Osho Books

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No Title Description by order spoken

1 A Cup of Tea A collection of 365 letters written by Osho to his friends, during the time he
was travelling in India from the 1950’s through the early 1970’s.

2 Seeds of Wisdom A collection of 120 letters written by Osho. Intimate, simple, and laced with
personal anecdotes and insights.
3 The Perfect Way A rare book of meditation in which Osho calls himself a -dream breaker.-
His method of dream breaking includes a meticulous guided tour through
the maze of our own minds, toward a zone of silence.
4 The Path of Meditation These talks are transcriptions of a meditation program led by Osho in the
beautiful hills of Mahabaleshwar. It is a must-read for both the new and the
experienced meditator.
5 Revolution in Education Speaking of a crippled humanity, Osho points to education as a cause,
saying how in the name of education man has been cut off from nature

6 The Eternal Quest An introduction to Osho’s vision for those whose material needs are
fulfilled, and who are now aching to discover something beyond learning
the knack of social and psychological adjustment.
7 A Gathering of Friends -So, even towards me this gathering of friends should not show any special
reverence. Towards me too, there should be a rational approach and an
intelligent approach.- Osho
8 The Inner Journey The Inner Journey is a precise manual for tuning the body, mind, heart and
hara to an inner balance and harmony to prepare ourselves for the
experience of meditation.
9 From Sex to Super consciousness Osho speaks on the need and the way to understand sex in its
deepest sense, thereby transforming it. The life energy that flows
into sex is the same life energy that becomes super consciousness,
10 And Now and Here Osho debunks our myths and misunderstandings around death and invites
us to experience our eternal inner space - now and here - through guided
11 The Long, the Short and the All A collection of excerpts from early talks and letters in which Osho
addresses subjects basic to us all, such as truth, religion, thought,
happiness and love.
12 The Beginning of the Beginning Five talks given by Osho at an early meditation camp.
13 In Search of the Miraculous This is an unusual and fascinating read for anyone who is interested in the
practical application of the esoteric aspects of mysticism, and the science
of human energy as it is understood in the East.
14 Krishna: The Man and His The Indian mystic Krishna lived many centuries ago, yet Osho sees
Philosophy in him a man far ahead of his time.
15 The Psychology of the Esoteric Osho begins where Western psychology ends. Beyond Freud and Jung,
beyond the Human Potential Movement, to the psychology of
enlightenment and Buddhahood
16 The Great Challenge This introduction to Osho’s work includes the secret aspects of spiritual
traditions as well as talks on death, reincarnation and the scientific
foundation of his revolutionary technique, Dynamic Meditation

17 The Playful Knack of Meditation In this talk Osho explains that meditation and medicine are two poles of
one science, but their connecting links are, as yet, missing.
18 Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy Osho answers fundamental questions about meditation and gives a detailed
description of each stage of his most revolutionary meditation technique,
the OSHO Dynamic Meditation.
19 Nine Sutras Opening boundless new dimensions to the meaning and significance of the
word yoga, Osho illuminates its vast scope and takes us way beyond what
may well be our limited and limiting understanding of it.
20 Inner War and Peace Commenting on the first cantos of the Bhagavad Gita, Osho
exposes the roots of our contemporary personal and global
problems and proposes his timeless solution.
21 Dimensions Beyond the Known In this series of five question and answer-based talks, Osho talks in depth
on many mysteries, including: what happens after death, reincarnation,
and the esoteric roots of religious experience
22 The Heartbeat of the Absolute Sutras from the ancient Sanskrit scriptures - the Ishavasya
Upanishad - are transmuted into stunning insights that can open
the reader’s eyes to his own inner reality.
23 I Am the Gate This is the book where Osho talks about himself - not as a man, not even
as a mystic, but as a manifestation of existence itself.
24 Hidden Mysteries Osho explains how the significance of temples, statues, places of
pilgrimage, incense, mantras and astrology, have all been debased
or lost over thousands of years.
25 The Way Beyond Any Way Osho speaks on a jewel of Eastern mysticism, the Savasar Upanishad, one
of the ancient texts of the rishis - the seers of India.
26 The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol. 1 Speaking on the Atma Pooja Upanishad, Osho responds to it in a
way that helps present day seekers find the truth within.
27 Flight of the Alone to the Alone Talks on the Kaivalya Upanishad given at a meditation camp at Mt. Abu,
28 The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol. 2 Osho reveals many alchemical secrets of the “ultimate” alchemy -
the refinement of man’s baser nature into the pure gold of cosmic
29 The Book of Secrets Inspired by the 4000-year-old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, The Book of
Secrets invites us to experience and experiment with the tools of
our senses in everyday life
30 Finger Pointing to the Moon Talks on the Adhyatma Upanishad given at a meditation camp at
Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
31 The Voice of Silence Osho provides a step-by-step approach on how to find our inner voice.

32 The New Alchemy: To Turn You On A practical, detailed guide for those exploring meditation. Osho explains
the steps and pitfalls along the way directly, simply and playfully.

33 The Supreme Doctrine The Supreme Doctrine deals in depth with many aspects of meditation - of
how to move intensely and totally into this experience spoken of by the
seers in the Ken Upanishad.
34 The Message Beyond Words The Kathopanishad is the ancient Indian scripture that has been used much
like the Tibetan Bardo, to help the dying on their way.
35 The Path of Yoga Yoga is the science of being in the here and now. In these talks on
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Osho shows us how to move toward this state
where “simply looking while the mind flows, a time comes when by itself,
of itself, the mind stops.”
36 Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi These talks were given by Osho during a nine day meditation
retreat in India, to hundreds of seekers who had gathered to hear
about and experience his revolutionary new meditation techniques.

37 My Way: The Way of the White The questions and answers that comprise this book have been selected by
Clouds Osho to introduce his work to those looking for a new way of life.

38 Nowhere To Go But In Osho guides people away from asking superficial “religious” and intellectual
questions to opening up and exposing themselves in real questions.

39 A Bird on the Wing Using Zen stories and responding to questions, Osho shows how
man must first be grounded in himself before he can fly into the
sky of consciousness
40 The Empty Boat Through the stories of the Chinese mystic Chuang Tzu, Osho
revitalizes the 3000-year-old Taoist message of self-realization.

41 No Water, No Moon Brimming with absurdities and humor, Osho is guaranteed to

shake, shock and delight with these talks based on Zen stories
42 The Mustard Seed Osho takes these sayings out of their narrower Christian context
43 When the Shoe Fits Ten stories from the life of Chuang Tzu serve as starting points for
Osho as he explores the -easy is right- approach of Tao.
44 The Book of Nothing: Hsin Hsin A masterful and eminently readable introduction to the unique
Ming wisdom of Zen, especially its profound understanding of the mind
and its functioning.
45 And the Flowers Showered Commenting on eleven Zen anecdotes, Osho explores a diverse
range of issues encountered by man as moves on the spiritual
46 The True Name, Vol. 1 Talks on the Japugi-Saheb of Guru Nanak Dev
47 The True Name, Vol. 2 Talks on the Japugi-Saheb of Guru Nanak Dev
48 Returning to the Source This book is a glorious mixture of no-nonsense Zen and sublime
poetic mystery
49 The Hidden Harmony If Heraclitus had been born in India rather than Greece, says Osho, he
would have been recognized not simply as a philosopher but as a buddha,
a mystic.
50 Yoga: The Science of the Soul Osho explains the meanings of some of the most important yoga sutras of
Patanjali, an early “scientist of the soul.”
51 The Great Secret Osho talks on ten of Kabir’s incomparable songs that revolve
around -the beloved- - an expression for the state of
52 Tantra: The Supreme The ultimate may not be expressible, but whatsoever can be said is
Understanding included here within the tantric vision of Osho and Tilopa.
53 The Grass Grows By Itself Osho discusses how Zen came into being and describes the
remarkable people who spread it across the Asian continent.
54 Yoga: The Mystery Beyond Mind Although Patanjali’s sutras are more than two thousand years old, Osho
brings them right up to date in these talks, revealing the innate wisdom
they carry for humanity, that reaches beyond time
55 Journey to the Heart Osho entices us to the unknown, the Ultimate. This journey is the greatest
adventure open to man.
56 The Alchemy of Yoga In these talks on the sutras of Patanjali, Osho guides us into the
world of Yoga of naturalness and sensitivity that reaches far
beyond the body, through our body and our way of daily living.

57 Just Like That With humor and sensitivity Osho brings traditional Sufi stories into
the 21st Century, revealing their hidden dimensions and adding his
58 Absolute Tao Tao is, as is Osho, the way of wholeness: not dividing anything, not
denying anything - he remains choiceless.
59 Living Tao In his Tao Te Ching , Lao Tzu wrote essential truths on the natural way to
live. Osho highlights the paradoxical nature of these truths, pointing out
that living the paradox is the whole process of meditation.

60 Yoga: A New Direction Osho presents the eight steps of Yoga: self-restraint, fixed observation,
posture, breath regulation, abstraction, concentration, contemplation and
61 Undone Tao “Lao Tzu moved into life, watched silently, observed and saw many things -
many things - but the base of them all is that everything is moving to its
62 Talking Tao The greatest miracle in life is love, and it is the greatest mystery also;
greater than life itself, because love is the very essence for which life
63 The Essence of Yoga Osho presents Patanjali for the 21st century, saying that this two thousand
year- old science of yoga is so perfect and complete that it cannot be
64 Showering without Clouds Osho talks on Sahajo, an enlightened woman from eighteenth-century
Rajasthan, about what it means to be a woman and a seeker.

65 The True Sage Osho speaks on classic Hasidic stories compiled by the Jewish philosopher,
Martin Buber
66 Come Follow to You, Vol. 1 Osho makes a clear distinction between the rebel called Jesus Christ and
the religion that followed after him - Christianity.
67 Come Follow to You, Vol. 2 Osho resurrects the essential core of Jesus’ message - a religiousness
which embraces silence, celebration and a moment-to-moment
appreciation of life and existence.
68 The Song of Ecstasy Osho speaks on Adi Shankaracharya, the enlightened mystic of eighth-
century India, a formidable scholar who can sing his song of ecstasy and
dance his joy in life.
69 Hammer on the Rock This is a diary of intimate meetings between people of all ages and from all
walks of life with a modern buddha, Osho. The issues: sex, work,
relationships, death and meditation.
70 Come Follow to You, Vol. 3 Jesus is brought alive in a new and dynamic way - not the Jesus that the
theologians and scholars have presented to us but Jesus as seen through
the eyes of a contemporary mystic.
71 Come Follow to You, Vol. 4 In Osho’s understanding Jesus has been killed twice - once by the Jews and
again by the Christians who have smothered his insights with
interpretations that have little to do with his teachings.
72 Yoga: The Science of Living Osho shows how three methods - concentration, uninterrupted flow of
consciousness and oneness - bring about an inner balance when subject
and object disappear.
73 Above All, Don’t Wobble These recorded Evening Meetings give the phenomenon of enlightenment a
contemporary, personal focus. One by one, visitors sit in front of Osho to
receive his individualized advice on their questions and life experiences

74 Nirvana: The Last Nightmare Why does Osho say that nirvana, enlightenment, is a nightmare -
and not only a nightmare but the last nightmare?
75 Ancient Music in the Pines Zen is the way of the spontaneous - the effortless effort, the way of
intuition. A Zen Master, Ikkyu, has said: “I can see clouds a
thousand miles away, hear ancient music in the pines.” This is
what Zen is all about.
76 The Search Osho talks on the ten paintings that tell the famous Zen story of a
farmer in search of his lost bull, providing an allegorical expression
of the search for enlightenment.
77 Secrets of Yoga Introducing Patanjali’s sutras as scientific methods for allowing all that is
not essential within us to die - that is, to die as a false entity of the ego

78 Yoga: The Path to Liberation Osho speaks of Patanjali’s system of preparation for enlightenment as
empirical, a tool to work with.
79 Yoga: The Supreme Science Speaking on a selection of yoga sutras of Patanjali, Osho reveals the vast
and deep insight of this ancient science into man’s inner world.
80 Dang Dang Doko Dang .In these commentaries on Zen stories and answers to questions on
mind and heart, body and being, Osho focuses again and again on
81 The Beloved, Vol.1 Osho introduces the wild, dancing, sane-crazy world of the Bauls, the
mystics of Bengal in these series of talks based on their songs.
82 The Beloved, Vol.2 Ten talks based on the natural, magical wisdom inherent in the songs of
these delicious madmen, mystics, fools and poets, the Bauls of Bengal.

83 A Sudden Clash of Thunder While the theme of these talks is meditation - watching, and
remaining alert and aware - Osho encourages us first to “be happy
and meditation will follow”.
84 The Discipline of Transcendence, This series of talks on Gautam Buddha’s 42 sutras gives a detailed
Vol. 1 description and map of the inner search.
85 The Discipline of Transcendence, Osho analyzes the twenty potential obstacles on the spiritual path
Vol. 2 as outlined by Gautam Buddha, and offers ways to go beyond them.

86 Enlightenment: The Only Powerful and penetrating talks on the famous dialogue between the mystic
Revolution Ashtavakra - one of Osho’s favorite ancient Indian masters - and King
87 The Art of Dying Osho speaks on classic Hasidic stories compiled by the Jewish philosopher,
Martin Buber - a great tradition of laughing saints and wonderful tales.

88 The Discipline of Transcendence, In this third volume, Osho talks on Buddha’s no-religion religion - a
Vol. 3 unique and mature message that is uncompromising in its
insistence on awareness as the basis of spiritual evolution

89 The Discipline of Transcendence, In this fourth and final volume, Osho expands on Buddha’s way. A
Vol. 4 scientific guide to the inner reality and an essential reader for
every seeker.
90 Ecstasy: The Forgotten Language The words of Kabir - a mystic, a weaver, and a poet who can touch the
earth and catch the stars with his transcendent verses - are the starting
point for these inspiring talks on how to live our lives to their utmost
91 The Path of Love The exquisite songs of the fifteenth century mystic and poet Kabir
are explored through Osho’s insight, vision, and understanding of
the eternal in man.
92 The Divine Melody In this series of ten talks Osho discusses some of the most
beautiful songs of Kabir.
93 Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol. 1 In these talks on The Book of Lieh Tzu, Osho brings a fresh and
contemporary interpretation to the ancient wisdom of Tao.
94 Tao: The Pathless Path, Vol. 2 Osho calls Tao “the pathless path” because he says it has a
different quality - the quality of freedom, anarchy and chaos.
95 The Last Morning Star Talking on the playful and provocative poetry of Daya, Osho takes
us on a journey from the transient, from our world outside, to the
eternal, our boundless world within.
96 The First Principle Osho captures the unique, colorful, seemingly crazy spirit of Zen,
through talks on a collection of Zen stories.
97 The Tantra Experience An absorbing book about the relationship between Saraha, an
affluent young Brahmin, and a lower-cast arrowsmith woman - he
as disciple and she as his Tantric master.
98 Tantric Transformation In these talks on Saraha’s Royal Song, we are given a detailed map of In
this second volume of Osho’s talks on Saraha’s Royal Song, Osho explains
the goal of Tantra. He describes the Tantra map of inner consciousness,
including the four seals or locks that open in us as we move higher in
99 Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol. 1 Day and night, summer and winter, life and death.nature itself is a
paradox and Zen is simply a mirror reflection of life.
100 Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol. 2 This book is brimming with Zen anecdotes showing life’s
paradoxical nature and that if you look around you will find
contradiction everywhere.
101 Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol. 3 Life, in every dimension, is paradoxical. So religion has to be
102 Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol. Jokes - paradox - parables - wisdom - absurdity - all to shake the
1 reader out of his intellect and into the innocence of the mystic.

103 Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol. Osho takes some beautiful traditional Sufi stories and uses them as
2 tools to chip away at the obsolete and blind belief systems in which
modern man is ensnared.
104 The Heart Sutra Osho speaks on awareness and enlightenment, trust and the heart
and encourages us all to reclaim the buddha within ourselves

105 I Say Unto You, Vol. 1 Casting aside age-old preconceptions, Osho reveals the real magic and
miracles of Jesus.
106 I Say Unto You, Vol. 2 Osho talks on the beauty and wisdom of Jesus’ sayings.
107 This Very Body the Buddha Osho comments on these verses that comprise the song of the 17th-
century mystic, Hakuin.
108 The Diamond Sutra Osho, a contemporary Buddha, speaks on The Diamond Sutra of
Gautam Buddha, bringing his most powerful words to life and
illuminating the urgent message contained within them
109 Walk without Feet, Fly without A series of personal questions from seekers touching a wide variety of
Wings and Think without Mind fundamental life issues, and an enlightened being’s profound, loving and,
at times, humorous responses to them.
110 The Revolution A fiery book alive with Osho’s love for Kabir and for the only
revolution that counts: enlightenment.
111 The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol. 1 Osho invites us to explore the world of the Sufis, in which we
discover the meaning of trust, the wisdom of the heart, and so
much more..
112 The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol. 2 In this collection of talks on Sufi stories, Osho takes us to the very
foundation of what it means to be conscious.
113 The Sun Rises in the Evening These commentaries on sutras, alternating with answers to
questions, are richly laced with stories and anecdotes about
Krishnamurti, Plato, Socrates, Hubert Benoit, etc...
114 The Perfect Master, Vol. 1 In these profound and captivating talks on traditional Sufi stories,
and responses to seeker’s questions, Osho takes the reader to the
heart of some fundamental questions.
115 The Perfect Master, Vol. 2 This volume, comprising Osho’s commentary on Sufi stories and
responses to questions, is a must for everyone in search of their
own inner master.
116 The Secret of Secrets Osho speaks on the magical sutras of Master Lu-tsu, which he
describes as .”a flowering of the Taoist approach to life and
117 Die O Yogi Die Gorakh is one of the four people whom Osho calls “the foundation stones of
Indian mysticism.” This book is about the death of the ego, about practical
steps to live a full and aware life without being run over by it.

118 The Secret Osho uses a selection of delightful, ancient stories to impart the essence of
authentic love
119 Unio Mystica, Vol. 1 A series on the twelfth century Persian court poet, Sanai’s Hadiqa,
about which Osho says: -Such books are not written, they are born.
These words are saturated with satori.-
120 Unio Mystica, Vol. 2 Speaking on Hakim Sanai’s verses, Osho presents his views on war
and the political mind. He offers a fresh outlook, a blueprint for
cutting the roots of the destructive political mind of man, and
creating a human being who can celebrate life.
121 Philosophia Perennis, Vol. 1 As well as being a famous mathematician, Pythagoras also traveled
extensively in search of truth, learning from many mystery schools. Had he
been listened to, says Osho, the history of the western world would have
been totally different.
122 Philosophia Perennis, Vol. 2 Osho expounds on the idea of the East and West as representative of the
brain’s two hemispheres, and on the two Pythagorean laws - of necessity
and power.
123 The Book of Wisdom Talks on the early Buddhist mystic Atisha, and his simple
instructions for awareness.
124 The Fish in the Sea Is Not Thirsty Commenting on the songs of Kabir, Osho takes the reader to the
very core of the human dilemma, to the simple cause of man’s
misery - that he thinks that he is separate from existence.

125 The Guest This series of talks is based on Kabir’s penetrating, beautiful songs.
There is only one thing in the world that satisfies, says Kabir, and
that is the meeting with yourself.
126 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho comments on the essence of Buddha’s teachings and answers
Buddha, Vol. 1 related questions
127 The Dhammapada: The Way of the These talks reveal the essential and profound truth of Buddha’s
Buddha, Vol. 2 teachings, challenging us to step beyond the habitual way we live
our lives, to step into a life of awareness.
128 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho shines a light on Buddha’s continual emphasis on freedom.
Buddha, Vol. 3 This volume illuminates how a genuine search needs, not a mind
filled with knowledge, but a totally open approach: inquiry, not
129 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho guides the reader into understanding the meaning of
Buddha, Vol. 4 Buddha's words, revealing these telegraphic sutras as invaluable,
simple instructions for life.
130 Be Still and Know In this series of question and answers, Osho talks on the death of his own
father and on subjects as diverse as science and meditation, personality
and essence, homosexuality, witnessing, salvation and silence.

131 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho speaks on the magical sutras of The Dhammapada - declaring
Buddha, Vol. 5 Buddha as the greatest breakthrough that humanity has known.

132 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho makes it clear that Buddha’s sutras describe a way of joy:
Buddha, Vol. 6 living in peace, enjoying everything that the world makes available,
yet clinging to nothing.
133 The White Lotus Bodhidharma was the first patriarch of Zen. The notes collected by
his disciples contain the essential core of Buddha’s message.

134 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho brings alive the possibility of awakening for every man as he
Buddha, Vol. 7 explores the infinite depth of insight present in the sutras of The
Dhammapada .
135 The Dhammapada: The Way of the In this volume of talks Osho begins by declaring the way of Gautam
Buddha, Vol. 8 Buddha as the way of intelligence, understanding, awareness, and
meditation - and that rebellion is its essential taste

136 Ah, This! Through delightfully Zen anecdotes, Osho captures and conveys the spirit
of Zen’s enigmatic understanding of life.
137 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho calls the incomparable Dhammapada sutras of Buddha, -the
Buddha, Vol. 9 book of books
138 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho speaks on Buddha’s teachings, compiled by his disciples after
Buddha, Vol. 10 he had died, in the amazing work called The Dhammapada .

139 Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen In this especially lighthearted series of talks Osho comments on
the Zen master Yoko, and explains why meditation is not just a
daily discipline but a life time love-affair.
140 The Dhammapada: The Way of the The whole message of Buddha is to turn in, and Osho explores in
Buddha, Vol. 11 these talks on why something so simple as going within ourselves
feels like such an arduous task.
141 The Dhammapada: The Way of the Osho invites the reader to tap into the infinite riches of living
Buddha, Vol. 12 consciously through Gautam Buddha’s words.
142 Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol. 1 Osho refers to these ancient discourses as the most profound
insights into nature - not tenets of a doctrine or philosophical
treatises but existential insights.
143 Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol. 2 Osho illumines the sutras of the famous sixth century scholar and
enlightened master, Ko Hsuan, bringing the dynamic path of Tao
alive for contemporary man and answers seeker’s questions

144 Zen: The Special Transmission This series of talks provides a wonderful, living introduction to the
true phenomenon of Zen.
145 Theologica Mystica These talks on the letters of Dionysius, to his disciple Timothy, bring to
light the mystical depth hidden in the Western theological tradition.

146 Guida Spirituale Delightful stories and anecdotes inspired by the Desiderata.
147 I Am That Talks on the Isa Upanishad. These sutras are amongst the most
ancient wisdom available to mankind - transmitted from masters to
their disciples twenty-five centuries before Buddha.
148 Come, Come, Yet Again Come Seekers from all over the world bring their questions to Osho and he
responds with characteristic individualized attention, warmth and humor.

149 Philosophia Ultima These talks contain what to Osho is the most significant statement
made anywhere on earth at any time, the whole secret of the
mystic approach towards life.
150 Zen: Zest Zip Zap and Zing Osho responds to questions on love, freedom, morality, a woman’s
role in society, nostalgia, a child’s right to privacy, the purpose of
life, and more.
151 The Wild Geese and the Water In this volume of questions and answers Osho speaks about the art of
meditation, to -be meditative, but be in the world.-
152 The Goose Is Out Osho penetrates the prejudices and beliefs we have gathered as our
protection against the truth.
153 Interviews from the Silent Period Various excerpts from Osho’s three-and-a-half-year period of public
silence. They include interviews and messages sent via his secretary.

154 Glimpses of a Golden Childhood An all-time favorite volume in which Osho recalls his rebellious and
mischievous childhood
155 Notes of a Madman Talks given in the unlikely setting of Osho’s dental sessions. Osho speaks in
a poetic way on anything that comes to him. It is a rare and intimate
glimpse of enlightenment.
156 Books I Have Loved Having read thousands of the world’s greatest books, Osho shares the
fragrance of some of his most loved in these spontaneous and intimate
157 From Unconsciousness to Osho ends three years of silence and begins an entirely new phase of his
Consciousness work. Sometimes shocking and always humorous, he exposes the lies to
which society still so earnestly adheres.
158 From Ignorance to Innocence Through answers to a wide range of questions Osho brings his deep clarity,
insight and humor to the fabric of organized religion, our society, our
beings and much more.
159 From Personality to Individuality Answering a diverse array of questions, Osho talks about the similarities
between madness and enlightenment, and the essential difference between
the two.
160 From Misery to Enlightenment With complete clarity, and using examples, anecdotes and quotations which
amaze the reader with their range, Osho expresses his vision for humanity.

161 From Darkness to Light In this series of talks, Osho examines the ways in which the institutions of
society have systematically crippled man’s authenticity and individuality.

162 From the False to the Truth Powerful, convincing and exposingly hilarious, Osho confronts the religious
leaders and government officials who eventually destroyed the commune in
163 The Last Testament, Vol. 1 At Rancho Rajneesh, the commune in America, for the first time ever Osho
grants interviews to the world media.
164 From Death to Deathlessness Sensing the storm about to descend on his American commune, Osho
responds to residents’ and visitors’ questions. The topics cover the whole
spectrum of human concerns.
165 The Last Testament, Vol. 2 At Rancho Rajneesh, the commune in America, for the first time ever Osho
grants interviews to the world media.
166 From Bondage to Freedom A deeply moving account of a rare and provocative experiment in human
growth, these are Osho’s last discourses given in the USA.
167 The Last Testament, Vol. 3 At Rancho Rajneesh, the commune in America, for the first time ever Osho
grants interviews to the world media.
168 Light on the Path These first talks after Osho’s departure from the USA provide a rare
glimpse of Osho’s efforts to create a New Man - during the most uncertain
times for his work and people.
169 The Diamond Sword In response to questions from individuals and members of the press, Osho
speaks on the essential and timeless path of meditation.
170 The Sword and the Lotus This volume captures the fast pace of Osho’s six-week stay in Nepal. He
answers questions from seekers in his hotel suite in the mornings and from
the press every evening.
171 Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 In these talks, delivered in Greece, Osho revives the spirit of Zorba in a
Centuries series of lively talks to his disciples and to visiting journalists.
172 Beyond Psychology In this book, Osho shows us that the real meaning of taking responsibility
is to go beyond the narrow confines of the mind - to move beyond our
psychology and into consciousness.
173 The Path of the Mystic Osho emphasizes the imperatives of individual freedom and of seeking and
living the truth.
174 The Transmission of the Lamp In this series of talks, delivered in Uruguay, Osho answers over a hundred
questions asked by the small group traveling with him on his world tour.

175 The Osho Upanishad This book begins with the question, “Could you please explain the work of
a mystery school?” And Osho goes on to describe the support such schools
give to the seekers of truth, throughout time, the world over.

176 Beyond Enlightenment These are talks by a man who has known enlightenment - and left it far
behind. Osho explores the subject from the inside, revealing the inner
workings of a mystic.
177 Sermons in Stones Answering seeker’s questions Osho explores the theme of the individual’s
responsibility in creating the world we live in.
178 Reflections on Khalil Gibran's The Osho examines Gibran’s poetic explorations of life - and goes further. He
Prophet looks at whether Gibran is “a mystic of the highest order,” simply a poet
“who speaks in words of gold” - or perhaps an extraordinary mixture of the
179 The Rebellious Spirit Central to Osho’s vision of the New Man is what he calls -the rebellious
180 The Razor's Edge This question and answer book tells how a master and his disciples move
along a path together which is both dangerous and ecstatic. This path is
the razor’s edge.
181 The Hidden Splendor Osho unfolds the basic search for childlike innocence in all its joy,
playfulness, and fearlessness.a state of being which Osho describes as our -
hidden splendor.-
182 Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance In the world’s first line-by-line commentary on Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus
Spake Zarathustra , Osho unravels the mystery of man’s three
metamorphoses - from camel to lion to child.
183 Zarathustra: The Laughing Prophet Here Osho lifts Nietzsche beyond the blight of history, and restores his
innocence, turning his great work into a feast of wisdom that we can all
184 The Golden Future The most comprehensive and explicit collection of talks available on Osho’s
vision of the future.
185 The Rebel A comprehensive guide to Osho as a planetary visionary
186 The New Dawn A many-faceted series of talks in which Osho dismantles a great variety of
questions from seekers.
187 Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Osho paints a portrait of Bodhidharma as an enlightened “mafia
Master guy” with a personal history that reads like a spiritual Alice in
188 The Great Zen Master Ta Hui Osho tells of the progression of Ta Hui, a well-known Chinese Zen
teacher of the 7th century, from his intellectual understanding of
Buddhist scriptures to buddhahood.
189 The Invitation An invitation and introduction to Osho’s vision through his responses to
questions. Osho shows how the problems of everyday life can be used as
tools for transformation.
190 The Great Pilgrimage: From Here In this great book of questions and answers Osho reminds us that there is
to Here in reality nowhere to go!
191 Jesus Crucified Again, This Time In This talk was originally published in this title. It reveals the amazing details
Ronald Reagan's America behind the demise of the Osho commune in America and Osho's
persecution by the US government.
192 Satyam Shivam Sundaram: Truth An invitation by Osho to discover that the more comfortable we are
Godliness Beauty with being ourselves, the easier it is to go beyond ourselves - to be
able to relax, meditate, laugh at ourselves and enjoy our lives each
and every moment.
193 Sat-Chit-Anand: Truth- Osho emphasizes the treasures of the inner world, and the urgent
Consciousness-Bliss need for the quantum leap from mind to being.
194 Om Mani Padme Hum: The Sound This series of talks revolve around the theme of division - man’s
of Silence, the Diamond in the being and its separation from his environment, his fellow-man and
Lotus from himself.
195 Hari Om Tat Sat: The Divine Sound Responding to a wide variety of questions, Osho gives straight talk
- That Is the Truth on touchy subjects, including an insightful look at complex global
196 Om Shantih Shantih Shantih: The OM represents the universal heartbeat. And shantih , the peace or
Soundless Sound, Peace Peace silence that envelopes those who approach that heartbeat.
197 YAA-HOO! The Mystic Rose This series will take you step by step on an enchanting journey of words,
silence, laughter, tears and pictures as Osho creates the first of his
revolutionary OSHO Meditative Therapies.
198 Live Zen Osho leads us through the mysterious world of the ancient Zen
masters. When illuminated by his words and silences, seemingly
insoluble riddles become doorways to the mysteries of existence,
to ourselves
199 This, This, A Thousand Times This: Through his commentaries on anecdotes about Zen masters Osho
The Very Essence of Zen reiterates that Zen is not for the mass-mind but only for the
individual who is unconcerned with the dictates of the status quo.

200 Zen: The Quantum Leap from Mind “This is what Zen calls a quantum leap: from mind to no-mind, from
to No-Mind reason to existence, from thinking to silence.” Osho
201 Zen: The Solitary Bird Osho takes us deeply into the mysteries of the inner world and
shows us the nature of the mind and its limitations when we are
seeking consciousness.
202 Zen: The Diamond Thunderbolt To experience the diamond thunderbolt is to be shocked out of
one’s spiritual sleep. These talks are a thunderstorm!
203 Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search The running theme of Dogen’s message is the eternity of our
and a Fulfillment consciousness, a consciousness with no limitations and that exists
through all changes of form.
204 The Miracle Osho deciphers the great game Zen masters play with their
disciples and elucidates the central message of Zen -
205 Turning In In these eight talks, each of which is based on the sayings of a
different enlightened Zen master, Osho gives detailed explanations
of the Zen method of meditation, -turning in.-
206 The Original Man These talks based on anecdotes about masters and their disciples
aren’t about Zen, they are Zen.
207 The Language of Existence Nine talks based on anecdotes of famous and little-known Zen
208 The Buddha: The Emptiness of the In this particularly potent dose of Zen, Osho challenges the reader
Heart to know the -empty heart,- beyond thoughts, feelings and
sentiment - the door to eternity that exists within everyone.

209 Ma Tzu: The Empty Mirror The unpredictable Ma Tzu brings fresh responses and devices to
every situation, the empty mirror who simply reflects
210 Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen, with Hyakujo made two great contributions to Zen that served as
Basho's Haikus landmarks of change within the Zen tradition: -sudden
enlightenment- and Zen monasteries
211 Nansen: The Point of Departure Based on the anecdotes of Zen master, Nansen, this series of talks
conveys Osho’s love for this radical revolutionary master of the Zen
212 Joshu: The Lion's Roar Through these symbolic Zen dialogues and the existential language
of haikus, Osho urges his reader not to be lukewarm, but single-
pointed in the search for our authenticity.
213 Rinzai: Master of the Irrational Capturing the unpredictable, dynamite essence of Zen, Osho speaks
on Master Rinzai - who is truly a master of the irrational.

214 Isan: No Footprints in the Blue Sky Osho lures the inimitable Zen master Isan out of the obscurity of
thirteen hundred years and illuminates his teaching.
215 Kyozan: A True Man of Zen Osho uses Kyozan’s life to make Zen as accessible to the
contemporary seeker as preparing a cup of tea.
216 No-Mind: The Flowers of Eternity Using anecdotes about Zen masters and their disciples, Osho
reveals the mystery of Zen as something to be savored rather than
217 Zen: The Mystery and the Poetry of Through enigmatic Zen anecdotes and questions from seekers,
the Beyond Osho exposes the narrow-mindedness of organized religions and
sheds light on the ecological and social crises facing us today.

218 One Seed Makes the Whole Earth These talks pay homage to Zen’s reverence for life and its
Green celebration of the everyday.
219 Yakusan: Straight to the Point of A collection of five talks given on stories of the Zen master,
Enlightenment Yakusan. Talks not so much -about- Zen, but instead a Zen look at
the world around us.
220 Christianity: The Deadliest Poison This is Osho at his most candid as he deals with all the unspoken
and Zen: The Antidote to All questions anyone from a Christian background might ever want to
Poisons ask, and speaks on the profound truth available in Zen.

221 Communism and Zen Fire, Zen Osho offers a unique reappraisal of Communism, bringing in the
Wind vision of Zen as the path to a living and authentic -spiritual
222 God Is Dead: Now Zen Is the Only Osho puts the finishing touches to his portrait of Friedrich
Living Truth Nietzsche with answers to questions on the work, vision and
madness of this controversial philosopher.
223 I Celebrate Myself: God Is No In this powerful series of talks, Osho takes on all our assumptions
Where, Life Is Now Here and misconceptions that we live in a divided universe; creator and
created, believer and belief, theist and atheist.

224 The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Osho makes it clear that the West’s comprehension of Zen is still
Oneself largely intellectual rather than recognizing the penetrating
experiential truth that Zen points to - which extends far, far
beyond the mind.

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