Study Master Physical Sciences Grade 12 Teacher S Guide
Study Master Physical Sciences Grade 12 Teacher S Guide
Study Master Physical Sciences Grade 12 Teacher S Guide
Teacher’s Guide
Grade 12
Teacher’s Guide
SM_Physical Sciences_12_TG_TP_CAPS_ENG.indd
••0-Prelims_CUP_PS_TF_Gr12.indd 1 1 2013/06/11 8:32
9:11 PM
cambridge university press
ISBN 978-1-107-38166-7
Cover image: Amphipirion perideraion, commonly known as the pink skunk clownfish or pink
skunk anemonefish, © Geoff Spiby, Underwater Photography
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As a teacher at the Further Education and Training (FET) level, your two
main resources are:
• your expertise in the subject
• your teaching experience – knowing how to help learners master the
skills and knowledge of this subject.
The new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) makes two
core demands on you as the teacher:
• to follow a learning programme that enables learners to develop all the
skills, knowledge, values and attitudes relevant to Physical Sciences
• to have a sound, up-to-date knowledge of the content and methods of
your subject, and a clear understanding of its social relevance, so that you
can act as a guide, facilitator and subject expert in the classroom.
This handbook helps you to meet these demands in the following ways:
• it provides a structure for your teaching programme for the year and a
work schedule that is in line with the CAPS requirements
• it provides solutions to all the activities in the Learner’s Book
• it explains all the assessment requirements of the curriculum and
provides practical activities with their rubrics and checklists that are
required by CAPS
• it contains examples of generic rubrics, checklists and assessment sheets
that you can use or adapt for your assessment work throughout the year.
These principles can be applied to your school context in the following way.
Social transformation
What does this mean in your classroom? Your learners will come from
families and communities that have been affected in diverse ways by South
Africa’s past. They will have many different ideas about the kind of future
career they want and the kind of society they want to live in. In the learning
programme that you plan for the year, you need to provide opportunities for
the learners to analyse, research and come to understand the role that this
particular subject plays in shaping the kind of society we want to create in
South Africa and in offering them possibilities for their future.
For example: Create opportunities for learners to research and discuss
questions, such as how many people in their families have studied Physical
Sciences, and to what levels. How does access to Physical Sciences education
relate to access to different kinds of employment? What factors influence
people’s access to and success in the subject?
What should this mean in your classroom? This Physical Sciences course
contains material at the appropriate level to meet the criteria required for
Grade 12. If you plan a learning programme using this course, you will
ensure that your learners progress appropriately through the levels of
knowledge and skills that the curriculum requires.
Inclusivity should become a central part of the organisation, planning and
teaching at each school. This can only happen if all teachers have a sound
understanding of how to recognise and address barriers to learning and
how to plan for diversity. We have included some guidelines below on how
teachers can achieve the above.
What should this mean in your classroom? In this series of books the learners
work together in groups and pairs, which gives them the opportunity to learn
from each other, as well as at their own pace. The learning methodologies cater
for learners with different learning abilities. Gender is also addressed as both
Special needs
In many classrooms, learners with special needs require additional attention;
some learners require very little attention while others need more extensive
help. As a teacher, be especially sensitive towards these learners without
drawing too much attention to the learners’ possible barriers to learning.
Discretely make the fellow learners aware of the need to treat each other
with respect without exception. This vital life skill should be engrained in
all young people so that it becomes part of their personalities for the rest of
their lives. The information that follows will assist you in addressing some of
these special needs in your classroom in an inclusive way. Be aware of these
and other special needs of learners in your classroom.
Partial sight or blindness: For partially sighted learners who find it difficult
to read text, you could enlarge the text by using a photocopy machine. Also,
ensure that these learners sit in the middle at the front of the class so that
their poor eyesight does not become a barrier to their learning.
Alternatively – and especially in group work – read the text aloud to
these learners. Remind the learners to read loudly, clearly and slowly as
partially sighted and blind learners rely heavily on their memories. When
doing experiments, these learners might not be able to see results. Train a
few fellow learners with excellent social skills to convey results to their peers.
It is also a good idea to let these learners stay in the groups where there are
learners you have trained specially to help their challenged classmates.
Hard of hearing: Once again, these learners should sit in the front of the
class. When giving instructions, or when reading text to these learners,
the speaker or reader should face the learner directly and speak loudly and
clearly, but without exaggerating. Learners who are hard of hearing learn to
lip-read very early in life.
Impaired social skills: The nature of these difficulties varies, but could, in
some cases, become a serious barrier to learning.
• Learners who are very shy or highly-strung might find class presentation
extremely stressful. Although you should encourage them to develop
this life skill, remember that you can never change someone’s nature
completely. Work gently with these learners – their shyness or
nervousness may be the result of negative circumstances at home. Let
them present their ‘class presentations’ in written form at first, and then
move slowly as the year progresses, at first letting them present their
work to one classmate only, then to a small group, and finally to the
whole class.
• Children with ADS (Attention Deficit Syndrome, also known as ADD
– Attention Deficit Disorder) will find it extremely difficult to work in
groups or to sit still and concentrate for very long – in some cases having
to listen for two minutes is too long. Learners with ADS could affect
the class atmosphere and class discipline in a negative way, and although
The school should have a policy that parents must inform the school
confidentially if their child suffers from ADS. If learners have been
diagnosed, they could be on medication. It is essential that teachers are
informed; otherwise the learner could be branded as ‘extremely naughty’,
which would be unfair and result in inappropriate handling. Teachers should
be very careful not to judge a ‘naughty’ learner too soon. ADS is quite
common, and in some cases may not have been diagnosed.
Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences investigate physical and chemical phenomena. This is done
through scientific inquiry, application of scientific models, theories, and laws
to explain and predict events in the physical environment.
This subject also deals with society’s need to understand how the
physical environment works to benefit from it and responsibly care for it.
All scientific and technological knowledge, including Indigenous Knowledge
Systems (IKS), is used to address challenges facing society. Indigenous
knowledge is knowledge that communities have held, have used or are still
using. This knowledge has helped protect the environment for millennia.
Physical Sciences examines and challenges aspects such as the safe disposal
of chemical waste, responsible utilisation of resources and the environment,
and addresses alternative energy sources.
The six main knowledge areas in the subject Physical Sciences are:
• Mechanics
• Waves, sound and light
• Electricity and magnetism
• Matter and materials
• Chemical change
• Chemical systems.
Assessment taxonomy
Application exercises should be done at all cognitive levels in all knowledge
areas. (The cognitive levels will be discussed in Section B: Assessment.)
Overview of topics
Topic Grade Content
Mechanics Grade 10 Introduction to vectors and scalars. Motion in one
dimension (reference frame; position; displacement
and distance; average speed; average velocity;
acceleration; instantaneous velocity; instantaneous
speed). Description of motion (in words, diagrams,
graphs and equations). Energy (gravitational
potential energy; kinetic energy; mechanical energy;
conservation of mechanical energy (in the absence of
dissipative forces)) 30 hours
Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions (resultant of
perpendicular vectors; resolution of a vector into its
parallel and perpendicular components). Newton’s
Laws and application of Newton’s Laws (Newton’s
First, Second and Third Laws and Newton’s Law
of Universal Gravitation; different kinds of forces:
weight, normal force, frictional force, applied (push,
pull), tension (strings or cables); force diagrams, free
body diagrams and application of Newton’s Laws
(equilibrium and non-equilibrium)) 27 hours
Grade 12 Momentum and impulse (momentum; Newton’s
Second Law expressed in terms of momentum;
conservation of momentum, and elastic and inelastic
collisions; impulse). Vertical projectile motion in
one dimension (1D) (vertical projectile motion
represented in words, diagrams, equations and
graphs). Work, energy and power (work; work-
energy theorem; conservation of energy with non-
conservative forces present; power).
28 hours
Waves, sound Grade 10 Transverse pulses on a string or spring (pulse;
and light amplitude; superposition of pulses). Transverse
waves (wavelength; frequency; amplitude; period;
wave speed). Longitudinal waves (on a spring;
wavelength; frequency; amplitude; period; wave
speed; sound waves). Sound (pitch; loudness; quality
(tone); ultrasound). Electromagnetic radiation
(dual (particle/wave) nature of electromagnetic
(EM) radiation; nature of EM radiation; EM spectrum;
nature of EM as particle; energy of a photon related to
frequency and wavelength). 16 hours
Grade 11 Geometrical optics (refraction; Snell’s Law; critical
angles and total internal reflection). 2D and 3D
Wavefronts (diffraction). 13 hours
Grade 12 The Doppler effect (either moving source or moving
observer) (with sound and ultrasound; with light – red
shifts in the universe). 6 hours
Assessment should be mapped against the content, concepts, skills and aims
specified for Physical Sciences and in both informal and formal assessments it
is important to ensure that in the course of a school year:
• all of the subject content is covered
• the full range of skills is included
• a variety of different forms of assessment are used.
SECTION B • assessment B1
Setting up
Certain learning tasks are better approached through a whole class session;
others lend themselves to group work. Working in pairs and in groups of
three to six learners, learners have a chance to express themselves more often
than when they are part of a class of forty or more. They learn to work in
a team, helping each other freely when their knowledge or skill is strong,
and being helped when it is weak. Some learners might be too shy to ask
a question in front of a whole class, but feel at ease asking a small group
of friends.
Group work
There are many ways of organising learners into groups. Here are
some ideas.
• Language groups
If you have learners with different home languages, you can put the
speakers of each language into their own language group. Same-language
groups enable all the learners to develop their understanding of a new
concept in their own language. At other times you can create mixed-
language groups. Learners working in their second language or third
language can be helped with translation and have a greater chance to
contribute than they would in a large class.
• Ability groups
There are times when it is useful to divide learners into groups according
to how well they achieve in the learning area. The top achievers in the
class are grouped together, the average learners form a group, and the
slowest learners are grouped together. Top achievers can do enrichment
activities while you attend to the slower learners.
• Remediation groups
When you have finished assessing some aspects of the learners’ work,
you may often find a few learners from different groups with the same
problem. There may be a new concept they haven’t quite grasped, or
a few learners may have been absent at the same time while you were
dealing with new work. You can then group them together temporarily
while you help them sort out the problem.
B2 SECTION B • assessment
Pair work
Pair work is easier to control than group work, particularly in large classes
where it is difficult to re-arrange the seating. It is a very useful strategy for
task-based teaching as it frees the teacher to be a facilitator, support guide
and evaluator.
Pair work also allows for differentiation: pairs that work faster can be
given extra tasks; some pairs can be given more challenging tasks; in mixed
ability pairing, one partner can assist the other.
SECTION B • assessment B3
Note: A control test and its memorandum can be found at the end of this
B4 SECTION B • assessment
Rubrics are a combination of rating codes and descriptions of standards –
that is what the learner must do, the level of competence, and so on – to be
rated with a particular code. The rubric describes the range of acceptable
performance in each band of the rating scale. Rubrics require teachers to
know exactly what the learner must achieve – the level of competence, and
so on – to meet the particular outcome being assessed.
It is crucial that you share the criteria in the rubric for the task with the
learners before they do the required task. The rubric clarifies both what the
learners should do and what they should be learning as they carry out the
task. It becomes a powerful tool for self-assessment.
When the learners have completed the task and you are assessing their
performance, you need to be sure that:
• each learner is assessed only once for each criterion within the rubric
• you add comprehensive comments where necessary for later moderation
SECTION B • assessment B5
Note: Rubrics and checklists for prescribed experiments and projects are in
Section D: Teaching guidelines
The table shows the weighting of questions across cognitive levels and the
specification and suggested weighting of the content for the Grade 12 end-of-
year examinations (across the two papers).
Paper 1: Mechanics 63
Waves, sound and light 17
Electricity and 150 3 hours 15% 35% 40% 10%
B6 SECTION B • assessment
Moderation of assessment
Moderation refers to the process that ensures that the assessment tasks
are fair, valid and reliable. Moderation should be implemented at school,
district, provincial and national levels. Comprehensive and appropriate
moderation practices must be in place for the quality assurance of all subject
assessments. All Grade 11 tasks are internally moderated. The subject head
or head of department for Physical Sciences at the school will generally
manage this process.
SECTION B • assessment B7
B8 SECTION B • assessment
SECTION B • assessment B9
Momentum (kg·m·s–1)
3 4 Time (s)
–5 B
d) pentan-2-ol
(2)H H H
Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next to
the question number (1.1–1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.1 The SI unit for electric potential difference. (1)
1.2 The property of a sound that increases when the frequency increases. (1)
1.3 The rate at which energy is transferred. (1)
1.4 The type of electric field where a charge experiences the same force
throughout the field. (1)
1.5 The type of spectrum formed when white light is incident on an element in a low
energy gaseous state. (1)
1. Start each question on a NEW page.
2. Leave a line between two sub questions, for example between QUESTION 4.1 and
3. The formulae and substitutions must be shown in ALL calculations.
4. Round off your answers to a minimum of TWO decimal places where applicable.
A helicopter is flying vertically up at an unknown constant velocity. An object is dropped from the
helicopter when it is exactly 88 m above the ground. The object takes 1,5 s to reach its maximum
height from the time it was released. Air friction is ignored.
3.1 Calculate the magnitude of the velocity of the object at the point of release. (3)
3.2 Calculate the maximum height, above the ground, reached by the object. (4)
3.3 Calculate the velocity of the object the instant it hits the ground. (4)
3.4 Using the ground as the zero position, and taking upward as the positive direction,
sketch a position-time graph for the object from the time it is released to the time it
hits the ground. (4)
The diagram shows two trolleys, A of mass 0,2 kg and B of mass 0,4 kg, moving to the left at
3 m·s–1. The trolleys are attached by a compressed spring. The spring is released and immediately
after this trolley A moves to the left at 4 m·s–1.
A man skis down a 50 m snow slope which makes an angle of 20º with the horizontal. The total
mass of the skier and skis is 80 kg. A constant frictional force of 50 N acts on the skis as the skier
moves down the slope. The speed of the skier at the top of the slope is 5 m·s–1.
vi = 5 m·s–1
50 m
New cars have a crumple zone to help minimise injuries during accidents. In addition seat belts,
air bags and padded interiors can reduce the chance of death or serious injury.
6.1 Use principles in Physics to explain how air bags can reduce the chance of death or injury. (3)
6.2 In a crash test, a car of mass 1,2 × 103 kg collides with a wall and rebounds as
illustrated below. The initial and final velocities of the car are 12 m·s–1 to the left and
2 m·s–1 to the right respectively. The collision lasts 0,1 s.
12 m·s–1 2 m·s–1
Calculate the:
6.2.1 Impulse of the car during the accident. (4)
6.2.2 Average force exerted on the car. (3)
7.1 State Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation in words. (3)
7.2 A rocket of mass 2 000 kg is launched from the surface of Earth. When it reaches a
height equal to the radius of Earth, it expels a fuel tank of mass 200 kg vertically downwards.
7.2.1 Will the speed of the rocket increase, decrease or remain the same when the
tank is expelled? (2)
7.2.2 Determine the magnitude of the force exerted on the rocket tank immediately
after it is expelled. (5)
8.1 Using sound waves travelling through air, explain what is meant by the Doppler effect. (3)
8.2 One use of the Doppler effect is the Doppler flow meter. This is a device that can be
used to monitor the motion of the heart of a newly formed foetus in the womb of its
Ultrasonic waves of frequency 1,5 × 106 Hz and speed 2000 m.s–1 are directed at the
chest of the foetus to measure the heart rate of the foetus. Calculate the change in
frequency of the waves reflected by the chest, if the chest moves up and down at a
constant maximum speed of 0,02 m.s–1. (6)
8.3 State one other use of the Doppler effect (apart from the Doppler flow meter). (2)
9.1 Two spheres, P with a charge of –4 nC and Q with a charge of +6 nC, are a distance
of 4 m apart.
Initial positions
9.1.1 Calculate the electrostatic force between the two spheres. (4)
9.1.2 The spheres are moved together and touch and are then placed 2 m apart.
Calculate the electric potential energy of sphere P in its final position. (5)
9.2 Two identical metal plates are fixed so that they are parallel to each other and 20 mm
apart in a vacuum, with the negative plate placed above the positive plate. The
potential difference across the plates is 24 V.
9.2.1 Draw a diagram to illustrate the electric field pattern between the plates. (3)
9.2.2 Determine the magnitude of the electric field strength between the plates. (3)
A negatively charged particle is released from the negative plate in the region
between the plates.
9.2.3 Draw a free body diagram to show all the forces acting on the particle. (2)
9.2.4 Sketch a graph of acceleration against time for the particle as it moves
between the two plates. (3)
In the circuit below the voltmeter reading is 11 V when switch S is opened and 10 V when S is
closed. The battery has an internal resistance of 2 Ω. X is a resistor of unknown resistance.
Study the circuit below and then answer the questions that follow. The switch is kept closed.
16 Ω
10.1 Explain why the voltmeter reading drops when the switch is closed. (2)
10.2 Calculate the resistance of the unknown resistor X. (9)
10.3 How will the reading on the voltmeter change if the branch with the
unknown resistor is removed from the circuit?
Write down only increase, decrease or stays the same. (1)
10.4 Explain your answer to 10.3 above. (3)
The average power of a light bulb is 15 W. The lamp can be used with either an AC supply or DC
supply. The graph on the next page shows the output of an AC generator.
11.1 Calculate the potential difference of a DC supply that will produce the same
brightness of the light bulb. (3)
11.2 Calculate the peak current through the light bulb when connected to a 12 V
AC supply. (4)
11.3 List TWO changes or additions you will make to the generator referred to in this question
in order to convert it to a DC motor. (2)
A learner wants to determine the relationship between the frequency (f ) of light striking a metal
surface, and the kinetic energy (K) of the emitted electrons. She shines red, green and blue light
on the metal, and is able to measure the velocity of electrons as they leave the metal surface.
12.1 Identify the independent variable in this investigation. (1)
12.2 Why does she use light of different colours? (1)
12.3 Why does she measure the velocity of the emitted electrons? (1)
The learner obtains the following average results after taking the reading several times.
(× 1014 Hz) ELECTRON (× 10–19 J)
12.4 Use the results to plot a graph of frequency against kinetic energy on the graph paper
provided. (5)
12.5 From the graph, determine the threshold frequency for the metal. (2)
12.6 State one application of the photoelectric effect. (2)
Total mark: 150
vf = vi + a∆t ∆x = vi∆t + _ 12 a 2
∆t or ∆y = v ∆t + a
vf + vi vf + vi
vf2 = vi2 + 2a∆x or vf2 = vi2 + 2a∆y ∆x = (____
2 ) ∆t or ∆y = (____
2 ) ∆t
Fnet = ma p = mv
K = Ek = _ 12 m
Wnet = ∆K = ∆Ek = Ekf – Eki
P = ∆t
P = Fv
kQ Q kQ
F = ____
r12 2
E = __
E=_ qF
V = __
R = _VI R1 = __
R1 + __
R1 + …
p 1 2
Rs = R1 + R2 + … EMF(ε) = I(R + r)
v ∆t 2
q = I∆t W = Vq = VI∆t = I2R∆t = ___
W V 2
P = __
∆t = VI = I2R = __
2.1 B üü 2.2 D üü 2.3 B üü
2.4 D ü ü 2.5 A üü 2.6 C üü
2.7 A üü 2.8 B üü 2.9 B üü
2.10 A üü [20]
3.1 →vf = → aΔt ü
vi + →
0 m·s = vi + (–9,8 m·s–2)(1,5 s) ü
vi = 14,7 m·s–1 ü
3.2 Δ→y=→ viΔt + _ 21 →
aΔt2 ü
= (14,7 m·s )(1,5 s) + _ 12 (–9,8 m·s–2)(1,5 s)2 ü
= 11,03 m ü
Height = 88 m + 11,03 m = 99,03 m ü (4)
vf2 = →
3.3 → vi2 + 2→ y ü
= (14,7 m·s–1)2 + 2(–9,8 m·s–2)(–88 m) ü
vf = 44,06 m·s–1 ü down ü
3.4 y (m)
t (s) (4)
4.1 In an isolated (closed) system, the total linear momentum is conserved. (3)
4.2 →
ptotal (before) = → ptotal (after)
(m1 + m2)→ vi = m1→ vf1 + m2→ vf2 ü
(0,2 kg + 0,4 kg)(3 m·s ) ü = (0,2 kg)(4 m·s–1) + (0,4 kg)vf2 ü
20º Fg⊥
5.2 WNET = Ff Δx cos 180º + Fg// Δx cos 0º + FN Δx cos 90º + Fg⊥ Δx cos 270º ü
= 50 N(50 m) cos 180º + 80 N(9,8 m·s–2)(sin 20º)(50 N) cos 0⁰ ü+ 0 + 0
= 10 907,19 J ü
WNET = ΔK = _ 12 mvf2 – _ 12 mvi2
10 907,19 J = _12 (80 kg) vf2 – _ 12 (80 kg)(5 m·s–1)2
vf = 17,25 m·s–1 ü (7)
WNET = Ff Δx cos θ1 + Fg Δx cos θ2 + FN Δx cos θ3 ü
= 50 N(50 m) cos 180⁰ + 80 kg(9,8 m·s–2)(50 m) cos 290⁰ ü + 0
= 10 907,19 J ü
1 1
WNET = ΔK = 2 mvf – 2 mvi
_ 2 _ 2
∴Impulse = 1,68 × 104 N·s ü to the right or away from wall ü (4)
6.2.2 Fnet∆t = ∆p = –1,68 × 10 N·s
→ 4
∴Fnet(0,1 s) = –1,68 × 104 N·s ü
∴Fnet = – 1,68 × 105 N
∴Fnet = 1,68 × 105 N üto the rightü (3)
7.1 The force of attraction that two objects ü exert on each other is directly proportional
to the product of their masses, ü and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between their centres. ü(3)
7.2 7.2.1 Increase üü(2)
7.2.2 If m is the mass of the tank, M the mass of Earth and R the radius of Earth, then on
the surface of Earth:
R2 = 200 kg × 9,8 m·s–2 = 1 960 Nü
F = mgü = ____
At a height above the surface equal to radius of Earth: (5)
(2R)2 ü
Fnew = ____ 14 × ____
GmM _1
R2 = 4 ü
(1 960 N) = 490 Nü(5)
= 1 499 985 Hz ü
Change = 1 500 015 Hz – 1 499 985 Hz = 30 Hz ü (6)
Speed trapping devices, or applications that detect movement of light sources in space.
(any one use üü). (2)
kQ Q 9 × 109 N·m2·C–2 (4 × 10–9 C)(6 × 10–9 C)
r21 2 ü= ________________________
9.1 9.1.1 F = ____
(4 m)2
= 1,35 × 10–8 N attractionü (4)
Q +Q –4 × 10 C + 6 × 10 C
–9 –9
9.1.2 Qf = _____
1 2 2
2 = 1 × 10–9 C
kQ Q 9 × 10 N·m ·C × 1 × 10 C × 1 × 10 C
9 2 –2 –9 –9
U = ____ r =
1 2
2 = 4,5 × 10–9 J (5)
9.2 9.2.1 Field lines equidistant from, and parallel to each other, and perpendicular
to plates. ü
Direction of field lines: bottom to top. ü
Field lines curved at ends. ü(3)
24 V
9.2.2 E = V_d ü = _____
0,02 m ü= 1 200 V∙m–1 ü
ü ü
a a
(m∙s–2) (m∙s–2)
OR 0 t (s)
0 t (s) –a
10.1 The battery has internal resistance. ü
Energy is transferred to the battery as charges flow through it. ü (2)
10.2 emf = I(R + r) ü
emf = IR + Ir
11 V = 10 V + I(2 Ω) ü
I = 0,5 A ü
10 V
total R = _VI ü = ____ 0,5 A
= 20 Ωü
Rp = 20 – 16 ü= 4 Ω ü
1 1 1
__ R = R + R
__ __
p 1 2
_14 = _ 16 + __
R1 ü
RX = 12 Ω ü (9)
12.1 frequency of light / colour of light ü (1)
12.2 To vary the frequency. ü Different colours have different frequencies. (1)
12.3 To calculate the kinetic energy of the electrons. ü (1)
kinetic energy (×10–19 J)
1 2 3 4 5 6 frequency (×1014 Hz)
Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next to
the question number on the answer sheet.
1.1 The IUPAC name for the simplest alkyne. (1)
1.2 The process of covering a less expensive metal with a more expensive metal using
1.3 The half-cell which is the standard against which the potentials of other half-cells are
1.4 The point where equal molar amounts of an acid and a base have reacted according to
the molar ratio in a chemical equation. (1)
1.5 The industrial process that produces sulfuric acid. (1)
Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Each question has only
ONE correct answer. Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (2.1–2.10) in your
2.1 The major product formed during the hydration of propene is:
A propane
B propyne
C propan-1-ol
D propan-2-ol (2)
2.2 Which of the following is not a ketone?
A ethanone
B propanone
C butanone
D methylpentanone (2)
2.3 The correct name of the compound below is:
t t
m m
(2) t t
2.9 The graph below represents the relationship between the potential energy and course
of reaction for a certain chemical reaction.
Potential 4
energy (kJ) 3
Course of reaction
1. Start each question on a NEW page.
2. Leave one line between two sub-questions (e.g. between 3.1 and 3.2)
3. Show the formulae and substitutions in ALL calculations.
4. Round off all numerical answers to a minimum of TWO decimal places.
The table below shows the results obtained during a practical investigation. The experiment was
performed to determine the boiling points of compounds from three different homologous series
under the same conditions. Each letter A–C represents the organic compounds written in the
block next to it.
Experiment Organic compound Boiling point (oC)
A CH3(CH2)2COOH 163
B CH3(CH2)2CH2OH 137
C CH3(CH2)2CHO 103
3.1 Name the homologous series to which each of the following compounds belong:
3.1.1 A
3.1.2 B
3.1.3 C (3)
3.2 Write down the IUPAC name for:
3.2.1 B
3.2.2 C (2)
3.3 Explain briefly why compound A has a higher boiling point than compounds B and C. (3)
Many of the flavours and odours of fruit are esters. Ethyl methanoate is used to give foodstuffs a
strawberry flavour.
A learner wants to prepare ethyl methanoate in the school laboratory. She follows the instructions
• Mix 1 cm3 methanoic acid and 1 cm3 ethanol in a test tube.
• Slowly add 4 drops of sulfuric acid while swirling the test tube.
• Soak a paper towel in cold water and fasten it around the test tube close to its mouth with an
elastic band.
• Place the test tube in a water bath and heat the water with a flame to a temperature of about
60 oC.
• Leave the test tube in the hot water bath for about 15 minutes.
• Cool the test tube by placing it in a beaker of cold water.
• Smell the vapour in the test tube after 10 minutes.
Water bath
Ethanol, methanoic acid
+ 4 drops sulfuric acid
4.1 Use structural formulae to write a balanced equation for the reaction taking place in
the test tube. (5)
4.2 What is the function of the sulfuric acid in the above reaction? (1)
4.3 Why does the method use a water bath instead of direct heating over an open flame? (1)
4.4 State one function of the wet paper towel at the top of the test tube. (1)
4.5 The learner finds it difficult to detect the smell of the ester due to the presence of
sulfuric acid and unreacted methanoic acid. A friend suggests that she add 10 drops of
diluted sodium carbonate solution to the contents of the test tube. Briefly explain why
this suggestion might be a solution to the problem. (2)
4.6 Write down the molecular formula of ethyl methanoate. (1)
There are other organic compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural
formulae to ethyl methanoate.
4.7 What is the phenomenon described above called? (1)
4.8 Name two other organic compounds that have the same molecular formula as ethyl
methanoate, but are structurally different. (2)
Ethene is a gaseous hormone associated with ripening fruit. It also contributes to the ageing and
distortion of plants. In industry, the artificial fruit ripening takes place when ethene is passed over
the fruit in large rooms. After a while the ripening fruit releases its own ethene.
5.1 Write down the structural formula of ethene. (2)
5.2 Why is it not advisable to place a banana that has been artificially ripened next to a
cabbage or lettuce? (2)
In industry ethene is also used to synthesise a variety of organic compounds. The flow diagram
below illustrates some of the many reactions ethene undergoes.
bromoethane ethene ethanol
Sharon conducts an experiment to investigate the various factors that influence the rate of
chemical reactions. She places a sample of calcium carbonate in a beaker. The beaker is placed on
a sensitive balance and an excess of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added.
The following reaction occurs:
CaCO3 + HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
Sharon repeats the experiment a number of times under different conditions always with the same
volume of HCl in excess.
The following table summarises the different experimental conditions of four of her experiments.
Experiment Mass of CaCO3 (g) Concentration of Temperature of State of CaCO3
HCl (mol·dm–3) HCl (oC)
1 10 2 25 granules
2 10 2 15 granules
3 20 2 25 granules
4 10 2 25 powder
During each experiment the mass of the beaker and its contents is recorded every minute. The
graphs below indicate the changes in mass of the beaker and its contents during the reaction, as a
function of time, for the four experiments.
Mass of beaker
and contents (g)
Graph A
Experiment 1
Graph B
Graph C
Time in minutes 5
The following is a balanced equation for the preparation of ammonia:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)
2 moles of nitrogen and 3 moles of hydrogen are initially placed in a 500 cm3 container. The
container is sealed and the gases are allowed to react. When equilibrium is reached at 350 oC,
there are 1,6 moles of ammonia in the container.
7.1 Calculate the equilibrium constant at 350 oC.(6)
7.2 If the mixture is heated, the number of moles of ammonia in the container will
decrease. Use Le Chatelier’s principle to determine if the forward reaction is
endothermic or exothermic. (4)
7.3 In each of the following cases answer either INCREASE, DECREASE or STAYS THE
SAME. (Assume the temperature remains constant.)
Iron catalyst is added 7.3.1
A learner finds some sulfuric acid solution in a bottle labelled ‘dilute sulfuric acid’. He wishes
to determine the concentration of the sulfuric acid solution. To do this he decides to titrate the
sulfuric acid against a standard potassium hydroxide solution.
8.1 What is a standard solution? (1)
8.2 Calculate the mass of KOH which he must use to make 300 cm3 of a 0,2 mol·dm–3
KOH solution. (4)
Phenolphthalein 8,3–10,0
8.6 During the titration he finds that 15 cm3 of the KOH solution neutralises 20 cm3 of the
H2SO4 solution. Calculate the concentration of the H2SO4 solution. (5)
A standard electrochemical cell is set up with zinc as the anode and metal X as the cathode.
The initial emf of the cell is 1,56 V.
9.1 State two standard conditions for this cell. (2)
9.2 Determine the Eo value of:
9.2.1 the cathode, when the cell is connected. (4)
9.2.2 the cell, when equilibrium is reached. (2)
9.3 Identify:
9.3.1 the cathode metal. (1)
9.3.2 the oxidising agent. (1)
9.4 Write down the cell notation. (3)
9.5 After equilibrium has been established, H2S is bubbled through the zinc half-cell.
How will the emf of the cell change? Explain briefly. (5)
The diagram below represents a cell that can be used to purify copper.
Impure Cu Pure Cu
1.1 ethyneü
1.2 electroplatingü
1.3 hydrogen ü (half-cell)
1.4 equivalence point ü
1.5 Contact ü process [5]
2.1 Düü 2.2 Aüü
2.3 Büü 2.4 Düü
2.5 Cüü 2.6 Aüü
2.7 Cüü 2.8 Büü
2.9 Büü 2.10 Büü [20]
3.1.1 carboxylic acidü
3.1.2 alcoholü
3.1.3 aldehydeü (3)
3.2.1 butan-1-olü
3.2.2 butanalü (2)
3.3 Compound A has the strongest intermolecular forcesü – hydrogen bonding and also
dipole-dipole attraction. ü
Compound B has hydrogen bonding. Compound C has dipole-dipole attraction. ü (3)
4.1 H O ü H ü H O H üü ü
H C C O H + H O C H H C C O C H + O
H H H H H H (5)
4.2 Catalyst üOR dehydrating agent/ remove water (1)
4.3 Ethanol is flammableü (1)
4.4 Vapours are cooled down and condense/return to test tubeü
OR Prevents vapours from leaving the test tube
OR Functions as a condenser
OR Causes the mixture to reflux (1)
4.5 Na2CO3 is a baseü and will neutralise those acids. ü (2)
4.6 C3H6O2ü (1)
4.7 isomerismü (1)
4.8 methyl ethanoateü propanoic acidü (OR any cyclobutanediol) (2)
5.1 H H
C C üü
H H (2)
5.2 The ethene liberated by the banana ages the cabbage and lettuce. üü (2)
5.3 CnH2nü (1)
5.4 A: substitution (halogenation/bromination)ü
6.1 The amount of product formed/reactant used upü per unit timeü (per second). (2)
6.2 concentration of HClü (1)
6.3 Product CO2 is a gasü and escapes from the beaker. ü (2)
6.4 Calcium carbonate is used upü and the reaction stops, no more CO2 formed to escape. ü(2)
6.5.1 graph Bü (slower reaction, same mass loss) (1)
6.5.2 graph A ü (same rate, greater initial mass) (1)
6.5.3 graph Cü (faster reaction, same mass loss) (1)
6.6 graph Cü Catalyst speeds up the rate of reactionü, therefore gradient üof graph will
be steepest for same initial mass. ü(4)
7.1 N2 + H2 NH
Molar ratio 1 3 2
Moles start 2 3 0
= 2,47 ü (6)
7.2 If the mixture is heated, then the reaction which uses up excess heat i.e. the
endothermic will be favoured. ü If the moles of ammonia decrease, then the reverse
reaction has been favoured. ü Therefore the reverse is endothermicü so the forward
is exothermic. ü (4)
7.3.2 DECREASE ü
7.3.3 DECREASE ü (NH3 will dissolve in water, equilibrium shift right) (3)
7.4 Haberü process (1)
7.5 Although yield of NH3 is lower at higher temperature, ü rate is faster. ü Higher
temperature compromises temperature. ü (3)
7.6 Fractional distillation of liquid air. ü (1)
7.7 nitric acidü (1)
7.8 Ostwaldü process (1)
7.9 platinumü (1)
7.10 ammonium nitrateü (1)
0,2 × 15
ca = _____ = 0,075 mol·dm–3üü
2 × 20
9.1 Temperature = 298 Kü
Concentration of electrolytes = 1 mol·dm–3 ü (2)
9.2.1 Eocell = Eocathode – Eoanodeü
1,56 = X – (–0,76) ü
1,56 – 0,76 = Xü
X = +0,80 Vü (4)
9.2.2 zeroüü (or 0 V) (2)
9.3.1 silverü (1)
9.3.2 silver ionsü (1)
9.4 Zn|Zn (1mol·dm ) ü||Ag (1mol·dm )|Agüü
2+ –3 + –3
9.5 Zinc ionsü will react with H2S to form ZnSü. Concentration of Zn2+ will decrease. ü
More Zn will be oxidised and the anode potential increases.ü Voltage increases. ü (5)
10.1 Xü (1)
10.2 Cu2+ (accept: X2+)ü (1)
10.3 copper nitrate (any soluble copper(II) salt) üü (2)
10.4.2 INCREASEü (2)
10.5 Electrical conductors/plumbing pipes ü (1)
10.6 Valuable metals extracted and sold. ü (1)
TOTAL: 150
Phase programme C1
Sample work schedule to use with this textbook C3
Example of lesson preparation C17
Updating your knowledge C18
Lesson preparation
A lesson preparation is a more detailed plan for a particular section of
work, a period of time during the year or a particular lesson. It describes
what learning is going to take place, and how it will take place. In addition
to the information in the work schedule, it explains how the activities
and assessment will take place as well as the use of resources. The lesson
preparation also refers to prior and future learning.
You will need to carry out your own lesson preparation for your class.
Your lesson preparation will indicate when and how you will introduce
each activity, each section of new knowledge, each assessment activity, and
so on, using and expanding the information from the work schedule. We
have included a blank lesson preparation grid in Section E: Photocopiable
resources, and an example of a completed lesson preparation in this section,
to help you with your planning.
Phase programme
Core Grades Percentage Knowledge concepts
knowledge of time (per
area grade)
Mechanics 10 18,75% 1. Vectors and scalars
2. Motion in one dimension
3. Description of motion
4. Energy
11 16,87% 1. Vectors in two dimensions
2. Newton’s Laws and their application
12 17,50% 1. Momentum and impulse
2. Vertical projectile motion in 1D
3. Work, energy and power
Waves, sound 10 10,00% 1. Transverse pulses on a string or spring
and light 2. Transverse waves
3. Longitudinal waves
4. Sound
5. Electromagnetic radiation
11 8,13% 1. Geometrical optics
2. 2D and 3D wavefronts
12 3,75% 1. The Doppler Effect
SECTION C • planning C1
C2 SECTION C • planning
SECTION C • planning
in terms of • Explain the relationship between the net force and change in momentum for a variety of motions.
momentum • Calculate the change in momentum when a resultant force acts on an object and its velocity
increases in the direction of motion, decreases and reverses its direction of motion.
5 Conservation of 40, • Explain what is meant by a system (in physics). Explain (when working with systems) what is meant
momentum, and 44 by internal and external forces. Explain that an isolated system is one that has no net force (external)
Elastic and inelastic acting on it.
collisions • State the law of conservation of momentum.
• Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions. Know that kinetic energy is only conserved in
an elastic collision.
• Apply the conservation of momentum to collisions of two objects moving in one dimension (along
a straight line) with the aid of an appropriate sign convention.
• Verify the conservation of linear momentum experimentally.
• Investigate the conservation of momentum and energy using Newton’s cradle.
4 Impulse 47 • Define Impulse as the product of net force and the contact time. Know that impulse is a vector
• Know that FnetΔt is a change in momentum i.e. FnetΔt = Δp. This relationship is referred to as the
impulse-momentum theorem.
• Use the impulse-momentum theorem to calculate the force exerted, time for which the force is
applied and change in momentum for a variety of situations involving the motion of an object In
one dimension.
• Apply the concept of impulse to safety considerations in everyday life.
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5 Unit 2: Vertical 52 • Explain that projectiles fall freely with gravitational acceleration ‘g’, which always acts downwards
Vertical projectile motion and is constant irrespective of whether the projectile is moving upward or downward or is at
projectile represented in maximum height.
motion in one words, diagrams, • Know that projectiles take the same time to reach their greatest height from the point of upward
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 4
dimension equations and launch as the time they take to fall back to the point of launch. This is known as time symmetry.
graphs. • Know that projectiles can have their motion described by a single set of equations for the upward
(Near the surface and downward motion.
of Earth and in the • Use equations of motion to determine the position, velocity and displacement of a projectile at any
absence of friction) given time.
• Draw position vs. time (x vs. t), velocity vs. time (v vs. t) and acceleration vs. time (a vs. t) graphs for
1D projectile motion.
SECTION C • planning
• Give equations for position versus time and velocity versus time for the graphs of 1D projectile
• Given x vs. t, v vs. t or a vs. t graphs determine position, displacement, velocity or acceleration at any
time t.
• Given x vs. t, v vs. t or a vs. t graphs describe the motion of the object e.g. graphs showing a ball
bouncing, thrown vertically upwards, thrown vertically downward, and so on.
• Investigate the motion of a falling body.
• Draw a graph of position vs. time and velocity vs. time for a free falling object. Use the data to
determine the acceleration due to gravity.
Term 1
Module 2: Matter and materials
12 Unit 1: 75 • Define organic molecules as molecules containing carbon atoms.
Organic • Describe carbon as the basic building block of organic compounds that recycles through Earth’s air,
molecules water, soil, and living organisms including human beings.
3 Organic molecular 77 • Discuss the special properties of carbon that makes it possible to form a variety of bonds.
structures • Give condensed structural, structural and molecular formulae for alkanes and compounds
containing the following functional groups: double carbon-carbon bonds, triple carbon-carbon
bonds, alkyl halides, alcohols, carboxylic acids, esters, aldehydes, and ketones (up to 8 carbon
• Explain the terms functional group, hydrocarbon and homologous series.
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Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
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• Explain the terms saturated, unsaturated and isomer.
• Identify compounds that are saturated, unsaturated and are isomers (up to 8 carbon atoms).
Isomers are restricted to structural isomers:
1. chain isomers (different chain)
2. positional isomers (different position of the same functional group)
3. functional isomers (different functional group).
3 IUPAC naming and 98 • Give the IUPAC name when given the formula.
formulae • Give the formula when given the IUPAC name.
• Naming is restricted to compounds with the functional groups alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl
halides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters, up to a maximum of 8 carbon
atoms in the parent chain (i.e. the longest chain).
SECTION C • planning
• Organic compounds are restricted to one type of functional group per compound and to a
maximum of two functional groups of the same type per compound.
• The only substituent chains that are allowed in naming and reactions are: methyl- and ethyl-
• A maximum of THREE substituent chains (alkyl substituents) are allowed on the parent chain.
1 Structure – 102 • Recognise and apply to given examples the relationship between:
physical property ūū physical properties and intermolecular forces (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic acid, ethane,
relationships chloro-ethane)
ūū physical properties and number and type of functional groups (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic
acid, ethane, chloro-ethane)
ūū physical properties and chain length (methane, ethane, propane, butane, hexane, octane)
ūū physical properties and branched chains (pentane, 2-methylbutane; 2,2-dimethylpropane).
1 Applications of 107 • Alkanes are our most important (fossil) fuels. The combustion of alkanes (oxidation) is highly
organic chemistry exothermic and carbon dioxide and water are produced: alkane + O2 H2O + CO2 with ΔH<0
• An ester is a product of an acid catalysed condensation between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.
• Identify the alcohol and carboxylic acid used to prepare a given ester and vice versa, and write an
equation to present this preparation.
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3 Addition, 110 • Describe criteria to use to classify elimination, substitution or addition reactions according to
elimination and structural change.
substitution • Addition reactions: Unsaturated compounds (alkenes, cycloalkenes) undergo addition reactions:
ūū Hydrohalogenation: Addition of HX to an alkene e.g.
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 6
CH2 = CH2 + HCℓ → CH3 – CH2Cℓ
Reaction conditions: HX (X = Cℓ, Br, I) added to alkene; no water must be present (During addition
of HX to unsaturated hydrocarbons, the H atom attaches to the C atom already having the greater
number of H atoms. The X atom attaches to the more substituted C atom).
ūū Halogenation: Addition of X2 (X = Cℓ, Br) to alkenes e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + Cℓ2 → CH2Cℓ-CH2Cℓ
Reaction conditions: X2 (X = Cℓ, Br) added to alkene
SECTION C • planning
ūū Hydration: Addition of H2O to alkenes e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + H2O → CH3 – CH2OH
ūū Reaction conditions: H2O in excess and a small amount of HX or other strong acid (H3PO4) as
catalyst (During addition of H2O to unsaturated hydrocarbons, the H atom attaches to the C atom
already having the greater number of H atoms. The OH group attaches to the more substituted
ūū Hydrogenation: Addition of H2 to alkenes e.g.
CH2 = CH2 + H2 → CH3 – CH3
ūū Reaction conditions: alkene dissolved in a non polar solvent with the catalyst (Pt, Pd or Ni) in a H2
• Elimination reactions: Saturated compounds (haloalkanes, alcohols, alkanes) undergo elimination
ūū Dehydrohalogenation: Elimination of HX from a haloalkane e.g.
CH2Cℓ-CH2Cℓ → CH2 = CHCℓ + HCℓ
Reaction conditions: heat under reflux (vapours condense and return to reaction vessel during
heating) in a concentrated solution of NaOH or KOH in pure ethanol as the solvent i.e. hot
ethanolic NaOH/KOH (If more than one elimination product is possible, the major product is the
one where the H atom is removed from the C atom with the least number of H atoms).
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ūū Dehydration of alcohols: Elimination of H2O from an alcohol e.g.
CH3 – CH2OH → CH2 = CH2 + H2O
Reaction conditions: Acid catalysed dehydration – heating of alcohol with an excess of
concentrated H2SO4 (or H3PO4) (If more than one elimination product is possible, the major
product is the one where the H atom is removed from the C atom with the least number of H
• Cracking of hydrocarbons: Breaking up large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful
• Reaction conditions: high pressures and temperatures without a catalyst (thermal cracking), or
lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst (catalytic cracking).
• Substitution reactions:
SECTION C • planning
ūū Interconversion between alcohols and haloalkanes: Reactions of HX (X = Cℓ , Br) with alcohols to
produce haloalkanes.
Reaction conditions: Tertiary alcohols are converted into haloalkanes using HBr or HCℓ at room
temperature e.g.
C(CH3)3OH + HBr → C(CH3)3Br + H2O
ūū The reaction works best with tertiary alcohols. Primary and secondary alchohols react slowly and
at high temperatures.
ūū Reactions of bases with haloalkanes (Hydrolysis) to produce alcohols e.g.
C(CH3)3X + KOH → C(CH3)3OH + KBr
ūū Reaction conditions: Haloalkane dissolved in ethanol before treatment with aqueous sodium
hydroxide and warming the mixture; the same hydrolysis reaction occurs more slowly without
alkali, i.e. H2O added to the haloalkane dissolved in ethanol. (Strong based will cause elimination.)
ūū Reactions of bases with haloalkanes (hydrolysis) to produce alcohols e.g.
C(CH3)3X + KOH → C(CH3)3OH + KBr
Reaction conditions: Haloalkane dissolved in ethanol before treatment with aqueous sodium
hydroxide and warming of the mixture; the same hydrolysis reaction occurs more slowly without
alkali, i.e. H2O added to the haloalkane dissolved in ethanol.
ūū Haloalkanes from alkanes.
Reaction conditions: X2 (X = Br, Cℓ) added to alkane in the presence of light or heat.
• Describe addition reactions that are important in industry e.g. addition polymerisation reactions to
produce polyethylene, polypropylene, and PVC.
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4 Plastics and 119 • Describe the term polymer; macromolecule, chain, monomer, functional groups.
polymers • Illustrate the reaction to produce a polymer by an addition reaction using the polymerisation of
only ethene to produce polythene.
[nCH2=CH2 → (-CH2-CH2-)n ]
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 8
• What is the industrial use of polythene? (Make squeeze bottles, plastic bags, films, toys and
moulded objects, electric insulation. Polythene has the recycling number 4.)
• Illustrate the reaction to produce a polymer by condensation reaction with the reaction to produce
a polyester. Use only the reaction to make the polymer polyethylene.
• Illustrate the reaction to produce a polymer by condensation reaction with the reaction to produce
a polyester. Polylactic acid (PLA) is an interesting polymer because the monomer used for this
polymer comes from the biological fermentation of plant materials (as opposed to monomers
SECTION C • planning
coming from petroleum) and the polymer is biodegradable. This polymer (PLA) is mostly used for
packaging material and because it is biodegradable it has the potential to alleviate land-fill disposal
• Identify the monomer used to produce a polymer from the structural formula of a section of a
chain. Use only the following polymers to identify monomers:
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC); polystyrene; polythene; polyvinyl acetate (PVA). (Limited to identification
of monomers.)
• Identify a polymer as the product of an addition or condensation polymerisation reaction, from its
structural formula (use only polythene and Polylactic acid).
• Identify a polymer as the product of an addition or condensation polymerisation reaction, from its
structural formula.
Term 2
Module 1: Mechanics
2 Unit 3: Definition of work 147 • Define the work done on an object by a force as : W=FΔxCosθ.
Work, energy • Know that work is a scalar quantity and is measured in joules (J).
and power • Calculate the net work done on an object by applying the definition of work to each force acting on
the object while it is being displaced, and then adding up (scalar) each contribution.
• Positive net work done on a system will increase the energy of the system and negative net work
done on the system will decrease the energy of the system.
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Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
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1. Draw a force diagram showing only forces that act along the plane. Ignore perpendicular forces.
2. Calculate the resultant force (along the plane).
3. Calculate the net work done on an object by taking the product of the resultant force (along the
plane) acting on the object and its displacement along the plane.
2 The Work-Energy 151 • Know that the net work done on an object causes a change in the object‘s kinetic energy – the
Theorem work-energy theorem: Wnet = Ekf – Eki
• Apply the work-energy theorem to objects on horizontal and inclined planes (frictionless and
3 Conservative and 154 • Define conservative forces and give an example.
SECTION C • planning
non-conservative • Define non-conservative forces and give examples.
forces • Know that when only conservative forces are present, mechanical energy is conserved.
• Know that when non-conservative forces are present mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and
potential) is not conserved, but total energy (of the system) is still conserved.
• Solve conservation of energy problems (with dissipative forces present) using the equation:
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
• Use the above relationship to show that in the absence of non-conservative forces, mechanical
energy is conserved.
3 Power 161 • Define power as the rate at which work is done.
• Calculate the power involved when work is done.
• Understand the average power required to keep an object moving at a constant speed along a
rough horizontal surface or a rough inclined plane and do calculations using the equation
Pav = Fvav.
• Calculate the minimum power required of an electric motor to pump water from a borehole of a
particular depth at a particular rate using
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
• Calculate and understand minimum power.
• Perform simple experiments to determine the work done in walking up (or running up a flight of
stairs). By timing the run and walk (same flight of stairs) one can enrich the concept of power.
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Term 2
Module 3: Waves, sound and light
4 Unit 1: The With sound and 171 • State the Doppler Effect for sound and give everyday examples.
Doppler ultrasound • Explain (using appropriate illustrations) why a sound increases in pitch when the source of the
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 10
Effect sound travels towards a listener and decreases in pitch when it travels away.
• Use the equation fL = ____
v ± vL fS to calculate the frequency of sound detected by a listener (L) when
either the source or the listener is moving.
• Describe applications of the Doppler Effect with ultrasound waves in medicine, e.g. to measure the
rate of blood flow or the heartbeat of a foetus in the womb.
2 With light – red 177 • State that light emitted from many stars is shifted toward the red, or longer wavelength/lower
SECTION C • planning
shifts in the frequency, end of the spectrum due to movement of the source of light.
universe (evidence • Apply the Doppler Effect to these ‘red shifts’ to conclude that most stars are moving away from the
for the expanding Earth and therefore the universe is expanding.
Term 2
Module 4: Chemical change
2 Unit 1: Rate The rate of a 185 • Explain what is meant by reaction rate.
and extent of reaction and • List the factors which affect the rate of chemical reactions. (Surface area (solid), concentration
reaction factors affecting (solution), pressure (gas), temperature, and catalyst.)
rate • Explain in terms of collision theory how the various factors affect the rate of chemical reactions.
1 Measuring rates of 192 • Suggest suitable experimental techniques for measuring the rate of a given reaction including the
reaction measuring of gas volumes, turbidity (e.g. precipitate formation), change of colour and the change of
the mass of the reaction vessel.
1 Mechanism of 201 • Define activation energy – the minimum energy required for a reaction to take place. Colliding
reaction and of molecules must have, apart from the correct orientation, a kinetic energy equal to or bigger than
catalysis the activation energy of a reaction before the reaction can take place.
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• Use a graph showing the distribution of molecular energies (number of particles against their
kinetic energy) to explain why only some molecules have enough energy to react and hence how
adding a catalyst and heating the reactants affects the rate.
• Explain (in simple terms) how some catalysts function by reacting with the reactants in such a way
that the reaction follows an alternative path of lower activation energy.
2 Unit 2: Chemical 205 • Explain what is meant by:
Chemical equilibrium and ūū open and closed systems
equilibrium factors affecting ūū a reversible reaction
equilibrium ūū dynamic equilibrium.
• List the factors which influence the position of an equilibrium.
SECTION C • planning
4 Equilibrium 210 • List the factors which influence the value of the equilibrium constant Kc.
constant, Kc • Write down an expression for the equilibrium constant having been given the equation for the
• Perform calculations based on Kc values.
• Explain the significance of high and low values of the equilibrium constant.
2 Application of 213 • State Le Chatelier’s Principle. Use Le Chatelier’s Principle to identify and explain the effects of
equilibrium changes of pressure, temperature, and concentration (common ion effect) on the concentrations
principles and amounts of each substance in an equilibrium mixture. Explain the use of a catalyst and its
influence on an equilibrium mixture.
• Interpret only simple graphs of equilibrium.
• Apply the rate and equilibrium principles to important industrial applications e.g. Haber process.
8 Unit 3: Acids Acid-base 223 • Explain what is meant by acids and bases.
and bases reactions • State acid and base models (Arrhenius, Lowry- Brønsted).
• Write the reaction equations of aqueous solutions of acids and bases.
• Give conjugate acid-base pairs for given compounds.
• Determine the approximate pH of salts in salt hydrolysis.
• Give the neutralisation reactions of common laboratory acids and bases.
• How do indicators work? What is the range of methyl orange, bromo thymol blue and
phenolphthalein indicators?
• Do simple acid-base titrations.
• Do calculations based on titration reactions.
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Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
page date date
• Name some common strong and weak acids and bases.
• Explain the pH scale.
• Calculate pH values of strong acids and strong bases.
• Define the concept of Kw.
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 12
• Distinguish between strong and concentrated acids.
• Distinguish between concentrated and dilute acids.
• Explain the auto-ionisation of water.
• Compare the Ka and Kb values of strong and weak acids and bases.
• Compare strong and weak acids by looking at pH, conductivity and reaction rate.
• Look at the application of acids and bases in the Chlor-alkali industry (chemical reactions only).
• Look at the application of acids and bases in the chemistry of hair. (What is the pH of hair? What
SECTION C • planning
is permanent waving lotion and how does it work? What are hair relaxers and how do they work?
Discuss different ways of colouring hair.)
Term 3
Module 5: Electricity and Magnetism
4 Unit 1: Internal resistance, 262, • Solve problems involving current, voltage and resistance for circuits containing arrangements of
Electric and series and 265 resistors in series and in parallel.
circuits parallel networks • State that a real battery has internal resistance.
• The sum of the voltages across the external circuit plus the voltage across the internal resistance is
equal to the emf:
ε = Vcircuit + Vinternal resistance or ε = IRext + Ir
• Solve circuit problems in which the internal resistance of the battery must be considered.
• Solve circuit problems, with internal resistance, involving series-parallel networks of resistors.
4 Unit 2: Electrical machines 276 • State that generators convert mechanical energy to electrical energy and motors convert electrical
Electro- (generators, energy to mechanical energy.
dynamics motors) • Use Faraday’s Law to explain why a current is induced in a coil that is rotated in a magnetic field.
• Use words and pictures to explain the basic principle of an AC generator (alternator) in which a coil
is mechanically rotated in a magnetic field.
• Use words and pictures to explain how a DC generator works and how it differs from an AC
2013/06/11 9:14 PM
Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 13
page date date
• Explain why a current-carrying coil placed in a magnetic field (but not parallel to the field) will turn
by referring to the force exerted on moving charges by a magnetic field and the torque on the coil.
• Use words and pictures to explain the basic principle of an electric motor.
• Give examples of the use of AC and DC generators.
• Give examples of the use of motors.
Alternating current 293 • Explain the advantages of alternating current.
• Write expressions for the current and voltage in an AC circuit.
Imax Vmax
• Define the rms (root mean square) values for current and voltage as Irms = __ __
__ en Vrms = ___
√2 √2
respectively, and explain why these values are useful.
• Know that the average power is given by:
SECTION C • planning
Pav = IrmsVrms = _ 12 ImaxVmax (for a purely resistive circuit).
• Draw a graph of voltage vs. time and current vs. time for an AC circuit.
• Solve problems using the concepts of
Irms, Vrms,Pav
Term 3
Module 2: Matter and materials
6 Unit 2: Optical The photoelectric 305 • Describe the photoelectric effect as the process that occurs when light shines on a metal and it
phenomena effect ejects electrons.
and • Give the significance of the photoelectric effect: it establishes the quantum theory and it illustrates
properties of the particle nature of light.
materials • Define cut-off frequency, fo.
• Define work function and know that the work function is material specific.
• Know that the cut-off frequency corresponds to a maximum wavelength.
• Apply the photoelectric equation:
E = Wo + KEmax, waar E = hf en Wo = hfo ; KEmax = _ 12 m(vmax)2
• Know that the number of electrons ejected per second increases with the intensity of the incident
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Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
page date date
• Know that if the frequency of the incident radiation is below the cut-off frequency, then increasing
the intensity of the radiation has no effect i.e. it does not cause electrons to be ejected.
• Understand that the photoelectric effect demonstrates the particle nature of light.
2 Emission and 314 • Explain the source of atomic emission spectra (of discharge tubes) and their unique relationship to
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 14
absorption spectra each element.
• Relate the lines on the atomic spectrum to electron transitions between energy levels.
• Explain the difference between of atomic absorption and emission spectra.
Term 3
Module 4: Chemical change
2 Unit 4: Electrolytic cells 323 • Define the galvanic cell in terms of: self-sustaining electrode reactions; conversion of chemical
SECTION C • planning
Electro- and galvanic cells energy to electrical energy.
chemical • Define the electrolytic cell in terms of: electrode reactions that are sustained by a supply of
reactions electrical energy; conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy.
• Define oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer.
• Define oxidising agent and reducing agent in terms of oxidation and reduction.
• Define anode and cathode in terms of oxidation and reduction.
1 Relationship 328 • Give and explain the relationship between current in an electrochemical cell and the rate of the
of current and reaction.
potential to rate • State that the potential difference of the cell (Vcell) is related to the extent to which the spontaneous
and equilibrium cell reaction has reached equilibrium.
• State and use the qualitative relationship between Vcell and the concentration of product ions and
reactant ions for the spontaneous reaction viz. Vcell decreases as the concentration of product ions
increase and the concentration of reactant ions decrease until equilibrium is reached at which the
Vcell = 0 (the cell is ‘flat’).
2 Redox reaction in 329 • Describe the movement ions through the solutions the electron flow in the external circuit of the
cells cell; the half reactions at the electrodes; the function of the salt bridge in galvanic cells.
• Use cell notation or diagrams to represent a galvanic cell.
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Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 15
page date date
Standard electrode 332 • Give the standard conditions under which standard electrode potentials are determined.
potentials • Describe the standard hydrogen electrode and explain its role as the reference electrode.
• Explain how standard electrode potentials can be determined using the reference electrode and
state the convention regarding positive and negative values.
• Use the Table of Standard Reduction Potentials to calculate the emf of a standard galvanic cell.
• Use a positive value of the standard emf as an indication that the reaction is spontaneous under
standard conditions.
2 Equations 339 • Predict the half-cell in which oxidation will take place when connected to another half-cell.
representing redox • Predict the half-cell in which reduction will take place when connected to another half-cell.
reactions • Write equations for reactions taking place at the anode and cathode.
• Deduce the overall cell reaction by combining two half-reactions.
SECTION C • planning
• Describe, using half equations and the equation for the overall cell reaction, the following
electrolytic processes: the decomposition of copper chloride; a simple example of electroplating
(e.g. the refining of copper).
1 Oxidation numbers 343 • Revise from Grade 11 and extend in Grade 12.
• Describe, using half equations and the equation for the overall cell reaction, the layout of the
particular cell using a schematic diagram and potential risks to the environment of the following
electrolytic processes used industrially:
ūū The production of chlorine (the chemical reactions of the chloroalkali-industry)
ūū The recovery of aluminium metal from bauxite. (South Africa uses bauxite from Australia.)
Term 3
Module 6: Chemical systems
6 Unit 1: The fertiliser 359 • List, for plants, three non-mineral nutrients, i.e. nutrients that are not obtained from the soil: C, H
Chemical industry and O and their sources i.e. the atmosphere (CO2) and rain (H2O); three primary nutrients N, P and K
industry and their source i.e. the soil. These nutrients are mineral nutrients that dissolve in water in the soil
and are absorbed by the roots of plants.
• Fertilisers are needed because there are not always enough of these nutrients in the soil for healthy
growth of plants.
• Explain the function of N, P and K in plants.
• Give the source of N (guano), P (bone meal) and K (German mines) before and after the first world
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Hours Units Topics LB Content, concepts and skills Planned Completion
page date date
• Interpret the N:P:K fertiliser ratio.
• Describe and explain (rates, yields, neutralisation, …), using chemical equations wherever
appropriate, these aspects of the industrial manufacture of fertilisers, given diagrams, flow charts
and so on.
••C-PLANNING CUP_TF_PS_Gr12.indd 16
ūū N2 – fractional distillation of air
ūū H2 – at Sasol from coal and steam
ūū NH3 – Haber process
ūū HNO3 – Ostwald process
ūū H2SO4 – including the contact process
ūū H3PO4 and Ca (H2PO4)2 (super phosphates)
ūū NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4
SECTION C • planning
ūū H2NCONH2 (urea)
• Give sources of potash (mined imported potassium salts like KNO3, K2SO4 and KNO3).
• Evaluate the use of inorganic fertilisers on humans and the environment.
• Link Sasol to the production of fertilisers, i.e. ammonium nitrate (fertiliser and explosive).
• Define eutrophication.
• Discuss alternatives to inorganic fertilisers as used by some communities.
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Example of lesson preparation grid
Lesson preparation
Teacher: Grade: 12 School: A Nother Secondary School
Time 2 hours
Knowledge area Mechanics: Work, energy and power
Prior knowledge Identify forces acting on an object.
Draw force diagrams / free body diagrams.
Resolve forces into components along the direction of motion, and
perpendicular to the direction of motion.
Determine the net force acting on an object along the direction of
Core knowledge and Definition of work.
concepts Calculation of work done by a force.
Calculation of net work done on an object.
Teacher activities Learner activities Resources Assessment
• Revise force diagrams • Answer questions for • Study & Master, • Baseline
and free body diagrams. baseline assessment. Grade 12 assessment
• Revise the resolution of • Discussion: work page 147 to to establish
forces into components done by a force, how page 169. learner
(horizontal and to determine angle • Scientific understanding
vertical components, between force and calculators of prior
and parallel and displacement, and what to compute knowledge.
perpendicular is meant by positive and trigonometric Teacher
components). negative work. ratios. assessment.
• Revise the calculation of • Completion of class work • Class work
net force acting on an activity. exercise: to
object (vector sum). • Completion of identify forces
• Define work done by a homework activity. acting on an
force. object, and
• Calculate work done by a calculate work
force using the equation done by each
W = FΔxCos θ force. Teacher
• Explain how the angle and self-
θ can be calculated for assessment.
different directions of • Homework
force and displacement. exercise:
• Explain what is meant completion
by positive work and of class work
negative work. exercise, and
• Calculate the net work additional
done on an object by questions.
adding the work done by Self-assessment
each force acting on the and peer
object (scalar sum). assessment.
• Calculate the net work
done on an object by
using the equation
Wnet = FnetΔx Cos θ
Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf )
PO Box 72135, Lynwood Ridge, 0400; Tel: 012 349-5461
Cambridge University Press:
Cape Town Science Centre:
Chevron/Caltex Oil:
PO Box 4907, Johannesburg, 2000; Tel: 011 280-2000
Chamber of Mines:
PO Box 61809, Marshalltown, 2107; Tel: 011 498-7421
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR):
PO Box 395, Brummeria, Pretoria (Tshwane), 0184; Tel: 012 841-2911
Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs:
Private Bag X59, Pretoria (Tshwane), 0001
Department of National Education Film Library
Private Bag X239, Pretoria (Tshwane), 0001; Tel: 012 322-6625
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism:
Private Bag X447, Pretoria (Tshwane), 0001; Tel: 012 310-3911
Department of National Health and Planning:
Private Bag X828, Pretoria (Tshwane), 0001; Tel: 012 312-0000
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry:
Private Bag X313, Pretoria (Tshwane), 0001; Tel: 012 229-0111
Earthlife Africa:
PO Box 32131, Braamfontein, 2107; Tel: 011 339-3662
Environmental Education Centres:
• Abe Bailey Nature Reserve, Box 13, Carletonville, 2500; Gauteng; Tel: 018 788-3290
• Ben Lavin Nature Reserve, Box 782, Makhado, 0920; Limpopo; Tel: 015 516-4534, 078 477-3118
• South African Education and Environment Project:
B14 Waverley Court, Kotzee Road, Mowbray, 7700; Tel: 021 447-3610
• Delta Park Environmental Centre:
Road No. 3, Victory Park, Johannesburg, 2001; Tel: 011 888-4831
• Umgeni Valley Project: PO Box 394, Howick, 3290; KwaZulu-Natal; Tel: 033 330-3931
Environmental Education and Resources Unit:
Encyclopaedia Britannica online:
Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA):
PO Box 394, Howick, 3290
PO Box 1091, Johannesburg, 2000; Tel: 011 800-5401
Exploratorium: Dock Road, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town
Institute for Natural Resources:
PO Box 100396, Scottsville, 3209; Tel: 033 346-0796
Keep South Africa Beautiful: PO Box 1514, Randburg, 2125; Tel: 011 787-1080
Use local municipal libraries, community health libraries, university and college libraries.
List of activities D1
Term 1
Module 1 Mechanics
Background information D5
Units 1 to 2 D6
Module 2 Matter and materials
Background information D16
Unit 1 D17
Term 2
Module 1 Mechanics (continued) D36
Unit 3 D36
Module 3 Waves, sound and light
Background information D42
Unit 1 D43
Module 4 Chemical change
Background information D46
Units 1 to 3 D47
Term 3
Module 5 Electricity and magnetism
Background information D69
Units 1 to 2 D70
Module 2 Matter and materials (continued) D83
Unit 2 D84
Module 4 Chemical change (continued) D88
Unit 4 D89
Module 6 Chemical systems
Background information D98
Unit 1 D99
→ →
b) pi pf
D6 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
LB p. 43 Activity 1 Recommended
experiment for G
formal assessment
Verify the conservation of linear momentum
Answers to questions
1 pbefore = m1→
vi1 + m2→
vi2 = 0 (since both trolleys are initially stationary).
2 p = mv = m ∆t and since ∆t for both are the same, p m∆x.
Module 1 • Unit 1 D7
LB p. 46 Activity 2 Recommended
demonstration for G
informal assessment
Newton’s Cradle
Answers to questions
1 We assume that there is no energy transferred to heat or sound when the
balls collide and that the collisions are elastic. This means that the balls at
the ends will continue to reach the same height, and they will continue
to swing. In reality some energy is transferred to heat and sound and the
ball will eventually come to rest.
2 a) m1→ vi1 + m2→
vi2 = m1→
vf2 + m2→ vf2 (since momentum is conserved)
m1vi1 + 0 = 0 + m2→
vf2 (since ball 2 starts from rest, and ball 1 comes to
The mass of each ball is the same, so → vf2 = →vi1 = →
The velocity of ball 2 just after the collision is the same as the velocity
of ball 1 just before the collision, namely → vi.
b) Before collision, Ek(total) = _ 21 m1→ vi12 + _ 12 m2→vi22
1 →2
= _ 2 mvi1 + 0
1 →2
= _ 2 mvi
After collision, Ek(total) = _ 12 m1→ vf12 + _ 12 m2→vf22
1_ → 2
= 0 + 2 mvf2
1 →2
= _ 2 mvi (because vf2 = vi)
Since total Ek before collision = total Ek after collision, we conclude
that the collision is elastic.
3 Origins of the Newton cradle – learners are expected to research this, and
engage in the contested nature of its origin.
Its utility is associated with the unusual continuity in the swing of the
balls, and the symmetrical nature of this movement. It is an aesthetically
pleasing sight, and is therefore referred to as an ‘executive toy’. However,
it is also used in many laboratories and science centres to demonstrate
elastic collisions.
D8 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
vf = +2 m∙s-1
= 2,85 J
Since total Ek before explosion ≠ total Ek after explosion, the explosion
is inelastic.
∴ vf2 = + 2 m.s–1 in the original direction.
b) FnetΔt = Δp = m→ vf – m→ vi
480 NΔt = Δp = (0,04 kg)( + 500 m·s–1)– (0,04 kg)( + 200 m·s–1)
480 NΔt = Δp = 20 kg·m·s–1– 8 kg·m·s–1
Δt = 0,025 s
Module 1 • Unit 1 D9
LB p. 64 Activity 3 Recommended
experiment for I
informal assessment
Answers to questions
1 To minimise the effects of air friction.
2 The mass piece must be aerodynamically shaped (or bullet-shaped), so
that it can cut through the air and minimise air friction.
3 Place padding on the floor (e.g. a thick rubber mat).
D10 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Δ→ x = _ 12 →
aΔt2 + 16 m
_12 →
aΔt2 + 16 m = 12 m·s–1 Δt + _ 12 →
16 m = 12 m·s–1 Δt
Δt = 1,33 s
b) v (m.s–1)
12 B
0 t (s)
Δv →
(1,33 – 0)s
= 9,8 m·s–2
Δ→ v = 13,034 m·s–1
Therefore, shaded area = _ 12 b × h = _ 12 (1,33s)(13,034 m·s–1) = 8,67 m
4 a) Velocity increases from t = 0 s, as the ball falls from maximum
height towards the ground and strikes the ground at t = 0,4 s.
Acceleration is constant throughout the fall.
b) Height from which the ball is dropped = displacement of ball
= area under the graph from t = 0 s to t = 0,4 s
= 2 b × h
= 2 (0,4 s)(4 m∙s )
_ -1
= 0,8 m
1 a) closed system
b) kinetic energy
c) impulse
d) Newton’s Third Law
e) the impulse–momentum theorem
f ) free fall
g) instantaneous velocity
h) displacement
i) acceleration/net force
j) velocity/final velocity
2 a) The momentum that an object has is in the direction of the velocity
of the object.
b) The momentum of a body is directly proportional to the velocity of
the body, and directly proportional to the mass of the body.
c) The impulse of an object is the change in momentum of the object.
d) Net force and impulse are always in the same direction.
e) Rockets can accelerate from the ground because the force of the hot
gases expelled downwards causes the rocket to accelerate upwards.
f ) Momentum is only conserved in collisions that occur in isolated
g) An object is in free fall if the only force acting on the object is the
gravitational force.
h) When an object is thrown upwards and returns to its starting point,
the upward speed is equal to the downward speed at this point.
i) At the highest position reached by an object thrown upward, the
velocity is zero. OR the acceleration is equal to the gravitational
j) The object will take longer to reach the ground if it is released from
3 a) B b) A
c) C d) B
e) A f ) D
4 a) Whether the wine glass falls on a carpeted floor or a concrete floor
from the same height, the change in momentum is the same. Now
Δt (Δp constant). The contact time between the wine glass and
Fnet α __
the carpeted floor is greater than the contact time between the wine
glass and the concrete floor because of the soft carpet fibres. Hence
the net force exerted by the concrete floor is greater than that exerted
D12 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Therefore, the green ball moves at 6 m.s–1 in the original direction of the
red ball.
6 Let the mass of each trolley be m.
Take the direction of trolley A as positive.
m1→ vi1 + m2→ vi2 = m1→v f1 + m2→
v f2
m1(3,2 m s ) + m2(0 m.s–1) = m3(0 m.s–1) + m2→
. –1
v f2
→v f2 = 3,2 m.s–1
Therefore, trolley B moves at 3,2 m.s–1 in the original direction of
trolley A.
7 When the girl catches the ball, momentum is conserved.
mG→ viG + mB→ viB = (mG + mB)→ vf
mG(0) + mB→ viB = (mG + mB)→ vf
v m→
vf = ______
B iB
(mG + m )
≈ ___
mB iB (Since mG is much bigger than mB)
→vi = +6,57 m∙s–1 This is the velocity with which ball leaves the ground.
FnetΔt = Δp = m→ vf – m→
vi (where →
vf is the velocity with which the ball leaves
the ground, and vi the velocity with which the ball strikes the ground)
Fnet (0,002 s) = 0,2 kg(+6,57 m∙s–1) – 0,2 kg(–7,67 m∙s–1)
Fnet = +1 424 N
The average force exerted by the floor on the ball is 1,424 N upward.
9 a) Take upward as positive.
→ vf2 = → vi2 + 2→
02 = (30 m∙s–1)2 + 2(–9,8 m∙s–2)Δ→ y
Δy = 45,92 m
Δt = 6,12 s
c) y (m) position vs. time v (m.s–1) velocity vs. time
30 m.s–1
45,92 m
6,12 s
0 t (s)
3,06 s
0 –30 m.s–1
3,06 s 6,12 s t (s)
→ vi = +5,58 m∙s–1
Jannie threw the brick 5,58 m∙s–1 downward.
11 a) Let the time taken for B to reach the ground be t seconds. Therefore
time taken for A to reach the ground is (t + 1,4) seconds. Also let the
height of the building be y. Take upward as positive.
For object A:
Δ→ y=→ viΔt + _ 12 →
–y = (+10 m∙s–1)(t + 1,4)s + _ 12 (–9,8 m∙s–2)(t + 1,4)2s2 (equation 1)
For object A:
Δ→ y=→ viΔt + _ 12 →
–y = 0 + 2 (–9,8 m∙s–2)(t s)2
(equation 2)
Solving equations 1 and 2 simultaneously, we get t = 1,18 s.
Therefore time taken for B to reach the ground is 1,18 s.
b) Substituting for t = 1,18 s in equation 2, we get y = 6,82 m.
Therefore height from which objects were launched = 6,82 m.
c) y (m) position vs. time
0 t (s)
1,18 s 2,58 s
D14 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
For the motion from the large window to the smaller window:
vf = →
vi2 + 2aΔy
(24 m∙s ) = (2 × 6,26 m∙s–1)2 + 2(−9,8 m∙s–2)Δy
–1 2
Δy = −21,39 m
Therefore, the vertical distance between the large window and the
small window is 21,39 m.
b) Height of the tenth floor above ground:
Δy = → viΔt + _ 12 aΔt2
= (−6,26 m∙s–1)(2 s) + _ 21 (−9,8 m∙s–2)(2 s)2
= −32,12 m
i.e. the tenth floor is 32,12 m above the ground.
Therefore, large window is (32,12 m – 6 m) = 26,12 m above the
ground, and the small window (26,12 m – 21,39 m) = 4,73 m above
the ground.
y (m)
0 t (s)
t1 t2
Propanal H H O aldehyde O
Butyne H H alkyne –C C–
LB p. 90 Activity 2 Experiment G
D18 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
LB p. 93 Activity 3 Recommended
experiment for G
informal assessment
Investigate saturated and unsaturated molecules
The chemicals used in this experiment are dangerous. Please read the safety
instructions and discuss them with your class.
• Cyclohexane, cyclohexene and ethanol are extremely flammable; do
not use near a flame.
• Bromine vapours are poisonous and carcinogenic. Use in a fume
cupboard or well-ventilated room.
• Dispose of waste in an appropriate manner.
• Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising agent and must be
disposed of separately. Do not mix with organic chemical waste.
Experiment 1: Compare reactivity of alkanes and alkenes with bromine
Follow the instructions in the Learner’s Book and conduct the experiment in
a fume cupboard or well-ventilated classroom. Bromine reacts rapidly with
cyclohexene to produce dibromocyclohexane, which is colourless. A successful
reaction is indicated when the reddish-brown bromine is used up and a
colourless product is formed. Cyclohexane will not react immediately, so place
the test tube with cyclohexane and bromine water in bright light for about 30
minutes. The cyclohexane will eventually discolour the bromine solution.
Answers to questions
1 Add a small amount of bromine solution to the unknown hydrocarbon.
The alkene will discolour the bromine solution immediately from
orange-brown to colourless.
2 CaC2(s) + 2H2O(ℓ) → C2H2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)
3 There should be no difference in the reactivity of cyclohexene and
ethyne. Both are unsaturated.
4 H H H H
H C H H C Br
+ Br2 → + HBr
HH bromine HH hydrogen
cyclohexane solution bromocyclohexane bromide
H C Br
or H Br
+ H2
1,1-dibromocyclohexane or hydrogen gas
any substitution product
H H Br
H + Br2 →
C C H Br
HH bromine HH
cyclohexane solution 1,2-dibromocyclohexane
3 H H H H H H H H
pent-1-yne pent-2-yne H C H
Pent-1-yne and pent-2-yne are positional isomers and 3-methylbut-1-yne is a
chain isomer.
D20 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
propanoic acid methyl ethanoate
For the next 3 exercises, provide the correct number of atoms to each
learner and ask them to arrange the atoms in all the possible ways.
3 H H H H H H H H
but-1-ene but-2-ene H
methyl propene
4 H H O H H O H O H
propanoic acid ethyl methanoate methyl ethanoate
5 H H H H H O H H H H OH H
butan-1-ol butan-2-ol H
methyl propan-2-ol
H methyl propyl ether diethyl ether
methyl propan-1-ol
b) H
c) H
propyne H
e) H H H H H H H O
f) H O H H H
D22 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
• Wear safety goggles.
• Organic solvents can have harmful vapours; use in a well-ventilated
• Organic solvents can be flammable; extinguish all open flames.
D24 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
ii) addition reaction: halogenation
iii) The orange-brown colour of the bromine solution is discoloured.
5 a) H H H H Cl H
H C C C H + Cl2 (g) H C C C H + HCl (g)
propane chlorine gas 2-chloropropane chloride
b) substitution
c) No reaction occurs.
6 a) CH3CH2CH2Br + NaOH → CH3CH2CH2OH + NaBr
b) substitution reaction
c) propan-1-ol
D26 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Answers to questions
1 The function of the borax is to cross-link the polymer chains. More borax
will result in a more stiff slime or putty.
2 You can use less borax, but there must be enough borax to allow cross-
linking of the polymer.
3 No; the water separates from the polymer product.
4 The polymer loses its elasticity.
5 Learner’s own work.
C C C O C C O + nH2O
H H H n
a) condensation polymerisation
Investigating plastics
Investigation 1: Plastics physical properties
Plastics have the following physical properties in common:
• practically unbreakable and durable
• electrical and thermal insulators
• easily moulded into different shapes and sizes
• corrosion resistant
• low density makes them light
• cost-effective
• hygienic, inert and safe; does not contaminate food or other products
• produced in different colours.
Poly(chloroethene) is known as PVC in the industry and was discovered
by a French physicist Henri Victor Regnault, and German physicist Eugen
Baumann. It was first produced in the laboratory in 1912 and commercial
production started in 1931. Today the production of PVC is the second
largest of all plastics in the world.
The styrene (phenylethene) monomer was first distilled from a balsam tree in
1831 by the French chemist Bonastre. Later, the German pharmacist Eduard
Simon gave the name styrol to this liquid. He found that when the liquid was
left to stand for several months it formed a jelly-like substance. Various other
chemists worked with the substance and found that by heating the liquid, a
reaction took place that changed it into a solid. In the 20th century the name
of the substance was changed to styrene. Commercial production of styrene
D28 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Propylene was first polymerised to a crystalline isotactic polymer by
Giulio Natta as well as by the German chemist Karl Rehn in March 1954.
In isotactic polypropylene the methyl groups are on the same side of the
polymer chain. It has a regular structure, making the polymer rigid and
tough. This pioneering discovery led to large-scale commercial production
of isotactic polypropylene by the Italian firm Montecatini from 1957
onwards. Syndiotactic polypropylene was also first synthesized by Natta and
his coworkers. In syndiotactic polypropylene the methyl groups alternate
between one side of the polymer chain and the other.
Polyvinyl acetate was discovered by Fritz Klatte, a German chemist in 1912.
He found that the catalysed reaction of acetylene with acetic acid gave a low
boiling liquid (vinyl acetate) that can easily be polymerised to form a range
of dense solid materials.
Polylactic acid
Polylactic acid was first discovered in the 1930s when a DuPont scientist,
Wallace Caruthers, produced a low molecular weight PLA product. In
1954, DuPont patented Carothers’ process. Initially the focus was on the
manufacture of medical grade applications due to the high cost of the
polymer, but advances in fermentation of glucose, which forms lactic acid,
has dramatically lowered the cost of producing lactic acid and significantly
increased interest in the polymer.
Investigation 5: Survey
Learners’ own opinions, initiative and work.
When polymer chains are pulled while they are being formed, they become
more ordered and closely packed. The intermolecular forces between the
closely spaced chains increase. The fibre becomes stronger with greater
tensile strength. You can demonstrate this physical property of polymers by
making nylon in class. Some school laboratories might carry the ingredients
for this experiment.
N(CH2)6N C (CH2)8 C + n HCl
H H n
nylon 6,6
D30 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
1 a) hydrocarbons i) alkanes
b) functional group j) esterification
c) homologous series k) hydrohalogenation
d) unsaturated l) hydration
e) alkynes m) cracking
f ) CnH2n + 2 n) substitution
g) (structural) isomers o) polymerisation
h) IUPAC system p) condensation polymerisation
2 a) Hydrocarbons can contain the elements hydrogen and carbon.
b) C5H12 is a member of the alkane homologous series. C7H14 is an alkene.
c) Alkynes have the general formula CnH2n–2 and are unsaturated
d) Ethanol is an example of a primary alcohol and is completely soluble
in water.
e) The boiling points of the alkenes increase with increasing molecular
f ) Alcohols and carboxylic acids have hydrogen bonds between their
molecules. Alkyl halides have van der Waals forces between their
g) Chlorination of methane is a substitution reaction.
h) Unsaturated compounds undergo addition reactions to form
saturated compounds.
i) Two types of saturated structures can be interconverted by
j) Polythene is an addition polymer made from ethyne monomers.
3 a) A b) B c) D d) D e) B
f ) C g) B h) C i) A j) D
4 a) D b) G c) F d) E e) K
f ) A g) B h) L i) H j) C
5 a) General formula: All members of a homologous series have the same
general formula. The general formula for the alkanes is Cn H2n + 2
where n is the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.
b) Homologous series: A family of organic molecules forms a
homologous series. All the molecules in a homologous series have
the same functional group, but different lengths of carbon chains.
Alkanes, alkenes and alcohols are examples of organic homologous
c) Functional group: The distinctive group of atoms attached to a
carbon chain that all the members of the homologous series have
in common is called the functional group. Functional groups are
responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of a homologous
series. The functional group of the alkenes is a double bond C=C and
the functional group of the alcohols is the hydroxyl group OH.
6 a) C b) G c) I d) H e) J
f ) E g) D h) F i) B j) A
7 a) Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different
structural formulae.
O H O δ– CH3CH2CH2 O H
δ +
hydrogen bonds δ+ hydrogen bond
dipole-dipole forces δ–
10 a) Cn H2n–2
b) i) addition reaction: halogenation
ii) 1,2- dibromopropane
Br Br H
c) i) H H H
D32 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
methyl proponoate water
11 a) ethyl propanoate
b) esters
c) ethanol
d) concentrated sulfuric acid
e) H H H H
Pentanoic acid
12 a) alkenes
b) Cn H2n
c) H
d) The compound contains a double bond and during an addition
reaction, more atoms can be added onto the molecule.
e) i) The brown bromine solution discolours.
ii) halogenation (addition reaction)
iii) 2,3-dibromo-2-methylbutane
H Br Br H
f ) i) W
ater must be in excess; a small amount of strong acid (HCl,
H2SO4 or H3PO4) to act as catalyst
ii) 2-methyl-butan-2-ol
13 a) reaction III: elimination – dehydration
b) but-2-ene CH3CH = CHCH3
c) reaction I: hydration; reaction II: hydrohalogenation
d) butan-2-ol CH3CH2CHCH3
e) 2-bromo-2–methylpentane CH3CCH2CH2CH3
f ) alkenes
c) hydrohalogenation (addition)
d) H
e) hydrolysis
f ) i) water
ii) HCl, H2SO4 or H3PO4
iii) hydration
g) i) pent-1-ene
ii) dehydrohalogenation (elimination)
16 a) Monomer: the smallest unit in a polymer which is repeated many
hundreds to thousands of times, e.g. ethene is the monomer in
Copolymer: made up of two or more types of monomer, e.g.
polyester is made from the monomers terephthalic acid and ethylene
Homopolymer: contains only one type of monomer, e.g. poly(ethene).
b) Polymers are macromolecules with large molecular masses.
Intermolecular forces are stronger in large molecules and keep these
molecules in a solid state.
17 a) ethene
b) addition polymerisation
c) monomer: H H H H H H
ethene C C C C C C
high pressure catalyst
D34 T e r m 1 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
C C O CH2CH2 O + n H20
19 a) lactic acid H
(polylactic acid) H C H
b) chloro ethene H H
(vinyl chloride) C C
H Cl
c) styrene H H
(polystyrene) C C H
d) ethene H H
(ethylene) C C
e) ethenol H
(vinyl alcohol) H C C O H
20 Plastics are used in packaging for the following reasons:
• good strength and elasticity
• durability
• photodegradability
• easily moulded into shapes
• low density gives light mass
• insulation properties
• hygienic, inert and safe; does not contaminate food
• corrosion and chemical resistant
• transparent and allows us to see the packaged product
• cost-effective.
Plastics are used for a wide variety of other products because they are:
• practically unbreakable and durable
• electrical and thermal insulators
• produced in different colours
• easily moulded in different shapes and sizes
• corrosion resistant.
D36 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
b) Wnet = ΔK = 0 J (since the pram moves down at constant velocity)
Wnet = WFN + WFg + WFf + WFapp
0 J = 0 J + mgΔx cos θ + Ff Δx cos θ + WFapp
0 J = 0 J + (25 kg)(9,8 m∙s–2)(20 m) cos 75°
+ (35 N)(20 m) cos 180° + WFapp
WFapp = –568,21 J
c) WFapp = Fapp Δx cos θ
–568,21 J = Fapp (20 m) cos 180°
Fapp = 28,41 N up the incline.
d) Pav = Fapp v
= 28,41 N × 1 m∙s–1
= 28,41 W
D38 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Learner’s Book
page 167–169
Unit 3 Summative assessment: Mechanics
Term 2, MODULE 1 (continued)
1 a) work done
b) kinetic energy
c) conservative force
d) net work
e) power
2 a) Work is done by the applied force when a mass is lifted upward.
b) A conservative force does no work on a body if the body is moved
around a closed path by this force.
c) When a force does work on an object that moves at a constant
velocity, the power due to the applied force is given by Fv.
d) Mechanical energy is conserved in a swinging pendulum, because the
tension in the string does no work on the pendulum bob.
e) Two people will only have the same power output when they run
down a flight of stairs in equal time if their masses are the same.
3 a) C b) C c) B d) C e) B
4 a i) Since the only force acting on the brick while it is in motion is the
gravitational force, mechanical energy is conserved.
(Ep + Ek)bottom = (Ep + Ek)top
(mgh + _ 12 mv2)bottom = (mgh + _ 12 mv2)top
m(9,8 m∙s–2)(1,5 m) + _ 12 mv2bottom = m(9,8 m∙s–2)(4 m) + _ 12 m(2 m∙s–1)2
vbottom = 7,28 m∙s–1
Therefore, Sifiso threw the brick at 7,28 m∙s–1.
ii) (Ep + Ek)bottom = (Ep + Ek)top
(mgh + _ 12 mv2)bottom = (mgh + _ 12 mv2)max height
m(9,8 m∙s–2)(1,5 m) + _ 21 m(7,28 m∙s–1)2 = m(9,8 m∙s–2)hmax + _ 12 m(0)2
hmax = 4,20 m
Therefore, height above the roof = 4,20 m – 4 m = 0,20 m.
v = 3,96 m.s–1
b) For the motion from B to C, the only non-conservative force acting
on the bead is the frictional force. Therefore,
WFf = Wnc = ΔEp + ΔEk
= Ep(at C) – Ep(at B) + Ek(at C) – Ek(at B)
= mghC – mghB + _ 12 mvC2 – _ 12 mvB2
= (0,04 kg)(9,8 m∙s–2)(0,6 m) – 0 + _ 21 (0,04 kg)(1 m∙s–1)2 – _ 12 (0,04 kg)
(3,96 m∙s–1)2
= –0,0584 J
6 a) Assuming that each learner moves upward at a constant speed, and
ignoring friction, work is done on the crates by an applied force (non-
conservative force) in each case.
Wnc = ΔEp + ΔEk = mgΔh + 0 = mgΔh.
Since the crates have the same mass, and gain the same height, the
work done in each case is the same.
P = __
i.e. P ∝ __
(W is the same for both learners),
ΔtBongi < ΔtSam, therefore PBongi > PSam
7 F is the force applied by the engine to overcome friction.
100 000 m
v = 100 km.h–1 = _______ = 27,78 m.s–1
60 × 60 s
P = Fv
20 000 W = F(27,28 m.s–1)
F = 720 N
Therefore the magnitude of the frictional force is 720 N.
8 The force applied by the motor on the elevator (Fapp) must balance the
weight and frictional force downwards, since the net acceleration of the
lift is zero (velocity is constant).
Fapp = mg + Ffr = (1 000 kg + 50 kg)(9,8 m.s–2) + 2 000 N
= 12 290 N
P = Fappv = (12 290 N)( 3 m.s–1)
= 36 870 J.s–1 = 36 870 W = 36,87 kW
9 m = 2 000 kg u = 10 m?s–1
v=0 Dx = 12,5 m
a) v2 = u2 1 2Dx
02 = (10 m?s–1)2 1 2a(12,5 m)
a = –4 m?s–2
a = 4 m?s–2 opposite to the direction of motion.
F = ma = 2 000 kg 3 (–4 m?s–2)
= –8 000 N
= 8 000 N opposite to the direction of motion.
D40 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
= 252 600 J
Therefore, power of motor = W t
252 600J
= _______
60 s
= 4210 W (1 minute)
11 a) From B to C, the only horizontal force acting on the ball is the
frictional force.
Wnet = WFf = Ff Δx cos 180°
= 1,8 N (2,5 m)(−1) = −4,5 J
Wnet = ΔEk = _ 12 mvf2 – _ 21 mvi2
−4,5 J = 0 − _ 21 (0,05 kg)vf2
vf = 13,42 m∙s–1.
Therefore the ball must have a speed of 13,42 m∙s–1 at B.
Learner’s Book
Unit 1 Summative assessment: Waves, sound and light
pages 181–183
Term 2, MODULE 3
1 a) A d) C
b) D e) A
c) C
2 a) False: the Doppler Effect is the change in frequency of the sound
b) True
c) False: when the spectral lines are shifted towards increasing
frequencies, the galaxy is moving towards the reference galaxy.
3 The object is moving to the top because the wavelength in this region has
become smaller, due to the Doppler Effect.
4 The source is moving and the listener is stationary. We use the equation:
v ±v 340 m.s –1
v± vL ) fS to obtain fL = ( ____________
fL = ( ____ 340
) 450 Hz
m.s–1 – 20 m.s–1
fL = 478 Hz
The observed frequency is higher than the emitted frequency.
5 The listener moves away from the siren, and we use the equation
v ±v
v± vL ) fS to obtain
fL = ( ____
340 m.s–1– 27,78 m.s–1
fL = ( _____________
340 m.s–1
) 900 Hz
fL = 826 Hz. The observed frequency is lower than the emitted frequency.
6 The source is stationary and the listener is moving. We use the equation:
v ±v 340 m.s + x –1
v± vL ) fS to obtain 392 Hz = ( ________
fL = ( ____ 340 m.s–1
) 380 Hz
vL = 10,7 m.s–1.
7 The source is stationary and the listener is moving. We are required to
find v L given that v S = 0; f S = 740 Hz; v = 340 m.s–1
We are also given Δf = 80 Hz, which is the difference in the two observed
frequencies. When the professor approaches the parked car his observed
v+v 340 m.s–1 + v
v L = (_________
frequency is f L = ____ 340 m.s–1
= (340 m.s + v L ) 2,18 Hz. When the professor drives away from the
D44 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
9 a) The frequency is 474 Hz, since this is larger than the frequency
emitted by the source.
b) The source is moving and the listener is stationary. We have vS = 10
m.s–1; vL = 0 m.s–1; fS = 460 Hz; fL = 474 Hz
v ±v v
v± vL ) fS to obtain fL = ( ____
We use the equation: fL = ( ____ v – v ) fS
v vf
Rearrange the equation: (v – vS) = ( fv ) fS → v = ____
(f S –fL )
Sf = ____
(1– _S
) L S
10 m.s–1 × 474 Hz fL
v =
474 Hz – 460 Hz
= 339 m.s–1
If we use the source moving away from the listener then:
–v f
S L –10(447 Hz)
v = ____
= __________
(f –f ) 447 Hz – 460 Hz
= 343,8 m.s–1
10 There will be two Doppler shifted frequencies, one occurring when the
chest moves towards the source and the other when the chest moves
away. The moving chest is regarded as the source of the sound, and the
receiver of the Doppler flow meter is the stationary listener.
For the first Doppler shifted frequency, when the chest moves towards
the Doppler flow meter, we have vS = 0,01 m.s–1; vL = 0 m.s–1; fS = 1 × 106
Hz; v = 1,5 × 103 m.s–1
v 1,5 × 103 m.s–1
fL1 = ( ___
v – v ) fS = ( ________________
1,5 × 103 m.s–1 – 0,01 m.s–1
)(1 × 106 Hz)
= 1,000006667 × 106 Hz
For the second Doppler shifted frequency, when the chest moves away
from the Doppler flow meter, we have vS = 0,01 m.s–1; vL = 0 m.s–1;
fS = 1 × 106 Hz; v = 1,5 × 103 m.s–1
v 1,5 × 103 m.s–1
fL2 = ( ___ ) fS = ( ________________
v– vS ) (1 × 10 Hz) = 0,9999933 × 10
1,5 × 103 m.s–1 + 0,01 m.s–1
6 6
The change in frequency will be
1,000006667 × 106 Hz – 0,9999933 × 106 Hz
= 13,3 Hz
11 The observed wavelength (656,315 nm) from the nearby star is larger
than the wavelength (656,285 nm) in the reference star (sun). The
wavelength is red-shifted and hence the nearby star is moving away from
the sun.
12 a) If galaxy A is chosen as the reference galaxy, we notice that the lines
in the emission spectrum of galaxy B are shifted towards the blue
end, i.e. they are blue-shifted towards increasing frequencies, and
hence this galaxy is moving towards galaxy A.
b) If galaxy D is chosen as the reference galaxy, we notice that the lines
in the emission spectrum of galaxy C are shifted towards the red end,
i.e. they are red-shifted towards decreasing frequencies, and hence this
galaxy is moving away from galaxy D.
13 a) Star B, since its frequency has decreased. It is moving away from
the earth.
b) Star A, since it is moving towards the earth at a faster rate than star C.
Mass of gas released (g)
4 B A
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (min)
D48 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Note that sulfur dioxide forms as a by-product. SO2 is toxic and attacks
the mucus membranes. It might trigger an asthma attack. Perform the
experiment in a well-ventilated room or a fume cupboard. Wash away
all reaction mixtures with plenty of water as soon as the experiments are
A curve showing that an increase in temperature increases the reaction rate,
as measured by ___ should be obtained. This is not a direct proportionality
and learners must draw a best-fit curve. As a guide, for every 10°C rise in
temperature the reaction rate doubles.
An increase in temperature will increase the rate of reaction, as more
particles have enough activation energy to react and there is an increase in
frequency of collisions.
3 1 2
Time (min)
e) The third line on the graph should be much steeper because the reaction
rate for powdered magnesium will be much faster than magnesium
ribbon. An increase in surface area will increase the rate of reaction.
f ) Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Experiments 1 and 5: Here the effect of surface area was tested. All
other factors were the same. The powdered marble will react faster
than the whole marble.
Experiments 2 and 3: Here the effect of temperature was tested.
Experiment 2 was done at a lower temperature and will react slower.
Experiments 1 & 5, 2 & 3 and 4 contain decreasing amounts
of acid. 1 & 5 have the largest amount of acid and will release the
most gas; 4 contains the smallest amount of acid and will release the
smallest amount of gas.
b) The acid concentration is the same in all the experiments.
c) The reaction in experiment 4 finished first.
Ea = 132 kJ
Potential energy
ΔH = –226 k
Reaction progress
D50 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Or simplified:
pink cobalt species + chloride ions � blue cobalt species + water molecules.
This equilibrium can be disturbed by changing the chloride ion concentration
or by changing the temperature.
A white background will help to show the colour changes to best effect.
The change in colour from blue to pink of the cobalt complexes is used
in cobalt chloride indicator papers for the detection of the presence of water.
You will need: fresh bottle of soda water, methyl red indicator, 50 cm3
plastic syringe, 5 cm nail, 100 ml beaker
1 Modify the syringe: pull out the plunger so that the volume of air
in the syringe is 50 cm3. Warm the nail in a Bunsen flame and push
through the stem of the plunger as shown in the diagram. When the
nail is in place, the plunger can be locked at the 50 cm3 mark.
2 Pour 10–20 ml of soda water into the beaker and add a few drops of
methyl red indicator to give a red solution.
3 Remove the nail from the syringe and insert the plunger completely.
Draw about 5 ml of the soda water solution into the syringe. Close
the end of the syringe with your finger. Pull the plunger out to the
50 cm3 mark and lock it with the nail. Bubbles of CO2 will be seen
D52 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Soda water contains carbon dioxide that has been dissolved under
pressure. The equilibria are:
1 CO2(g) � CO2(aq)
2 CO2(aq) + H2O(ℓ) � H2CO3(aq)
3 H2CO3(aq) � H+ (aq) + HCO3–(aq)
Learners have not done acid-base reactions at this stage, but they should
have a background knowledge from acid-base done in Grade 11. They
should remember that a solution of CO2 in water is acidic because of
the increase in [H+ ]. Reducing the pressure causes the CO2 to come out
of solution and the equilibrium in 1 moves to the left. The result is that
the other two equilibria also move to the left, removing H+ ions from the
solution and making the solution less acidic.
(Adapted from experiment developed by Nuffield Foundation/Royal
Society of Chemistry)
molar ratio 1 1 1 1
n initially (mol) 0,80 0,80
n change (mol) 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55
n at equilibrium 0,25 0,25 0,55 0,55
0,25 0,25 0,55 0,55
c = _Vn (mol·dm–3) ___
= 0,05 5,00 = 0,05
5,00 = 0,11
5,00 = 0,11
[CO][H O]
K c = _______
[H ][CO2 ]
2 2
= (0,05)(0,05)
= 4,84
2 H2(g) + I2(g) � 2HI(g)
molar ratio 1 1 2
n initially (mol) 6 x
n change (mol) 4 4 8
n at equilibrium 2 x–4 8
[HI]2 4 2
K c = _____
[H ][I ]
= ______
(x – = 57
2 2 (1)(____
2 )
x = 4,56 mol
D54 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
The products that leave the exhaust are N2, CO2 and H2O. Although the
CO2 contribute to global warming, these products are less polluting than
the original gases from the vehicle engine.
[HbO ]
2 a) K c = ______
[Hb][O2 ]
b) At a high altitude, air pressure decreases and the oxygen
concentration in the atmosphere therefore also decreases. A decrease
in oxygen concentration will shift the equilibrium position shown
in the equation, to the left. This change depletes the supply of
oxyhaemaglobin. Not enough oxygen can reach the vital organs and
altitude sickness sets in.
c) The body starts to produce more haemaglobin molecules to rectify
the shift in equilibrium position and the equilibrium will then
gradually shift back towards the formation of oxyhaemaglobin. It
takes two to three weeks for the increase in haemaglobin production
to meet the body’s basic needs. Studies show that residents of high-
altitude areas have higher haemaglobin levels in their blood than
people living at lower altitudes.
3 The reaction is irreversible and only the forward reaction takes place.
The products are gases and will not react with each other under normal
conditions of temperature and pressure to form the liquid octane again.
Rate of reaction
2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3(g)
K c = _____
[N ][O
] 2 2
= _______
= 0,013
c) The forward reaction is endothermic. The K c value increased when
the temperature was increased. This means that the forward reaction
was favoured to form more product. According to Le Chatelier’s
principle the endothermic reaction is favoured when temperature is
D56 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Module 4 • Unit 3
hydrochloric acid muriatic acid gastric juice in stomach HCl strong acid, clear solution when
lactic acid 2-hydroxypropanoic acid soured milk, wine, blood and muscles CH3CHOHCOOH colourless powder
malic acid L-hydroxy butanedioic acid wine, cranberries, grapes, apples C4H6O5 white, odourless crystals
oxalic acid ehtanedioc acid spinach and rhubarb leaves (COOH)2.2H2O transparent crystals
salicylic acid coal tar, 2-hydroxybenzoic acid aspirin C6H4(OH)COOH fine, white crystals
tartaric acid dicarboxylic acid wine, grapes HO2CCHOHCHOHCO2H white crystals
tannic acid tannin wood, bark, tea, coffee C14H14O11; C14H10O9 dark brown powder, astringent taste
ammonia volcanic gas, product of decom- NH3 colourless, very sharp odour
(base) position of animal and vegetable
cadaverine (base) 1,5-diaminopentane seafood, odour of bad breath, rotten C5H14N2 colourless, unpleasant odour
caffeine (base) trimethylxanthine coffee, tea C8H10N4O2 very bitter, white crystalline powder
putrescine (base) 1,4-diaminobutane seafood, odour of bad breath, rotten H2N(CH2)3NH2 colourless, volatile, unpleasant odour
nicotine (base) cigarettes C8H14N2 liquid
2013/06/11 9:17 PM
Test yourself 5 (LB p. 226)
1 a) An acid is a proton donor.
b) A base is a proton acceptor.
2 Acids: HCl; CH3COOH; HNO3; H3PO4; H2SO4
Bases: NaOH; NH3; KOH; Na2CO3; NaHCO3
3 a) H2SO4 + H2O → H3O+ + HSO4–
acid 1 base 2 conj. base 1 conj. acid 2
D58 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Experiment 3: Investigate the reaction of acids with metal carbonates and metal
hydrogen carbonates
All carbonates and hydrogen carbonates react with acids to liberate large
bubbles of CO2. CO2 turns clear lime water milky.
The acid is neutralised when the litmus paper turns purple and not blue. The
final pH of the solution should be 7.
D60 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
The method for making up the standard solution is in the Learner’s Book.
m 1,57 g
5 c = ___ = ________________
MV 126,0
g·mol–1 × 0,025 dm3
= 0,50 mol·dm–3
2 mol × 0,50 mol·dm–3 × Va cm3
cb = ___________________
1 mol × 25,0 cm3
= x mol·dm–3
D62 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
1 a) collision theory
Learner’s Book
b) activation energy
pages 235–244 c) activated complex
d) electrolyte
e) endothermic
f ) dynamic
g) catalyst
h) Le Chatelier’s Principle
i) equilibrium constant
j) chlor-alkali process
k) acid
l) indicator
m) titration
n) equivalence point
o) ionic product
p) dilute solution
q) pH
2 Correct the following false statements:
a) The factors that increase the number of collisions are an increase in
temperature, concentration and pressure; OR the factor that does not
increase the number of collisions is an increase in volume.
D64 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
D66 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Concentration (mol·dm–3)
3,6 N204
Rate of reaction
3,0 (reverse reaction)
N204 → 2N02
2,0 2N02 � N204
first equilibrium
0,6 N02
Time Time
10 a) CaCO3(s) � CaO(s) + CO2(g)
b) The reactant and products are in different phases.
c) K c = [CO2] = 0,0108
[CO2] = 1,08 × 10–2 mol·dm–3
(CO2) = cV = 1,08 × 10–2 mol·dm–3 × 0,5 dm3 = 5,4 × 10–3 mol
(CaCO3) used = n(CO2)
(CaCO3)used = nM = 5,4 × 10–3 mol × 100,0 g·mol–1 = 0,54 g
Mass at equilibrium = 5 – 0,54 = 4,46 g
d) Endothermic; according to Le Chalelier’s Principle an increase in
temperature will favour the endothermic reaction or the reaction that
uses energy. When the temperature was increased, K c increased and
therefore the concentration of carbon dioxide increased and more
product formed. The forward reaction had to be favoured.
e) i) Remains the same; K c is not affected by a change in volume.
ii) Increases; a higher pressure shifts the equilibrium to the left.
iii) Remains the same; the smaller volume increased the initial
concentration, which was counteracted by the shift in equilibrium
to the left.
11 a) The reaction is exothermic. Lowering the temperature favours a
higher yield of ammonia, but the rate of the reaction is drastically
reduced. Production is unprofitable.
b) i) NH (g) + O2(g) � NO(g) + H O(g) 3 2
Molar ratio 1 1 1 1
Initial [ ] 1 1 0 0
Change in [ ] 0,25 0,3125 0,25 0,375
Equilibrium [ ] 0,75 0,6875 0,25 0,375
[NO]4[H O]6
K c = ________
[NH ]4[O2 ]5
3 2
(0,25) (0,375)
4 6
4 5
= (0,75) (0,6875)
= 2,2 × 10–4
ii) low; K c value is very small and indicated that there are more
reactants than product molecules in the reaction mixture at
12 a) HCl(aq) and Na2CO3(aq), because the concentrations of both are
b) Methyl orange: reaction between a strong acid and a weak base.
n cV
n = c V
c) __
a ___ a a
b b b
0,4 mol·dm–3 × 20 cm3
2 ______________
1 =
mol·dm–3 × V b
V b = 16 cm3
D68 T e r m 2 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
This unit places emphasis on electric circuits with real batteries where the
internal resistance of the battery is included in calculations. Unit 1 has a
prescribed experiment for formal assessment which consists of two parts.
The first part is an experiment to determine the internal resistance of a
battery, while the second part is to experimentally determine the equivalent
resistance of a series-parallel network of resistors and compare this result
with a theoretical value. This unit also has a recommended practical
investigation for informal assessment, where short circuits and open circuits
are investigated.
The total resistance is then the sum of parallel combination and the series
4 Ω resistor, i.e Req = 2 Ω + 4 Ω = 6 Ω
2 The circuit diagram for the given arrangement is:
r 0,4 Ω
D70 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Answers to questions
The answers below refer to the experiment conducted with the Energiser AA
cell. Make use of these answers if it is not possible to conduct the practical
1 The cell was old and hence had a large internal resistance.
2 A fresh cell has an internal resistance of almost zero ohms. The results of
the experiment depends on the type of cell used and also how often the
cell was used prior to the experiment.
3 The emf is:
ε = Vext1 + I1r
= 0,80 V + 0,126 A × 1,7 Ω = 1,01 V
The battery used had 1,5 V as its rated emf.
4 By varying the rheostat, a number of different readings of Vext and the
corresponding current (I) readings can be taken. A graph of Vext on the
x-axis vs. I on the y-axis results in a straight line.
R1 = 15,7 Ω
R2 = 4,7 Ω
R3 = 5,5 Ω
Answers to questions
1 The experimental results are close to the calculated value with an
error of about 5%. The main source of error is in the accuracy of the
measuring instruments. It is advisable to repeat the measurements, and if
digital multi-meters are being used, to switch the two meters around.
2 The two advantages of a parallel circuit over a series circuit are:
Components connected in parallel work independently of each other. If
however one of the components in a series network malfunctions, the
others stop working.
The potential difference of the source is divided amongst all the
components connected in series with it, while all the components
connected in parallel to a source have the same source potential
difference across them.
D72 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
A1 R1 V2
A2 R2
A3 R3
Answers to questions
1 The voltmeter V1reads the emf of the cell.
2 The voltmeter V5 is connected in series with the resistor R1 and the
battery. Since voltmeters have very large resistances, the battery delivers
almost zero current to the circuit. Thus V5 measures the emf of the
3 The resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series so the potential difference
across each should add up to give the reading on V1.
4 a) When R2 is removed from the circuit, the effective resistance of the
parallel branch and the total resistance of the circuit both increase.
This results in a decrease in the current through the cell, and also
through resistor R1. The voltmeter reading V2 = IR1 will decrease
with this decrease in current. The decrease in current also results in
a decrease in the ‘lost volts’ (Vint = Ir). Since the emf of the battery
remains constant, the decrease in voltages across R1 and the internal
D74 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
4Ω × 6Ω
b) Req = _____
+ 6Ω + 3 Ω = 5,4 Ω
R ε+ r
I = _____ = ________
5,4 Ω + 0,3 Ω = 2,1 A
c) The potential difference across the parallel branch is the same as that
across the 4Ω resistor and is V = IR = 2,1 A × 2,4Ω = 5,0 V
V 2 (5,0 V)2
R = _____
The power in the 4Ω resistor is P = __ 4 Ω
= 6,25 W ≈ 6 W
2 a) We are given both the power dissipated in R and the voltage across it.
V 2 (18V)2
P = _____
We use the power equation to find R: R = __ 13,5 W
= 24 Ω
b) We first find the resistance of the parallel network and then use this
and the given voltage to find the current in this network.
The 4 Ω and 8 Ω are in series and their equivalence is 12 Ω and this
is in parallel with R = 24Ω .
Requiv. = _______ × 24Ω
12Ω + 24Ω = 8 Ω
18 V
The current through the parallel branch Req is then I = __ RV = ___
8 Ω
= 2,25 A
V ___ 18 V
Or: The current through R is I = _ R = 24 Ω
= 0,75 A and the
r 2 = ε/I – R = 45 V/2,25A – 18Ω = 2,0Ω Electrodynamics
Term 3, MODULE 5
Start by revising the electricity and magnetism concepts from Grade 10 and
11. There are two projects in this section. In the first, learners build a simple
generator. In the second experiment, learners build a simple electric motor.
Answers to questions
1 AC
2 • Use stronger magnets.
• Use a longer piece of enamelled wire.
• Spin the nail faster.
3 The emf generated is very small and an ordinary torch bulb, which has a
relatively large resistance, will not light up.
4 The strength of the magnetic field produced by field coils can be
controlled by adjusting the amount of current passing through them.
Field coils can produce multi-pole magnetic fields, which result in greater
magnetic flux penetrating the armature.
D76 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
coil of insulated
copper wire connecting
leads to battery
insulated copper
wire with insulation
scraped off on
paper clip
coil of copper wire
bar magnet
brushes battery
Answers to questions
1 The portions of the coil making contact with the safety pins (which are
connected to the battery) have the upper part scraped free of insulation.
When this bare part makes contact with the safety pin, current flows
through the coil, and the coil rotates. After half a cycle of rotation, the
insulated part makes contact with the pins, and no current flows through
the coil. The coil continues to rotate in the same direction because of the
momentum gained. After this half cycle the insulation free part comes
again in contact with safety pins and current flows through the coil. Thus
current flows through the coil for every half a cycle, and the direction of
rotation is constant.
2 a) Turn the battery around so that the polarity of the current in the coil
is reversed.
b) Add another battery in series with the first or increase the number of
loops in the coil or use stronger magnets.
D78 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Learner’s Book
pages 299–303
Unit 1 and 2 Summative Assessment
Term 3, MODULE 5
D80 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
C time
D82 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
D84 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
1 a) photoelectric effect
b) work function
c) photon
d) cut-off wavelength
e) emission
f ) line absorption
2 a) False. The photoelectric effect provides strong evidence that light has
a particle nature.
b) False. Electrons will only be ejected from the surface of a metal if the
work function of the metal is less than the energy of the photons
radiated on the metal.
c) False. If both green light and yellow light can eject electrons
from the surface of a certain metal, then green light will produce
photoelectrons with the larger kinetic energy.
d) True
3 a) C
b) A
c) D
4 a) The statement means that 4,32 × 10–19 J is needed to remove an
electron from the surface of sodium metal.
b) We are given W0 = 4,32 × 10–19 J and are required to find λ.
From W0 = hf0 = __ λ we have:
hc 6,63 × 10–34 J·s × 3,0 × 108 m.s-1
λ= __
W = ___________________
4,32 × 10–19 J
= 4,6 × 10–7 m
= 3,35 × 10 Hz
f = ___ h
– __
h 0
which is the equation of the graph drawn. The graph is in the form
y = mx + c
The cut-off frequency occurs at the y-intercept of the graph. This is
when KEmax = 0. When the graph is extrapolated to cut the y-axis, the
value is f = 5,5 × 1014 Hz. This is the cut-off frequency for sodium.
b) The gradient of the graph is _ h1
Choosing the points (2,4; 9,0) and (1,0; 7,0) on the graph, we get the
(9–7) × 1014 Hz
(2,4 – 1)
× 1014 Hz = 1,4 × 1033 s/J
D86 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
c) Zinc-lead cell:
Pb2+ + 2e– → Pb
Zn → Zn2+ + 2e–
Pb2+ + Zn → Pb + Zn2+
Zinc-copper cell:
Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu
Zn → Zn2+ + 2e–
Cu2+ + Zn → Cu + Zn2+
Lead-copper cell:
Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu
Pb → Pb2+ + 2e–
Cu2+ + Pb → Cu + Pb2+
anode cathode
oxidation reduction
Mg Zn Cu Fe
CuSO4(aq) Reaction Reaction No reaction Reaction
ZnSO4(aq) Reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction
FeCl2(aq) Reaction Reaction No reaction No reaction
MgSO4(aq) No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction
D90 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Displacements of halogens
Answers to questions
a) Cl2(aq) + 2KBr(aq) → 2KCl(aq) + Br2(ℓ)
Cl2(aq) + 2KI(aq) → 2KCl(aq) + I2(s)
Br2(aq) + 2KI(aq) → 2KBr(aq) + I2(s)
b) There are pure covalent bonds between the atoms in Br2 and I2 molecules.
No dipoles can form and the molecules are non-polar. They will dissolve
in non-polar solvents. Bromine colours the solvents reddish-brown to
yellow, depending on the concentration. Iodine colours the solvents pink
to purple.
Pt-electrode Pt-electrode
1 mol·dm−3 H+(aq) 1 mol·dm−3 Cl− (aq)
D92 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
anode cathode
CI– anion
b) Anode: Oxidation: 2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–
Cathode: Reduction: Mg2+ + 2e– → Mg
Net reaction: Mg2+ (aq) + 2Cl– (aq) → Mg(s) + Cl2(g)
3 a) Anode: 2H2O → O2 + 4H + + 4e–
b) Cathode: 2H2O + 2e– → H2 + 2OH–
c) Net reaction: 6H2O → O2 + 4H + + 4OH– + 2H2
2H2O(ℓ) → O2(g) + 2H2(g)
d) The gases form in a ratio of 1 O2 : 2 H2.
e) A is the anode, because less gas developed there.
f ) In A (anode), H + ions form. The solution will be acidic and the
indicator will turn yellow. In B (cathode), OH– ions form. The
solution will be basic and the indicator will turn blue.
Investigate corrosion
1 2Fe(s) + O2(g) + 4H+ (aq) → 2Fe2+ (aq) + 2H2O(ℓ)
2 E°cell = E°cathode – E°anode = 1,23 – 0,45 = 0,78 V
3 No, it should be less than 1,23 V because the concentration of the H +
ions in the water droplet is not 1 mol·dm–3. However, experiments show
that even at pH 7 the potential for the reduction half-reaction is 0,81 V,
which means that the cell potential is positive and the reaction will be
4 The water droplet provides the pathway for the ions to migrate and
serves as the salt-bridge.
5 CO2(g) + H2O(ℓ) → H2CO3(aq)
6 Learners might find this question difficult to answer. Guide them by
explaining that through corrosion, iron objects deteriorate, rust away and
lose their usefulness. Sustainable development is aimed at reusing and
preserving resources for the future.
7 • Painting is an inexpensive and easy way to protect iron and steel.
We use it on vehicle bodies, ships, bridges, iron railings and many
other structures. When the painted surface is damaged, it must be
repainted to maintain its effectiveness.
• Oiling or greasing is used on moving parts that cannot be painted.
The oil or grease must be reapplied constantly to be effective.
• A plastic coating can be used to form a protective layer on items such
as refrigerators, garden chairs, and so on.
• In electroplating, a protective layer of chromium or tin is applied to
steel. Chromium is used on vehicle bumpers and bicycle handlebars.
Tin cans, used for preserving food, are made of steel coated on both
sides with a very thin layer of tin. Tin is used because it is unreactive
and non-toxic.
• In galvanising, steel is covered with a layer of zinc which is a more
reactive metal than iron. The protection still works if the zinc layer is
badly scratched because the zinc will corrode, and not the steel. Zinc
corrodes very slowly. Vehicle bodies are dipped into baths of molten
zinc to form a protective layer.
• Sacrificial protection is used on the hulls of ships and oilrigs.
Blocks of a reactive metal are attached to the iron surface. Zinc
or magnesium blocks are normally used and they will corrode in
preference to the iron.
Investigate chlorine
1. HCl + MnO2:
Oxidation: 2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–
Reduction: MnO2 + 4H+ + 2e– → Mn2+ + 2H2O
Net reaction:
2Cl–(aq) + MnO2(s) + 4H+ (aq) → Cl2(g) + Mn2+ (aq) + 2H2O(ℓ)
HCl + MnO4–:
Oxidation: 2Cl– → Cl2 + 2e–
Reduction: MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e– → Mn2+ + 4H2O
D94 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Learner’s Book
pages 353–357
Unit 4 Summative assessment
Term 3, MODULE 4
1 a) galvanic cell
b) electrolytic cell
c) reduction
d) oxidation-reduction/redox reactions
e) reducing agent
f ) oxidation
g) salt-bridge
h) standard hydrogen electrode
i) oxidising agent
2 a) The standard conditions used to measure standard electrode
potentials are:
temperature = 298 K (25 °C)
D96 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
%K: 7 × 22 = 6,29%
D100 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Investigate fertilisers
1 a) & b) The learner’s list of apparatus and own method must be
clearly set out. Results and conclusion must be clear and in full
c) Learner’s own ideas, depending on which part of the country they
use as reference. The best suggestion would be to insulate the
fertiliser against temperature fluctuation by covering with insulating
material such as paper or hay.
2 a) Total grams of fertiliser per litre = 178,01 g
b) NaCl makes up the largest percentage of marine salt.
c) The ratio is 72:45:30. Total = 147
Percentage ration of elements: 49%:31%:20%
Rounded off it gives a ratio of 5:3:2, so the fertiliser number would
be 5 3 2.
d) 178,01 g of nutrition in 1 litre or 1000 mg of product (assuming that
the solvent is water with an SG of 1).
1 000
% nutrition = ____ × 100 = 17,801%
Evaluate the impact that the use of fertilisers has on humans and
the environment
A debate is a formal argument and takes the form of a series of persuasive
speeches. It has a clear, formal structure. The debate is controlled by a
neutral chairperson (normally the teacher) and all comments by the speakers
are directed through the chairperson. There are two teams, one arguing in
favour of a proposal or topic and the other against it. Each team has three
members. The team members speak in turn as follows.
Learner’s Book
Unit 1 Summative assessment
pages 377–380
Term 3, MODULE 6
1 a) fertilisers
b) non-mineral nutrients
c) primary nutrients
d) nitrogen
e) the Ostwald process
f ) fractional distillation
g) NPK compound fertilisers
h) double superphosphate
D102 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
5 Plant crops use the nutrients in the soil to grow. When the crops are
harvested, the nutrients are removed with the crops. The soil becomes
deficient in nutrients and the next crop will not have enough nutrients to
grow and develop properly.
6 Major elements (a) Non-mineral C, (c) H, (d) O
(macronutrients) nutrients available from
(b) air and water
Mineral nutrients: (e) N, (f ) P, (g) K
Primary nutrients
7 a) C, H, O
b) N, P, K
8 a) 2NO + O2 → 2NO2
b) Catalytic oxidation of ammonia
c) HNO3
d) C: (NH4)2SO4
D104 T e r m 3 • P H Y S I C A L S ci e n c e S
Lesson preparation
Knowledge area
Knowledge/prior beliefs
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Iron(II) Fe2+
Cobalt(II) Co2+
Nickel(II) Ni2+
Copper(II) Cu2+
Zinc(II) Zn2+
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Salts of
nitrate, NO3-
chlorate, ClO3-
perchlorate, ClO4- potassium perchlorate, KClO4
acetate, CH3COO-
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Class:_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Class:_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
Class:_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________________
Y O U M AY P H O T O C O P Y T H I S PA G E F O R U S E W I T H T H E P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E S G R A D E 1 2 L E A R N E R ’ S B O O K .
I S B N 978-1-107-69148-3
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