Appendix 2: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (Swot) Analysis Conducted For Specific Freight-Related Industries

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2.1 SWOT Analysis

As part of the freight plan’s economic assessment, a Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted for five different industries:
Automobile Distribution, Final Mile, Fuels, High Tech Manufacturing, and Warehousing.
The purpose of the SWOT analysis was to better understand the strengths and
weaknesses of Rhode Island’s logistics and shipping industry. The analysis also identifies
opportunities to improve logistics and shipping in Rhode Island and provides insight on
potential threats to the supply chain that could impede the ability for businesses to ship
and receive goods and services. The SWOT analysis was based on available data and
interviews with key stakeholders. The findings are provided below, and the complete
analysis is provided in the Appendix of this freight plan.

2.1.1 Automobile Distribution

Rhode Island’s freight infrastructure and facilities currently support four different
automobile distribution operations: international imports, regional domestic distribution,
international exports, and final mile distribution to dealerships in Rhode Island.

 Rhode Island receives automobiles through the Port of Davisville, including

Volkswagens, Audis, Porches, Bentleys, Subarus, and Hondas manufactured in
Europe, Mexico, and Japan. The Port of Davisville handles approximately 11
percent of the automobiles imported into the United States. The majority of these
international imports from large automobile manufacturers are distributed
regionally within the United States.
 Also located at the Port of Davisville, North Atlantic Distribution (NORAD) acts as
the regional distribution and processing hub for domestic automobiles. From
2011-2014, approximately 25,000 cars and trucks were brought annually to
Davisville by rail from Ford and Subaru’s US manufacturing facilities and then
distributed by truck to dealerships within the Northeast.
 Used automobiles are exported through ProvPort. In 2014,19,264 units were
shipped on 24 vessels, largely to the West African ports of Lome, Togo; Cotonou,
Benin; and Lagos, Nigeria.
 New vehicles are shipped within Rhode Island from regional distribution locations
to individual dealerships. These new automobiles are transported via trucks and
frequency of deliveries is dependent upon car sales.

The key Strengths or Opportunities of Rhode Island’s Automobile Distribution industry are:

 National market for car sales

 No harbor maintenance tax for Davisville and uncongested portside-landside
 Opportunity to attract market share from other nearby facilities

 Potential to reload empty returning rail wagons

 Truck Driver shortage – more long haul distribution by rail may be possible

The key Weaknesses or Threats include:

 Competing ports in the region (e.g., Baltimore)

 Rhode Island’s location does not favor exports of new vehicles
 Changes in car production dynamics, regulation/taxation abroad
 Sizes of pure car carriers (PCC)and tri-level auto racks are increasing and there
may be draught issues at Davisville

The complete SWOT analysis for Automobile Distribution is provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Automobile Distribution SWOT Summary

 The automotive industry in the US accounts  The import car handling and processing
for approximately 3.5 percent of US gross market is a very competitive market with
domestic product.1 According to ports competing for trade. Examples of, the US has experienced competing ports with Rhode Island include
increasing annual car sales over the last Port of Boston, New York/New Jersey and
five years, 16.5 million sold in 2014, versus Baltimore.
10.4 million in 2010. A further strength is that  Other competing ports are closer to larger
the average age of a car in the US is 11 centers of population. For example,
years, and age and maintenance issues Baltimore is the closest east coast auto
will eventually require people to purchase import/export port to both the Midwest and
a newer vehicle. population centers on the east coast.
 32.4 million people are located within a  While other ports such as Baltimore,
four-hour drive of Providence, a significant Brunswick and Charleston have benefitted
market for car importers and dealerships from increasing US car exports, Rhode
selling new cars and for the export of used Island’s location does not favor exports of
cars. new vehicles. These ports are typically closer
 No harbor maintenance tax for Davisville – to the traditional centers of US car
the only major car importer port without it. manufacturing and newer plants in the
This amounts to $30 to $40 per imported south of the country.
 Davisville has an uncongested portside-
landside interface. This lack of congestion
typically results in more reliable and
efficient operations.
 Automotive import and export operations
require significant space to stage cars

1 Select USA. The Automotive Industry in the United States.


efore and after unloading/loading from a

ship, and staging prior to distribution to
dealerships. Unlike other car import ports
across the US, Davisville has room for
expansion. ProvPort also has potential to
expand with the redevelopment of 9.3
 New England is recognized as a net
importer of goods, which typically leads to
trucks leaving New England empty. This
also applies to trucks delivering cars into
New England. Cars imported at Davisville
help reduce the flow of empty southbound
specialized car carrying trailers.

 While proximity to other car handling  The most significant threat, but also an
operations can be viewed as a threat, it opportunity, is that the automotive sector is
can also be viewed as an opportunity to changing where it produces automobiles.
attract market share away from those This affects distribution channels.
facilities. Issues associated with port Automotive production is now undertaken
congestion, significant challenges on a global basis by the main automotive
associated with expanding port facilities, companies. Companies decide where car
poor labor relations, all affect factors such plants are located based on many factors,
as cost, performance, productivity, including access to domestic and regional
reliability and flexibility that automotive consumers, exploiting trade agreements
logistic managers consider when locating such as NAFTA, and accessing low-cost, but
their operations. quality manufacturing labor markets. This
 The use of larger vessels, but fewer sailing change to global production has seen car
frequencies is likely to put pressure on manufacturing centers move away from
existing ports’ capabilities to stage and traditional locations in North America and
store vehicles. Ports such as Davisville, with Europe to countries such as Mexico. In North
room to expand, may capture importers America, Mexico produces about one in
who are capacity-constrained and need five cars; this is expected to grow to one in
to relocate. four by 2020.2 Furthermore, new car plants
 The truck driver shortage is expected to and additional production capacity in
result in some longer distance cargoes, states such as Alabama, Tennessee, South
which could include automobiles, being Carolina and Georgia, for car
transferred to rail, and facilities such as manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz and
Davisville being increasingly used for BMW, have reduced imports to the US from
domestic distribution. European facilities. US-produced cars for

2 Detroit Free Press, June 15th 2015.


 Mexico car production is increasing and domestic consumers are more likely to be
may be an opportunity, depending on transported by rail and truck to dealerships.
how cars are exported from the country  Production facilities in Mexico typically serve
(i.e., by rail or marine vessel). It currently US distribution operations directly with rail.
represents 25% of Davisville’s volume and is This is not always the case, however, as
growing. shown with VW’s use of a round-trip-shipping
 Railcars bringing automobiles into Davisville service that maximizes use of vessels by
typically return empty to either an loading cars in Europe and offloading at
intermediary point or back to the Midwest ports along the US east coast. The ship then
production centers. One opportunity is to loads Mexican-produced cars for offloading
explore how these empty rail cars can be at east coast ports on the return journey
loaded with imported cars to improve the back to Europe.
efficiency of the rail network and reduce  While some Mexican car production export
truck movements. car operations use east coast ports such as
Veracruz, other centers of production, such
as Nissan’s production site at
Aguascalientes, are closer to the Mexican
west coast. This is also likely to result in more
use of rail transport for cars destined for the
US, rather than the use of short sea shipping.
Larger vessels and reduced sailing
frequencies could see increased port
congestion and capacity issues at ports in
Mexico and reduce exports by short sea
 Automotive ports are vulnerable to storms
and especially flooding. In 2012, Super Storm
Sandy damaged 16,000 cars at Newark,
largely due to flooding. The proximity of car-
staging facilities close to areas that are
vulnerable to flooding and storm surges is
likely to be an increasing concern over the
long-term with future sea level rises.
 Rhode Island is in close proximity to other
car-handling facilities. There are other
existing rail-served car terminals throughout
New England, including the New England
Automotive Gateway located in East
Brookfield/Spencer, MA (which has a
capacity to process 200,00 vehicles per
annum) 3 and the import/export operations
focused at the Newark terminals of the Port
of New York and New Jersey which, in 2014,

3 Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission.


handled 392,749 units.4

 Nigeria is one of the largest importers of
used vehicles from the US5 However, a
number of vehicle manufacturers are
establishing car assembly plants in Africa,
which could reduce the demand for
imported vehicles, including those passing
through ProvPort. Additionally, an increase
associated with import taxes on cars by
West African countries could affect
demand. Nigeria recently increased import
duty from 35 percent to 70 percent for
previously owned vehicles.
 The size of pure car carriers (PCC) and pure
car truck carriers (PCTC) is increasing. Post
Panamax ships, with a carrying capacity of
8,500 car equivalent units (CEU) are being
introduced. These vessels have a draft of
nearly 34 feet, which if fully loaded would
prevent such vessels from serving Davisville.
The size of PCCs and PCTCs vessels
operating into Davisville and ProvPort are
typically in the 6,000 to 7,000 CEU range.

2.1.2 Final Mile

The term “Final Mile” is often used to describe the final phase of the movement of
freight to a receiver or consumer. Examples of final mile deliveries include:

 A home delivery package from Amazon for example, to a Rhode Island

 Medical supplies and consumables to a hospital
 Food and alcohol to a restaurant
 Retail goods to a shop
 Components to a manufacturer
 Cash to a bank
 Heating oil to a home
The final mile is a critical part of the overall supply chain as it is where title and
ownership of goods typically changes hands from the shipper to the receiver. Other

4Automotive Logistics Magazine.

5Department of Commerce, US Commercial Service, Global Automotive Team, Quarterly Newsletter Spring

dynamics also influence the final mile delivery including delivery timing (which could be
imposed by the shipper or receiver or decided by the freight company), size of delivery
truck and special handling requirements such as product temperature control and
hazardous materials. Many deliveries to consumers are undertaken on a multi-drop
basis, where the delivery vehicle makes between 20 and 50 deliveries a day. For some
package delivery companies, this is much higher. The Council of Supply Chain
Management Professionals estimates that as much as 28 percent of all transportation
costs occur in the last mile.

The key Strengths or Opportunities of Rhode Island’s Final Mile Distribution industry are:

 Proximity to Boston/NY and major port-of-call for fuels

 Good highway network
 Access to wide range of freight transportation modes
 Opportunity to increase alternative fuel delivery vehicles
 Alternative Delivery solutions (e.g., lock boxes, consolidation)
The key Weaknesses or Threats include:

 Loading capacity in some locations (e.g., Newport)

 Access constraints for larger vehicles and bridge weight
 Existing and future congestion
 Limited warehousing space in Rhode Island
The complete SWOT analysis for Final Mile Distribution is provided in Table 2.

Table 2: Final Mile Distribution SWOT Summary

 Rhode Island’s proximity to suppliers and  On-street loading capacity at certain
shippers in the metropolitan areas of New locations such as Bristol, Newport,
York and Boston. This includes food Providence, Wakefield, Warren.
wholesale markets such as the New  Access and geometry constraints for
England Produce Center (Chelsea, MA) larger vehicles in areas such as
and New York’s Produce, Meat and Fish Providence.
markets (Hunts Point, NY).
 Access to good highway networks.

 Off-hour deliveries. Pilot trials have found  Constrained truck driver supply can also
that delivery productivity and fuel impact final mile deliveries, though the
efficiency increase when undertaking off impact in this particular segment of the
hour deliveries. It can also reduce trucking industry is expected to be less
congestion by removing trucks from peak than longer distance trucking, due to two
travelling times. main characteristics: 1). Lifestyle – The
 Increasing the number of alternative majority of final mile delivery drivers will
fuelled vehicles to improve air quality and return home at the end of the day, unlike
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Final longer distance truck drivers; 2).
mile deliveries tend to be short in length. Commercial driver’s license (CDL) – Only
Many urban delivery trucks travel less than trucks above a gross vehicle weight rating
100 miles per day, which are within the of 26,001 pounds require a driver to have
operating ranges of small electric trucks. a CDL. A significant proportion of final mile
Trucks always returning to a home base at delivery trucks operate under this weight
the end of the working day could utilize limit and so access to a wider driver
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) or Compressed market is possible.
Natural Gas (CNG) fuels, as the fueling 
requirements often mean that LNG or
CNG fuelling facilities are not always
readily available and at convenient
 Manage short-term, on-street truck
parking outside local businesses,
improving deliveries and reducing impact
of stopped delivery vehicles on other road
 Identify optimal local commercial and
truck routes for access to local business
and truck generators including
warehouses, distribution centers,
intermodal facilities, manufacturing
facilities, and landfill/resource recovery
 Improve roadway geometry when
identifying local commercial routes or
when trying to optimize them for truck
traffic, as it is important to recognize that
trucks require different roadway geometry
than passenger vehicles. Consider

characteristics to improve roadway

geometry including pavement quality,
roadway and shoulder widths, turning
radii, signage, advanced access
management, dedicated left- and right-
turning lanes and traffic signal timings.

2.1.3 Petroleum/Fuel

Rhode Island plays a prominent role in the distribution of refined petroleum and fuel
products to residents and consumers in New England. Fuel products include gasoline,
fuel oil, diesel and propane, also known as Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG).

Rhode Island’s fuel supply chain relies on water transportation to bring refined
petroleum products into the region from refineries located in New Jersey and
Pennsylvania, but also from Canada and further afield, namely Great Britain and the
Netherlands. In 2013, terminals in the Port of Providence received 36 percent of
petroleum products by US domestic shipment, 29 percent from Canada and 35 percent
from other foreign ports. As shown in Figure 2, the fuel and petroleum is then distributed
by rail or truck within the state or region. Rhode Island’s petroleum/fuel distribution is
multi-modal and relies heavily on marine access at the Port of Providence, as shown

Figure 2: Rhode Island Petroleum/Fuel Distribution Flow Chart

Barge/Truck Other fuel



Motiva Industry
refineries Providence
Terminal Gas station
RI Bulk Fuel Truck
Ship/Barge Terminals
Exxon East
International Providence
refineries Terminal
Other fuel
outside of RI

Springfield, MA

Trucks are used to distribute product from the bulk fuel terminals to end users who are
typically located within a 75-mile radius of the various fuel terminals. Rail is also used for
the transportation of other petroleum related products, including ethanol and LPG.
Ethanol is a biofuel and is typically blended with gasoline to produce E10, a blend of 90
percent gasoline and 10 percent ethanol. The blending process often occurs when fuel
is loaded to the delivery tanker at the fuel terminal. The majority of the US-produced
ethanol originates from the agricultural Midwest. Unlike other parts of the US, Rhode
Island is not experiencing a surge in rail transport associated with domestic oil
transportation. This rail movement is focused on moving crude oil from domestic
production sites such as the Bakken Formation in North Dakota to oil refineries across
the US and Canada. This increase in rail traffic is largely due to domestic crude oil
sources either not being connected to a crude oil pipeline network or suffering a lack of
pipeline capacity.

In 2013, Rhode Island terminals had a 40 percent market share of the distillate fuel oil
imported through facilities in the Port of Boston, New Bedford, Fall River, Providence,
New London, and the Thames River. This excludes the Tiverton terminal, as this location
is included in Fall River for US Army Corps of Engineers cargo reporting purposes. Rhode
Island terminals also handled 31.5 percent of gasoline and 21 percent of residual fuel
oil, a classification describing heavier fuel oils used for ship fuel, production of electric
power and other industrial purposes.

The key Strengths or Opportunities of Rhode Island’s Petroleum/Fuels industry are:

 Multi modal fuel terminals – recent reinvestment

 32.4 million people within a four-hour drive
 Home heating oil
 Transportation-related consumption
The key Weaknesses or Threats include:

 Queuing and wait times at terminals

 Hazmat restrictions at Providence rail station
 Home heating alternatives becoming increasingly available
 Lower transportation fuel demand in future
 Weather impacts on fuel supply chain
The complete SWOT analysis for the Petroleum/Fuels industry is provided in Table 3.

Table 3: Petroleum/Fuel SWOT Summary

 Six water served fuel terminals are located  Queuing and wait times at Rhode Island
in Rhode Island: fuel terminals have been cited by industry
o Sprague Operating Resources LLC - as an issue.
Providence  Restrictions associated with Hazmat
o NE Petroleum Terminal LLC materials passing through the Providence
o Capitol Terminal Company train station create additional operational
o Motiva Enterprises LLC complexity for moving these materials to
o ExxonMobil Oil Corp. destinations south of the train station. This
o Inland Fuel Terminal, Inc. includes the rail-served Motiva ethanol
 Heating fuel oil remains a key fuel source terminal at the Port of Providence and the
for home heating. In 2013, 32.6 percent of propane facility at Davisville.
households in Rhode Island, 31 percent in
Massachusetts and 43.7 percent in
Connecticut used fuel oil for home
heating. In New England, 60 percent of
home energy consumption is related to
space heating, versus the US average of
41 percent.
 Significant volumes of petroleum product
are consumed in the transportation sector
and this is expected to continue in the
short- to mid-long-term. In 2013, energy
expenditure associated with the
transportation sector in Rhode Island
amounted to $1,685 million, 0.2 percent of
the US share.
 Proximity to T.F. Green Airport, which
consumes 27.5 million gallons of fuel per
annum. For reasons of fuel resiliency, 25
percent of fuel is sourced from
Connecticut and Massachusetts.
 Rhode Island’s location means it can
source fuel from Canada, US domestic
sources, and further afield such as Europe.
 Of the 12 major power generating plants
in Rhode Island, six of them have a dual
fuel capability utilizing fuel oil.
 Motiva’s terminal also exports ethanol
from Rhode Island using barge services.
 Rhode Island hosts one of the two New
England LPG import terminals. The other is
located in Newington, New Hampshire. A
propane-served rail facility also opened
recently in Davisville to receive domestic
shipments of LPG.
 Newport Biodiesel is a company that
collects waste vegetable oil from Rhode
Island’s restaurants’ oil and converts it into
biodiesel for use in diesel engines and

home heating furnaces. It is one of 101

biodiesel producers in the US

 Reducing truck queuing time at terminals  Demand for residential heating fuel oil is
and improving terminal access could declining as people transition to natural gas
improve driver schedules and vehicle and other forms of fuel for home heating, as
productivity. At times of high demand, well as more fuel efficient systems. US Energy
terminals could operate a slot system, Information Administration (EIA) Annual
giving drivers more certainty over arrival Energy Outlook 2015 identifies fuel distillate
and departure times and reducing consumption declining by 2.7 percent per
queues on surrounding streets and year (nationally). Between 2002 and 2012,
neighborhoods. Rhode Island experienced a 22 percent
 Increasing demand in the use of biofuels. drop in the demand for home heating oil
The Rhode Island Biodiesel Heating Oil Act from 129.2 million gallons to 101.2 million
of 2013 requires No2. distillate sold in the gallons.7 Sales of kerosene have also
state to contain five percent of a bio- declined significantly. In 2008, 630 thousand
based product by 2017. While this may just gallons were sold in Rhode Island, but in
substitute fossil fuel volume for a biomass 2013, this had reduced to 274 thousand
volume, it does provide opportunities for gallons.
companies that have invested in biofuel  Movement of fuel by water can be affected
transport infrastructure, such as Motiva. by weather; for example, icing of the
 In March 2015, the Defense Logistics Narragansett Bay and storms or hurricanes
Agency (DLA) posted a notice to seek can close or damage port facilities
interest from businesses capable of storing affecting fuel stocks and pricing. Icing of
and distributing the North East Home marine highways during significant cold
Heating Oil Reserve (NEHHOR). The snaps also coincides with high demands for
NEHHOR was established by the heating products.
Department of Energy (DOE) in 2000 to  Reducing travel demand, resulting in lower
provide an emergency stock of heating vehicles miles travelled, will impact fuel
oil in the event of a winter supply consumption within the transportation
shortage. The DLA is seeking responses for sector. Improved fuel efficiency of motor
three areas: New York Harbor (250,000 vehicles will also reduce fuel consumption.
barrels), Boston (500,000 barrels), and  Greater awareness of fossil fuel impacts
coastal Connecticut and Rhode Island, upon the environment and government
including Providence, New policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
London/Groton, New Haven and are influencing consumers in selecting
Bridgeport (250,000 barrels). Currently no “greener” products (e.g., low emission and
fuel terminals in Rhode Island are part of zero emission vehicles). This factor may also
the NEHHOR, and the DLA notice presents impact fuel consumption by trucking fleets
a potential business opportunity for Rhode through the uptake of compressed and
Island terminals. It is also an opportunity liquid natural gas fuels.
for the state to improve its resiliency by  Competition from other ports outside of
easing access to fuel stocks during a Rhode Island can influence where fuel is

supply disruption. landed. Boston, Groton and New Bedford

 The NEHHOR6 was established with a two can access some of Rhode Island’s fuel
million barrel stockholding to provide a 10- market.
day supply, because ten days was  Lack of hazmat-trained drivers could
identified as the necessary time to bring increase transportation costs.
additional fuel from Gulf coast ports to  Truck access to the western terminals in
the Northeast. Fuel supplies would be held Providence Harbor to I-95 south means
in commercial facilities and DOE would trucks have to traverse local streets.
establish contracts with storage suppliers. Community concerns and any resulting
In 2011, two contracts were awarded to restrictions on truck movements could
terminals in Groton, Connecticut and influence the cost-competitiveness of these
Revere, Massachusetts. In 2012, the fuel terminals.
reserve was reduced to one million barrels
and currently stocks are stored at two
terminals, 500,000 barrels at Groton and
500,000 barrels at Revere Releases from
the NEHHOR were authorized following
Super Storm Sandy and severe winter
conditions during November 2012.
 Other fuel terminals outside of Rhode
Island constitute the Northeast Gasoline
Supply Reserve, which holds one million
barrels of gasoline distributed across
terminals in the New York harbor area,
Boston and South Portland, Maine. This is
the first federal regional refined product
reserve and was established in 2014,
largely as a result of the fuel supply issues
following Super Storm Sandy. Contracts
for the purchase and storage of fuel were
placed in the summer of 2014.

7 Congressional Research Service, “The Northeast Heating Oil Supply, Demand, and Factors Affecting is

6 According to the US Department of Energy, this reserve gives Northeast consumers supplemental fuel

supplies for approximately 10 days, the time required for ships to carry additional heating oil from the Gulf
of Mexico to New York Harbor. During 2011, the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve (NEHHOR) was
converted to a one million barrel Reserve and the fuel stored was changed from No. 2 heating oil to
cleaner burning ultra-low sulfur distillate (ULSD).

2.1.4 High Technology Industry

A number of definitions exist to describe high technology manufacturing. For the

purposes of this analysis, the plan used the industries identified by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) in 1999, which are based on SIC codes and were updated to reflect the
NAICs codes in 2003. The BLS definition: “An industry is considered high tech if
employment in technology-oriented occupations accounted for a proportion of that
industry’s total employment that was at least twice the 4.9-percent average for all
industries.” According to an analysis of the Commerce Rhode Island’s Manufacturers’
database, there are approximately 199 companies within Rhode Island that can be
classified as High Tech Manufacturers.

High technology manufacturing relies upon freight transportation to support the

inbound flow of raw materials and components that are processed to form
manufactured articles and the outbound movement of those articles to customers

Characteristics associated with inbound flows include:

 Chemicals arriving in bulk form are likely to be transported by road and rail
from domestic sources. Some chemicals such as Sodium Hydroxide arrive by
ship from foreign sources and are processed through the Port of Providence.
 Small, high value components tend to be shipped using packaged services
such as FedEx and UPS.
 Trucking is the mode that will be used to deliver the majority of inbound
products to Rhode Island’s manufacturing facilities.
Outbound freight transportation attributes include:

 The movement of consignments to international destinations will typically be

in intermodal containers and use the ports of Boston and New York/New
 The movement of consignments to domestic destinations will use trucking
services, including less than full truck load and full truck load services.
 Small, high value shipments will often travel using package services and
FedEx and UPS services from T.F. Green and Boston Logan for both
international and domestic locations.
The key Strength or Opportunities of Rhode Island’s High Technology industry are:

 Access to a wide range of freight transportation modes

 Proximity to Boston, NY/NJ for exports and imports
 Northeast inbound is greater than outbound freight
- Very cost competitive outbound transport market
- High inbound trucking cost
- Driver shortage, which increases costs and may impact reliability of
trucking services
 Re-shoring could bring additional manufacturing operations to Rhode Island
The key Weaknesses or Threats include:

 Many high tech companies are legacy based in Rhode Island. Increased fuel
and transportation costs could influence where those companies undertake
their manufacturing operations.
The complete SWOT analysis for the High Technology industry is provided in Table 4.

Table 4: High Technology Industry SWOT Summary

 Rhode Island’s high technology  The imbalance of trade flows into the region
manufacturers have access to a wide results in high inbound trucking costs.
range of global and domestic freight
transportation modes including trucking,
rail, maritime and air cargo services.
 Proximity to the ports and airports of Boston
and New York/New Jersey for those
manufacturers who export and import raw
materials and components and export
finished products.
 Feedback from the trucking industry
suggests that the imbalance of freight
moving into New England versus outbound
freight results in a very cost competitive
outbound transport market. Rhode Island
manufacturers can take advantage of this
 The reshoring of certain manufacturing  Feedback from some manufacturers
activities could bring additional identified that their presence in Rhode
manufacturing operations to Rhode Island. Island is legacy related and not based upon
proximity to suppliers or customers.
Increased fuel and transportation costs
could influence where those companies
undertake their manufacturing operations.
 A constrained truck driver supply is also likely
to increase transport costs and the
imbalance of freight flows associated with
Rhode Island and the wider New England
freight market. This could impact not only
transport costs, but the reliability of freight

2.1.5 Warehousing/Distribution

Warehousing and distribution facilities essentially provide two functions: the safe and
secure receipt and storage of goods, and a ready inventory to dispatch goods and
fulfill customer orders. There are significant warehousing and distribution operations in
Rhode Island, including Ocean State Job Lot, CVS, Dean Warehousing, Mancini Liquor
and Greencore. Key factors affecting business decisions about warehousing operations
include facility location, cost, size and interior configuration.

Facility location is influenced by a variety of factors, including access to a plentiful

supply of labor, access and proximity to customers and suppliers, utilities (e.g., high
pressure gas line), energy costs, and the local business and regulatory environment. The
supply and suitability of existing warehouse facilities at market prices to accommodate
a company’s storage and processing requirements will influence whether a company
leases or acquires space. If supply is not adequate, the availability of suitable land and
the cost of new construction will also influence locational decisions.

Facility size is typically determined by the amount of goods a warehouse is expected to

store and the dimensions necessary to accommodate related processes such as the
picking, packing and dispatching of products. Further requirements include adjacent
hardtop for truck and trailer deliveries, as well as employee parking. Big box
warehouses (a term often used to describe warehouses over one million square feet),
are typically used within the consumer goods/retail and food and beverage sectors, to
support regional and national distribution functions for these companies. The majority of
warehouses are much smaller than that, however. Feedback from Rhode Island-based
commercial real estate companies, including representatives of Hayes & Sherry and
CBRE-New England, suggests that most companies looking for warehousing space in the
Rhode Island or southeastern New England market are seeking smaller buildings, in the
80,000 -100,000 square foot range or smaller.

Warehouse interior characteristics also influence choice and suitability of a facility to

meet a company’s needs. These include:

 Internal height. Warehouses need to be high enough to accommodate

racking that allows for the vertical storage of goods on pallets. Other more
advanced processes including automation and conveyer systems, and order
fulfillment may require mezzanine floors resulting in a need for higher
warehouses. Typically the interior height needs to be 20-30 feet.
 Space between internal supporting columns. Greater distance between
columns allows the space to be used flexibly and makes for more efficient
warehouse layouts and the ability to accommodate materials handling
equipment, such as automation.
 Number of loading docks. Having more than one loading dock allows goods
to be simultaneously received and dispatched. Warehouses dispatching high
volumes of goods will often need multiple docks.
The key Strengths or Opportunities of Rhode Island’s Warehousing/Distribution industry

 Proximity to larger consumer market, good transportation access

 Land availability, pre-permitting at Quonset Business Park
 Opportunity to initiate statewide e-permitting initiative
 Identify/preserve land for future industrial and warehousing growth
The key Weaknesses or Threats include:

 Lack of warehouse supply

 Real or perceived time delays in permitting

 High construction costs

 Differences between states (e.g., regulations, taxes, incentives)
 Other locations offer similar access to metro areas
The complete SWOT analysis for the Warehousing/Distribution industry is provided in
Table 5.

Table 5: Warehousing/Distribution SWOT Summary

 Proximity to large consumer market. This  Lack of supply. There is a limited supply of
is the greatest strength associated with existing large warehouses within Rhode
the warehousing and distribution sector Island. Feedback from local commercial
in Rhode Island. Companies looking to brokers indicates facility size and
service both the Boston and New York configuration are more important than
metropolitan areas, and the populous location within the regional market.
regions of New England with short order Brokers cited examples of existing Rhode
lead times from one location, are ideally Island companies looking to expand
served by being located in Rhode Island.  locally, but ultimately moving into
An estimated 32.4 million people are adjacent states when warehousing
located within a four-hour drive of specifications could not be met in the
Providence. Proximity to population and state.
these metropolitan areas was a factor  Age and quality of industrial space within
identified by Greencore, which recently Rhode Island. Older buildings tend to
opened a 107,000 square foot food have lower internal heights and are space
processing facility in Quonset. constrained by structural columns.
 Access to I-95, I-195, I-295 and State Available warehousing stock often does
Route I46. A strong interstate system, not match the needs of prospective
combined with good regional tenants.
connections, is an important  Lack of expansion capability. Many
consideration for warehousing and warehouse sites have no planned
distribution businesses. Interstate 95 expansion capability and so companies
provides access to the Boston looking to grow, or consolidate multiple
metropolitan area, CT and NY. I-195 smaller sites into one location, are forced
provides access to southeastern MA, and to move elsewhere.
State Route 146 to Worcester,  Construction costs to build are high
Massachusetts and western (Rhode Island construction costs are
Massachusetts. similar to Boston market).
 Proximity to multi-modal infrastructure.  Real or perceived time delays in
Stakeholder outreach with the freight permitting. Although the Town of North
community identified proximity to Boston Kingstown has Uniform Development
and New York ports and freight railroads regulations and streamlined approval and
as an advantage. T.F Green Airport is permitting processes, these mechanisms
also viewed as an accessible amenity for are not in widespread use across the
both freight and passenger traffic. state.
 Land availability and pre-permitting at
Quonset Business Park. The business park
managed by the Quonset Development
Corporation has available capacity and
“Pad Ready Building sites” to support
growth. The use of Uniform Development
Regulations by the Town of North

Kingstown has streamlined the approval

and permitting process and allows
construction to commence within 90
days of site control.
 Incentivizing companies that are seeking  Stakeholder outreach identified a number
expansion opportunities of existing of companies that were originally based in
warehouse space, through improved Rhode Island, but outgrew their current
regulatory and tax credits, to remain in facilities and moved to Fall River, where
Rhode Island rather than relocating out of more suitable and up-to-date warehouse
the state. accommodation was available.
 The piloting of a Rhode Island statewide  Differences in state regulations, taxation
e-permitting initiative to modernize the and schemes associated with attracting
permitting process and expedite property new businesses also influence where
transactions can ease the regulatory warehouses get developed. For example,
process associated with warehouse the Massachusetts Economic Assistance
development. Coordinating Council approved $2.89
 Identification and preservation of land for million in local tax breaks and granted
future industrial and/or warehousing $600,000 in state tax credits to Amazon
growth, and encouraging greater use of associated with the development of a new
Uniform Development regulations by warehouse in Fall River.
communities strategically positioned and  Other areas in close proximity to Rhode
interested in industrial growth. Island also offer the same locational
 Rhode Island already has a Foreign Trade advantages with access to the interstate
Zone (FTZ#105 – designated in 1984, but system and proximity to the Boston and
modified in 2008), though this is not New York metropolitan areas; for example,
currently utilized. It includes three areas: the I-91 corridor between New Haven and
32 acres at ProvPort, 43 acres at the Hartford in Connecticut.
Airport Business Park near T.F. Green  Real or perceived higher costs of doing
Airport, and Quonset Business Park. An business. Although utility costs are high
outreach program to Rhode Island’s throughout New England, many
businesses to provide company-specific stakeholders felt the cost of utilities was
advice associated with using FTZ’s, could higher in Rhode Island than in adjacent
be specifically targeted at Rhode Island’s markets.
importers and warehouses.  Any increase in congestion on I-95 and
 Include criteria within the yet-to-be- other access routes to key metropolitan
defined Rebuild Rhode Island Tax Credit areas affects truck journey time, cost and
(which provides capital to qualified real on-time reliability. This congestion effect
estate projects that demonstrate a “shrinks” the market that can be cost-
finance gap), for the modernization and effectively served by Rhode Island’s
reconfiguration of Rhode Island’s older distribution centers and warehouses.
facilities to better serve the modern-day
needs of users of industrial and
warehousing facilities.

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