Consejo Nacional Para Prevenir la Discriminación. It is a mexican state body
created by the Federal Law, approved on April 29, 2003, and published in the
Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) in June of the same year.
It’s function is to develop actions to protect all Mexican citizens from any type of
exclusion so that their rights are not prevented or nullified.
1. Contribute to the social, cultural and democratic development of the
2. Promote public politics for equal opportunities and treatment in favor of
people who are in national territory.
3. Coordinate the actions of the agencies and entities of the Federal Executive
Power, in matters of prevention and elimination of discrimination.
From the work carried out by the Commission, the draft of what later became the
Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination, published on June 11, 2003,
emerged. From which CONAPRED was created.
It is defined as to prevent or nullify the recognition or exercise of rights and real
equality of opportunities
When did CONAPRED begin its functions?
In the: Centro de Documentación del Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la
Discriminación (CEDOC-CONAPRED)
1. Presidency
2. General Deputy Directorate of Studies, Legislation, and Public Policies.
3. General Deputy Directorate of Vinculation, Culture, and Education.
4. General Deputy Directorate of Complaints.
5. Legal affairs Management.
6. Planning, Administration and Finance Department.
7. Directorate of Support to Collegiate Bodies and Interinstitutional
8. Social Communication Coordination.
9. Management Coordination.
10. Internal Control Body - OIC (by its acronym in Spanish).
Presidency. Formulate and promote public policies for equal opportunities and
treatment in favor of people who are in the national territory, coordinating the
actions leading to the agencies and entities of the Federal Executive Power in
matters of prevention and elimination of discrimination, with the object of
contributing to the cultural, social and democratic development of the country.
Management Coordination. Coordinate the operation of the office of the Head of
the Presidency of the Council through the planning, supervision, analysis, dispatch
and follow-up of the matters in charge of the President or in turn by the same, to
ensure their attention and timely response.
Team Members: