ATP Production From Carbs Protein Fats
ATP Production From Carbs Protein Fats
ATP Production From Carbs Protein Fats
Exercise Physiology
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MSC Morning
Session 2019-2021
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Introduction to ATP
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a high energy molecule present in living cells. It is also
called cell energy currency The major energy currency of all cells is a nucleotide called
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is the main energy source for majority of the cellular
functions like synthesis of macromolecules (DNA, RNA, and proteins), movement,
transmission of nerve impulses, active transport etc. The ability of ATP to store and release
energy is due to its molecular structure. Each ATP molecule has three subunits: (a)
adenine - a double-ringed nitrogenous base; (b) a ribose - a five-carbon sugar; and (c)
three phosphate groups in a linear chain.
The covalent bond connecting two phosphates is Figure 1 ATP molecule structure
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Our body uses three types of molecules to make Atp production or synthesis:
Carbohydrates, Fats and protein. For the synthesis of Atp from these complex molecules
our body digested them into simpler molecules. Complex carbohydrates are usually
hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose, protein into amino acid, while triglycerides(Fat&
lipids) are metabolized to form glycerol and fatty acids. Calories are measurement of a unit
of heat or food energy. For example, we can achieve 4 calories one gram of proteins and
carbohydrates, and 9calories per gram from fats.
In general, carbohydrates form the main energy source for the body. They are the most
efficient at producing ATP or energy (meaning they produce lots more ATP per amount of
the fuel broken down). The body preferentially breaks down carbohydrates first, and
then fats and finally proteins only if the other two fuels are depleted. This is important
as proteins are generally less efficient at generating energy. In addition, proteins perform
several important functions so if they were broken down several systems could fail. To
illustrate an example, in the event of starvation, the body has fewer carbohydrates
available so will start to breakdown the fat
stores in the body. Once all the available
carbohydrate and fat stores have been
depleted, the body will start to break down
proteins to provide energy. The diagram below
provides a summary of the body’s main energy
sources. These get broken down by enzymes
into smaller particles. These small carbon
chains can then enter into special pathways to
generate energy. Figure 2 Nutrients metabolism
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Glycolysis involves the metabolization of glucose and glycerol to form pyruvate. These
reactions take place in the cytoplasm in most organisms and release a net amount of 2
ATPs. Glycolysis oxygen is not involved in this stage. That is why, it occurs in both types
of respiration i.e. aerobic and anaerobic. In glycolysis, glucose (6C) molecule is broken into
two molecules of pyruvic acid (3C).
When carbohydrates are broken down in the intestines they are converted to smaller
simple sugars that can be absorbed. Glucose is the main agent produced. Glucose gets taken
up into cells and either gets immediately broken down to produce energy or gets converted
into glycogen (storage form of glucose). The main glycogen stores in the body are in the
liver and muscles. These sources can be utilized for energy if required. A hormone insulin
from pancreas which allows glucose to enter the body’s cell to provide energy. When
glucose is in excess quantity Insulin stores excess glucose in the form of chemical called
glycogen in the liver, muscles and blood . Glucagon a harmone produced by pancreas it
raise the concentration of glucose in the blood stream by breaking down glycogen and this
process is called Glycogenolysis.
Glucose C6H12O6 ---- PFK---> 2Pyruvate (C3H4O3 ) + 2NADH + 2H+ + 2Atp + 2H2O
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Fates of Pyruvate
Pyruvate is a versatile and unstable molecule which feeds into numerous pathways.
Excessive anaerobic glycolysis produces large quantities of lactic acid. Lactic acid can
causes fatigue and discomfort. This can exit the cell and enter the bloodstream, and in
sufficient amounts can cause lactic acidosis. At this point, serum pH is reduced which can
lead to organ dysfunction severe and untreated. If there are more mitochondria in our
muscles cell less Lactic acid will produce.
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Lactic acid is use to make energy with O2 for this purpose an athlete low the intensity of
exercise and cool down is used to prevent lactic acid or to use it. It produces energy at
fast rate but not more than Atp. If cool down is not done in 48 hour than it cause soreness
due to build up of lactic acid.
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Pyruvate(C3H4O3) + O2+ NAD+ ----- Coenzyme A-----> C02 + acetyl CoA +NADH
It is the conversion of Pyruvate into acetyl-CoA. Pyruvate oxidation is the step that
connects Glycolysis and Krebs cycle. After glycolysis, in the presence of Oxygen pyruvate
is converted to acetyl CoA to enter the TCA or Krebs’s Cycle. In mitochondria Coenzyme A
helps to convert Pyruvate into acetyl CoA and Co2 and NADH are also produced.
In conversion of Pyruvate to acetyl CoA, each pyruvate molecule losses one carbon atom
with the release of carbon dioxide . During the breakdown of pyruvate, electrons are
transferred to NAD+ to produce NADH, which will be used by the cell to produce ATP.
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Lipid metabolism
The metabolism of lipids involves the following processes:
1. Lipolysis:
This refers to the breakdown of the fats into their fatty acid and other components. Some
of these agents can enter directly into the Krebs cycle for oxidation. Triglycerides get
broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. The latter is converted into pyruvic acid which
can enter the Krebs cycle. To obtain energy from fat, triglycerides must be broken down by
hydrolysis into their two principal
components, fatty acids and glycerol.
This process, called Lipolysis, takes
place in the cytoplasm. The resulting
fatty acids are oxidized by β-
oxidation into acetyl CoA, which is
used by the Krebs cycle. The glycerol
that is released from triglycerides
are directly enters the glycolysis
pathway. Because one triglyceride
molecule yields three fatty acid
molecules with as much as 16 or
more carbons in each one, fat
molecules yield more energy than
carbohydrates and are an important
source of energy for the human body.
Figure 8 Lipolysis of Fats
Triglycerides yield more than twice the
energy per unit mass when compared to carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, when
glucose levels are low, triglycerides can be converted into acetyl CoA molecules and used
to generate ATP through aerobic respiration.
Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
2. Beta-oxidation:
Fatty acid---------> Acetyl-CoA
This refers to the breakdown of fatty acids within the mitochondria. ATP is generated
from this process as well as acetyl-CoA which can enter the Krebs cycle and produce more
energy. Lipid metabolism is efficient in terms of ATP production. However, lipids aren’t
soluble in the blood so their stores can be difficult to access. Therefore they aren’t relied on
for the production of large amounts of ATP in a short time but rather are used when
carbohydrate supplies are limited.
Organs that have classically been thought to be dependent solely on glucose, such as the
brain, can actually use ketones as an alternative energy source. This keeps the brain
functioning when glucose is limited. When ketones are produced faster than they can be
used, they can be broken down into CO and acetone.
ATP synthesis
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Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Protein metabolism
When proteins are digested, the bonds between amino acids are broken and they are
released. Normally the amino acids will be recycled and used to produce new proteins.
However if energy sources are limited, the amino acids may be used to generate energy.
This should only occur when carbohydrate and fat energy stores are depleted as
proteins make up several important structures in the body. If
they are extensively metabolized it may interfere with the
function of tissues. The following processes occur in protein
1. Deamination:
This refers to the breakdown of ketoacids and generation of ATP, similar to acetyl-CoA
in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. After Deamination (removal of amino group
from amino acid) the Ketoacid (or ketone bodies) are converted into Acetyl-CoA which
take part in krebs cycle to make Atp.
Atp Synthesis
The amount of ATP produced from protein metabolism is slightly less than glucose
metabolism for equivalent weights. Once they’ve been deaminated, different amino
acids enter the cellular respiration pathways at different stages.
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Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
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Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
The electron transport chain is a series of electron transporters embedded in the inner
mitochondrial membrane that shuttles electrons from NADH and FADH2 to molecular oxygen. In
the process, protons (H+) are pumped from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space,
and oxygen is reduced to form water. The electron transport chain consists of a series of
oxidation-reduction reactions that lead to the release of energy. A summary of the
reactions in the electron transport chain is:
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Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
Carbohydrates form the main energy source for the body. They are the most efficient at
producing ATP or energy (meaning they produce lots more ATP per amount of the fuel
broken down). The body preferentially breaks down carbohydrates first, and then fats
and finally proteins only if the other two fuels are depleted. This is important as
proteins are generally less efficient at generating energy. we can achieve 4 calories one
gram of proteins and carbohydrates, and 9calories per gram from fats.
Only Carbohydrates are used in anaerobic respiration but Protein and Fat are used to
make Acetyl- CoA which take part in Krebs cycle and ETC. Fat produce more Atp than
protein and Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats supply 90% of the dry weight
of the diet and 100% of its energy.
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Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
In Glycolysis step of ATP production only Carbohydrates and glycerol take part and 2
ATP are produced. And in Krebs cycle 2 ATP are produced in which all nutrients( Crabs,
Fats, protein) are used to make acetyl CoA.
In Electron transport chain of the glucose molecule 34 ATP are produced and hence a
glucose molecule produce total 38 ATP. Almost 35 ATP are produced from a amino acid
complete oxidation. In complete oxidation of palmitate molecule (fatty acid containing
16 carbons) generates 129 ATP molecules.
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Exercise Physiology Prof Sajjid Gill
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