Trabajo de Inglés
Trabajo de Inglés
Trabajo de Inglés
It is important for all human beings to lead a healthy lifestyle that allows them to be
healthy. This is why many organizations globally and locally have been concerned with
food and nutrition.
The exact composition of a balanced diet is determined by the characteristics of each
person, for example age, sex and lifestyle. Although the needs of someone who works in
an office are different from those of someone who does a more physical job, the principles
of healthy eating remain the same. In times of pandemic choose a mix of fresh, frozen and
non-perishable foods. Some examples of non-perishable foods include pasta, rice, beans,
nut butters, and dry and canned goods. Frozen options to think about can be breads,
meats, vegetables, fruits, and even milk. With fresh foods, buy a variety in quantities that
you would normally buy. Remember to include the special needs of all family members,
including pets, babies, or those with dietary restrictions.
A meal plan or nutritional guide requires taking into account important aspects of each of
the food groups.
Fresh Fruits
Don't just think about apples and bananas. Those are great options, but try some "exotic"
fruits too. How about a mango? Or a juicy pineapple or a kiwi! When it is not the season
for your favorite fresh fruit, you can try the frozen, canned, or dried versions of the fresh
fruits you like. One caveat about canned fruits is that they may contain additional sugars or
syrups. Be sure to choose the varieties of fruits that are packed in water or in their own
Fresh vegetables
Try something new. You may find that you like grilled or steamed vegetables seasoned
with herbs that you haven't tried yet, like rosemary. You can fry the vegetables in a
nonstick skillet with a little cooking spray. Or try frozen or canned veggies for a quick side
dish - you just need to microwave and serve. When trying canned vegetables, look for the
ones that come with no added salt, no butter, and no cream sauces. Commit to going to
the vegetable section and trying one new vegetable per week.
Calcium Rich Foods
You might automatically think of a glass of low-fat or fat-free milk when someone says you
should "eat more dairy." But what about low-fat and fat-free yogurts that do not contain
additional sugars? These come in a wide variety of flavors and can be a great substitute
for desserts for those with a sweet tooth.
In Colombia, the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation, ENSIN (ICBF, 2010) found
that only 20.5% of Colombians consume fruits 3 or more times each day and that only 3
out of 10 people consume vegetables and vegetables, in fact, only 6.4% do it 2 or more
times. What is more worrying is that the low consumption of fruits and vegetables-
vegetables is exacerbated in the lower social strata and in rural areas where they are
paradoxically produced. The minimum consumption recommendation made by the WHO
(World Health Organization) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations) to prevent non-communicable diseases and maintain good health is 400 grams
between fruits and vegetables up to date.
The strategies proposed to reduce malnutrition are:
• Achieve a caloric balance and a healthy weight.
• Reduce your caloric intake from fat, switch from saturated to unsaturated fats, and
eliminate trans fatty acids.
• Increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
• Reduce the intake of free sugars.
• Reduce the consumption of salt (sodium), whatever its source, and ensure that the salt
consumed is iodized.
Eating means much more than satisfying hunger, nourishing the body or preventing
and treat diseases. Food gives us pleasure and contributes to initiating and
maintain personal, family and business relationships, to express individuality,
sense of belonging, love and affection.
The diet of our grandparents, fathers and mothers was based on food
natural, that is, those obtained directly from plants or from
animals, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, meats, eggs, milk, rice, wheat, among
In some cases, these foods are subjected to simple processes such as peeling, grinding,
dried, fermented, pasteurized or frozen, without the addition of salt, sugar or
The diet based on homemade meals prepared with this type of food with
low amounts of salt, sugar, and fat are associated with good health and well-being, and a
lower incidence of disease.
Today it is known that it is necessary to develop more physical activity and reduce
sedentary lifestyle. The sedentary lifestyle has become the second cause of death level
global, with a similar load of death than tobacco.
The general recommendations of this nutritional guide that I have created from the
analysis of multiple sources of information are:
Eggs: 1 unit
twice or three
times a week.
Bread: 1 or
3 Units.
1 cup once
or twice a
1 or 2 cups.
Water: 6 or 8
2 plates of raw or
3 units cooked vegetables.