Pilar National High School Towards the Role of Internet as a Marketing Popularization
Platform in the Online Environment of City of Malolos, Bulacan
Marketing is a vital and important aspect of bringing customers to your business. While
marketing isn't the selling point, you cannot sell without first having attracted a clientele.
Knowing how vital marketing is to your business you should always attempt to add branding
to all marketing efforts.
The rapid increase in the number of internet consumers is on a swift rise globally and is used
by people irrespective of age and location. As we all know, internet has become a chief
medium for entertainment, communication and is constantly developing replacing the
outdated informative mediums. Outmoded marketing mediums such as television, magazines,
newspapers, radio, etc. are becoming a thing of the past (George Scifo, 2010). Online
advertising gives a wider coverage area that supports in making the advertisements reach
wider audiences which may yield better results. Additionally, online advertising is much
faster than offline advertising where the advertiser has a greater scope to deliver more
information to the potential customer at a relatively low cost. Online advertising helps the
advertiser in making an ad campaign more profitable by reaching the target audiences. The
effectiveness of online media advertising increases by constant improvisation of ads that can
be done with a lot of effective analytics tools available. For instance, the quality of the
advertisements can be improved based on the feedback from the audiences.
According to George Scifo (2010), ‘’any form of advertising helps in improving the branding
and online advertising stands a notch high in improving the branding of your company ,
service or product’’.
The growth of internet and the amount of time spend on the internet have also been the crucial
motivating factors. According to Mr Pelle (December 07, 2007, THE HINDU), ‘’with agents
like dedicated spaces, pop-ups, floaters, banners and wallpaper ads making up the most of
internet advertising, there were also a number of ways to express the efficacy of these
agents’’. In the recent past, online marketing and social media advertising seem to explore all
available options and revenues over the internet to market a product and to gain the maximum
exposure. There is always a need for an online marketing company to fetch the corporate
perceptibility for subsequent sales. The scope for these facilities is increasing at a mercurial
pace. With every marketing agency hiring a web-based project, these businesses are reaching
exceptional heights within no time.
Nowadays, many customers tend to shop online for everything, right from everyday
necessities to clothing and electronics. While the advantages of online media advertising
include the capability to reach a large market, it also has some limitations. According to
Miranda Brookins of ‘Demand Media’ (2011), ‘’consumers are so used to viewing ads on
television, flicking through ads in magazines and hearing radio jingles’’. In the case of online
advertising, where an internet user can avoid clicking banner advertisements, avoid
advertisements in online videos they watch and abruptly close pop-up ads as soon as they pop
up on their screens. Additionally when a potential customer, visits a website, they
stereotypically have a goal in mind whether it is to read the news or shop for a specific item of
their interest. But when websites offer customers with infinite options they can easily get
distracted. With so many options at hand, it becomes difficult for the customer to shortlist his
choices. On the other hand, companies should limit themselves to certain type of advertising
that yields the best response from their target customers. And the limitations of this study
- Only a few aspects of the brand building strategies are considered. The data obtainable on
this context may be limited.
Internet is probably one of the most powerful ways of marketing to reach billions of
people worldwide. Internet instantly provides endless scope to market your product.
Online media marketing has seen many changes in the recent past creating many
millionaires, who tend to manage their own businesses by promoting and advertising
their company online. According to PR Smith and Ze Zook (2011, 5th ed. Kogan Page,
pp.4), ‘’a new marketing revolution has begun that put potential customers back at the
centre of the organization and instantly paved way for the marketers to establish a new
set of tools to listen to them and to motivate them to get involved with the brand’’. This
marketing ideal is the beginning of a new creative age in online media advertising. There
is always a good scope as companies realize the endless possibilities of engaging with the
customers who can drive the business forward. There is a golden break for the marketers
to create strong and defensible business, for; there has never been a better time to be
engaged in marketing (PR Smith & Ze Zook, 2011, pp.4).
The main objective of online advertising is to reach out to large audiences quickly.
According to Louisa Ha and Kim McCann, the key to measure the effectiveness of online
media advertising is to differentiate the characteristics of online media consumers from
their offline counterparts (2008, pp.576). In online advertising, the idea of ‘audience’ is
replaced by ‘users’ because customers profusely use internet with specific targets. On the
flip side, offline media consumers can use media such as television or a radio sans any
specific goal of consumption. Hence, online users are generally goal oriented than offline
media consumers.
The online medium offers us a unique opportunity to target and reach a desired section
of customers in an engaging and original fashion. According to Anuskha Subramanian
(‘Business Today’, August 19, 2012), ‘Hindustan Lever Limited (HUL)’, India’s
biggest consumer goods enterprise, relies strongly in the power of new communication
technologies for an effective communication with their target customers. She also
affirms that, other multinational companies like, ‘PepsiCo’ and ‘Coca Cola’ are also
betting on the power of new advertising strategies. According to Avi Goldfarb and
Catherine Tucker (2010), ‘’the US$11.2 billion online advertising market has become
much more sophisticated since the primitive days of simple banner ads’’. Today sellers
can entrap and attract the viewers with flamboyant graphics, video advertisements and
flash animation that are practically difficult to overlook. Others take a more low-
profile, yet directed approach using informatively relevant advertisements, such as
inserting text ads for computers on a technology site. For instance, Google’s ‘AdSense’
fetches in about $6 billion in yearly revenues through its targeted contextual ads,
which ‘Google’ claims have been seen by an expected 76% of internet consumers
throughout the United States (Avi Goldfarb & Catherine Tucker, 2010). According to
Avi Goldfarb & Catherine Tucker, most of the online advertising campaigns use
relevant key points as a data from a large collection of web surveys that observed the
effectiveness of various advertising strategies (2010). This allows us to draw a
comparison between targeted ads and professed flashy ones that highlight pop-ups,
video ads, or even advertisements taking over the whole page. They concluded that,
flash advertisements lured higher number of buyers to buy the product or service. An
expected $664 million is currently spent on online advertisements that are both
directed and flashy (Avi Goldfarb & Catherine Tucker, 2010). As a result, advertisers
are always in a dilemma about how much amount of money should be allocated for
online advertising. Rises in online advertising budgets should rely on relevant
performance measures which ultimately aim to assess the effectiveness of online
advertising strategies in terms of performance of the brand and growth of offline sales.
One of the reasons for ‘Google’ ‘AdSense’s’ continued success is that its discreet
textual ads are assimilated impeccably with Web content. In my opinion, a refined
methodology might serve as the best way for companies to confirm customers that
their privacy matters. In summation, according to Sebastien Yanni (‘Online
communication strategy’, online), information technologies and online communication
strategies offer many opportunities for promoters to:
a) Increase productivity,
b) Enhance logistic follow up,
c) Gain new customers,
d) Start new online websites,
e) Improve new operations and
f) Develop customer relations.
Along with customer interaction, branding and reducing acquisition costs also
play a pivotal role in online media advertising. Microsoft Advertising has proven
the significance of online media advertising for brand promoters by establishing a
transparent link between online campaign engagement and measures of positive
brand impacts (‘Microsoft Advertising’, 2010). According to Aaron Siegel,
branding has the capability to bring many potential clients immediately after
you've ran an ad campaign successfully (2006). Also, according to Yadav and
Varadarajan, promoters also show interest on how to relate technology to
communication. Hence, interactivity can be theorized as a distinguishing
characteristic of computer-mediated communication in the open market that tend
to increase with the mutual controllability, promptness and awareness of
communication as observed by consumers and companies (2005, Vol.33. Issue.4,
pp.585). According to Jothi & R. Shakthi Prasad (2011, pp.235), ‘’promoters now
target more over to social media due to high rush in varsity of audiences’’. So
they use this space as the supreme standard to communicate their brand and build
active brand uniqueness through extremely effective and interactive
communication strategy. Social media advertising holds some benefits like,
spreading your brand to the potential customers; educating target groups about the
various advantages of the brand and making the buyers interact and keep them
engaged with the brand along with motivating healthy competition in the market
(Jothi et al, 2011, pp. 236). Hence, there is always a need to study the best way of
communication strategy in branding the product especially in social networking
sites and evaluate its reach among the people and their insights. Alongside, it is
clear that the new media and its technology is a developing trend in
communication strategies which attract almost all the people, if they have basic
knowledge of computers. Another important issue for the promoters is to reduce
the purchase costs of getting new customers. According to Renee Warren,
knowing customer purchase is an investment is the key to doing it right and
reducing the cost of getting new customers (2012). Long-term planning gives the
promoter an opportunity to engage with the target customers and to evaluate
short-term plans.
Significance of the Study
Internet became the part and parcel of the businesses to make and convey decisions. The
decision-making is done based on the information generated by the marketing research.
Increasingly Internet is becoming a major source for the market research. The reason is
Internet contains vast resource of information available for Market Research.
3. What can researchers do to increase the chances that decision makers will use the
marketing research information they generate?
The internet has revolutionized marketing research. It enabled researchers to reach the
unreachable market. It helped organizations do online researches. Old marketing methodology
required face to face interaction with respondents but with the Internet marketing researchers
can now do online surveys without seeing the actual person responding to the survey
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