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This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF

Nanotechnology for Chemical Enterprises
How to link scientific knowledge to the business in the Central Europe space
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Nanotechnology for Chemical Enterprises
How to link scientific knowledge to the business in the Central Europe space
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
1. Introduction ______________________ 3
2. Objectives & Methodology ____________ 4
3. Relevance _______________________ 7
4. Sustainability & Knowledge Management _ 9
1. Introduction
Proj ect summary
Nanoscience and nanotechnology represents
new approaches to research and development
(R&D) that concern the study of phenomena and
manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and
macromolecular scales. Nanotechnology currently
underpins many practical applications (medical, ICT,
energy production, food-water, security, a broad
range of materials, etc.) and has the potential to
enhance quality of life and environmental protection,
and boost industrial competitiveness. The 30 months
long NANOFORCE project started in May 2011.
The project is performed in eight regions of the
Central Europe belonging to seven countries. It has
been developed by nine project partners, national
& regional chemistry associations and R&D Centers
in the Central Europe. The project is funded within
European Territorial Cooperation Objective CENTRAL
EUROPE Program, Application round 3.
Proj ect chal l enges
Even if knowledge in the feld of nanosciences
and its industrial application has been gradually
increasing over the last 10 to 20 years in Europe,
there is a need for greater international cooperation
and research coordination to overcome disciplinary
boundaries, to fll the gap between more and
less experienced regions and to turn investments
in R&D in to industrial innovations. This is a major
challenge for the EU economies and for the regions
of Central Europe.
5. Work plan & activities ______________ 11
6. The partnership __________________ 14
7. Contacts ________________________ 19
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
2. Objectives & methodology
General proj ect obj ecti ve
In line with the EU Strategy for Nanotechnology
(2004) and the EU Action Plan for Nanoscience
& Nanotechnology (2009), the general objective
of the NANOFORCE project is to foster the innovative
nanotechnology sector networks across Central
Europe regions by bringing together public and
private organizations (enterprises, research centers,
venture capitalists and public institutions) to carry out
collaborative & interdisciplinary research projects on
nanomaterials (in the frame of REACH Regulation)
and to turn the most promising laboratory results
into innovative industrial applications, not only to
produce new materials, but also to improve industrial
sustainability (more security & lower environmental
impact in the product life cycles).
Speci fi c proj ect obj ecti ves
According to Priority 1.1 and the strategy
of expanding industrial-oriented research in the
nanotechnology sector within the given Central
Europe regions, the specifc objectives of the
NANOFORCE project are:
1) Recommendations for the European Commission
to advance potential changes of REACH regulation
for some specifc nanomaterials according to the risk
assessment carried out on selected nanomaterials
2) Identify up to 100 potential deals between
R&D Centers and large and SM Enterprises
of Central Europe to turn research into industrial
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
3) Specifc development of (up to) 8 transnational
businesses (e.g. joint ventures) after the end of the
project that go through the industrial application
of innovative nanoproducts
4) Nanotechnology roadmap for CE region composed
by the Technological Rating and Business Plan
5) Design an I.N.V.C.F. Interregional Nanotech
Venture Capital Fund after the project completion.
Speci fi c proj ect outputs
NANOFORCE project presents the way how to
develop nanotechnologies in a sustainable way to
researchers, managers, SMEs and public authorities:
1) White Book of recommendations for the European
Commission to advance potential changes of REACH
regulation for some specifc nanomaterials according
to the risk assessment carried out on the selected
support the commercialization of research results in
the Central Europe. It will allow young scientists with
an entrepreneurial spirit to test their proposals, fnd
potential partners and investors
3) Technology rating methodology the new
methodology how to create Exposure Scenarios and
Safety Data Sheets as requested by the EU REACH
4) Business plan consisting of a detailed feasibility
study and benefts and risk assessment. It will be
created prior designing of an Interregional Nanotech
Venture Capital Fund
5) International project publication issued at the end
of the project, providing the technical description
of project achievements.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
The approach and methodol ogy
Implementation of a framework analysis is planned
(baseline reports and SWOT) concerning the
innovation level or gained experience in the
nanotechnology sector of the chemical companies
and governance authorities in the CE region.
The information collected in this phase contributes
to the delivering a report for the CE region, while the
volume of information (including baseline reports for
7 countries) will enhance the database (available
on the project website for public consultation). Once
the market & research potential have been outlined
for each region, LAB-analysis & exposure scenarios
will be delivered on 3 major sets of nanomaterials
(e.g. titanium dioxide, zinc-oxide) to investigate
the potential health & environmental risks
of nanoproducts to be commercialized and how they
specifcally ft in with the REACH Regulation.
Nanotechnol ogy Gui del i nes
Indeed, acceptance of product and performance
standards, as well as further science-based
development of new products, depends on the
development of sound measurement which supports
product safety & quality. Inputs will lead to the
development of transnational guidelines for the
responsible use and production of nanomaterials that
will subsequently be adapted at the local level by all
PPs according to the main industrial attitudes of the
NANOFORCE concerned regions. Local workshops
with key-stakeholders are planned to enlarge the
acceptance basis. Then, based on the LAB tests,
recommendations will be mainstreamed to the
European Commission with the aim of improving
the implementation of current EU legislation & the
regulatory approach towards nanotechnology
in Europe.
Nanotechnol ogy pl atform
Subsequently NANOFORCE tackles the issue
of fostering a cluster of innovation and industrial
applications of nanotechnology across CE: the
launch of the innovative ICT nanotechnology platform
Nanodeals Generator, which will connect research
with SMEs & the chemical industry (knowledge to
business approach) to boost Nano R&D and open
innovation among chemical nanotech companies.
The Nanodeals Generator will operate throughout
the project duration, and through this NANOFORCE
expects to facilitate up to 100 innovative nanotech
deals between enterprises and R&D centers
of different countries. This intention is supported
by a CE Nanotechnology Roadmap that provides
tools to defne and assess progress in nanotech
& penetration into its mature phase of industrial
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
3. Relevance
Hi story of the proj ect i dea
At the end of 2006, Federchimica, the Italian
Chemical Industry Association, launched the
Programme named NIC Nanotechnologies in the
Chemical Industry. The aim has been to study
the potential of nanotechnologies for the Downstream
User Sectors, according to the EUs societal needs.
During 11 workshops and 3 national conferences
in Italy, the frst European network was established;
the National Plans of 7 Member States (D, SF, F,
B, NL, S, UK) were analyzed; 25 academic spin-
offs and start-ups were identifed and presented
to the European Venture Capitalists Community
(7 of them have become Partners of the Programme);
a preliminary position paper was written on the risks
and benefts of Nanotechnologies. Establishment
of a stable Community with Central European
Partners emerged as an opportunity to pursue
in line with the EU Strategy for Nanotechnology
(2004) and the EU Action Plan for Nanoscience
& Nanotechnology (2009).
Pri ori ti es and scope of i nterventi on
In nanotech sectors, framework conditions arent set
by public authorities at different levels. In particular,
there are no specifc laws on nanotechnology.
Moreover, in all countries interested in the project,
there is increasing concern regarding possible risks
deriving from the application of nanotechnology
in market products. This is mainly due to lack
of, or poor information in the feld. Thus, the
NANOFORCE project which is in line with
Priority 1 of the Central Europe Programme aims
at bringing together public and private organizations
to carry out collaborative & interdisciplinary
research on nanomaterials and to create favorable
technical and fnancial conditions to turn the most
promising laboratory results into innovative industrial
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Internati onal cooperati on
National and regional policies and programs have
an important place in funding nanotechnology
R&D in Europe. It is recognized, however, that
national capacities have often proven inadequate
for the creation of world-class poles of excellence.
There is an urgent need for these programs to be
coordinated so that effort is consolidated and
focused on ensuring a critical mass and greater
impact on the three key synergetic axes: research,
infrastructure and education. In order to stimulate
the use of nanotechnology in applications and
to increase and capitalize upon the interdisciplinary
nature of nanotechnology R&D, it is important
for national programs on chemistry & nanomaterials
to be coordinated in a way that ensures critical mass
in applied R&D, which combines various scientifc
competences, and boosts the fnancing of ventures.
The project will run four levels of transnational
1. Technical level: joint assessment of 3 major
nanomaterials through LAB analysis to estimate how
they specifcally ft in with the REACH Regulation.
2. Networking level: the project promotes dialogue
between the main chemical associations of Central
Europe an Countries and address better governance,
codes of practices, safety & regulation applications
under the REACH Regulation, joint capacity building
to gather market-oriented research and educational
exchange programs.
3. Market level: tools provided by NANOFORCE,
such as the common B2B (Business to Business)
platform (nanodealgenerator) & the transnational
technological rating, support the supply and demand
match-making between enterprises and companies
of the partners regions towards achieving the
objective of 100 deals and 8 effective nanotech
4. Financing level: one transnational business
plan to create an Interregional Nanotech
Venture Capital Fund to fnance innovative ideas
with nanomaterials will be delivered.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
4. Sustainability & Knowledge Management
Sustai nabi l i ty of the proj ect
achi evements
The convergence of nanotechnology with
biotechnology, information technology & cognitive
sciences increases opportunities for industrial
innovation. It also raises important issues
relating to safety, health security, environmental
impacts & respect for EU Regulations related
to nanotechnology materials. Project, following
an analysis of 3 major nanomaterials & the profle
of performance/ standards, will provide the European
Commission valuable information in relation
to potential changes in the regulation of some
specifc nanomaterials, in view of the update/ review
of REACH Regulation scheduled at the end of 2011.
This, if adopted by EC, will result in newly addressed
rules for the EU chemical sector, with subsequent
benefts not only for the CE chemical companies,
but for the whole EU chemical/ nanotech market
Transferabi l i ty of the proj ect
resul ts
NANOFORCE will gather transnational cooperation
in the CE area to answer to the need of concentrating
resources & assure access to knowledge beyond
the local scale. Additionally, the transferability
of the transnational venture capital funds could be
supported by establishing connections with other
public or private investors outside the cooperation
areas (e.g. the most active countries in the nanotech
R&D), or by intercepting the European Investment
Funds after circulating the NANOFORCE business
plan for the VC at the European Bank of Investments.
Further potential for the transferability of the project
results could be developed by linking the knowledge
to business approach run by NANOFORCE with
the EU Framework Programs (FP) and CIP, with the
aim of strengthening the role of nanotechnologies
research with respect to business application
& enhancing the territorial capital of the European
Regions. The results of the examined nanomaterials
and scenarios must be fnally translated into
commercially viable products and processes.
NANOFORCE, with its support for the B2B platform
contributes to a favorable environment for innovation
of the enterprises in the concerned project areas.
All major project results (outputs) of NANOFORCE
will be freely available to the general public via the
project website.
Knowl edge management
Progress in nanotechnology depends on a skilled
workforce and interdisciplinary approaches as well
as research infrastructure based on appropriate
technology transfer mechanisms & schemes in order
to progress towards industrial application and
innovation. One of the main assumptions of the
NANOFORCE project concerns the effective capacity
to gather nanotech knowledge (investing in human
resources) and contribute to transferring the applied
research to industry (knowledge to business
approach). The knowledge management strategy
of the project, which is part of the general project
mainstreaming strategy, will be implemented and
undertaken by all project partners according to the
following criteria:
1. Overcoming disciplinary boundaries by making
universities and R&D centers closer in the LAB
analysis with the aim of supporting science
integration and avoid duplication and fragmentation
of the feld-research
2. Giving fuel to the entrepreneurial mindset, by
facilitating the creation of poles of excellence
in Central Europe along with other forms
of academic-industry collaborations, such as
the course planned in WP6 to assist students
& researchers in start-up/ spin-off of nanotech
innovative business
3. Attracting young people to nanotechnologies
(through addressed publications and info-days
planned in the WP2) with the aim of encouraging
the young generation to engage in the discussion
about R&D, and by presenting it as a career option
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
with many opportunities. This aspect is extremely
important because nanotechnology, despite
being a fundamental knowledge, remains a niche
technology. The NANOFORCE project contributes
to bridging this gap and gives to students an ideal
opportunity for gaining hands-on experience into
this branch of R&D, as outlined by the Lisbon and EU
2020 commitments.
Target groups
1) Companies operating in the nanotechnology sector
Large companies & SMEs need a tool to access
relevant info on R&D and the most promising ideas
in the feld of nanotechnology to exploit potential
2) Researchers
Need to organize a coordinated approach to
nanotech research in Central Europe and to more
effectively transfer the applied research to industry.
3) Venture capitalists
Banks & venture capitalists assurances when
offering risk capital to areas that are perceived
to have a high technical risk, uncertain time-
to-market or could have negative ethical,
health or environmental consequences like
4) Industrial and Chemical Associations
and National Authorities
Need to assess the effects on human
health, exposure and environmental impacts
of nanomaterials before industrialization/
commercialization in order to profle common
standards in terms of safety & quality of products.
5) European Commission, the European Parliament
and the Economic and Social Committee
Need to reassess nanomaterials with respect
to the review of REACH Regulation in 2011.
Stakehol ders and key pl ayers
Industrial, Chemical and other competent
Authorities and Associations
Corporate nanotechnology sector
European Commission,
European Parliament and Economic
and Social Committee
Venture Capitalists
will beneft from new quidelines to manage
nanomaterials and transfer such info to she
SMEs in the regions involved in NANOFORCE
will receive a White Book of recomendations
to advance potential changes of EU regulation
for some specifc nanomaterials
coordinate nanotech reserch in CE, effectively
transfer applied research to industry; support
entrepreneurial midest of resercher to connect
R&D to market
Banks & venture capitalists will receive all
information necessary to assess positively
nanodeals for funding
tool to access relevant info R&D most
promising ideas of nanotechnology, exploit
potencial markets, create synergies and joint
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
5. Work plan & activities
Work package 0
Project preparation
Worki ng package 1
Project management and coordination
Worki ng package 2
Communication, knowledge management
and dissemination
Worki ng package 3
Existing nanotechnology infrastructures
and strategy to reduce knowledge gaps
in Central Europe
The realization of a framework analysis carried out
by all project partners concerning the innovation level
and experience in the nanotechnology sector of the
chemical companies and governance authorities at
the national and regional level in order to outline
the current situation of the nanotechnology in the
chemical industry in the Central Europe region.
The CE framework review will be completed with
an in-depth review of funding opportunities available
at a regional, national and European level
Collected data will be uploaded on to a database
available on the project website.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Worki ng package 4
How to foster the responsible use of nanotech
and manage associated risks
Provide concrete and empiric verifed information
on applications of nanotechnology with regard to the
public health, safety, consumer and environmental
protection (in the context of the REACH Reg. and
national legislations).
The WP foresees as a frst step the review
of existing safety procedures and related legislation
in nanotech research at the EU (REACH)
and National level, regarding the evaluation
of nanomaterials in their use and production to
achieve an actual framework of regulations currently
applied in the CE area.
The following activity is dedicated to the specifc
toxicological analysis of nanosubstances (at least 3)
to evaluate their registration in the context of REACH
Registration and to investigate their potential for
health & environmental hazards.
The Safety Data Sheets and specifc exposure
scenarios will be elaborated to provide all safety
concerns and toxicological data concerning potential
risks linked to applications of nanotechnology.
Data obtained through in-depth risk assessments
will constitute a basis for elaboration of the
transnational guideline on nanotech responsible
management successively adapted for local
Those concerns will be also forwarded to
the European Commission in form of the Book
of Recommendations useful for the planned revision
of the REACH Regulation in 2012.
Worki ng package 5
Supporting Nano R&D commercialization
& industrialization
The project intends to implement innovative actions
in the nanotech sector and to foster collaborations
between research and industry. The Lead Partner will
develop an innovative ICT nanotechnology platform,
named Nanodeals Generator, which will operate
throughout the duration of the project.
This instrument will connect research and
knowledge generating institutions with the chemical
industry (research to business) and will provide
expertise tailored to individual needs along with
support for innovative SMEs in launching new joint
nanotechnology initiatives (nanodeals).
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Once the platform is developed, the partners will
commence support for the business to business
(B2B) actions for enterprises.
In this phase, the partners will carry out
dissemination actions, in order to involve a great
number of subjects, in the industrial or scientifc
The project estimates to facilitate up to 100
innovative deals in the nanotechnology sector,
between companies and R&D centers in different
countries and/or regions.
The 100 deals registered in the Nanodeals
Generator will be evaluated through a Technology
Rating Methodology.
This roadmap composed of TRM and the Business
Plan of proposed INVC Fund provides the technical
& fnancial means to defne and assess progress
in nanotech along with penetration into its mature
phase of industrial development.
Worki ng package 6
Interregional Nanotech Venture Capital Fund
& Capacity Building
Creation of an Interregional Nanotech Venture
Capital Fund (I.N.V.C.F.) will be a strategic tool for
the acceleration of the deal fow proposals:
I.N.V.C.F. will be proposed as a project follow-up
for fundraising to the international Venture Capitalists
operating in the participating regions. It will be
a specifc proposal to provide funding to the identifed
nanotech initiatives.
I.N.V.C.F. will enable better integration of the
Venture Capitalists during the phases of scouting,
identifcation, pre-analysis and evaluation of the
nanodeals. It will create a common culture on
investments towards innovative initiatives.
I.N.V.C.F. will be based on the development of the
pertinent Business Plan consisting of detailed SWOT
analysis and feasibility study, benefts and risk
assessment as well as detailed description of the
functions and prospective effectiveness.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Proj ect Partners profi l es
Lead Partner
SC Sviluppo Chimica spa
SC Sviluppo Chimica S.p.A. is a service company
fully owned by Federchimica, the Italian Federation
of Chemical Industry, and pursues the strengthening
of the sector providing a broad range of professional
advice aimed at improving its overall competitiveness
and fostering territory development while cooperating
with public institutions and their agencies promoting
investment attraction. Sviluppo Chimica SC
provides professional advice on funding research
and development, deploys innovation, management
consulting, training, logistics, product and plant
safety, environment and fnance, both public
(grants) and private (Venture and Development
Capital Funds).
6. The partnership
Rel evance of chosen partnershi p
The NANOFORCE project lasts for 30 months
and covers 8 regions of Central Europe belonging
to 7 Countries. It has been developed by national
& regional chemistry associations and R&D
Centers of the Central Europe area, as the key
players in boosting innovation for their associated
enterprises, and this represents a crucial asset
in the achievement and ownership of expected
project results. Project Partners (PP) are the key
players in the concerned CE regions. They represent
national chemistry associations the most qualifed
to run the LAB analysis and design scenarios for
nanomaterials. Furthermore, in Europe (overall
in the Central Europe area) most of the chemical
companies involved in the nanotech sector are SMEs.
The composition of the partnership with Chemical
Associations and Research Centers is the important
key for achievement of the results of this project.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Project Partner 2
Veneto Nanotech S.C.p.A.
The Cluster for Nanotechnologies was created
in the Veneto Region in 2002, exploiting the
technical and scientifc skills available in the local
Academia and production network. Its successful
implementation in this region was enhanced by
the numerous real application opportunities and the
nations highest number of per capita businesses,
which translates into a high concentration
of industries potentially interested in applying
nanotechnology. Veneto Nanotech was created with
the aim to foster transferability of nanotechnology
research products to innovative and high-tech
companies, and to support the development of
startups in the focus sector. Veneto Nanotech is
also active in the formation of young and talented
researchers, in the organization of dissemination
activities and courses for entrepreneurs and
companies staff in order to demonstrate the
potential applications of nanotech. Veneto Nanotech
is involved in several national and European
working groups and funded projects, focused on
advancing the knowledge base and management
of risk assessment of nanotechnology and also
coordinates the activities of the Hi-Tech Cluster
of Nanotechnology applied to materials. It acts
as a mediator at institutional level for enterprises and
research centers interested in creating new products
with high technology content. A major part of Veneto
Nanotechs mission is dedicated to supporting R&D
activities, to strengthen the existing infrastructure
and to leverage the present regional competences
as well as foster new international networks in order
to boost the nanotechnology development also
at the European level.
Project Partner 3
Association of Chemical Industry
of the Czech Republic
Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech
Republic was founded in 1992 as a voluntary
association of manufacturing, commercial,
designing, research and advisory organizations
with a relationship to chemical, pharmaceutical,
petrochemical, and rubber and plastics industries.
The association supports business interests
of member companies in the Czech Republic,
involvement of the Czech chemical industry
in European and world economic systems,
representing its companies in discussions
and negotiations with authorities and handing
over all available economic, legislative and
technical information to its member companies.
The Association deals with employment, social,
wages and occupational safety issues. It also
participates in collective bargaining with trade unions
and in discussions with government authorities.
In the Czech Republic, the Association closely
cooperates with the Association of Industry and
Transport organizations associating companies
operating in different felds of the chemical industry.
The Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech
Republic is a member of the Conseil Europen
des Fdrations de lIndustrie Chimique (CEFIC),
a member of the European Association of Employers
in Chemical Industry and a member of the Fdration
Europen du Commerce Chimique (FEEC).
The Association fully supports the Responsible Care
Program. Adhering to sustainable development, the
Program fully respects principles of environmentally-
friendly business and the involvement of the
companies in the Program has a positive international
Project Partner 4
Chemistry Cluster Bavaria
Chemie-Cluster Bayern has been established
as an international project development platform
for Bavarian companies and research institutes,
regardless of their number of employees or size.
Chemie-Cluster Bayern is designed as a contact and
competence network for Chemical Assisted Living,
i.e. for all areas in which chemical products take
a sustainable contribution to improve quality of daily
life. This covers, for example, areas of e-mobility,
renewable energy, CO
prevention, new materials,
but also building chemistry and polymer chemistry
as well as chemical climate protection. Chemie-
Cluster Bayern is, in particular, open to those
participants who only have a peripheral involvement
in chemistry and chemical products yet often,
chemical innovations provide the crucial progress.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Our joint objective is to create networks which
promote cooperation, innovation and development
of new product systems and services. Due to a closer
link age of business and science, we also create
a strong commitment to the region of Bavaria, thus
creating a positive effect on the regional value
added and jobs. In addition to mediating contacts to
potential project partners, the team of Chemie-Cluster
Bayern supports its members during the project
for instance, already at the start of the search for
possible project support from federal or EU funds.
Project Partner 5
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry PIPC
The Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry is the
organization representing chemical companies
in relation to domestic and foreign government and
non-government organizations. PIPC is the only
Polish organization being a member of CEFIC and
is authorized to represent the chemical industry
on the international forum. According to its Statute,
the Chamber is authorized to present its opinions
on all regulations as regards functioning of the
chemical industry in Poland. The Chamber receives
in relation to of such regulations from the Ministry
of Economy, Ministry of Environment and committee
for the European Integration and others. The Polish
Chamber of Chemical Industry was established
in 1988 as a voluntary, nonproft association
of chemical companies in Poland. The Chamber
associated numerous major manufacturing and
trade companies, scientifc-research institutes and
others, as well as branch associations. According

NANOFORCE Central Europe partnershi p map
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
to the Statute, activities of the Chamber are focused
on: better competitiveness of the chemical industry
in Poland; sustainable development of the chemical
branch; Responsible Care implementation;
health, environment and safety issues; positions
on draft legal acts (at the national and EU level)
on behalf of the chemical industry; cooperation
with international organizations (CEFIC and ECEG)
branch organizations (FE, IFA, EUROCHLOR);
promotion of the chemical industry within society
to improve its image.
Project Partner 6
University of Nova Gorica
The Laboratory for Environmental Research
(Laboratorijzaraziskave v okolju, LRO) is an
interdisciplinary research unit established in 1995.
From its earliest years it is tightly connected
with the study programmes at the School
of Environmental Sciences, for continuous transfer
of research outcomes and expert knowledge
to students. The Laboratory has an international
reputation based on its quality achievements and
its commitment in applying research skills to current
environmental issues. LRO hosts a growing number
of national and international research projects.
It values collaborative initiatives and joint action
on a number of environmental aspects. It hosts
various thematic areas that together contribute
to the interdisciplinary character of this research
unit. The Laboratory for Environmental Research
participates actively in fundamental as well as
applied research. In the area of fundamental
research, the activities of the laboratory are directed
to the investigation of photochemical and microbial
degradation as well as the transport of pollutants
in the environment, the development of laser-based
methods, bioanalytical methods, and ecotoxicological
tests for the identifcation and determination of toxic
compounds and their effects on the environment,
the development of new materials for their application
in environmentally friendly technologies, and
investigations in molecular biology and neurobiology.
In the feld of applied research we also investigate
the possibilities of applying the photothermal and
bioanalytical techniques to control the quality
and safety of food.
Project Partner 7
BioNanoNetForschungs GmbH
The BioNanoNet GmbH is an Austrian Network
organization which provides convenient access
via a single contact partner to a broad range
of proven scientifc expertise covering numerous
disciplines of medical and pharmaceutical research.
By connecting leading companies, universities
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
and non-university research organizations, we
have created a broad technology platform with
the aim of driving innovative interdisciplinary
research. The BioNanoNet GmbH also develops
and coordinates interdisciplinary research and
contract research projects in close cooperation with
its partners. By providing a single portal enabling
potential customers from the pharmaceutical industry
to quickly and effciently fnd reliable partners with
the required expertise from amongst our network
partners, BioNanoNet GmbH simplifes the process
of establishing collaborations and enhancing
the likelihood of a successful outcome. The other
principle role of BioNanoNet GmbH is to initiate and
subsequently coordinate national and international
research projects at different stages of the
pharmaceutical value chain.
Project Partner 8
Association of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry
of the Slovak Republic
The Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Industry of the Slovak Republic was established
as a voluntary association of business entities
in the Slovak chemistry and pharmacy industry
on 30 November 1991. Currently it represents
53 member entities, which employ more than 12,000
workers. Its activities are aimed at: defending the
commercial and business interests of the chemical
and pharmaceutical industry in dialogue with the
parliament and government of the Slovak Republic,
with central union, interest groups, national and
international governmental and non-business;
support of its member entities, in particular through
developing an information service; coordination
of activities and processes to solve common
problems; promoting the interests of Slovak chemistry
in the implementation of REACH; promoting REACH
for professional public; submitting opinions and
proposals to guide and infuence development
plans, and Slovak economic policy; development
of trade policy to minimize and eliminate technical
barriers; continuous improvement and expansion
of cooperation with foreign partner associations and
as a regular member of the European Chemical
Council CEFIC infuence the legislative process;
deepening social dialogue with unions on working
conditions, wages and other social care staff,
particularly in the higher-level collective agreements;
steadily deepening expansion of environmental
care in particular through the Responsible Care,
the DINS project and a number of other specifc
activities; deepening cooperation with electronic
and other media in order to gain broad public support
for further development of the Slovak chemical
and pharmaceutical industries.
Project Partner 9
Institute of High Pressure Physics,
Polish Academy of Sciences
The Institute of High Pressure Physics (IHPP) was
founded in 1972 by the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The present feld of research activities covers
ceramics, HTc superconductors with biological
materials (high-pressure studies of protein folding,
and high pressure food processing) and the
plasticity of metals (hydroextrusion) as well as
nanotechnology. For more than 20 years, Unipress
scientists have worked intensively on the physics
and technology of GaN and related semiconductors.
This research led to the creation of a unique
technology of high-pressure growth of GaN
crystals with a dislocation density much lower than
crystals grown at atmospheric pressure. This has
paved the way for construction of blue/violet laser
diodes by using crystals as substrates for growing
epitaxial structures of (AlGaIn)N with exceptional
structural and optical quality. Both the MBE and
MOCVD nitride technology has been developed at
UNIPRESS together with the laser-processing lab.
The work on blue/ violet laser diodes has been done
within the Polish Government program titled The
development of the blue opto electronics, which was
coordinated by Unipress. In order to commercialize
this technology, a new hi-tech focused company was
founded. Nanotechnology is a keyword of a modern
physics and material sciences. Unipress is involved
in nano-studies not only by exploring classical low-
dimensional systems like quantum wells and quantum
dots, but also by working intensively on materials
composed of nanograins such as nanoceramics
and nanopowders. High-pressure technology plays
a very important role in the process of sintering
of nanopowders, enabling better control of grain size
and uniformity, thus leading to the creation of a new
generation of advanced materials.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
7. Contacts to Project Partners
Lead Partner
SC Sviluppo Chimica spa
Contact person: Paolo Manes
Address: Via Giovanni da Procida,
201 49 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39 02 34565 373
Fax: +39 02 34565 479
[email protected]
Project Partner 2
Veneto Nanotech S.C.p.A.
Contact person: Christian Micheletti
Address: Via S. Crispino 106,
I - 35129 Padova, Italy
Phone: +39 049 770 5500
Fax: +39 049 770 5555
[email protected]
Project Partner 3
Association of Chemical Industry
of the Czech Republic
Contact person: Ladislav Novk
Address: Dlnick 12,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 266 793 580
Fax: +420 266 793 578
[email protected]
Project Partner 4
Chemistry Cluster Bavaria
Contact person: Irina Nunberger
Address: Frundsbergstr. 33
80634 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 189 4168 30
Fax: +49 89 189 4168 11
[email protected]
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-fnanced by the ERDF
Project Partner 5
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry
Contact person: Wojciech Lubiewa-Wieleyski
Address: niadeckich Street 17,
00-654 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 8287506
Fax: +48 22 627215
[email protected]
Project Partner 6
University of Nova Gorica
Contact person: Nina Bednarsek
Address: Vipavska 13, Rona Dolina,
SI-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Phone: +38 653 315 204
Fax: +38 653 315296
[email protected]
Project Partner 7
BioNanoNet Forschungs GmbH
Contact person: Andreas Falk
Address: Elisabethstrasse 911,
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 664 602 876 2115
Fax: +43 316 876 2130
[email protected]
Project Partner 8
Association of Chemical & Pharmaceutical
Industry of the Slovak Republic
Contact person: Silvia Surov
Address: Hattalova 12,
831 03 Bratislava 3, Slovak Republic
Phone: +421 2 48209005
Fax: +421 2 4363 8047
[email protected]
Project Partner 9
Institute of High Pressure Physics,
Polish Academy of Sciences
Contact person: Joanna Sobczyk
Address: ul. Sokolowska 29/37,
01142 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 888 00 06
Fax: +48 22 632 42 18
[email protected]

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