GraphicDesign Vocab
GraphicDesign Vocab
GraphicDesign Vocab
Graphic Design
Ascender - The stem of lowercase letters (such as k, b, and Cap Height - The height of a capital letter in a typeface.
d) that ascenders above the x-height of the other lowercase
letters in a typeface Cloud - A storage method where data is stored on remote
servers and can be accessed via the internet
Asymmetrical – Not identical on both sides of a central line
CMYK - Subtractive color process. Use in printing process
plus the year of publication must appear on the ad DSLR - (Digital Single Lens Reflex) a camera that combines a
digital image sensor with single lens reflex optics
Content influencers - Is the practice of engaging internal and
industry experts with active typography, It specifically is tworks
to help achieve measurable business goals. Essentially
partnering with a person (influencer) who has a large network
Elements - Line, shape, form, texture, pattern, color, space,
of people online who follow them and through your influencer
value, and size
and their blog, twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc, help promote
a product for a company
Emphasis - Amount of importance given to visual elements
Contrast - Differentiation of elements within a composition
Emerging technologies -Continue development of
(size value etc.) Creating in a design, the differences between
technology in areas such as media, business, science and
color, value, texture, etc.
Creative Commons - A licence that enables the free
distribution of otherwise copyrighted work. EPS - Encapsulated Postscript - An EPS file extension is
a graphics file format used in vector-based images.
Descender - The part of a lowercase letter that dips below the F
baseline, such as y,p,q. Fair Use - Allows a small portion of copyrighted material to be
used without permission
Design – The form and structure of a work
Flexography - Used for printing on non-porous substrates
Digital printing - Best for short run printing. Uses electrostatic including plastic, metallic films, cellophane, and paper,
rollers—called “drums”—to apply toner onto the paper required for various types of food packaging.
Display - Typefaces that are more decorative often Focus group - A group of people assembled to provide
representing a specific mood or theme. Better used as titles opinions and feedback regarding a particular product or
(large) and difficult to read as body copy (small). (Example: concept
Footnote – A note at the bottom of an article
DPI - Dots per inch
Form - The visual shape or configuration of an object
Lossless - Compression of data without loss of information Operating System - often shortened to “OS”, the software
that supports a computer’s basic functions such as running
LPI - Lines per inch - how many lines of dots are in one inch. applications and controlling peripherals such as Windows, Mac
OS X and Linux
Malware - Software that is designed to damage or disable P
computers and/or networks Paper swatch - Allows printer or designer to see a wide
variety of paper samples in a single book.
Mock-up - Used to give the client a vision of a final design on
a product. Usaly used in product design Parent size - When your project requires trimming, it will be
printed on a larger sheet and then trimmed down to the
Monochromatic - A monochromatic color scheme uses only a desired size. This larger sheet is known as the Parent sheet
single hue (color) and its shades, tints and tones.
Pattern - Repeated visual element within a given area
Movement - Flow that leads viewer’s eye from one element to
another within a composition Phishing - The fraudulent practice of sending emails
purporting to be from reputable sources in order to obtain
personal information or end users
Point and shoot - A camera that does not require manual Raster - Made up of pixels and cannot be scaled up in size
adjustment of shutter speed, focus etc. without losing resolution
Ppi - Refers to the number of pixels there are in an inch of a RAW - A raw file is a collection of unprocessed data. This
bitmap image. The higher the number the better the quality means the file has not been altered, compressed, or
and resolution of the image. manipulated in any way by the computer. A popular type of
raw file is "Camera RAW," which is generated by a digital
Preflighting - The process of checking if the digital data camera
required to print a design/project accurately and completely is
present and valid Registered trademark - A symbol that precedes a word or
symbol and is legally certified by the government
Principles - Contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity,
hierarchy, balance, movement, emphasis, harmony, and unity Research - Who is the target market? Who are the
competitors? What is that industry like as a whole?
Print substrate - The base material onto which an image or
text is to be printed RGB - Additive color model in which red, green and blue light
are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array
Proprietary rights - The rights of a company to sell a product, of colors on digital outputs
or allow others to sell a product, based on a particular idea or
design. Rough - A more detailed thumbnail sketch that is drawn up to
the actual size of the final work.
Value - Refers to the level of luminosity—lightness or
darkness—of a color