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2. John Donne was on the path to success. He was private secretary to a high court
official, Sir Thomas Egerton. How did he ruin his career?
● His own
● John Donne
● Thomas Carew
● George Herbert
● John Dryden
5. The metaphysical poets employed many extended comparisons, also known as:
● Richard Crashaw
● John Donne
● Thomas Carew
● Henry Vaughan
7. What Donne poem contains these lines: "If ever any beauty I did see, / Which I
desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee."
● The Flea
● The Sun Rising
● The Good-Morrow
● The Canonization
8. In "The Canonization", Donne says, "The ____ riddle hath more wit / By us: we two
being one, are it. / So, to one neutral thing both sexes fit. / We die and rise the same,
and prove / Mysterious by this love." What's missing from the blank?
● Sphinx
● Phoenix
● Twisted
● Giant's
9. In what poem does John Donne try to convince a woman to have sex with him?
● The Apparition
● The Flea
● To His Mistress Going to Bed
● All of these
● concrete poetry
● satires
● sonnets
● elegies
11. "_____, be not proud, though some have called thee / Mighty and dreadful." Fill in
the missing word from this Donne sonnet.
● John Donne
● George Herbert
● Richard Crashaw
● Andrew Marvell
13. What Donne poem is a play on Marlowe's "Passionate Shepherd to His Love"?
● The Ecstasy
● Song
● The Funeral
● The Bait
14. George Herbert wrote a poem in which he insisted that even simple, uncomplicated
verse can be beautiful if it plainly states the truth. In it, he says, "Nor let them punish me
with losse of ryme, / Who plainly say, My God, My King." What is the name of this
● Love (I)
● Sinne (II)
● Affliction (II)
● Jordan (I)
15. This poem by John Donne was probably about his wife's death.
● Richard Crashaw's
● George Herbert's
● Andrew Marvell's
● His own
17. Which metaphysical poet helped to rebuild his parish's church out of his own pocket?
● Richard Crashaw
● John Donne
● George Herbert
● Andrew Marvell
18. George Herbert ends his poem "The Collar" with these lines: "Methought I heard one
calling, Childe: / And I reply'd, _____"
● Forgive Me
● By Christ
● I Am
● My Lord
19. In Herbert's "The Pulley", what alone among the blessings does God withhold from
● rest
● wisdom
● pleasure
● truth
20. What metaphysical poet wrote a poem encouraging Christians to honor Christmas
piously, and not by emulating heathen customs of decoration and reveling?
● George Herbert
● Andrew Marvell
● John Donne
● Henry Vaughan
● cousin
● sister-in-law
● niece
● he never remarried
22. Andrew Marvell wrote an Horation Ode upon this man's return from Ireland.
23. Richard Crashaw wrote a poem called "Non Vi" that contained a picture of a heart.
What is this picture called?
● A Symbol
● Concrete Poetry
● A Coat of Arms
● An Emblem
24. Richard Crashaw wrote a poem about what other metaphysical poet's book?
● John Donne's
● George Herbert's
● Andrew Marvell's
● His own
● Golgotha
● Calvary
● The Mount of Olives
● Mount Sinai