Luxembourg SICAR: A Vehicle For Venture Capital Investments
Luxembourg SICAR: A Vehicle For Venture Capital Investments
Luxembourg SICAR: A Vehicle For Venture Capital Investments
Luxembourg SICAR
in securitised
Luxembourg Soparfi
Definition of a SICAR
General is very broad. There is no clear definition Qualified Investors
A SICAR is a vehicle with the principal of assets ‘at risk’. However the The shares/units of a SICAR may only be
object of investing in risk-bearing supervisory authority of the Luxembourg issued/offered to investors with a high
assets to the benefit of qualified financial sector (Commission de level of expertise (qualified investors),
investors. Surveillance du Secteur such as professional investors and
Financier - CSSF) has stated that it institutional investors. Directors and
Unlike the amended law of 20
looks at two main criteria1: managers of a SICAR are deemed to be
December 2002 on investment
qualified investors in the meaning of the
funds, SICARs are not subject to risk • Investment risk (i.e. the risk of the
spreading obligations. As a result, a investment is higher than normal
SICAR may invest all of its funds or business risk); and Other investors will have to declare
acquire the majority of voting power in in writing that they are aware of
• Intention to realise the investment
a single company. One reason for this the risks and must invest at least
(i.e. clear intention to develop and
flexibility is the limitation on investors €125,000 or obtain confirmation from
then realise the investment, for
discussed under the heading ‘qualified a financial institution that they have
instance by onward sale or by an
investors’ below. Qualified investors sufficient experience to understand
initial public offer).
are assumed to be aware of the risks the risks involved and to take adequate
of their investments and to accept the Classic venture capital (e.g. investment decisions.
SICAR’s proposed investment policy biotechnology and information
SICARs are open to individual as well
from the outset. technology start-ups) and private
as corporate investors.
equity targets are naturally included.
Mezzanine financing, distressed debt
Risk-bearing assets
and real estate investments may also Elective
The key qualification for gaining SICAR
qualify under certain conditions and The Law only applies to companies that
status is that the capital of a SICAR
subject to a case-by-case confirmation elect in their bylaws to be governed by
is invested in assets ‘at risk’. The
from the CSSF. the SICAR law.
interpretation of authorized investments
CSSF circular 06/241 of 5 April 2006 on the notion of risk capital for the purposes of the Law.
Projet de loi N°5201, p21
Indirect taxes
As of 1 January 2009, Luxembourg Capital gains realized by
capital duty has been abolished. non-residents
Therefore, as of this date, only the fixed Non-residents are exempt from
registration duty of € 75 will be due Luxembourg income tax on capital
on incorporation or modification of the gains realised on the disposal of
bylaws of a SICAR. shares of a SICAR.
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