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ere : : es § alias Inde © “CIRCUIT HANDBOOK lp v Ist “ar car, iF RequieeD. “REA” Chom *RS:) % /\ icone oN DEVOTED-TO-LOW-POWER:-COMMUNICATION OTs Compiled by Rev.George Dobbs G3RJV From the G QRP Club Journal SPRAT 1974-82 Artwork Mac McNeill G3FCK Texttype Dave Lunn G3LSL © GORP Club 1983 _JRANSMITTERS & 5 ~ G3IGU 80m Transceiver ee 40/20m Transceiver 10 ~ "Ebor" Transceiver 12 = Three Simple Transmitte 13 ~ "Tunbridge" SSB/CH Transceiver 17 ~ "U6" Simple Transceiver 5 - VFO TX, based on the "JUS" - "OxXO" AL] Band Transmitter HX 10NH2 Transceiver 22 ~ Argonaut Tip 23 ~ Complete One-Tube Station "Daily Telegraf" Tranamitter - S3LVF 1-Knob 80m Transmitter ~ G3YU9 "Transistor One” ORP Via R ~ 160m HOS Transmitter "Bren" 160m Cw/OSe Tx ~ 28 to 1,8™i2 Transverter ~ "Lagos ORPeter” Transmitter DJIZB FET Receiver "Silver Tern" Receiver = 160/80m D.C. Receiver 48 ~ GMGOXX Transverter STATION EQUIPMENT. ~ KSEEG Wattmeter ~ Simple S.W.R. Bridge = "Max Box" Crystal Checker ~ "Portatest! ~ Digital Calibrator ~ VEIEFL Odd Frequency Calibrator ~ Simple Speech Processor satile Power Supply = Active CW Filter - Adjustable Active Filter ~ Keyed Sidetone Circuit Table of Contents 5G — 14d to 14iH2 Converter 60 ~ GADHF 74 to 144Miz Transverter - “Rock-o-nator” A, 63 - Random Wire A.T.U. G4 ~ QRP 2-Mat 65 - No Cost A.T.U, 69 - Simple Keyer 66 ~ G4FEM Toucher Paddle 67 - Universal Sidetone 68 ~ W7EL CMOS Keyer 68 ~ Key Operated Changeover GB — Simplest T/R Switch 69 ~ Improving the Hw? 74 - Simple HWI7 Modifications 75 = Converting PMSA into PM3x 76 - An HW? Idea 77 = HWS Improvements 78 - HW8 A.I.T. Control 79 ~ Ten Metres with a Liner 2 BO = Two Watts with an FIT GARGUET 10bAS 21 — Cheap $98 Generator 82 ~ Broadband Power amplifier 43 — Two Circuits far "JUS" or "Sco 84 - 160m to 10m Linear PLA. 85 ~ Breakin Circuit, 86 — A GRP Final for GRC Rigs 88 ~ Relay-less R.1.T. 89 ~ Plessey Miniature Receiver 90 ~ Bandpass Filter Design 91 ~ Low Pass Filter Design 81 ~ PLA. Design Idea 92 ~ Basic 160m Converter 92 ~ Adjustable Voltage Regulation for the Argonaut 93 ~ TWHe Crystal Bendec 93 ~ Auto Keyer 94 ~ "Shift Those Rocks" 2 A CW Transceiver for 20M Frank Lee G3YCC Some of the modules used to build this rig were removed from existing equipment; others were built specially. This explains the different devices used for the TX modulator and the RX mixer, the option of two carrier injection oscillators (CIO), and the use of an SSB type filter instead of a cw Filter. The Colpitts VFO circuit has gate clamping to improve stability and is followed by two buffers, the second providing individual outputs to the TX and RX. An RIT circuit operates on receive: it must be correctly set up when first aligning the rig see later). Coil winding details for the VFO and other stages appear in the associated diagrams. The VFO must be built in a stout metal box and care must be paid to mechanical rigidity. The RX front end uses 40673 dual-gate MOSFETS. The associated tuned circuits are aked to the centre of the cw band with the aid of trimmers. The mixer output is Link-coupled to a KVG Mz ssb filter, whose output is amplified by means of an SL612 IF amplifier ic. The product detector uses two BC107 transistors. Carrier reinjection is from a crystal oscillator using the USB crystal supplied with the KVG filter. Diagrams of an fet oscillator and a pnp bipolar oscillator are given; either can be used, or the circuit polarities can be altered to suit an npn transistor instead, No audio amplifier circuit is shown, but an LM380 ic would be ivable. The TX mixer is an MO108, fed from the VFO and the lower sideband carrier injection gecillator, (The less expensive 40673 could probably be used as a mixer if desired). The mixer output is applied to an SL610C RF amplifier, then to an fet driver stage which drives a 120Y7A pa similar to that in the well known "Tucker Tint circuit. Attempts were made to use a transistor PA, but they produced troubles which were almost certainly due to lack of previous experience with transistor PA design. A simple diode/meter circuit is fitted to measure relative power output. Sidetone is provided by an NESS5 circuit. Send/receive switching is by means of a 4-pole changeover relay controlled froma switch, one contact set being spare. A reed relay is used for keying. With the VFO and CIO frequencies chosen, 80 metre operation would also be oossible by changing the appropriate coils. Alignment is conventional except for the RIT, which must be set up as follows if it is to compensate for the frequency difference between the two CIO crystals:~ 1, Using an external receiver with no aerial connected, and a signal source such as a crystal calibrator, switch the transceiver to "send" and zero beat it with the signal source, 2. Switch the transceiver to receive, then use the RIT control to zero beat it with the signal source. Carefully mark the setting of the RIT control on the front panel of the transceiver so that it can be accurately repeated. 3. When searching the band, do so with the RIT control set to this mark. If it is required to net on to another station, tune to zero beat, then off-set the RIT trol to give the required beat note. After a QSO or an unsuccessful call, always e-set the RIT control to its zero mark in readiness to zero beat with the next station to be called. So far, the best DX with this rig was when a VK answered a CQ call from G3YCC. 20M_TX-RX BY3G37.GG ups & 100E. 305WG on Iw RES. 44,2: 25t. Soswd. oN Ya” SuuG-TUNED, “LINKS 4. Ts = Sok. soswa Wai Foe, TINK + ant, Lt RA Lavt(RX) 2 FRX CARRIER, INSERTION 0S ee SLE anh) LRT. (see text) SIDETONE OSCR || Rx +12y, oF 33K INSI4. 5K 12vT = h256y. Li 20t. 16 Swd (WR-copE),s’g, “TAPPED FoR ANTENN, ae RELATIVE POWER O'PUT. INSI4 TX ANT. SéK k com A RELAY_1S_4PoLE c/o ( 250v. RA. SCR. 1 TKR RX F.CHOVER SPARE (EG, RANSVERTER, ETC.) USE. A SEPARATE REED, RELAY To REY TH CL0, f siDETONE. as [FRANK LEE @~qrP-c ——— nroaz | [aayec cae —! The G3IGU 80m Transceiver by Keith Coates G3IGU] § The circuit is straightforward, the direct conversion receiver is based upon the circuit by J. Young in Radio Communication (February 1975), although the RF Amplifier is tunes and an RF gain control was found to be essential for evening use. The AF amplifier is a simpler circuit. The layout is not very critical. The VFO, EF and BA are very well screened with the components mounted on a length of tag strip. The receiver and sidetone generator are built onto paxolin panels (see diagram), and wired up at the rear. The whole transceiver is built into one box, including the ATU, so that only aerial and earth connections are required. Batterics may also be fitted into the case if desired. The PA stage may be considered odd, with the 680 and 10 ohm resistors, but several other types of coupling were tried which resulted in accidents to the BFYS1. This circuit has aever damaged a PA transistor. The actual RF power output will depend Upon the transistor used, various BFY5S1s have given OC power inputs of between 650nW and 1.3 watts. The AF filter (L5, L6 and L7) is based upon the circuit of J. Young (Rad Com, October 1973} using 38 SWG on Mullard ferrite rings type FX1593. In the prototype, scrap ferrite rings were used and only about 200 turns could be wound onto them, but these appeared to work alright. The PA and ATU coils are wound on ferrite rod % inch diameter and 2% inches long~ These are wound with 15 turns of 20 SWG, the ATU coil being tapped every two turns for aerial impedance matching. Different values of R20 will alter the drive to the PA, giving different power outputs. A 1K ohm oreset in series with a 470 ohm fixed resistor will give a variable output from about 200m to about 1.5 watts, (useful for points in contest operating). A 500mA fuse should be fitted in the 12 volt supply lead, especially if a car battery is to be used, (and a diode to prevent reverse polarity accidents - G3RJV). Suggested Coil Windings (notes by G3RUV) These notes are based on another 80 metre cig I have built, using some of the information in the J. Young article. A GDO is useful for tuning the coils to resonance. 11 Primary: 40 turns 20 SWG closewound on %" former with slug. Secondary: 5 turns on earthy end. 12 Primary: as Tt Secondary: 12 turns 34 SWG closewound in the centre of the primary L130 turns 30 SaG on X"* former with core, with 100pF fixed and SOpF trimmer in parallel to tune onto the CW end of 80 metres. L2 As primary of T1, tapped about two thirds up from the earthy end. Le 45 turns 20 SNG on %" ferrite rod (2% inches long). L9 About 4/5 turn Link on L@ Lio As Lo L171 As L8 with tappings about every two turns. Li2 as L2 (or perhaps a 1.5nH RFC) L5, L6 and L7 ~ See AF filter from "The Cadet" Receiver by J. Young (Rad Com, October 1973). ser Ss Soe Se ALL TUNED “CIRCUITS RESONATE AT BO METRES. pK e8K ~ tev ‘st ok 22 KERB uIGH GAIN SRO [: C8 Sp AF AMPLIFIERS ATOR, + 2. Ce) Ge | os, RE THleciest Bc = Sy acigel 4 Sys OE TONE GENERATOR FELERONEs| ces zh bu we Pope 2 ri Ge Reg reriricn voor] | a52 Lewy las movacent 15") nye Bs 58 fenac cvreue | PMY Sct ssaies eit - = RA a abe 0 Reo Sk Lce2 G3IGU 80m QRP Transceiver a a ee EE BATE: leans = METERS oF IMA OR LESS F.S.D. vo wy Jo wey TACK Se ome Gen _& RE weren Ave eS efJo Jaf as aed SLBA S AFE, sk pa ea? Be SCALE~ FULL SIZE vee e see re Tan SUGGESTED LAYOUT OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS G3IGU 80M QRPT/R_ — ALTA F FILTER AR AMP, 122, G3IGU 40-20M Transceiver This is the HF version of the well-known G3IGU 80 Metre Transceiver, for which Keith Coates won the GZNJ Trophy of 1977/8. The Formula is basically the same, with transmitter and direct conversion receiver run from the same oscillator. In the true amateur radio tradition, this is a "components at hand" project, so we merely offer the circuit and the layout as used by Keith. The ewitch $1, (an old TV component), may be difficult to duplicate, but individual ingenuity should solve the problem. All the Aladdin coil formers are %" junk-box types. The formers for L8,L9 and L19 were surplus 4" Ferrite bobbins, filled with wire, but other suitable induetances could be tried, (or even an active filter). L4 is wound on an old broadcast receiver ferrite rod, tanped to suit loading. By dipping into junk-boxes and salvaging from old equipment, this useful little rig could be built for very little cost and that's what it's all about! COMPONENT LIST CAPACITORS: C1 - 120pF, C2 — O.1mPd, C3 - 20pF variable, C4 - 3000pF, C5 - 1000pF, 6,07 = Z00pF, CB - 0.047mFd, CO - 100pF, C10 - 1000pF, C11 - 100pF, C12 - 200pF, C13 ~ S0pF, C14 - 1000pF, C15 - S000PF, C16 ~ 0.0Imfd, | C17,C18 - 0.05mfd, C19 ~ 5000pF, €20 ~ 0,0\mPa, C21 ~ SOOpF (Twin gang RX type; one section), C22 ~ 1000pF (Twin gang RX type, both halves strapped), 23 - 0.01mfd, C24 - 35pF, C25 - 100pF variable, 626 - 0.1mPd, C27 = SOOPF, C28,€29,030,031 - 0.1mFd, €32,€33,C34 ~ 0.05mra, C35 - 0.01mFd, C26 - 1OmPd, C37 - O.1mfd, C3B,639 - anfa, C40 - 100mFd, C41 - 0.01med, C42 100mFd, C43 - 10mFd, 044,045 ~"D.1mtd, C46,CaT - amFd, C48 ~ SOmfd, G49 ~ ZOpF, ©30 ~ 1000pF. Ri ~ 4K7, RZ - 343, RI - 2k2, Ra - 3K3, RB 4K7, RO - 2K2, RV — 4K7, RB = 363, RO - 680, RIO - 100, RIT ~ 4k7, R12 - 3K3, RI9,R14 - G80, RIS - 10, RIB - 680, RI7 — 1K, R18,RI9 ~ 1KB, RZ0,R21 — 1K, R22 - 22K, R2B~ 470K, R24 — 120K, R25 47K, R26 ~ 10K, R27 - 220, R22 - 1K, R20 — 2K2, R30 - 5KG, RBI ~ 1K, RIZ — 100K, R33 22K, R34 - 470, RIS ~ BK2. POTENTIOMETERS: P1 - 10K preset (det balance), P2 - 10K preset (sidetone level), P23 [TOK TAF gain) ,PA ~ 4K IRF gain) Dror Di, 02, 05 - 0a81, 03, D4 - ITTa4 TRANSISTORS: 1R1,TR2,TRA,TR5 - BC108, TRA — BC182, TR6,TR7 - BFYST, TRE — BF256, TRO, TRIO, TRI1 - BC184, TRIZ any pnp audio type, TR12,TR14 any npn audio type. INDUCTORS: —L1 - 35 turns in pot core. 12 — 24 turns, tapped ® turns, on Aladdin Former. L3 - 15 turns tapped at 5 and B turns on Aladdin former. La — 12 turns on ferrite core, 1% inches long. 1 ~ 7 turns wound over L4. LG - 24 turns on Aladdin former. LT ~ 8 turns bifilar wound over L6. L8,L9,L10 - 280 turns on small ferrite SWITCHES: $1 - single pole. 2-4 pole, 2 way rotary. S3- 5 pole, 2 way Coriginal uses ex-TV slider system switch 8" long). S00mA (with holder). “wna ony f Ydd5) ae | | I i as a a | s = 8 ote Ww) a Be as waLaWw | - (z] [hs = LNALAO 48 Lone —o bes El ey ao ls i= ie a ee + ae rs J nit ao ak < yas ries oore| | al a eons 39 | Bay wt w (ne) WIASSNVEL win Oe- OF ‘ Sa ral aes < fous ert « oan i> fe The EBOR 35MHz Transc (je Lts S0t. ow Aspen T50-2 cone 12+ Sot, 750-2 CORE, TAPPED 9¢ FROM COLD END ———L3: 4C. L4:25t, T50-2 cok —-L5:6¢ —Lé = 6t- —~Siiy, KEVING TRANS 2 +1dy. \e SINE-WAVE OSC Lee 3138 ChowireR) DIRECT: CONVERSION RX x | FIG2A (FRONT END) Tyey | OPAd sive wavecse + pes vce! tora} * _on — x Yon, 23819 60, SHAE ae ry THEN — au 4 Toame. 200 | IK i > BY te Te | [ HG3 £72 40€ on Amidon 750-2 core —- 19 and £9 are bifiliarwound, 6 OAKS Spread around the complete core. AUDIO STAGES 2K 220K| og s &ciog 7M SIMPLE TX- TUNING DEVICE petty. r ISK we + Berg , M209 ro RS rk Teaspe = I WIRE cap or 7 [NORMAN SPIVEY | ¥eFor Reyer and 10 bon ind CoRR. | anellarf equ Soy DETAIL OF ALI. SCREEN YR sw. _LkD.TUNNG eT, PA.TUHE (REAR oF FeonT PANEL) _~ as Veo an emrroower| ee alt DIVE PR Davee £ | Decasr ee | Conmos por EMITTER® Fatconek, ‘er. D ur ire + J Sub ~ IT 4) 7: z ——~}-SCREEH on g REAR & Au AUDIO FUTER — KEYINE TRANSISTOR Cone AMP FG.8 G 8 ‘teyng monroe) FIG. — SUBUNTON MaraX boARD, Ceeyne monrrog) FIG T Usind VERO PINS NOTE~ THERE ARE YW SWUB-UNITS (1) HAS PA-ON ONE SIDE,AND DRIVER PLUS EMITTER FOLLOWER ON THE OTHER SIDE (HAS RX RE AMP. DETECTOR any SOME OF RIT. CCT. ON ONE SIDE, AF. AMP. CN THE OTHER SIDE 12 The EBOR 3-5MHz Transceiver G3GW1| nious circuits from "SPRAT" data sheets and ot! e a rig tailored to personal nee The switchable F to cover the CW por The RX front end (Fig 3) wa 3 ntiometer cont low noise while requiring driving a pair of paralle. y described in ne The ai i ingut p compon nnected BFYS! (Fig 4) provi Fig. 2) empl d with push-on heat sini They mu: PA produced TV ne PA 12v line a keying transistor (Fig 2A) which can also be used to illator (not shown). The transmitter output i (Fig 5). The twisted wire coupling capacitor jes an adequate indication at full RF output. the TX/RX: onal Sy output is used uction is shown in Figs 7& 8. All sub- with the VFO housed in a die~ untal the LED (Fig 6) provides to poner an el-bug. The physical units are mount les to the front pay are placed between sub-units. wble-pele switch to change over the antenna, switch 2 TX, and h the RIT from R to T (see Fig 1) the 8 and T contacts in Fig 1 would allow the curate y For ive, thus allowing sition’ when on re | Three Simple QkP | Transmitters Bas ey es g a & 35 ae \ “ol > P ATK i 5< {OW QRP VALVE TX —— G4BWP FMHZ SWATTS CW TTX Tunbridge SSB/CW Transceiver G3ROO0 / This transceiver devel show the Tunbridge Wells Club members the problems of designing transceivers for the new bands, (especially 10WMz}. The First problem with this pand, when using a SM4z crystal filter, is that of breakthrough. However, this is not too difficult te overcome, with balanced mixers and traps in ne preselector circuits. The insidious problem is the VFO design. The first trap For the unwary is to think "that's easy, a nice stable Wiz VFO... no problem". Hal, nut so fenenber that mixers are non-linear devices at the best of times. The VEO signal in most integrated oalanced mixers is made to switch transistors on s of lovely harmonica of the VFO frequency. Taking a case and off} this prod in point, the Wiz signal we were going ta mix with incoming 10MMz signals to produce the Miz IF signal. Let's look at the second harmonic of the 1MHz VFO signal. Remember that this 2iz signal is almost as potent as the proper mixing signal at Wz, Tt will mix with signals at 11MMz to produce an IF signal at OMAz. Now take a listen to the signals on 11.5iMz - some are over S9 plus 60dB! No amount of “trapping” will get rid of them completely. I hope that this will give you some insight into why certain decisions were made in this design. The Receiver To simplify construction and make reproduction certain, the Plessey SL series of ICs were used. A second advantage is chat Girketts (of Lincoln, England), sell these ICs very cheaply as unmarked, untested devices. A sample batch produced a fallout oF about 20%, the remainder had adequate performance for this rig. The XFOB filter was used because it was available; if an alternative is used it must have a stop~ band of at least S0dB, The incoming signal from the aerial is preselected by three top-coupled tuned circuits; the oandpass characteristics of this circuit are for all bands except 10iMr, where two more series tuned circuits are used as traps for any signal at OM? which might cause IF breakthrough. The filtered Signal 13 passed to an SLO10 wideband amplifier, the amplified signal is then mixed with the local oseillater signal to sraduce the IF signal at SWHz. The IF signal, iltered by the XFQB, is further amplified by two SL612s. These are untuned amplifiers and produce a let of noise af their own, but we are lucky because this receiver is only for SSB and CH signals. We can therefore use a product detector and the unwanted noise (which is ultrasonic) is filtered out in the audio stages by nestricting the response to a few KHz. An SLE4O ig used for the product detector land the audio output is amplified by an SL630. This is sufficient to drive an 80 ohm speaker to comfortable level, or more than enough for headohones. There is ao provision for AGC on the receiver PGE, -but it would not be difficult to add a small PCR on the underside of the board with an SLO21 AGC device, if desired. The transceiver is mainly designed for SSB but an input for a keyed oscillator at QMz is included so the unit can easily be converted to CW by the addition of this stage. To describe the transmitter action we naturally start at the microphone! The speech signal is fed to an SL630, raising the level sufficiently to drive the signal input of an SL640, Here the audio is mixed with the QMz CIO signal to produce a MHz DSB signal at its output, This is amplified by an SL610 and passed through the XFGB to remove the unwanted sideba These three stages are fed from a separate supply pin on the PCB so that, if Ow is required, the supply can be removed, disabling this generator. The Filter output is fed to an SiG41 to mix the uz signal an to the required band, (the keyed OWHz signal is also fed into this device for CH). The output of the SLO41 has a single tuned circuit, the output of ich (on the required band) goes to an SLO10 for amplification to a suitable level for driving a linear amplifier. Nore signal filtering is required prior to main amplification and, as the SL610 cannot drive a tuned circuit, a transistor is used interface". By adjusting the emitter resistor, the drive level can be varied To overcome the problems described earlier, we must position the VFO on the “high" side of the band in use. Using 10MMz again as an example, with coverage from 10.0 to 10.22, the IF is OMMZ so we require the VFO to tune from 19 to 19.2MHz. It covle be done, but I would rather leave it to someone else! The cheat's way out is to use @ crystal mixer VFO and, with an SL641 balanced mixer, it is fairly easy. If the VFO tunes from 2.1 to 2.32 and mixes with a 16.9MM2 Crystal oscillator, one of the outputs will be in the range 19 to 19.2MHz (the cum), This can be filtered by a couple of tuned circuits and amplified by an SL610, The two “balance” potentiometers should be adjusted by coupling the output af the unit to a general coverage receiver. First listen to the 16.0MMz signal and adjust the crystal ance, then listen to the 2.1MHz signal and adjust the VFO balance for a null. Care must be taken during this procedure to ensure that the signal you are listening to is coming from the output and is not stray radiation from poorly decoupled supplies, inadequate screening, e ined A few words are necessary here, as this cig is made for use on any band. The coils used were wound on "Ambit" (Brentwood, UK) coil formers (type 10K) and all ti Necessary coil winding details are given in their catalogue. Alternatively, with ight modifications to PCB, their standard range of coils could be used. Reference the ratios of the windings, 50 chm link windings should be about Xth of the main winding and the tuned circuits driving the SL610s should be about % of the main winding. On the two signal transformers in the transmitter, the tap should be at the half-way point. LAYOUT 9" ——__—_____» =) THe E KEYED CW, O56, + PA -(AROVE) XTAL.MIKER EO, Box (BELOW) FIG.8 QRP SSB Calling Frequencies: 14825 21285 28885 NIHDUIM W13a Czaw ® 280 aha M9 9% V4 ob no x4 Ni G3AgaA 4 WOME ~~ fete [eAeISUDIL MOESS BOGIMENAL PUL assonare. fxr hl on X xTAL X 3, WRICHEVER REGUD. 4 g vi CeT.To SuIT Ze2, FO. DRIVE XTAL, MIXER_V.F.O, oS 47K XTAL. BAL. fxrace fact fart free =| MUTING FOR Cw. § $.5.B XTAL MER VFO FIG.6 RXCIN ee Ea Cant Saar GoD Pee at usal wT Ke +; = Ka LHe 5 ia" yi Tati tal makers I Faen psa cy ow [Cee Se he oN ON ae : ‘The original JUS Tranacesver by John MeDonnell, G300P, appeared in a halt THE ‘JU6 PLUS’ pase article in| "SPtAT" 2. since enat tine tt senienat by sn A AUDIO PREAVPLIEIER _(G3RJV) sa sess sr Eo A At ~ hdmi saabnc Oh HANG VEN, rnnpeaaney ET YS Toop ales br Yr [mer mele TF ws _ l ia : wR GSDOP ~ amp can be a great help. if places Between the 40673 miter and the AF kin control. It can be ountes on Bhe back of the 1K audio gain pot SIMPLE SIDETONE — G3RIV Tea och BC 28 BCU resesce [gem ecu | tuppestes : ene (CROC. CLip, TO SHORT ou can i Somerset, Uk, at ene ie BETVE Aore FILTER (SR) ax et sie one Stage op anp Filter. with WA. Bs re eiccutt, the AF ore amplifier wii? be requ: Asourrut WIND SE WIDE, BEND Up, SCRAPE | cAeANseno anc, seu3eR seroRs AND TASTE PASSIVE A. INDIVIDUAL FILTER — ELIDA FIG.1 ORIVER—P.A. KO COHN 4 1y 18 80m VFO Transmitter Based on the JU6 Peter Brent G4LEG ‘U6' TX MOD FIG.2 80M V.F.O. SER Box TPUT Te BFYSD an. cons sy fo ‘1U6'TX 80M MOD. — PETER BRENT G4LEG This circuit is the transmitter side only of the “JU6", changed to the BO metre band and converted to VFO control. The original BFYSO VXO stage is converted into a driver, by removing the feedback capacitors. The driver tank is re-calculated and more capacitance added sonate at 3.55WHz (note: no tap on coil) The 2N0S3 PA is altered for single PA tuning control. Note the similarity to "Denco coils (U.K.). ©) however do not work well and the tank details given, although experimental, were found to produce 500m, measured on a GM3OXX wattmeter/dummy load, with a 20Kohms/volt VOM. VFO decoupling and shielding is essential. Supply line radiation gives $5 on an HAGOO receiver, dropping to Si when all shields are in place. Inductances are valculated values and give the range shown in my prototype. For alignment, set the VFO (with the trinmer) for 3.Suéz with the main capacitor vanes almost fully meshed. t the VFO to 3.57MMz and trim the driver tuning for Maximum output to a dummy load or wattmeter, with the PA capacitor 1/3 to 2/3 open. Peak the PA tuning from the front panel. Note: about 100mW output will be available over the whole range of the driver trinmmer; with the values given, only one peak found at the VFO frequency. Note that as the PA tank has been re-designed for single panel control, second harmonic suppression is not as good as in the original circuit, soa "clean" drive signal is required. The driver (ex-VXO) tank was re-calculated to suit a "parts to hand" toroid, but a 150-2 is satisfactory. The inductance values are approximate calculated values. The VFO coverage given is thar which was obtained with the prototype. In both Fig 1 and Fig 2, all decimal capacitor values are disk ceramic types, "S.M." are silver mica and "Pol" are polystyrene. OXO All Bands Transmitter 19 George Burt GM30XX During a recent visit to our Editor, I was asked "Why don't you try some simple gear For a change?". So the following circuit is the result! COMPONENT NOTES: TR1 is a BC107. TR2 a surplus computer switching transistor, any suitable PA type would serve, (2N3866 works well). TR3 is a BCY39, which can be left out and a hand key used in its place. RFC = 10 turns 32 SHG on a ferrite bead. CIRCUIT: This is quite simple, but TR1 is RF and OC coupled to TR2, 30 the oscillator will not work unless TR2, the 33 ohm resistor and the 0.1 mfd capacitor are connected as shown. Again, do not make the TR2 emitter resistor too small, as TR2 is biased by TRt and it is easy to make TR2 draw lots of current, The emitter resistor should be adjusted for power in. The circuit was built on a "blob" board in about 20 minutes, from bits in the junk box and no output tuning was provided. Next, a small PCB was made. As I had no amateur band crystals, a set of crystals From the recent "SPRAT" advertisement was bought. One nice thing was that the 21MHz crystal was found to be a fundamental type. Using the station Z-Match ATU as the output tuning and the OC input adjusted for 1 watt (crystal on), about ten stations were worked in a few hours on 7.03Miz, plus a couple of UAs on 21NHz. The circuit, which will oscillate with any fundamental crystal (and makes a handy crystal checker) gave 600nW output at 1MMz, Hi! (Note from GIRJV:- On the morning I received this circuit from GM3OXx, Colin G3VTT was staying with me. We made PCBs for two "OXO"s that morning and built both rigs that night. First contact was a OL on 40, followed by a 579 report from Italy on 20. when Colin returned home we worked on 80, 'RJV with an OXO and ‘VIT with an SCO, and 879 both ways, tuned via a homebrew Z-Match to a GSRV. Try it, it’s fun. My layout is as per PCB ¢rawing, with a double-sided PCB front panel. | I have an extra 0.1 mfd across the key for shaping and a keying LED from the keyed 12v line. The emitter resistance for TR2 on my OXO is two parallel 39 ohm resistors. | THE ‘Ox! ALL-BANDS VXO MINI-TX ~GM30xx 'OXO'TX~ PCB. 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