En En: Current Situation of Key Enabling Technologies in Europe
En En: Current Situation of Key Enabling Technologies in Europe
En En: Current Situation of Key Enabling Technologies in Europe
Brussels, 30.09.2009
SEC(2009) 1257 final
accompanying the
"Preparing for our future: Developing a common strategy for key enabling technologies
in the EU"
{COM(2009) 512}
accompanying the
"Preparing for our future: Developing a common strategy for key enabling technologies
in the EU"
COM(2009) 512.
Synthesis report of the key technologies expert group (2005); Creative system disruption: towards a
research strategy beyond Lisbon.
nano-electronics, industrial biotech and photonics have been identified as priority to improve
European industrial competitiveness.
2.1. Advanced materials
Advanced materials technologies lead both to new reduced cost substitutes to existing
materials and to new higher added-value products and services. This will reduce resource
dependency and environmental waste and hazards at the same time. Besides the costs of
capital, expenditure on materials is the most important cost factor in high-technology related
industries. They are of key importance for the competitiveness of EU industry especially since
Europe is not well endowed with natural resources. Overall, advanced materials markets are
expected to offer an additional annual volume within the EU of €55bn over the next 5 to 7
years3. There is considerable potential in the area of energy €19bn (e.g. catalysts and
batteries), environment €12bn (e.g. polymers and smart packaging), health (e.g. tissue
engineering), transport (e.g. lightweight materials) and ICT (e.g. optical fibres and
Material innovations can be used in practically all manufacturing industries and form an
important element in the supply chain of many high value manufacturing businesses. They
have the potential to lead to innovations in key industries such as energy, aeronautics and
space, automotive, engineering, textiles, electronics and consumer goods. With a world-class
research base and major strengths in both producer and user industries, the EU is a world
leader in advanced materials. R&D in the key materials producing/using sectors4 is over €
44bn per year in the EU compared to €25bn in the US and €23.5bn in Japan. Maintaining
competitive strength will require an increase in the added-value of the materials produced and
the “knowledge embedded” in them, as well as the productivity of industrial processes while
reducing energy and material consumption. The EU Framework Programmes for Research
and Technological Development provide funding for new and advanced materials. The
National Science Foundation in the US allocated $257m of funding in the area of Materials
Research in 20075. As part of the FP7 an annual average of €120m of EU funding (excluding
support at national level) has been allocated for materials research with increasing synergy
thanks to FP7 and increasing EU-wide networking6.
2.2. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is an umbrella term that covers the design, characterisation, production and
application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at nanometre
The global market for nanotechnology has been estimated to amount to $147bn in 2007 and to
grow to in most optimistic assessments to $1 trillion7 and possibly to over $3 trillion by
20158. The United States (40%) constitutes the biggest market for nanotechnology, followed
by Europe (31%). Both regions are expected to amount to 35% of the worldwide market in
European Technology Platform on Sustainable Chemistry (2008).
Defined as chemicals industry (excluding pharmaceuticals), industrial metals, aerospace, and
National Science Foundation (2009).
The European Multifunctional Materials Institute was created in the framework of the FP6 Network of
Excellence. It serves as a European platform to create and conduct projects in research and education in
the field of multifunctional materials science.
National Science Foundation estimates, see Red Herring (2001): “The Biotech Boom: the view from
LuxResearch (2009): “Nanomaterials of the Market Q1 2009: Cleantech’s Dollar Investments, Penny
2015. Like today, the majority of global sales will be attributed to manufacturing and
materials (over 55%), followed by electronics and IT (over 23%).
Advanced and novel materials can greatly benefit from the integration of biotechnology and
nanotechnology, e.g. for coating/surface engineering. The nanotechnology research base is
well established in Europe (particularly in nanomaterials, nanophotonics and
nanobiotechnology). In 2008, EU research spending on nanotechnology from public sources
was $2.6bn (some 30% of the world total) compared with $1.9bn in the US and some $2.8bn
in Asia9. In Europe, over 240 research centres and 800 companies dedicated to the R&D of
nanotechnology have been identified10.
However, commercialising these research efforts is proving difficult in Europe11. Private
R&D investments amounts to only $1.7bn in Europe compared to $2.7 in the US and $2.8bn
in Asia12. Moreover EU nanotech patenting lags well behind the US where most of the
significant developments in the creation and activity of nanotech companies and related jobs
can be observed. Despite the potential interest from key EU industries such as aeronautics and
space or automotive, a lack of engineering expertise seems to have held back adoption13. The
EU market is fragmented, resulting in a lack of critical mass that reduces the effectiveness of
the commercialisation of nanotechnology. Considering the state of technology maturity,
issues related to environmental, health and safety (EHS) concerns, standardisation and public
opinion needs to be addressed to ensure market acceptance and the deployment of
European SMEs using nanomaterials are mostly present in the automotive and medical and
healthcare sectors followed by energy15. Within medical and healthcare, implants (44%),
molecular diagnostics (28%) and drug delivery (27%) are the most important fields of
application. Applications in the energy field are mostly related to energy conversion or
production (66%) followed by energy saving (38%) and energy storage (28%).
2.3. Micro– and nanoelectronics
Micro- and nanoelectronics deal with semiconductor components and highly miniaturised
electronic subsystems and their integration in larger products and systems.
The worldwide microelectronics market is valued at $261bn in 2008 (up from $200bn in
2000)16. Electronic data processing and the telecom sector are the largest markets for
microelectronics. However, semiconductor components are rapidly penetrating in automotive,
medical, industrial or consumer markets. The automotive sector for instance accounts for a
larger proportion of microelectronics sales in Europe (19% in 2008) than it does in the world
as a whole (8%)17 and Europe can further develop its strengths in the automotive sector with
excellent customer access and highly specialised applications. Microelectronic components,
LuxResearch (2009).
Conseil Economique et Social – France (2008) : "Les nanotechnologies" and AFSSET (2008):"Les
nanomatériaux: sécurité au travail".
26% of nanotech related patents are filed by the EU25, 40% by the US (Source: OECD patent database
LuxResearch (2009).
Federal Ministry of Education and Research “The High Tech Strategy for Germany”.
The European Commission adopted in February 2008 the Code of Conduct for Responsible
Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Research.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (2005): “nanoroad
OECD (2009): “OECD Information Technology Outlook 2008“.
Future Horizons (2009): “Semiconductor Market Overview”.
such as designer-customised integrated circuits are also essential and major constituents of
spacecraft. To qualify this technology for space, substantial efforts are needed to meet the
harsh environment and reliability requirements (e.g. related to radiation, temperature
fluctuation, impossibility of repair, etc). Due to the required quality control, rigorous
qualification and detailed analysis, the know-how gained has the potential to be used in other
high reliability sectors (e.g. aeronautics, automotive or defence), as well as green technologies
(e.g. low energy consumption). Microelectronics applications are present in many industries
such as for industrial equipment or for consumer products (cameras, TV), automotive (safety
management, fuel efficiency, engine controls), computing and communications (e.g. wireless,
smartcards). Microelectronics enables greater energy efficiency in devices and control
systems in many end-user applications.
Europe has a declining share of worldwide investment in microelectronics. From a total
investment of €28bn in microelectronics in 2007, only 10% was made in the EU compared to
48% in Asia. Europe’s semiconductor market share has declined from 21% to 16% since
200018. Nonetheless, total direct employment in microelectronics in Europe is over 110 000
plus 105 000 in equipment manufacturers. Nevertheless, Europe has a number of dedicated
regions with critical mass and particular semiconductor competencies which are recognised
world-wide. These clusters, which address all application fields and have access to the most
advanced technologies are key assets for European industrial competiveness.
2.4. Industrial biotechnology
Industrial biotech is the application of biotechnology for the industrial processing and
production of chemicals, materials and fuels. It includes the practice of using micro-
organisms or components of micro-organisms like enzymes to generate industrially useful
products, substances and chemical building blocks with specific capabilities that conventional
petrochemical processes can not provide. There are many examples of such bio-based
products already on the market. The most mature applications are related to enzymes used in
the food, feed and detergents sectors. More recent applications include the production of
biochemicals, biopolymers and biofuels from agricultural or forest wastes.
The contribution of industrial biotech to EU economic performance is currently modest, but
growing rapidly. In a recent OECD study, it is estimated that biotechnology’s share of
chemical production will increase from under 2% in 2005 to between 9 and 13% in 2010,
accounting for $130-180 billion in value 19. This implies annual growth rates in the range of
40-50% for bio based chemicals compared to 3% for overall chemical production.
Europe is the world leader in key industrial biotechnologies such as enzyme technologies and
fermentation. The most important enzyme producers are located in Europe with a total of
about 80 in Europe compared to 20 in the US20. Nearly 70% of the estimated $313bn spent in
2006 on R&D of relevance to biotechnology by leading companies in industrial applications,
was spent by European firms21.
The global industrial enzyme market was worth about €2.1 billion in 2008. Approximately a
third of that figure was accounted for by detergent enzyme sales and another third by food and
feed enzymes. The detergent enzymes market is growing by about 4.5% per year, mainly for
dishwasher and liquid detergents. Enzymes for food manufacturing have an estimated annual
OECD (2009): “OECD Information Technology Outlook 2008“.
The Bioeconomy to 2030, Designing a Policy Agenda, OECD 2009.
The Bio4EU Analysis report (European Communities 2008).
The Bioeconomy to 2030, Designing a Policy Agenda, OECD 2009.
growth rate of 2-3%.In biofuels, large quantities of biodiesel and bioethanol are being
produced, largely driven by government support and high energy costs. While this is mostly
produced using conventional technologies, improved industrial biotech processes that
facilitate the conversion of biomass into fuel are being developed. For example, pilot plants
are producing bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass such as wood or agricultural waste and
full-scale commercialisation is conceivable in 2011–201222.
2.5. Photonics
Photonics is a multidisciplinary domain dealing with the science and technology of light,
encompassing its generation, detection and management. The EU has strong positions in
many photonics applications such as solid state lighting (including LEDs), solar cells, and
laser assisted manufacturing. The Optoelectronics Industry Development Association
estimates that the global optoelectronics market reached a value of $565 billion in 200623. The
global market for optoelectronic components was worth $356 billion in 2008 and is expected
to grow at an annual rate of 3.1% up to 2020. In particular, the green photonics (e.g.
solar/photovoltaics, LEDs, solid-state lighting, and displays) share of this market is expected
to grow from some 8% to over 50% in 2020. The $200bn global market for optoelectronic-
enabled products (including consumer display/TV and computing/processing) and is expected
to double in size by 2020. The European photonics industry accounted for revenues of about
€49 billion in 2006 and is growing rapidly.
Photonics is a good example of an enabling technology, as there are around 5 000 photonics
manufacturers in Europe employing around 246 000 persons (excluding subcontractors)
directly. In addition, the jobs of over 2 million more employees in the EU´s manufacturing
sector depend directly on photonic products. Germany accounts for 39% of European
production volume, followed by France and UK (12% each), the Netherlands (10%) and Italy
(8%). Private R&D investment by the European photonics industry amounts to €3.3 billion
annually, which represents 9% of turnover24. The European production made up some 19% of
the world market in 200525. However, production is dominated by Asia, notably Japan (32%),
Korea (12%) and Taiwan (11%). North America has some 15% of the worldwide production
The potential of these technologies is largely untapped. Increasingly systemic solutions will
be needed and evolve in order to address major societal challenges, such as ensuring high-
speed communication, preserving food production, the environment, finding appropriate
transport solutions, ensuring high levels of health care for an ageing population, unlocking the
potential of services, ensuring internal and external security and addressing the energy
question. Low carbon technologies and applications will play a vital role in reaching
European energy and climate change targets. For instance, CCS and CO2-related transport
grids will be needed to reduce CO2 emission in countries that will continue to rely heavily on
fossil energy sources. KETs, such as new materials for energy production, transportation and
storage play an essential role. They could lead to better resource and energy efficiency and
Novozymes 2008 report and The Bio4EU Analysis report (European Communities 2008).
The “Photonics in Europe” study by Photonics21 presents a smaller figure for the world market for
photonics products (€228 billion in 2005). This figure does not include accessories, parts and service,
retail sales cost, optical fibres and fibre cables for communication purposes.
Towards a Bright Future for Europe, Strategic Research Agenda in Photonics, Photonics21, 2006.
Photonics in Europe, Economic Impact, Photonics21 and Optech Consulting, December 2007.
their environmental impact need to be assessed in a life-cycle perspective, taking advantage of
the related initiatives promoted at EU level in this context26.
In the supply chain of KETs advanced manufacturing systems denote the range of high-
technologies involved in manufacturing, leading to improvements in terms of new product
properties, production speed, cost, energy and materials consumption, operating precision,
waste and pollution management. This is especially relevant in capital intensive industries
with complex assembly methods. They are needed to help create marketable knowledge-based
goods and the related services (e.g. modern robotics). For example, the production and
assembly of modern aircraft involves the whole spectrum of manufacturing technologies from
the simulation and programming of robotic assembly lines to reducing energy and materials
consumption. Other examples include intelligent control systems, automation for modelling
and production. They can be applied in all manufacturing industries and form an important
element in the supply chain of many high value manufacturing businesses. They make up
some 10.5% of EU industrial productions and provide some 2.2 million jobs and account for
19% of EU exports and over 40% of EU private sector R&D expenditure27.
Given the rapid development in science and research the above technologies may rapidly
become global in the years to come and other technologies may emerge.
See the Integrated Product Policy Communication COM (2003) 302; The Strategic Energy Technology
Plan COM (2007) 723 has the main objective to accelerate the development of key technologies such as
CCS and renewable technologies; The European En ergy Research Alliance (EERA) launched within
the framework of the SET-Plan will set up joint programmes, including basic energy science, enabling
and breakthrough technologies.
ManuFuture Platform “Strategic Research Agenda”, http://www.manufuture.org/.
Table 1: Key enabling high technologies identified by Member States and the Commission's
Key Technologies expert group
Germany: United Kingdom: France: European Commission:
Sources: Synthesis report of the key technologies expert group (2005); Creative system disruption: towards a
research strategy beyond Lisbon; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research: The High-Tech Strategy for
Germany (2006); French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry: Technologies clés 2010 (2006); UK
Technology Strategy Board: Connect and Catalyse, a strategy for business innovation 2008-2011 (May 2008).