Weekly Learning Plan (Cookery 2nd Sem)
Weekly Learning Plan (Cookery 2nd Sem)
Weekly Learning Plan (Cookery 2nd Sem)
No. of
Lesson Objectives Duration Assessment Coverage Remarks
Lesson 4 – Preparing
Vegetable Dishes.
Introduction to
Determine the types and Type and
Vegetable Activities Vegie
characteristics of vegetables; Characteristics of
Type and Week 1 Good 20
Identify the qualities of vegetables
Characteristics of
Quality of vegetables
Page 1-14
Lesson 4 – Preparing
Vegetable Dishes.
Preparing Vegetable for
Cook variety of vegetable
dishes following
Preparing fresh appropriate cooking
vegetables for methods to preserve
Weeks 2 Activities Fact or
Cooking. opti mum quality and Preparing fresh 10
Handling and nutriti on. vegetables for Cooking.
preparing process
Page 15-43
Don Bosco Executive Village, Trece Martires Cavite
“The School that Builds Character”
SY: 2020-2021
3rd Quarter Weekly Learning Plan Subject: Cookery NC II
No. of
Lesson Objectives Duration Assessment Coverage Remarks
Lesson 4 – Preparing
Vegetable Dishes.
Plating and Cooking
Vegetables Boiling and
Boiling and Steaming Steaming
Vegetables. Vegetables.
Sauteing Vegetables Cook variety of vegetable dishes Sauteing
Braising and Stewing following appropriate cooking Vegetables
Vegetables methods to preserve optimum Braising and
Grilling and Broiling quality and nutrition. Stewing Vegetables
Activities Line of 10
Vegetables Grilling and Broiling
Week 3 Work
Frying Vegetables Performing Procedure for Vegetables
Cooking Large controlling changes in the Frying Vegetables
Quantities of quality of vegetables. Cooking Large
Vegetables Quantities of
Checking Vegetables Vegetables
for Doneness
Guidelines for Plating
Vegetable Dishes.
Page 47-52
Lesson 4 – Preparing Determine the types and Week 4-5
Vegetable Dishes. characteristics of vegetables; Cooking Lesson 4
Page 53-65 Identify the qualities of Demonstration Introduction to 100
vegetables; (PT) Vegetable
Cook variety of vegetable dishes
following appropriate cooking
methods to preserve optimum
Vegetable dishes
quality and nutrition; and
Unit Test Plating and 20
Performing Procedure for
controlling changes in the
quality of vegetables.
Lesson 5 – Preparing
Seafood Dishes. Introduction to Fish
Introduction to Fish Types of fish.
Types of fish. Common Varieties
Common Varieties of Identify the different parts of of fish.
a fish; Introduction to
Determine the types of fish; Activity Fish and
Introduction to Shellfish Week 6 Shellfish 36
and Shellfish Market
Types and Types and
Identify the types of shellfish.
Characteristics of Characteristics of
shellfish. shellfish.
Common Varieties of Common Varieties
shellfish. of shellfish.
No. of
Lesson Objective Duration Assessment Coverage Remarks
Lesson 6 – Seafood
Handling Seafood Safely Checking seafood
Checking seafood
Perform and observe quality
Activity Danger
measures for the safe
quality Week 1 Zone Freezing and 16
handling of seafood;
Freezing and Storing Storing Seafood
Seafood Thawing Seafood
Thawing Seafood.
Page 69-74
Lesson 6 – Seafood Perform and observe Week 2 Activity What’s the Scaling and Gutting 26
Fabrication. measures for the safe Cut a Fish
Preparing Fish for handling of seafood Filleting a Fish
Cooking Cutting portions of
Scaling and Gutting a Demonstrate proper Fish
Fish procedures for preparing fish Cleaning and
Filleting a Fish and shellfish for cooking. deveining shrimps
Cutting portions of and prawn
Fish Getting crabmeat
Preparing Shellfish for Cleaning oyster,
Cooking mussels and clams.
Cleaning and
deveining shrimps
and prawn
Getting crabmeat
Cleaning oyster,
mussels and clams.
Page 75-85
Lesson 6 – Seafood
Cooking Seafood Dishes
Roasting and Baking
Broiling and Grilling
Sauteing and Searing Perform and observe
Seafood measures for the safe
handling of seafood; Checking seafood
Frying Seafood
for doneness
Braising and Stewing
Demonstrate proper Guidelines for
procedures for preparing fish Week 3 Activity Is it Done? Plating Seafood 10
Streaming and
and shellfish for cooking; and Common
Poaching Seafood
Plating Seafood Dishes Use different cooking for seafood dishes.
Checking seafood for methods in preparing
doneness seafood dishes.
Guidelines for Plating
accompaniments for
seafood dishes.