Assignment 2

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1. What is an Open Loop Control? Please define.

- Output is directly proportional to input and any change in input will change output accordingly

2. Provide an example of an Open Loop Control.

- Manual Washing Machine
- Light Dimmer

3. Name the three types of an Open Loop Control.

- Command Control
- Holding Current Control
- Program Control
o Sequence Control
o Time Scheduled Control
o Path Pattern Control

4. What is a Closed Loop Control? Please define.

A process in which the variable to be controlled is continuously measured, compared with the set value and

5. Provide an example of a Closed Loop Control.

- Water dispenser
- Boiler System

6. Name the three types of a Closed Loop Control.

- Fixed set points
- Follower Control
- Time pattern control

7. Give an example for the application of a path-pattern control.

- Cam shaft of a machine tool

8. Give an example of a Final Control Element.

- Control Valve

9. Give an example of a Measuring Element.

- Level Transmitter

10. What is meant by the term “Follower Control” ?

- Variation of set point to set points following new set value

11. Define the following term:

Controlled Variable: Variable that going to be controlled

Manipulated Variable: A controller output/value has a direct offset to control element

Disturbance: The unwanted variable that affect the process

Command Variable: Value that we desired

Deviation: The drift between set point & controlled value

12. What is the full term of “SISO”?

- Single Input Single Output
- Wireless communication system in which are antenna is used at the source ( 1 antenna at the transmitter
and 1 at the receiver

13. By referring to the diagram below, draw a closed loop signal block diagram with annotations for the
Temperature Control System, Level Control System, Flow Control System and Pressure Control
System. Briefly describe the working principle, and state the Controlled Variable & Manipulated
variable for each of the control system.

Flow Control

Working Principle

At the sensor, the mass flow rate is detected as a proportional change in temperature and converted by the bridge
circuits to an electrical signal. This signal passes through the amplification and correction circuits

 Measured variable - the flowrate

 Manipulated variable - the flowrate via the control valve

 Disturbances - the flowrate upstream of the measurement

Temperature Control

Working Principle

A temperature controller is an device that is used to control temperature. Temperature controllers use this error to
decide how much heating or cooling is required to bring the process temperature back to the desired value. It
removes heat from the process.

 Measured variable - Temperature of stream

 Manipulated variable - Flowrate of steam

 Disturbances

o Flowrate of water

o Temperature of water

o Temperature of steam

Level Control

Working Principle

Water level indicators work by using sensor probes to indicate water levels in a storage tank. These probes send
information back to the control panel to trigger an alarm or indicator

 Measured variable - Inlet flowrate

 Manipulated variable - Outlet flowrate

 Disturbances - Inlet flowrate

Pressure Control

Working Principle

A pressure regulator's primary function is to match the flow of gas through the regulator to the demand for gas
placed upon it, whilst maintaining a constant output pressure. If the load flow decreases, then the regulator flow
must decrease as well.

 Measured variable - Pressure in tank

 Manipulated variables

o Flowrate of nitrogen

o Flowrate of material through vent

 Disturbance - Flowrate of nitrogen


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