Lead Removal
Lead Removal
Lead Removal
The biosorption of lead ions from aqueous solution by Syzygium cumini L. was studied in a batch adsorption system as a function of pH, contact
time, lead ion concentration, adsorbent concentration and adsorbent size. The biosorption capacities and rates of lead ions onto S. cumini L. were
evaluated. The Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich–Peterson and Temkin adsorption models were applied to describe the isotherms and isotherm con-
stants. Biosorption isothermal data could be well interpreted by the Langmuir model followed by Temkin model with maximum adsorption capacity
of 32.47 mg/g of lead ion on S. cumini L. leaves biomass. The kinetic experimental data were properly correlated with the second-order kinetic model.
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P. King et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 142 (2007) 340–347 341
existing technologies will it be accepted commercially. Kuyucak V the solution volume (mL); M is the mass of biosorbent (g). The
indicated that the cost of biomass production played an impor- pH of the solution was adjusted by using 0.1N HCl and 0.1N
tant role in determining the overall cost of a biosorption process NaOH.
[20]. Therefore, low cost biomass becomes a crucial factor when The Langmuir [21] sorption model was chosen for the estima-
considering practical application of biosorption. tion of maximum lead sorption by the biosorbent. The Langmuir
The present work investigates the potential use of untreated isotherm can be expressed as
Syzygium cumini L. biomass as metal sorbent for removal of lead
Qmax bCeq
from aqueous solution. S. cumini L. was chosen as a biosorbent q= (2)
because of the relative lack of information about its sorption 1 + bCeq
ability. Environmental parameters affecting the biosorption pro- where Qmax indicates the monolayer adsorption capacity of
cess such as pH, contact time, metal ion concentration, adsorbent adsorbent (mg/g) and the Langmuir constant b (L/mg) is related
concentration and adsorbent size were evaluated. The equilib- to the energy of adsorption. For fitting the experimental data, the
rium adsorption data were evaluated by Langmuir, Freundlich, Langmuir model was linearized as
Redlich–Peterson and Temkin isotherm models.
1 1 1
= + (3)
2. Materials and methods q Qmax bQmax Ceq
2.1. Preparation of biosorbent The Freundlich [22] model is represented by the equation:
q = KCeq
The green S. cumini L. leaves were collected from Andhra
University College of Engineering campus of Visakhapatnam, where K (mg/g) is the Freundlich constant related to adsorption
Andhra Pradesh, India. Leaves were washed with deionized capacity of adsorbent and 1/n is the Freundlich exponent related
water several times to remove dirt particles. The dried leaves to adsorption intensity (dimensionless). For fitting the experi-
of 75–212 m particle size were used as biosorbent without any mental data, the Freundlich model was linearized as follows:
pretreatment for lead adsorption.
ln q = ln K + ln Ceq (5)
2.2. Chemical
The Redlich–Peterson [23] model is represented by the equation:
Analytical grades of Pb(NO3 )2 , HCl and NaOH were pur-
chased from Merck, India. Lead ions were prepared by dissolv- q= g (6)
ing its corresponding nitrate salt in distilled water. The pH of 1 + BCeq
solutions was adjusted with 0.1N HCl and NaOH. where A (L/g) and B (L/mg) are the Redlich–Peterson isotherm
All the experiments were repeated five times and the aver- constants and g is the Redlich Peterson isotherm exponent,
age values have been reported. Also, blank experiments were which lies between 0 and 1. The linearized form of equation
conducted to ensure that no adsorption was taking place on the is given by
walls of the apparatus used.
ln − 1 = g ln(Ceq ) + ln(B) (7)
2.3. Biosorption experiments q
Redlich–Peterson isotherm equation contains three unknown
Biosorption experiments were performed at room temper-
parameters A, B, and g. Therefore a minimization procedure is
ature (30 ± 1 ◦ C) in a rotary shaker at 180 rpm using 250 mL
adopted to maximize the coefficient of determination, between
Erlenmeyer flasks containing 30 mL of different lead concentra-
the theoretical data for q predicted from the linearized form of
tions. After 1 h of contact (according to the preliminary sorption
Redlich–Peterson isotherm equation and the experimental data.
dynamics tests), with 0.1 g S. cumini L. leaves biomass, equi-
The Temkin [24] isotherm has generally been applied in the
librium was reached and the reaction mixture was centrifuged
following form:
for 5 min. The metal content in the supernatant was determined
using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (GBC Avanta Ver RT
1.32, Australia) after filtering the adsorbent with 0.45 m filter q= ln(AT Ceq ) (8)
paper. The amount of metal adsorbed by S. cumini L. leaves was
calculated from the differences between metal quantity added where AT (L/mg) and bT are Temkin isotherm constants.
to the biomass and metal content of the supernatant using the
following equation: 2.4. Biosorption kinetics
q = (C0 − Cf ) (1) The kinetics studies were carried out by conducting batch
M biosorption experiments with different initial lead concentra-
where q is the metal uptake (mg/g); C0 and Cf the initial and tions. Samples were taken at different time periods and analyzed
final metal concentrations in the solution (mg/L), respectively; for their lead concentration.
342 P. King et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 142 (2007) 340–347
3.2. Effect of pH
It is well known that the pH of the medium affects the sol- Fig. 2. Effect of pH on lead adsorption by S. cumini L. for 20 mg/L of metal and
ubility of metal ions and the concentration of the counter ions 0.1 g/30 mL of adsorbent concentration.
on the functional groups of the biomass cell walls, so pH is an
important parameter on biosorption of metal ions from aqueous
solutions [25–29]. 3.3. Effect of metal ion concentration
S. cumini L. presents a high content of ionizable groups (car-
boxyl groups from mannuronic and gluronic acids) on the cell Fig. 3 shows the effect of metal ion concentration on the
wall polysaccharides, which makes it, very liable to the influ- adsorption of lead by S. cumini L. The data shows that the
ence of the pH. As shown in Fig. 2, the uptake of lead increased metal uptake increases and the percentage adsorption of lead
with the increase in pH from 2.0 to 6.0. Similar results were also decreases with increase in metal ion concentration. This increase
reported in literature for different biomass systems [30–33]. At (5.23–21.77 mg/g) is a result of increase in the driving forces,
pH values lower than 2.0 lead removal was inhibited, possibly as i.e. concentration gradient. However, the percentage adsorp-
a result of the competition between hydrogen and lead ions on tion of lead ions on S. cumini L. was decreased from 87.18
the sorption sites, with an apparent preponderance of hydrogen to 72.57%. Though an increase in metal uptake was observed,
ions, which restricts the approach of metal cations as in conse- the decrease in percentage adsorption may be attributed to lack
quence of the repulsive force. As the pH increased, the ligands of sufficient surface area to accommodate much more metal
such as carboxylate groups in S. cumini L. would be exposed, available in the solution. The percentage adsorption at higher
increasing the negative charge density on the biomass surface, concentration levels shows a decreasing trend whereas the equi-
increasing the attraction of metallic ions with positive charge librium uptake of lead displays an opposite trend. At lower
and allowing the biosorption onto the cell surface. concentrations, all lead ions present in solution could interact
In this study, these lead cations at around 6 would be expected with the binding sites and thus the percentage adsorption was
to interact more strongly with the negatively charged binding higher than those at higher lead ion concentrations. At higher
sites in the adsorbent. As a result, the optimum pH for lead concentrations, lower adsorption yield is due to the saturation
adsorption was found as 6 and the other adsorption experiments of adsorption sites. As a result, the purification yield can be
were performed at this pH value. increased by diluting the wastewaters containing high metal ion
Fig. 1. Effect of contact time on lead uptake by Syzygium cumini L. for 20 mg/L Fig. 3. Effect of metal concentration on the adsorption of lead by S. cumini L.
of metal and 0.1 g/30 mL of adsorbent concentrations. at 0.1 g/30 mL of adsorbent concentration.
P. King et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 142 (2007) 340–347 343
4. Biosorption equilibrium
Fig. 5. Effect of S. cumini L. dosage on adsorption of lead for 20 mg/L of metal Fig. 7. Freundlich adsorption isotherm for lead at 0.1 g/30 mL of adsorbent
concentration. concentration.
344 P. King et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 142 (2007) 340–347
Table 1
Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich–Peterson and Temkin isotherm constants and
correlation coefficients
Q (mg/g) 32.47
b (L/mg) 0.0746
R2 0.9997
Kf (mg/g) 3.1761
n 0.606
R2 0.9834
A (L/mg) 1.08
B (L/mg) 13.1129
g −1.2261
R2 0.3259
Fig. 8. Redlich–Peterson adsorption isotherm for lead at 0.1 g/30 mL of adsor- Temkin
bent concentration. AT (L/mg) 0.7584
bT 356.72
R2 0.9938
5. Kinetics of adsorption
Table 2
Kinetic constants for lead onto Syzygium cumini L.
Initial concentration (mg/L) 20
Rate constant, k1 0.3901
Amount of lead adsorbed on adsorbent, qe (mg/g) 2.8661
Correlation coefficient, R21 0.9633
Rate constant, k2 0.2498
Amount of lead adsorbed on adsorbent, qe (mg/g) 5.3242
Correlation coefficient, R22 0.9995 Fig. 12. Pseudo-second-order adsorption of lead by S. cumini L. for 20 mg/L of
metal and 0.1 g/30 mL of adsorbent concentration.
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