences. Why

bidest thou thy face, and thinkest me thy enemy ?
Against a leaf that is carried away with the wind,
thou showest thy power, and thou pursuest a dry
straw. For thou writest bitter things against me,
and Avilt consume me for the sins of my voi'th.


Thou hast put my feet in the stocks, and hast ob-

served all my paths, and hast considered the steps
of my feet, who am to be consumed as rottenness,
and as a gamient that is moth-eaten,
R. Remember me, O God, because my life is but
wind. Xor may the sight of man behold me.
V. From the depths I have cried to thee, Lord.
Lord, hear my voice. Xor may.

The fifth Lesson. Job xrv.

Man born of a v/oman, living for a short time, is

filled with many miseries. Who cometh forth like
a flower, and is destroyed, and fleeth as a shadow,
and never continueth in the same state. And dost
thou think it meet to open thy eyes upon such an
one, and to bring him into judgment with thee?
Who can make him clean that is conceived of im-
clean seed ? Is it not thou who only art ? The days
of man are short, and the number of his months is
with thee thou hast appointed his bounds which

cannot be passed. Depart a little from him, that he

may rest, imtil his wished-for day come, as that of
the hireling.
R. Woe is me, O Lord, because I have sinned
exceedingly during my life Oh wretch, what shall
: !

1 do, whither shall I fly but to thee, my God

Have mercy on me when thou comest at the last
V. My soul is greatly troubled ; but thou, O Lord,
succour it. Have mercy on me.

The sixth Lesson. Job xiv.

Who will grant me this, that thou mayest protect
me in and hide me till thy wrath pass, and

appoint me a time, when thou wilt remember me?

Shall man that is dead, thinkest thou, live again ?
All the days in which I am now in warfare, I expect
until my change come. Thou shalt call me, and I
will answer thee : to the work of thy hands thou
shalt reach out thy right hand. Thou indeed hast
nmnbered my steps, but spare my sins.
R. Remember not my sins, O Lord, when thou
wilt come by fire.
to judge the world
V. Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight.
When thou wilt come to judge the world by fire.
V. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let per-
petual light shine on them When. :

Here the Lauds are recited tchen the second Nociurn only is said.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Ant, Re pleased.

Psalm xxxix. Expectans expectavi.

With expectation I have waited for the Lord, and
he was attentive to me.
And he heard my prayers, and he brought me out
of the pit of misery and the mire of dregs.
And he set my feet upon a rock, and directed my
And he put a new canticle into my mouth, a eong
to our God.


Many shall see, and shall fear : and they shall hope
in the Lord.
Blessed is the man whose trust is in the name of
the Lord : and who hath not had regard to vanities
and lying follies.

Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, Lord

my God and in thy thoughts there is no one
: like to
I have declared and 1 have spoken : they are
multiplied above number.
Sacrifice and oblation thou didst not desire but :

thou hast pierced ears for me.

Burnt-offering and sin-offering thou didst not
require then said I, Behold I come.

In the head of the book it is written of me, that 1

should do thy will O my God, I have desired it, and

thy law in the midst of my heart.

1 have declared thy justice in a great church
lo, I will not restrain my lips, O Lord, thou knowest


I have not hid thy justice within my heart : I have

declared thy truth and thy salvation.
I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth from
a great coimcil.
Withhold not thou, O Lord, thy tender mercies
from me thy mercy and thy truth have always

uplield me.
For evils without number have surrounded mc
my iniquities have overtaken me, and I was not able
to see
They are multiplied above the hairs of my head :

and my heart hath forsaken me.

Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me ; look down, O
Lord, to help me.
Let them be confounded and ashamed together,
that seek after my soul to take it away.
Let them be turned backward and be ashamed
that desire evils to me.
Let them immediately bear their confusion, that
say to me, 'Tis well, 'tis well.
Let all that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee :

and let such as love thy salvation, say always, the

Lord be magnified.
But I am a beggar and poor the Lord is careful

for me.
Thou art my helper and my protector O my God :

be not slack.
G-rant them eternal rest, &c.
Ant. Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me •
down, O
Lord, to help me.
Ant. Heal, O LorU.

Psalm xl. Beatus qui intelUgit.

Blessed is he that understandeth concerning the

needy and the poor : the Lord will deliver him in the
evil day.
The Lord preserve him and give him life, and make
upon the earth and deliver him not up
liim blessed ;

to the will of his enemies.

The Lord help him on his bed of sorrow : thou
liast turned all his couch in liis sickness.


I said: O Lord, be thou meicifnl to me : heal my

6011I, for I have sinned against thee.
My enemies have spoken evils against me : when
shall he die, and his name perish V
And if he came in to see me, he spoke vain tilings
his heart gathered together iniquity to itself.

He went out and spoke to the same purpose.

All my enemies whispered together against me
they devised evils to me.
They determined against me an imjust word shall :

he that sleepeth rise again no more V

For even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted,

who ate my bread, hath greatly supplanted me.
But thou, O Lord, have mercy on me, and raise me
up again and I will requite them.

By this I know that thou hast had a good-will for

me, because my enemy shall not rejoice over me.
But thou hast upheld me by reason of my
innocence and hast established me in thy sight for

Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel from eternity
to eternity. So be it. So be it.
Ant. Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Aid. Heal, O Lord, my soul, because 1 have
sinned against ihee.
AJit. My soul hath thiisted.

Psalm xli. Quemadmodum desrderat.

As the hart panteth after the foimtains of waters

30 my sold panteth after thee, O God.


My soul hath thu'sted after the strong living God !

when shall I come and appear before the face of God?

My tears have been my bread day and night, whilst
it is said to me is thy God?
daily, Where
These things I remembered, and poured out my
soul in me for I shall go over into the place of the

wonderful tabernacle, even to the house of God

With the voice of joy and praise the noise of one ;

AVhy art thou sad, O my soul, and why dost thou
trouble me ?
Hope in God ; for I will still give praise to him,
the salvation of my countenance, and my God.
My soul is troubled within myself ; therefore will
I remember thee from the land of Jordan and
Ilermoniim, from the little hill.
Deep calleth on deep at the noise of thy floodgates.
All thy heights and thy billows have passed over me.
In the day-time the Lord hath commanded his
mercy ; and a canticle to him in the night.
With me is prayer to the God of my life. I will
say to God, thou art my support.
Why hast thou forgotten me 1 and why go I
mourning, whilst my enemy afflicteth me ?
Whilst my bones are broken, my enemies who
trouble me have reproached me.
Whilst they say to me, dav by day, ^^'here is thy
AVhy art thou cast down, O my soul, and why
dost thou disquiet me?

Hope thou God, for I will still give

in praise to
him the salvation of mj countenance and
: my God.
Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Ayifh. My soul hath thirsted after the living God ;

"When shall I come and appear before the face of the

V. Deliver not to boasts the souls that confess to
R. And the souls of thy poor forget not to the end.
Our Father, &c.. in secret.

The seventh Lesson. Job xvii.

My spirit shall be wasted, my days shall be

shortened, and only the grave remaineth for me. I
have not sinned, and my eye abideth in bitterness.
Deliver me, Lord, and set me beside thee, and
let any man's hand My days
fight against me.
have passed away, my
thoughts are dissipated, tor-
menting my heart. They have turned night into day,
and after darkness I hope for light again. If I wait,
hell is my house, and I have made my bed in dark-
ness. I have said to rottenness: thou art my
father; to worms, my mother and my sister. Where
is now then my expectation, and who considereth
my patience ?

7i. The fear of death troubles me : sinning daily

and not repenting Because in hell there is no

redemption, have mercy on me. God, and save me.

V. O God, in thy name save me, and in tby
strength deliver me Because in hell.

'J'he eujlith Lesson. Job xix.

The flesh being consumed, my bone hath cleaved

to my skin,
and nothing but hps are left about ray
teeth. Have
pity on me, have pity on me, at least
you my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath
touched me. Why do you persecute me as God, and
glut yourselves with my flesli ? IVlio will grant me
that m}^ words may be written ? Who will grant
me that they may be marked down in a book ? With
an iron pen, and in a plate of lead, or else be graven
v>'ith an instrument in flint -stone ? For I know that
my liveth, and in the last day I shall rise
out of the earth. And I shall be clothed again with
my skin, and in my my God. Whom
flesh I shall see
I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not
another : this my hope is laid up in ray bosom.
R.Judge me not, O Lord, according to my deeds,
for I have done nothing worthy in thy sight :

therefore I beseech thy majesty. That thou, O God,

mayest blot out ray iniquity.
V. AVash me, O Lord, yet more from my iuju sties,
and cleanse me from my sin. That.

The Ninth Lesson. Jon x.

Why didst
thou bring me forth out of the v/omb r
Oh, that I had been consumed, that eye might not
see me I should have been as if I had not been

caiTied from the womb to the grav.*^. Shall not the

fewness of my days be ended shortly ? Suffer me.
therefore, that I may lament my sorrow a little

before I go and return no more, to a land that is

dark and covered with the mist of death : a land of

misery and darkness, where the shadow of death,
and no order, but everlasting horror dwelleth.
R. Deliver me, O Lord, from the ways of hell,
who hast broken the brazen gates, and hast ^^sited
hell, and hast given hght to them, that they might

behold thee who were in the pains of darkness,

F. Crying, and saying thou art come, O onr

Redeeraer. AVho were.

V. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and k-t per-
petual light shine on them. Who were.
This is in the Week-day office.
always said But the
following Responsory is said on All Souls' Day,
and when three Xocturns are said together.
R. Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death, in
that di'eadful day, when the heavens and earth are
to be moved : when thou wilt come to judge the
world by fire.
T'. I tremble and do fear, when the examination

is to be, and thy wrath to come, when the heavens

and earth are to be moved.

T'. That day is the day of anger, of calamity, and

of miseiy. a great day and very bitter. When thou.

V. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let per-
petual light shine on them.
R. Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death, in
that dreadfid day, when the heavens and earth are to
be moved, when thou.

AT I, A U D S .

Ant. The bones that have been humbled sliall

rejoice in our Lord.

Psalm l. Miaercre. (See page 422).

Grant them eternal rest, &c.
Ant. The bones that have been humbled shall
rejoice in our Lord.
Ant. Hearj O Lord.
Psalm lxiv. Te decet hymnus.

A hymn, O God, bccometh thee in Sion : and a

vow be paid to thee in Jerusaloui.
Oh, hear my prayer all flesh shall come to thee.

The words of the wicked have prevailed over us :

and thou wilt pardon our transgressions.

Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken to
thee he shall dwell in thy courts.

VVe shall be filled with the good things of thy

house ;
thy temple, wonderful in justice.
holy is

Hear us, O God our Saviour, who art the hope of

all the ends of the earth, and in the sea afar off.

Thou who preparest themoimtains by thy strength,

being girded with power who troublest the depth

of the sea, the noise of its waves.

The gentiles shall be troubled, and they that dwell
in the uttermost borders shall be afraid at thy signs :

tliou shalt make tlie outgoings of the morning and of

the evening to be joyful.
Thou hast visited the earth, and hast plentifully
watered it ; thou hast many ways enriched it.

The river of God is filled with \yater; thou hast

prepared their food, for so is its preparation.
Fill up plentifully the streams thereof mnltiplj :

its fruits; it shall spring up and rejoice in its

Thou shalt bless the crown of the year of thy good-
ness : and thy be filled with plenty.
fields shall
The beautiful places of the wilderness shall grow
fat and the hills .shall be gilded about \yith joy.

The mms of the flock are clothed, and the vales

shall abomid witli corn: tht-y shall shout, yea, they
shall sing a hymn.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.
Ant. Hear, O Lord, my prayer ; all flcsh shall
come to thee.
Ant. Thy right hand.

Psalm lxil Deus, Dcus menf.

O God, my God, to thee do I watch at break of day.

For thee my soul hath thirsted; for thee my flesh,
oh, how many ways I

In a desert land, and where there is no way, ajid no

water; so in the sanctuary have I come before thee,
to see thy and thy glory.
For thy mercy is better than lives thee my lips :

shall praise.
Thns will I bless thee all my life long : and in thy
name I will lift up my hands.
L€t my soul be filled as with marrow and fatness;
and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful jips.

If I have remembered thee upon my bed, I will

meditate on thee in tlie morning ; because thou
hast been my helper.
And I will rejoice under the covert of thy wings ;

my soul hath stuck close to thee tliy right hand hath


received me.
But they have sought my soul in vain, they shall
go into the lower parts of the earth they shall be :

delivered into the hands of the sword, they shall be

the portions of foxes.
But the king shall rejoice in God ; all they shall
be praised that swear by him : because tlie mouth is

stopped of them that speak wicked things.

Psalm lxvi. Deiu> misereatur nostri.

May God have mercy on us, and bless us may he ;

cause the light of his countenance to shine upon us,

and may he have mercy on us.
That we may know thy way upon earth, thy sal-
vation in all nations.
Let people confess to tliee, God ; let all people
give praise to thee.
Let the nations be glad and rejoice : for thou
judgest the people with justice, and directest the
nations upon earth.
Let the people, God, confess to thee ; let all the
people give praise to thee. The earth hath yielded
her fruit.

May God, our own God, bless us ; may God bless

us, and all the ends of the earth fear him.


Grant them eternal rest, 6cc.

Aiit. Tliy right hand. Lord, has received me.
Aui. From the gate of hell.

lite Song of-EzecIiias. Isaias xxxviii.

I said; in the midst of my days I shall go to the

gates of hell.
I sought for the residue of my years. 1 said
I shall not see the Lord God in the land of the
I shall behold man no more, nor the inhabitant of
My generation is at an end, and it is rolled away
from me, as a shepherd's tent.
My life is cut off as by a weaver whilst I was yet :

but beginning he cut me off from morning even to


night thou wilt make an end of me.

I hoped till morning as a lion so hath he broken

all my bones.
From morning even to night thou wilt make an
end of me. 1 will cry like a yoimg swallow, I will
meditate like a dove.
My eyes are weakened with looking upward .-

Lord, I suffer violence, answer thou for me. What

shall I say, or what shall he answer for me, whereas
he himself hath done it ?

I will recount to thee all my years in the bitterness

of my soul.
O Lord, if a man's life be such, and the life of my
spirit be in such things as these, thou shalt correct
me and make me to live. Behold in peace is my
bitterness most bitter.
But thou hast delivered my soul, that it should

not perish ; thou hast cast all my sins behind thy

For hell not confess to thee, neither shall
death praise thee nor shall they that go down into

the pit, look for thy truth.

The living, the living, he shall give praise to thee,
as I do this day the father shall make thy truth

known to the children.

O Lord, save me, and we will sing our psalms all

the days of our life in the house of the Lord.

Grant them eternal rest, &c.

Ant From the gate of hell, deliver my soul,

Ant. Let every spirit.

Psalm cxlviii. Laudate Dominum.

Praise ye the Lord from the heavens : praise ye him

in the high places.
Praise ye him all his angels : praise ye him all his

Praise ye him, sun and moon : praise him all ye
stars and light.
Praise him ye heavens of heavens : and let all the
waters that are above the heavens praise the name of
the Lord.
For he spoke, and they were made ; he commanded,
and they were created.

He hath established them for ever, and for ages of

ages : he hath made a decree, and it shall not pass
Praise the Lord from the eartJi, ye dragons, and
all ye deeps. v

Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy winds, which fulfil his

Moimtains and all hills, friutful trees and all

Beasts and ail cattle : serpents and feathered
Kings of the earth, and all people ;
princes, and all

judges of the earth.

Young men and maidens let the old with the :

younger praise the name of the Lord for his name :

alone is exalted.
The praise of him is above heaven and earth : and
he hath exalted the horn of his people.
A hymn to all his saints : to the children of Israel,
u people approaching to him.

Psalm cxlix. Cuntate Domino.

Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle : let his praise

be in the church of the saints.

Let Israel rejoice in him that made him : and let

the children of Sion be joyful in their king.

Let them praise his name in choir let them sing :

to him with the timbrel and the psaltery.

For the Lord is well pleased with his people and :

he will exalt the meek unto salvation.


The saiuts shall rejoice in glory: they shall be

joyful in their beds.
The high praises of God shall be in their moutli :

and two-edged swords in their hands.

To execute vengeance upon the nations, chastise-
raentsamong the people :

To bind their kings with fetters, and their nobles

with manacles of iron.
To execute upon them the judgment that is

written ; this glory is to all his saints.

Psalm cl. Laudate Dominum in Sanctis.

Praise ye the Lordholy places

in his : praise ye
him in the firmament of his power.
Praise ye him for his mighty acts : praise ye h-im
according to the multitude of his greatness.
Praise him with sound of trumpet : praise him
with psaltery and harp.
Praise him with timbrel and choir : praise him
with strings and organs.
Praise him on high sounding cymbals praise him :

on cymbals of joy Let every spirit praise the Lord.


Grant them eternal rest, &c.

Ant. Let every spirit praise the Lord.
V. I heard a voice from heaven saying to me.

R. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

The Song of ZacJiary. Luke I.

Grant them eternal v^^st, &c.

Ant. I am the resurrection, and the life: he that

believeth in me, though he be dead, shall live : and

every one that liveth and believeth in me, shall not
die for ever.

llie follow hiff Prayers are said kneeling.

Our Father, &c. (m secret).

V. And lead us not into temptation.

R. But deliver us from evil.

* Psalm. De Profimdi^ (page 280.)

Grant them eternal rest, &c.

V. From the gates of hell,

/t. Deliver their souls, Lord.

V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
V. Lord, hear my prayer.
B. And let my cry come unto thee.
F. The Lord be with yon.
R. And with thy spirit.

\_The Prayer is recited as at the end of tlie Vespers

according to the rank., degree, or sex, of the person
for the repose of whose Soid the Office has been said."]

* This Psalm is omitted on the commemoration of All Souls, and

on the day of Burial.

[ 479 ]

fi^iiotxoits f0r tb^ tim^ 0f Jubtte,



ETERNAL Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Creator of all thmgs, visible and invisible;

Source of all our good ; infinitely good in thyself,

and infinitely gracious, bountiful and good to us;
behold, we, thy poor servants, the work of thy hands,
redeemed by the blood of thine only Son, come in
answer to his summons by his vicegerent, to present
ourselves, as humble petitioners, before the throne
of thy mercy. We come in communion with all thy
church in heaven, hoping to be assisted by their
prayers and merits; and with Jesus Christ as our
Head, our High Priest, and INIediator, in whose
precious blood we put all our trust.
We prostrate before thee, and humbly beseech
thee to sanctify thy own sacred name, by exalting
thy holy Catholic Church throughout the world.
O eternal King, who hast sent thine only Son from
thy throne above to this earth, to establish a kingdom
here amongst us, whence we might hereafter be
translated to thy eternal kingdom, look down, we
beseech thee, upon this kingdom of thy Son, and pro-
pagate it through all nations, and through all hearts.
Sanctify it in all truth ; maintain it in peace, unity,


nnd holiness. Give it saints for its rulers, its chief

pastors, and all its other prelates enlighten them

with heavenly wisdom, make them men according to

thhie own heart. Give thy grace and blessing to the
clergy send among them that heavenly fire, which

thy Son came to cast on earth, and which he so

earnestly desired should be enkindled. Assist and
protect apostolic missionaries, that they may zealously
and effectually promote thy glory, and the salvation
of souls. Sanctify rehgious men and women of all
orders give them grace to serve thee, with perfec-

tion, according to the spirit of their institute, and to

shine like Hghts to the rest of the faithful.
Have mercy on all Christian princes ;
grant them
those graces that are necessary for the perfect dis-
charge of their duty to thee and to their subjects
that they may be true servants to thee, the King of
kings, fathers to their people, and nursing fathers
to thy Church. Have mercy on magistrates and
men in power; that they may fear thee, love thee,
and serve thee, and ever remember that they are thy
deputies, and ministers of thy justice. Have mercy
on all thy people, and give thy blessing to thine
inheritance remember thy congregation, which thou

hast possessed from the beginning and give grace


to thy children here upon earth, that theymay do

thy holy will in all things, even as the blessed do it
in heaven.
Extend thy mercy also to infidels, who sit in dark-
ness and the shadow of death ; to those nations that
Di:v()Tioxs FOR Tin: time of jubilees. 481

have not yet received the faith and law of thy Son
their Saviour; to Pagans, Mahometans, and Jews.
Remember, O Lord, that these poor souls are made
after thine own image and and redeemed by
the blood of thy Son. Oh not Satan any longer
! let
exercise his tyranny over these thy creatures, to the
great dishonour of thy name. Let not the precious
blood of thy Son be shed for them in vain. Send
among them zealous preachers and apostolic labourers,
endued with the graces and gifts of thine Apostles,
and bless them with the like success, for the glory
of thy name :that these poor souls may be brought
to know thee, love thee, and serve thee, here in thy
Church, and bless thee hereafter for all eternity.
Look down also with an eye of pity and com-
passion on those deluded souls, who, under the name
of Christians, have strayed from the one fold of the
one Shepherd, thine only Son Jesus Christ, into the
by-paths of error and schism. Oh bring them

back to thee and to thy Church. Dispel their

darkness by thy heavenly light, take from them the
spirit of obstinacy, pride, and self-conceit. Give
them a humble and a docile heart, a strong desire
of finding out thy truth, and grace to embrace it,
notwithstanding the opposition of the world, the
flesh, and the devil.

O Father of light, and God of all truth, purge

the whole world from errors, abuses, corruptions,
and vices Beat down the standard of Satan, and
set up the standard of Christ. Abolish the reign of



sin, and establisii the kingdom of grace in all hearts.
Let humility triXunph over pride and ambition
charity, over hatred, envy, and malice purity and ;

temperance, over lust and excess meekness, over ;

passion disinterestedness and poverty of Spirit,


over covetousness and love of this perishable world.

Let the Gospel of Jesus Christ, both in its belief
and practice, prevail throughout the universe.
Grant to us thy peace, O Lord, in the days of our
mortalitj', even that peace which thy Son bequeathed
as a legacy to his disciples : a perpetual peace with
thee, with one another, and within ourselves. Grant
that all Christian princes and states may love,
cherish, and maintain an in%-iolable peace among
themselves. Give them an everlasting horror of the
bloodshed, the devastation, and ruin of territories,
the innumerable sacrileges, and the eternal loss of
thousands of souls, which are the dismal consequences
of war. Turn their hearts to another kind of warfare,
teaching them to tight for a heavenly kingdom.
Remove, O Lord, thy wrath, which we have reason
to apprehend for our sins. Deliver all Christians
from the dreadful evil of mortal sin make all ;

sinners sensible of their misery ;

give them the grace
of a sincere conversion and a truly penitential spirit,
and discharge them from all their bonds. Preserve
all Christendom, and in particular this nation, frou)

the evils that threaten impenitent sinners, such as

plagues, famines, earthquakes, fires, inundations,
mortality of cattle, sudden and unprovided death,

with thj many other judgments here, and eternal

damnation hereafter. Comfort all that are under
any affliction, sickness, or violence of pain support ;

all that are under temptation reconcile those that


are at variance ; deliver all that are in slavery or

captivity ; defend all that are in danger ;
grant relief
to all in their respective necessities ;
give a happy
passage to those that are in their agony ;
grant thy
blessing, O Lord, to our friends and benefactors, and
to all for whom we are particularly bound to pray,
and have mercy on all our enemies. Give eternal
rest to all the faithful departed, and bring us to
everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
OMY spirit
Lord and my God, humbly prostrate
before thy Divine Majesty, I adore thy

sovereign justice and thy infinite mercy. I am pene-

trated with fear at the consideration of thy awful
judgments, and my great ingratitude for thy benefits
since I was ranked by Baptism among thy children,
raised to the glorious dignity of a Christian, and thus
entitled to enjoy thee eternally in heaven. I was
not then sensible of the precious grace bestowed
upon me, nor of the awful obligations 1 contracted
when I promised to renounce the devil, the world,
and the flesh. But I am now fully sensible of both ;

I most humbly tliank thee for having brought me

safely to the waters of Baptism, and I detest, from
the bottom of ray heart, every thought, word, and
action of my -wliirh has been unworthy of a

Christian. knowest,
'J'hou my God, how often I
have stained the robe of innocence with which I was
then clothed, and how frequently I have violated ray
sacred promises but thou seest the contrition of

my heart, and the sincerity with which I now renew,

in the presence of heaven and earth, my profession
of faith in the doctrines proposed to my belief by
th*? holy Catholic Church, as well as the promises
made for me when I was regenerated in the waters of
Baptism. I finnly Father
believe in God the
Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth in Jesus —
Christ his only Son our Lord, who was born and
suffered for us— in the Holy Ghost the holy —
Catholic Church —the Communion of Saints —the
Forgiveness of Sins — the Resurrection of the Body,
and Life Everlasting. renounce the world, with its
pomps, vanitii^s and maxims, which I despise
because they are accursed by thee. 1 renounce the
flesh with all its temptations, and sincerely resolve
to endeavour to amend my faults, to conquer my
passions, and to sacrifice all that is most dear to me
rather than again deliberately sully that robe which
I promised to carry unstained before the judgment-
seat of Christ. O my good God, who didst love me
before I could love thee, and didst apply to my soul
the merits of Jesus Christ when I was unable to
implore that favoiu* look on me with compassion,

and grant me all those graces which will enable me

to keep inv liaptiemal engagements without reproof.


Increase in my soul the heavenly virtues of faith,

hope and charity, which I received at my Baptism,
and teach me how to make faith the rule of my
conduct, that it may avail me to life everlasting,
through the mfinite mercies and merits of my Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, who with thee and the
Holy Ghost liveth and reigueth, God, world without
end. Ameu.

SACRED Heart of Jesus, I fly, I come to thee

throwing myself into the arms of thy tender
mercy. Thou art my sure refuge, my unfailing and
only hope. Thou hast a remedy for all my evils,
relief for all my miseries, reparation for all my faults.
Thou canst supply for what wanting in me, in

order to obtain fully the graces that 1 ask for myself

and others. Thou art for me, and for us all, the
infallible, inexhaustible source of light, of strength,
of perseverance, peace and consolation. I am certain
that my importunity will never weary thee; certain,
too, that thou wilt never cease to aid, to protect, to
love me, because thy love for me, O Divine Heart, is
infmite. Have mercy on me, then, O Heart of Jesus,
and on all that I recommend to thee, according to
thine own mercy, and do with us, for us, and in us,
whatsoever thou wilt, for we abandon ourselves to
thee with the full, entire confidence and conviction
that thou wilt never abandon us either in time or
eternity. Amen.



OHOLY Ghost, Divine Spirit of light and love, I
my miud, heart and will
consecrate to thee
my whole being for time and eternity. May my
mind be ever docile to thy Divine Inspirations and
to the teaching of the Holy CathoJic Church, \Yhose
Infallible Guide my heart, ever inflamed
tliou art,
with the love of God and my neighbour, my will
ever conformable to the Divine Will, and my whole
lifea faithful imitation of the life and virtues of Our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom, with the
Father and thee, be honour and glory for ever.

Amen. 300 days' Indulgence once a day.
—Pius A'., 1st June, 10U8.

For Particular Periods of the Year.


Jklother of Jesus, heaven's open gate,
Star of the sea, support the falling state
Of mortals : thou whose womb thy maker bore,
And yet, O strange ! a virgin, as before I

Who didst from Gabriel's "Haill" the news

Repenting sinners by thy prayers relieve.

V. The angel Lord declared unto Mary.

of the
U. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.

POUR forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace
into our hearts, that we, to whom the mcar-
of Christ, thy Sod, was made known by the

message of an angel, may by his passion and cross

be bronofht to the glory of his resurrection through :

the same Christ our Lord. Amou.


V. After child-birth thou didst remain a pure

li. O r\[()ther of God, intercede for us.


GOD, who by the fruitful virginity of blessed
I\[ary, mankind the rewards of
hast given to
eternal salvation we beseech thee, that we
: grant,
may experience her intercession, by whom we
received the Author of life, our Lord Jesus Chri.-*t,

thy Son. Amen.


Hail Mary, Queen of heavenly spheres !

Hail, wlioni the angelic host reveres I

Tlnil. fruitful root ! Hail sacred gate !

[""romAvhom our light derives its date

O Glorious Maid, with beauty blest
Let joys eternal fill thy breast !

Tiais crowned with beauty and with joy.

Thy prayers for us with Christ employ.
r. \'ouchsafe, sacred A'irgiu,to accept my jtraises.
R. Give ine strength against thy enemies.

(^ RANT us, O merciful God, strength against all

^ our weakness that we, who celebrate the memory


of the holy Mother of God, may by the help of her

intercession, rise again from our iniquities ; through
the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Rejoice. O Queen of heaven, to see, Alleluia
Tlie sacred infant bom of thee, Alleluia,
Return in glory from the tomb, Alleluia,
And by thy prayers prevent our doom, Alleluia.
T'. Rejoice and exult, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia.

R. For the Lord is truly risen, Alleluia.

OGOD, who by the resiu-rection of thy Son, om-
Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to fill the
world with joy grant, we beseech thee, that by the

intercession of the Virgin Mary, his Mother, we may

receive the joys of eternal life ; through the same
Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Hail to thee, the Queen of heaven,
As a Mother to us giv"n ;

Rich in mercy, great in power,

Be thou hailed at ev'ry hour I

Thee our life, our sweetness naming,

Thee our cheering hope proclaiming ;

Eva's wretched children we —

Spotless Virgin cry to thee.

At thy feet as suppliants lying,

Weeping — wailing — mourning — crying ;

From this vale of tears we cry

To thee, Mary, throned on high.
Then in pity for our fate,
O thou chosen advocate ;

Turn to us, oh turn thine eyes


In which mercy's dv/elling lies.

And when exile here hath ended,
Be to us thine arms extended ;

Show us thy most blessed child

Jesus with his face most mild.
O most clement hear our pray'r ;

'Tis thy children claim thy care ;

O most loving Mary, hear !

Sweetest, bend a list'ning ear.

V.Fray for us, O holy Mother of God.

IL That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ.
ALMIGHTY and Eternal God, who by the
co-operation of the Holy Ghost, didst prepare
the body and soul Mary, that
of the glorious Virgin
she might become worthy of thy Son
a habitation ;

grant that, as with joy we celebrate her memory, so

by her loving intercession we rnny be delivered from
present evils and eternal deatii through the same :

Christ, our Lord. Amen.

I', y.lay the dinne assistance always remain with us.
R. Amen.
: : :


>Lde?te fideles, Come, all ye faithful,
LiPti triumpliantes : Joyful and triumphant.
Venite, venite iu Bethlehem: Oh, hasten, oh, hasten to
Xatam videte Bethlehem;
Regpm augelorum See in a manger
Venite adoremus, Th>? monarch of angels.
Venite adoremus,
Oh, come and let us woiship
Venite adorennxs Dominum. Christ the Lord.

Deum de Deo, God of God eternal,

Lumen de lumine, Light from light proceeding.
Gestaut puelke viseei-a He deigns iu the Virgin's
Deum verum, womb to lie;
Geiiitam, non factum: Very God of very God,
Venite adoremus, Sec.
Begotten, not created.
Oh, come, &c.
Cantet nunc lo. Sing allelaia,
Chorus angeiorum; All ye choirs of angels ;

Cantet nunc aula coelestium, Sing, all ye citizens of heaven

Gloria above,
In Excelsis Deo I
Glory to God
Venite, &c. In the highest,
Oh, come, &c.
Ergo qui natus Yea, Lord, we greet Thee.
Die hodierna, Born this happy morning ;
Jesu tibi sit gloria ;
To Thee, Jesus, be glory
Patris aeterni given
Verbum caro factum True wm-d of the Father,
Venite, &c. In our flesh appearing.
Oh, come, &c.
! , ; :

HYMNS. 491

Stabat Mater dolorosa, At the Cross her sta4;ion
Juxta crucem lacrymosa Stood the mournful Mother
Dam pendebat Filius. Close to Jesus to the last
C'TJus aniniam geineutera, Through her heart. His sor-
row s'haring',
Coufcrifitatam, et doleiitem, All His bitter anguish
Pertransivit gladiuH. Now at length the sword
has passed.
O quam triatis et afiflictti Oh, how sad and sore dis-
Fruit ilia benediota Was that Mother highly blest
^[ater LTuigeii iti Of the soul-begotteu One I

Quio lucfirobat, et dolebat, Christ above in torment

hangs ;

Pi:i Mater dum videbat She beneath beholds the

Nati poenas inclyti. Of her dying glorious Son.
Quis est homo qui uon floret, Is there one who would not
Matrem Christi si videret Plunged in miseries so deep.
In tanto supplicio ? Christ's dear Mother to
behold ?
Quis non posset contristari, Can the human heart refrain
Christi Matrem contemplari From partaking in her pain,
Dolentem cum Filio ? In that Mother's pain un-
told ?

Pro peccatis suae gentis, Bruised, derided, cursed,

Vidit Jesum in tormontis, She beheld her tender Child
Et fiagellis subditum. All with bloody scourges
Vidit suum dulccm natnm For the sins of His own
Morieudo, d^solatum, Saw Him haugin desolation,
Dum emisit spii-itum. Till His spirit forth He

492 HYMNS.

Eia Mater, fons amoris, O tbou Mother ! fount of

love !

Me vim doloris
seutire Touch my spirit from above,
Fac, ut tecum Ingeam. Make my heart with thine
accord ;

Fac ut ardeat cor meum Make me feel as thou hast

In amando Christum Doniu, Make my soul to glow and
Ut sibi complacpam. With the Love of Christ
my Lord.
Sancta Mater, is^tud agas, Holy Mother I pierce me
through :

Crucifixi fige plagas In my heart each wound

Coidi meo valide. Of my Saviour crucified :

Tui Nati vnlnerati, Let me share with thee His

Tarn diguati pro me pati, Who for all my tius was slain.
Poenas mocum divide. Who for me in torments
Fao me tecum pie flere, Let me mingle tears with
Crucitixo coudolere, Mourning Him who mourned
for me,
Donee ego vixero. All the days that I may
live :

Juxta crucem tecum stare, By the cross with thee to

stay ;

Et me tibi, sociare, There with thee to weep and

In planctu desidero. Is all I ask of thee to give.

Virgo virginiunpi-aeelai-a, Virgin of all \irgiu3 blest !

Mihi jam non sis amara, Listen to my fond request

Fac me tecuni plangere. Let me share thy grief
Fac ut portem Christi mor- Let me, to my latest breath,
Passionis fac cousortem, Inmy body bear the death
Et plagas recolere. Of that dying Son of thine.

HYMNS. 493

Fae me plagis vulnerari, Wounded -vnth His every

Fao me cruce inebriari, Steep my soul till it liatb
Et cruore Filii. Tn Kis very iDlood away ;

Flammis ne urar succensus Be to me, Virgm, nigh,

Per te, Virgo, sini defensus, Lest in flames I burn and die
In die judicii. In His awful judgment

Chriate, cum sit hinc exire, Christ, when Thou shalt call
me hence,
Da per Matrem me venire Be Thy Mother, my defence.
Ad pal mam victoria? Be Thy Cross, my \actory.
Quando corpus morietur, While my body here decays,
Fac ut animae donetur May my soul Thy goodness
Para di si gloria. Safe in paradise with thee.
Amen. Amen.

Yexilla regis prodeunt! Behold the royal ensigns
Fulget crucis mysterium, Bearing the cross's mystery;
Qua vita mortem pertulit, Where life itself did death
Et morte vitam protulit. And by that death did life
Quae vulnerata lancese A cruel spear let out a
Mucrone diro, criminum, Of water mix'd with saving
blood ;

Ut nos lavaret sordibiis, Which, gushing from our

Saviour's side,
Manavit unda et sanguine, Drown'd our offences in the
Inipleta sunt, quae con- The mystery we now un-
cinit fold,
David fideli carmine, Which David's faithful verse
49-4 HYMNS.
HYMNS. 495
496 HYMNS.

HYMNS. 497

Tmple Bupema gratia Come, take possession of

our souls,
Quae tu cveasti pectova. And make them all thy ov.n
Qiii dicer is Paraclitus, Thou -who art called the
Altitisimi donum Dei. Best gift of God above ;

F(jU3 vivas, ignis, charitay : The living Spring, the living

Et Spiritalis uuctio. Sweet Unction and true

Tu septiformis munere Thou who art sevenfold in

thy grace,
Digitus paternoa dexterac Finger of God's right
hand ;

Tu rite ijromiosum Patrii, His promise teaching little

Sermone ditans guttura. To speak and understand.
Accende lumeu sensibua : Oh guide our minds ^\-ith

thy blest light.

Infunde amorem cordilms With love our hearts
inflame ;

Infirma nostri corporis Aud -iN-ith thy strength,

wliich ne'er decays.
Yirtute firmaus perpeti Confirm oux mortal frame.

Hostem repellas longius Far from us drive our hellish

Pacemque doues protinua True peace unto us bring ;

D uctore sic te praevio And through all perils bring

us safe
Vitemus omne noxium. Beneath thy sacred wing.
Per te seiamus da Patrem, Through thee may we the
Father know,
Noscamus at(iue Filiura Through thee, the Eternal
Teque utriusque Spirituiu And thee the Spirit of them
Crv?damu8 orani tempore. Thrice blessed Three in

: : . ;

HYMNS. 49y

Lava quod est sordidum, Lord, wash, our sinful stains

Riga quod est aridum, Water from b.eaveu our
barren clay,
Sana quod est saucium Our wounds and bruises
Flatte quod est rigidum To thy sweet yoke our
necks bow,
Fove quod est frigiduui Warm with thy lire our
hearts of snow.
Rege quod est deviuia. Our wandering feet re-

Da tuis fidelibua, Oh, grant thy faithful,

dearest Lord,
In te confitentibus, Whose only hope is thy sure
Sacrum septenarium. The seven gifts of thy
Da virtutis meritum, Grant us in life to obey
thy grace, '

Da salutis exituni, Grant us in death to see thy

Da perenne gaudiuni A men . And endless joys inherit.

Ecce panis Angelorum, Lo upon the altar lies,

Factus cibus viatorum Hidden deep from human

Yere panis filiorum, Bread of Angels from the
Xon mittendus canibus. Made the food of mortal
In figuris prsesignatur. Children's meat to dogs
denied ;

Curn Isaac immolatur ;

In old types foresiguified ;
Agnus paschse deputatur Id the manna heav'n-sup-
Datur manna patribus. Isaac, and the i^aschal

600 HYMNS.

Boue pastor, panis vere, Jesu Shepherd of the sheep


Jesu nostri miserere : Thou thy flock in safety

Tu nos pasce, ii03 tuere : Living bread ! thy life sup-
ply ;

Tu nos bona fac videro Strengthen us, or else we

die ;

In terra viventium. Fill us with celestial gi-ace:

Tu, qui cuncta scis et vales Thou, who feedest us below !

Quiuospascishic mortales : Source of all we have or

kuow I

Taos ibi commensales, Grant that with thy saints

Coheredes, et sodales. Sitting at the feast of love,
Fac sanctorum ci\'ium. "We may see Thee face to
Amen. Amen.

Pange lingua gloriosi Sing, O my tongue, adore
and pi-aise
Corporis mysterium, The depth of God's mys-
terious ways :

Saug'iinisque pretiosi How Christ, the world's great

King, bestow'd
Quern in mundi pretium, His flesh concealed as human
Fiuctus ventris generosi, And left mankind the blood
that paid
Rex effudit gentium. The ransom for the souls he
Nobis datus, nobis natus, Given from above, and
born for man,
Ex intacta virgine ;
From virgin chaste his life
began :

Et in mundo couversatus He lived on earth, and

preach'd to ?ow
Sparse verbi somine, The feeds of heavnly love


Sui moras incolatua Then seal' d his mission from

Miro clausit ordiue ! With strange effects o£ power
and love !

In snpremfe nocte crense. 'Tvras on that ev'ning,

the last
Recumbens enm fratrlbns, And most mysterious supper
past ;

Observata lege plene When Christ with his dis-

ciples sat,
Cibis in legalibus, To close the law with legal
meat ;

Cibum turbas duodeiise Then to the twelve himself

Se dat suis manibus. With his own hands to be
their food.
Yerbnm caro, panem ve- The Word made flesh for
rum. love of man,
Verbo carnem efficit : His word turns bread to flesh
Fitqiie sanguis Christi me- And wine to blood, unseen
rum, by sense,
Et sisensus deficit, By virtue of omnipotence :

Ad firmandum cor sincerum And here the faithful rest

Sola fides suificit. Whilst God^ can vouch and
faith insure.
Tantum ergo sacramen- To this mysterious table
tum now,
Veneremur cernui : Our knees, our hearts, and
sense we bow :

Et antiquum documentum, Let ancient rites resign their

Novo cedat ritui To nobler elements of gi-ace :

Prgest^t fides supplementum, And faith for all defects

Sensum defectui. Whilst sense is lost in
Genitori Genitoque To God the Father born of
Laus et jubilatio : To Christ his co-eternal
502 nTiixs.

Sahis, honor, virtns quoque : And Holy Ghost, whose

equal rays
Sit et loenedictio : From both proceed, be equal
praise :

Procedeuti ab utroque, One honour, jubilee, and

Compar sit laudatio. Amen. For ever bless his glorious
name. Amen.

Y. Panem de cado prws- Y. Thou hast given them

titisti eis. Alleluia. bread from heaven. Alleluia.
R. Oimie delectamentum 11. Replenished with all
in se habentem. Alleluia. delights. Alleluia.

Or Canticlk of the Blessed ^ ikgin. auima mea 1. Mv soul doth maguifv

Dorniuuni. the Lord.
Et exxdtavit spu-itus meus, •2. And my spirit hath re-
in Deo Salutai-i meo. joiced : in God my Saviour.
Quia respexit hiimilitatem 3. For he hath regarded
ancillfe suae ecce emin ex
: the humility of his hand-
hoc boatam me diceut omues naaid for behold from hence-

geuerationes. forth all generations shall

call me blessed.
fecit mihi magna qui 4. For he that is mighty
pot ens est : et sanctum hath done to me great
nomen ejus. things and holy is his name.

Et misericordia ejus a pro- 5. And his mercy is from

genie in progenies timcn- : generation to generation :

tibus eum. unto them that fear him.

Fecit poteutiam in brachio <). He hath shoAvn strength
suo ; dispersit superbos in his arm he hath scat-

mente cordis sui. tered the proud in the conceit

of their heai-t.
Deposuitpotentes de sede -.
7. He hath put down the
et exaltavit hurailes. mighty from their seat: and
hath exalted the humble.

HYMNS. 603

Esurientesimplevit bonis : 8. He hath filled the

et divites dimisit inanes. hungry with good things :

and the ricli lis hath sent

away empty.
Suscepit Israel puerum 9. He hath received his
suuin recordatus miseri- servant Israel being mind-
: :

cordirX) suse. ful of his mercy.

Sicut locntiis estadpatres 10. As he spoke unto our
nostros Abraham, et se-
: fathers : to Abra.ham and
iniui ejus in saacula. his seed for ever.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to the Father,


Te Deum
TeDeum latidamiis : te W'e praise thee, O God :

Domiuum contitemur. we acknowledge thee to be

the Lord,
Te ffiternum Patrem : All the earth doth worship
omnis terra veneratur. thee: the Father everlasting.
Tibi omnes angeli : tibi To thee all angels to :

coeli et universse potestates thee the heavens and all the

powers therein,
Tibi cherubim et seraphim To thee cherubim and
iucessabili voce proclamaut ;
seraphim continually cry
: ;

Sanctus, sanetus, sanctus : Holy, holy, holy Lord :

Dominus Dens Sabaoth. God of Sabaoth.

Pleni sunt cceli et terra : Heaven and earth are full
majestatis glorire tuse. of the majesty of thy gloiy.
Te gloriosus Apostolorum The glorious choir of the
chorus. Apostles,
Te Prophetarum lauda- The admirable company of
bilis numerus. the Prophets,
Te Martyi'um candidatus The white-robed army of
laudat exercitiTs. Martyrs praise thee,
Te per orbem terrarurn, The Holy Church through-
sancta confitetur Ecclesia. out all the world doth
confess thee,
Patrem immensas maje"- The Father of iufiuite
tati3. majesty.

504 HYMNS.

Venerandtim tuum vt^rum, Thy adorable, trne, and

et iinicuui Filium. only Son.
Sanctum quoque Para- : Also the Holy Ghost the :

clitnm Spiritum. Comforter.

Tu rex gloriae Christe. : Tliou art the King "f
Glory, Clu-ist.
Tu Patris seinpitemus es Thou art tlie everlasting
Filius. Son of the Father.
Tu ad liberaudum suscep- When thou did>t take upon
turu.^ homiuem : non lior- theo to deliver man th.-u :

ruisti Virginis uterum. didst not abhor the Yii'gin's

Tu devicto mortis aculeo : When thou hadst over-
apcTiusti credeutibus regna come the stjng of deatli :

coelonim. thou didst open the kingdom

of heaven to all believers.
Tu ad doxteram Dei sedes: Thou sittest at the right
in gloria Patris. hand of God :in the glory of
the Father.
Judex crnderis : esse vcn- We believe that thou shalt
ti^rus. come to be our Judge.

Te ergo quwsumus, tuis We pray thee, therefore,

famalis subveni : quos pre- help thy servants whom :

tio30 sanguine redemisti. thou hast redeemed with

thy precious blood.
-iSitema fac cum Sanctis Make them be numbered
tuis in gloria uumerari.
: ^N-ith thy Saints iu glory :

Salvumfac populum tuum, Lord, save thy people :

Domine : et benedic lia?redi- and bless thine inlieritance.

tati tuse.
Et rege eos et extolle
: And govern them: and
usque in cetcruum.
ill'js them ap for
lift ever.
i'cr singulos dies : bene- Day by day : we bless
dicimus te. ihee.
Et laudamus nomen tuum And we praise thy name
in saeculum : et in soeculum for ever : yea, for ever and
fseculi. ever.
Dignare, Domine, dioisto Vouchsafe, Lord, this
sine peccato nos custodire. day to keep us without sin-

Miserere nostri, Domine : Lord, have mercy upon

miserere nostri. U3 : have mercy upon us.

HYMNS. 605

Fiat miserioordia inn. Do- O Lord, let thv mercy "bo

mine, »Enper nos queinad-
: shown to us : as we liave
iiiodum spei-avimus iu te. hoped iu thee.
In te, Domine, speravi : O liord. in thee have I
non coTifnndar in tetcrnum. hoped ]«;t me not he
: coii-
fonnded tor ever.

On orrasions nf Thanksgiving^ the foUoirlng Tersicles are

added :

V. Bcnedictuses, Domine, Y. Benedictus es, Domino

Dens, Patrum nostrorum. Deus, in firmamento eoeli.
R. Et laudahihs, et glori- R. Et laudahih'3, et glori-
osus in stecvila. 08US, et superexaltatus in
V, Benedicamus Patrom et Y. Benedic, auima mea,
Filium, cum Sancto Spii'itu. Domiiium.
R. Laudemus et superex- R. Et noli oblivisci retrW
altemus eum iu sa.'cula. biitiones ejus.

Hidden God, devoutly I adore thee,
Truly present underneath these veils
All my heart subdues itself before thee,
Since it all before thee faints and fails.

Not to sight or taste or touch be credit,

Hearing only do we trust secure :

for God the Son hath said

I believe, it,
Word of truth that ever shall endure.

On the Cross was veiled thy Godhead's splendour,

Here thy manhood both hidden too
Unto both alike my faith I render,
And, as sued the contrite thief, I sue.
Though I look not on thy wounds with Thomaa
Thee, my Lord, and thee, my God, I call,
Make me more and more believe thy promise,
Hope in thee, and love thee over all.


O meraorlal of my Saviour dyinsr

Living Bread that givest life to man ! <

May my soul, its life from thee suoplyiug,

Tasto thy sweetness, as on earth it can.
Doign, Jesus, Pelican of Heaven,
Ate a sinner in thy blood to lave.
To a single drop of which is given
All the Avorld from all its sin to save.


Bright Mother of our Maker ! hail,
Thou virgin ever blest,
The ocean's star by which we !<ail.

And gain the port of rest.

While we this Ave thus to thee

From Gabriel's mouth rehearse,
Oh, grant that peace our lot may be,
And Eva's name reverse.
Release our long entangled mind
From all the snares of ill,
With heavenly light instruct the blind,
And all our vows fulfil.
Exert for us a mother's care.
And us thy children own
Prevail with Him to hear our prayer,
Who chose to be thy Son.
spotless maid, whose virtues shine
With brightest purity,
Each action of our lives refme,
And make us pure like thee.
Preserve our lives unstain'd with ill
In tliis infectious way.
That heav'n alorie our souls may fiU,
With joys that ne'er decay.
To God the Father endless praise ;

To God the Son the same,

And Holy Ghost, whose equal rays
One equal glory claim. Amen.
[ 507 1

Ubc Bplstles anb 6o5pels


Sun^ai^s an^ iprincipal festivals


First Sunday op Advent.

EPISTLE. Rom. xiii. 11-14. Brethren Know :

that it is now the hour for us to rise from sleep.

For now our salvation is nearer than when we
believed. The night is past and the day is at hand.
Let us therefore cast oil the works of darkness,
and put on the armour of light. Let us walk hon-
estly, as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness,

not in chambering and impm:ities, not in con-

tention and envy but put ye on the Lord Jesus


GOSPEL. LrtJce xxi. 25-33. At that tlmr :

Jesus said to his disciples There shall be signs


in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars and ;

upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of

the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the
waves men withering away for fear and expectation

of what shall come upon the whole world. For

the powers of heaven shall be moved and then :

they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud,

with great power and majesty. But when these
things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up
yoiu" heads, becaiLse your redemption is at hand.
And he spoke to them a similitude See the fig-tree, :

a,nd all the trees when they now shoot forth their

fruit, you know that summer is nigh ; so you also,

when you shall see these things come to pass,
know that the kingdom of God is at hand. Amen,


I say to you, this generation shall not ppss away

till all things be fultilled. Heaven and earth shall
pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Second Sunday or Advent.
EPISTLE. Bo))i. XV. 4-13. Brethren : What
things soever were written, were written for our
learning, that through patience and the comfort
of the Scriptures we might have hope. Xow the God
of patience and of comfort grant you to be of one
mind one towards another, according to Jesus Christ
that with one mind and with one mouth you may
glorify God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
XVherefore receive one another, as Christ also hath
received j'ou unto the honoiu* of God. For I say
that Christ Jesus was minister of the circumcision
for the truth of God, to coniirm the promises made
mito the fathers. But that the Gentiles are to
glorify God for his mercy, as it is written " There-

fore will I confess to thee, O Lord, among the

Gentiles, and will sing to thy name." And again
he saith "Rejoice, ye Grentiles, with his people."

And again :
" Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles,
and magnify him, all ye people." And again
Isaiah saith " There shall be a root of Jesse, and

he that shall rise up to rule the Gentiles, in him the

Gentiles shall hope." Now the God of hope fill
you with all joy and peace in believing, that j-ou
mav abound in hope and in the power of the Holj''
GOSPEL. Malt. xi. 2-\0. At that time : When
John had heard in prison the works of Christ,
sending two of his disciples, he said to him Art :

thou he that art to come, or look we for another ?

And Jesus making answer, said to them Go and :

relate to John what ye have heard and seen.

The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed.

the deaf hear, the dead rise again, the poor have
tliQ gospel preached to them and blessed is he ;

that shall not be scandalised in nie. And when

they went their way, Jesus began to say to the
multitudes, concerning John What went ye :

out into the desert to see ? reed shaken with A

the wind ? But what went ye out to see ? A
man clothed in soft garnient-s ? Behold, they that
are clothed in soft garments are in the houses of
kings. But what went ye out to see ? prophet ? A
Yea, I tellyou, and more than a prophet. For
this id he of whom it is written " Behold, I send :

my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy

way before thee." Credo.
Third Sunday or Advknt.
EPISTLE. Phil. iv. 4-7. Brethren: Rejoice
in the Lord always again, I say, rejoice.
; Let
your modesty be knowii to all men. The Lord is
nigh. Be nothing solicitous, but in every thing,
by prayer and supphcation, with thanksgiving,
let your petitions be made known to God. And the
peace of God, which sm-passeth all understanding,
keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
GOSPEL. John i. 19-28. At that time : The
Jews sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to
John, to ask him Who art thou ? And he con-

fessed, and did not deny and he confessed I am

; :

not the Christ. And they asked him Wliat then ? :

art thou Elias ? And he said I am not. Art thou


the prophet ? And he answered No. They said :

therefore unto him Who art thou, that we may


give an answer to them tiiat sent us ? Wliat sayest

thou of thyself ? He said I am the voice of one:

crying in the wilderness Make .9traif/ht the way of


the Lord, as said the prophet Isaias. And they that

were sent were of the Pharisees. And they asked
him and said to him Why then dost thou baptize,
if thou be not Clirist, nor Elias, nor the prophet ?
John answered them, saying I baptize with:

water, but there hath stood one in the midst of

you, v.hom j-ou know not. The same is he that shall
com? after me, who is preferred before me the :

latchet of whose shoe T am not worthy to loose.

These things were done in Bethania, beyond the
Jordan, where John was baptizing. Credo.
Fourth Sunday of Advent.
EPISTLE. 1 Cor. iv. 1-5. Brethren : Let a man
so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and the
dispensers of the mysteries of God. Here now it
is required amongst the dispensers that a man be
found faithful. But to me it is a very small thing
to be judged by you or by man's day but neither ;

do I judge my own self. For I am not conscious to

myself of anything yet am I not hereby justified

but he that judgeth me is the Lord. Therefore

judge not before the time until the Lord come,
who both will bring to light the hidden things of
darkness, and will make manifest the counsels
of the hearts and then shall every man have praise

from God.
GOSPEL. Lulce iii. 1-6. Now, in the fifteenth
year of the reign of Tiberius C»sar (Pontius Pilate
being governor of Judea, and Herod tetrarch of
Galilee, and Philip, his brother, tetrarch of Iturea,
and the country of Trachonitis, and Lysanias
tetrarch of Abilina. under the high priests Annas
and Caiphas), the word of the Lord came to John,
the son of Zachary. in the desert. And he came
into all the coimtry about the Jordan preaching
the baptism of penance for the remission of sins,
as it was written in the words of the book of Isaias
the prophet "A voice of one crying in the wilder-

ness :Prepare ye the way of the Lord make ;

straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled,


and every mountain and hill shall be brought low ;

and the crooked shall be made straight and the

rough ways plain, and all flesh shall see the salva-
tion of God." Credo.

Christmas Day.
first mass. at midnight.
EPISTLE. Tit.ii.U-lo. Dearly beloved i The
grace of God our Savioiu* hath appeared to all
men instructing us, that, denying ungodliness, and

worldly desires, v.e should live soberly, and justly

and godly in this world looking for the blessed
hope and coming of the glory of the great God and
owe Savioiir Jesus Christ who gave himself for us,

that he might redeem us from aU iniquity, and might

cleanse to himself a people acceptable, a pursuer
of good works. These things speak, and exhort
and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise

GOSPEL. Luke ii. 1-14. And it came to pass,

that in those days there went out a decree from
Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be
enrolled. This enrolhng was fii'st made by Cyrinus,
governor of Syria. And all went to be enrolled,
every one into his own city. And Joseph also went
up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth in(o
Judea to the city of David, which is called Bethle-
hem because he was of the house and family r f

David, to be enrolled with Mary, his espoused wife,

who was with child. And it came to pass, that
when they were there, her days were accomplished,
that she should be delivered. And she brought forth
her first-born son, and wrapped him up in swaddling
clothes, and laid him in a manger because there

was no room for them in the inn. And there were

in the same country shepherds watching and keep-
ing the night-watches over their flocks. And behold

an angelof the Lord stood by them, and the bright-

ness of God slione roimd about tliera and they

feared witli a great fear. And the angel said to

them Fear not, for, behold, I bring you good

tidings of great joj^ that shall be to all the people ;

for this c'ay is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ

the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a
sign unto you you shall find the infant wrapped in

swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. And

suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of
the heavenly army, praising God, and saying:
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace ;

to men of good will. Credo.


EPISTLE. Tit. iii. 4-7. Most dearly beloved:
The goodness and kmdness of God our Saviour,
appeared not by the works
: of justice which we
have done, but according to his mercy he saved us,
by the laver of regeneration, and renovation of the
Holy Ghost whom he hath poured forth upon us

abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Saviour,

that being justified by his grace, we may be heirs
according to hope of life everlasting, through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

GOSPEL. Luhe ii. 15-20. At that time : The

shepherds said one to another Let us go over to :

Bethlehem, and let us see this word that haa come

to pass, which the Lord has showed to us. And
they came with haste and they found Mary and

Joseph, and the infant lying in a manger. And

seeing, they understood of the word that had been
spoken to them concerning this child. And all that
heard wondered and at those things that were

told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all

these words, pondering them in her heart. And
the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising

God for all the things they had heard and seen,
us it was told unto them. Credo.


EPISTLE. Hcb. i. 1-12. God, who at sundry
times, and in divers manners, spoke in times past
to the fathers by the prophets, last of all, in these
days hath spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath
appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made
the world who being the brightness of his glory.

and the figure of his substance, and upholding all

things by the word of his power, making purgation
of sins, sitteth on the right hand of tiie majesty
on high being made so much better than the angels,

as he hath inherited a more excellent name than

they. For to which of the angels hath he said at
any time " Thou art my Son
: to-day have I ;

begotten thee " ? And again " I will be to him :

a Father, and he shall be to me a Son." And again,

when he bringeth in the first- begotten into the
world, he saith "And let all the angels of God

adore him." And to the angels indeed he saith :

" He that makcth

his angels spirits, and his minis-
ters a flame of fire." But to the Son " Thy throne, :

O God, is for ever and ever a sceptre of justice


is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved

justice and hated iniquity therefore God, thy God,

hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness, abo\e

thy fellows." And " Thou, in the beginning,

O Lord, didst foimd the earth, and the works of

thy hands are the heavens. They shall perish, but
thou shalt continue and they shall grow old as a

garment. And as a vesture shalt thou change them,

and they shall be changed, but thou art the self-
same, and thy years shall not fail."

GOSPEL. John i. 1-14. In the beginning was

the "Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. The same was in the beginning
with God. All things were made by him, and with-
out him was made nothing that we^ made. In
him was life, and the life was the light of men ;

and the light shineth in darktiess, and the darkness

did not comprehend it. There "w^s a man sent from
God, whose name was John. Tiiis man came for a
witness to give test moiy of the ii-iht, that all men
might believe through him. He was not the light,
but was to cive testimony of the light. That was
the true lipht which enlighteneth every man that
coraeth into this world. He was in the world, and
the world was made by him, and the world knew
him not. He came unto his own, and his own received
him not. But as many as received him, to them ho
gave power to be made the sons of God, to them
that believe in his name, who are born not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,
but of God. And the }Vord was made flesh, and dwelt
among us and we saw h's glory, as it were the glory

of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and



EPISTLE. Gal.W. 1-7. Brethren: As long as
the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a ser-
vant, though he be a lord of all, but is under tutoi-s
and governors until the time appointed by tlie father.
So we also, when we were children, were serving
imder the elements of the world. But when the
fulness of the time was come, CJod sent his Son,
made of a woman, made under the law, that he
might redeem them who were under the law, that
we might receive the adoption of sons. And because
you are sons, God hath sent the spirit of his Son
into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.
: Therefore
now he is not a servant, but a son. And if a son.
an heir also through God.

GOSPEL. Luke ii. 33-40. At that time : Joseph,

and Mary the mother of Jesus, were wondering
at those things which were spoken concerning him.
And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his
mother Behold, this child is set for the fail, and

for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a

sign which shall be contradicted. And thy own
soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts
thoughts may be revealed. And there was one
Aima, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of
the tribe of Aser :she was far advanced in years,
and had lived with her husband seven yeai's froiTi
her virginity. And she was a widow until four
score and foiu" years ;who departed not from the
temple, by fastings and prayer serving night and
day. Now she, at the same hour coming in, con-
fessed to the Lord, and spoke of him to all that
looked for the redemption of Israel. And after
they had performed all things according to the law
of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their
city Nazareth. And the child grew and waxed
strong, full of wisdom ; and the grace of God was
in him.
The Circumcision.
EPISTLE. Tit. u. \l-\5. Dearly beloved The :

grace of God our Saviour hath appeared to all men.

Instructing us, tliat, denying ungodliness and worldly
desires, we should live soberly and justlj- and godly
ill this world, looking for the blessed hope and com-

ing of the glory of the great God and our Saviour

Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might
redeem via from all iniquity and might cleanse to
himself a people acceptable, a pursuer of good works.
These things speak, and exhort and rebuke \\ ith all
authority. Let no man despise thee.

GOSPEL. Luke ii. 21. At that time: After eight

days were accomplisliod that the child should be
circumcised, his name was called Jesus, which was
called by the angel, before he was conceived in the
womb. Credo.
The Epiphany.
LESSON. Ix. Arise,
1-6. be enlight-
ened, O Jerusalem for thy light is come, and the

glory of the lord is risen upon thee. For behold

darkness shall cover the earth, and a mist the
people but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his

glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles

shall walk in thy light, and kings in the brightness
of thy rising. Lift up thy eyes round about and
see aU these are gathered together, they are come

to thee thy sons sha^ll come from afar, and thy


daughters shall rise up at thy side. Then shalt thou

see and abound, and thy heart shall wonder and
be enlarged when the multitude of the sea shall

be converted to thee, the strength of the Gentiles

shall come The multitude of camels shall
to thee.
cover thee, the dromedaries of Madian and Epha :

all they from Saba shall come, bringing gold and

frankincense, and showing forth praise to the Lord.

GOSPEL. Matt. ii. 1-12. When Jesus therefoie

was born in Bethlehem of Juda, in the days of
King Herod, behold, there came wise men from the
East to Jerusalem, saying Where is he that is born

King of the Jews ? For we have seen his star in

the East, and are come to adore him. And Herod
hearing this was troubled, and all Jerusalem with
him. And assembling together all the chief priests
and scribes of the people, he inquired of them
where Christ should be born. But they said to him :

In Bethlehem of Juda. For so it is written by the

prophet "And thou Bethlehem in the land of

Juda art not the least among the princes of Juda _ ;

for out of thee shall corne forth tiiecaptain that

shall rule my oeople Isrrel." Then Herod, privately

calling tlie wise men, learned diligently of them

the time of the star which appeared to them and ;

sending them into Bethlehem, said Go, and :

diligentlj'- inquire after the child, and when you

have found him, bring me word again, that I also
may come and adore him. Wlio having heard the
king, went their way and behold, the star which

they had seen in the East went before them, until

it came and stood over where the child was. And
seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great
joy. And entering into the house, they found the
child witli Mary
his mother, and falling down they
adored liim and opening their treasures, they

offered him gold and frankincense, and

myrrh. And having received an answer in sleep
that they should not return to Kerod, they went
back another way into their own country. Credo.

First Sunday after Epiphany.

EPISTLE. Rom. xii. 1-5. Brethren : I beseech
you, by the mercy of God, that you present your
bodies a hving sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God,
yoiur reasonable service. And be not conformed to
this world but be reformed in tlie newness of j-our

mind, that you may prove what is the good, and

the acceptable, and the perfect will of God. For
I say, by the grace that is given me, to all that are
among you, not to be more wise than it behoveth
to be wise, but to be wise unto sobriety, and accord-
ing as God hath divided to every one the measure
of faitli. For as in one body we have many members,
but all tlie members have not the same otliee :

so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and

every one members of one another, in Jesua Christ
our Lord.

GOSPEL. Luke ii. 42-52. And when Jesus was

twelve years old, they going up to Jerusalem,

according to the custom of the feast, and having

mlfiUed the days, when they returned, the child
Jesus remained in Jeru!<alem, and his parents knew
it not. And thinking that he was in the company,
they came a day's journey, and sought him among
their kinsfolk and acqiniiTitance. And not finding
him they retiu-ned into Jerusalem, seeking him.
And it came to pass, tliat, aftor three days, they
found him in the tem}:!le, sitting in the midct of the
doctors, hearing them and asking them cjuestions.
And all that heard him were astonished at liis
wisdom and his answers. And soeing him they
wondered. And his mother said to him Son, :

wliy hast thou done so to us ? Behold, thy father

and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said
to them : How is it tliat you sought me ? Did
you not know that I be about nny Father "s
business ? And they understood not the word
that he spoke unto tliem. And he went down with
them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to
them. And his mother kept aJI those words in her
heart. And Jesus advanced in wisdom and,
and grace with God and men. Credo.

Second Sunday after Epiphany.

LESSON. Acts iv. s-12. In those days : Peter
being filled with the Holy Ghost, said to tliem :

Ye princes of the people, and ancients, hear :If

we this day are examined concerning the good deed
done to the infirm man, by what means he hath
been made whole, be it k-nown to you all, and to
all the people of Israel, that by the name of otir
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified,
whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him
this man standeth here before you whole. " Tliis
is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders,
which is become the head of the corner." Neither
is there salvation in any other. For there is no

other name under heaven given to men whereby

we must be saved.

GOSPEL. John ii. Ml. At that time : There

was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother

of Jesus was there. And Jesus also was invited,

and his disciples, to the marriage. And the wine
failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him They :

have no wine. And Jesus saith to her Woman, :

what is it to me and to thee ? my hour is not yet

come. His mother said to the waiters \Miatsoever

he shall say to you, do ye. Now there were set

there six water-pots of stone, according to the
manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing
two or three measujes apiece. Jesus saith to them :

Fill the water-pots with water. And they filled

them up to the brim. And JesTos saith to them :

Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of

the feast. And they carried it. And when the
chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and
knew not whence it was ; but the waiters knew who
had drawn the water the cliief steward calleth

the bridegroom, and saith to him Every man at


first setteth forth good wine, and when men have

well drank, then that which is worse. But thou
hast kept the good wine imtil now. This beginning
of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and mani-:

fested his glory, and his disciples believed in him.

Third Sunday after Epiphany.

EPISTLE. i?07?i. xii.16-21. Brethren : Be not
wise in your own conceits. To no man rendering
evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in
the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as is in you having peace
with all men. Not revenging yourselves, my dearly
beloved ;but give place unto wrath. For it is
written : " Revenge to me I will repay," saith
the Lord. thy enemy be Iningry, give him
But ''
to eat : give him to drink for doing
it he tliirst, :

this, thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."

Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good.
GOSPEL. Maft. viii. 1-13. At that time : When
Jesus was coiiie down from the mountain, great
multitudes followed him and behold a leper came

and adored him, saying Lord, if thou wilt, thou


canst make me clean. And Jesus stretching forth

his hand, touched him, saying I will be thou : ;

made clean. And forthwith his leprosy was cleansed.

And Jesus saith to him See thou tell no man, :

but go sliow thyself to the priests, and offer the

gifts which Moses commanded for a testimony imto
them. And wh.en he had entered into Capharnaiim,
there came to him a centurion, beseeching him, and
saving Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the

palsy, and is grievoi^isly tormented. And Jesus

saith to him I will come and heal him.
: And the
centurion making answer said : Lord, I am not
worthy that thou shoulJst enter under my roof ;

but only say the word, and my servant shall be

healed. For I also am a man subject to authority,
having under me soldiers and I say to this. Go, :

and he goeth and to another, Come, and he


cometh and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth


it. And when Jesus hoard this, he mars-elied,

and said to them that followed him Amen I say :

to you, I have not found so great faith in Israel.

And I say unto you that many shall come from the
east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham
and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven ;

but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out

unto the exterior darkness there shall be weeping ;

and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said to the cen-

turion Go, and as thou hast believed so be it done

to thee. And the servant was healed at the same

hour. Credo.

Fourth Suxday after EriPiiANY.

EPISTLE. Ro7n. xiii. 8-10. Brethren: Ove
no man anything, but to love one another for he :

that loveth his neighboiir, hath fullilled the law.

For " thon shalt not coinmit adultery Thou shalt :

not kill Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear
: :

false witness Thou shalt not covet

: And if there

bo any other commandment, it is comprised in this

word " Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

The love of our neighbour worketli no evil. Love,

therefore, is the fulfilling of the law.

GOSPEL. Matt. \ in. 23-21. At that time : When

Jesus entered into a boat, his disciples followed him ;

and behold a great tempest arose in the sea, so

that the boat was covered with waves but he was ;

asleep. And his disciples came to him, and awak-

ened him, saying Lord, save us, we perish. And

Jesus saith to them Wliy are ye fearful, O ye of


little faith ' Then rising up, he commanded the

winds and the sea, and there came a great calm.
But the men wondered, saying AMiat manner of

man is this, for the winds and the sea obey him ?

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany.

EPISTLE. Colos. iii. 12-17. Brethren: Put
ye on therefore as the elect of God, holy and beloved,
the bowels of mercy, benignity, humility, modesty,
patience bearing with one another and forgiving

one anotlier, if any have a complaint against an-

other. Even as the Lord hath forgiven you, so
you also. But above all these things have charity,
which is the bond of perfection, and let the peace
of Christ rejoice in your hearts, wherein also you
are culled in one body; and be ye thankful. Let
the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in
all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another

in psalms, hjTxins, and spiritual canticles, singing

in grace in j-our hearts to God. All -whatsoever you
do in word or in work, all things do ye in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and
the father by him.

GOSPEL. Matt. xiii. 24-30. At that time :

Jesus spoke this parable to the multitude, saying :

The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that

sowed good seed in his field. But while men were
asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among
the wheat, and went his way. And when the blade
was sprung up, and had brought forth fruit, then
appeared also the cockle. And the servants of the
good man of the house coming, said to him Sir, :

didst thou not sow good seed in thy tield ? whence

then hath it cockle ? And he said to them An :

enemy hath done this. And the servants said to

him ^^'ilt thou that we go and gather it up ? And

he said Xo, lest perhaps gathering up the cockle


5'ou root up the wheat also together with it. Let

both grow until the harvest, and in the time
of the harvest I will say to the reapers Gather

up first the cockle, and bind it in bundles to burn,

but gather the wheat into my barn.

Sixth Sihstday after Epiphany.

EPISTLE. 1 Thess i. 2-10 Brethren : We give
thanks to Grod always for you all making a re-

membrance of you in our prayers without ceasing ;

being mindful of the work of your faith, and labour,

and charity, and of the enduring of the hope of our
Lord Jesi^ Clirist, before God and our Father ;

knowing, brethren beloved of God, your election.

For oiu- Gospel hath not been to you in word only,
but in power also, and in the Holy Ghost, and in
much fulness, as you know what manner of men
we have been amoiig yoii for your sakes. And
you became followers of us and of the Lord, receiving
the word in much tribulation, with joy of the Holv
Ghost so that you were made a pattern to all

that believe in Macedonia and in Achaia. For

from you was spread abroad the word of the Lord,
not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but also in
every place your faith, which is towards God, is
gone forth, so that we need not to speak anything.
For they themselves relate of us, what manner of
entering in we had unto you and how you tiu-ned

to God from idols, to serve the living and true God,

and to wait for his son from heaven (whom he raised
up from the dead), Jesus, who hath delivered us
from the wrath to come.
GOSPEL. Maf^ xiii. 31-35. At that ti)ne : Je^iua
spoke to the multitude this parable The kingdom :

of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, whicli

a man took and sowed in his field. Which indeed
is the least of all seeds but when it is grown up,

it is greater than all herbs, and becometh a tree,

so that the birds of the air come and dwell in the
branches thereof. Another parable he spoke to
them : The kingdom
of heaven is like to leaven
which a woman
took and hid in three measures of
meal, until the whole was leavened. All these
things Jesus spoke in parables to the multitudes, and
without parables he did not speak to them that ;

it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,

saying " I will open my mouth in parables, I will

utter things hidden from the foundation of the

world." Credo.
If there be not six Sundays between the Epiphany
and Septuagesima, what remain are omitted, and taken
in betweeg the twenty-third and the last Sunday after
Septuagesima Sunday.
EPISTLE 1 Cor. ix. 24-27, anrZx. 1-5. Brethren:
Know you not that they that run in the race, all
run indeed, but one receiveth the prize ? So run
that you may obtain. And every one that striveth
for tlie mastery refraineth himself from all thinGTS ;

and they indeed that they may receive a corruptible

crown, but we an incorruptible one. I therefore
so rtm, not as at an uncertainty I so fight, not as

one beating the air but I chastise my body, and


bring it into subjection, lest perhaps when I have

l^reached to others, I myself should become a casta-
way. [Chap. X. 1-5.] For I wovtld not have you
ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all mider
the cloud, and all passed through the sea. And
all in Moses were baptized in the cloud, and in the
sea and did all eat the same spiritual food and
; ;

all drank of the same spiritual drink (and they drank

of the spiritual rock that followed them, and the
rock was Christ). But with the most of them God
was not well pleased.
GOSPEL. Matt. xx. 1-16. At that time : Jesus
spoke to his disciples this parable Tlie kingdom

of heaven is like to a householder who went out

early in the morning to hire labourers into his
vineyard. And having agreed with the labourers for
a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And going out about the third hour, he saw others
standing in the market-place idle. And he said
to them Go you also into my vineyard, and I will

give you what shall be just. And they went their

way. And again he went out about the sixth
and the ninth hour, and did in like luanner. But
about the eleventh hour he went out and found
others standing, and he saith to them Why stand

you here all the day idle ? They said to him :

Becaitse no man hath hired us. He saith to them :

Go you also into my vineyard. And wh^n evening

was come, the lord of the \'ineyard said to his
steward Call the labom-ers and pay them their

hire, beginning from the last «ven to the first.



When, therefore, they were come tliat came about

the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
But when tlie first also came, they thought that they
should receive more and they also received every

man a penny. And receiving it, they murmured

against the master of the house, saying : These
last have worked but one hour, and thou hast
made them equal to us that have borne the burden
of the day and the heats. But he answering said
to one of them :Friend, I do thee no wrong didst ;

thou not agree with me for a penny ? Take what

is thine and go thy way I will also give to this last

even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful for me to do

what 1 will ? Is thy eye evil because I am good ?
So shall the last be first, and the first last. For
many are called but few chosen. Credo.
Sexagesima Sunday.
EPIS'JLE. 2C'or.xi. 19-33, a;jc?xii. 1-y. Brethren:
You gladly suti'er the foolish whereas j^ourselves

are wise. For you suffer if a man bring you into

bondage, if a man devour yoit, if a man take jrom
tjou, if a man be lifted up. if a man strike you on the
face. I speak according to dishonour, as if we had
been weak in this part. Wherein if any man dare
(I speak foolishly) I dare also. They are Hebrews ;

so am I. They are Israelites so am I. They are


the seed of Abraham so am I,

; They are the
ministers of Christ (I speak as one less wise) I ;

am more in many more labom's, in prisons more


frequently, in stripes above measure, in deaths

often. Of the Jews five times did I receive forty
stripes, save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods,
once I was stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck
a night and a day I was in the depth of the sea»
In journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils
of robbers, in perils from my own nation, in perils
from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in
the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from
false brethren. In labour and painfulness, in much
watchings, in hunger and tliirst, in fastings often,
in cold and nakednees. Besides things which are
without my daily instance, the solicitude for all

the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak ?

Who is scandalized, and I am not on fire ? If I
must needs glory, I will glory of the things that
concern my infirmity. The God SJid Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever, knoweth
that I lie not. At Damascus the governor of the
nation mider Aretas the king, guarded the city of
the Damascenes, to apprehend me and through a ;

window ill a basket was J let down by the wall, and

so escaped his hands. [Chap. xii. 1-9.] If I must
glory (it is not expedient indeed) but I will come to
the visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a
man in Chi-ist above foiu-teen years ago (whether in
tlie body, T know not, or out of the body, I know
not, God knoweth), such a one rapt even to the third
heaven. And I know such a man (whetlier in the
body or out of the body, I caimot tell, God knoweth),
that he was caught up into paradise, and heard
secret words, which it is not granted to man to
utter. For such a one I will glory ; but for myself
I will glory nothing but in my
infirmities. For
iliough I shoidd ha\e a mind to glory, I shall not
be foohsh ; Tor I will say the truth. But I forbear,
lest any man
should think of me
above that which
he seeth in me, or anything he heareth from me.
And lest the gTcatness of the revelations should exalt
me, there was gi\ en me a sting of my
flesh, au
angel of Satan to buffet me. For \Ahich thing I
thrice besought the Lord, that it might depart from
me and he said to me
: My
grace is sufficient for

thee for power is made perfect in infirnuty. Gladly,


therefore, will I glory in my

infii'inities, that the
power of Christ may
dwell in me.

GOSPEL. Luke viii. 4-15. At that time : When

a very great multitude was gathered together, and
hastened out of the cities to meet Jesus, he spoke
by a simihtude. A sower went out to sow his seed ;

and as he so\ved some fell by the wayside, and it

was trodden down and the fowls of the air devoured
it. And other some fell upon a rock, and as soon
as it was sprmig up, it withered away, because it
had no moistiure. And other some fell among thorns,
and the thorns growing up with it, choked it.
And other some fell upon good ground and being ;

sprung up, yielded fruit a hmidred-fold. Saying

tliese things he cried out He that hath ears to hear,

let him hear. And his disciples asked him what

tliis parable might be. To whom he said To you :

it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of

God but to the rest in parables, that seeing they

may not see, and hearing may not understand.

Now the parable is this The seed is the word of

God. And they by the wayside are they that hear ;

then the devil cometh, and taketh the word out of

their heart, lest believing they should be saved.
Now, they upon the rock are they who, when they
hear, receive the word with joy and these have no

roots for they believe for a while, and in time of


temptation fall away. And that which fell among

thorns are they who have heard, and going their way
are choked with the cares and the riches and
jleasures of this life, and yield no fruit. But that
on the good gromid are tliey who, in a good and
perfect heart, hearing the word, keep it, and bring
forth fruit in patience.

EPISTLE. 1 Cor. xiii. 1-13. Brethren : If I
speak with tlie tongues of men and of angels, and
have not charity, I am become as sounding brass
or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have propiiecy

and should know all mysteries and all knowledge,

and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove
mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
And if should distribute all may goods to feed the
poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned,
and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
Charity is patient, is kind. Charity envieth not,
dealeth not perversely is not puffed up, it is not

ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to

anger, thinketh no evil ; rejoiceth not in iniquity,
but rejoiceth with tlie truth beareth all things,

believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all

things. Charity never falleth away whether ;

prophecies shall be made void, or tongues shall

cease, or knowledge shall be destroyed. For we
know in part, and we prophesy in part but when ;

that which is perfect is come, that which is in part

shall be done away. When I was a child, I spoke
as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a
child ;but when I became a man, I put away the
things of a child. AVe now see through a glass in
a dark manner but then face to face.
; Now I
know in part but then I shall know even as I am

known. And now there remain faith, hope, charity,

these three but the greatest of these is charity.

GOSPEL. Luke xviii. 31-43. At that time :

Jesus took imto him the twelve, and said to them :

Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall

be accomplished which were -wi-itten bj^ the prophets
concerning the Son of ]Man. For he shall be de-
livered to the Gentiles, and shall be mocked and
scotirged and spit upon and after they have

scourged him, they will put him to death, and the

third day he shall rise again. And they understood
none of these things. And this word was hid from
them, and they understood not the things that were
said. Xow it came to pass, that when he drew nigh
to Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the wayside

begging. And when he heard the multitude passing

by, he asked what this meant. And they told Iiim
that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he
cried out, saying Jesus, son of David, have mercy

on me. And they that went before, rebuked him,

tliat he shoidd hold his peace. But he cried out
much more Son of David, have mercy on me.

And Jesus standing, commanded him to be brought

unto him.. And when he was come near, he asked
him, saying What wilt thou that I do to thee ?

But he said Lord, that I may see. And Jesus said


to him Receive thy sight thy faith hath made

: ;

thee whole. And immediately he saw. and followed

him, glorifying God. And all the people, when they
saw it, gave praise to God. Credo.

Ash Wednesday.
LESSON. 12-19.
Joel Thus saith the Lord
ii. :

Be converted me
with all your heart, in fasting,
in weeping, and in mourning. And rend your
hea,rts, and not your garments, and turn to the
Lord your God, for lie is gracious and merciful,
patient and rich in mercy, and ready to repent of
I lie evil. Who knoweth but he will return and
forgive, and leave a blessing behind him sacrifice ;

and libation to the Lord yotu* God ? Blow the

trumpet in Sion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn
assembly, gather together the people, sanctify the
church, assemble the ancients, gather together the
little ones, and them that suck at the breasts let :

the bi'idegroom go forth from his bed, and the

bride out of the bride-chamber. Between the porch
and the altar, the priests, the Lord's ministers,
shall weep, and say Spare, O Lord, spare thy

people, and give not thine inlieritance to reproach,

that the heathens should rule over them. Why
siiould they say among the nations "VATiere is their :

<,iod ? The Lord hath been zealous for his land.

and hatTi spared his people. Aiid the Lord answered,
and said to his people Behold, I will send you corn,

and wine, and oil you shall be filled with them, and

I will no more make you a reproach among the

nations, saith the Lord Almighty.

GOSPEL. Matt. vi. 16-21. At that time : Jesus

said to his disciples When you fast, be not as the

hypocrites, sad. For they disfigure their faces,

that they may appear to men to fast. Amen I say
to you, they have received their reward. But thou,
when thou fastest, anoint thy head and wash thy
face, that thou appear not to men to fast, but to
thy Father who is in secret and thy Father who

seeth in secret, will repay thee. Lay not up to your-

selves treasures on earth, where the rust and moth
consume, and where thieves break through and
steal but lay up to yourselves treasures in heaven,

where neither the rust nor moth doth consume, and

where thieves do not break through nor steal.
For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also.

First Sunday in Lent.

EPISTLE. 2 Cor. vi. 1-10. Brethren: We
exhort you, that you receive not the grace of God
in vain. For he saith ''In an accepted time have

I heard thee ; and in the day of salvation have I

helped thee." Behold, now is the acceptable time ;

behold, now is the day of salvation. Giving no

offence to any man, that our ministry be not blamed ;

but in all things let us exhibit ourselves as the minis-

ters of God, in much patience, in tribulation, in
necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in prisons, in
seditions, in laboiu-s, in watchings, in fastings, in
chastity, in knowledge, in long suffering, in sweet-
ness, in the Holy Ghost, in charity unfeigned, in
the word of truth, in the power of God by the

armour of justice on the right hand and on the left ;


by honour and dishonour by evil report and good


report as deceivers and yet true as unknown and

: ;

yet kriowni as dying and behold we live

; as ;

chastised and not killed as sorrowful yet always


rejoicing as needy yet enriching many as having

; :

nothing and possessing all things.

GOSPEL. Matt. iv. 1-11. At that time : Jesus

was led by the spirit into the desert, to be tempted
by the devil. And when he had fasted forty days
and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry. And
the tempter coming, said to him If thou be the :

Son of God, command that these stones be made

bread. \\Tio answered and said It is written : :

" Xot in bread alone doth man live, but by every

word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
Then the devil took him into the holy city, and set
hiin upon the pinnacle of the temple, and said to
him If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down
: ;

for it is written " That he hath given his angels


charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear

thee up, lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a
stone." Jesus said to him It is written again
: :

" Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Again
the devil took him up into a very high mountain,
and showed him all the kinguoins of the world,
and the glory of them, and said to him All these :

will I give thee, if falling down, thou wilt adore me.

Tlien Jesus said to him Begone, Satan for it is
: ;

written " The Lord thy God shalt thou adore,


and him only shalt thou serve." Then the devil

left him and behold angels ctime and ministered

to him. Credo.

Second Sunday in Lent.

EPISTLE. 1 Thess. iv. 1-7. Brethren : We
pray and beseech you in theLord Jesus that as you
liave received of us, how you ougiit to walk and to
0;j2 epistles A\D GOSPELS.

please God, so also you wo^^id walk, that you may

abomid the more. For you know what precepts
I have gi\-en to you by the Lord Jesus. For this is
the will of God, your sanctificci.tion that you sliould

abstain from fornication, that every one of you

sboiild know how to possess his vessel in sanctifica-
tion and honour, not in the passion of lust, like the
Gentiles that know not God and that no man

over-reach nor circumvent his brother in business ;

because the Lord is the avenger of all these things,

as we have told you before, and have testified.
For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but
unto sanetification.
GOSPEL. 3Iati. xvii. 1-9. .4( that time : Jesus
taketh unto him IVter and James, and John his
brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain
apart ; and he was transfigured before them.
And his face did shine as the sun, and his garments
became white as snow. And, behold, there appeared
to them Moses and Elias talking with him. And
Peter answering, said to Jesus Lord, it is good for

us to be here if thou wilt, let us make liere three


taV:)ernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one
for Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold,
a bright cloud overshaded them. And lo, a voice
out of the cloud, saying: "This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased hear ye him." And the

disciples hearing, fell their face, and were

\<^y much afraid. And Jesus came and touched
them, and said mito them Arise, and fear not.

And they lifting up their eyes saw no one, but only

Jesus. And as they came down from the mountain,
Jesus charged them, saying Tell the vision to no

man, till the Son of Man be risen from the dead.

Third Sunday in Lent.
EPISTLE. Ephes. v. 1-9. Brethren : Be ye
therefore followers of God, as most dear children ;

and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and

hath deli\-ered himself for us, an oblation and a
saci'ifice to God, for an odour of sweetness. But
fornication, and all uncleaaness, or covetousness,
let it not so much as be named among you, as
beoometh saints or obscenity, or foolish talking,

or scurrility, which is to no purpose but rather


giving of thanks. For know ye this, and understand

that no fornicator, or unolea.n, or covetous person
(which is a serving of idols) hath inheritance in the
kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive
you with vain words. For because of these things
Cometh the anger of God upon the children of
unbelief. Be ye not, therefore, partakers with them.
For you were heretofore darkness, but now light
in the Lord. Walk then as children of the light.
For the fruit of the light is in all goodness, and
justice, and truth.

GOSPEL. Luke xi. 14-28. At that time : Jesus

was casting out a devil, and the same was dumb :

and when he had cast out the devil, the dumb

spoke, and the multitudes were in admiration at it.
But some of them said He casteth out devils by

Beelzebub, the prince

of devils. And others,
teinpting, asked of him a sign from heaven. But
he, seeing their thoughts, said to them Every

kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to

desolation, and house upon house shall fall. And
if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall
his kingdom stand ? because you say that through

Beelzebub I oast out devils. Now, if I oast out

devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children
cast them out ? Therefore they shall be your
judges. But if I, by the finger of God, cast out devils,
doubtless the kingdom of C'od is come upon you.
When a strong man armed keepeth his court, those
things are in peace which he possesseth. But if
a stronger than he come upon liim, and o\'er-
come him, he will take away all his armour wherein
he trusted, and will distribute his spoils. He that
is not with me is against me and he that gathereth

not with me seattereth. When the unclean spirit

is gone out of a man, he walketh through places
without water, seeking rest and not finding, he

saith I will return unto iny house, whence I came


out. And when he is come, he findeth it swept and

garnished. Then he goeth and taketh with him
seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and
entering in they dwell there and the last state of

that man becomes worse than the first. And it came

to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain woman
from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to him :

Blessed is the womb that bore thee, and the paps

that gave thee suck. But he said Yea rather,

blessed are tliey who hear the word of God, and

keep it. Credo.

Fourth Sunday in Lent.

EPISTLE. Gal. iv. 22-31. Brethren It is :

written that Abraham had' two sons the one by a


bond woman, and the other by a free woman.

But he who was of the bond woman was born
according to the flesh but he of the free woman

was by promise. Which things are said by an

allegory. For these are the two testaments. The
one from Moimt Sina, engendering unto bondage,
which is Agar for Sina is a mountain in Arabia,

which hath affinity to that Jerusalem which now is,

and is in bondage with her children. But that
Jerusalem, which is above, is free, which is our
mother. For it is written Rejoice, thou barren,

that bearest not break forth and cry, thou that


travailest not: for many are the children of the

desolate, more than of her that hath a husband.
Xow we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of
promise. But as then, he that was born according

to the flosh, persecuted him that was after the

spirit, so also it is now.But what saith the scrip-
ture ? Cast out the bond woman and her son ;

for the son of the bond woman sliall not be heir with
the son of the free woman. So then, brethren,
we are not the children of the bond woman, but of
the free by the freedom wherewith Clirist has

made us free.
GOSPEL. Jolni vi. 1-15. At that time : Jesus
went over the sea of Galilee, which is that of
Tiberias and a great multitude followed him,

because they saw the miracles which he did on them

that were diseased. Jesus therefore went up into
a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples.
Now the pasch, the festival day of the Jews, was
near at hand. When Jesus therefore had lifted up
his eyes, and seen that a very great multitude
cometh to him, he said to Philip Whence shall we :

buy bread that these may eat ? And this he said

to try him, for he himself knew what he would do.
Philip answered him Two hundred pennyworth

of bread is not sufficient for them, that everjr one

may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew,
the brother of Simon Peter, saith to him There is :

a boy here that hath five barley loaves and two

fishes but what are these among so many ? Then

Jesus said : Make the men sit do\vn. Now there

was much grass in the place. The men therefore
sat down, in number about five thoiisand. And
Jesus took the loaves and when he had given

thanks, he distributed to them that were set down.

In like manner also of the fishes, as much as they
would and when they were filled, he said to his

disciples Gather up the fragments that remain,


lest they be lost. They gathered up therefore,

and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of
thf'five barley loaves, which remained over and
above ^o them that had eaten. those Now men

and judgeth. Amen, amen, I say to you If any :

man keep my word, he shall not see death for ever.

The Jews therefore said Now we know that thou

hast a devil. Abra.hani is dead, and the prophets ;

and thou sayest If any man keep my word he


shall not taste death for ever. Art thou greater

than our father Abraham, who is dead ? And the
prophets are dead. Whom dost thou make thyself ?
Jesus answered If I glorify myself mj^ glory is

nothing. It is my Father that glorifieth me, of

whom you say that he is your God and you have :

not known him, but I know him. And if I shall

say that I know him not, I should be like to you,
a liar. But I do know him, and do keep his word.
Abraham your father rejoiced that he might see
my day : he saw
it, and was glad. The Jews there-
fore said to him Tliou art not yet fifty years old,

and hast thou seen Abraham ? Jesus said to them :

Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham was

made, I am. They took up stones therefore to cast
at him. But Jesus hid himself, and went out of
the temple.

Palm Sunday.
EPISTLE. P/i?7f». Brethren: Let this
ii. 5-11.
mind be in j'ou, v/h.ich was also in Christ Jesus ;

who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery

to be equal with God, but emptied himself, taking
the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of
men, and in habit found as a man. He humbled
himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the
death of the cross. For which cause God also hath
exalted him, and hath given him a name which is
above all names that in the name of Jesus every

knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on

earth, and under the earth. And that every tongue
-should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the
glory of God the Father.
GOSPEL. The Passion of Oar Lord Jesus Chri>*t,
according to Matt. xxvi. and xxvii. At that time :
Jesus said to his disciples You know that after

two days shall be the pasch, and the Son of Man

shall be delivered up to be crucified. Then were
gathered together the chief priests and ancients
of the people, into the court of the high priest, who
was called Caiphas and they consulted together,

that by subtil ty they miglit apprehend Jesus,

and put him to death. But thej^ said Not on the :

festival day, lest perhaps there should be a tumult

among the people. And when Jesus was in Bethania,
in the house of Simon the leper, there came to him
a woman having an alabaster box of precious oint-
ment, and poured it on his head as he was at table.
And the disciples seeing it, had indignation, saying :

To what purpose is tliis waste ? For this might

have been sold for much, and given to the poor.
And Jesus knowing it, said to them Why do you :

trouble this woman ? For she hath wrought a good

work upon me. For the poor you have always with
you, but me you have not always. For she, in
pouring this ointment upon my body, hath done
iffor my burial. Amen I say to you, wheresoever
this gospel shall be preached in the whole world,
that also which she hath done shall be told for a
memory of her. Then went one of the twelve who
was called Judas Iscariot, to the chief priests, and
said to them What will you give me, and I will

deliver him unto you ? But they appointed him

thirty pieces of silver. And from thenceforth he
sought opportunity' to betray him. And on the
first day of the Az\-mes the disciples came to Jesus,
saying ^^^le^e wilt thou that we
: prepare for thee
to eat the pasch? But Jesus said Go ye into the

city to a certain man, and say to him " The :

Master saith. My time is near at hand, with thee

I make the pasch v.ith my
disciples." And the
disciples did as Jesus appointed to them, and they

prepared the pasoh. But when it was evening ho sat

down with his twelve disciples and whilst they were

eating, he said : Amen I say to you, that one of

you is about to betray me. And they being very
much troubled, began every one to say Is it I, :

Lord ? But he answering, said He that dippeth:

his hand with me in the dish, he shall betray me.

The Son of Man indeed goeth, as it is written of
him but woe to that man by whom the Son of

Man shall be betrayed. It were better for him if

that man had not been bom. And Judas, that
betrayed him, answering, said Is it I, Rabbi ?

He said to him Tliou hast said it. And whilst


they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed,

and broke, and gave to his disciples, and said :

Take ye and eat this is my body. And taking the


chalice he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying :

Drink ye all of this for this is my blood of the New


Testament, which shall be shed for many unto

the remission of sins. And I say to you, I will not
drink from henceforth of this fruit of the vine,
until that day when I shall drink it with you new
in the kingdom of my Father. And a hj'ran being
said, they went out unto Movmt Olivet. Then
Jesus saith to them All you shall be scandalized

in me this night. For it is written " I will strike


the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be

dispersed." But after I shall be risen again, I
will go before you into Galilee. And Peter, answering
said to him : Although all shall be scandalized in
thee, I will never be scandalized. Jesus said to him :

Amen I say to thee, that in this night, before the

fock crow, thou wilt deny me thrice Peter saith ;

to him : Yea, though I should die with thee, I will

not deny thee. And in like manner said all the dis-
ciples. Then Jesus came with them into a country
place which is called Gethsemani and he said to

his disciples Sit you here, till I go yonder and pray.


And takin-i with him Peter and the two sons of

Zcbedee, he began to grow sorrowful, and to be
sad. Then he saith to them My soul is sorrowful

even unto death stay you here and watch with


me. Aiad going a little fiu-ther he fell upon his

face, praying, and saying My Fatlier, if it be pos-

sible, let this clialice pass from me. Nevertheless,

not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh to
his disciples and findeth them asleep, and he saith
to Peter ^^'hat, could you not watch one hour

with me ? Watch ye, and pray tliat ye enter not

into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but
the flesh is weak. Again the second time he went
and prayed, saying ^Nly Father, if this clialice may

not pass away, l)ut I must drink it, thy will be done.
And he cometh again, and findeth them sleeping ;

for their eyes were heavy. And lea\ing them, he

went aeain and he prayed the third time, saying

the self-same word. Then he cometh to his disciples,

and saith to them Sleep ye now, and take your

rest :behold the hour is at liand, and the Son of

Man shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Rise, let us go behold he is at hand that will

betray me. As he yet spoke, behold, Judas, one

of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude,
with swords and clul.>s, sent from the cliief pi'iests
and the ancients of the people. And he that betrayed
him, gave them a sign, .saying Whomsoever I

shall kiss, that is he, hold him fast. And forth-

with coming to Jesus, he said Hail, Rabbi : and

he kissed him. And Jesus said to him Friend, :

whereto art thou come ? Then they came up, and

laid hands on Jesus and held him. And behold onv
of them that were with Jesus, stretching forth his
hand, drew out his sword and striking the servant

of the high pries*, cut off his ear. Then Jesus saith
to him :Put up again thy sword into its place :

for all that take the sword shall perish with the
sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot ask my
pMtlier, and ho v.ill rrive me presently more than

twelve lesions of angels ? How

then shall the scrip-
tures be fuliilled, that so it must be done ? In that
same hour, Jesus said to the multitudes You are :

come out as it were to a robber, with swords and

clubs, to apprehend me. I sat daily with you
teaching in the temple and you laid not hands on
me. Now all this was done that the scriptures of
the prophets might be fulfilled. Then the disciples
all leaving him, fled. But they, holding Jesus, led
him to Caiphas, the high priest, where the scribes
and the ancients were assembled. And Peter fol-
lowed him afar off, even to the court of the high
priest and going in, he sat with the servants, that

he might see the end. And the chief priests and the
whole council sought false witness against Jesus,
that they might put him to death and they found

not, whereas many false witnesses had come in.

And last of all there came two
false witnesses :

and they said : This man

said, I am
able to destroy
the temple of God, and after three da,ys to rebuild
it. And the high priest rising up said to him :

Answerest thou nothing to the things which these

witness against thee ? But Jesus held his peace.
And the high priest said to him I adjure thee, by

the living God, that thou tell us if thou be the

Christ the Son of God. Jesus saith to him Thou :

hast said it. Nevertheless I say to you, hereafter

you shall see the Son of 3Ian sitting on the right
hand of the power of God, and coming in the clouds
of heaven. Then the high priest rent his garments,
saying He hath blasphemed what further need
: ;

have we of witnesses ? Behold, now you have

heard the blasphemy, what think you ? But they
answering, said He is guilty of death. Then did

they spit in his face, and buffeted him, and others

struck his face with the palms of their hands, sajnng :

Prophesy unto us, O Christ, who is he that struck

thee ? But Peter sat without in the court and ;

there came to him a servant maid saying Thou :

also wast with Jesus the Galilean. But he denied
before them all saying I know not what thou

sayest. And as he went out of the gate, another

maid saw him and slie saith to them that were there :

This man also was with Jesus of Nazareth. And

again he denied with an oath That I know not the

man. And after a little while they came that

stood by, and said to Peter Surely thou also

art one of them for even thy speech doth discover


thee. Then he began to curse and swear that he

knew not the man. And immediately the cock crew.
And Peter remembered the word of Jesus which he
had said Before the cock crow, thou wilt deny

me thrice. And going forth he wept bitterly.

And when morning was come, all the chief priests
and ancients of the people took counsel against Jesus,
that they might pvit him to death. And they brought
him bound and delivered him to Pontius Pilate, the
governor. Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing
that he was condemned, repenting himself, brought
back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests
and ancients, saying I have sinned in betraying

innocent blood. But they said What is that to


us ? look thou to it. And casting down the pieces

of silver in the temple, he departed, and went and
hanged himself with a halter. But the chief piiests
having taken the pieces of silver, said It is not

lawful to put them into the corbona, because it is

the price of blood. And after they had consulted
together, they bought with them the potter's field
to be a burying place for strangers. For tliis cause
that field was called Haceldama, that is, the field of
blood, even to this day. Then was fulfilled that
wliich was spoken by Jereraias the prophet, saying :

"And they took the tliirty pieces of silver, the

price of him that was prized, whom they prized of
the children of Israel. And they gave tJiem vuito
the potter's field, as the Lord appointed to me."
And Jesus stood before the governor, and the

governor asked him saying Art thou the king of


the Jews ? Jesus saith to liim Thou sayest it. :

And when he was accused by the chief priests and

ancients, he answered nothing. Then Pilate said
to him Dost not thou hear how great testimonies

they allege against thee ? And he answered him

to never a word so that the governor wondered

exceedingly. Now upon the solemn day, the

governor was accustomed to release to the people
one prisoner, whom they would. And he had then
a notorious prisoner, that was called Barabbas.
They therefoie being gathered together, Pilate said :

Whom will you that you I3arabbas, or

I release to —
Jesus, that is called Christ ? For he knew^ that for
envy they had delivered him. And as he was sitting
in the place of judgment, his wife sent to him,
saying Have thou nothing to do with that just

man. For I have suffered many things this day

in a dream because of him. But the chief priests
and ancients persuaded the people that they should
ask Barabbas, and make Jesus away. And the
governor answering said to them: Whether will
yon of the two to be released unto you ? But they
said Barabbas. Pilate saith to them : What shall
I do then with Jesus that is called Christ ? They
say all Let him be crucified. The governor said to

them ^^^ly, what evil hath ho done ? But they


cried out the more, saying Let him be crucified.


And Pilate seeing that he prevailed notliing, but

that rather a tumult was made taking water, ;

washed his hands before tlie people saying I am :

innocent of the blooi of this jusc man look you :

to it. And the whole people answering, said :

His blood be upon us, and upon our cluldren. Then

he released to them Barabbas and having scourged :

JoRus, delivered him unto them to be crucified.

Tlien the soldiers of the governor, taking Jesus into
the hall, gathered together unto him the whole
band and stripping him, they put a scarlet cloak
about him. And
platting a crown of thorns, they
put it upon head, and a reed in his right hand.
And bowinc; the knee before him, they mocked him,
saying Hail, King of the Jews. And spitting upon

him, they took the reed and struck his head. And
after they had mocked him, they took off the cloak
from him, and put on him his own garments, and
led him away to crucify him. And going out they
found a man of Cyrene, named Simon him they :

forced to take up his cross. And they came to the

plai'e that is called Golgotha, which is tlie place of
Calvary. And they gave him wine to drink mingled
with gall. And when he had tasted he wovild not
drink. And after they had crucitied hiin, they
divided his garments, casting lots that it might

be fulfilled whi'-h was spoken by the prophet,

saying " They divided my '^^arments among them ;

and upon my vesture they cast lots " and they sat :

and watclied him. And they put over his head

his cause written This is Jesus the King of

THE Jews. Tlien were crucified with him two

thieves, one on the riu'ht hand, and one on the left.
And they that passed by blasphemed him, wagging
their heads and saying Vah, thou that destroyest

the temple of God, and in three days dost rebuild it,

save thy own self if tho ',< the Son of God, come
; i

down from the cross. In like manner, also, the

chief priests with tho .«^cribes and ancients, mocking,
said He saved others himself he canriOt save
: ; :

if he be the king of Israel, let him now come down

from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted
in God, let him now deliver him, if he will have him :

for he said I am the Son of God. And tJie self -same


thine, the thievas also that were cruciiied with him

reproached him with. Now from the sixth liour
there was darkness over the whole earth until the
ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jtsus
cried with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lama

sabacthani ? that is. " Mv GoJ, mv God, wliv hast

thou forsaken me ? "And some that stood there
and heard, said : This man calleth EHas. And
immediately one of them rumiing, took a sponge,
and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed, and
gave him to drink. And the others said Let be, let

us see whether Elias will come to deliver him.

And Jesus again crying with a loud voice, yielded
up the ghost.* And behold the veil of the temple
was rent in two from the top even to the bottom,
and the earth quaked, and the rocks were rent.
And the graves were opened and many bodies of

the saints that had slept arose, and coining out of

the tombs after his resurrection, came into the holy
city and appeared to many. Now the centiirion,
and they that were with him watching Jesus,
having seen the earthquake and the things that were
done, were sore afraid, saying Indeed this was the

Son of God. And there were many women afar off,

who had followed Jesus froin Galilee, ministering
unto him, among whom was Mary Magdalene, and
Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the
mother of the sons of Zebedee. And when it was
evening there caine a certain rich man of Arimathea
named Joseph, who also himself was a disciple of
Jesus. He went to Pilate and asked the body of
Jesus. Then Pilate commanded that the body
should be delivered. And Joseph taking the body,
wrapped it up in a clean linen cloth, and laid it
in his own new monument, which he had hewed
out in a rock. And he rolled a great stone to the
door of the monument, and went his way. And
there was there Mary INIagdalene and the other
Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. And the
next day, which followed the day of preparation,
the chief priests and the Pharisees came together
to Pilate, saying Sir, we have reinemberd that that

seducer said, while he yet alive After three


days I will rise again. Command, therefore, the

* Here all kneel and pause.


sepulchre to be guarded until the third day ; lest

perhaps his disciples come and steal him away, and
say to the people He is risen from the dead and
: ;

the last error shall be worse than the first. Pilate

said to them You have a guard go, guard it as
: ;

you know. And they, departing, made the sepulchre

siu-e, sealing the stone and setting guards.

Easter Sunday.
EPISTLE. 1 Brethren : Purge out
Cor. v. 7,
the old leaven, that you may be a new paste, as
you are unleavened. For Christ our pasch is sacri-
ficed. Therefore, let us feast, not with the old
leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness,
but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and

GOSPEL. Mark xvi. 1-7. At that time : Mary

Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and
Salome, bought sweet spices, that coming they
might anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning,
the first day of the week, they came to the sepulclire,
the sun being now risen. And they said one to
another Who shall roll us bark the stone from the

door of the sepulchre ? And looking, they saw the

stone rolled back. For it was very great. And
entering into the sepulclire, they saw a young man
sitting on the right side, clothed with a v.-hite robe :

and they were astonished. Who saith to them :

Be not affrighted you seek Jesus of Nazareth,


who was crucified he is risen, he is not here, behold


the place where they laid him. But go, tell his
disciples and Peter, that he goeth before you into
Galilee : there you sliall see him, as he told you.
Quasimodo, or Low Sunday.
EPISTLE. 1 John v. 4-10. Dearly beloved:
For whatsoever is bom of God overcometh the
world ; and
this is the victory which overcometh
the world, our faith. Who
is he that overcometh
the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the
Son of God ? This is he that came by water and
blood. Jesus Christ not by water only, but by water

and blood. And it is the spirit which testifieth that

Christ is the truth. And there are three who give
testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and
the Holy Ghost. And these three are one. And
there are three that give testimony on earth the :

Spirit, and the water, and the blood and these :

three are one. If we receive the testimony of men,

the testimony of God is greater. For this is the
testimonj^ of God which is greater, because he hath
testified of his son. He that believeth in the Son
of God, hath the testimony of God in himself.

GOSPEL. Jo/in XX. 19-31. At that time : When

it was late that same day, the first of the week,
and the doors were shut w-here the disciples were
gathered together for fear of the Jews, Jesus came
and stood in the midst and said to them Peace :

be to you. And when he had said this, he showed

them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore
were glad when they saw the Lord. He said there-
fore to them again Peace be to you.
: As the
Father hath sent me, I also send you. AMien he
had said this, he breathed on them and he said ;

to them Receive ye the Holy Ghost whose sins

: :

you shall forgive, they are forgiven them and :

whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. Now,

Thomas, one of the twelve, who is called Didjnnus,
was not with them when Jesus came. The other dis-
ciples therefore said to him We have seen the Lord.

But he said to them Except I shall see in his hands


tlie print of the nails, and put mj'- finger into the
place of the nails, and put my hand into his side,
I will not believe. And after eight days, again
his disciples were within, and Thomas with them.
Jesiis Cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in
the midst and said Peace be to you.
: Then he
said to Thomas Put in thy finger hither, and see

my hands, and bring hither thy hand, and put it

into my side and be not faithless, but beheving.

Thomas answered and said to him My Lord and :

my God Jesus saith to him Because thou hast

! :

seen me, Thomas, thou hast beheved blessed are :

they that have not seen and have believed. Many

other signs also did Jesus in the sight of his disciples,
which are not written in tliis book. But these are
written that you may believe that Jesus is th'^
Christ, the Son of God and that believing you may

have life in his name. Credo,

Second Sunday after Easter.
EPISTLE. 1 Peter ii. 21-25. Dearly beloved :

Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example

that you should follow his steps. Who did no sin,
jieither was guile found in his mouth. AMio when
he was reviled, did not revile when he suffered, :

he threatened not, but delivered himself to him

that judged him imjustly who his own self bore

our sins in his body upon the tree that we being ;

dead to sins, should live to justice by whose :

stripes you were healed. For yon were as sheep

going astray but you are now converted to the

shepherd and bishop of your souls.

GOSPEL. John. At that time : Jesus
x. 11-16.
said to the Pharisees : I am
the good shepherd.
The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.
But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd,
whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming
and leavcth the sheep, and flieth, and the wolf
catcheth and scattereth the sheep and the hireling :

llieth, because he is a hireling and he hath no care


for the sheep. I am the good shepherd and I :

know mine and mine know me. As the Father know-


oth me, and I know tho Father and I lay down my :

lifefor my sheep. And other sheep I have tliat are

not of this fold tliem also I must bring, and they

shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and

one shepherd. Credo.
Third Sunday after Easter.
EPISTLE. 1 Pe^er ii. 11-19. Dparhj beloved :
I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims to refrain
yourselves from carnal desires, which war against
the soul, having your conversation good among the
Gentiles that whereas they speak against you

as evil doers, they may, by the good works which

tliey shall behold in you, glorify God in the day
of visitation. Be ye subject therefore to every
human creature for God's sake whether it be to ;

the king as excelling or to governors as sent by


him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the

praise of the good for so is the will of God, that by

doing well you may put to silence the ignorance

of foolish men as free, and not making liberty

a cloak for malice, but as the servants of Gocl.

Honour all men love the brotherhood fear God
: : :

honour the king. Servants, be subject to your

masters with all fear, not only to tlie good and
gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thanks-
worthy in Christ Jesus our Lord.
GOSPEL. John xvi. 16-22, At that time : Jesus
said to his disciples : A
little while, and now you
shall not see me and again a little while, and you

shall see me because I go to the Father.

; Then
some of his disciples said one to another What is :

this that he saith to us : A

little while, and you shall
not see me and again a little while, and you shall

s(^e me, and, because I go to the Father ? They

said therefore WTiat is this that ho saith, A little

while ? We know not what he speaketh. And

Jesus knew that they had a mind to ask him : and
he said to them : Of this do you inquire among
yourselv^es, -because I said A little while, and you

shall not see me ; and again a little while, and you

shall see me ? Amen, amen, I say to you, that
3"ou shall lament and weep, but the. world shall
rejoice and you shall be made sorrowful, but your

sorrow shall be turned into joy. A woman when

she is in labour hath sorrow, because her hour has
come ; but when she hath brought forth the child,
she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that
a man is born into the world. So also you now indeed
have sorrow, but I will see you again, and your
heart shall rejoice and your joy no man shall

take from you. Credo.

Fourth Sunday after Easter.
EPISTLE. Jaf7ies i. 17-21. Dearly beloved :

Every best gift and every perfect gift is from

above, coming down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no change nor shadow of altera-
tion. For of his own will hath he begotten us by
the word of truth, that we might be some beginning
of his creature. You know, my dearest brethren.
And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to
speak and slow to anger. For the anger of man
worketh not the justice of God. \Vlierefore casting
away all uneleanness and abiuidance of naughtiness,
with meekness receive the ingrafted word, which
is able to save your souls.

GOSPEL. John xvi. 5-14. At that time : Jesus

said to his disciples I go to him that sent me, and

none of you asketh me AMiither goest thou ? But


l:)ecause I have spoken these things to you, sorrow

hath filled your heart. But I tell you the truth.
It is expedient to you that I go for if I go not,

the Paraclete will not come to you but if I go, I;

will send him to you. And when he is come, he will

convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of

judgment. Of sin because they believed not in


me. And of justice because I go to the Father


and you shall see me no longer. And of judgment :

because the prince of this world is already judged.

I liave yet many things to say to you but you :

cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit

of Truth, is come, he will teach you all truth.
For he shall not speak of himself but what things;

soever he shall hear, he shall speak and the things ;

that are to come he shall show you. He shall

glorify me because he shall receive of mine, and

shall show it to you. Credo.

Fifth Sunday after Easter.
EPISTLE. James i. 22-27. Dearly beloved :
Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves. For if a man be a hearer
of the word and not a doer, he shall be compared
to a man beholding his own countenance in a glass^
For he beheld himself and went his way, and pre-
sently forgot what manner of man he was. But he
that hath looked into the perfect law of liberty,
and hath continued therein, not becoming a forgetful
hearer, but a doer of the work this man shall be

blessed in his deed. And if any man think himself

to be religious, not bridling his tongue, but deceiving
his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Religioyx
clean and undefiled before God and the Father, is
this to visit the fatherless and the widows in their

tribulation ; and to keep one's self unspotted from

tliis world.
GOSPEL. John xvi. 23-30. At that time : Jesus
said to his disciples : Amei^ amen, I say to you,
if you ask the Father anything my in name, he
will give it you.Hitherto you have not asked any-
thing in my name. Ask and you shall receive, that
your joy may be fvill. These things I have spoken
to you in proverbs. The hour cometh when I will
no more speak to you in proverbs, bnt will show you
plainly of the Father. In that day you shall ask
in my name and I say not to you, that I will ask

the Father for you. For the Father himself loveth

you. because j'ou have loved me, and have believed
that I came out from God. I came forth from the
Father, and am come into the world again I ;

leave the world, and I go to the Father. His dis-

ciples say to him Behold, now thou speakest

plainly, and speakest no proverb. Now we know

that thou kuowest all things, and thou needest
not that any man should ask thee. By this we
believe that thou camest forth from God. Credo.
Ascension Day.
LESSON. Acts i. 1-11. The former
treatise I
made, O Theophilus, of all things which Jesus
began to do and to teach, until the day on which,
giving commandments by the Holy Ghost to the
Apostles whom he had chosen, he was taken up.
To whom also he showed himself alive after his
passion, by many proofs, for forty days appearing
to them and speaking of the kingdom of God.
And eating together with them, he commanded
them that they should not depart from Jerusalem,
but should wait for the promise of the Father,
which j-ou have heard (saith he) by my mouth ;

for John indeed baptized with water, but you shall

be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days
hence. They therefore who were come together
asked him, saying Lord, wilt thou at this time

restore again the kingdom to Israel ? But he said

to them :It is not for you to know the times or
moments which the Father hath put in his own
power but you shall receive the power of the Holy

Ghost coming upon you, and you shall be witnesses

unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,
and even to the uttermost part of the earth. And
when he had said these things, while they looked

on, he was raised up, and a cloud received him out

of their siglit. And while they were beholding him
going up to heaven, behold two men stood by them
in white garments, who also said Ye men of

Galilee, why stand you looking up to heaven ? This

Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall
so come as you have seen him going into heaven.

GOSPEL. MarJc xvi. U-20. At that time :

Jesus appeared to the eleven as they were at table,
and he upbraided them with their incredulity and
hardness of heart, because they did not believe them
who had seen him after he was risen again. And
he said to them Go ye into the whole world and

preach the gospel to every creatiu-e. He that

believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved but he

that believeth not shall be condemned. And these

signs shall follow them that believe In my

name they shall cast out devils ; they shall speak

with new tongues they shall take up serpents,

and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall

not hurt them, they shall lay their hands upon the
sick, and they shall recover. And the Lord Jesus,
after he had spoken to them, was taken up into
heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God.
But they going forth preached everywhere, the
Lord working withal, and confirming the word
with signs that followed. Credo.
Sunday within Octave of Ascension.
EPISTLE. 1 Peter iv. 7-11. Most dearly beloved :

Be prudent, and watch in prayers. But before

all things, have a constant mutual charity among
yoiu^elves, for charity covereth a naultitudo of sins.
Using hospitality one towards another without
murmuring. As every man hath received gi-aco
ministering the same one to another, as good stew-
ards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak
let hi))i speak as the words of God. If any man
minister, let as of the power which God
him do it
administereth ; that in all things God may be
honoured through Jesus Christ, to whom is glory
and empire for ever and ever. Ajiien.

GOSPEL. John xv. 26, 27, and xvi. 1-4. At that

time :Jesus said to his disciples \A'hen the Para-

clete Cometh, wliom I will send you from the

Father, the Spirit of Truth, who proceedeth from
the Father, he shall give testimony of me and you ;

shall give testimony, because you are with me

from the beginning. [Chap. xvi. 1-4.] These
things have I spoken to you, that you may not bo
scandalised. They will put you out of the syna-
gogues ; yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever
kiileth you will think that he doth a service to God.
And these things will they do to you, because they
have not known the Father nor me. But these
things I have told you, that when the hour shall
come, you may remember that I told you of them.

Whit Sunday.
LESSON. Acts ii. 1-11. When the days of
Pentecost were acc( m
plished, they were all together
in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from
heaven as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled
the whole house where they were sitting. And
there appeared to them parted tongues as it were
of fire, and it sat upon every one of them and ;

they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they
began to speak with divers tongues, according as
the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. Now there
were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men
out of every nation under heaven. And when this
was noised abroad, the multitude came together,
and were confomided in mind, because that every
man heard them speak in his own tongue. And

they were all amazed, and wondered, saying :

Behold, are not all these that speak, Galileans ?

and how have we heard every man our own tongue
wherein we were bom ? Parthians, and Modes,
and Elamites, and inhabitants of Mesopotamia,
Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia
and Paraphilia, Egypt, and the parts of Lybia
a.bout Gyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews also,
and proselytes, Gretes, and Arabians we have ;

heard them speak in our own tongues the wonderful

works of God.

GOSPEL. John xiv. 23-31. At that time :

Jesus said to his disciples If any one love me he


will keep my word, and my Father will love him,

and we will come to him, and will make our abode
with him. He that loveth me not, keepeth not my
words. And the word which you have heard is not
mine, but the Father's who sent me. These things
have I spoken to you, abiding with you. But the
Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will
send in my name, he will teach you all things,
and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I
shall have said to you. Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth

do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled,

nor let it be afraid. You have heard that I said to
you I go away, and I come unto you.
: If you
loved me, you would indeed be glad, because I go
to the Father : for the Father is greater than I.
And now I have told you before it come to pass,
that when it shall come to pass you may believe.
I will not now speak many things with you. For
the prince of this world cometh, and in me he hath
not anything. But that the world may know that
I love the Father : and as the Father hath given
me commandment, so do I. Credo.
Trixity Sunday.
EPISTLE. Rom. xi. 33-36. O the depth of the
riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of Cod !

How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how

unsearchable his ways For who hath known the

mind of the Lord ? Or who hath been his comi-

sellor ? Or who hath first given to him, and recom-
pense shall be made him ? For of him, and by him,
and in him are all things to him be glory for ever.


GOSPEL. Matt, xxviii. 18-20. At that time:

Jesus said to his disciples All power is given to me

in heaven and in earth. Going, therefore, teach

ye all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I
have commanded you and behold I am with you

all days even to the consiunmation of the world.


GOSPEL of the First Sunday after Pentecost.

Luke vi. 36-42. At Jesus said to his
that time :

disciples Be ye merciful, as your Father also is


merciful. Judge not, and you shall not be judged.

Condemn not, and j'ou shall not be condemned.
Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Give, and it shall
be given to you good measure and pressed down

and shaken together and running over shall they

give into your bosom. For with the same measure
that you shall mete withal, it shall be measiured to
you again. And he spoke also to them a similitude :

Can the blind lead the blind ? do they not both

fall into the ditch ? The disciple is not above his
master but everyone shall be perfect, if he be as

his master. And why seest thou the mote in thy

brother's eye but the beam that is in thy ovm eye

thou considerest not ? Or how canst thou say to



thy brother Brother, let me pull the mote out of


thy eye, when thou thyself seest not the beam in

thy own eye ? H;^'pocrite, cast first the beam out
of thy own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to
take out the mote from thy brother's eye. Deo
Corpus Christi.
EPISTLE. Cor. xi. 23-29.
1 Brethren : I have
received of the Lord that which also I delivered
unto you that the Lord Jesus, the same night in
which he was betrayed, took bread, and giving
thanks, broke, and said Take ye and eat this is
: :

my body which shall be delivered for you this do


for the commemoration of me. In like manner also

the chalice, after he had supped, saying This:

chalice is the New Testament in my blood ;this do

ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemora-
tion of me. For as often as you shall eat this bread,
and drink the chalice, you shall show the death of
the Lord, until he come. Therefore, whosoever
shall eat this bread or drink the chalice of the Lord
laiworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the
blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself
and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the
chalice. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily,
eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not
discerning the body of the Lord.

GOSPEL John vi. 56-59. At that time : Jesus

said to the multitude of the Jews My flesh is meat

indeed, and my
blood is drink indeed. He that
eateth myflesh and drinketh my
blood, abideth
in mc, and I in him. As the living Father hath
sent me, and I live by the Father so he that eateth

me, the same also shall live by me. This is the

bread that came down from heaven. Not as your
fatliers did eat manna, and are dead. He that
eateth this bread shall live for ever. Credo.
Second Sunday after Pentecost.
EPISTLE. 1 John iii. 13-18. Dearhj beloved:
Wonder not if the world hate you. We know that
we have passed from death to Hfe, because we love
the brethren. He that loveth not,abideth in death.
\Mios 'ever hateth his brother a murderer. And
you know that no murderer hath eternal life
abiding in himself. In this we have known the
charity of God, because he hath laid dov\-n his life
for us ;and we ought to lay down oiu* lives for the
brctlir n. He tliat hath the substance of this world,
and shall see his brother in need, and shall shut up
his bowels from him, how doth the charity of God
abide in him ? My little children, let us not love
in word nor in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

GOSPEL. Z?/Ae xiv. 10-24. At that time : 3esua

spoke this parable to the Pharisees A certain

man made a great supper and invited many, and he

sent his servant at the hour of supper to say to them
that were invited, that they should come, for now
all things are readj-. And they began all at once to
make excuse. The first said to him I have bought

a farm, and I must needs go out and see it I pray ;

thee hold me excused. And another said I have :

bought five yoke of oxen and I go to try them;

I pray thee hold me excused. And another said ;

Iliave married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.

And the servant returning, told these things to his
lord. Then the master of the house being angry
said to his servant Go out quickly into the streets

and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor,

and the feeble, and the blind, and the lame. And
the servant said : Lord, it is done as thou hast
commanded, and yet there is room. And the lord
said to the servant Go out into the highways and

hedges, and compel them to come in, that my

house may be filled. But I say unto you, that none

of those men that were invited, shall taste of my

supper. Credo.

Third Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Peter v. 6-11.
1 Dearly beloved:
Be you humbled therefore under the mighty hand
of God, that he may exalt you in the time of visita-
tion. Casting all your care upon him, for he hath of you. Be sober and watch because your

adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about

seeking whom he may devour whom resist ye,

strong in faith ;knowing that the same affliction

befalls your brethren who are in the world. But
the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his
eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered
a little, will himself perfect you and confirm you
and establish you. To him be glory and empire
for ever and ever. Amen.

GOSPEL. Liihe xv. 1-10. At that time : The

publicans and sinners drew near unto him to
hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured,
saying : This man receiveth sinners and eateth
with them. And he spoke to them this parable,
saying A\Tiat man of you that hath a hiuidred

sheep, and if he shall lose one of them, doth he not

leave the ninety-nine in the desert, and go after
that which was lost until he find it ? And when
he hath foimd it, lay it upon his shoulders rejoicing :

and coming home, call together his friends and

neighbours, saying to them : Rejoice with me,
because I have found my sheep that was lost ?
I say to you, that even so, there shall be joy in
heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more
than upon ninety-nine just men who need not
penance. Or what woman having ten groats,
if she lose one groat, doth not light a candle, and
sweep the house, and seek diligently until she find
it ? And when
she hath found it, call together
her friends and neighbours, saying Rejoice with

me, because I have found the groat which I had

lost ? So I say to you, there shall be joy before the
angels of God upon one sinner doing penance.

Fourth Sunday atter Pkntecost.

EPISTLE. Rom. viii. 18-23. Brethren : I
reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy
to be compared with the glory to come, that shall
be revealed in us. For the expectation of the crea-
ture waiteth for the revelation of the sons of God.
For the creatiu*o was made subject to vanity, not
willingly, but by reason of him that made it subject,
in hope because the creature also itself shall be

delivered from the scr^•itude of corruption, into the

liberty of the glory of the children of God. For we
know that every creature groaneth and travaileth
in pain even till now. And not only it, but ourselves
also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we
oiu-selves groan within ourselves, waiting for the
adoption of the sons of God, the redemption of our
body in Christ Jesus our Lord.

GOSPEL. Luke V. l-ll. At that time : It came

to pass, that when the multitude pressed upon him
to hear tlie word of God, he stood bj^ the lake of
Genesareth, and saw two ships standing by the
lake but the fishermen were gone out of them,

and were washing their nets. And going up into

one of the ships that was Simon's, he desired him
to draw back a little from the land. And sitting,
he taught the multitudes out of the ship. Xow
when he had ceased to speak, he said to Simon :

Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets
for a drauglit. And Simon answering said to him :

Ma.ster, wo have laboured all the night and have


taken notliing but at thy word,

; will let down the;

net. And when they had done tliis, they enclosed

a very great multitude of fishes, and their net
broke. And they beckoned to their partners tliat
were in the other ship, that they should come and
help them. And they came, and filled both the
ships, so that they were almost sinking. Which
when Simon Peter saw, he fell down at Jesus' knees,
saying Depart from me, for I am a sinful man,

() Lord. For he was wholly astonished, and all

that were with him, at the draught of fishes which
they had taken. And so were also James and John,
the sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's partners.
And Jesus saith to Simon Fear not, from hence-

forth thou shalt catch men. And having brought

their ships to land, leaving all things, they followed
him. Credo.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost.
EPISTLE. 1 Peter iii. 8-15. Dearly beloved:
Bo ye one mind, having compassion one for
all of
another, being lovers of the brotherhood, merciful,
modest, humble not rendering evil for evil, nor

railing for railing, but contrariwise, blessing for :

unto this are you called, that you may inherit a

blessing. " For he that will love life, and see good
days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his
lips that they speak no guile. Let him decline from
evil, and do good let him seek after peace and pur-

sue it because the eyes of the Lord are upon the


just, and his cars unto their prayers but the


countenance of the Lord upon them that do evil

things." And who is he that can hurt you if you
1)0 zealous of good ? But if also you suffer anything
for justice' sake, blessed are ye. And be not afraid
of their fear, and be not troubled. But sanctify
the Lord Christ in your hearts.

GOSPEL. Matt. v. 20-24. At that time : Jesus

said to his disciples : Unless yoiu justice abound
more than that of tlie scribes and Pharisees, you
shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. You
have heard that it was said to them of old Thou :

shalt not kill. And whosoever shall kill shall be

in danger of the judgment. But I say to you, that
whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in
danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say
to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the
nouncil. And whosoever shall say. Thou fool, shall
be in danger of hell fire. If therefore thou offer
thy gift at the altar, and there thou remember that
thy brother hath anything against thee ;leave
there thy offering before the altar, and go first and
be reconciled to thy brother, and then coming thou
shalt offer thy gift. Credo.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Ro}7i. vi. 3-11. Brethren: All we
who are baptized in Christ JesiLS, are baptized in
his death. For we are buried together with him
by baptism into death that as Christ is risen from

the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may

walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted
together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also
in the likeness of his resiu*rection. Knowing this,
that oiu- old man is crucified with him, that the body
of sin may be destroyed, to the end that we may
serve sin no longer. For he that is dead is justified
from sin. Xow if we be dead with Christ, we believe
that we shall live also together with Christ. Know-
ing that Christ, rising again from the dead, dieth
now no more, deatli shall no more have dominion
over him. For in that ho died to sin, he died once ;

but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. So do

you also reckon that you are dead to sin, but alive
unto God in Christ Jesus otu" Lord.

GOSPEL. Mark viii. 1-9. At that time : Vvlien

there was a great multitude with Jesus, and had
nothing to eat, calhng his disciples together, he
said to them I have compassion on the multitude,

for behold they have now been with me three days,

and have nothing to eat and if I shall send them

away fasting to their home, they will faint in the

way : for some of them came from afar off. And
his disciples answered him From whence can

anyone fill them here with bread in the wilderness ?

And he asked them How many loaves have ye

: ?

Who said Seven.

: And taking the seVen loaves,
giving thanks, he broke, and gave to his disciples for
to set before them ; and they set them before the
people. And they had a few little fishes and he ;

blessed them, and commanded them to be set before

them. And they did eat and were filled. And they
took up that which was left of the fragments,
seven baskets. And they that had eaten were
about four thousand ; and he sent them away.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Rom. vi. 19-23. Brethren : I speak
a human thing, because of the infirmity of your
llesh for as you have yielded yoiir members to

serve uncleanness and iniquity unto iniquity, so

now yield your members to serve justice unto
sanctification. For when you were the servants
of sin you were free men to justice. What fruit
therefore had you then in those things of which
you are now ashamed ? For the end of them is
death. But now being made free from sin, and
become servants of God, you have your fruit unto
sanctification, and the end life everlasting. For
the wages of sin is death but the grace of God,

life everlasting, in Clirist Jesus our Lord.

GOSPEL. Matt. lo-2l.
xii. At that time : Jesus
said to disciples :
his Beware of false prophets,
who come to you in the clothing of sheep, ])ut
inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits
you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of
thorns, or figs of thistles ? Even so every good
tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree
bringeth forth evil fruit. A
good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither oan an evil tree bring forth
good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth
good fruit shall be cut dov\'n, and shall be cast into
the fire. " \Mierefore, by their fruits you shall
know them. Not every one that saith to me :

Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ;

but he that doth the will of my

Father who is in
heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Rom. viii. 12-17. Brethren : We
are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according
to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh,
you shall die ; but if by the spirit you mortify the
deeds of the flesh, you shall live. For whoso-
ever are led by the Spirit of God, they are the
sons of God. For you have not received the spirit
of bondage again in fear but you have received

the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry :

Abba (Father). For the Spirit himself giveth

testimony to our spirit, that we are the sons of
God. And if sons, heirs also heirs indeed of God,

and joint-heirs with Christ.

GOSPEL. Luke xvi. 1-9. At that time : Jesus

spoke to his disciples this parable : There was a
certain rich man who had a steward and the same ;

was accused unto him, that he had wasted his goods.

And he called him, and said to him How is it :

that I hear this of theo ? give an account of thy

stewardship, for now thou canst ba steward no
longer. And the steward said within himself :

What shall I do, because my lord taketh away

from me the stewardship ? To dig I am not able ;

to beg I am ashamed. I know what I will do,

that when I shall be removed from the stewardship,
thoy may receive me into their houses. Therefore,
calling together every one of his lord's debtors,
he said to the first How much dost thou owe my

lord ? But he said A hundred barrels of oil.


And ho said to him Take thy bill, and sit down


quickly, and write fifty. Then he said to another :

And how much dost thou owe ? Who said A :

hundred quarters of wheat. He said to him :

Take thy bill, and write eighty. And the lord

commended the unjust steward, forasmuch as he
had done wisely. For the children of this world
are wiser in their generation than the children of
light. And I say to you Make unto you friends

of the mammon of iniquity, that when you shall

fail, they may receive you into everlasting dwellings.

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. 1 Cor. x. 6-13. Brethren: Let us
not covet evil things, as they also coveted. Neither
become ye idolators, as some of them as it is ;

written :
" The people sat down to eat and drink,
and rose up to play." Neither let us commit fornica-
tion, as some of them committed fornication,
and there fellone day three-and-twenty thousand.
Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them tempted,
and perished by the serpents. Neither do you
murmur, as some of them murmured, and were
destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things
happened to them in figiu-e and they are written;

for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world

arc come. he that thinketh himself
to stand, let him take heed
lest he fall. Let no
temptation take hold on you, but such as is human.
And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be
tempted above that which you are able, but will
make also with temptation issue, that you may be
able to bear it.

GOSPEL. Luke six. 41-47. At that time :

he drew near to Jerusalem, seeing the city

he wept over it, saying If thou also hadst known,

and that in this thy day, the things that are to thy
peace but now they are hidden from thy eyes.

For the days shall come upon thee, and thy enemies
shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee
round, and straiten thee on every side, and beat
thee fiat to the ground, and thy children who are
in thee and they shall not leave in thee a stone

upon a stone because thou hast not known the


time of thy visitation. And entering into the temple,

lie began to cast out them that sold therein, and
them that bought, saying to them It is written : :

' ]My house is the hoiise of prayer." But you have

made it a den of thieves. And he was teaching daily
in the temple. Credo.

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. 1 Cor. xii. 2-IL Brethren: You
know tliat when you were heathens, you went to
dumb idols, according as you were led. AMierefore
I give you to understand, that no man speaking
by the Spirit of God, saith anathema to Jesus.
And no man can say the Lord Jesus, but by the
Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of graces,
but the same Spirit. And there are diversities of
ministries, but the same Lord. And there are
diversities of operations, but the same God, who
worketh all in all. And the manifestation of the


Spirit is given to every man unto profit. To one,
indeed, by the given the word of wisdom
Spirit, is ;

and to another, the word of knowledge, according

to the same Spirit to another, faith in the same

Spirit to another, the grace of heahng in one Spirit


to another, the working of miracles to another, ;

prophecy ; to another, the discerning of spirits ;

to another, divers kinds of tongues to another, ;

interpretation of speeches. But in all these things,

one and the same Spirit worketh, dividing to every
one according as he will.

GOSPEL. Xwfcexviii. 9-14. At that time : Jesus

spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves
as just, and despised others Two men went up :

into the temple to pray ; the one a Pharisee and

the other a publican. The Pharisee, standing,
prayed thus with himself O God, I give thee

thanks that I am not as the rest of men, extor-

tioners, unjust, adulterers, as also is this publican.
I fast twice in a week I give tithes of all that I

possess. And the publican standing afar off,

would not so much as lift up his eyes towards
heaven but struck his breast, saying
; O God, :

be merciful to me a sinner. I say to you, this man

went down to his house justified rather than the
other because every one that exalteth himself

shall ho humbled ; and he that humbleth himself

shall be exalted. Credo.

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. 1 Cor. xv. 1-10. Brethren : I make
known unto you the gospel which I preached to
you, which also you have received, and wherein
you stand ; by which also you are saved, if you
hold fast after what manner I preached unto you,
miless you have believed in vain. For I delivered
unto you first of all, which I also received: how that
Cliristdied for our sins, according to the scriptures,
and that he was buried ;and that he rose again the
third day, according to the scriptures ; and that
he was seen by Cephas, and after that by tlie
eleven. Then was he seen by more than five hundred
brethren at once ; of whoin many remain unto
this present, and some are fallen asleep. After
that he was seen by James, then by all the apostles,
and last of all, he was seen also by me, as by one born
out of due time. For I am the least of the apostles,
who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because
I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace
of God I am what I am and his grace in mo hath

not been void.

GOSPEL. Mark xii. 31-31. At that time : Jesus

going out of the coasts of Tyre, he came by Sidon
to the sea of Galilee, througii the midst of the coasts
of Decapolis. And they bring to him one deaf and
dumb, and they besought him that he would lay
his hand upon him. And taking him from the
multitude apart, he put his fingers into his ears,
and spitting, he touched his tongue, and looking
up to heaven, he groaned and said to him :

Ephpheta, which is. Be thou opened. And im-

mediately his ears were opened, and the string of
his tongue was loosed, and he spoke right. And
he charged them that they should tell no man. But
the more he charged them, so much the more a
great deal did they publish it. And so much the
more did they wonder, saying :He hath done all
things well ; he hath made both the deaf to hear
and the dumb to speak. Credo.

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. 2 Cor. iii. 4-9. Brethren : And such
confidence we have through Christ towards God ;

not that we are sufficient to think anything of our-


selves, as of ourselves ; but our sufficiency is from

God. AVho also hath made vis fit ministers of the
New Testament, not in the letter, but in the spirit.
For the letter killcth, but the spirit quickeneth.
Now if the ministration of death, engraven with
letters upon stones, was glorious, so that the children
of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of
Moses, for the glory of his countenance, which is
made void how shall not the ministration of the

Spirit be rather in glory ? For if the ministration

of condemnation be glory, much more the ministra-
tion of justice aboLuideth in glory.

GOSPEL. Luke x. 23-37. At that time : Jesiis

said to his disciples Blessed are the eyes that see

the things which you see. For I say to you, that

many prophets and kings have desired to see the
things that you see, and have not seen them ;

and to hear the things that you hear, and have

not heard them. And behold, a certain lawyer
stood up, tempting him, and saying Master, :

what must I do to possess eternal life ? But he

said to him Wliat is written in the law ? how

readest thou ? He answering, said " Thou shalt


love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and
with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength,
and with all thy mind and thy neighbom* as

thyself." And he said to him Thou hast answered


right this do, and thou shalt live.

; Bvit he, willing
to justify himself, said to Jesus And who is
: my
neighbour ? And Jesas answering, said certain
: A
man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and
fell among robbers, who also stripped him, and
having wounded him went away, leaving him half
dead. And it chanced that a certain priest went
do^vn the same way, and seeing him passed by.
In like manner also a Levite, when he was near the
place and saw him, passed by. But a certahi


Samaritan being on his journey, came near him
and seeing him, was moved with compassion.
And going up to him, bomid up his wounds, pouring
in oil and wine and setting him upon his own beast,

brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

And the next day he took out two pence, and gave
to the host, and said Take care of him and what-
: ;

soever thou shalt spend over and above, I, at my

return, will repay thee. WTiich of these three in
thy opinion was neighbour to him that fell among
the robbers ? But he said He that showed mercy

to him. And Jesus said to him Go, and do thou


in like manner. Credo.

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Oal. in. 16-22. Brethren: To
Abraham were the promises made, and to his seed.
He saith not And to his seeds, as of many but
: ;

as of one :And to thy seed, which is Christ. Now

this I say, that the testament which was con-
firmed by God, the law which was made after
four hundred and thirty years, doth not disannul
to make the promise of no effect. For, if the inherit-
ance be of the law, it is no more of promise. But
God gave it to Abraham by promise. Why then
was the law ? It was set because of transgressions,
until the seed should come, to whom he made the
promise, being ordained by angels in the hand of a
mediator. Now a mediator is not of one but God :

is one. Was the law then against the promises of

God ? God forbid. For if there had been a law
given which could give life, verily justice should
have been by the law. But the scripture hath con-
cluded all under sin, that the promise by the faith
of Jesus Clurist might be given to them that believe.

GOSPEL. Luke xvii. 11-19. At that time:

As he was going to Jerusalem, he passed througli

the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as he

entered into a certain town, there met him ten men
that were lepers, who stood afar off, and lifted up
their voice, saying : Jesus, Master, have mercy
on us. Whom when he saw, he said Go, show

yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass,

that as they went, they were made clean. And
one of them when he saw that he was made clean,
went back, with a loud voice glorifying God. And
he fell on his face before his feet, giving thanks :

and this was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering,

said: Were not ten made clean, and where are the
nine ? There is no one found to return and give
glory to God, but this stranger. And he said to him :

Arise, go thy way, for thy faith hath made thee

whole. Credo.

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Gal. w. 16-24. Brethren: Walk in
the spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lusts of the
flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit ;

and the spirit against the flesh for these are con-

trary one to another, so that you do not the things

that you would. But if you are led by the spirit,
you are not under the law. Now the works of the
flesh are manifest, which are, fornication, un-
cloanness, immodesty, luxury, idolatry, witch-
crafts, enmities, contentions, emulations, wraths,
quarrels, dissensions, sects, envy, murders, drunken-
ness, revellings, and such like. Of the which I
foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they
who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom
of God. But the fruit of the spirit is charity, joy,
peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity,
mildness, faith, modesty, continency, cnastity.
Against such there is no law. And they that are
Christ's have crucified their flesh with the vices
and concupiscences.
GOSPEL. Matt. vi. 24-33. At that time : Jesus
'^aid to his di'^ciple'^ : No man can serve two masters.
For either he will hate the one, and love the other ;
or he will sustain the one, and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore
I say to you, be not solicitous for your life, what
you shall eat, nor for your body, what you shall
put on. Is not the life more than the meat, and
the body more than the raiment ? Behold the
birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they
reap, nor gather into barns, and your heavenly
Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more
value tlian they ? And which of you, by taking
thought, can add to liis stature one cubit ? And
for raiment why are you solicitous ? Consider the
lilies of the field, how they grow they labour not,

neither do they spin. But I say to you, that not

even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one
of these. And if the grass of the field whicli is to-day,
and to-morrow is cast into the oven, God doth so
clothe : how much more you, O ye of little faith.
Be not solicitous, therefore, saying What shall

we eat, or what shall we

drink, or wherewith shall
we be clothed ? For after all these things do the
heathens seek. For your Father knoweth that you
have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore
first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all
these things shall be added unto you. Credo.

Fifteenth Sunday after Pextecost.

EPISTLE. Gal. v. 25, 20, and vi. 1-10. Brethren :
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the
Spirit. Let us not be made desirous of vain glory%
provoking one another, envying one another.
[Chap. vi. 1-10.] Brethren, and if a man be over-
taken in any fault, you, who are spiritual, instruct
such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering
lliyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one

another's burdens ; and so you shall fulfil the law

of Christ. For if any man think himself to be
sometliing, whereas ho is nothing, he deceiveth
himself. But let every oiae prove his own work,
and so he shall have glory in himself only, and
not in another. For every one shall bear his own
burden. And let him that is instructed in the word
communicate to him that instructeth him, in all
cjood things. Be not deceived, God is not mocked.
For what things a man shall sow, those also shall
ho reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the
flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that
soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life
everlasting. And in doing good let us not fail.
For in due time wo shall reap, not failing. Therefore,
whilst we have time, let us work good to all men,
but especially to those who are of the household
of faith.

GOSPEL. Lwtevii. 11-16. At that time: Jesus

wont into a city called Nairn and there went with

him his disciples, and a great multitude. And

when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold
a dead man was carried out, the only son of his
mother, and she was a widow, and a great multitude
of the city was with her. Whom when the Lord had
seen, being moved with mercy towards her, he said
to her :Weep not. And he came near and touched
the And they that carried it, stood still.
And he said Young man, I say to thee, arise.

And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak.

And ho gave him to his mother. And there came a
fear on them all ; and they glorified God, saying :

A great prophet risen is up among us, and God

hath visited his people.
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
EPISTLE. Ephes. iii. 13-21. Brethren : I
pray you not to faint at ray tribulations for you,
wliich is your glory. For this caiise I bowmy knees
to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom
all paternity in heaven and earth is named, that
he would grant you according to the riches of his
glor}^, to be strengthened by his spirit with might
imto the inward man. That Christ may dwell by
faith in your hearts, that being rooted and found
in charity, you may be able to comprehend,
with all the saints, what is the breadth, and length,
and height, and depth : to know also the charity
of Christ, which surpasseth all knowledge, that
you may be filled unto all the fulness of Gk)d. Now
to him who is able to do all things more abundantly
than we desire or imderstand, according to the
power that worketh in us, to him bo glory in the
church, and in Clirist Jesus, unto all generations,
world without end. Amen.

GOSPEL. Luk^ xiv. l-U. At that tune : V.lien

Jesus went into the house of one of the chief of
the Pharisees on the Sabbath-day to eat broiid
they watched him. And behold there was a
certain man before him that had the dropsy. And
Jesus answering, spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees,
saying : Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day ?
But they held their peace. But he, taking him,
healed him, and sent him away. And answering
them, he said Which of you shall have an ass or

an ox fall into a pit, and will not inunediately draw

him out on the Sabbath day ? And they could not
answer him aa to these things. And he spoke a
parable also to them that were invited, marking
how they chose the first seats at the table, saying
to them :When thou art invited to a wedding,
sit not down in the first plac^e, lest, perhaps, one
more honourable than thou be invited by him, and
he that iiivitod thee and him come and say to thee :

Give this man place, and then thou begin with sliame
to take the lowest place. But «hen thou art invited,
go, sit down in the lowest place, that when he who
invited thee cometh, he may say to thee Friend,

go up higher. Then shalt thou have glory before

them that sit at table with thee, because every one
that exalted himself shall be humbled, and he
that humble th himself shall be exalted. Credo.

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Ephes. iv. 1-6. Brethren : I, there-
fore,a prisoner in the Lord, beseech you that you
walk worthy of the vocation in which you are called
With all humility and mildness, with patience,
supporting one another in charity. Careful to keep
the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. One
body and one spirit, as you are called in one hope
of j-oiu" calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and
tlirough all, and in us all, who is blessed for evermore.

GOSPEL. Matt. xxii. 35-46. At that time :

The Pharisees came to Jesus : And one of them,
a doctor of the law, asked him, tempting him :

Master, which is the great commandment of the

law ? Jesus said to him : Thou shalt love the Lord
thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole
soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest
and the first commandment. And the second is
like to this : Thou sltalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments dependeth the whole
law and the prophets. And the Pharisees being
gathered together, Jesus asked them saying :

What think you of Christ ? Whose son is he ?

Tney say to him David's.
: He saith to them :

How then doth David in spirit call him Lord,

saving : The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right
hand until I make thy e^iemies thy footstool ? If
David then call him Lord, how is he his son ?
And no man was able to answer him a word ;

any man from that day forth ask

neither diu-st
him any more questions. Credo.

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. 1 Cor. i. 4-8. Brethren : I give
thanks to my God always for j'ou, for the grace of
God that is given you in Clu-ist Jesus that in all;

things you are made rich in him, in all utterance,

and in all knowledge as the testimony of Clirist
was confirmed in you. So that nothing is wanting
to you in any grace, waiting for the manifestation
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who also will confirm
you mito the end without crime in the day of the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
GOSPEL. Matt. ix. 1-8 At that time : Jesus
entering into a boat, he passed over the water and
came into his own city. And behold they brought
to him one sick of the palsy, lying in a bed. And
Jesus seeing their faith, said to the man sick of the
palsy Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven

thee. And, behold some of the scribes said within

themselves : He blasphemeth. And Jesus seeing
their thoughts, said : Why do you think evil in
your hearts ? ^^^lethe^ is it easier to say Thy :

sins are forgiven thee or to say Arise and walk ?

; :

But that you may know that the Son of Man hath
power on earth to forgive sins (then said he to the
man sick of the palsy). Arise, take up thy bed, and
go into thy house. And he arose and went into his
house. And the multitude seeing it, feared and
glorified God that gave such power to men. Credo.

Nineteenth Scnday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Ephes. iv. 23-28. Brethren Be :

renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on ;

the new man, who, according to God, is created in


justice, and holiness Wherefore putting

of truth.
away lying, speak ye the truth every man with
his neighbour, for we are members one of another.
Be angry and sin not. Let not tlie s\in go down
upon your anger. Give not place to the devil.
He that stole, let him now steal no more but ;

rather let him labour, working with his hands the

thing which is good, that he may have something
to give to him tiiat suffereth need.

GOSPEL. Matt. xxii. 1-14. At that time : Jesus

answering, spoke again in parables to them, saying :

Tiie kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who mad©

a marriage for his son. And he sent his servants
to call them that were invited to the marriage :

and they would not come. Again he sent other

servants, saying Tell them that were invited
: :

Behold, I have prepared my dinner my beeves


and fatlings are killed, and all things are ready :

come ye to the marriage. But they neglected and

went their ways, one to his farm, and another to
his merchandise. And the rest laid hands on liis
servants, and having treated them contumeliously,
put them to death. But when the king had heard
of it, he was angry, and sending hia armies, he
destroyed those murderers, and burnt their city.
Then he said to his servants The marriage indeed

is ready, but they that were invited, were not

worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and
as many as you shall find, call to the marriage.
And his servants going forth into the ways, gathered
together all they found, both bad and good and ;

the marriage was filled with guests. And the king

v.ont in to see the guests, and he saw there a man
who had not on a wedding garment. And he
him Friend, how camest thou
saith to : in hither,
not having on a wedding garment ? But he was
silent.Then the king said to the waiters Bind his :
hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior
darkness : there shall be weeping and gnashing
of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost.
EPISTLE. Ephes. v. 15-21. Brethren : See,
therefore, how you walk circumspectly, not as mi-
wise, but as wise redeeming the time, because the

days are evil. Wherefore become not unwise but ;

und'>^'standing what is the will of God. And be

not drunk with wine, wherein is luxury, but be
ye filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking to your-
selves in psalms and hjinns and spiritual canticles,
singing and making melody in your hearts to the
Lord giving thanks always for all things in the

name of our Lord Jesus Clu:ist, to God, and the

Father. Being subject one to another in the fear
of Christ.

GOSPEL. At that time : Tliere

Johti. iv. 46-53.
was a certain whose S(m was sick at Caphar-
naurn. He having heard that Jesus was come from
Judea into Galilee, went to him and prayed him
to come down and heal his son, for he was at the
point of death. Jesus, therefore, said to him :

Unless you see signs and wonders, you believe not.

The ruler saith to him Lord, come down before

that my son die. Jesus saith to h in Go thy way, :

thy son liveth. The man believed the word which

Jesus said to him, and went his way. And as he
was going down, his servants met him and they :

brought word, saying that his son lived. He asked,

therefore, of them the hour wherein he grew better.
And they said to him Yesterday at the seventh

hour tlie fever left him. The father, therefore,

knew that it was at the same hour that Jesus said
to him Thy son
: liveth and himself believed and

his whole house. Credo.


Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost.

EPISTLE. Ephes. vi. 10-17. Brethren : Be
strengthened in the Lord and in the might of his
power. Put you on the armour of God, that you
may be able to stand against the deceits of the devnl,
for otir wrestling is not against flesh and blood
but against prineipahties and powers, against the
rulers of the world of this darkness, against the
spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore
take mito you the armoiu" of God, that you may be
able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all
things perfect. Stand, therefore, liaving your
loins girt about with truth, and having on the
breast-plate of justice, and your feet shod with
the preparation of the gospel of peace in all things ;

taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be

able to extinguish ail the fiery darts of the most
wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of
salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the
word of God.

GOSPEL. Matt, xviii. 23-35. At that time :

Jesus spoke to his clisciplef. this parable : The

kingdom of heaven is likened to a king who would
take an account of his servants. And when he had
begun to take the account, one was brought to
him that owed him ten thousand talents. And
as he had not wherewith to pay it, his lord com-
manded that he should be sold, and his wife and
children, and all that he had. and payment to be
made. But that servant falling down, besought
him, saying Have patience with me, and I will

pay thee all. And the lord of that servant being

moved with pity, let him go> and forgave him the
debt. But when that servant was gone out, he
found one of his fellow-servants that owed him a
htindred pence and laying liold of hiin, he throttled

him, saying :Pay what thou owest. And his

fellow-servant falling down, besought him, saying :
Have patience with mo, and I will pay thee all.
And he would not but went and cast iiiin into prison

till he paid the debt. Now his fellow-servants

seeing what was done, were very much grieved,
and they came and told their lord all that was done.
Then his lord called lum, and said to him Thou :

wicked servant, I forgave thee all the debt because

thou besoughtest me shouldst not thou then have

had compassion also on thy fellow-servant, even

as I had compassion on thee ? And his lord being
angT\', delivered hun to the torturers, until he paid
all the debt. So also shall my heavenly Father do
to you, if you forgive not every one his brother
from youi hearts. Credo.


EPISTLE. Philip, i. 6-11. Brethren: Being
confident of this very thing, that be who hath begun
a good work in you will perfect it unto the day of
Christ Jesus. As it is meet for me to think this
for you all : for that I have you in my heart :

and that in my bands, and in the defence and cor-

firmation of the gospel, you are all partakers of
i^y joy- ^or God is my witness, how I long after
you ail in the bowela of Jesus Christ. And this I
prav, that your charity may more and more abound
in knowledge and in all understanding that you

may approve the better things that you ma.y be


sincere and without olfence unto the day of Christ.

Filled with the fruit of justice, through Jesus Christ,
unto the glorj^ and praise of (Glod.

GOSPEL. Matt. xxii. 15-21. At that time : The

Pharisees going, consulted among themselves how
to ensnare Jesus in his speech. And they sent to
him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying :

^Master, we know that thou art a true speaker,


and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest

thou for any man, for thou dost not regard the person
of men. Tell us, therefore, what dost thou think ?
Is it lawful to give trihute to Coosar. or not ? But
Jesus, knowing their wickedness, said :\Miy do yo
tempt me, ye hypocrites ? Show me the coin of the
tribute. And they offered him a penny. And
Jesus saith to them : Whose image and inscription
is this ? They say to him Caesar's. Then he saith

to them : Render therefore to C?esar the things

that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are
God's. Credo.

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost.

Should there be but twenty-three Sundays after
Pentecost, the Mass of the twenty-fourth is said to-day,
and this on the preceding Saturday (if it be neither a
double nor a semi-double), in which case it is said on
eome vacant day before it.

EPISTLE. Philip, iii. 11-21, and iv. 1-3. Brethren:

Be followers of me, and observe them who walk
so as you have our model. For many walk, of whom
I have told you often (and now tell you weeping),
that they are enemies of the cross of Clirist, v.-hose
end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and
whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly

things. But our conversation is in heaven from :

whence also we look for the Saviour, our Lord Jesus

Christ, who will reform the body of our lowness,
made like to the body of his glory, accoiding to the
operation whereby also he is able to subdue aU things"
unto himself. [Chap. iv. 1-3.] Therefore, my dearly
beloved brethren, and most desired, my joy, and
my crown so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly

beloved. I beg of Evodia, and I beseech Syntyche,

to be of one mind in the Lord. And I entreat thee
also, my sincere companion, help those women,
who have laboured with me in the gospel, with
Clement and the rest of my fellow-labourers.,
whose names are in the book of life.
GOSPEL. Matt. ix. 18-20. At that time: As
Jesus was speaking these things mito them, behold,
a certain riilcr came up and adored him, saying :

Lord, my daughter is even now dead but come, ;

lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. And
Jes\is rising up, followed him, with his disciples.
And, behold, a woman who was troubled with an
issue of blood twelve years, came behind him and
touched the hem of his garment. For she said
within herself If I shall touch only his garment,

I shall be healed. But Jesus tiuning and seeing her,

said Be of good heart, daughter, thy faith hath

made thee whole. And the woman was made

whole from that hour. And when Jesus was come
into the house of the ruler, and saw the minstrels
and the multitude making a rout, he said Give :

place for the girl is not dead, but sleepeth. And


ihcv lauyhed him to scorn. And when the multitude

was put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand.
And the maid arose. And the fame hereof went
abroad into all that country. Credo.
As there cannot be less than twenty-three, nor more
than twenty-eierht Sundays after Pentecost, it is to be
observed that the Mass of the twenty-fourth is always
said on t!iat Sunday which immediately precedes Advent
When, therefore, it happens that there are any inter-
veninsr Sundays between the twenty-third and the last,
the Epistles and Gospels are taken from the Sundays
which were omitted after Epiphany for instance, if ;

but one Sundav, the .Mass is of the sixth after Epiphany ;

if two, of the fifth and sixth if three, of the fourth,


fifth, and sixth ; and if four, of the third, fourth, lifth,

and sixth.

Twenty-fourth, or Last Sctnday after

EPISTLE. Coloss. i. 9-14. Brethren : We
cease not to pray for you, and to beg that you may

be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom

and spiritual understanding that you may walk

worthy of God, in all things pleasing, being fruiiivJ

in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge
of God strengthened with all might, according

to the power of his glory, in all patience and long-

suffering with jo;/. Giving thanks to God the Father,
who hath made vis worthy to be partakers of the
lot of saints in light who hath delivered us from

the power of darkness, and hath translated us into

the kingdom of the Son of his love, in vrhom we
have redemption through his blood, the remission
of sins.
GOSPEL. Matt. xxiv. 15-35. At that time :
Jesus said to his disciples : "\"VTien, therefore, you
shall see the abomination of desolation, which was
spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the
holy place, he that readeth let him understand.
Then they that are in Judea, let them flee to the
mountains and he that is on the house-top, let

him not come down to take anything out of his

house ; and he that is in the field, let him not go
back to take his coat. And woe to them that are
with child and that give suck in those days. But
prcvy that yom' flight be not in the winter or on the
Sabbath. ^ For there shall be then great tribulation,
such as hath not been from the beginning of the
world until now, neither shall be. And unless
those days had been shortened, no fl.esh should be
saved but for the sake of the elect, those days

shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say to

you : Lo, here is Christ, or there, do not believe
him. For there shall arise faJse Christs and false
prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders,
insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.
Behold, I have told it to you beforehand if there-

fore, they shall say to you Behold, he is in the desert,


go ye not out Behold, he is in the closets, believe

it not. For as lightning cometh out of the east
and appeareth even into the west, so shall also the
coming of the Son of ^lan be. ^Vlle^esoever the
body shall je, there shall the eagles also be gathered

together. And immediately after the tribulation

of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the
moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall
fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall
be moved and then shall appear the sign of the

?on of Man in heaven and then shall all tribes of


the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Mati

coming in the clouds of heaven with much power

and majesty. And he shall send his angels, witli a
trumpec and a great voice and they shall gather

togetlier his elect from the four wir.ds, from the

farthest parts of the lieavens to the utmost boimds
of them. And from the fig-tree learn a parable ;

when the branch thereof is now tender, and the leaves

oome forth, you know that summer is nigh. So
.vou also, when you shall see all these things, know
ye that it is nigii. even at the dooi:-. Amen I say to
you, that tliis generation shall not pass, till all
these things be done. Heaven and earth shall pass,
but my words shall not pass. Credo.

Tlbe proper of Saints.

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
December 8.

LESSON. Pinr. viii. 22-35. The Lord possessed

me in the beginning of his ways, before he made
anything, from the beginning. I was set up from
eternity, and of old, before the earth was made.
The deptlis were not as yet. and I was already con-
ceived, neither had the fountains of waters as vet

sprung out the mountains with their huge bulk


had not as yet been estabhshed before the hills I :

was brought forth he had not yet made the earth,


nor the rivers, nor the poles of the v/orld. When

he prepared the heavens, I was present when, :

with a certain law and compass, he enclosed the

depths when he established the sky above, and

poised the fountains of waters when he compassed


the sea with its boimds and set a law to the waters,
that they should not pass their limits when he :

balanced the foundations of the earth, I was with

him, forming all things, and was delighted every day,
playing" before him at all times, playing in the world :

and my delights were to be with the children of men.

Now, therefore, ye children, hear me blessed are :

they that keep my ways. Hear instruction and be

wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man
heareth me, and that watcheth daily at my
and waiteth at the posts of my doors. He that
shall find me shall find life, and shall have salvation
from the Lord.
GOSPEL. Matt. i. 1-16. The book of the genera-
tion of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of
Abraham. Abraliam begot Isaac. And Isaac
begot Jacob. And Jacob begot Judas and his
brethren. And Judas begot Phares and Zara of
Thamar. And Phares begot Esron. And Esron
begot Aram. And Aram begot Aminadab. And
Aminadab begot Naasson. And Naasson begot
Salmon. And Salm.on begot Booz of Rahab. And
Booz begot Obed of Ruth. And Obed begot Jesse.
And Jesse begot David the king. And David the
King begot Solomon, of her that had been the ivife of
Urias. And Solomon begot Fioboam. And Roboani
Siegot Abia. And Abia begot Asa. And Asa begot
Josaphat. And Josaphat begot Joram. And
Joram begot Ozias. And Ozias begot Joatham.
And Joatham begot Achaz. And Achaz begot
Ezeohia3. And Ezechias begot Manaases. And
Manasses begot Amon. And Araoa begot Josiaa.
And Josias begot Jechoniaa and his brethren in the
transmigration of Babylon. And after the trans-
migration of Babylon, Jechonias b«^got Salathiel.
And Salathiel begot Zorobabel. And Zorobabel
Ijt'got Abiud. And Abiud begot Eliacim. And
l-]!iacim begot Azor. And Azor begot Sadoe. And
Siidoc begot Acliim. And Achim begot Eliud.
And Eliud begot Eleazar. And Eleazar begot
Mathan. And Mathan begot Jacob. And Jacob
bogot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was
born Jesus, who is called Christ.

St. Patrick, Tatron of Ireland.

March 17.

LESSON. Behold a great

Ecclus. xliv., xlv.
time pleased God, and wa^ found
priest, wlu) in his
just and in the time of wrath became an atone-

ment. There were none found like him in observing

the law of the M
»st High. Therefore by an oatli
did the Lord make him
great amongst his people.
He gave him the blessing of all nations, and es-
tablished his covenant on his head. He acknow-
ledged him in his blessing, he stored up his mercy
for him. and he found favour in the eyes of the
Lord. [Chap, xlv.] He exalted him in the sight
of kings, and gave him a orown of glory. He made
with him an eternal covenant, and bestowed on
him a great priesthood, and rendered him blessed
in glory. To perform the priestly office, to sing
praises to the name of God, and offer him precious
incense for an odour of sweetness.

GOSPEL. Matt. xxv. 14-23. At that time :

Jestia spoke this parable to his disciples : Aman,
going into a far country, called his servants, and
dalivered to tiiom his goods. And to one he gave


five talents, to another two, and to another one,

to everyone according to his proper abiHty and ;

immediately he took his journey. And he that

had received the five talents went his wa.y, and
traded with the same, and gained other five. And
in like manner he that had received the two, gained
other two. But he that had received the one, going
his way, digged into the earth and hid his lord's
money. But after a long time the lord of those
servants came, and reckoned with them. And he
that had received the five talents, coming, brought
other five talents, saying Lord, thou didst deliver

to me five talents behold I have gained other five


over and above. His lord said to him Well done, :

good and faithful servant because thou hast been


faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many

things enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
; And
he also that had received the two talents came and
said : Lord, thou deliveredst two talents to me
behold I have gained other two. His lord said to
him : Well done, good and faithful servant ;

because thou hast been faithful over a few things,

I will place thee over many things enter thou into

the joy of thy lord.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin jVLs^ry.

March 25.
LESSON. Isaias vii. 10-15. In those days :

The Lord spoke unto Achaz, saying : Ask thee a

sign of the Lord thy God, either imto the depth of
hell, or unto the height above. And Achaz said :

I will not ask, and I will not tempt the Lord. And
he said Hear ye, therefore, O house of David
: :

Is it a small thing for you to be grievous to men,

that you aie grievous to my
God also ? Therefore
the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold
a virgin shall conceive s^nd bear a son, and his name
shall be called. Emmanuel. He shall eat butter and
lioney, that he may know to refuse the evil, and to
choose the good.

GOSPEL. Luke i. 26-38. At that time Tho :

Angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of

Galileo called Xazarcth, to a virgin espous«"!d to a
man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David ;

and tlie virgin's name was Mary. And the angel

being come in, said unto Hail. Mary, full of

^irace, tlie Lord is Vv itli ti\ee blessed art tliou among


women. W'iio having hoard was troubled at iiis

saying, and thought with herself what manner of
salutation this should be. And the angel said to
her :Fear not, Mary, for tlou hiist found grace
with God. Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy
womb, and shah bring forth a son, and Ihou shalt
call liis name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall
1)6 called tlie Son of the Most High, and the Lord
<;od shall give mito him the throne of David his
father. And he shall reign in the house of Jacob
for ever, and of his kmgdom there shall be no end.
And Mary said to the angel Kow shall this be done,

because I know not man ? And tho angel answf ring,

said her The Holy Gliost shall come upon
to :

thee, and the power of the ilost High shall over-

sliadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which
sliall be born of thee shall be called the Son of
God. And behold thy cousin Elizalj'^th, she also
hath conceived a son in her old age, and this is the
sixth month with her that is called barren because ;

no word shall be impossible with Gud. And Mary

said Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; be it done

to me according to thy word.

SS. Peter and Paul.

June 20.

LESION, .lc^?. xii. 1-11. In those days: Herod


the church. And he killed James the brother of

John with the sword. And seeing that it pleased
the Jews, he proceeded to take up Peter also.
Now it w^as in the days of azymes. And when he
had apprehended him, he cast him into prison,
delivering him to four files of soldiers to be kept,
intending after the pasch to bring him forth to the
people. Peter therefore was kept in prison. But
praj^er was made without ceasing by the church
unto God for him. And when Herod would have
brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping
between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and
the keepers before the door kept the prison. And,
behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a
light shinecl in the room and he, striking Peter on

the side, raised liim up, saying Arise quickly.


And the chains fell off from his hands. And the angel
said to him Gird thyself, and put on thy sandals.

And he did so. And he said to him Cast thy gar- :

ment about thee, and follow me. And going out,

he followed him, and he knew not that it was true
which was done by the angel, but thought he saw
a vision. And passing through the first and second
v.^ard, they came to the iron gate that leadeth to
the city, which of itself opened to them. And,
going out, they passed on through one street, and
immediately the angel departed from him. And
Peter, coming to himself, said: Now I know in very
deed that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath
delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all
the expectation of the people of the Jews.
GOSPEL. Ma?^. xvi. 13-19. At that time : Jesus
came into the quarters of Cesarea Philippi, and lie
asked his disciples saying : Whom do men say that
the Son of Man is ? But they said Some, John :

the Baptist, and other some, Elias, and others,

Jeremias, or one of the prophets. Jesus saith to
them But whom do you say that I am
: Simon :
Peter answered and said Thou art Christ, the

Son of tlie Hving God. And Jesns answering, said

to him : Blessed art thou, Simon Bar- Jona. because
flesh and blood hatii not revealed it to thee, but
my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee :

That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will

build my church, and the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys
of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou
shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in
heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth

it shall be loosed also in heaven. Credo.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin ^Lap.t.

August 15.

LESSON. Ecclns. xxiv. 11-20. I sought rest

every xchere, and I shall abide in the inlieritance of
the Lord. Then the Creator of all things com-
manded and said to me and he that made me rested

in ray tabernacle, and he said to me :Let thy

dwelling be in Jacob, and thy inheritance in Israel,
and take root in my elect. From the beginning,
and before the world, was I created, and unto the
world to come I shall not cease to be, and in the
holy dwelling-place, I have ministered before him.
And so was I established in Sion, and in the holy
city likewise I rested, and my power was in Jeru-
salem. And I took root in an honourable people,
and in the portion of my God his inheritance, and
my abode is in the full assembly ox saints. I was
exalted like a cedar in Libanus. and as a cjTDress-
tree on Mount Sion. I was exalted like a palm-tree
in Cades, and as a rose-plant in Jericho as a fair

olive-tree in the plains, and as a plane-tree by the

water in the streets, was I exalted. I gave a sweet
smell like cinnamon and aromatical balm. I
vielded a sweet odour like the best mjorh.


GOSPEL. Luke At that time : Jesus

x. 38-42.
entered into a certain town, and a certain woman
named Martha received him into her house. And
she had a sister called Mary, who, sitting also at
the Lord's feet, heard his word. But Martha was
busy about much serving. Who stood and said :

Lord, hast thou no care that my sister hath left

me alone to serve ? Speak to her, therefore, that
she help me. And the Lord answering, said to her,
Martha, IMartha, thou art careful and art troubled
about many things. But one thing is necessary.
Mary hath chosen the best part, which shall not be
taken away from her. Cbedo.

Feast of All Saints.

Nevemher 1.
LESSON. Apoc. vii. 2-12. In those days :
Behold John, saw another angel ascending from
the rising of the sim, having the sign of the living
God and he cried with a loud voice to the four

angels, to whom it was given to hiu't the earth

and the sea, saying Hurt not the earth, nor the

sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our

God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of
them that were signed, an hundred forty-four
thousand were signed of exevy tribe of the children
of Israel. Of the tribe of Judah, were twelve thousand
signed ;of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thovisand
signed of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand signed
; ;

of the tribe of Aser, twelve thousand signed of the


tribe of Nephthali, twelve thousand signed of


the tribe of Manasses, twelve thousand signed

of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand signed ;

of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand signed of the


tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand signed ; of the

tribe of Zabulon, tv.elve thousand signed ; of the
tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand signed ; ©f the
tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand signed. After
this I saw a great multitude which no man could
number, of all nations and tribes, and peoples and
tongues, standing before the throne and in sight
of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms
in their hands and they cried with a loud voice,

saying Salvation to our God who sitteth upon


the throne, and to the Lamb. And all the angels

stood romid about the tlurone, and the ancients
and the foiu* living creatures: and they fell down
before the throne upon their faces, and adored God,
saying Amen: Benediction, and glory, and

wisdom, and thanksgiving, honour, and power, and

strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen.
GOSPEL. Mntt. v. 1-12. At that tbne : Jesus
seeing the multitudes, went up into a mountain,
and when he was set down, his disciples came imto
him. And opening liis mouth he taught them,
saying Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs
: ;

is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek ;

for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they

that mourn for they shall be comforted.
; Blessed
are they that hunger and thirst after justice for ;

tliey sliall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful ;

for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the cl<nin of

heart for they shall
: see God. Blessed are the peace-
makers for they A\A\ he railed the children of God.

]-5lessed are they that suffer persecution for justice"

sake ; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed
are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute
vou, and speak all that is evil against you untruly,
for my sake be glad and rejoice, for j'our reward

is very great in heaven. Credo.

November 2.

EPISTLE. Cor. xv. 51-57. Brethren : Behold


1 tell you a mystery : We

shall all indeed rise again ;

but we shall not all be changed. In a moment, in

the tv/inkling of an eye, at the last trumpet for

the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise

again incorruptible : and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption :

and this mortal must put on immortality. And when

this mortal hath put on immortality then shall
come to pass the sa7/ing that is written :Death
is swallowed up in victory. O grave, where is thy
victory ? O death, where is thy sting ? Xow the
sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the
law. But thanks be to God, who hath given us
the victory tlxrough oiir Lord Jesus Christ.

GOSPEL. John v. 25-29. At that time : Jesiia

said to the nudtitude of the Jews : Amen, amen,
I say unto you, that the hour cometh, and now is,
when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of
God, and they that hear shall live. For as the
Father hath life in himself so he hath given to the

Son also to have life in himself and he hath given


him power to do judgment, because he is the Son

of Man. Wonder not at this, for the hoin' cometh
wherein all that are in the grave shall hear the voice
of the Son of God. And they that liave done good
things shall come forth unto the rosiuTection of
life :but they that have done evil, unto the re-
surrection of judgment.

Common ot Saints.
For the Vigil of an Apostle.
Which may be read on the festival day.
LESSON. Ecdus. xliv. and xlv. The blessing
of the Lord is on the head of the right-eous man.
Therefore did the Lord give him an inlieritance,
and assign him a part among the twelve tribes ;
and he found grace in the sight of all flesh. And
he made him gi-eat to the terror of his enemies, and
by his words he tamed monsters. He rendered him
glorious in the presence of kings, and gave him his
commandment in the sight of his people, and showed
him liis glory. For his faith and meekness he
sanctified him, and made choice of him among all
flesh and publiclj^ gave him his precepts, and the

law of life and discipline, and highly exalted him.

He settled with him an eternal covenant, and en-
compassed him with the girdle of righteousness ;

and the Lord hath put on him a crown of glory.

GOSPEL. At that time : Jesus

John xv.
said to This is my commandment,
his disciples :

that you love one another aa I have loved you.

Greater love than this no man hath, that a imxn
lay down his life for his friends. You are my
friends, you do the things that I command you.
1 will not now call you servants, for the servant
knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called
you friends, because all things whatsoever I have
heard of my Father, I have made known to you.
You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you
and have appointed you, that you should go, and
should bring forth fruit, and your fruit should re-
main that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father

in my name, he may give it you.

Of a Martyr and Bishop.

EPISTLE. James Dearly beloved:
i. 12-18.
Blessed is the man
endureth temptation
that ;

for when he hath been proved, he shall receive the

crown of Hfe which God hath promised to them that
love him. Let no man* when he is tempted, say
that he is tempted by God. For God is not a tempter
of evils, and he tempteth no man. But every man
is tempted by his own concupiscence, being drawn

away and allured. Then when concupiscence hath

conceived, it bringetli forth sin. But sin, when
it completed, begetteth death.
is Do not err.
therefore,my dearest brethren. Everjr best gift
and every perfect gift is from above, coming dov^-n
from the Father of lights, with whom there is no
change nor shadow of alteration. For of his own
will, hath he begotten us by the word of truth,
that we might be some beginning of his creatiu-es.

GOSPEL. Luke xiv. 26-33. At that time : Jesvs

said to his disciples : If any man come to me and
hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and cliil-
dten, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life
also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever
doth not carry his cross and come after me, cannot
])e my disciple. For which of you having a mind
to build a tower, doth not first sit down and reckon
the charges that are necessary, whether he have
v.'herewithal to finish it lest, after he had laid the

foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that see

it begin to mock him, saying This man began

to build, and was not able to finish. Or what king

about to go and make war against another king,
doth not first sit down and think whether he be
able with ten thousand, to meet him that witli
twenty thovisand cometh against him. Or else,
wliilst the other is yet afar off, sending an embassy,
he desireth conditions of peace. So likewise every
one of yoa that doth not renounce all that he
possesseth, cannot be my disciple.

Of a Martyr who was not a Bishop.

LESSON. Wisdom X. 10- 14 Wisdom conducted
the just man through the right v.'ays, and showed
him the kingdom of God, and gave him the know-
ledge of the holy things made him honourable in

his labours, and accomplished his labours. In the

deceit cf them tliat overreached him, she stood by
him and made him honourable. She kept him safe
from his enemies, and she defended him from
seducers, and gave him a strong conflict that he might
overcome, and know that wisdom is mightier than
all. She forsook not the just when he was sold,
but delivered him from sinners she went down ;

with him into the pit, and in bands she left him not,
till she brought him the sceptre of the kingdom,
and power against those that oppressed him and :

.showed them to be liars that had accused him, and

gave him everlasting glory.

GOSPEL. At that time : Jesus

Matt. x. 34-42.
said to his disciples : Do
not think that I came to
send peace upon earth I came not to send peace,

but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance

against his father, and the daughter against her
mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-
in-law. And a man's enemies shall be they of his
own household. He that loveth father or mother
more than not worthy of me and he that loveth
ino is :

son or daughter more than me i? not worthy of me.

And he that taketh not up his cross and followeth
me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life
shall lose it and he that shall lose his life for me

shall find it. He that receiveth you receiveth me ;

and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent

me. He that receiveth a prophet in the nanie of a
prophet, shall receive the reward of a prophet :

and he that receiveth a just man in the name of a

just man, shall receive the reward of a just man.
And whosoever shall give to drink, to one of these
little ones, a cup of cold water only in the name
of a disciple, amen T say to you, he shall not lose
his reward.
Of Many Martyrs.
EPISTLE. 1 Peter i. 3-7. Blessed be tlie God

and Father Lord Jesus Christ, who, according

of our
to his greatmercy hath regenerated us unto a hvely
hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead, mito an inheritance incorruptible and un-
defiled, and that cannot fade, reserved in heaven
for you, who, by the power of God, are kept by faith
unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
Wherein you shall greatly rejoice, if now you must
be for a little time made sorrowful in divers tempta-
tions ;that the trial of your faith (much more
precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may
be found unto praise, and glory, and honour, at the
appearing of Jesus Christ our Lord.

GOSPEL. John XV. 5-11. At that time: Jesus

said to his disciples : I am the vine, you the branches.
He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same
bareth much
fruit for without me you can do noth-

ing. any one abide not in me, he shall be cast

forth as a branch, and shall wither, and they shall
gather him up, and cast him into the fire, and he
burnetii. If you abide in me, and my words abide
in you, you shall ask whatever you will, and it
shall be done unto you. In this is my Father
glorified, that you bring forth very much fruit,
and become my disciples. As the Father hath loved
me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you shall abide m
my love, as I also have kept my Father's com-
mandments, and do abide in his love. The^e things
have I spoken to you, that my joy may be in you,
and yoiir joy may be filled.

Of a Confessor (not a Bishop).

LESSON. Ecdus. xxxi. 8-11. Blessed is the
rich man that is found without blemish, and that
hath not gone after gold, nor put his trust in money
nor in treasures. Who is he, and we will praise
him ? he hath done wonderful things in his
hf e. Who hath been tried thereby and made perfect,
he shall have glory everlasting. He that could have
transgressed, and iiath not transgressed and could

do evil things, and hath not done them. Therefore

are his goods established in the Lord, and all the
church of the saints shall declare his alms.

GOSPEL. Lvl:e xii. 35-40. At that time : Jesus said

to disciples : Let your loins be girt, and
lamps bm-ning in yom* hands, and you yourselves
like to men who wait for their Lord, when he shall
return from the wedding, that when he cometh
and knocketh, they may open to him immediately.
Blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when
he cometh, shall find watching. Amen I say to
you, that he will gird himself, and make them sit
down to meat, and passing will minister unto them.
And if he shall come in the second watch or come
in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are
those servants. But this know ye, that if the house-
holder did know at what hour the thief would come,
he would surely watch, and would not suffer his
house to be broken open. Be you tlien also ready :

for at what hour thou think not, the Son of Man

will come.

Prinfed by Browne & Xolan", Ltd., Dublin.


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