Refractory Material Selection
Refractory Material Selection
Refractory Material Selection
Refractory Material
Selection for Steelmaking
By Tom Vert,
Excerpt selections by Eileen De Guire
Editor’s note—
“If you’re in the refractory business, you’re in the steel business.”—Conventional Wisdom.
A typical steel plant uses hundreds of types of refractories, each engineered for specific applications. Those
responsible for specifying refractories must understand the diverse and demanding service environments,
refractory product portfolio, and business drivers—and never compromise on safety to personnel, plant, and
It is a daunting task. Vert has been there—as the refractory selection engineer and as the expert training
others. Vert’s new book, Refractory Material Selection for Steelmaking, grew out of training materials he
developed for new engineers to teach the fine art of refractory selection for steelmaking. Vert takes the
reader/practitioner through his tried-and-true methods for establishing refractory selection goals. He reviews
refractory types and available materials. He guides the reader through specific applications in the steel plant,
and he pulls it all together with a chapter on refractory purchasing strategies.
To illustrate the increasing market value of the refractories industry and some salient statistics on its biggest
downstream market—the steel industry—see ACerS' infographic on pg 29. At a glance, see trends in the
worldwide production of crude steel and learn about the top five steel-producing countries and companies.
Because the book was in production at the time this excerpt was prepared, it may vary slightly from the
published book, but will match in its essentials.
Steelmaking glossary Adapted from American Iron and Steel Institute
Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) smelt iron from iron ore. The name refers to the bathtub) atop a continuous caster. As steel flows
A pear-shaped furnace, lined with refractory “blast” of hot air and gases forced up through from the tundish down into the water-cooled
brick, that refines molten iron from the blast the iron ore, coke, and limestone that load the copper mold of the caster, it solidifies into a rib-
furnace and scrap into steel. Up to 30% of the furnace. bon of red-hot steel. At the bottom of the caster,
charge into the BOF can be scrap, with hot Electric arc furnace (EAF) torches cut the continuously flowing steel to
metal accounting for the rest. Scrap is dumped A steelmaking furnace where scrap is gener- form slabs or blooms.
into the furnace vessel, followed by hot metal ally 100% of the charge. Heat is supplied from Ladle
from the blast furnace. A lance is lowered from electricity that arcs from the graphite electrodes A “bucket” lined with refractory brick, used to
above, through which blows a high-pressure to the metal bath. Furnaces may be either alter- transport molten steel from process to process
stream of oxygen to cause chemical reactions nating current or direct current. Direct current in a steel plant.
that separate impurities as fumes or slag. Once units consume less energy and fewer electrodes, Tundish
refined, the liquid steel and slag are poured into but they are more expensive. The shallow refractory-lined basin on top of the
separate containers.
Continuous caster (CC) continuous caster. It receives liquid steel from
Blast furnace (BF) Steel from the BOF or electric furnace is poured the ladle, prior to the cast, allowing the operator
A towering cylinder lined with refractory brick to into a tundish (a shallow vessel that looks like a to precisely regulate flow of metal into the mold.
therefore, cannot appreciate the refractory engineer. Vert presents industrially impor-
the effect of the former on the tant phase diagrams and walks the reader through cor-
latter. rect interpretation. The chapter addresses fundamental
The TMC analysis is then wear mechanisms and consequent engineering decisions.
These concepts tie together by coming back to TMC
compared against the refracto-
chapter 3
Wear rate
anisms for major steelmaking refractory compositions.
FeO, Fe2O3
As the total number of impurities
increases, the crystal size decreases, and, Fig. 3.13. B2O3 and MgO binary phase diagram.
then, the wear rate increases, as shown
in Figure 3.12.
Percent B2O3
At steelmaking temperatures
(1,600°C), even with small amounts of
B2O3 (less than 0.001%), a liquid will
form at 1,155°C as shown in the phase
diagram in Figure 3.13. It forms along
the grain boundaries, as shown in Figure
Credit: Wiley; Vert
chapter 11
Editor’s note—Final refractory selection combines technical
and operations requirements with business considerations.
Employing the analysis methods introduced throughout the
book, especially the total cost of ownership, the refractory-
selecting engineer will be well equipped to make a final
recommendation to the purchasing team.
Purchasing strategies
Selecting and purchasing refractories
is a very interesting part of the total
business. Recall that in Chapter 1.6
we talked about TCO—Total Cost of