The Cure For All Cancers" "The Cure For All Diseases
The Cure For All Cancers" "The Cure For All Diseases
The Cure For All Cancers" "The Cure For All Diseases
Last summer, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I felt like I
was supposed to undergo chemo as recommended by the oncologist. My
niece found info on Dr. Clark and got "The Cure for All Cancers" from her
library. Next, she bought "The Cure for All Diseases."
I was fascinated, especially when the cancer spread after 4 rounds of chemo.
I started cleaning my home, quit wearing makeup, deodorant, using perfumes
and shampoos and did the parasite cleanse in January.
The end of January, I had a bone scan and CT scans. My niece built a zapper
and I made sure to zap before the scans. The scans showed great reduction
in tumors and lesions. I also went to a mostly raw and living food diet. I can
count on one hand how many times I have had meat in the last 6 months. I
have practically eliminated sugar from my diet as well.
Now, the primary tumor has totally dissolved . I have more energy than I have
had in a long time.
I am doing the parasite maintenance program and using the zapper. I can't
wait until the next scans to prove I am healed.
I have an aunt that has recently been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and
declared terminal. The doctor has given her 30 days to live.
I tried last night to get her to try the program. I have "The Cure for All
Advanced Cancers" but she isn't interested. She's 75 and feels it's her time to
My sister has a friend that had breast cancer and went into remission.
My sister called me and asked for the name of the books, the friend was
ready to do anything to defeat this disease as it came back. I gave her
the names of the books and even where she could find the books locally.
I can't wait for that progress report!
I feel Dr. Clark has been an answer to prayer. I wonder if the reason I
felt I needed to undergo chemo was so I could be giving this testimony now.
Thank you for putting the information out there for people to use.