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Evita XL: Initial Start Up

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Evita XL

Evita XL
Initial Start Up
After ventilator has completed a self test, put the machine into Standby.
Select Standby on the touch screen and confirm by pressing the rotary dial
The alarm will continue to alarm until you press ‘Alarm Reset’ on the top of the touch screen this also
must then be confirmed by pressing the rotary dial.

Patient Selection: The Evita XL’s are set up to start in Adult patient category to change the category
select ‘New Patient’ on the touch screen and confirm by pressing the rotary dial
Now you can select any patient type. Adult, Pediatric, and Neonate then confirm selection by pressing
the rotary dial

Set up Ventilator with Mode and parameter settings. Once completed ventilation can be started by
selecting ‘Start’ on the touch screen then confirm selection by pressing the rotary dial

Using NeoFlow Sensor

The neo. Flowsensor can be used in both Neonatal and Pediatric patient categories. It is recommended
not to be used on patients more than 10kgs due to the sensitivity (increased risk of ‘auto cycling’) and
the restriction it will cause when using larger volumes and pressures.

Calibration: Select NeoFlow Sensor (touch screen)

Press Start
Follow instructions on screen top left

Deactivating NeoFlow Sensor: Select NeoFlow Sensor (touch screen)

Press OFF then confirm by pressing rotary dial

Modes of Ventilation

BIPAP (Biphasic Intermittent Positive Airway Pressure)

Is synchronised Pressure Control Ventilation. The machine allows the patient to spontaneously breath
at anytime in the breath cycle. This is achieved by giving more flow or opening up the exhalation
valve, which ever is needed to maintain the set Inspiratory Pressure and PEEP. ASB (pressure support)
can also be added to assist patient’s efforts during the expiratory phase.
Please Note: * When setting an ASB pressure it is set above PEEP. (eg ASB 5 cmH2O with
PEEP of 5 patient’s total pressure is 10)

SIMV AutoFlow
Is synchronised Volume Ventilation. Autoflow helps to reduce Peak Airway Pressures that are caused
by a fixed set flowrate. The flowrate automatically adjusts to deliver the set tidal volume using the
least amount of pressure. Any spontaneous breaths above the set Respiratory Rate can be pressure
supported with set ASB (pressure support).

CPAP/ASB (Assisted Spontaneous Breathing)

Is CPAP/Pressure Supported Ventilation. If there is no ASB set then CPAP mode. If ASB is set, then
when the patient triggers the ventilator the breath is supported. The patient determines there own
breath rate and inspiratory time.
Please Note: * When setting an ASB pressure it is set above PEEP. (eg ASB 5 with PEEP of 5
patient’s total pressure is 10)
* In Neonate Ventilation, if ASB Mode is selected then a Inspiratory Time is set.
This is a maximum you will allow the ventilator to be in inspiration. Adult maximum is 4
seconds and Pediatric is 1.5 seconds. These are non-adjustable.

Ventilator Handouts 2nd July 2007 Revision 1 Page 1 of 4

Lisa Martin RRT Head of ITU Support, Biomedical Engineering Department
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust
Evita XL

APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation)

Is pressure ventilation using inverse I:E ratio. You set long periods of high pressure with short periods
of low pressure. The patient can spontaneously breath at anytime during the cycle. The inspiratory and
expiratory pressure remains constant by adding flow or opening the exhalation valve. The concept
behind the short period to drop to a low pressure is to help with C02 removal.

BIPAP Assist
Is synchronised Pressure Control Ventilation. If the patient triggers above the set breath rate, then
every triggered breath is delivered with the same settings as the mandatory breath.

Hard Key Controls

Alarm Silence Can silence an alarm for 2 minutes

Alarm Limits Access to setting alarms

MV (Minute Ventilation) High MV 0.1 – 41 L/min
Low MV 0.01 – 40 L/min
Paw (Peak Airway Pressure) 10 – 100 mbar will discontinue inspiration and
exhalation valve will open for exhalation
VTi (Inspiratory Tidal Volume) .004 – 4 L will limit the volume being taken or
fspn (spontaneous frequency) 5 – 120 bpm Monitors spontaneous breaths only
TApnoea (Apnea Time) 5 – 60 seconds if reached ventilator will switch over to
apnea ventilation
etC02 (End tidal C02) High etC02 0.1 – 15 kPa
Low etC02 0 – 14.9 kPa

Ventilator Settings Access to Ventilator Modes and Parameter settings

Ventilation parameters: (depending on mode selected)
Basic Settings:
02 Oxygen % delivered
Tinsp (Inspiratory Time) seconds
f (frequency) set breath rate
Ramp (Pressure rise time) seconds - how quickly set Pinsp. or PASB is reached
Pinsp (Inspiratory Pressure) mbar
PEEP (Positive End Expiratory Pressure) mbar
∆PASB (Assisted Spontaneous Breathing Pressure) mbar - this is
pressure support and must be added to the PEEP value for a total pressure
VT (tidal volume) litres
THIGH (Time at high pressure setting) seconds
TLOW (Time at low pressure setting) seconds
PHIGH (High Pressure) mbar
PLOW (Low Pressure) mbar
Extra Settings:
ATC Automatic Tube Compensation
Based on % of compensation and tube size the ventilator does a
mathematical calculation to determine airway pressure at the tracheal level

Apnea Ventilation
Neonatal patient category: set frequency and pressure
Adult and paediatric patient category: set frequency and tidal volume
*Please Note: Once ventilator has switched to Apnea Ventilation, it will
remain in Apnea Ventilation until you are able to ‘Alarm Reset’.

Ventilator Handouts 2nd July 2007 Revision 1 Page 2 of 4

Lisa Martin RRT Head of ITU Support, Biomedical Engineering Department
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust
Evita XL

Flow Trigger Sensitivity

Adjusted 0.3 - 15L/min

Sensor Parameter
Flow Manual Calibration of flow sensor
Automatically done once everyday
Flow sensor measuring capabilities can be switched off if required

02 Manual calibration of 02 cell

Automatically done once everyday
Oxygen sensor measuring capabilities can be switched off if required

C02 For calibrating C02 when etC02 is monitored via the ventilator
End tidal measuring capabilities can be switched off if required

For calibrating NeoFlow sensor when it is used (ideally only used on
patients ≤ 10 kgs)
When selected follow instruction at the top left of the screen
NeoFlow sensor measuring capabilities can be switched off if required

System Setup Allows access to the Evita XL configuration

All the Evita XL’s are configured the same
It also provides access to the service menu when repairs are made

Provides access to standby if ventilator is ventilating
From Standby provides access to:
New Patient Selection of patient category (Neonatal, paediatric, or Adult)
Tube/Mask Selection of non-invasive ventilation via the mask option
Humidifier Selection for HME when used to humidify
Check Pre-use checks carried out prior to release of ventilator for patient
use (These checks are done by the ventilator technicians)

Right hand on screen Controls

Main If ventilating brings user to the screen which displays selected waveforms, mode of
ventilation, set parameters and selected measured parameters

If in standby it brings the user to the main standby screen which has access to new patient,
tube/mask, humidifier, and check

Customised Table Displays measured values in the order they appear on
carevue and also displays current mode and settings
Table 1 and Table 2 Displays measured values in Drager configuration and
also displays current mode and settings

Logbook Records all alarms and changes made to ventilator and

also displays current mode and settings

Trend Displays selected parameter trends

Ventilator Handouts 2nd July 2007 Revision 1 Page 3 of 4

Lisa Martin RRT Head of ITU Support, Biomedical Engineering Department
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust
Evita XL

Special procedure
Additional Function
Inspiration Hold Can be held for a maximum of 15 seconds
Insp. Hold key can be used as a manual breath button in
all modes except CPAP without ∆PASB. If used to activate
a breath, the ventilation will be delivered with the current
ventilation parameters.

Expiration Hold Can be held for a maximum of 15 seconds

Nebuliser This key will activate the nebuliser to function during the
inspiratory phase only.

Suction procedure *Adult patient category- increases 02 to 100% for 3

*Pediatric and Neonate patient category – increases 02 by
25% of set Fi02 for 3 minutes
The ventilator waits for a disconnection. Once there is a
disconnection then upon reconnection the ventilator
continues for 2 minutes of increased oxygen.
*Please note: If < 4 mbar of PEEP is set then the
ventilator automatically applies 4 mbar when 02 ↑
Suction Key is depressed.

P 0.1 Can be an indicator of neuro-muscular breathing drive

PEEPi (intrinsic PEEP) Can measure pressure trapped in the

lungs (eg. Air trapping, hyper-inflation)

NIF (Negative Inspiratory Force) Measures patient’s maximum

inspiratory effort which can be used as an indicator for
weaning and/or extubation

NewFlow sensor (See Sensor Parameters)

Flow sensor (See Sensor Parameters)

O2 Suction (See Special Procedure – Additional Function)

Insp. Hold (See Special Procedure – Additional Function)

Ventilator Handouts 2nd July 2007 Revision 1 Page 4 of 4

Lisa Martin RRT Head of ITU Support, Biomedical Engineering Department
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust

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