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2]]RhRZeA>¶dTR]] N
?=B =4F34;78 exponential. Our effort is to
take advanced steps.”
early 20 per cent of the “A total of 8,356 positive

   Covid-19 positive cases
need ICU support in the coun-
cases have been reported in the
country. At least 909 new cases
  try. This has put acute pressure
on the health officials to
and 34 deaths have been record-
ed in 24 hours. A good news is
mobilise ventilators and other that 74 people have been cured
    life-saving support equipment. in the last 24 hours taking the
Addressing the daily Press total number of cured people to
     briefing here on Sunday, Union 716. Total 273 deaths have been
Health Ministry Joint Secretary reported so far.”

 Lav Agarwal said that on March About the preparations,
29, India had 979 positive cases Agarwal said the Government
  and 196 needed critical care and 0S^Rc^aPc5[d2^a]TaX]2WPaPZ?P[XZP7^b_XcP[ has identified 14 institutes,
oxygen. That time, 41,900 ded- including AIIMS and
?=B =4F34;78 icated Covid beds were avail- NIMHANS, to mentor medical
able in 163 State-run hospitals. colleges and expand Covid-19
ll eyes will be on Prime “On April 4, when we testing capacity.
A Minister Narendra Modi
when he outlines various
b_aTPS^UcWT]TfR^a^]PeXadbX]cWT3fPaZPPaTP^U=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh 0?
required 580 beds, we had
67,500 beds, on April 9, 1,100
Agarwal said as on Sunday
India has 8,356 positive cases
need oxygen support and crit-
ical care treatment, and we have
and number can be exponen-
tial. Our effort is to take
Agarwal said AIIMS Delhi
is now equipped with 250 beds
aspects that will regulate the beds were required but there and of these 20 per cent cases 1,05,000 dedicated Covid beds advanced steps, he said. including 50 ICU beds, and
two-week extension of the has led to optimism that the On Saturday while inter- were 8,5000 beds available in need ICU support. “That available in the country in 601 India, which is into the high dependent units attached
ongoing lockdown as agreed in second phase of the lockdown acting with Chief Ministers via the country,” he said. means today 1,671 patients hospitals. This figure is impor- world’s biggest lockdown to with beds, and 70 ventilators.
the meeting with Chief may witness graded opening up video conferencing in his third tant to show that the combat spreading of the high- In Safdarjung Hospital, one
Ministers on Saturday.
Now that the two-week
of activities in other sectors
such as construction, road and
such meeting, Modi hinted at
the need to strike a balance
B834;867CB Government is planning things
in advance and is over pre-
ly contagious pathogen, on
Sunday reported an increase of
complete block has been con-
verted into Covid block and has
extension is a mere formality, industrial activities. Thw between saving lives and reviv- cWTR^d]cahWPbSTRXSTSc^X]ca^SdRT^SSTeT]ad[TbUa^\<^]SPhc^ pared, he said. 909 cases, taking the country’s 500 beds. “We have provided
people will anxiously wait for Government has already ing economic activity. \PX]cPX]b^RXP[SXbcP]RX]VX]cWTfPZT^UcWTR^a^]PeXadb^dcQaTPZ8c In addition, the total number of coronavirus 1,680 beds to Andhra Pradesh.
the PM’s announcement to see allowed fishing activities on the Suggestion to a phased open- WPbP[b^QTT]STRXSTSc^bcPVVTacX\X]Vb¯%P\c^ P\U^abP[T^U Government is also increasing cases to 8,356 by Sunday morn- As on today there were 148
what sort of sectoral “opening sea side in certain States. ing of air service is also under- eTVTcPQ[TbP]S!_\c^%_\U^abP[T^UUadXcb¯PccWT\P]SX the number of dedicated Covid ing. The number rose to 900 ventilators available, we pro-
up”, if any, is facilitated by the The Prime Minister has stood to have been given but hospitals and isolation facilities plus by late in the evening and vided 444 additional ventila-
Government to keep the econ- already suggested specific health experts have apparent-  FXcW²a^cXP]SRWdc]Th³[XUTX]7X]SdaTUdVTTRP\_V^Tb^]fXcW^dc\dRW as per the evolving situations States were still reporting. tors. One special medical offi-
omy going. Opening up farm measures for agriculture and ly not approved it. WT[_Ua^\^dcbXST)BXccX]V]TPacWT\dSbc^eTX]WTa\PZTbWXUcbT\X_dZZP and precautionary measures Agarwal said, “This is a cer is appointed in every
sectors to allow harvesting and allied sector, including the It is understood that while W^dbT^]cWTQP]Zb^UcWTHP\d]PAP]X3PbXbf^]STaX]VfWPcXUcWT because this is a pandemic pandemic and numbers can be State.”
storage of standing crops and modification of Agriculture senior officials agree on the [^RZS^f]XbTgcT]STS3^TbbWTWPeTT]^dVWaPcX^]c^UTTSWTaUP\X[h.
incentivising sowing could fig- Produce Market Committee importance of the lockdown to  CWTRdaaT]cbXcdPcX^]PRa^bbcWTV[^QTSdTc^2>E83 (_P]ST\XR
ure in the PM’s speech. There
is also speculation about lim-
ited opening up of civil aviation
in some sector as well.
A positive interpretation of
(APMC) laws to facilitate sale
of farm produce. He said the
crisis was an opportunity to
become self-reliant and turn
the nation into an economic
save Indian lives, they want
economic activity to be revived
as ports are jammed with con-  0"!hTPa^[S\P]fW^fPbd]STa^QbTaePcX^]U^aR^a^]PeXadb^]
tainers and major port cities
such as Mumbai and Chennai
! "   #"
his remark “Jaan bhi, jahan bhi” powerhouse. are hit by the pandemic. aTbd[cbfTaTPfPXcTSbPXS3XbcaXRc<PVXbcaPcTBdWPb;H
% "
5YRcRgZefc_Z_X>f^SRZZ_e`a`hUVc\VX B0?=0B8=67 =4F34;78

M ahavir Enclave in
zones, areas where movement
of people is strictly prohibited.
Areas which are seen as high-
In both these areas, the
Government will launch a mas-
sive sanitisation drive to min-
$\^aTcTbceTX]0bXP´b[PaVTbcb[d\ Chawl, PMGP colony,
Murugan Chawl and Rajiv
Southwest Delhi was on
Sunday identified as the new
risk zones are being classified
as orange.
imise spread of the infection.
Continued on Page 2
S^^ac^S^^abRaTT]X]VQTX]VR^]SdRcTS Gandhi chawl.
Not wanting to take any
COVID-19 hotspot by the
Delhi Government, which
chances, health workers con- ordered its sealing. It has taken
C=A067D=0C70 <D<108 sons have tested positive in ducted door-to-door screening the total number of such zones
Janata Cooperative Housing of all the Dharavi residents. in the city to 34, an official said.
n what is turning out to be a society,” a Brihanmumbai Simultaneously, a team of local On Sunday, the total num-
nightmare for the health
15 more persons
Municipal Corporation (BMC)
official from G/North Ward in
private doctors of Dharavi and
BMC medical staff checked the
ber of COVID-19 cases in the
national Capital climbed to
tested positive for coronavirus north central Mumbai said. temperature and enquired the 1,154, with 166 fresh cases
in Mumbai’s Dharavi on Of the new cases, two are residents about their travel and five deaths being reported
Sunday, taking the total num- women aged 20 and 24 years. history. Over 150 doctors, in a day.
ber of infected cases to 43 in The remaining 13 are male working under the auspices of A Government order
Asia’s largest slum. patients in the age group of 18 Indian Medical Council and expanding the list of contain-
Of the 15 new infected per- years and 66 years. Maharashtra Medical Council, ment zones came hours after
sons, nine have been quaran- There have been four have been assisting the BMC in Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
tined at the Rajiv Gandhi Covid-19 deaths in the most <PWX\3WPaPeX<TSXRP[?aPRcXcX^]Tab´0bb^RXPcX^]\T\QTabfTPaX]V_a^cTRcXeT the screening drive. announced the city
Sports Complex. “All these densely populated slum. Of bdXcbbRaTT]aTbXST]cb^UPW^dbX]Vb^RXTchX]<d\QPX^]Bd]SPh ?C8 The medical teams will Government’s decision to seal
nine cases are high-risks con- the fatalities, two deaths have report to the BMC on the every locality that reports a
tacts of Social Nagar patient been reported from Dr Baliga The break-up of 43 infect- Madina Nagar, five cases from number of persons who have Covid-19 case.
who died at KEM Hospital and Nagar, while one person suc- ed cases reported so far includ- Muslim Nagar, 6 cases from shown symptoms for coron- The Delhi Government’s
those who tested positive in cumbed to Covid-19 in Social ed: Five cases from Dr Baliga Social Nagar, four cases from avirus. “All those who have “Operation SHIELD” will come
Madina Nagar. Four new pos- Nagar. The remaining one Nagar, two cases from Vaibhav Janata Housing Society, two symptoms are being kept in into force in these areas.
itive cases have been reported death has been reported from Apartments, nine cases from cases from Kalaynwadi and quarantine,” a BMC officer All the containment zones ?^[XRT_Tab^]]T[_Pca^[Pc1Q[^RZ^U9PWP]VXa_daXPaTPX]=Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh ?C8
in Shastri Nagar, while two per- Kalayanwadi. Mukund Nagar, two cases from one case each from Dhanwada said. have been classified as red

=XWP]VbPccPRZ_^[XRTcTP\RW^_^UUR^_´bWP]S ))<D98dh`^V_hRccZ`cd[`Z_
?=B 270=3860A7?0C80;0 As many 11 people, includ-
ing a woman, were arrested
bombs, have also been recov-
ered from the hideout,” said
0A270=09H>C8 =4F34;78 country grapples to check the crore masks besides other safe-
group of “Nihangs” (Sikhs from a local Gurdwara after Patiala’s Senior Superintendent deadly contagion. There are ty gears.
A armed with traditional
weapons and dressed in loose
exchange of fire in connection
with the attack on the police
of Police (SSP) Mandeep Singh
Sidhu. A round 88,000 Self Help
Group (SHGs) women
approximately 690 lakh women
members of around 63 lakh Self
These are various cate-
gories of masks, including 2-3
blue top) chopped off an police party at Patiala vegetable mar- Video clips regarding the across the countr y have Help Groups (SHGs) across the ply woven and non-woven sur-
officer’s hand and injured three ket in the morning, where the incident have been doing the emerged as community war- country. gical masks, cotton masks etc,
other Punjab Policemen after group fled after the 6.15 am rounds on the social media, riors to help contain the spread As the masks are the first which adhere to the advisories
being stopped from violating incident in Sanaur town. attracting criticism from all of deadly Covid-19. These line of defence against COVID- of Union Health Ministry and
the lockdown in Patiala district, One of the arrested men over the country, cutting “unsung” warriors are doing 19 and the Government has Ministry of Consumers’ Affairs.
triggering a police operation in suffered gunshot wound, while across party lines. their bits by producing masks, made mandatory wearing SHG members have now the first to respond and have
which shots were fired and 11 a mandi official was also hurt Strongly condemning the Personnel Protection masks in public places, 78,373 also started making PPE like produced about 78,000 masks
people arrested at a gurdwara. earlier. “We have recovered attack, Chief Minister Captain Equipment (PPE) and lakhs of SHG members under the aprons, gowns, face shields etc, since March 22, 2020.
In a latenight information, arms, C39 lakh cash, tradi- Amarinder Singh has warned litres of hand sanitisers day and Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- said an official from the Union These masks were being
doctors at the Chandigarh’s tional arms like irons rods, that anyone violating the cur- night for frontline staff as well National Rural Livelihoods Rural Development Ministry. sold at the premises of various
PGIMER reattached the 50- khanda, bhaale (javelin), and few, imposed in the State since as countless citizens. Mission (DAY-NRLM) of the “Around 78,373 SHG district collectorates and sub-
year-old ASI’s hand after an cannabis during the raid on March 23 to check the spread Some of them have also Union Ministry of Rural members are presently involved sidised medical stores at an
over seven-hour long surgery, the gurudwara. Weapons, of Covid-19 pandemic, would produced liquid soaps to help Development have taken upon in manufacturing of masks. affordable price of Rs 10,” said
officials said. including guns and petrol be strictly dealt with. in keeping hand hygiene as the themselves to produce 1.96 Jharkhand SHGs were among the officer.

?ReZ`_hZUV]`T\U`h_UV]RjVU & "'" "

[fdee`e`aa]V>A 8`ge+4`_X BC055A4?>AC4A=4F34;78

medium-intensity earthquake shook

?=B =4F34;78 by Covid-19 early February
onwards, but the BJP-led
Minister and no
Home Minister...Shivraj Singh
A Delhi-NCR on Sunday at 5.45 pm. The
3.5 magnitude tremor with epicentre locat-
fter weeks of ceasefire on Centre’s entire machinery and Chouhan took oath as Chief ed at Latitude 28.7N and Longitude 77.2E at U^acWTbTeT]cWR^]bTRdcXeTSPh
A political front, the
Congress on Sunday went on
energy was dedicated to push
MP into political crisis.
Minister on March 23, and the
lockdown began a day later,”
a depth of 8 kilometre in Northeast Delhi
prompted panic-stricken people to rush
offensive against the Modi One-and-a-half-year-old Nath said at an AICC media out of their homes. bcPacTSUXaX]Vb\P[[Pa\bP]S
Government , accusing it of Kamal Nath Government had briefing. “Rahul ji had on “The earthquake’s epicentre was in \^acPabWT[[bX]@PbQPP]S:Xa]X
delaying the nationwide lock- to make way for Shivraj Singh February 2 drawn the attention Wazirabad in Northeast Delhi at the depth bTRc^abPc #_\X]eXcX]VP
down just to topple the Madhya Chouhan after several of the Government to of 8 kilometres,” said JL Gautam, Head recorded in the city in 2001. bca^]VP]STUUTRcXeTaTcP[XPcX^]
Pradesh Government. Congress MLAs defected to the the threat posed by coron- (Operations), National Centre for Seismology Soon after the earthquake, humour took QhcWT8]SXP]0a\hPSTUT]RT
Former Madhya Pradesh BJP last month when senior avirus. (NCS). The tremors were also felt in neigh- the stage on social media with people. b_^ZTb\P]bPXSCWTRa^bb
Chief Minister Kamal Nath Congress leader Jyotiraditya However, the Centre bouring Noida, Ghaziabad and Faridabad. Joining other tweeples was Delhi’s Deputy Q^aSTaUXaX]VfPbbcX[[V^X]V^]
alleged that senior party leader Scindia quit the grand old delayed action because it was There was no immediate report of any dam- Chief Minister Manish Sisodia. PRR^aSX]Vc^[PcTbcaT_^acb
Rahul Gandhi at various plat- party to join the BJP. more interested in toppling age. An earthquake of magnitude 2.8 had hit “Wasn’t coronavirus enough that an ?PZXbcP]WPbaT_TPcTS[heX^[PcTS
forms including social media “Madhya Pradesh is the the Government in Madhya the national capital in 2004. earthquake had to occur too,” Sisodia tweet- RTPbTUXaTU^aPfTTZ
had indicated the threat posed only State which has no Health Pradesh,” he said. Another quake of magnitude 3.4 was ed in Hindi.
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!! ]PcX^]!

?=B 270=3860A7 duty was attacked today in
which one ASI's hand was cut
cops by anti-social elements at
Subji Mandi in Patiala is con- C7>B40AA4BC43 “The shocking #attack on cops
by anti- social elements at Sabji
second regarding Gurudwara
incident, and third under
and other drugs from Khichri
Sahib Complex, Balbera, where
extensor tendons were repaired,
the statement said.
utting across party lines, off and 6 were injured. Police demnable. All necessary steps Mandi in #Patiala has shaken Narcotic Drugs and the Nihangs were living. Their All the nerves at the wrist
C political leaders on Sunday
condemned the brutal attack
cornered the culprits and have
taken them into custody. Have
should be taken to maintain
law and order and everyone
0[[^fP[eX[[PVT everyone. Strict time bound
action & punishment should be
Psychotropic Substances
(NDPS) Act — have been reg-
property will also be attached
on account of the recovery of
required bony fixation done
using three K-wires. The approx-
on the Punjab police by a given instructions to the should cooperate with author- eX[[PVT given to these goons. I appeal istered against the accused. commercial quantity of drugs. imate time taken was about 7.5
group of nihangs in Patiala @PunjabPoliceInd to deal with ities. Those taking law into  1P[fX]STaBX]VW=XWP]V to everyone to cooperate with The first has been regis- hours. The PGI said this was
while seeking strict action anyone breaking the law in their own hands like this WTPS$:PaWP[XeX[[PVT the civil & police admn in these tered at Sadar Patiala police sta- SEVERED HAND OF technically very complex and
against the perpetrators of the strictest possible manner,” the should be dealt with severely,”  6daSTT_BX]VW!#9PX] difficult times,” she tweeted. tion for attempt to murder, POLICE OFFICER RE- challenging surgery, which was
crime. CM tweeted. Sukhbir tweeted. <^WP[[PBP\P]P Condemning the inhuman grievous hurt, rioting, attack on IMPLANTED successfully done. It was evalu-
In a shocking incident on Akali stalwart and former Flaying the brutal attack,  =P]]P attack, another Union Minister public servant under the Indian After nearly eight hours of ated at the end of surgery that
Sunday morning, an officer’s Chief Minister Parkash Singh the Shiromani Gurdwara  9P]VXaBX]VW&$?PacP_VPaW Hardeep Singh Puri demanded penal Code (IPC), and also surgery, a team of doctors at the hand is viable, warm with good
hand was chopped off with a Badal too condemned the Parbandhak Committee pres- eX[[PVT an “exemplary punishment” under provisions of the PGI on Sunday successfully re- circulation, it added.
sword and two other Punjab attack, saying, “There is no ident Gobind Singh Longowal  <P]X]STaBX]VW!(0\[^W for the members of a Sikh sect Disaster Management Act, implanted the left hand of After a phone call from
policemen injured when a place for violence in a civilized asked the people to follow the  9PbfP]cBX]VW$$6WP]^da saying that “such criminals and 2005 against Balwinder Singh, Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Director General of Police
group of nihangs attacked them society.” curfew restrictions.  3PabWP]BX]VW3WXad<PYaX anarchists” should be brought Jagmeet Singh, Bant Singh and of Punjab Police that was Dinkar Gupta, PGI Director
after being asked to show cur- Badal said that the police Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)  =XaQWPeBX]VW to justice at the earliest. Nirbhav Singh. chopped off in a clash by Jagat Ram activated the emer-
few passes at a vegetable mar- throughout the country have state unit chief and Sangrur MP  BdZW_aTTc:Pda!$:WWXRWaX “The inhuman attack on The second case has been Nihang Sikhs in Patiala. gency team at Advanced
ket in Patiala district. been performing a difficult Bhagwant Mann demanded BPWXQ1P[QTaP policemen in Patiala needs to registered against 11 persons, The 50-year-old patient Trauma centre and he gave the
Eleven people, including task most selflessly. The five- “strictest action” against the be condemned in the strongest including the woman, at had an amputation through the responsibility to Ramesh
five attackers, were arrested time CM urged the people to accused. imprisonment is maximum of terms. Such criminals and Passiana police station for proximal wrist of left hand, the Sharma, Head Department of
hours later after an exchange of cooperate with the Centre and Senior advocate and AAP’s punishment. Culprits should be anarchists should be brought to attempt to murder, attack on PGI said in a statement. Plastic Surgery, for hand re-
fire at a gurdwara where the the State Government against former Dakha MLA HS awarded life imprisonment to justice at the earliest. They police Party, 54 DMA Act The reimplantation was implantation.
group fled after the 6.15 am the coronavirus outbreak. Phoolka sought “exemplary send a message,” he tweeted. deserve exemplary punish- 2005, Sections 3, 4 Explosives started around 10 a.m. after ini- The surgery team com-
incident in Sanaur town. Describing the incident as punishment” for the accused. Union Minister Harsimrat ment,” he tweeted. Act, sections 13,16,18,20 of tial preparation of the amputat- prised Sunil Gaba, Jerry R.
Reacting to the incident, barbaric, Shiromani Akali Dal “As culprits are arrested now, Kaur Badal also demanded UAPA Act 1967, Sections 25, ed part. Both radial and ulnar John, Suraj Nair, Mayank,
the Chief Minister Capt chief Sukhbir Singh Badal file charge sheet in two days strict time-bound action THREE CASES REGISTRED 54, 59 Arms Act. arteries, the vena comitantes and Chandra, Shubendu, Ankur,
Amarinder Singh asked police sought action against “those and request court to complete against the accused and urged Three separate cases — Another case under NDPS an extra dorsal vein were anas- Abhishek and Purnima, while
to take strict action against law- who break the law”. trial within a week. It’s attempt people to cooperate with the one regarding the attack on Act was registered for recovery tomosed (reconnection of blood the nursing team comprised
breakers. “Police Party on Naka “The barbaric attack on to murder with injury, life authorities amid the lockdown. police party at Sabzi Mandi, of five to six bags of poppy husk verssels). All the flexors and Arvind, Sneha and Arsh.

2P_cP__TP[b_T^_[Tc^bcPhX]S^^ab 7_fdS\QY]cU^_eWX 7PahP]P2<X]cTaPRcbfXcW

^]1PXbPZWXST[XeTa0aSPbUa^\W^\T cd_S[_V`b_dUSdYfU aTR^eTaTS2^eXS (_PcXT]cb
?=B 270=3860A7 Baisakhi this year.
Expressing the hope and
cult measures, despite the
inconvenience and frustration
UaeY`]U^dY^CdQdU ?=B 270=3860A7 made to fight the coronavirus treated for almost two and
unjab Chief Minister Capt confidence that Punjab would being caused to everyone, he in Haryana were better than the half weeks, he got discharged
P Amarinder on Sunday
appealed to the people to pray
be victorious over pandemic,
Capt Amarinder appealed to
Underlining the need to
?=B 270=3860A7 Notably, 16 new cases were
tested positive for Covid-19 in H aryana Chief Minister
Manohar Lal on Sunday
other States.
He interacted live with five
on Sunday morning only.
The Chief Minister also
(deliver ardas) at 11 am on the people to do their duty in continue with such strict mid surge in Covid-19 pos- Haryana on Sunday, taking the said that about 25,000 people people and their families, who spoke to Amrit Pal Singh, a res-
Monday, on the occasion of
Baisakhi, from their homes
this battle, just as lakhs of
frontline warriors were doing
restrictions, he cited various
studies or research papers,
A itive cases in the State,
Haryana Government on
total tally to 181 in the State.
An official spokesman of
have been kept under surveil-
lance and samples of around
have now returned to their
homes after recovery. The
ident of Faridabad and Manu,
a resident of Gurugram, who
for the State’s victory over the to keep them safe and protect- models or expert opinion to Sunday claimed that there is an Haryana Government said that 3900 people have been sent for Chief Minister congratulated were hospitalized at Safdarganj
deadly Covid-19 enemy, for the ed. stress that if we do not imple- adequate stock of essential pro- Haryana Medical Services testing for coronavirus so them for their victory and Hospital, Delhi.
protection of their children He thanked the doctors, ment the lockdown in the tective equipments available in Corporation Limited (HMSCL) far. asked them to share their sto- He appealed to the people
and the future generations. nurses, paramedical staff, other coming days, the situation hospitals and medical colleges to has been supplying stocks to dif- He said that all types of ries of survival and their hos- to have a sympathetic behav-
Capt Amarinder, in a health and sanitation workers, could get out of control. effectively combat the novel ferent hospitals as well as gov- necessary arrangements have pital experiences. iour towards those who have
Baisakhi eve message to the the police, the revenue staff, the “The numbers being pro- corona virus. ernment medical colleges in the been made by the State Manju, who has recovered recovered from Covid-19 and
people of Punjab, said that religious organizations, the jected by all these experts etc in The protective equipments State. It has also been decided Government to fight this pan- from the virus after getting have returned to their
this was a different Baisakhi in NGOs and everyone else the absence of isolation or include 3-ply masks, hand san- by Chief Minister Manohar demic. treatment from PGIMS homes.
view of the coronavirus pan- engaged in fighting the battle lockdown are scary,” he point- itizers, hydroxychloroquine 200 Lalthat private medical colleges As a result of these arrange- Rothak, said that on March 23, Manohar Lal further said
demic as a result of which peo- at the frontline, putting their ed out. mg tablets, N95 Masks, PPE kits can also procure supplies from ments, positive patients who she was tested positive and after that during the lockdown peri-
ple could not go out to celebrate own lives on the line. Though there were some and VTM media available in HMSCL. after getting treatment in the that she was admitted in the od the economic condition of
the festival with traditional He also thanked the SSPs problems with the supply chain hospitals and medical colleges to As on April 12, the hospitals, have returned to hospital for 10 days and had the people has been affected,
fervor, in large congregations. and the DCs for managing the at the beginning of clamp- effectively combat the novel spokesman said that the stock of their homes after full now returned home. whether it is farmer, labourer
“It is necessary for all to situation so effectively and effi- down, things were now on Coronavirus. 21,458 PPE kits, 62,599 N95 recovery. She said that firstly there or small shopkeeper.
stay at home, in this difficult ciently, and expressed the con- track and would improve fur- The State Government’s masks, 8,414 VTM vials Such people are a source of was nervousness in her mind He appealed to the people
time, and observe the occasion fidence that they would all con- ther in the coming days, said claims also came after a media 10,25,718 gloves, 10,64,929 triple positive energy and inspiration but then the treatment and that we have to think how to
with prayers for the total elim- tinue to work relentlessly even the Chief Minister, assuring report where the resident doctors layer mask and 47,430 hand san- for all of us, said the Chief humane behaviour of the doc- help such people to recover
ination of Covid-19 from the in the coming days in the inter- every person in the State of his working at the ESIC Medical itizer are available in all district Minister while interacting with tors towards her helped a lot in from their economic
state,” he said. est of Punjab and its people. government’s full support in College and Hospital in hospitals. Apart from this, the the people about the present her recovery. crisis. The State Government is
“Let us pray to Wahe Guru Pointing to the global this hour of crisis. Faridabad had stated that per- stock of essential medical sup- situation of Covid-19 in the Similarly, Kapil Chopra, a making all out efforts in this
to keep us, and our Punjab, in Covid-19 crisis, the Chief He promised the migrant sonal protective equipment plies available with medical col- State during the 'Haryana Aaj' resident of Gurugram, shared direction, he added.
the Charhdi Kala, to keep us Minister said that the situation labourers and other poor or (PPE) has not been provided to leges for COVID-19 included program. that on March 22-23, he had The Chief Minister said
safe and happy always,” urged was relatively better in Punjab, needy people that his govern- them. The doctors, who had 12,961 PPE kits, 55,142 N-95 He appealed to the people fever and was admitted to pri- that those who are living in
the Chief Minister, pointing out and in fact across India, due to ment will continue to take declared a symbolic indefinite masks, 7,81,555 triple layer mask, of the state that they have to vate hospital, while on April, 2 their homes during the lock-
that even the Akal Takht and the early lockdown or curfew care of them, and ensure that strike in protest are reportedly 25608.62 liters of sanitizer, 2 062 keep their spirits high to fight he was tested positive for down period and living in
SGPC had appealed to the and its strict enforcement. It not a single one of them will go providing treatment to the VTM, 8,78,617 gloves and the Covid-19 battle Covid-19 after undergoing test quarantine should also utilize
people not to congregate or was important to continue hungry, till the Covid-19 crisis patients while wearing black 3,90,392 Hydroxychloroquine The Chief Minister said for pneumonia. this time wisely and infuse new
gather outside to celebrate with these stringent and diffi- ends. bands. tablets. that the arrangements being He said that after being positive energy.

(   #%[PZWaTbXST]cbbRaTT]TSX]DCcX[[Bd]SPh Cf^\^aT

?=B 270=3860A7 medical teams are not using ating important offices only the UT officers to maintain the _^bXcXeTRPbTb

   )  A s many as 4.6 lakh resi-

dents have been covered
any equipment and only
inquiring about symptoms of
Covid-19 in the residents, the
with skeleton staff from April
14 onwards.
Curfew was imposed in
supply lines of essential com-
modities at all costs.
During his daily review
till Sunday under the ongoing
door to door screening for
coronavirus symptoms in the
Adviser said that this is pre-
liminary screening and resi-
dents should be honest about
Chandigarh on March 24 (12
am) till April 14 to ensure
social distancing and combat
meeting, the Administrator
also said that adequate stock of
vegetables, medicines, essential
city. any symptoms of the virus. the spread of Covid-19. items are available and people Chandigarh: Two more fresh
“4,64,600 persons have Every suspect case will be However, curfew relaxation should not resort to unneces- cases of Covid-19 have been
been covered in the city so far. taken to the hospital for testing, from 11 am to 3 pm was sary over-purchasing. reported in Chandigarh on
On Sunday, 64,061 persons he added allowed from March 27 The Administrator was Sunday, taking the total number
were screened by 67 medical He also informed that onwards by the UT apprized that the of positive cases to 21.
teams of GMSH- Sector 16 in IMTECH Chandigarh has also Administration to facilitate the Administration continued its The two positive cases are 55
areas like Milk Colony, Dhanas, started testing samples for residents to buy essential items strict implementation of curfew years old woman (mother-in-
EWS Dhanas, Sector 20 and coronavirus in the city. in the city. orders in the city with police law) and 8 years old girl (daugh-
Sector 30,” said UT Adviser Parida further said that Chandigarh has so far intensifying checking of the ter), both relatives of 40 years old
Manoj Parida. the Administration is waiting reported 21 positive coron- borders and apprehending peo- male resident of Sector 37, who
He said that the entire city for detailed orders from avirus cases, out of which seven ple roaming outdoors without was tested positive for Covid-19
could be covered within a peri- Central Government regarding have recovered. passes. Action was also taken on Friday last.
od of 10 days. functioning of offices. The Meanwhile, Punjab against the people, who did not The Sector 37 male resident
Chandigarh has an esti- union territory of Chandigarh Governor and UT wear masks in public places. has four household contacts
?=B 270=3860A7 fessionals with a doctor and “There are many people mated population of 12 lakh. will follow the Central Administrator VP Singh Four people were arrested on which include wife, mother, an
two nurses among them.The who suffer from ailments like On a question that the Government pattern for oper- Badnore on Sunday directed Sunday in this regard. 8 years old daughter and a 20
aryana Home Minister worst affected districts of the diabetes, heart and kidney dis- days old baby who was born at
H Anil Vij on Sunday said state with maximum number of ease and other major and Santokh Nursing Home on

%]TfRPbTbX]7PahP]PcPZTcP[[hc^ '
that wearing of face masks has positive cases are Nuh (45), minor ailments for which they March 20.
been made compulsory while Gurugram (32), Faridabad (31) used to consult private doctors “Out of four household con-
stepping outside homes in the and Palwal (29). too. Many people have com- tacts, two are tested positive for
state during the lockdown and As many as 261 contain- plained that they are unable to Covid-19, one is tested negative
anybody found violating the ment and buffer zones have access the private doctors as ?=B 270=3860A7 0\^]VUaTbW while another one has been re-
orders will face action as per been set up across the state they have shut down their clin- sampled for the testing,” said a
law. including those falling in the ics,” he pointed out. ixteen persons were tested RPbTbaT_^acTS senior UT officer.
“I have issued orders with
immediate effect that anyone
four worst affected districts.
These zones will be complete-
The Government was
making an appeal to these
positive for Covid-19 in
on Sunday, taking
^]Bd]SPhbTeT] He said that 55 years old
woman, who is a resident of
who ventures outside home will ly sealed as no movement of doctors to open their clinics the total tally to 181 in the ^UcWTc^cP[ % Delhi and is mother-in-law of
have to wear a mask. Anyone people inside these zones will and provide their services, the State. UaTbWRPbTbfTaT positive case of Sector 37 male,
violating the orders will face
action,” Vij, who is also the
be allowed as a measure to
check the spread of infection,
minister said.
He said the Government
Among the fresh cases
reported on Sunday, seven of
Ua^\cWTf^abcWXc was visiting Chandigarh to take
care of her daughter who was
Health Minister, said. he said. can make the doctors to open the total 16 fresh cases were =dWSXbcaXRc due to deliver in March. She has
Those found violating the Vij has maintained that their clinics by invoking pro- from the worst-hit Nuh district. :dadZbWTcaP been tested positive and her 8
instructions will be punishable the spike in positive cases was visions of the Epidemic Kurukshetra district, which years old granddaughter has
under Section 188 (disobedi- due to a number of Tablighi Diseases Act and the Disaster had so far remained SXbcaXRcaT_^acTS also been tested positive for
ence to order duly promulgat- Jamaat members testing posi- Management Act. Yet, for the Covid-19 free, reported two cf^RPbTb coronavirus.
ed by public servant) of the IPC tive. On Sunday, he said that moment we want to request cases. “During contact tracing
and the police authorities are “107 Tablighi Jamaat mem- them that they should open Among other districts, process, 114 contacts have been
empowered to take action bers” are among those who clinics on their own, Vij Yamunanagar reported three Haryana, 10 are foreign nation- tions will placed in the areas to Indonesia and South Africa traced so far. Out of these four
against the violators, he have tested Covid-19 positive. said. cases, Faridabad two cases als while 64 are from other check the spread of the and 64 are from other states (11 are household contacts and 110
said.“People can wear a mask With a majority of private The minister, meanwhile, while Jind and Karnal report- states, as per the bulletin. The virus. Uttar Pradesh, 10 Himachal are community contacts (pri-
or cover their face with cloth, clinics closed these days, Vij praised the way safai karam- ed one case each. worst affected districts of the The four districts - Pradesh, 7 Tamilnadu, 4 West mary, secondary and remote
scarves etc,” he said. urged doctors to keep the charis (sanitary workers) are Out of total positive cases, state with maximum number of Gurugram, Faridabad, Nuh Bengal, 5 Kerala, 8 Bihar, 2 contacts). Out of 110 community
Earlier, Chief Minister establishments open in such carrying out sanitisation work the total number of active positive cases are Nuh (45), and Palwal- account for more Telangana, 2 Andhra Pradesh, contacts, three primary con-
Manohar Lal Khattar too had difficult times. “I am appeal- across the state to minimise Covid-19 cases in the State now Gurugram (32), Faridabad (31) than 100 cases out of the 181 1 Punjab, 1 Karnataka, 1 tacts have been sampled and all
appealed to people across the ing to private doctors. During chances of any infection in the stands at 149, as per the State and Palwal (29). cases reported in the state. Chennai, 1 Assam, 2 Madhya these three are negative. Two
state to wear masks whenever these difficult times, they wake of Covid-19 outbreak. Health Department's daily bul- A day before, Haryana Many areas in these districts Pradesh, 6 Maharashtra and 3 more primary community con-
they venture out. should open their clinics in the The Minister also sought to letin. 30 people have been dis- Chief Minister Manohar Lal have already been declared Jammu & Kashmir) tacts are being sampled for test-
Notably, Haryana has wit- state. Over 70 per cent of them assure that there were sufficient charged from the hospital after Khattar had said that four dis- containment zones. As many as 3903 samples ing,” he added.
nessed a spike in number of have closed their clinics. stocks of personal protection recovery. The State has record- tricts including Gurugram, As per the state’s bulletin, have been tested so far, out of Till Sunday evening,
Covid-19 cases in the past few Whether government or pri- equipment (PPE) needed by ed two Covid-19 related deaths which have reported the max- out of total 181 confirmed which 2513 have tested nega- Chandigarh has so far reported
days and the total number of vate doctors, both will have to doctors, nurses and paramed- so far. imum number of coronavirus cases, 10 are foreign nationals tive. However, report of 1209 21 positive Coronavirus cases,
such cases on Sunday rose to discharge their duties," he ical staff in government hospi- Among the total coron- cases will be declared "red i.e. 6 are from Sri Lanka, 1 each samples is still out of which seven have recov-
179 including five health pro- said. tals. avirus cases reported in zones", meaning stricter restric- from Nepal, Thailand, pending. ered. PNS
chhattisgarh 03

Chhattisgarh’s 63 cases of
Lockdown exit as per Central Covid-19 active jaundice being
govt’s guidelines: CM
cases rise to 21 treated in Raipur
Of the total 31 positive cases detected so
round the clock to create
awareness among the people
to drink boiled water and

far, 21 were linked to Tablighi Jamaat anAonslaught

RAIPUR part from Covid-19, cap- take of proper food.
ital city Raipur is facing The RMC is working to
of jaundice with ensure pure drinking water
C hhattisgarh Chief
Minister Bhupesh Baghel
announced on Sunday that a
more than 63 patients admit-
ted for treatment, out of total
supply after treating the water
and also distributing chlorine
decision for lifting lockdown 190 cases detected, officials tablets and sanitizing the
would be taken in the state as said on Sunday. affected areas.
per the guidelines of the cen- Apart from testing people Meanwhile, directive has
tral government. for the Covid-19, the city been given to repair of the
Baghel held a lengthy health department and pumps and replace of old
discussion with his Raipur Municipal pipelines, said Dr Pandey.
ministerial colleagues and top Corporation (RMC) are coor- He added that generally
officials through a video-con- dinating to test the people in during the summer months,
ferencing and sought sugges- the affected areas for jaundice complaints of jaundice are
tions from them how to deal also to provide treatment, a reported and the health
with coronavirus pandemic. top official said. department has been put on
He heaped praise on STAFF REPORTER n cases belonged to Tablighi According to state nodal alert. A probe report has con-
government officials for RAIPUR Jamaat and all are residents officer for Raipur division for firmed that Hepatitis A and
doing `excellent job’ so far of a same locality at Covid-19, Dr Subash Pandey, Hepatitis E are prevalent and
more than 63 people with most of the patients are
in handling the pandemic
in the state. He also took
review of medical equip-
T hirteen new cases of
Covid-19 were detected
in state in past 24 hours, a
Katghora in Korba district.
The number of total
active Covid-19 cases in state
jaundice, have been admitted
in hospitals until Sunday.
undergoing treatment at the
district hospital, he said.
ments and facilities such as Baghel expressed satisfac- to ensure that poor persons of total active Covid-19 cases government official said on has now gone up to 21. The most affected areas Dr Pandey further said
corona testing kits, face tion about the successful should not suffer any hard- in state has gone up to 21. Sunday. A total of 31 Covid-19 are Idgahbhata, Sweeper that after the symptoms of
masks, PPE Kit, gloves, implementation of lockdown ships during the lockdown A total of 31 Covid-19 After seven cases detect- positive cases were detected Colony, Mangal Bazaar, and jaundice like vomiting, loose
sanitizers, ventilators, iso- across the state and added period and also ensure supply positive cases were detected ed late Saturday night, six in state till now and 10 of Changorabhata among oth- motion and others were
lation wards and quaran- that it helped to contain of enough food grains to them in state till now and 10 of new cases Covid-19 positive them had been cured and ers, he said. reported, all steps are being
tine centres available in spread of the pandemic. at doorsteps. them had been cured and dis- came to fore in the state on discharged from the The RMC and health taken to provide relief to the
the state. Baghel directed officials Meanwhile, the number charged from the hospital. Sunday. All the thirteen new hospital. department are working residents.

Free blood testing camps for jaundice Singhdeo takes stock of

STAFF REPORTER n Subash Pandey and urban

Ambedkar hospital
RAIPUR programme managers are vis-
iting the affected city neigh-

R aipur district’s chief med-

ical and health officer
(CMHO) Dr Meera Baghel
bourhoods, the CMHO said.

Officials said three testing
were held at
said that free health camps, Daldalseoni, Amapara, STAFF REPORTER n Interacting with patients,
free blood testing of residents Moreshwar Rao Gendre ward RAIPUR he urged them to adopt all the
in city neighbourhoods that Shivanagar, Changorabhat preventive measures as per
have been hit by jaundice are and Atri neighbourhoods of
being carried out and free
medicine is being distributed.
the city.
More than 188 people
P ublic Health and Family
Welfare minister
T. Singhdeo on Sunday
the protocol for coronavirus.
Minister also inspected the
ICU arrangement at first floor
The CMHO said the suspected with jaundice, were inspected the arrangements and the under-construction iso-
medical facilities were being tested and 86 samples were being made for transforming lation ward and ICU being con-
provided under the urban taken, Sahani said and added Chhattisgarh’s biggest hospital structed through modification.
health programme in the that 44 people with severe Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar During the interaction
jaundice affected city neigh- symptoms of the water-borne Memorial Medical College with workers engaged in con-
bourhoods. disease, have been admitted to Hospital, Raipur to COVID- struction of ICU, he directed
ANM and mitanins are the district hospital. 19 treatment hospital. them to keep social distance
holding door to door visits to Sahani further said that He directed the officials along with taking all neces-
identify the patients along people should boil water for to complete the work at the sary precautionary measures.
with creating awareness the district hospital and urban meeting with senior health 20 minutes and cool it before earliest. The hospital will have Medical College Dean Dr
among the residents about primary health centres and officials to review the status of consuming it. 500-bed facilities for treat- Vishnu Dutt, Ambedkar
clean drinking water and tak- medicine being distributed, jaundice infection in Raipur People can also purify ment of COVID-19 patients. Hospital Superintendent Dr
ing proper food. the CMHO said. district. water by adding a chlorine Minister also sought shifted from the hospital unit and delivery ward, which Vineet Jain and Anatomy
These apart, free blood Meanwhile, Director Divisional joint director tablet to 20 litre of water and details of the different premises. Health minister also is being temporarily shifted to HoD Dr Manik Chaterjee
tests are being conducted at Epidemic Dr RR Sahani held a health services, Raipur, Dr drink it only after 30 minutes. medical departments being inspected the Neo-natal care District Hospital Pandri. were present on the occasion.

Kaushik seeks monetary

hike for medical staff Working from home? Follow these tips to avoid neck, back pain
RAIPUR/New Delhi (IANS) other diseases like your calcium intake right," Singh People can also do a plank and
cervical pain, back- said. a child's pose to gain strength for

A s many people are working

from home during the
COVID-19 lockdown without a
ache, arthritis etc.,"
Monu Singh, Senior
Consultant in
Subhash Jangid, Director and
Unit Head, Bone & Joint Institute,
Fortis Memorial Research Institute
the back.
The doctor added that dancing
is a great way of staying active and
proper desk, they could be sitting Orthopaedics at in Gurugram has advised people to keeping the family bond strong.
in the wrong posture for hours N a r a y a n a do neck stretching exercises and Alternatively, one can do skip-
which can lead to pain in the neck Superspeciality keep the neck and back muscles ping, Zumba, yoga or pilates or
and lower back. Hospital, Gurugram, strong in this period of lockdown. floor exercises.
Health experts have suggested told IANS. "People with cervical issues "Stand or walk around while
STAFF REPORTER n RAIPUR medical staff is selflessly serving that simple tips like not taking "As people are should avoid any heavy weights," talking over the phone, rather than
the patients with utmost dedica- their laptop to bed, taking ade- not going out daily Jangid said. sitting down," the doctor said.

L eader of Opposition in
Chhattisgarh Assembly and
BJP leader Dharamlal Kaushik
“So, it the duty of all of us
to hike the wages of all the gov-
quate breaks and having a healthy
diet can help you avoid these prob-
for office now, it has
definitely broken their physical
activity schedule including walk-
their back straight and posture
They should keep taking ade-
"For people with back prob-
lems, you can walk in your home.
Make a schedule, fix a time and
According to Viju Thomas
(PT), Head Of Department,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
in a letter to Public Health and ernment staff involved in People should be extra careful ing, gymming and to balance that quate breaks to avoid sitting for too walk at a length for half-hour to Department, Sri Balaji Action
Family Welfare minster TS fighting the epidemic, it will not to fall sick during this period as schedule they should take out at long in front of a laptop or any stay active. In case you do not have Medical Institute in New Delhi,
Singhdeo has urged him to help to boost their morale’’ the work from home mode and least one hour everyday for routine screen for that matter, he said, ample space for a walk, take out people who are working from
hike the wages of all health said Kaushik. closure of gyms have disrupted exercise and other physical activi- adding that diet is extremely your yoga mat or a bedsheet, you home need to be more careful.
department cadres involved in He added all other physical activity schedules of ties which can be done at home like important in these times of can do pilates or soft yoga poses to "Do 'Surya Namaskar' every
dealing with coronavirus epi- attached government employ- many, the experts said. yoga and other free hand exercis- restricted activity. improve your core strength and morning and walk in your room. If
demic in the state. ees should also be covered "We should keep in mind that es," he said. "Avoid snacking, don't keep stability," he said. one is already on therapy then be
Citing the number of under the insurance so that this lockdown period is for our The doctor suggested that munching unhealthy food, add Some such exercises are - chair in contact with your physiothera-
increasing cases of coronavirus in their family feels financially safety from a disease, and doesn't while working from home people more fruits and fibres to your daily stand, single leg raise, heel raise, pist and keep taking advice to fol-
Chhattisgarh, Kaushik stated that protected. allow us to be careless and invite should use a table and chair, keep meal with plenty of fluids and keep front plank on table. low," said Thomas.

E-readership on the rise as publishers feel Covid-19 heat

BY SIDDHI JAIN (IANS) our e-books," Usha Jha, VP been quick in launching currently closed as a result of relevant and helps them stay
(Sales), Speaking Tiger, told social media and online cam- the lockdown. We believe positive; be less anxious and

W ith limited opportuni-

ties for physical book
sales, publishers across the
As per Speaking Tiger's
VP Publishing, Renuka
paigns to promote reading
among children and adults.
Penguin Random House
there is going to be a short
term impact on business with
orders being delayed, deferred
be able to cope at this totally
unprecedented time. In
today's situation there is lim-
world looking to meet targets Chatterjee , it's not so much India and Momspresso's or cancelled. But in the medi- ited access to physical copies
with e-books. the absence of physical book Facebook is hosting a chil- um term we don't think edu- and if we do need content, the
"The COVID-19 impact launches, promotions and dren's author every evening cation as a whole will suffer or easiest way is to read it
is (affecting) and will affect author tours - which in any for storytelling sessions till be allowed to suffer," said online," David added.
book industry as well. case have limited benefits in mid-April. Aarti David, Director How can the government
Books are never treated as relation to the costs involved - As far as academic pub- Publishing, SAGE India. help? Reducing or removing
essential items, which they but the fact that bookshops lishers are concerned, schools For their reader base, the taxation on broadband con-
should be, during the lock- are closed, distributors are not and colleges are closed due to publishers believe that many nections; on paper used for
down to engage people taking orders, and people the COVID-19 and while of those who may not have printing books and journals;
while they are at home. E- simply can't go to a bookstore studying might have not come picked up a book normally, on freelance service providers
books are likely to see a to buy books." to a stand still, sale of school will probably do so now, as such as language editors,
spike in sales, but that is Adding, "From that per- books certainly has. there's a limit to how much translators, project managers,
still a tiny fraction of the spective, e-readership should "Promotions surely have you can binge-watch OTT data analysts; and on hosting
total market. But at this certainly see a rise. We may slowed down since the pri- and TV shows. services that cater to academ-
time, we are trying to use also have to focus more on immediate future, to min- recover some of the losses Chatterjee added. mary target market for us is "One can only motivate ic or school content, among
different platforms to sell digital and e-books in the imise printing costs and we've made in this period," Most publishers have the college libraries, which are readers to read content that is others.
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2>E83 (>DC1A40:

@aaW]Rjd4V_ecVW`c +45  3 /"""

dfdaV_UZ_X>A=25 =PehRPaaXTb^dcU^^SSXbcaXQdcX^]
+  %,
A094B7:D<0A =4F34;78 Pradesh has C112.68 cr.
Kerala and Gujarat have C72.38
adverse impact on the econo-
my due to the spread of coro-
he Opposition has criti- cr and C88.78 cr of unspent navirus outbreak. ?=B =4F34;78
T cised the Centre for sus-
pending the Member of
Prime Minister Narendra
There are 543 MPs in Lok
Sabha and 245 MPs in the eaching out to those in
Parliament Local Area
Development (MPLAD)
Modi, who represents Varanasi
constituency, has C2.67crore
Rajya Sabha, which means
788 Parliamentarians in all.
R need during the Covid-19
crisis, the Navy through its
scheme for two years, but an unspent fund out of the C15 Each MP gets C5 crore per Naval Air Station (NAS)
analysis of the scheme reveals crore released under this head annum as MPLAD and for Utkrosh and Material
that over the years the trend of while the data shows former two years, which works out to Organisation (Port Blair) car-
Parliamentarians failing to use Congress president Rahul be nearly C 7,880 crores. ?=B =4F34;78 road motorable. ried out food distribution in
the fund optimally for their Gandhi, who represented As per the latest informa- Snowfall of this year had Port Blair.
constituencies has been con- Amethi, having C4.58 crore tion available with the raving the threat of falling broken records of the last six The naval station organ-
As on March 4, 2020, the
unspent out of C12.50 crore
released under the MPLADS
Parliament secretariat, a total
of 355 MPs of 779 MPs (of the
B prey to coronavirus and
the harsh winters, the Border
decades. The snow clearance
operations were undertaken
ised food distribution camp for
155 labourers working for the
Ministr y of Statistics & between 2014 and 2019. total 788) have contributed a Roads Organisation (BRO) by project Beacon of BRO infrastructural development
Programme Implementation Similarly, Congress inter- total of C365 crore from their personnel have opened the from Gagangir to zero point of the Air Station. The labour-
data shows the unspent im president Sonia Gandhi MPLADS towards tackling strategic Srinagar-Leh high- and the same was done by pro- ers are presently staying in the lodging facility to poor adivasi Dockyard, Visakhapatnam
amount to be C5,275.24 crore. has also an unspent amount of exigencies in India emerging way. This road connects ject Vijayak from Drass vicinity of the Air Station. families visiting Port Blair for was handed over to the
In fact, the data shows C4.64 crore out of the C17.50 from the effect of the pan- Ladakh to the rest of the world towards zero point, officials A team visited the Vanvasi medical treatment. The team Visakhapatnam Collector.
that the unspent money under crore released during the same demic. and was blocked by snow for said while elaborating upon the Kalyan Ashram and distrib- also sensitised the children The entire set up uses an
the MPLAD Scheme rose by a period. Earlier this week, Rajya the last four months, thereby, challenges faced by the BRO to uted cooked meals and dry and staff about the COVID-19 industrial 6-way radial head-
whopping 214.63 per cent The Centre, however, has Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah virtually cutting Ladakh from finish this task. provisions for the children and the precautions to be er to enable one jumbo size
between the 15th and the 16th defended the unspent funds. It Naidu and Lok Sabha Speaker other regions of the country. This road sustains local and staff. Vanvasi Kalyan exercised during lockdown to Oxygen Bottle to supply
Lok Sabha. And when com- recently informed the Om Birla had asked MPs to Incidentally, snowfall this win- population in Ladakh and Ashram is a non-profit organ- avoid spread of the pandem- Oxygen to six patients con-
pared with the 14th Lok Sabha, Parliament that unspent bal- contribute C1 crore from their ter was more than previous 60 beyond besides provide all the isation providing food and ic, according to navy officials currently. While five sets
this rise is even greater — ance is not an unused fund as MPLADS to the PM CARES years thereby making it more all-important support to the shelter to adivasi children. here on Sunday were handed over to the
885.47 per cent. it also includes the funds in Fund. They had also asked difficult for the BRO to clear it. troops deployed on the Line of The organisation has a unit This apart, the in-house Collector, balance 20 sets are
When taken Statewise col- pipeline for implementation of MPs to contribute a month’s Giving details here about Actual Control(LAC) facing operating at Port Blair hous- designed and manufactured planned to be progressively
lectively, Uttar Pradesh has an ongoing works. salary to the PM CARES Fund. traffic resuming on this criti- China and Line of ing around 38 children. The ‘Portable Mutlifeed Oxygen supplied over within the next
unspent amount of C354.58 Nevertheless, unspent Congress president Sonia cally important road, defence Control(LOC) with Pakistan. organisation also provides Manifold’ by Naval two weeks.
crore out of the total C14,440 funds have been in thousands Gandhi had offered her entire ministry official said here on During the winter months,
crore released between 2014
and 2019 while Assam has left
of crores this last few years.
Unspent amount under the
MPLADS fund for the welfare
of the people of Rae Bareli in
Sunday nearly 18 tankers and
other essential commodities
when this road is closed every
year, supplies are maintained by
CWT1A>XbcWT dilapidated state of the existing
72 strategic roads mostly in
states having the LAC facing
only C53 crore of the total scheme was C 4,103.97 crore on fighting the coronavirus out- were initially allowed to move air. [TPSR^]bcadRcX^] They said the BRO is com- China.
amount of C 257 crore released. March 31, 2019; C4,877.71 break as per the requirement towards Leh from Zozilla pass In a related development, PVT]Rhc^QdX[S mitted to opening this vital line Given this backdrop, the
Maharashtra has C185 crore on March 31, 2018 and of the constituency. Congress at 11,500 feet. This was man- notwithstanding the threat of bcaPcTVXRP[[h of communication by planned BRO in the northern part of the
crore unspent from the total of C5,029.31 crore on March 31, leader Rahul Gandhi allocat- aged despite fresh snowfall in COVID-19, the BRO person- date, with all necessary pre- country is presently engaged in
C774 crore released and 2017. ed C2.66 crore from his the pass, they added. nel are working relentlessly to X\_^acP]ca^PSbP[[ cautionary measures. This snow clearance operations on
Andhra Pradesh has an And as for the year 2020- MPLADS money to fight The 425-km road from completely replace Daporijo P[^]VcWT;>2P]S bridge will ensure uninter- Manali - Leh axis, day and
unspent amount of C 80 crore 21, an allocation of C1,518 cr coronavirus in his constituen- Srinagar to Leh was closed bridge (430 feet Multi-Span ;02X]X]W^b_XcPQ[T rupted supplies like food and night despite inclement weath-
of the total amount of had already been made before cy. since December last year due to Bailey Bridge), the only lifeline ammunition to the soldiers er and COVID 19 threat to pro-
C375crore released. If the Centre suspended the Balashowry, YSR Congress heavy snowfall at Zojila pass. of Upper Subansiri district, cTaaPX]P]S deployed on the LAC besides vide relief to Lahaul valley and
Karnataka has unspent fund of scheme to keep its finances for MP from Machlipatnam, has As per the directions from Arunachal Pradesh to restore X]R[T\T]cfTPcWTa catering to the needs of the Ladakh in an earlier time
C106.71 cr out of C452 cr the fight against Covid-19. Of contributed the highest of Rs Divisional Commissioner Lines of Communication for all local population, sources said. frame. Presently, Rohtang Pass
released, then Punjab has this, an amount of C1,432 cr 4 crore of his MPLAD fund to Ladakh, there was an emergent 451 villages and security forces The BRO is the lead con- and Baralachala Pass are being
unspent amount of C63.54 cr of was left unspent. the Andhra CM Relief Fund need for stockpiling essential located along the LAC. The undertaking the mission to struction agency to build strate- cleared by four snow clearance
the total amount of C260 cr Prime Minister Modi has while Samajwadi Party leader commodities in the Union armed forces have also acti- construct the bridge, officials gically important roads all teams. This is the first time,
released. suspended the MPLADS fund Mulayam Singh Yadav has Territory of Ladakh. Keeping vated isolation wards near the said more than 100 personnel along the LOC and LAC in BRO personnel were inducted
Delhi has an unspent for two years 2020-21 and donated C25 lakh of his that in mind the team of LAC and the LOC to deal of 23 BRTF/Project Arunank, inhospitable terrain and by air to Sarchu to carry out
amount of C41.38 crore of the 2021-22 to use a fund of MPLAD fund for purchasing Project Beacon and Project with any case of the pandem- on special request from the inclement weather. At present, snow clearance of mighty
total C80 cr released while C7,880 crore thus saved to sanitisers and masks in Vijayak cleared fresh snow ic. local administration, is work- the BRO is entrusted with the Baralachala Pass from Sarchu
Madhya manage the challenges and Mainpuri. around Zojilla and made the Giving details of the BRO ing in full swing in spite of the responsibility of constructing side.

0bb^RXPcX^]1XWPa ?<DHQT]TUXRXPaXTbdbX]V$ZVR^^ZX]VVPb :EB^][X]TR[PbbTbUa^\2[PbbTbE8c^E888Ua^\<^]
1aP]RWS^]PcTb Rh[X]STabc^VTcTXVWcUaTTaTUX[[bX]"\^]cWb ?=B =4F34;78 ferent apps/software like
Google Form, (For
C ;c^2<A5 ?=B =4F34;78 “From Mountainous ter-
rain to backwaters, hamlets in Ithernclassroom
view of the suspension of
classes until fur-
MCQ), Hot potatoes and Students are lik-
?=B =4F34;78?0C=0 radhan Mantri Ujjwala deserts to habitations in notice due to the coron- ing this type of assignments as

he IAS Officers
P Yojana (PMUY) benefi-
ciaries using five kg cooking
forests, these Corona war-
riors are steadfast in their
avirus crisis, the Kendriya
Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS)
they are different from the reg-
ular Homework and are less
T Association, Bihar Branch,
has contributed C10 lakh to the
gas cylinders will be entitled
to eight free refills in three
duties and ensuring timely
delivery. Even in these trying
Delhi Region has taken sever-
al initiatives for taking learning
time consuming and challeng-
Chief Minister's Relief Fund months due to the nationwide times, the waiting period for to the students through the The HRD Minister on
(CMRF), in support of the lockdown to combat the cylinders at most of the places online method at its schools Sunday launched another web-
fight against Covid-19. spread of coronavirus out- companies (OMCs) have ini- is less than 2 days. Oil mar- from Monday. portal YUKTI (Young India
Earlier, C5 lakh had been break. According to the tiated transfer of C5,606 crore keting companies- IOCL, The KVS in a statement Combating COVID with
given by the Association for Ministry of Petroleum and into 7.15 crore PMUY bene- BPCL and HPCL have said the the HRD Ministry is "While online live classes given to the principals of KVS Knowledge, Technology and
this purpose to the CMRF Natural Gas on Sunday said ficiary accounts for availing announced an committed to ensure safety and for classes VI to VIII will start Delhi Region, who then shared Innovation) to monitor and
making the total contribution PMUY beneficiaries have free delivery of LPG cylinder ex-gratia amount of C5 academic welfare of students from Monday, KVS Delhi the same with the teachers and record the efforts and initiatives
of C15 lakh by the Association received 85 lakh cooking gas under the PMGKY. lakh each, as a one-time spe- across the country and that Region has already started the students," KVS Commissioner of MHRD which have been
to the CMRF. cylinders in April 2020. Booking of 1.26 crore cial measure, in the unfortu- KVS Delhi Region is all set to online live classes for IX to XII Santosh Kumar Mal said. taken in the wake of COVID-
Dipak Kumar Singh, the According to centre’s relief cylinders has been done in nate case of demise of per- begin online live classes from on Facebook and YouTube. A playlist has also been cre- 19.
Secretary of the Bihar Branch, package, free LPG Refills are this month by the beneficia- sonnel like Show-room Staff, classes VI to VIII from Monday, Huge response has been ated on the YouTube for the stu- The portal intends to cover
said that contributions from to be provided to Ujjwala ries, out of which about 85 Godown-keepers, Mechanics whereas online live classes for received from the students and dents to view these lessons, class the different dimensions of
more members are still being beneficiaries over the period lakh cylinders have been and Delivery boys, attending classes IX to XII is already in parents as there are approxi- and subject-wise. COVID-19 challenges in a very
collected, and the Association of three months, from April to delivered to PMUY benefi- duty in the LPG distributor- progress through various online mately 90,000 views and 40,000 At present, the teachers are holistic and comprehensive
would give further amount in June 2020. Those who are ciaries,” an official statement ship chain, due to the infec- platforms. comments in two days of run- preparing lessons using differ- way.
the coming days. using small cylinders will get said. tion and impact of Covid-19,” HRD Minister Ramesh ning the classes. ent software like power point Speaking on the occasion
Singh, currently Principal eight free cylinders in three “There are 27.87 crore it said. Pokhriyal Nishank last week "There are 13,343 sub- windows, movie makers and Nishank said that in the wake
Secretary Environment in months – April, May and June active LPG consumers in the PMUY was launched by had sought suggestions from scribers on YouTube channel of screen recorder etc to create of COVID-19 threat, our pri-
Bihar Government, further – under the Pradhan Mantri country, with the PMUY ben- Prime Minister Narendra educationists on how to devel- Delhi Region. A team of teach- educational videos. These mary aim is to keep our acad-
said that apart from contribut- Garib Kalyan Yojana eficiaries accounting for over Modi on May 1, 2016 in Ballia op and have a sound online ers across all streams and class- Power point presentations are emic community healthy, both
ing through the Association, (PMGKY). The demand for 8 crore. Since the lockdown, (Uttar Pradesh) to provide education ecosystem in the es was chosen to begin these created with audio narrations physically & mentally and to
the IAS officers of the State are LPG by PMUY consumers 50 to 60 lakh cylinders are free cooking gas connections country in the wake of closure live interactive classes. A and converted to video formats. enable a continuous high-qual-
also assisting people in distress increased in the country after being delivered daily in the to 50 million poor house- of schools and academic insti- timetable was framed for all Then these lectures are ity learning environment for
in their personal capacity as the centre announced free country… Even in these try- holds. Later, the target was tutions. The HRD Ministry subjects and shared with the uploaded on a dedicated learners.
well as through NGOs and LPG cylinder refills for them ing times, the waiting period raised to 80 million house- has launched Bharat Padhe students through the YouTube channel.Teachers are "The portal is an effort of
Alumni Associations of their under the PMGKY,” the min- for cylinders at most of the holds, which was achieved Online portal where sugges- WhatsApp school groups and also providing questions for HRD Ministry to achieve this
respective schools and col- istry said. places is less than two days,” six months in advance on tions have been sought in this YouTube. Specific instructions homework, assignments and goal in these difficult times,"
leges. “As on date, oil marketing the statement said. September 7, 2019. regard. regarding these live classes were send to the students using dif- said the Ministry official.


7^\T<X]XbcahPbZTSP[[BcPcTb ?C8 90<<D  2WXTUBTRaTcPah1EABdQaPW\P]hP\_PbbTScWTSXaTRcX^]bPcP


he Jammu and Kashmir QTPS^_cTSU^aR^]cPX]\T]c^U2>E83 (ZTT_X]VX]eXTfcWTaTRT]c
T administration on Sunday
directed for continuation of

agriculture operations in a  0c^cP[^U!!#_Ta^_[T® 'X]:PbW\XaP]S##X]9P\\dWPS

controller manner besides cTbcTS_^bXcXeTU^aR^a^]PeXadbcX[[BPcdaSPhTeT]X]V>UcWT\U^daWPS
besides proper arrangements tions of Union Health allowing bi-annual movement SXTSX]R[dSX]VcWaTTX]cWTeP[[ThP]S^]TX]9P\\d
?=B =4F34;78 for food, clean drinking water Ministry. of nomadic tribes in "small C^T]bdaTcWPccWTadaP[TR^]^\hXb]^cPUUTRcTSBdQaPW\P]hP\
and sanitation be ensured for The government had told groups at a slow pace". SXaTRcTScWT32bP]SBB?bc^R^^aSX]PcTfXcWBTRaTcPah0VaXRd[cdaTU^a
nion Home Ministry on migrant workers at relief the Supreme Court that almost However, the administra- b\^^cWR^]cX]dPcX^]^UPVaXRd[cdaP[P]SP[[XTS^_TaPcX^]bQhcWTUPa\Tab
U Sunday asked all States to
strictly comply with the
camps/shelters across the
country. Further, trained coun-
a third of the migrants return-
ing to their home towns and
tion directed the deputy com-
missioners and district police

Supreme Court’s orders on the sellors and/ or community villages could be infected with heads for strict implementation
welfare of migrant labourers group leaders belonging to all the novel coronavirus. As of restrictions in all the 77
housed at relief camps. faiths should visit the relief many as 21,000 relief camps COVID-19 'Red Zones' across there is zero movement of Emphasising on sparing
Citing the Supreme Court’s camps/ shelter homes and deal have been set up by states and the Union Territory. people," he added. medical professionals, the chief
directions, the Ministry told with any consternation that the UTs to house more than 6.5 Chief Secretary B V R economy is not affected, es of Kashmir in search of Subrahmanyam further secretary directed the DCs not
the States to ensure the role of migrants might be going lakh migrants, as per the Subrahmanyam passed the Subrahmanyam directed the greener pastures for their ani- directed the officials to under- to involve doctors and other
trained counselors and com- through. Ministry of Home Affairs. directions at a high-level meet- DCs and SSPs to coordinate mals, the chief secretary direct- take door-to-door surveys and staff for survey related work as
munity leaders from all reli- “The Court also observed Following the Supreme ing which was convened here with Secretary Agriculture for ed DCs and SSPs to allow extensive fumigation in all the they have to perform medical
gions to boost the morale of that the anxiety and fear of the Court directives, the Health to discuss the strategy to be smooth continuation of agri- their movement in a regulated Red Zones besides early duties and instead utilise other
the migrant labourers during migrants should be under- Ministry also called for pro- adopted for containment of cultural and allied operations manner. issuance of operational guide- staff for such exercises.
the crisis period apart from the stood by the police and other viding a social protection to COVID-19 keeping in view the by the farmers in their districts. “Only small groups at a lines for management of the He also asked them to pro-
regular logistics of the camps. authorities, and that they migrant workers, saying they recent spurt in positive cases, He asked for proper regu- slow pace should be allowed to Red Zones by the Health mote usage of 'Aarogya Setu'
The Home Ministry also should deal with the migrants are prone to social, psycho- an official spokesperson said. lation of food grain mandis and move,” he said. Department so that chances of app as an essential tool in the
told the States to strictly adhere in a humane manner. Further, logical and emotional trauma A total of 224 perople – 180 also to notify temporary man- To control the spread of further spread of virus are fight against COVID-19, the
to the Health Ministry direc- the State Governments/ UTs in lockdown situations. in Kashmir and 44 in Jammu - dis, in addition to the already coronavirus, he stressed on minimised. spokesperson said.
tive of service of psychological should endeavour to engage But with just around - had tested positive for coro- notified mandis, to avoid large proper regulation in Red Zones However, essential supplies With regard to the imme-
counseling and implementa- volunteers along with the 15,000 trained counsellors and navirus till Saturday evening. gatherings of persons at one and a complete lockdown in are to be ensured in the Red diate need of capacity enhance-
tion of all medical facilities to police to supervise the welfare psychiatrists in the country, the Of them, four had died includ- place. the identified areas. Zones and DCs should plan the ment, the chief secretary direct-
the displaced migrant labour. activities of the migrants,” said Government has a mammoth ing three in the valley and one Regarding the movement "District administration, deliveries so that people do not ed all DCs to increase the
"The Court directed that MHA reiterating the States to task at its hand to implement in Jammu. of Bakarwal community from in close coordination with dis- face any inconvenience, he number of isolation and quar-
adequate medical facilities followup the regular direc- the Supreme Court order. To ensure that the rural Jammu towards higher reach- trict police, should ensure that added. antine beds.
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25>71<<9;5<ID?=1;5=1C;=1>41D?BI CWTf^\P]WPb fXcW^dcP]hST[PhTeT]PccWXb^SSW^daAPYdUPcWTa

B0D60AB4=6D?C0 :>;:0C0 materials should be distributed lowing the ICMR norms inso- C=A067D=0C70 <D<108 said.
QTT]PaaTbcTSP]S c^[S\TSXP_Tab^]b^dcbXSTWXbW^\T^]Bd]SPh
by the Government agencies far as conducting maximum “The safety of our associates and _^[XRT^UUXRXP[b ?=B 90<<D
engal Governor Jagdeep and not political workers… tests are concerned. State he Indian Hotels Company Limited their families remain paramount dur- bPXScWPcbWT
B Dhankhar has advised the
Trinamool Congress
This will only lead to politi-
cization of the matter and the
CPI(M) secretary and party
politburo member Suryakanto
T (IHCL)—which manages the Taj
group of hotels – on Sunday admitted
ing these unprecedented times. We
remain committed to operating under
bTT\TS\T]cP[[h A pregnant woman late Saturday night deliv-
ered a baby girl in a running Police con-
Government not to politicise real purpose will be defeated.” Mishra on Sunday said that that an unspecified number of employ- all the guidelines of the WHO, d]b^d]S trol room (PCR) van of Channi Himmat police
the battle against corona. Chief Minister Mamata “not only that adequate num- ees have tested positive and have been Governmental agencies and other reg- station before reaching a nearby hospital.
Referring to the Union Home Banerjee had made a snappish ber of tests are not being done duly hospitalised. ulatory bodies,” the IHCL spokesper- 80=B 1703>78DCC0A According to police, a SOS call was received
Ministry’s letter to the State remark on Saturday while but also in many cases the Amid reports that six employees of son said. ?A034B7 by them past midnight to shift a pregnant
Government warning it against referring to the Home deaths are being ascribed to co- Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in south “In keeping with our values of woman to a nearby hospital.
slack enforcement of lock- Ministry’s letter when she said morbidity reasons which is Mumbai have tested positive for Covid- being a responsible company and as a
down in selected areas the
Governor on Sunday said that
that “you all know by men-
tioning the areas where the
highly fallacious.”
Himself a doctor and a for-
19, the IHCL in a statement issued here
said: “Approximately 500 of our
matter of abundant precaution, we have
been proactively ramping up testing
a shocking incident on
a woman threw
five children into the
Responding quickly, the police team reached
the spot and picked three members including
couple and a professional mid-wife. While they
none should use the grim sit- lockdown is allegedly not being mer Health Minister of the employees who are at work in our criteria for our employees, especially Ganga river in Jeghangirabad were enroute, pregnant woman delivered a baby
uation to play politics. implemented properly Delhi State, Mishra said that “any Mumbai hotels have been tested to those who are in the front lines at these in Uttar Pradesh's Bhadohi girl in the running PCR van near railway sta-
“The Home Ministry had wants to pinpoint a particular casualty irrespective of co- date. Those who have tested positive times,” the spokesperson said district. tion. After the delivery, the couple requested the
earlier written a letter where it group of population … But I morbidity reasons should be mostly were asymptomatic showing “IHCL has been supporting the As soon as the police police team to drop them home.
raised the issue of how the want to tell them that we are listed as corona death if the vic- absolutely no signs of illness. However, Government with various humanitar- were informed, senior police "We were lucky, police van came to our res-
lockdown is being diluted in fighting against a deadly virus tim had contracted the disease staff testing positive and symptomatic ian initiatives by offering its hotels to officials reached the spot and cue without any delay even at his odd hour, Raju,
certain areas … where no and not a communal virus. I otherwise the seriousness of were duly hospitalized and others the medical fraternity, health workers, divers were pressed into ser- proud father told media persons outside his
social distancing is being main- will not allow any communal the situation will be lost on the who were in contact with them have supporting certain states with quar- vice to locate the children. home on Sunday. His wife Sonia, said she would
tained and where religious politics here.” people.” Apart from conduct- immediately been put in antine facilities and also providing The woman has been name her daughter 'Vaishnavi'.
congregations are being The letter from Delhi had ing tests the Government quarantine”. almost 4 lakh meals till date to Doctors, arrested and police officials Meanwhile, taking advantage of deserted
allowed to take place. This can alleged that “people have been should also come out with their The IHCL said that the others who health workers and migrant workers. said that she seemed mental- streets, thieves ran away with bottles of liquor
aggravate the situation,” the thronging in complete viola- data which will help the had come in contact with those who The President, Taj Lands End, Taj ly unsound. and cash after breaking open the rear wall of the
Governor said adding this was tion of social distancing researchers to handle the cri- have tested positive have been quar- Santacruz and Ginger Andheri are also Sources, meanwhile, said wine shop in Rehari area of Jammu late Saturday
no time to politicise things. norms...” mentioning specific sis in better manner, he main- antined in accordance with World hosting the medical fraternity in close that the woman had earlier night.
Apparently referring to areas like Maniktala, Narkel tained. Health Organization (WHO) norms cooperation with BMC,” the IHCL said that she and her children The shop owner claimed, in the absence of
the administration’s green sig- Danga, Rajabazaar, Topsia, Meanwhile, the Bengal and guidelines issued by the local statement said. were not getting food in the sale register, it is difficult for him to make an
nal to only the Trinamool Metiaburz, Gardenreach, Government is planning to Government authorities” Earlier, reports in a section of lockdown and money inflow assessment about the actual losses suffered by
Congress’ workers to distribute Ekbalpur Ulta Danga. make wearing masks manda- “Taj Mahal Palace and Tower does media quoting the doctors at the had stopped because she was him. Police teams visited the area and took sam-
relief disallowing members of Incidentally all of these areas tory in the State. According to not have any guests at the current time Bombay Hospital that six hospitalised a daily wage earner. ples to track down the thieves in the
other parties from joining the are dominated by the people of sources, the Government will and only very minimal staff in areas patients were the employees of Taj "Our priority is to rescue area.Questions were also raised over the tight
relief work the Governor said, minority community. soon come out with orders like housekeeping, security, mainte- Mahal Palace Hotel in south Mumbai. the children as soon as pos- vigil maintained by the police on deserted streets
“this is not a time to do poli- Apart from Dhankhar the making masks mandatory for nance and staff dining are present to The doctors said that the condition of sible, We will carry out other and main roads. The shop was located on the
tics particularly when the sit- Left Front also attacked the the people who comeout in the ensure the upkeep and maintenance of the hospitalised employees was investigations later," said a main road near Indira Gandhi Dental college
uation is so grim … the relief State Government for not fol- streets. the hotel,” an IHCL spokesperson “stable”. police official. and the office of DG Prisons.

=QXQ7_fdR__[c!%& !6%
 78 7eZ*3QcUc <=,>#
"!! c`bY^We`Y^  
fY_\QdY^WfYcQbe\Uc :D<0A274;;0??0= 274==08 ber of patients getting admitted to ^UgQbUQc <>78C:0=370A8 90<<D by Government, 433 in Hospital
Quarantine, 235 in hospital isolation and
C=A067D=0C70 <D<108 iting the Tablighi Jamaat markaz hospitals with coronavirus case has 80=B  60=378=060A lady doctor and a soldier on leave 29718 under home surveillance. Besides,

he Maharashtra
in Delhi last month”.
The 18 countries from A s the number of persons in the
State tested positive for coron-
forced the Government to take
some more drastic measures. On wenty five more positive cases
A tested positive for Covid-19 along
with 19 others in Jammu & Kashmir, tak-
11777 persons have completed their 28-
day surveillance period.
T Government has booked
156 foreigners from 18 countries
which they came are: Indonesia
37, Kyrgyzstan 19, Myanmar 18,
avirus reached 1075 by Sunday
evening, Government of Tamil
Sunday two more persons suc-
cumbed to the dreaded virus tak-
T were detected in Gujarat on
Sunday morning and one person has
ing the total tally to 245 cases on Sunday.
According to official sources, a lady
The Bulletin further said that 3355
samples have tested as negative till April
for allegedly violating the visa Bangladesh 13, Tanzania 11, Nadu has launched an aggressive ing the death toll in the State to 11. died due to Covid-19, the health doctor from Jammu, posted in 12, 2020.
rules and attending the Tablighi Philippines 10, Kazakhstan and testing and containment pro- The Government on Sunday authorities announced, taking the Udhampur tested positive along with one Providing district-wise breakup, the
Jamaat event at Nizamuddin in Ivory Coast 9 each, Malaysia 8, gramme to restrict the disease in warned volunteers, NGOs and total detected positive coronavirus soldier, hailing from Supwal area of Bulletin said that Srinagar has 58 posi-
Delhi last month. Togo 6, Djibouti 5, Brunei 4, stage-2 itself, according to Beela political parties distributing cooked cases to 493 in the state. Samba,and two others from Jammu tive cases wherein 56 are Active Positive,
Announcing this, State Russia 2, USA, Benin, Iran, Rajesh, Secretary, health and fam- foods to the homeless and needy in Till Sunday, 23 deaths due to while 17 fresh cases were detected from 01 recovered and 01 has died, Bandipora
Home Minister Anil Deshmukh Ghana and South Africa 1 each. ily welfare department. violation of section 144. A coronavirus have been reported in Kashmir region on Sunday. Moving 42 positive cases with 39 Active Positive,
said here on Sunday: “The The Minister said that as With 106 persons tested posi- Government order in this regard Gujarat. swiftly, all the fresh cases were isolated 02 recovered and 01 died, Baramulla 37
police have booked 156 for- many as 15 offences have been tive for coronavirus on Sunday, the asked the concerned persons to Despite the health authorities in dedicated covid hospitals in Jammu positive cases with 36 Active Positive, no
eigners for visa rules violations registered by police in Mumbai, Government increased the number donate the money they spent to claims of containing the coron- and Srinagar and their close relatives were case has recovered and 01 died, Budgam
under section 14-B of Thane, Navi Mumbai, of laboratories in the State where Chief Minister’s Relief Fund or avirus spread crammed into limit- quarantined and their samples were 11 positive cases all of whom are Active
Foreigners Act, other relevant Amravati, Nanded, Nagpur, the virus could be tested. “From hand over the food to Chennai ed pockets or hotspots, the virus sent for testing. Positive, Pulwama 03 positive cases-all
sections of IPC Further inves- Pune, Ahmednagar, Sunday onwards, testing could be Corporation authorities for distri- spread is springing up in new areas The authorities on ground zero have Active Positive, Shopian and Kupwara
tigations are on”. Chandrapur and Gadchiroli, done in 14 Government laborato- bution among the needy. in Ahmedabad as well as in other tightened the grip especially in red-zones with 14 and 23 positive cases respectively
The section 14 (b) of the and all the foreigners are cur- ries and nine private laboratories. The disinfectant tunnels which parts of Gujarat. by completely sealing the areas and and all are Active Positive, and Ganderbal
Foreigners Act, 1946 (Penalty rently kept in institutional quar- The Central Government owned created a sensation all over the State On Sunday, 25 more positive blocking entry and exit points by spread- and Kulgam with 05 and 04 positive cases
for contravention of provisions antine, he added. JIPMER medical college and hos- will no longer be allowed anywhere cases were detected by the health ing concertina wires on different respectively all of whom are Active
of the Act, etc) read thus: The Maharashtra pital at Puducherry too would in Tamil Nadu. The Department of authorities, out of which routes. Positive.
“Whoever-- does any act in vio- Government’s stern action serve as a center for testing samples Health by a special Government Ahmedabad had 23. Two cases were According to the daily Media Bulletin Similarly, Jammu has 21 positive
lation of the conditions of the against 156 foreign nationals from Tamil Nadu,” said Beela Rajesh order asked the officials not to from Anand. Many cases were found on novel coronavirus (Covid-19), out of cases of whom 19 are Active Positive and
valid visa issued to him for his should be seen in the context of , herself a medical doctor by train- install disinfectant tunnels citing a from areas which have not been 245 positive cases, 235 are Active Positive, 02 have recovered, Udhampur 19 posi-
entry and stay in India or any its earlier decision to cancel a ing. world health organisation directive marked as hotspots in Ahmedabad 06 have recovered and 04 have died. tive cases of which 18 are Active Positive,
part thereunder; two-day Tablighi Jamaat event Out of the 106 persons testing which stated that such tunnels like Behrampura, Ghodasar, Ranip, Furthermore, till date 51320 travellers 0 recovered and 01 died, while as Rajouri
Deshmukh said that all held along the lines of the one positive on Sunday, 90 are from the would create a false sense of secu- Maninagar. Earlier too, cases were and persons in contact with suspected and Samba have 03 and 04 positive cases
these foreigners had been grant- held at Nizamuddin which single source event held at Delhi rity and people may be diverted found from Juhapura, New Vadaj, cases have been put under surveillance respectively and all are Active Positive
ed a tourist visa for India “but became hotbed for Coronavirus and 16 are those who associated from handwash to disinfection Dudheshwar, Manek chowk in which include 9153 persons in home and the single positive case has recovered
they flouted the norms by vis- cases. with them. The spurt in the num- tunnel. Ahmedabad. quarantine including facilities operated fully in Kishtwar district.

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\_S[T_g^d_XQbfUcdSb_`*E@3= C=A067D=0C70 <D<108 the country, has so far record-
ed 92 deaths and 1298 infect-
today. As many as 217 patients
have been discharged till date
event attendees, 755 have been
tested and 37 have been found
being implemented in places
where clusters of patients have
Lucknow: Farmers should be Online counselling of stu- Government purchasing cen- n yet another biggest spike in ed cases. after full recovery,” the bulletin to be positive for Covid-19. been found in the state.
given relief from the lockdown
to harvest crop, and the Uttar
dents was also discussed at a
meeting of officials chaired by
tres, if other institutions and
agencies want to buy crops
the number of deaths and
in a day, as many as
Of the 22 persons died to
Covid on Sunday, 13 were men
“As many as 1,247 people
Out of these 37, 8 are in
Latur, 7 in Yavatmal, 6 in
“There are total 4846 sur-
veillance squads deployed
Pradesh Government would Chief Minister Yogi directly from farmers, they 22 persons on Sunday suc- and 9 women. Six of those dead are in home quarantine, while Buldhana, 3 in Mumbai, and 2 across the state and surveillance
encourage institutions and Adityanath. Teachers should be would be encouraged to do so cumbed to Covid-19 in were aged over 60 years, while 5064 people are in institution- each in Pune, Pimpri- of 17.46lakh population has
agencies to purchase food trained for this. On the instruc- provided the price is on par Maharashtra taking the total 15 deceased were from the age al quarantine,” the bulletin Chinchwad and Ahmednagar, been done. Twenty six persons
grains directly from the grow- tion of Adityanath, the work of with the MSP or above," number of deaths to 149 and group 40 to 60 years and one said. and one each in Ratnagiri, the same family and their con-
ers at minimum support price providing e-content has been Additional Chief Secretary 221 others tested positive for was below 40 years “Twenty out Meanwhile, the state health Nagpur Municipal tacts had been found positive
(MSP) or higher, Chief started in all universities. (Home) Awanish Awasthi told the pandemic in the State. of these 22 patients (91%) had authorities said that they were Corporation, Hingoli, Jalgaon, at Ismalpur in Sangli district.
Minister Yogi Adityanath said Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj reporters here. On a day when the total high-risk co-morbidities such carrying out a thorough search Osmanabad, Kolhapur and Twenty four of them have been
on Sunday. University in Kanpur has About arrangements made number of infected cases in the as diabetes, hypertension, asth- of citizens who had attended Washim. Additionally, 6 con- discharged upon recovery until
He directed officials to implemented e-education for the Tablighi Jamaat con- State rose from 1761 to 1982, ma and heart disease,” a med- the religious gathering at tacts of these cases have been now.
start online classes for stu- smoothly according to this gregation members traced in Mumbai recorded 16 deaths, ical bulletin released by the Banglewali Masjid at found positive in Ahmednagar Thirty one surveillance
dents of higher education, tech- order. the state, he said, "Provisions to while there were three deaths State Health Department said. Nizamuddin last month was and 1 in Pimpri-Chinchwad. squads regularly searched
nical education, nursing and "At the meeting, the chief quarantine people related to the in Pune, two in Navi Mumbai Out of 41,109 laboratory underway at the level of all dis- The health authorities said through the population of over
paramedical studies, so that minister said since harvesting Tablighi Jamaat have been and one in Solapur. samples, 37,964 were negative tricts and municipal corpora- that as per the guidance from 7,500 in the affected area in
their academic schedule is not season is on, farmers should be made so as to stop further Mumbai, which is the most and 1982 have been tested tions. Government of India, cluster Islampur during the last two
wholly disrupted. allowed to move. Apart from spread of Covid-19. PTI coronavirus-affected city in positive for coronavirus until Of the Tablighi Jamaat containment action plan was weeks,” the bulletin added.

:D<0A274;;0??0= the streets were of paramount taken to the burial ground. If
274==08 concern. Thogai Murugan, a I can save at least one life, I can <>78C:0=370A8  90<<D from Qasba, Kirni areas of firmed the deaths of three
54-year-old self made entre- die peacefully,” said Poonch district. Large number civilians in the area.
ill Saturday, sanitary work- preneur who came up in life Murugan. hree civilians including a of villagers remained closeted Srinagar based Defence
T ers in Tamil Nadu’s Karur
district never knew that life was
through the hard way, is the
man of the hour in the district.
He said the paada pooja
was an act of reciprocation.
T minor boy and a woman
were killed in fresh escalation
inside their houses due to
heavy shelling in the forward
Spokesman, Col Rajesh Kalia
said, "unprovoked ceasefire
beautiful and there were kind The sanitary workers and “They are the real guards who by the Pakistan Army along areas. According to ground violation was initiated by
hearted people around. The casual employees in Karur ensure our safety from the the line of control in North reports from Keran sector, Pakistan in Keran sector of
district is famous for banking town who were left penniless pandemic. Can you imagine a Kashmir's Kupwara district Pakistan army targeted sever- Kupwara at 5.00 p.m". He
business as well as textile indus- and jobless because of the lock day in our life without their ser- on Sunday. al civilian pockets in said, "the Pakistan Army tar-
tries and daily life used to be down were in for a surprise as vices? This is my way of thank- Heavy exchange of firing Chowkibal area of Kupwara geted civilian population
fast moving. But COVID-19 Murugan and his family mem- ing the real life Gods,” said was also reported from dif- after 4.00 p.m using heavy cal- resulting in killing of three
and corona virus turned every- bers invited them all to his Murugan, a sworn ferent sectors of Poonch. In ibre weapons. It is after a long civilians including one woman
thing topsy-turvy. As the State house on Saturday and per- rationalist. response, the Indian Army gap, areas located several kilo- and a child".
Government declared a total formed paada pooja (worship- For Selvaraj and wife Rani, retaliated strongly and effec- metres away from the line of Local authorities identi-
lock-down, people in Karur ping the feet) on them. the offering from Murugan tively. A group of local resi- control were targeted by the fied deceased civilians as 8-
district too were left with no Murugan, his wife and son was a divine intervention. “We dents in forward areas of Pakistan Army clearly indi- year-old Ziyan Bashir, 17-
other alternative but to follow washed the feet of the sanitary were worried about how to feed Kupwara came out of their cating their intention to fur- year-old Javid Ahmad and 35
the diktat. Whatever the com- workers, offered aarati and the frontline warriors in the spend such big amount for the children in these times of homes urging Army men to ther escalate the tensions. year old Shameema Begum. In
pensation package announced sought the blessings of the battle against corona virus were these workers? “What is the lock out as there is no salary. allow them to shift to safer Several shells hit resi- Jammu, Defence spokesman,
by the Government seemed invitees by falling at their feet. insured by us,” Murugan told guarantee that Ill survive this Here, Ayya (a word of rever- places before giving a befitting dential areas in which three Lt-Col Devender Anand said,
peanuts. The icing on the cake was yet The Pioneer. He ensured that pandemic? How many of us ence) has made our Easter a reply to Pakistan. civilians were killed while sev- "Pakistan army intensified
But there were some bright to come. “Each of the invitees a total of 2000 casual workers will come out of this attack by happy occasion, something Till the time of filing the eral others received injuries. ceasefire violations along the
patches during the testing numbering 105 was offered in the city who faced bleak the virus for which there is no which we will remember report, the Pakistan Army Some of the structures also LoC in Jammu &Kashmir on
times. There emerged a person cash and essential items worth future because of the lock vaccine as on today? I am not throughout our life,” said had intensified mortar shelling caught fire while others suf- Sunday". Three back to back
in Karur, an apolitical, secular Rs 5 lakh which brought tears down got relief materials in the going to take with me the Selbva, a sanitary worker. in Balakote and Mendhar sec- fered huge damages in direct ceasefire violations were
and broad minded person for in the eyes of the recipients. form of rice and groceries. materials I had saved over the Corona brings the good tors of Poonch. Earlier, firing hits. Deputy Commissioner, reported during the day at dif-
whom the man and woman in The sanitary workers who are What prompted him to years when my dead body is side of life too. was reported during day time Kupwara Anshul Garg con- ferent intervals.
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!!

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T Flightradar24, is a very useful
application for frequent flyers.
By allowing passengers to see
traffic patterns and where the
aircraft, which is going to operate the next
flight, currently is, it gives a fairly good idea
as to when it will take off. On other days,
fire up the application and find out where
tic Emirates airline rules with over 100
at all the places those gigantic machines are
has been a crazy one. Today, if you open
travelling to Europe over India, and the
as Air India and other airlines, such as clearly, hints of how aviation As for international flights, gically vital for large nations
UHQWHLJKWKRXUVVL[GD\VDZHHN RUKRXUV WRKRXUVVL[GD\VDZHHN IndiGo, have been operating flights to get spreads a global pandemic several nations across the world like India. While the Indian
KRXUV %HVLGHVWKHZRUNHUVZRXOGEHSDLGLQFRQVRQDQFHZLWKWKHQXP foreign nationals out of the country. Other were evident during the SARS are still under lockdown. This Government will not be able to
EHURIKRXUV7KLVZLOOQRWRQO\VSHHGXSSURGXFWLRQEXWFDQDOVRHQVXUHOLPLW than that, nothing. outbreak of 2004 and the sub- will go on for a longer period bail out airlines, the latter will
All of India’s 650 plus commercial pas-
senger planes are for the large part ground-
sequent spread of Avian and
Swine flu. During the spread of
C74E8AD;4=24>5 of time than in India. At least
as of now, some nations, such
have to indulge in small mea-
sures to get the sector up and
EHLQJH[SRVHG,WZRXOGDOVRPHDQUHVWDUWLQJSURGXFWLRQOLQHVWRDKLJKHUFDSDF ed. And India is not unique here. Even such infections, air travel in and C7438B40B4 as Singapore, are major aviation running again, at least to a
most of its A380s have been tucked away
around the East and South-east
Asia had collapsed. But because 2>D?;43F8C7C74 hubs. It is estimated that at least
200 of India’s commercial fleet
decent baseline.
This is also a time when the
ZRUNLQJFDSLWDOSDUWLFXODUO\WRPLFURVPDOODQGPHGLXPHQWHUSULVHVDQGVDYHV at Dubai’s huge World City airport. At least the virulence of those viruses 8=B0=46A>FC7>5 will not be required when Government will have to sit
it will be able to bring these giants back into
the service. Airlines like Air France,
was far less than the one blow-
ing like a tornado through the C740E80C8>= things restart. Leisure travel will
be hit hard as jobs will disap-
down with industry leaders
and figure out what it will have
Lufthansa and Qantas are debating the very aviation world today, the over- B42C>A>E4AC74 pear and increments will to do to help the sector grow.
future of these aircraft. Across the world,
even in the US, where there are over 10,000
all impact was, at best, minimal
in Europe and America. ?0BC342034F0B become a thing of the past,
resulting in lower discretionary
It needs to ponder if any pro-
tectionist moves, such as pre-
IRUPXODWKDWFDQMXVWDERXWNHHSWKHHFRQRP\JUHDVHGIRUUXQQLQJZKHQUHTXLUHG commercial aircraft crisscrossing that vast This time around, the vir- 6>8=6C><0:4 spends. venting large numbers of
The Coronavirus has hit global avia-
ulence of the disease, coupled
with the insane growth of the C748=3DBCAH But the impact on interna-
tional travel is likely to be
Indian travellers flying through
hubs such as Dubai and
ODUJHUZHDNHQLQJRIGRPHVWLFGHPDQGDQGGLVUXSWLRQVLQWKHILQDQFLDOPDUNHW tion like nothing before. According to the aviation sector over the past BD554A103;H harder still. Foreign holiday Singapore, will be required.
6RPHH[SHUWVKDYHVXJJHVWHGERUURZLQJQRWRQO\IURPWKHPDUNHWEXWNQRFN International Air Transport Association, decade, is going to make the travel, particularly to hard-hit At the same time, flying is
LQJRQWKH5%,·VGRRU7KHVHDUHLQGHHGWRXJKGHFLVLRQVWKDWUHTXLUHFROOHFWLYH airlines globally can lose passenger rev- industry suffer badly. Indeed, 8=34430E80C8>= tourist hubs such as Italy and all a confidence game. By now,
enues of up to $113 billion due to this cri-
sis. Not that the tensions between India and
aviation is a victim of its own
success as connectivity moved
8B0E82C8<>58CB Spain, will vanish. Non-essen-
tial business travel, too, will.
ever ybody is calling the
Coronavirus a “travelling sales-
DOUHDG\LQLWLDWHGDFRQVXOWDWLYHSURFHVVZLWKLQGXVWU\FDSWDLQVDQGILQDQFLDOH[SHUWV Pakistan last year, which had shut all air from huge hubs like Beijing and >F=BD224BB0B The conference market drying man” disease. One reason for
compare or the shootdown of the
Shanghai to direct connectivi-
ty to cities like Wuhan.
2>==42C8E8CH up will mean fewer trips to
countries like Germany and
the dramatic growth in air
travel over the past decade has
6LQJK(YHQIRUPHU5%,*RYHUQRU5DJKXUDP5DMDQKDVVXQNKLVGLIIHUHQFHVZLWK Malaysian Boeing 777 over Ukraine and Unfortunately, after <>E435A><7D64 even China. Airlines like been because of the incredible
WKHSUHVHQWUHJLPHVD\LQJKHLVSUHSDUHGWRKHOSD&29,'VWUHVVHG,QGLDQHFRQ Iran’s downing of a Ukrainian aircraft. Even Governments hummed and
7D1B;8:414898=6 Emirates, which have gorged safety record of modern civil
RP\LIDVNHG,QIDFWMXVWOLNHFRRSHUDWLYHIHGHUDOLVPWKDWLVRQIXOOGLVSOD\,QGLD the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks was hawed for a couple of weeks themselves on Indian travellers aviation but that confidence has
not so brutal. Aviation consultancy, the before shutting aviation down, 0=3B70=6708C> for three decades now, might disappeared thanks to the virus.
Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation India Pvt
Ltd (Capa India), has said that domestic air
often delaying flight lockdowns
at the insistence of airline lob- 38A42C suddenly run out of the runway
as aviation will likely reform
So, how do we get that confi-
dence back? That will have to

passenger traffic is expected to drop from byists, the impact might carry 2>==42C8E8CHC> itself in ways we cannot even be something the Government
an estimated 140 million in FY20 to
around 80-90 million in FY21 and inter-
on for longer. Even if India
reopens its skies, it looks 28C84B;8:4FD70= predict today.
Make no mistake, interna-
will have to do alongside air-
lines. It is not just us,
national traffic is expected to almost halve increasingly likely that the tional and domestic air travel Governments across the world
  from around 70 million in FY20 to 35-40 withdrawal of aviation services will recover. One reason for this will have to deal with it.
million in FY21. will only be gradually eased is because a vibrant and oper- (The writer is Managing
"  ; "  "  Why is it so bad this time around? Well out. ational aviation sector is strate- Editor, The Pioneer)

2>E83 (bXcdPcX^]ST\P]S X\PVTbcWTeXbX^]aTPSbS^dQ[T cPVT^UdbP]S^cWTaR^d]caXTb ST\P]ScWPcRPbWQTcaP]b
Xcba^QdbcST\P]SRT]caT XRP[_a^Q[T\bcWPcX]eTbcX]\T dbPSTeT[^_X]V]PcX^]c^^ d]P]X\^dbST\P]S
¯3WPa\T]SaP?aPSWP] ¯0\XcPQW1PRWRWP] ¯3^]P[SCad\_ ¯?2WXSP\QPaP\
1cd_biV_bQ\\dY]Ud_S_]U death toll is yet to educate them
that the virus does not attack on

Sir — At a time when the entire party lines. The hard Right, even
PDVNVWRODERXUHUVDQGWKRVHOLYLQJLQVOXPFOXVWHUV7RJHWKHUWKHWULRRI V KHURHV world is unitedly fighting a deci- [XeTb ^U cWT _T^_[T X] cWT c^f] ^U >aP] X] =^acW with near four million cases and
LQXQLIRUPKDVPDGHDQGGLVWULEXWHGDURXQGPDVNV6RPHZRPHQYROXQ sive battle against COVID-19, it 0[VTaXPfPbcWTcWT\T^U0[QTac2P\db³Q^^ZCWT counting, is more concerned on
condemnable that some groups <P]hR^]bXSTaXcPbP]P[[TV^ah^UcWT5aT]RWaTbXbcP]RT speech. The observance of isola-
ORFNGRZQDQGVRFLDOGLVWDQFLQJSURWRFROV(YHU\RQHNQRZVDERXW0LQDO%KRVDOH are trying to communalise this c^cWT=PiXPccPRZSdaX]VcWTF^a[SFPa88P]ScWTSXb tion is seen as fascist and its loy-
DYLURORJLVWIURP3XQHZKRFUHDWHGWKHILUVW,QGLDQWHVWLQJNLWIRUWKHYLUXVDQG issue. The Markaz of the Tablighi TPbT2P\dbaTUTaaTSc^fPb]^cWX]VQdcUPbRXb\2P\db alty to Trump may, thus, stay undi-
JDYHELUWKWRDGDXJKWHUWKHGD\DIWHUVKHILQLVKHGLW,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\WRRWKHFRQ Jamaat had reportedly informed PRcdP[[h_^X]cb^dcc^^daX]STRT]RhX]VT]TaP[X]cWTVdXbT minished. The raw, partisan Wild
WULEXWLRQRIZRPHQLQWKLVILJKWDJDLQVWWKHYLUXVLVQRWHZRUWK\7KHUHDUHWHDPV the authorities about the event in ^U_[PVdT5PbRXb\XbX]STTS^]T^UcWT\P]XUTbcPcX^]b West spirit has not been dulled
writing and even asked the Delhi ^UX]STRT]RhQdcXcP[b^WPb^cWTaU^a\bB^\TcX\TbXc even after 200 years and Biden is
5HEHFFD6LUXOOZDVWKHILUVWKXPDQWRVLJQXSIRUDYDFFLQHWULDO7XUQLQJRQH make arrangements for the par- Pb X]UX]XcT RP_XcP[Xbc VaTTS U^a \^]Th B^\TcX\Tb Xc ^UPSXbTPbTXb]^cPSXeX]TX]cTaeT]cX^]QdcXcXbPbXc counter a hedonistic President.
home as many workers had been P]ScWT]XcV^Tbc^cWaPbWWd\P]XchPccWTP[cPa^URPbcTXb\ a^]\T]c0ccWTT]S^UcWTQ^^Z2P\dbaT\X]SbdbcWPc Navi Mumbai
cies are trying to sensationalise this RhRPdbTSTPcWSTbcadRcX^]P]SST_aXePcX^] 2>E83 (P]ScWTaTXb]^SXUUTaT]RT9dbc[XZTcWT_[PVdT
DIHZH[DPSOHVRIFRXUDJHDQGGHGLFDWLRQ tragedy to mislead the people by CWT_aXTbcX]cWT]^eT[5PcWTa?P]T[^dgfW^bPXS QPRcTaXP2^a^]PeXadbfX[[TgXbcP]ScPZT]TfTabWP_Tb Sir — The biggest challenge for
7KHORFNGRZQKDVFUHDWHGDWRXJKHUVLWXDWLRQIRUZRPHQZRUNLQJSURIHV presenting only one side of the sit- cWPccWTT_XST\XRfPbPRdabTQhV^SU^a^dabX]bR^d[S CWXbXbPbSP]VTa^dbP_WT]^\T]^]PbcWTPRc^UcWT the authorities will be to imple-
acknowledge that the Delhi 7TR^d[S]^caTUdcTcWPccWTRWX[SfPbPQb^[dcT[hX]]^ X]PcTP]STg_[^Xc^cWTab8]STTSXcXbPbSP]VTa^dbPb to ensure free testing of Corona
[DQGPXVWDWWHPSWWRFDUU\RQZLWKWKHLUSURIHVVLRQDOOLYHVZKLOHDVVXPLQJ administration took no precau- RT]cBWPZT]cWT_aXTbc[^bcWXbSTbXaTc^[XeT8R^d[S TeTahU^a\^UX]STRT]cQTWPeX^da in private labs because such diag-
KRXVHKROGGXWLHVDVZHOO:RPHQQRZKDYHWRZRUNIURPKRPHDVZHOODVZRUN tionary measures in this regard bcX[[eXbdP[XbTW^fWTbcPVVTaTSc^cWTRWdaRWPUcTacWT BdYXc3T nostic centres can take advantage
IRUWKHLUKRPHV:LWKDQLQKHUHQWVH[LVPVWLOOODWHQWLQPDQ\KRXVHKROGVPRVW even when all the information had STPcW^UcWTRWX[S2P\db\PZTbXcR[TPacWPcP]^dcQaTPZ :^[ZPcP of difficult times and demand
been brought to its knowledge. If money from people. Free testing
ZRPHQDUHQ·WOXFN\HQRXJKWRKDYHSURJUHVVLYHDQGVXSSRUWLYHSDUWQHUVZKR a report has been registered against availability will go a long way in
ZRXOGUHDGLO\H[WHQGDKHOSLQJKDQGDQGVKDUHWKHZRUNORDG,QWKHPHGLFDOFRP the Nizamuddin officials, then well make the Trump-Biden con- Democratic Party leader in 2016. fighting Covid but it is altruistic.
PXQLW\WRRZRPHQKDYHWXUQHGRXWWREHPRUHUHVLOLHQWWRWKHLPSDFWRIWKH there should also be one against 5bQ_VdXUGY\TGUcd test a side show if it relentlessly New York alone comprises half of Aman
the Government officials who claims casualties till say August. the total number of cases. Via email
YLUXVDQGUHVHDUFKLVVKRZLQJWKDWPRUHPHQVXFFXPEWRLWWKDQZRPHQEHFDXVH neglected their duty. Sir — This refers to the editori- As of date, three-quarters of the Americans, not very enlight-
RIWKHLULQKHUHQWLPPXQLW\DQGVWUHQJWK7LPHWKHZRUOGUHFRJQLVHVWKDWWKHUHLV Abdul Malik al, “Biden vs Trump” (April 11). confirmed cases in America are ened beyond partisan politics, BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
QRWKLQJFDOOHGJHQGHUHGUROHVDQ\PRUH Navi Mumbai The spread of Coronavirus could in States which voted for a may stay as divided as four years [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!!

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EDD1= 6D?C0
I Organisation (WTO) — the multilateral body
which binds member countries to a common set
of rules with regard to trade in goods and services
SRSXODWLRQPD\RUPD\QRWEHRSHQLQJWKHLUFRPSXWHUVODSWRSVRU value of its rice production during 2018-19 market-
RWKHUZLVH7KHUHPD\RUPD\QRWEHDSURWRFROWRDWWHQGDQGWKHUH ing year was $43.67 billion and for that, it provided
PD\RUPD\QRWEHDZHELQDURUDEULHILQJ subsidies worth $5 billion. This works out to 11.4 per
Under the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) of
PRVWDFFRPSOLVKHGVRRWKVD\HUVKDGIRUHFDVWWKLVSDQGHPLF includes “product-specific” subsidies and “non-prod-
7KHFRQWUDGLFWLRQVDVDUHXVXDOLQDWLPHOLNHWKLVDUHPDQ\,I uct specific” viz. subsidies on agricultural inputs like
quantum of agri-produce. Whereas the MSP is taken C740=><0;84B
for that very year, say, 2018-19, the ERP is the aver- 8=C74
age of the international price prevailing during 1986- <4C7>3>;>6H
88 fixed in rupee terms. The “non-product specif- >520;2D;0C8=6
on schemes to supply agricultural inputs at subsidised their computation) and do on. These also has been lambasting India for alleged
WKHJORYHVREWDLQHGLQVXFKDPDQQHUGUDZDPL[HGUHDFWLRQIURP rates. Compliance has to be ensured both for indi- 140CC742>A4 included establishing that subsidies are not under-reporting of its subsidies, it is out all stops to counter the American
FRPPHQWDWRUV7KHUHDUHIHDWXUHVZKLFKVD\WKDWHYHQLI\RXKROGD vidual crop as well as at the aggregate level. For >558=38=60 “trade distorting.” Moreover, it intended to unlikely to be a smooth sail. claim. It needs to go a step forward to even
KHDGVHWZLWKJORYHVLWLVSRVVLEOHWKDW\RXPD\KDYHWRXFKHG\RXU instance, the subsidy on rice should remain below ?4A<0=4=C cover only the schemes existing at the time In a notification to the WTO in challenge the formula that got embedded
IDFHZLWKWKHJORYHFRYHUHGILQJHUVDQGWKHWUDQVIHUHQFHRIWKHYLUXV 10 per cent of its production value. Besides, the sum B>;DC8>=*C70C of the Bali declaration. March, 2018, India had reported AMS of in the AoA (ERP frozen at 1986-88 level
ZRXOGKDVDOUHDG\WDNHQSODFH7KHSURWRFROVRIWUDQVIHUYDU\LQYHU total of subsidy on all crops, say rice, wheat and coarse ?A>24BB The peace clause was intended to be about C12,000 crore on rice or 5.45 per cent was part of the agreement).
cereals should not exceed 10 per cent of agri-pro- B7>D;314 a “stop gap” arrangement that should have of production value during 2013-14, Correcting the anomalies in the
duction value. This rules out a scenario whereby a A4BDAA42C43 ended in 2017 by which time, a permanent whereas, on wheat, AMS was C5,000 methodology of calculating AMS should
country gives more on one crop, say 15 per cent on 0=3C0:4=C>8CB solution should have been in place. But that crore or 3.53 per cent of production value. be at the core of finding a permanent solu-
rice, and yet keeps aggregate subsidy within the 10 ;>6820;4=3 was not to be. In December, 2014, the In a counter-claim made to the CoA (May, tion; that process should be resurrected and
DEOHEHFDXVHLWLVYDOLG7KHUHJXODWRU\DJHQFLHVZRXOGKDYHDQREOLJ per cent threshold by giving less on another crop. WTO-General Council (GC) approved 2018), the US stated that during 2013-14, taken to its logical end. Post-correction, the
Since, the subsidy given to rice farmers in 2018- “extension of the peace clause till a perma- Indian AMS on rice was C1,78,000 crore, subsidy figures will automatically come to
SDUDPHWHUVWRXVHWRUHFRJQLVHWKHYDOLGXVHRIJORYHVVDQLWLVHUVDQG 19 at 11.4 per cent of production value exceeded 10 C74BD1B83H nent solution was found.” This meant or 77 per cent of production value and on much less than 10 per cent (as in 2013-14)
PDVNV",WGRHVQ·WWDNHDJHQLXVWRDQVZHUWKLVTXHVWLRQ2EYLRXVO\ per cent, India has violated its commitment under 586DA4BF8;; indefinite deferment of the permanent wheat, it was C96,500 crore, or 65.3 per cent or marginally higher (as in 2018-19). Small
VRPHFRPPRQVHQVHKDVWREHDSSOLHG2QO\WKDW´FRPPRQVHQVHµ the WTO. The breach is open to challenge by other 0DC><0C820;;H solution and perpetual dependence of of production value. The gap is due to vast- variations are more likely to be condoned
DFURVVLQGLYLGXDOVQHHGQRWQHFHVVDULO\KDYHDQDOJRULWKP members. However, it has invoked the “peace 2><4C><D27 developing countries on the “peace clause.” ly different methodologies used by India and even if retaliatory action is sanctioned,
:KHQFRPPRQVHQVHYDULHVIURPSHUVRQWRSHUVRQWKHQLWPD\ clause” to seek immunity from action. The Indian ;4BBC70= In the WTO-GC meeting in Geneva on and the US. that will entail much less pain. In any case,
request will come up for consideration in the WTO ?4A24=C July 31, 2014, India had insisted on a time- For arriving at AMS, India rightly this would be far better than letting
Committee on Agriculture (CoA). 0B8=! " # bound action plan to find a permanent compares MRP with ERP of the same year; anomalies continue leading to inflated sub-
So, what is the “peace clause”? Does it provide >A<0A68=0;;H solution, to be executed before the end of considers quantities procured for public sidy and need to take refuge under an
an effective shield? Will the CoA allow its benefit? 78674A 2014 co-terminus with approval of the stock holding; excludes price support unreliable peace clause.
Can India explore other options? 0B8=! ' ( Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) — an provided to resource poor farmers who India also needs to mount a sustained
WLRQVKLSV7KLVZRXOGOHDGWRHDFKFOXVWHUEHFRPLQJOLNHD´]RRRI India runs a mammoth programme of Public area of great importance to developed produce food mostly for self-consumption. diplomatic offensive to counter US efforts
LQWHUSHUVRQDOUHODWLRQVµERXQGE\VSDFHDQGWLPH Stockholding for Food Security Purposes. Under it, B<0;;E0A80C8>=B countries. In December, 2014 GC even as On the other hand, the US uses ERP of at the WTO to do away with the extant
7KHORQJDQGVKRUWRILWLVVRPHEDVLFVLQK\JLHQHVD\RIVRFLDO agencies of the Government viz. Food Corporation 0A4<>A4;8:4;H the latter got away with the TFA, the for- over three decades back; considers even Special and Differential Treatment (S&DT)
GLVWDQFLQJPD\QHHGWLPHIRUVRFLRORJLFDOSODWIRUPVWRHYROYHWRDQ of India (FCI) and so on, buy agri-produce from the C>142>=3>=43 mer was merely handed out a “peace quantities not procured by agencies and available to developing members which
DFFHSWDEOHOHYHORIFRQVHQVXV7LOOWKHQGLVFXVVLRQVDUJXPHQWVDQG farmers at MSP (notified by the union) and distrib- 0=34E4=85 clause” and that, too, with a plethora of rid- ignores exemption to resource-poor farm- enable less than reciprocal commitments
ZRUVHZLOOEHFRPHPRUHFRPPRQEHWZHHQWZRFRQWHQGLQJSDUWLHV ute through a network of fair price shops to meet the A4C0;80C>AH ers. ers. There are inherent flaws in the US cal- such as 10 per cent threshold for agri-sub-
food security needs of India’s poor and vulnerable 02C8>=8B That the permanent solution route was culation. Relating the current MSP to inter- sidies (for developed countries, the thresh-
population at affordable price. Since, MSP is high- B0=2C8>=43 more or less closed, it was also evident from national price prevailing in 1986-88 is not old is five per cent). If, S&DT goes, India
er than ERP, the excess is deemed as subsidy. C70CF8;;4=C08; the 10th ministerial in Nairobi (December, only illogical but is outright absurd; it will have to limit its subsidies to less than
Developing countries, with India leading from <D27;4BB?08= 2015) when it decided that “negotiations inevitably results in “artificially” inflated five per cent. Meanwhile, the Government
the front, have consistently argued at the WTO that on the subject shall be held in the CoA, subsidy. The benefit of MSP is not avail- should take up restructuring its subsisting
VLEO\DVRFLDOWLQGHUER[VLWXDWLRQ since the Public Stockholding is intended to serve which will be distinct from the ongoing able to quantities not procured from subsidy regime. Instead of subsidising agri-
7KHFKDOOHQJHVDUHVRPDQ\DQGRQVRPDQ\IURQWVWKDWDQ\ the food security objective and does not cause any agriculture negotiations under the Doha farmers; yet the US has included these in inputs and MSP to farmers which are treat-
JRYHUQDQFHV\VWHPZLOOILQGLWVHOIVWUHWFKHG7KHGHOLYHU\V\VWHPV distortion in international trade, subsidies given Development Round (DDR).” The man- its calculations. ed as “actionable” subsidies, it should con-
ZLOOKDYHWKHLURZQRYHUWRQHV under this programme should be exempt from com- date of CoA normally being routine mat- The resource-poor farmers produce sider direct cash transfers to farmers sim-
3HUKDSV WKH VRFLDO QDUUDWLYH LWVHOI ZLOO QHHG WR FKDQJH mitment under the AoA. The ninth WTO ministe- ters, it was naive to expect from it a far- food for their own consumption; hence, ilar to developed countries of US and EU.
3HUFHSWLRQVZLOOKDYHWRDOWHU7KHIUDPHZRUNVRIUHIHUHQFHZLOOKDYH rial in Bali (2013) agreed to a “peace clause” under reaching policy decision. In the 11th there is no question of subsidy given to While, ensuring compliance with WTO
which “if a developing country gives AMS in excess WTO — ministerial held in Buenos Aires them distorting trade. Yet, the US has not rules, this will also help in eliminating inef-
of 10 per cent, no member will challenge this until (December 2017), the DDR was dumped. excluded subsidy support to them from the ficiencies and misuse that are germane to
WKLQNRIEHLQJ´VDIHµDWKRPH7KLVLVDQHZRYHUWRQHIRUDQH[SHUL 2017 when WTO would look for a permanent solu- Coming to India’s request seeking calculation. present subsidy and price support regime.
HQFHZKLFKLVXQLTXH,QWKHFRPPRQSDUODQFHRIKXPDQVRFLHWDO tion to address their food security concerns”. refuge under the peace clause against In the CoA, the US is bound to stick A collateral gain will be by way of prun-
VWUXFWXUHLWLVOLIHVW\OHVQRWRQO\IRUZRUNEXWDOVRHQWHUWDLQPHQWDQG The peace clause came with a plethora of con- breach of subsidy ceiling, now the CoA will to its calculation and on that basis argue ing payments and helping fiscal discipline.
RIWHQRIULWXDOVWKDWQHHGDTXLFNUHORRN ditions viz., submission of data on food procurement, examine it in the light of conditions that the 11.4 per cent reported by India for (The writer is a New Delhi-based pol-
7KHZULWHULVDZHOONQRZQPDQDJHPHQWFRQVXOWDQW stockholding, distribution and subsidies (including appended to it. Considering that the US 2018-19 (in case of rice) is a gross under- icy analyst)

. "   " ;  

of $80 billion but what it will be this capacities and help expatriates and empower them to better protect major Indian languages. gency and rescue services constitutes the beginning in order to make use
year is anybody’s guess. Frightening communities recover from crises. themselves and their community in In order to provide assistance in a concrete way to better adapt com- of their ability to reach out to the
reports have started pouring in The guidelines address the full the event of a crisis, is vital. times of crisis, it is crucial to have munication channels and services. affected diaspora.
from different parts of the world cycle, i.e, crisis preparedness, emer- The following are some salient information on where migrants are This must be done in a way that To inform migrants where shel-
related to the causalities suffered by gency response and post-crisis points for dealing with this outbreak located. Mapping must be done and takes into account language and the ters/isolation/quarantine centres are
Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). As action. with an earnest request for a detailed should include categories for tem- culture of migrant communities located, awareness programmes
the healthcare sector is at the fore- Interventions, policies and DRR plan at all our Missions abroad porary and permanent immigrants, and shares knowledge between relief about consular offices and shelters
front of the fight against the pan- structures to assist and protect for future crisis management. irregular undocumented residents, services and expatriate communi- should be held.
demic, the large number of Indian immigrants during the emergency Task groups should be readied students and tourists. ties. Sufficient orientation and train- It is also vital to coordinate with
doctors, nurses, paramedics work- phase of conflicts and natural dis- for collecting and sharing data on Creative communication chan- ing should be imparted to profes- other governments to ensure effi-
D8?=1C=1D85G:030E8; ing around the globe will be the asters are best set up in times of immigrants via local networks and nels must be used to raise awareness sional and voluntary emergency cient mass evacuation plans for
urrently, we are witnessing worst hit. Most of them are at risk peace, before a crisis occurs, with diaspora groups and with smart and improve the integration of and rescue workers to address the those who want to return, especial-

C the pandemic of the century

and almost the whole world
is in a lockdown. The lives and liveli-
due to the non-availability or short-
age of the PPE (Personal Protective
Equipment) needed to fight the pan-
expatriates being integrated into and
involved in disaster and crisis man-
agement planning. The Sendai
tools such as web applications and
social media. This data should
include information on migrant
irregular migrants, as they are the
worst hit.
User-friendly registration sys-
specific needs of immigrants in
times of crisis.
Training sessions in schools or
ly those with irregular papers or ille-
gal immigrants.
Planning for return and reinte-
hoods of millions are in peril. Even demic, even in developed nations. Framework for Action 2015-2030, profiles (including sex, age, status tems should be evolved for individ- at workplaces and booklets and gration as well as for other long-
the so-called developed countries of Envisaging such disasters and adopted at the UN World and job) and contact details. While uals and groups, especially the vul- brochures also represent valuable term needs of immigrants must start
the West have been unable to con- conflict in 2015-16, the Migrants in Conference on Disaster Risk respecting data protection laws, nerable sections of the undocument- information sharing trajectories. now, as essential components of
tain the Coronavirus. In all nations, Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Reduction, underlines the need for speedy procedures are required to ed or illegal immigrants. Advisories by the Missions dis- recovery plans. Mass returns of
the worst-affected by the shut- Initiative developed guidelines to a holistic approach to disaster risk regulate data sharing in times of In coordination with the gov- seminating information about emer- expatriates can be expected and the
downs are the migrant blue collar protect expatriates through an inclu- reduction (DRR). Unfortunately, emergency. ernments, lists must be prepared of gency procedures and contacts to Government at all levels should
workers and their families as they sive consultative process. They pro- our preparedness in this regard for Emergency hotlines should be facilities where migrants could be migrants in the mother tongue is a make contingency plans and pro-
are the most vulnerable, unorgan- vide concrete and practical guidance the Indian diaspora, as we all know, established in all the Missions espe- accommodated, like shelters, isola- must. grammes, in particular where States
ised and exploited. to stakeholders at the local, nation- is non-existent. cially the Emigration Check tion and quarantine areas. This Local administrations general- or local authorities are unprepared
Indians being the largest al, regional and international levels Promoting, respecting and pro- Required (ECR) countries with offi- includes a special area for women ly work more closely with affected or unable to assist the returning
migrant workforce in the world will on how to prepare for and respond tecting the rights of immigrants at cers to handle the major regional and children. populations than the Missions and workforce.
be the worst impacted. Last year, the to crises in ways that protect and all times to facilitate their inclusion, languages of India. Periodical advi- Integrating immigrants into the Government and can be includ- (The writer is an NRI living in
diaspora’s remittance was to the tune empower migrants, leverage their mitigate their vulnerabilities, sories must be released in all the professional and voluntary emer- ed in institutional cooperation from Kuwait)
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!! f^a[S'
2>E83 (>DC1A40:

 !A!/ (E
Rome: Billions around the
world celebrated Easter Sunday
from lockdown at home as the
The US now has the high-
est death toll and the most cases
out of any country in the world.
pope urged solidarity to fight Speaking from a near-
the coronavirus pandemic and
the European death toll from
the virus topped 75,000.
empty Saint Paul’s Cathedral,
Pope Francis’ Easter Sunday
message was largely focused on

Unprecedented scenes of the pandemic, offering prayers Hong Kong: People in Hong Banny Mak, 24, a local resident.
empty churches emerged from for the ill and urging a united Kong thronged beaches, ferries “ We are social animal(s),
Italy to Panama and the European front to fight the and outlying islands on Sunday, we need to go out for some fun.
Philippines, as religious leaders pandemic. many of them violating ban on I think with proper protection
found creative ways to address “ For many, this is an Easter gatherings of more than four (for) ourselves and to protect
parishioners marking the holi- of solitude lived amid the sor- people aimed at containing other people. I think it is
day weekend from the confines row and hardship that the pan- the spread of the new coron- already ok to go out.”
of their homes. demic is causing, from physical avirus. Hong Kong has recorded
More than half the world — suffering to economic difficul- Clear blue skies lured peo- 1,005 cases of COVID-19,
over four billion people — are ties,” he said, in a livestreamed ple to popular areas across the which has killed four people
in lockdown worldwide as gov- message beamed around the territory over the long Easter in the city. It banned public
ernments scramble to halt the world. weekend and many of them gatherings of more than four
pandemic’s deadly march across He called for European “ were without surgical masks. people for 14 days from
the globe. solidarity” in the face of the People in the city of 7.4 million March 29, after recording the
The death toll from the virus, adding: “ After the Second have made a point of wearing biggest daily increase in new
virus soared past 112,407 this World War, this beloved conti- masks in the past months. COVID-19 infections, and
weekend, with more than 1.7 nent was able to rise again.” The “ We always stay at home later extended that restriction
million reported infections pope had earlier urged creativ- and it is quite boring,” said until April 23. AGENCY
globally. ity to mark the holy weekend —
Europe is by far the hardest- a call that appears to have been
hit continent and on Sunday
marked a grave milestone with
more than 75,000 dead, accord-
met by some of the world’s two
billion-plus Christians.
In Panama an archbishop 0\T\QTa^UcWTR[TaVh[^^Zb^dc^eTaT\_ch_TfbQTU^aTcWTbcPac^UP]4PbcTa<PbbPcBc?PcaXRZ´b2PcWTSaP[X]=TfH^aZ^]Bd]SPh 0?
ing to an AFP tally.
The United States was
blessed his nation from a heli-
copter, while worshippers in T`^af]d`cjW`cgZcfdUVReYd
quickly emerging as a hotspot as
well, and on Saturday marked its
Spain blasted music from their
balconies and US President Cad\__[PhTSS^f]eXadbRaXbXbP\XSfPa]X]Vb DaRZ_¶dURZ]jgZcfd Colombo: Sri Lanka has lating Islamic burial rites.
own grim landmark: more than Donald Trump said he would be amended a law to make cre- The process of cremation
20,000 dead, out of around half among those following Easter mation compulsory for those is forbidden within Islam and
a million infected. services online. AFP
New York: US President “ An examination reveals Trump’s views were “ hZeY'"*UVRU dying from the novel coron-
avirus to prevent any potential
Judaism, which require mem-
bers of the faiths to be buried.
Donald Trump was warned the president was warned about coloured” by long-running threat despite strong opposi- Wanniarachchi said that
3   about the potential for a pan-
demic but he repeatedly played
down the seriousness of the
the potential for a pandemic
but that internal divisions, lack
of planning and his faith in his
disputes inside the adminis-
tration over how to deal with
China and his own suspicion of
05? <03A83 tion from the Muslim com-
the body shall be burned at a
temperature between 800 to

  virus and focused instead on
controlling the message, pro-
own instincts led to a halting
response,” the NYT said.
the motivations of officials
inside what he viewed as the “
Son pain’s daily death toll from
the coronavirus rose to 619
Sunday, after falling for
The Quarantine and
Prevention of Diseases
Ordinance (Chapter 222) has
1200 degree Celsius for a min-
imum period of 45 minutes to
one hour. He said that the cre-
Yangon: Myanmar’s New Year Food delivery bicycles and tecting gains in the economy The US is the worst-hit Deep State.” three straight days, the gov- been amended by a gazette mation should take place at a
festival of Thingyan is the rickshaws have commandeered and batting away warnings country in the world with over Further, recommendations ernment said. issued by Health Minister cemetery or a place approved
country’s biggest public holiday the city’s usually traffic-choked from senior officials, a lengthy 530,000 COVID-19 cases and from public health officials The country, one of the Pavithra Wanniarachchi, the by the authorities.
— normally a week of nation- streets after the Government investigative report in a leading 20,608 fatalities, according to often competed with econom- worst hit by the pandemic, has government said. The amended law prevents
wide celebration and water- ordered people to stay home American newspaper has said. Johns Hopkins University data. ic and political considerations now recorded 16,972 deaths “ .......The corpse of a bodies being handed over to
fights, with soaked revellers unless for essential food and The report in The New “ Top White House advis- in internal debates, slowing from COVID-19. person who has died or is sus- anyone other than “ to persons
partying late into the night. healthcare needs. York Times revealed that there ers as well as experts deep in the path toward belated deci- The daily toll was from 510 pected to have died of coron- who undertake the necessary
But this year, in an echo of By Sunday Myanmar offi- were warnings from the intel- the Cabinet departments and sions. on Saturday, compared with a avirus shall be cremated...,” duties of cremation” .
cancelled Easter celebrations cially had just 38 confirmed ligence community, national intelligence agencies all sound- The NYT report said that record 950 deaths as recently as the gazette dated April 11 The attire and non-
elsewhere in the world, the cases — including three deaths security aides and government ed alarms and urged aggressive the National Security Council April 2. The number of con- states. reusable personal protective
country’s commercial hub — but many fear the low num- health officials about an action to counter the threat officials received the warnings firmed cases rose by 4,167 to The move followed equipment used by persons
Yangon is locked down, with ber of tests mean the real fig- impending pandemic and its from the coronavirus, but in early January about the 166,019, a smaller increase protests from the island’s who handle the corpse shall
residents confined indoors ures are likely many times consequences but Trump President Trump remained potential dangers from a new than was recorded on Saturday, Muslim community which also be destroyed during cre-
because of the coronavirus. higher. AFP played down the crisis. slow to respond,” it said. virus in Wuhan, China. PTI the Health Ministry said. accused the authorities of vio- mation. PTI

4      "    +  
"  " 
" " E    " 
Beijing: Although China is innovations, China still has be sacrificed in return for eco- +   
claiming success in its battle
against the coronavirus, mil-
lions have lost their jobs in the
millions of people on meagre
About 5.5 million rural
nomic progress, an under-
standing that largely forms the
basis of the authoritarian gov-
" London: Prime Minister Boris
Johnson on Sunday vowed that
doctors and nurses for their
care during his week-long hos-
follow the rules on social dis-
tancing. Stay at home, protect
economic fallout, throwing into Chinese live in poverty, defined ernment’s legitimacy in the 05? A><4 Britain “ will defeat” the dead- pitalisation and stressed that the our NHS — and save lives,” he
jeopardy an ambitious target to by the government as surviving absence of elections. ly coronavirus, soon after he UK will win the “ national bat- said.
eradicate poverty this year. on less than 2,300 yuan ($326) China has little in the way was discharged from hospital tle” against coronavirus As he wished the British
Beijing has been working
to fire up the economy again
a year. A slowing economy puts
pressure on a key Communist
of social security benefits and
workers who lose their jobs
Itolltaly on Sunday reported its
lowest coronavirus death
in more than three weeks,
following week-long intensive
care treatment for the disease
because the NHS is the “ beat-
ing heart of this country”.
public a Happy Easter, Johnson
also expressed his thanks to the
after bringing it to a near Party goal to become a “ mod- have an inadequate safety net, confirming trends showing that has killed over 10,000 “ It is the best of this coun- many millions and millions of
standstill to curb the spread of erately prosperous society” by meaning mass unemployment that the COVID-19 outbreak people in the country. try. It is unconquerable. It is people across this country
COVID-19, but many firms the end of 2020, an ambition in often brings a fear of unrest. in Europe’s worst-hit nation Downing Street said that powered by love. So thank you doing the right thing and going
have had a bumpy restart and place long before the virus Official statistics show job- had peaked. Johnson left St. Thomas’ from me, and from all of us, to through the hardship of self-
workers are bearing the brunt emerged. less numbers have soared, with The 431 new deaths Hospital in London and will the NHS, and let’s remember to isolation. PTI
of the pain. It also threatens a long-held roughly five million more peo- reported by the civil protec- total now stands at 19,899, head to his prime ministerial
Despite being a country of
skyscrapers and high-tech
tacit agreement between peo-
ple and party that freedoms can
ple out of work between
December and February. PTI
tion service were the lowest
since March 19. Italy’s death
officially second behind the
United States.
residence of Chequers in
Buckinghamshire, south east F<^RjSVT`^V6fc`aV¶dh`cdeYZe
England. In a video message
recorded to mark his discharge
  !!6   as well as Easter Sunday, the 55-
year-old leader said that the UK London: The UK could end up reducing. But yes the UK is
“ will defeat this coronavirus being one of the worst-hit likely to be one of the worst if
"   ??6? and defeat it together” .
He said: “ I have today left
European countries in the
coronavirus pandemic, a senior
not the worst affected country
in Europe,” Farrar told the
Tehran: Iran on Sunday charged, while 3,930 are in a crit- hospital after a week in which scientific adviser to the gov- BBC.
announced 117 new deaths from ical condition. Iran announced the NHS (National Health ernment warned on Sunday. As of Saturday, the death
the novel coronavirus, bringing its first coronavirus cases on Service) has saved my life, no Sir Jeremy Farrar, director toll in the UK stands at 9,875,
the overall official toll to 4,474, February 19 and has so far question. It’s hard to find the of the Wellcome Trust who increasing rapidly day on day.
even as it eased some restrictions become the worst-hit country in words to express my debt. sits on the British govern- The death toll in neighbouring
that had been imposed to slow the Middle East. “ And the reason in the end ment’s scientific advisory European countries stands at
the spread of the illness. The new tolls come as Iran my body did start to get enough committee SAGE, said Britain 19,468 in Italy – among the
Health ministry spokesman has started a gradual reopening oxygen was because for every is facing the highest death toll worst hit countries in the
Kianoush Jahanpour also told a of its sanctions-hit economy. second of the night they (NHS in the region as further waves world, and Germany at 2,871.
news conference that 1,657 new On Saturday, it allowed small doctors and nurses) were watch- of the deadly virus cannot be Farrar said that Germany
infections had been confirmed in businesses to reopen outside ing and they were thinking and ruled out. had introduced testing at a “
the past 24 hours, taking the total the capital and this will be they were caring and making “ The numbers in the UK remarkable” rate which helped
to 71,686. Iran has carried out extended to Tehran on April 18. the interventions I needed” . have continued to go up. I do it gain a “ critical six to eight
263,388 tests for the virus so far, President Rouhani also Johnson name-checked a hope we are coming close to weeks” to prepare its health
he added. Of those confirmed to announced in a cabinet meet- ATbXST]cbfTPa\PbZbPVPX]bccWTR^a^]PeXadbPbcWThSP]RTX]P]^[S]TXVWQ^aW^^SX]FdWP]^]Bd]SPh 0? number of the “ utterly brilliant” the number of new infections system for the pandemic. PTI
be infected with COVID-19 and ing that an intercity travel ban
admitted to hospitals, 43,894 in place since last month would
have recovered and been dis-

be lifted on April 20. AFP

(  E
Tel Aviv: The coronavirus pan- Now troops are being “ Our enemies are still at mittee is coordinating the across the country. over the last month, killing at
demic has forced militaries mobilized to help police our borders and our civilians movement of Palestinian work- Ground fighting in the least 16 civilians and wounding
YVRcRaaVR]`_RS`ceZ`_ and militias to adapt to an
invisible enemy, even as tradi-
enforce quarantines, assist the
elderly or provide child care for
are still within sniper or anti-
tank missile range,” said Lt.
ers and security forces in the
West Bank.
north caused 270 deaths in 10
days. The Houthis fired mis-
over 30. Grad rockets struck
one of the country’s few coro-

tional conflicts grind on. health workers. Col. Jonathan Conricus, a mil- Spurred by concern over siles at the Saudi capital, navirus facilities, sending
Armies have had to enforce To prevent infections, the itary spokesman. the pandemic, the Saudi-led Riyadh, triggering retaliatory shrapnel into a doctor’s leg dur-
social distancing rules among army canceled some weekend The virus has spread to the coalition fighting the Iran- strikes on Yemen’s capital, ing surgery and forcing seri-
troops while helping with leave and isolated certain Israeli-occupied West Bank backed Houthi rebels in Yemen Sanaa. A rebel attack on the city ously ill patients to evacuate as
Washington: Abortion rights gency. national outbreak containment groups of soldiers. and to Gaza, which has been declared a temporary cease-fire of Taiz, in western Yemen, the bombs fell.
advocates on Saturday called on This case will be a test for and postponing maneuvers. Most training exercises blockaded by Israel and Egypt after five years of war. killed at least six female pris- Militias allied with the
the US Supreme Court to the Supreme Court, which has On Thursday, Saudi Arabia have been canceled or delayed, since the militant Hamas group The Houthis have dis- oners and wounded two dozen Tripoli government have
urgently intervene to force been profoundly reshaped declared a temporary halt to though the air force conduct- seized control in 2007. missed the offer as a ploy and women and children. expanded their use of Turkish
Texas to reinstate the right to since the election of President fighting in Yemen because of ed a drill with U.S. Forces — The long-simmering clashes continue, casting doubt Even modest hopes for drones, at one point attacking an
abortion, which has been sus- Donald Trump. the pandemic, while in Libya with each pilot isolated in his Israeli-Palestinian conflict now over a future peace agreement. peace talks in Yemen stand in aircraft allegedly carrying med-
pended in the state since the During his campaign, the and Afghanistan conflicts are own fighter jet. exists side-by-side with efforts The UN had called for an contrast to Libya, where rival ical supplies and protective gear.
start of the novel coronavirus Republican billionaire intensifying despite UN appeals The army chief had to self- to contain the outbreak. end to escalating fighting so forces have ignored humani- In South Korea, which has man-
pandemic. promised to appoint only anti- for a global cease-fire. An out- quarantine after coming in Troops have carried out authorities can confront the tarian pleas for a cease-fire, aged to slow the outbreak, the
This is the first appeal abortion judges to the court. break in poor or war-scarred contact with a virus carrier, home demolitions in the West coronavirus. Yemen confirmed seeking to exploit the diplo- military is key to containment.
related to COVID-19 to reach Since then he has brought in nations would be particularly though he eventually tested Bank, soldiers killed two its first case this week, while matic void left by the pan- More than 450 military
the highest American court, two new judges out of nine. devastating. negative. Palestinians in clashes and a foreign backers Iran and Saudi demic. Eastern-based forces medical staff and 2,700 troops
which has been operating only The petition concerns Before the pandemic, The conflicts on Israel’s trickle of rockets has been Arabia have struggled to stem under the command of Khalifa have been deployed to help
in writing for nearly a month. Texas’s decision — later fol- Israel’s military kept tabs on the frontiers persist. In late March, fired from Gaza. massive outbreaks. Hifter are escalating a year-long with treatment at hospitals,
The Court, which legalized lowed by other conservative Iran-backed Hezbollah militia Syrian air defenses opened fire But the virus is also open- An outbreak in Yemen, siege of the capital, Tripoli, screening travelers, enforcing
abortion in 1973 in its land- states — to include abortion on in Lebanon, carried out occa- on missiles allegedly launched ing doors to limited coopera- where the conflict has devas- which they want to wrest from quarantine, producing face
mark Roe v. Wade decision, will the list of “ non-emergency” sional airstrikes against Iran’s from Israeli warplanes. tion. Israel has helped deliver tated the health care system, the U.N.-backed government. masks and helping trace the
have to decide whether a state medical procedures prohibited military presence in Syria and The Israeli military said test kits and other supplies to could be catastrophic. Artillery shells crashed contacts of virus carriers,
can suspend the case law in the while the COVID-19 outbreak retaliated for sporadic rocket border defense remains its top both the West Bank and Gaza. The past month has through living rooms, cars, a according to the Defense
name of a public health emer- continues. PTI fire from the Gaza Strip. priority. An Israeli-Palestinian com- brought more human suffering sea port and three hospitals Ministry. AP
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!!
2>E83 (>DC1A40:

E96=@4<5@H?62DE6C 3T]\PaZ



0? :01D; Faisal, a spokesman for is an increase in American
Afghanistan’s national securi- attacks since a peace deal was
he Taliban announced ty adviser, said the government signed in February, allegations
T Sunday it will be releasing
20 Afghan Government pris-
has thus far released 300
Taliban prisoners overall from
the US Military denied.
On Saturday, a U.S.
oners the group has been hold- government custody. Military spokesman called on
ing, in the first phase of its Suhial Shaheen, a the Taliban to stop attacking
commitment under its spokesman for the Taliban’s Afghan security forces whom
historic peace deal with the political office, said in a tweet he said American troops would
United States. that the first government pris- continue to come to
The deal calls for the gov- oners will be handed over to their aid in accordance with the
ernment to release 5,000 the International Committee of agreement.
Taliban prisoners in exchange the Red Cross in the southern He spoke on condition of ?^_T5aP]RXbRT[TQaPcTb4PbcTaBd]SPh<PbbX]bXSTP]T\_chBc?TcTa´b1PbX[XRPPccWTEPcXRP]
for 1,000 government officials Kandahar province. anonymity in line with regula- ^]Bd]SPh?^_T5aP]RXbP]S2WaXbcXP]bPa^d]ScWTf^a[S\PaZTSPb^[XcPah4PbcTaBd]SPh
held by the Taliban insurgents. The exchanges come after tions. The peace deal is aimed U^aRTSc^RT[TQaPcTcWT\^bcY^hUd[SPhX]cWT[XcdaVXRP[RP[T]SPaP\XScWTb^aa^fUd[aT\X]STab^U
The Afghan government the Taliban met with the head at paving the way for the U.S. cWTSTePbcPcX^]fa^dVWcQhcWTR^a^]PeXadb_P]ST\XRCWT]TfR^a^]PeXadbRPdbTb\X[S^a
released its first 100 Taliban of US Forces in Afghanistan to To extricate itself from the 19- \^STaPcTbh\_c^\bU^a\^bc_T^_[TQdcU^ab^\TTb_TRXP[[h^[STaPSd[cbP]S_T^_[TfXcW 2P[eX]?aTbQhcTaXP]2WdaRW^]4PbcTaBd]SPhX]IT[XT]^_[T?P?PaXbWX^]Tab 0?
prisoners last week and Jawed call for an end to what they say year war, America’s longest. TgXbcX]VWTP[cW_a^Q[T\bXcRP]RPdbT\^aTbTeTaTX[[]Tbb^aSTPcW 0?


D2dZR^RjdVVh`cdeVT`_`^ZT &3&'
aVcW`c^R_TVZ_%!jcd+H3 New Delhi: The MSME sector
will tide over the huge blow
caused by the lockdown, and
lions of units stare at staggering
Gadkari said the commit-
nearly 8-10 lakh units will be
restructured in the coming
days, asserting that owners will
from the capital market, as a
portion of their equity will be
purchased by the government.
Minister will set in motion a
recovery for the sector.
Gadkari said that recom-
80=B =4F34;78 spending over economic cycles, reduce chinese import depen- tees constituted by the Prime have to take care of their work- “We will encourage MSMEs to mendations of the UK Sinha
5XabccPbZXbc^_aT_PaT this time consumption is falling dence by ramping up domestic Minister’s Office are continu- ers and put in place mechanisms enter the capital market and Committee appointed by the
s the global economy goes cWTbcX[[d]STaSTeT[^_TS sharply. Moreover, supply dis- manufacturing with the gov- ously monitoring and assessing for proper sanitisation as a pre- attract foreign investments, Reserve Bank of India will soon
A through an unprecedented
tough phase amid the coron-
WTP[cWRPaTbhbcT\U^a ruptions and panic buying can
jeopardize food security. The
ernment support, Union
Minister Nitin Gadkari has said.
the situation on the ground and
would suggest if and when the
ventive measure once they
return to work. Gadkari also
increase exports from the sec-
tor through large-scale pro-
be implemented.
The Minister said he has
avirus crisis, a World Bank cWTUXVWcPVPX]bc sudden disappearance of ser- In a video-conference with lockdown can be lifted in cer- informed that a Rs 10,000 crore duction and create jobs,” the directed district officers to go to
report on Sunday said that 2^eXS (0]^cWTa vice sector jobs and the rise in PTI, the MSME minister said tain sectors for normal opera- “Fund of Funds” has been minister said. banks and facilitate paper work
South Asia may witness its X\\TSXPcTcPbZXbc^ food prices have created eco- the government was working on tions to resume, and added approved by the Finance He observed that the gov- and coordination for loans to be
worst economic performance bTRdaTPRRTbbc^U^^S nomic hardship, especially for a “war footing” to resolve issues that “work should begin where Committee and will be placed ernment was well aware of the cleared as fast as possible, and
in the last 40 years. people in the informal sector.” - like working capital crunch possible while keeping the virus before the Union Cabinet for issues faced by micro, small and a “branch-wise” monitoring
The report also said that at P]SQPbXR]TTSbc^cWT It noted that policy makers and access to affordable financ- at bay”. approval. This fund, he said, will medium enterprises, and pack- was underway to ease the cred-
least half of the countries in the \^bced[]TaPQ[T_T^_[T in South Asia are dealing with ing - faced by the sector, as mil- The MSME Minister said facilitate MSMEs to raise money ages announced by the Finance it woes of the MSME sector. PTI
region are likely to fall in deep
X]b^RXTch a plethora of challenges.
The first task is to prepare
“South Asia will likely
experience the worst econom-
forecast GDP growth
for this fiscal year is in negative
the, still underdeveloped,
health-care system for the fight E`a`Z]ac`UfTVcd 8  
5H#!I  3XVXcP[_Ph\T]cX]UaP
ic performance of the last 40
years. Because of the unparal-
In a worst-case scenario,
against COVID-19. Another
immediate task is to secure e`^VVegZR   J""

leled uncertainty, this report
presents a range forecast, esti-
the whole region would expe-
rience a contraction of GDP, it
access to food and basic needs
to the most vulnerable people gZUV`T`_WVcV_TV ?<6PaXQ:P[hP]_[P]
mating that regional growth added. The report noted that in society. New Delhi: Turning ‘crisis into taken for safeguard against coro- To accelerate the economy, infra-
will fall to a range between 1.8 while normal downturns are Similarly, it is important to Vienna: The world’s top oil-pro- opportunity’, India needs navirus. We have to follow structure is needed,” Gadkari ?C8 =4F34;78
and 2.8 per cent in 2020, down caused by lack of effective secure other vital functions in ducing countries will meet via renewed focus on infrastruc- guidelines. At some places col- said. He said plans are afoot to
from 6.3 per cent projected six demand, this crisis is caused by the economy, such as payment videoconference at 1600 GMT ture in the wake of the damage lectors have given permission, boost the highways sector. A obust digital payment
months ago.
The hardest hit is the
supply constraints. While typ-
ically manufacturing is the
systems and banking opera-
tions. This all has to be
on Sunday, a source close to
OPEC said, as they try to address
caused by COVID-19 and talks
are on with state governments
some not. We are doing a follow
up along with the chief secre-
committee has already been set
up, he said, adding that work
R infrastructure helped more
than 30 crore people to receive
Maldives where GDP is expect- most cyclical part of the econ- achieved in a deteriorating plummeting oil prices due to the to re-start highway construc- taries of the states,” the minister needs to be commenced on a financial assistance of `28,256
ed to decline by between 8.5 omy, this time service sectors global environment, while deal- coronavirus crisis. The source tion projects where migrant said. He said an estimated about war footing on highway projects, crore under Pradhan Mantri
and 13 per cent this year, as are hardest hit, it added. ing with fiscal stress and prob- spoke on the condition of labourers can be gainfully 20 lakh migrant labourers are including the C1 lakh crore Garib Kalyan Package
tourism has dried up. Also, for “While usually, GDP decel- lems in financial markets that anonymity, but the meeting was employed, union minister Nitin stuck in shelters or have gone Delhi-Mumbai new expressway announced by Finance
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sri erates faster than consumption, were caused by pre-existing confirmed by Azerbaijan. The Gadkari said. back to villages and in view of which would usher in develop- Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
Lanka, the full range of their as consumers smooth their vulnerabilities, it said. meeting will take place in the In a video-conference with the Disaster Management Act ment of backward and far-flung on March 26 to protect them
framework of consultations PTI, the road transport, high- being in place, district collectors areas of Rajasthan, Haryana, from the impact of the lock-
resulting from the meeting on ways and MSME minister said can take a decision on it. Maharashtra, Gujarat and down, an official statement

0\XS[^RZS^f]cTP C$&(!Tc`cV]`dd April 9 of ministers from OPEC

and non-OPEC countries,”
talks are on with state govern-
ments for facilitating safe return
“As I have said and believe,
we can turn any problem into
Madhya Pradesh. Reiterating
that the government has saved a
said on Sunday.
A digital pipeline laid a few
UfVe`TR_TV]]VU Azerbaijan’s energy ministry of migrant labourers, an esti- opportunity, we need to focus on massive C16,000 crore on land years ago — through linking
X]SdbcahbTTZb$_TaRT]c VgV_ed_VVUX`ge
said in a statement. It added that
the meeting would be chaired by
mated 20 lakh of whom are in
shelters pan-India.
highways building with renewed
vigour...Highways sector has
acquisition as it is on a new align-
ment, the minister urged com-
Jan-Dhan accounts as well as
other accounts with the bene-

Saudi Energy Minister Prince “I had a meeting with road faced much obstacles due to panies to come forward for set- ficiaries’ mobile numbers and
dfaa`cedRjd:6:2 Abdulaziz bin Salman and
Russian Energy Minister
sector officials. Work can be re-
started at projects with condition
coronavirus. In coming years we
will have to give the highest pri-
ting up manufacturing hubs and
clusters along the highway to
Aadhaar Jan Dhan-Aadhaar-
Mobile (JAM) — was instru-
Alexander Novak. AFP that adequate measures are ority to the infrastructure sector. boost economic growth. PTI mental in cash transfer under
?C8 :>;:0C0 help in plucking and ancillary New Delhi: Apex body of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan
activities.” ITA is a constituent exhibiting and trade show indus- package amid coronavirus pan-

A day after West Bengal

Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee increased the limit of
of the CCPA. “We are
hopeful that the state govern-
ment will consider the
try, Indian Exhibitions Industry
Association (IEIA), on Sunday
sought an economic package
AT^_T]X]V^UDBR^d[S_a^QPQ[hbcPac]Tgc\^]cW)DBc^_S^R demic.
This infrastructure pipeline
is providing the necessary
the workforce in tea gardens enhancement of workforce to from the government, saying the Washington: America’s 8,650 deaths. thrown back at you if it doesn’t “Other decisions are going to backbone for DBT flows, adop-
from 15 to 25 per cent amid 50 per cent,” he said. sector has suffered a loss of Rs reopening could probably start President Donald Trump happen,” Dr Anthony Fauci, have to be made at the level of tion of social security/pension
the nationwide lockdown, the Rudra Chatterjee, director 3,570 crore due to cancelled at least in some ways next is mulling reopening the coun- director of the National Institute the president and the governors schemes, etc, the Finance
tea industry on Sunday urged of Luxmi Group, which owns events on account of coron- month, a top member of the try, where in more than 17 of Allergy and Infectious about what they are going to do Ministry said in a statement on
the state government to the Makaibari brand, wel- avirus pandemic. White House Task Force on million people have lost their Diseases at the National Institute with all of the information they Sunday.
gradually allow up to 50 per comed the move saying it will The impact of COVID-19 coronavirus said on Sunday as job, given that in some parts of of Health told CNN. During get. The only thing I and my col- As part of `1.70 lakh crore
cent of the labourers in the help them get a portion of the outbreak on exhibiting and trade the US battles one of the worst the country like New York, the interview, Dr Fauci, who leagues in public health and Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan
plantations. first flush. show industry has been unprece- public health crises in a there are signs of reduction in is a member of the White medicine can do is to give a pro- package relief package, more
The chief minister had “We will get the entire sec- dented with multiple global and century. new COVID-19 patients and House Task Force on coron- jection of the kinds of things that than 30 crore beneficiaries
first allowed the deployment of ond flush, the season for national events being postponed For weeks now, over 95 states like Washington and avirus, hinted that the reopen- may or may not happen when have been given support via
only 15 per cent of the work- which will start from May. The or cancelled in the country, IEIA per cent of 330 million California have successfully ing of the country could be in you make these steps,” he noted. direct benefit transfer through
force in the tea gardens, which second flush will be protected. said in a statement. “...In last few American population are flattened the curve through phases and spread out region by Responding to a question, Dr first installment during the
she increased to 25 per cent on Makaibari had fetched the weeks more than 90 shows have under stay-at-home order and strict enforcement of social region depending on the Fauci acknowledged that things last week. Two more install-
Saturday. highest price in the history of been reported to be either post- a national emergency has been distancing measure. ground situation. could have been difficult in the ments of cash transfer will be
Welcoming the move, Darjeeling second flush at poned or cancelled due to put in place as the United With American economy “We are hoping that, at the US had everything been shut done in May and June.
Arijit Raha, secretary general USD 1850 per kg,” he said. COVID-19 during the time- States has become the hotspot in teeters, President Trump has end of the month, we could down from day one. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan
of the Indian Tea Association Chamong Tea Chairman period, summing up to approx- of COVID-19. described this as one of the look around and say, OK, is “It’s very difficult to go Yojana (PMJDY) was launched
(ITA) told PTI, “ The A Lohia said after the govern- imately 15 per cent of the total More than 20,000 biggest decisions of his life that there any element here that we back and say that. I mean, in August, 2014 with an aim to
Consultative Committee on ment decided to allow more events conducted annually in the Americans have lost their lives he has ever had to make. can safely and cautiously start obviously, you could logically provide bank accounts to
Plantation Associations workforce in the tea gardens, organised sector, with a resultant battling coronavirus and over “I think it (reopening the pulling back on? If so, do it. If say, that if you had a process unbanked persons, it said,
(CCPA) made a representation the group has begun plucking estimated loss of Rs 3,570 crore 5.3 lakh have been tested pos- country) could probably start, at not, then just continue to hun- that was ongoing, and you adding out of around 126 crore
to the government seeking to in all of its 13 gardens in for the entire sector and this may itive. New York, the global least in some ways, maybe next ker down. And that’s what, at started mitigation earlier, you operative CASA accounts as on
allow flexibility in operations Darjeeling by following guide- increase if COVID-19 crisis financial capital, is the epi- month. And, again it’s so diffi- least for me standpoint of the could have saved lives. March 20, 2020, more than 38
within prescribed limits. The lines laid down by the admin- lingers on,” IEIA President S center of this crisis with more cult to make those kinds of pre- public health aspect, that we Obviously, no one is going to crore have been opened under
increased deployment will istration. Balasubramanian said. than 1.8 lakh positive cases and dictions, because they always get look at,” he said. deny that. PTI PMJDY.
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!! eXePRXch 

ith nationwide lock-

W down amid
Coronavirus pandemic,
leading companies and enterpris-

es are seeing most of their work-

force operating remotely. Working
from home has become the new
work culture that people are fol-
1XV1aTRP[[b^[S lowing during self-quarantine.
And as it gets intensified,
bX\_[TaSPhb there are multiple ways in which
following a proper schedule could
B\Pac_W^]Tbf^d[SWPeTc^QT get tiring as well as confusing.
cWTX]eT]cX^]^UcWTcX\TbUTT[b However, one can operate success-
PRc^a0<8C0171027270= fully at home by practicing sincere
°CWTfWTT[WPbQTT]SdQQTS discipline, implementing proper
PbcWTVaTPcTbcX]eT]cX^]^U to-do lists and, above all, using
technology in the right manner.
P[[cX\T8]c^SPh³bcX\T8 There have been conversa-
f^d[SbPhcWT²b\Pac tions aplenty about the challenges
_W^]T±cWTPRc^a of working from home and at the
^_X]TS^]CfXccTa same time, without affecting pro-
8]PQ[^VT]cah ductivity. It may not be preferred,
but currently working from home
1XV1bWPaTSWXb is the need of the hour to ensure
aTPb^]b°CWT social distancing. Every cloud
b\Pac_W^]Tf^d[S has a silver lining as does this one.
WPeTc^QTcWT This current predicament gives
X]eT]cX^]^UcWT businesses, employers, and
cX\Tb8cXbad] employees a golden opportunity
to unlearn the classic operational
]X]VTeTahcWX]VX] dynamics and discover new
cWTf^a[Sc^SPh mantras.
fWPcTeTaf^d[S This is sure to be a complex

fTWPeTS^]T period but overcoming these chal-
fXcW^dcXc±WT lenges will make us who we want
fa^cT to be. To do so, you need some
organising skills to maintain a
CaPeT[[X]VS^f] healthy balance between your

\T\^ah[P]TcWTPRc^a personal and professional life and
bWPaTS\T\^aXTb^U keep them separate.
W^fcWTbTfTaTcWT :44?C7430HB2743D;4
_aX\Pah\TP]bc^c^ 0B40A;84A
While the easiest thing to
R^\\d]XRPcTfXcW do is to stay up late at night and
QTU^aTRT[[_W^]Tb get up late in the morning given
RP\TP[^]V that you are at home and you
don’t have to venture out.
However, following the old #HK0 #L7  
³7Pb\dZWXbP office schedule is more helpful
  "   " 
even while you’re at home. Get
_daT[hUXRcX^]P[ up on time, have your early
cP[T1dcTeTah morning coffee and squeeze in  

UXRcX^]P[bc^ah some me-time. Don’t forget that
working out is of utmost "
XbX]b_XaTSQh importance. Don’t forego the
b^\TfX[S habit and try to organise your might have an idea as to what all for short breaks — going for a these, we need to reach out to Space out your timings for lunch learning an art, reading a book or,
schedule at least for the next 24 you are supposed to work on, stroll to the balcony might help. each other as and when required, and a coffee break to relax dur- for that matter, catching up on the
X\PVX]PcX^]0b hours. however, as the day progresses, Instead of sitting and attending too. ing the day. series you are currently hooked
PfaXcTacWPcbfWPc8 Sitting on a couch or the bed one tends to forget as assignments calls, you can walk while doing so to. These activities will not only
WPeTP__[XTSWTaT>]T while working might look com- keep piling. Keeping a proper to- as it will help your body relax a bit. 10;0=2414CF44= BC82:C>H>DA>558280; help you to relax your mind but
fortable at first but one needs to do-list to segregate and prioritise 7>DB47>;327>A4B0=3 A>DC8=4 also keep you fresh for the next
RP]]TeTaX\PVX]T remember that it’s not going to be what’s important and what’s not 148=2>=BC0=CC>D27 >55824F>A: While working from home day.
[^^ZX]VPc0\^[?P[TZPa just one or two days of working in and following it religiously will F8C7H>DAC40< The biggest drawback of might now save a lot of time spent In times of a lockdown, it is
the comfort of your home. Setting help you plan your day better. Working from home doesn’t working from home is that peo- in commuting for some people, an individual responsibility to be
^]bRaTT]P]SbPhcWPc up a workstation will not only mean you have to work in isola- ple tend to mix both their person- this shouldn’t mean that you self-motivated and accountable.
WTRP]WPeTPSPaZ make you more focussed but will :44?C8<45>A1A40:B tion or all by yourself. Ensure you al and professional lives, leaving start working way past your Begin by developing measurable
also help you maintain a fine line As we are working from take every opportunity to engage very little time at hand for them- defined hours just because you goals for work and continue to
bXST7Xb^]bRaTT] between your personal and pro- home, we tend to sit on our with your team or colleagues. Be selves or their family. One can have enough time at hand. This communicate with the world via
RWPaPRcTabPaTb^ fessional spaces. assignments and digital screens in constant touch with your team strike the perfect balance by set- is the moment where you unwind technology — the biggest thing
PUUPQ[TP]ST]STPaX]V for long hours continuously, via conference calls, video calls, ting a fixed time where you will and utilise the extra time you have keeping us sane in such ‘no-
064=30?;0==8=6 which can have an adverse impact emails, hangout chats and more. not work or sit in front of your by doing something you look for- socialisation’ times.
7Pb\dZW XbbX\X[Pa´ A day without any set agen- on our body and mind. Make it a Check if everything is fine at your laptop to work. Planning your day ward to before you end the day. (The writer is SVP, Marketing,
°EXa3Pb da can go haywire with you hav- point to take breaks in between colleagues’ ends and if the work shouldn’t only be restricted to It could be spending quality time Analytics and Direct Revenue,
ing no clue of the to-dos. You and get up from the workstation is going smoothly. In times like your assignments and projects. with your family members, pet, ALTBalaji.)

\PX]cPX]bWXb_^bXcX^] C 4 2 7  C 0 ; : F 4 1 1 4 3
CWTPRc^aXbc^_ 1``\U7__W\U
\PaVX]P]SWPb\^aTcWP]S^dQ[T d_XQb^Ucc
cWT_^X]cbPbR^\_PaTSc^cWT `X_^UcV_bfYbec
0ZbWPh:d\PafXcWBP[\P]Pc Y^VUSdY_^dbQS[Y^W
& '_^X]cbP]ScWT[PccTaPc''&
pple and Google fueled hopes
A for digital technolog y’s
promise against a fast-moving, 1>B27B
fWT]XcR^\Tbc^WPeX]V^]T^U invisible killer, announcing a Detective Harry Bosch will find himself at a center of the
cWTQXVVTbcUP]U^[[^fX]VbPRa^bb joint effort to help public health complex murder case, a messy federal investigation and a cat-
agencies worldwide leverage astrophic threat to Los Angeles — the city he has pledged to
cWTf^a[SRdccX]VPRa^bbP[[PVT serve and protect. The series is set to release on Amazon Prime
smartphones to contain the
Va^d_bP]SVT^VaP_WhTb_TRXP[[h COVID-19 pandemic. Video on April 17.
cWTh^d]VTaVT]TaPcX^] New software the companies activists have warned that the identifiable data would be collect- The Czech app will use both
plan to add to phones would apps need to be designed so gov- ed — and alerts would be handled Bluetooth technology and geolo-
make it easier to use bluetooth ernments cannot abuse them to by public health agencies, not the cation data from wireless carriers
;T]PRT[TQaPcTbcf^ wireless technology to track down track their citizens. Apple and tech companies. It says location and banks to create “memory
people who may have been infect- Google said in a rare joint data for users won’t be used and maps” that trace the movement of
hTPab^Ub^QaXTch ed by Coronavirus carriers. The announcement that user privacy the identity of people who may infected people. That will help
0Rc^a;4=03D=70<XbRT[TQaPc idea is to help national, state and and security are baked into the have been infected will be protect- them identify others they came
local governments roll out apps design of their plan. ed by encryption and anony- into close proximity with in the
X]Vcf^hTPab^UQTX]V°R[TP]P]S for so-called “contact tracing” The technology might serve mous identifier beacons that five to 10 days before they tested
b^QTa±fXcWPaT\X]STacWPcXcXbP that will run on iPhones and as a stopgap until there is wide- change frequently. “I think they’ve positive.
°\XaPR[T±cWPcbWTRP]³ccPZTU^a android phones alike. spread testing for the novel coro- taken care of some of the really The hope is to quickly isolate
VaP]cTS The technology works by har- navirus, which in the US remains big problems,” Dixon said, noting people who may be affected so the
CWT6Xa[bRaTPc^aP]SPRc^a nessing short-range bluetooth limited after production problems the companies say they can turn virus can be contained and
signals. Using the Apple-Google and limited federal coordination off the system when it’s no longer restrictions on movement relaxed.
aTU[TRcTSQPRZ^]WTacf^hTPab^U technology, contact-tracing apps of the tests’ production and dis- needed. “The government is not The app builds on a popular cel-
b^QaXTchPUcTaVXeX]V would gather a record of other tribution. “It’s not a replacement going to have identity information lular-location mapping app used
d_cWTP]cXP]gX phones with which they came into for just having widespread testing, of those testing positive.” by one in 10 Czechs, who num-
Tch\TSXRPcX^] close proximity. Such data can be which would be more accurate,” Asked about the Google- ber 10 million.
:[^]^_X]cWa^dVW used to alert others who might said Tiffany Li, a visiting law pro- Apple effort at his daily news The Google-Apple solution
have been infected by known fessor at Boston University who briefing, President Donald Trump will also be voluntary — or opt- C>>7
P]8]bcPVaP\ carriers of the novel Coronavirus, studies privacy and technology. called it “very interesting,” but in — but with far greater privacy On the shores of paradise, gorgeous singles meet and
_^bc typically when the phones’ own- “But clearly we have a huge short- expressed concern that “a lot of protections, something the mingle. But there’s a twist. To win a $100,000 grand prize,
CWT ers have installed the apps and age of tests.” people worry about it in terms of European Commission specified they’ll have to give up sex. This reality TV dating game
""hTPa agreed to share data with public- Bluetooth signal tracking, as a person’s freedom. We’re going to as a central requirement of any show, produced by Fremantle production company
health authorities. Google and Apple plan to use it, take a look at that.” such apps in a policy recommen- Talkback, releases on Netflix on April 17.
^[SRT[T Developers have already cre- can protect privacy far better Security experts note that dation this week for the 27-
QaPcTScWT ated such apps in countries than other options such as GPS or technology alone cannot effective- nation bloc.
\X[Tbc^]T including Singapore and China to cell-tower based location data, ly track down and identify peo- Given the great need for effec-
QhbWPaX]V try to contain the pandemic. In which allow centralized authori- ple who may have been infected tive contact-tracing — a tool epi-
PbT[UXT^U Europe, the Czech Republic says ties access to the information. by COVID-19 carriers. Such demiologists have long employed
it will release an app after Easter. But Li noted it could still lead efforts will require other tools and to contain infectious disease out-
WTabT[U Britain, Germany and Italy are to numerous mistaken alerts — teams of public health care work- breaks — Google and Apple will
b\X[X]VPc also developing their own tracing for instance, if someone were in ers to locate people in the physi- roll out their changes in two
cWTRP\TaP tools. full protective gear or in an adja- cal world, they say. In South phases. In May, they will release
PbbWT No such apps have yet been cent apartment while physically Korea and China, such efforts software that will support public-
[^^ZTSQPRZ^] announced in the United States, close to an infected person. have included the use of credit- health apps for both Android and
but gov Gavin Newsom of Pam Dixon, executive direc- card and public-transit records. iOS phones. In coming months,
WTaY^da]ThX] California said Friday that state tor of the World Privacy Forum, In general, epidemiologists they will also build the function-
cWTRP_cX^] officials have been in touch with said a conversation with Apple’s say contact tracing won’t be effec- ality directly into the underlying
°8cbP\XaPR[T the companies as they look ahead senior director for global privacy, tive without widely available test- phone operating systems.
8RP]ccPZTU^a at how to reopen and lift stay-at- Jane Horvath, assured her that the ing. In the Czech Republic, the On Friday, the companies 2>>:43F
VaP]cTS]^\PccTa home orders. “We were on the initiative will protect people’s pri- plan is to have soldiers perform released preliminary technical Some chefs compete to get the hosts and special guests
phone just this morning, for vacy. testing; medical students have specifications for the effort, which high on elevated cannabis cuisine with their artful use of
W^fWPaS8cah± example, with Apple,” he said at Sensitive information will been trained to staff call centers they called “Privacy-Preserving leafy herb, THC infusions and CBD sauces. The reality talk
bWTbPXS a news conference. stay on individual phones in for notifying people at high risk Contact Tracing.” show releases on Netflix on April 20.
Privacy and civil liberties encrypted form — no personally of infection. °0?
A08?DAk<>=30H k0?A8; "!! eXePRXchj\X]Sb_PRTl

cdUQTibYcUQ]YT3_b_^QfYbec\_S[T_g^cbU`_bdcC81<E 171BG1<
iolence against women at any

V time is unacceptable. Amid lock-

downs imposed worldwide due
to Coronavirus pandemic, cases of
domestic violence across the globe have
seen a spike says Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus, director general of the
World Health Organisation (WHO).
Asking women who are tormented to
save themselves anyway they can, he
also tweeted recently, “Sadly, there are
reports of increase in domestic violence
since the #COVID19 outbreak began.
We call on countries to include services
to #EndViolence as an essential service
that must continue during the response.
There is never any excuse for violence.”
In the UK, as reported in a nation-
al daily, more than 25 organisations,
working for domestic violence victims,
have reported an increase in their
caseload since the start of the virus
spread in the country. In India, accord-
On the righteous path
ing to a monthly magazine, the FWT]fTf^aZU^a
National Commission for Women
(NCW) has also observed more than
two-fold rise in gender-based violence cT]PRX^dbP]SSTcTa\X]TS
in the country during the Coronavirus
lockdown. From 116 cases in the first fX[[b^RXTchfX[[RWP]VTbPhb
week of March, the total number of
complaints by women rose to 257 in the
A09H>68 1A07<0:D<0A =8:D=9 98
final week (between March 23-April 1), ll of us have heard the proverb, “Where there
out of which 69 were of domestic vio-
lence. As per Rekha Sharma, chairper-
A is a will, there is a way” often and most of us
know what it means. However, we don’t realise that
son, NCW, the cases of domestic vio- this proverb can be an important tool for self-trans-
lence are higher in Uttar Pradesh, formation. The question of one’s inner transforma-
Bihar, Haryana and Punjab. These are tion is linked to their will and resoluteness of spir-
the states where maximum cases have it. Hence, if one decides with a strong will not to
been reported by women who could harbour any negative thoughts or allow oneself to
reach NCW through different plat- indulge in any kind of bad behaviour, one will suc-
forms and narrate the torture. However, state in 2018. Of these crimes, 2,444 monotony. Ideally, when a husband more confrontation between the two ceed in the process of inner change. Otherwise, one
she pointed out that the actual number were registered as dowry deaths, while beats his wife, the woman finds com- parties during the lockdown, which will feel demoralised and give up the effort to change
must be even larger because there 284 cases as abetment to suicide of fort in her parents’ home but now she substantially increases the violence. oneself.
would be many women who are unable women in the state. The NCRB data is unable to head even there. Men, on Besides the NCW, many non-prof- We must know that in the process of self trans-
to report because of the fear of torture from 2016 to 2018 indicated that the other hand, are facing salary cuts, it organisations have intervened in the formation or change, the temptation to work for win-
they face from their husbands and in- Ghaziabad and Meerut districts in many have already lost their jobs and situation and have started providing ning tributes and laurels and to rise to fame and glory
laws. Well, one cannot even imagine the Western UP have maximum number of are anxious about the future. As a online counselling to such cases. Many will be strong. One will feel attracted towards the
rise in the total number of cases if every cases registered, which also included result, they are venting their frustration have also issued guidelines on social opposite sex and this will too will exert a powerful
woman in remote corners of India is murders of wives by husbands. on women. media to educate people on ways of pull on the mind. The situation will be provocative
given easy access to report such crimes “It all starts with arguments over Ayushi Jain, a social development intervening in cases of domestic vio- and one might feel cheated by as there are wordly
without being scared of their harasser. petty things that soon transforms into practitioner, says, “In dysfunctional lence around them without jeopardis- temptations.
Before the lockdown, a report ideological differences that destabilis- households, spending time outside the ing the life of the victim. However, This is the time
released by the National Crime Records es the harmony between a married cou- house is a tried and tested method of women who have absolutely no infor- when it is essential to
Bureau (NCRB) in January 2020, ple. Most men grow intolerant towards avoiding violence at home. On one mation about how to access such plat- stand firm and face
revealed that domestic abuse topped their partner speaking against them. hand, going out allows men to take out forms still remain vulnerable. With the the storm like a rock
the list of violence against women in They lose patience and with the objec- the ‘built up anger’, on the other, for lockdown having been further pro- and tell yourself that
2018. Out of the total crimes registered tive of punishing them, they end up against women. Killing of women by women, it’s a way of diffusing the inten- longed, the concerned authorities and it is a question of
under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) killing or torturing their wives,” shares their husbands and relatives is utterly sity of what they are going through by NGOs are working to help the victims your integrity and
against women, 31.9 per cent cases reg- Dr Kashika Jain, a psychologist. disgraceful and unacceptable,” he adds. getting in touch with the outside world, of domestic violence due to the grow- honour. You made a
istered were listed under the ‘cruelty by According to Atul Sharma, a social Another factor that has resulted in possibly seeking support through com- ing need to take stronger initiatives, promise to yourself
husband or his relatives’. The same activist, the crime statistics in Western the increase in numbers is that due to munity gathering or counselling.” She especially in smaller, more staunchly that you won’t be a
report claimed Uttar Pradesh to be the UP are extremely frightening. “Both the lockdown, both men and women believes that in the current situation, patriarchal regions like Uttar Pradesh puppet or a slave of
most unsafe place for women as 59,445 police and administration have to take are unable to move out of their house the ways to vent the growing tension and Bihar. negative habits.
cases of crime were registered from the serious steps to control the crime rate to find some solace away from the are severely limited because there is °2WPaZWP5TPcdaTb Question yourself if
“Am I going to break
my promise? Am I a
ala, a 3-month-old black person who does not
L Lab, romped into Ufuoma
George’s life a few weeks ago,
stick to his/her words or whose promise has no
value? Wouldn't it be a breach of trust? Because you
just as she retreated into her made a promise with god not to indulge in nefari-
New York apartment in the face ous acts and swore that you had given up. Does it
of the Coronavirus pandemic. behove a person with self-respect to break his
Lala, she thought, would be promise and to do what he himself had considered
company. But she’s turned out to as spiritually obnoxious and morally evil?” This kind
be so much more. “Being alone of self-talk is helpful while one is on the path of self
at home kind of is hard,” says transformation.
George, “but with a pet you have It has been observed that one of the weakness-
someone to take care of, some- es that results in spiritual ruin of man is that, he post-
one to play with you, someone pones the implementation of certain decisions even
to greet you in the morning, so though they were made by him and are for his own
it’s kind of like really calming good. This happens especially if a person fails in the
and comforting.” initial steps of self-transformation. As a result of this,
Whether it’s a dog, a cat or, he feels frustrated and loses his self confidence.
yes, a hedgehog named Quillie Having lost his will, he gives up the effort and says
Nelson, pets are proving to be to himself: “I am not giving it up forever. I will start

unexpected heroes in lockdown. and fight again. But perhaps, the time has not yet
They include the newly adopt- comfort, some frustrations have survived with help from her chill come. I will start it on some more auspicious and
ed and fostered like Lala; peo- surfaced with all the together- lizard, who has her own emo- memorable day.” And when that day finally comes,
ple have flooded shelters, look- ness. Professional dog trainer tional support vest and tiny he thinks that, for this day, he will start afresh. But
ing for pets to fill their extra Nicole Ellis in Los Angeles, of mask. “We don’t want her catch- again there is a pitfall and then he starts all over
hours at home. the service, said ing Coronavirus,” he joked. again. But one who is not determined to continue
Laura Evans, her husband owners should make a con- Aubrey Fine, a licensed psy- against all odds, will admit his defeat again and again.
and their three kids brought 12- (""E 
 " "    scious effort to tire out their ani- chologist and professor emeri- And, having lost his heart, will either give up the
week-old Zoe to their Bethesda,
Maryland, home after the pan-
 mals before a Zoom meeting or
important phone call.
tus at California Polytechnic
State University, said the rela-
efforts forever or will postpone it until another aus-
picious day.
demic hit. The squirmy Shadow gets her out of her New two teens. “I think having pets the United States, urged more “We can’t blame them if tionship is mutually beneficial Such people get used to repeated failure and, in
Yorkshire terrier needs con- York apartment for quality time during a scary time like this is people to foster and adopt as the they’re like, ‘I’m bored! I’m between humans and animals. the process, become weak. Let us, therefore, make
stant attention, and they’re with her fellow dog walkers, at good for the whole family. It’s health crisis worsens. “It frees up bored!’ and they haven’t done “In a time of tremendous and a strong affirmation and say to ourselves: ‘Even if
happy to oblige. “We wanted to a safe distance. At night they good for the kids to have a sense space in the shelter to take anything all day. It’s not their unique life challenges, goodness heavens fall, I am now not going to fall. My pledge
bring a little light and life to our sleep together, “because it’s very of normalcy and a sense of these animals in that may be dis- fault,” she said. is still around us. When you’re is tougher than steel. And I am not going to falter
house,” Evans said. “She’s a cud- comforting just to have his body responsibility, like they have to placed because their family That doesn’t seem to be a looking at souls, animals touch and will march from great to greater heights!’ When
dly work, homework sidekick. on my bed.” get out of bed before noon to member, their owner is ill or problem for Squiggles, a beard- human souls and humans touch we work for self-change with a tenacious and deter-
Everyone wants to hang with In Houston, Quillie Nelson feed their animals,” she said. financially in a troubled situa- ed dragon in South Orange, animal souls. And together mined will, only then will the society change. Apart
her.” and other pets help maintain Kitty Block, president and tion,” she said. New Jersey. Dan Cohen’s 13- serendipity can happen.” from this individual responsibility of self-change,
Nancy Karan said her pet, routines for Rachael Pavlik and CEO of the Humane Society of While many people seek year-old daughter, Julia, has —AP there is no other known way of worldly transfor-


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Dhoni should have retired after 2019 WC: Akhtar

?C8 =4F34;78 stuck,” he said. would run through India after
Akhtar said Dhoni should getting the top order. There was
ormer Pakistan pacer have ideally retired after last no match winner until Yuvraj

F Shoaib Akhtar says he

cannot fathom why
Mahendra Singh Dhoni has
year’s 50-over World Cup.
“When he could not finish
the game in the semifinal
came in, followed by Dhoni.
“Then you started seeing
change in results. Right now, the
“dragged it for so long” as the (against New Zealand). I felt he problem is lack of finishers,”
right time for the maverick ex- should have retired but he can opined the 44-year-old.
India skipper to call it quits was only answer why he didn’t,” he Akhtar doesn’t see any
after last year’s ODI World said. cricket happening for the next
Cup. “He should have played a six to eight months as coron- <PWT]SaPBX]VW3W^]XQPcbSdaX]V2B:caPX]X]VbTbbX^] 2B:CfXccTa
Akhtar said he hopes the farewell series after the World avirus continues to wreak havoc
38-year-old Dhoni gets a
resounding farewell despite his
Cup may be and then said
goodbye in a manner befitting
around the world.
But if India’s tour of <B[^^ZTSX]b_TRcPRd[Pac^dRW
resolute silence on what the
future holds.
“This guy has served to the
his great stature.”
Talking about the Indian
team’s inability to win a global
Australia takes place, Akhtar
sees all four Tests going down
the wire.
best of his ability. He should event since the 2013 Champions India had won their first ?C8 274==08 training was a huge motivation
leave cricket with dignity. I Trophy, Akhtar said Virat ever Test series in Australia early for the rest of us,” he added.
don’t know why he dragged it Kohli’s team needs match-win- last year. But this time, Australia ahendra Singh Dhoni’s “During match simula-
for so long. He should have
retired after the World Cup,”
ners in the middle-order.
“Winning tournaments is
will be a different kettle of fish
in the presence of Steve Smith
M intensity stood out and
he looked in spectacular touch
tions, he was very involved,
speaking to the bowlers, and
Akhtar said from Islamabad. one thing but staying at top is and David Warner, who were during the IPL camp, vouched the rhythm he was in, it was a
“If I would have been in his another. India is still the top- serving ball-tampering bans his Chennai Super Kings big boost for our team,”
place, I would have hung up my ranked Test team and is almost when India toured last. teammates, who remained Sharma said.
boots. I could have played among the top teams in the lim- “Despite the loss in New unperturbed by speculations Meanwhile the team’s
shorter formats for three-four ited-overs format. So, we should Zealand, I think India is a very, over their talisman’s future in bowling coach, Lakshmipathy
years but I left (after the 2011 not base their performance very good team and can give a international cricket. Balaji, described Dhoni as a
WC) as I wasn’t into the game only on their showing in ICC tough time to Australia. But The three-time winners natural athlete and that he was
100 per cent. So why drag?” he events. again, India have to prove that had commenced their training clearly looking forward to the
asked. “Of course, they should like they did the last time. on March 2 with Dhoni join- season.
Dhoni, who has not played win ICC events and they have “However, I don’t see that ing from day one, but it was “MS is a natural athlete
a competitive game since the to. This team, when the top four series happening. My assess- suspended on March 14 owing and supremely fit. He didn’t
World Cup semifinal in July, score, they win more often ment is there won’t be any to the novel coronavirus out- look rusty, didn’t look one bit
was preparing to make a much- than not. But if they don’t, cricket for next one year. The break. like he was away from the
anticipated comeback with the then it is an issue. Another thing T20 World Cup is not going to Leg-spinner Piyush game. He was clearly looking
IPL, which is now unlikely to I noticed is that you need a happen. Chawla, who was picked by forward to the season, the way
<B 3W^]X[^bTbWXbfXRZTcPUcTaSXaTRcWXcUa^\:XfXUXT[STa<PacX]6d_cX[[SdaX]V! (822 F^a[S2d_UXabcbT\XUX]P[ 822CfXccTa
take place. match-winner like Yuvraj “We are dealing with a pan- the franchise during the auc- he was training, batting, keep-
If he had done well in the Akhtar believes Dhoni is “As a country, you should World Cup and done wonders (Singh) or Dhoni in the middle- demic at the moment. Any tion late last year, said Dhoni ing and being involved with
IPL, there was a possibility of now in a limbo but deserves a let him go with a lot of respect for India. He is a wonderful order,” he explained. industry, which requires crowd was focused and showed the team,” Balaji added.
him playing the T20 World Cup grand send-off despite the anti- and dignity. Give him a nice human being at the same time. “When we toured India in gathering, is going to suffer,” match-like intensity in the Team physiotherapist
in October-November. climactic turn of events. send off. He has won you the But right now, he seems to be 1998, we always thought we Akhtar added. way he was batting and keep- Tommy Simsek said it was the
ing. first time in about 10 years he
“Mahi bhai was absolute- saw Dhoni do some wicket-

6D@V_b^Uhddg_iUQbc :^W[XRP]QTR^\_PaTSfXcW:P_X[)BaXZZP]cW ly focused, training purpose-

fully and was looking really
good. He was showing match-
keeping training.
“For the first time in about
10 years I saw MS do some

cX_e\TRUbUg_b[UT* 1jXQb
=4F 34;78) Former India opener of self-belief and they know they only like intensity in the way he was wicketkeeping training and
Krishnamachari Srikkanth feels that go out with intention to win. The never- batting and keeping and that that goes to show that he was
current captain Virat Kohli can be com- say-die attitude in them and the aggres- was rubbing off on others,” definitely keen, definitely
pared with the legendary Kapil Dev, siveness makes them fantastic during Chawla was quoted as saying focused to do well this year,”
?C8 =4F34;78 given both have tremendous self-belief chases and the positive attitude both of on the CSK website. he added.
and never-say-die attitude. them have makes them very similar to Karn Sharma, another leg- “I was worried that he
ormer India captain-turned-administra- Srikkanth was part of the squad that each other.” gie in the squad, said the CSK hadn’t done much for a long
F tor Mohammed Azharuddin feels that all
cricket boards should come together to
Kapil led to victory in 1983 World Cup
while Kohli featured in the team that
On the same show, former batsman
VVS Laxman said that Kohli never lets
captain’s enthusiasm and
involvement were a source of
time and then that he would
try and do too much, too soon
redraw the international calendar as the won the 2011 edition of the showpiece. his guard down. inspiration for the other mem- and he may get injured.
COVID-19 pandemic has ensured that the “I’ve played along with Kapil Dev “The one thing I admire about Virat bers. “It turned that I need not
current schedule is irredeemable. and I’ve been the chairman of selection Kohli is his intensity. One thing I was “Mahi bhai was batting for have worried — MS being the
Azharuddin, who is the president of the committee for choosing Virat Kohli and worried about was whether he will burn two to three hours at nets professional, he looked in real-
Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA), feels I can tell you, both of their attitudes are out quickly. But not even one session or every day, and the way he was ly good shape. He said he’d
that tweaking of the Futures Tours and absolutely the same,” Srikkanth said on one over he lets his intensity drop and hitting the ball no one could started (training) a month or
Programmes (FTP) is also necessary to Star Sports show Cricket Connected. that is really commendable,” Laxman say he was returning from a so before our fitness camp,”
accommodate IPL, which is important for “Both have a tremendous amount said. PTI EXaPc:^W[XQPcbPc]TcbbTbbX^] ?C8 long break. The way he was Simsek said.
both domestic and foreign players.
“I am sure they can have a restructured
FTP for two years because of so much of
uncertainty in prevailing circumstances. I
mean you can always prepare for good times
but you can’t prepare for bad times,” the 57-
year-old former skipper said. ?C8 =4F34;78 some kilometres away, that’s reaching the pinnacle of world
“Once things settle down, we can have a considered to be the longest cricket after four years.
dialogue with other member nations,” he ngland limited-overs skip- ever final in the history of the “I think the journey we
The IPL, which was scheduled to be held
 1228 ?aTbXST]cB^daPe6P]Vd[h ?C85X[T?XRcdaT
E per Eoin Morgan considers
2019 World Cup final as the
prestigious tennis tournament.
“I think one of the great
went on is probably the most
exciting. In 2015, the embar-
from March 29-May 24, is set to be postponed in the tournament at some point of the year. “most dramatic game of crick- things about it was on the day rassing nature in which we
indefinitely as the country stares at a lockdown “No one will say no to IPL. Not even the et” that has ever been played, of that great game of cricket were bundled out of that World
till the end of this month. foreign players. So many people thrive on IPL,” saying it helped the sport grow was, it’s always now associated Cup and the journey we
“I think if they have to slot IPL, the whole he set the record straight. “outside the normal bubble” with the longest ever embarked on to try and change
itinerary needs to be changed. That’s one “For a lot of our domestic guys, who are and lifted its profile. Wimbledon final that was epic the brand of cricket we played
option or else stick to the current itinerary not India regulars, let’s accept they look for- England were adjudged the as well,” Morgan said. with a new group of extremely
with whatever gone being gone. ward to the IPL.” winners of the 50-over World “It helped us in growing talented players over the course
“But that means huge losses for all the However, the man who led India in three Cup last year on the basis of cricket outside of the normal of 4 years — it’s brilliant,” he
stakeholders and is not practical,” said editions of the 50-over World Cup, doesn’t their superior boundary count bubble that we’re already in to said.
Azharuddin, whose own Association hosts think that the World T20 in Australia in after the epic final against New a different audience, and for us “Just being able to impart
seven home games of Sunrisers Hyderabad. October-November will be done away with. Zealand, and also the ensuing at home it has lifted the profile some of my knowledge and
“Therefore, I am expecting a complete “I don’t think World T20’s slot will be Super Over, ended in a tie at the of the game like we’ve never experience along with some
overhaul of the FTP, if we have to fit in the gone. It’s third week of October and if things Lord’s in London. seen.” very senior players and a group
IPL. I feel all the boards will agree as every- are okay by then, I would believe World T20 “The final was the most England had crashed out in of great support staff who
body is getting affected. But obviously the will happen. dramatic game of cricket and the group stage of the 2015 always continue to question
BCCI gets affected more,” he added. “This is purely my personal opinion as the best game of cricket that 4]V[P]SbZX__Ta4^X]<^aVP]=I RP_cPX]:P]TFX[[XP\b^]_^bTfXcW822 F^a[S2d_ World Cup and Morgan said it what we do in a good way in
IPL has so much prominence because for- you can’t tinker with a World Cup. But obvi- probably has ever been played saying by Kolkata Knight sport overall as Novak Djokovic was an amazing journey that order to hold us accountable. It
eign players like Jos Buttler and Pat Cummins ously IPL will get accommodated in some- which contributes to the hype Riders official website. edged out Roger Federer in an the team went through from sort of culminated in last year’s
have expressed their willingness to participate where.” of it,” Morgan was quoted as It was a landmark day for epic Wimbledon summit clash that embarrassing defeat to World Cup.”

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;>=3>=) Crystal Palace manag- <>=CA40;) The Montreal WTA tourna- we look forward to being back in Montreal fXcW^dcRa^fSC!
er Roy Hodgson has warned
against ‘artificial means’ of decid-
ing the Premier League.
ment, one of the key build-up events ahead
of the US Open, was axed on Saturday and
will not be played until 2021, officials said.
in 2021.”
Tournament director Eugene Lapierre
said the decision was made for them.
In a statement to the The event, scheduled for August 7-16, “At the beginning of the COVID-19 ?C8 <4;1>DA=4
London club’s supporters, the had been in jeopardy after Quebec crisis we were hoping that the situation
veteran former England manag- Province requested that all sporting and would be resolved in time to be able to host ustralian all-rounder Glenn
er insisted there was widespread
support for playing the 2019/20
cultural events be cancelled through
August 31 as a means of slowing the spread
our tournament as initially planned on the
A Maxwell believes a rescheduled
IPL can be held behind closed doors
season out to a finish. of the coronavirus. It is thus with a heavy heart that we but it will be difficult to justify con-
“Everyone is in total agree- “As a result of the measures imposed received this news, but we understand ducting the upcoming T20 World
ment we need an end to this sea- by the Quebec government prohibiting that this decision was necessary,” he said. Cup without fans cheering from the
son,” wrote Hodgson. holding events until August 31, the Rogers “The WTA reiterates that health and This is latest blow to tennis season stands.
“We don’t want artificial Cup in Montreal will postpone their safety will always be the top priority. We which has been on ice for the last Both the 13th IPL and T20
means of deciding who wins the event to 2021,” said a WTA statement. understand this was a difficult decision and month. AFP World Cup are uncertain at the
league, who gets into the tal competitions next season. “I accept there may have to be moment with the worsening
Champions League, who gets Hodgson said players who, a squeeze on that time-frame.” COVID-19 pandemic.
relegated and promoted.”
His letter came after UEFA,
European football’s governing
body, warned a failure to com-
in common with the rest of the
British population, are current-
ly in lockdown would ideally like
three to four weeks’ preparation
The League has been sus-
pended until April 30, with fur-
ther delays looking likely. Palace
currently safely is in mid-table,
Oly postponement blessing in disguise for Fouaad
?C8 =4F34;78 eventing in the 2018 Asian hurdle, he will become India’s
One of the options for BCCI is
to host the IPL in the October-
November window if the ICC decides
to postpone the T20 World Cup
plete domestic leagues could see before playing a match again. with the Eagles 12 points clear Games on Seigneur Medicott third equestrian participant in (October 18-November 15). There
clubs excluded from continen- But the 72-year-old added: of the relegation zone. AFP
Ithendian equestrian ace Fouaad
Mirza on Sunday said that
postponement of Tokyo
while Touching Wood and
Fernhill Facetime took him
close to fulfil his Olympics
the Olympics after late Indrajit
Lamba (1996) and Imtiaz
Anees (2000).
has also been talks of conducting the
tournaments behind closed doors.
One of the stalwarts of T20
. ;@"  
E Olympics to next year due to
the COVID-19 pandemic was
a “blessing in disguise” for
He said India has secured
a berth for the Olympics but he
Mirza is currently training
under the watchful eyes of
German legend Sandra
cricket, Maxwell feels if crowds
weren’t possible for either of the two
events, the IPL would be a better
05? <0=274BC4A hasn’t played since December 26, told him as he will get more time for wants to confirm his personal Auffarth who won a Gold option to go ahead.
the United Podcast. preparation. quota for the Tokyo Games. (team event) and Bronze (indi- “... It’s going to be hard for us to
anchester United star “I’ve been frustrated, a long time The 28-year-old Mirza, “For a confirmed vidual) in 2012 London have crowds. I think if IPL goes ahead
M Paul Pogba said he is
eager to return from a lengthy
ago. Now I’m almost there, so I’m just
thinking about getting back and
who won two Silver medals in
the 2018 Asian Games in
Olympics berth I have to com-
pete in one more event. That is
Olympics, besides a Silver
(team event) in 2016 Rio
they can probably survive without
any crowds, but I can’t see the T20
spell on the sidelines when foot- training fully with the team and Indonesia, is currently training called ‘Four Star Long’. I can Games. World Cup surviving without any
ball resumes following the coron- everything.” in Germany. ered from injury and I will start complete this task in interna- “I am based in Bergedorf, people there,” Maxwell told ABC
avirus pandemic. “You think bad but I’ve never “The postponement of training with him. Touching tional ‘Four Star Long’ compe- North-West Germany. This Grandstand.
The World Cup winner has had something like this in my career, Olympics is like blessing in dis- Wood and Fernhill Facetime tition. My choice of competi- place is almost free from “It’s going to be hard for us to jus-
been limited to just eight appear- so I always take it in a good way. It guise for me as it gives much got time to rest and they will tion was to be held in Covid-19 impact and there is tify having a World Cup when we
ances for United this season after makes me more hungry to come needed rest to the horses and be fresh whenever the season Montilibretti, Italy from April some relaxation for athletes can’t get people into the grounds. So
battling a nagging ankle injury. back and do well. And, yeah, it just practice for me,” Mirza said. begins,” he added. 9-12 but that got cancelled due here. With all required precau- I can’t see it happening in the near
“I’m already training and shows me as well how much I love "My favourite horse Mirza won a Silver each in to Covid-19.” tions, I am continuing my future. We’ve got to take care of every-
touching the ball,” Pogba, who football.” Seigneur Medicott has recov- individual eventing and team If Mirza passes the last training here,” he said. one’s health and wellbeing.”

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