An Experimental Study On Gasification of Colombian Coal in Fluidised Bed
An Experimental Study On Gasification of Colombian Coal in Fluidised Bed
An Experimental Study On Gasification of Colombian Coal in Fluidised Bed
The main results of an experimental work on gasification of Colombian coal in a fluidised bed are reported in this paper. Experiments were
carried out at different steam/coal (Fs/Fc) and air/coal (Fa/Fc) ratios and temperatures of gasifying agent. In addition, the influence of bed
temperature on coal conversion was analysed. Results show a maximum value in the curve of high heating value versus Fa/Fc. From the
environmental standpoint, low concentrations of sulphur compounds were obtained but more work should be done in order to decrease
particulate matter. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Coal gasification; Fluidised bed; Environment
introduces the solids into the reactor. Separated streams of Experiments were made with Titiribı́ and Venecia coals
air and steam were preheated before reaching the wind box. but in this paper, only results with the first coal are
A propane combustion chamber beneath the bed provided presented. In Table 1 the characteristics of the coal and the
heat to start-up. Gases leaving the freeboard section passed limestone are shown.
through two cyclones in series to trap entrained particles.
These solids were not recycled to the gasifier in these
experiments. Gas samples were taken after the cyclones 3. Results and discussion
were purified and analysed by chromatography. In some
experiments, particles present in the gas stream leaving the The values of the variables that were manipulated (solids
cyclones were collected with the aid of filters. feed rate, air and steam feed rates, and inlet temperature of
During the starting period, a small bed of limestone the gasifying agent) and the main results of some typical
contained in the reactor was heated up by means of flue experiments with Titiribı́ coal are shown in Table 2; gas
gases generated in the combustion chamber. When an concentrations are reported on a dry basis. The gas
adequate temperature for the ignition of the coal was concentrations and the conversions obtained are comparable
attained, the combustion chamber was shutdown and coal to those reported in other papers for similar conditions [3,4,
supply began. Preheated air was the only gas fed up to about 6].
700 8C, when steam was added and the reactor was guided The energy balances for different experiments showed
to steady-state conditions. The gasifier was considered to be that around 44% of the total energy leaves with the gas and
in steady state when the bed temperature and the gas 20% corresponds to energy losses. High heating values
concentrations were substantially constant. While in steady (HHV) versus air/coal ratio (Fa/Fc) were plotted for
state, at least three gas analyses were made before passing to steam/coal ratios (Fs/Fc) of 0.58 and 0.71 in Fig. 2. The
another experiment. gas heating values were between 2.7 and 3.3 MJ/m3, with
A. Ocampo et al. / Fuel 82 (2003) 161–164 163
Table 1
Characteristics of solids
Proximate analysis
Moisture 2.6%
Volatile matter 41.8%
Fixed carbon 54.1%
Ash 1.5%
Ultimate analysis
Carbon 75.3%
Hydrogen 5.4%
Nitrogen 1.8%
Oxygen 15.6%
Sulphur 0.4% Fig. 2. HHV versus Fa/Fc ratio for different Fs/Fc ratios.
Ash 1.5%
High heating value (wet basis) 29,695 kJ/kg
Mean particle size 0.62 mm
Apparent density 1250 kg/m3
Free swelling index 1
CaCO3 99.2%
MgCO3 0.4%
Fe2O3 0.2%
SiO2 0.3%
Apparent density 2700 kg/m3
Mean particle size 0.60 mm
Fig. 3. Carbon conversion versus Fa/Fc ratio for different Fs/Fc ratios.
the latter corresponding to Fa/Fc ratios of 2.4 and 2.6, former one. This can be confirmed when carbon conversion
respectively. The low efficiencies obtained are mainly due versus bed temperature is plotted, as in Fig. 4. In this figure,
to a high entrainment of particles (not recycled) as a the highest carbon conversions correspond to the highest
consequence of a high friability of the coal used and the temperatures when combustion reactions dominate.
short freeboard of the gasifier. Heat losses through the walls Regarding the environmental aspect in the experiments,
and the bare flanges were also important. the average values of emissions of sulphur compounds,
Carbon conversion versus Fa/Fc is presented in Fig. 3 for mainly H2S, and particulate matter (PM) were 0.052 lb
two levels of the Fs/Fc ratio. It can be seen that the H2S/106 Btu (0.049 lb S/106 Btu) and 0.177 lb PM/106 Btu.
conversion increases almost linearly with the Fa/Fc ratio due Coal gasification emissions have not yet been regulated, but
to the fact that an increase in the Fa/Fc value permits in order to have an estimate of magnitude, emissions were
combustion and gasification reactions to occur, mainly the compared with the US EPA norm for coal combustion in
fluidised beds. Compared to the values permitted by the
Table 2 EPA norm of 1.2 lb SO2/106 Btu (0.6 lb S/106 Btu) and
Typical results of selected runs
0.05 lb PM/106 Btu [8], the experimental emissions of
Exp. no 6 8 12 13 16 sulphur compounds were lower, but particulate matter
emissions were higher.
Coal (kg/h) 8.0 8.0 6.6 6.6 6.6
Air (kg/h) 21.9 17.0 17.0 14.8 17.0
Limestone (kg/h) 0.8 0.8 0.66 0.66 0.66
Steam (kg/h) 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.0
Tair – steam (8C) 420 413 390 380 355
Air ratio 0.275 0.214 0.259 0.226 0.259
Tbed (8C) 855 812 864 850 872
H2 (%) 8.53 8.84 12.86 9.90 10.10
CO2 (%) 19.31 18.38 20.90 20.12 20.27
N2 (%) 60.37 61.10 54.55 59.97 57.50
CH4 (%) 0.84 1.07 0.83 0.73 0.77
CO (%) 10.94 10.59 10.71 8.84 11.36
Gas yield (N m3/kg coal) 2.5 2.1 2.9 2.3 2.7
Conversion (%) 57.6 47.1 69.2 49.4 64.7
HHV of gas (MJ/N m3) 2.8 2.9 3.3 2.7 3.0
Fig. 4. Carbon conversion versus bed temperature for different Fs/Fc ratios.
164 A. Ocampo et al. / Fuel 82 (2003) 161–164
4. Conclusions
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