AGLIAM, Dwight Jeremy D. BSN Ii-Intl GRP B 10/15/2018

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AGLIAM, Dwight Jeremy D.

BSN II-INTL GRP B 10/15/2018




ALBUTEROL Binds to beta adrenergic receptors Relief and prevention of brochospasm Nervousness, restlessness, Dx:
BRAND: in airway smooth muscle, leading to in patients with reversible tremor, headache, insomnia a. Assess lung sounds, pulse,
SALBUTAMOL activation of adenylcyclase and obstructive airway disease. EENT: and blood pressure
CLASS: increased levels of cyclic-3, 5- N/A b. Check for allergies
BRONCHODILATORS adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Inhalation: treatment of acute CV: c. Obtain baseline vital signs
THERAPEUTIC Increases in cAMP activate kinases, attacks of brochospasm. Chest pain, palpitations, angina, Tx:
ANTIASTHMATIC which inhibit the phosphorylation arrhythmias, hypertension a. Monitor pulmonary
PHARMACOLOGIC: of myosin and decrease intracellular Prevention of exercise- GI: function test before
BRONCHODILATORS calcium. Decreased intracellular induced brochospasm. Nausea, vomiting initiating therapy
DOSAGE: calcium relaxes smooth muscle GU: b. Perform a thorough
½ neb q 4 hr airways. Unlabeled use: adjunct in treating N/A physical assessment to
ROUTE: serious hyperkalemia in dialysis DERM: establish baseline data
ORAL Relaxation of airway smooth patients; seems to lower N/A before drug therapy
muscle with subsequent potassium concentration when ENDO: begins, to determine the
bronchodilation inhaled by patients on hemodialysis Hyperglycemia effectiveness of therapy,
MS: and to evaluate for the
CONTRAINDICATION: N/A occurrence of any adverse
Contraindicated with NEURO: effects associated with
hypersensitivity to albuterol; Tremor drug therapy.
tachyarrhythmia, tachycardia cause F and E: c. Restrict amount of drug
by digitalis intoxication. Hypokalemia available to patient.
Use cautiously with diabetes MISC: EDx:
mellitus; hyperthyroidism, history of N/A a. Instruct pt. to take as
seizure disorders. directed
b. Caution pt. that headache,
DRUG TO DRUG nervousness, restlessness,
INTERACTION: chest pain, and palpitations
Increased risk of hypokalaemia w/ may occur.
K depleting agents (e.g. c. Insure the patient takes the
corticosteroid, diuretics, xanthines, medication as prescribed.
digoxin). Increased uterine inertia
AGLIAM, Dwight Jeremy D. BSN II-INTL GRP B 10/15/2018

w/ halogenated anaesth (IV). DURING:

Increased risk of pulmonary oedema Dx:
w/ corticosteroids. May antagonise a. Assess again the lung
the effect of anti-diabetics. Effects sounds, pulse and blood
may be altered by guanethidine, pressure during peak of
reserpine, methyldopa, TCAs and medication
MAOIs. Increased risk of CV b. Observe for paradoxical
effects w/ other sympathomimetic bronchospasm
agents. Antagonistic effect w/ β- Tx:
blockers. a. Assist pt. in taking the
DRUG TO FOOD b. Administer after meals
The interaction of caffeine a. Instruct to take missed dose
containing food products with as soon as remembered,
salbutamol can result in symptoms spacing remaining doses at
of decreased sleep and nervousness. regular intervals
a. Assess knowledge/ teach
patient appropriate use.
b. Monitor for effectiveness as
exhibited by a decrease in
c. Monitor for side effects
a. Monitor pulmonary
function test therapy to
determine effectiveness

a. Monitor patient compliance
to drug therapy.
b. Monitor patient for 2-4
weeks to ascertain onset of
AGLIAM, Dwight Jeremy D. BSN II-INTL GRP B 10/15/2018

full therapeutic effect.

c. Advise pt. to avoid alcohol
d. Instruct patient to verbalize
feelings and concerns.

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