BEN41SN Data Privacy
BEN41SN Data Privacy
BEN41SN Data Privacy
The digital age has brought unprecedented access to information and new online
services. And in exchange, people have proven very willing to provide personal
information and to have their online activities monitored. But is it worth it? As
Wired reports, more and more people are questioning this trade-off:
The US has found itself in the middle of a data privacy awakening, and you can
credit the recent spate of headline-grabbing scandals as the kick-starter.
Cambridge Analytica illicitly took the personal information of up to 87 million
Facebook users and turned it into targeted political ads. And Equifax let slip the
sensitive details of 148 million Americans because it couldn’t be bothered to patch
a known vulnerability.
In simple terms, GDPR requires that all customer data be portable. Essentially,
organizations must be capable of honoring their customers’ requests to delete
their personal information or transfer it to another system if they choose another
supplier. They must also be able to provide an audit trail to confirm that the data
was handled properly. It’s worth being diligent because slipping up can result in
huge fines up to €20 million or 4% of a company’s annual turnover.
The bulk of the response to the legislation has been a substantial number of
complaints against high-profile companies, such as those against Facebook and
Google filed by privacy campaigners at consumer rights organizations. Those
complaints accuse the two companies of forcing consumers into providing
“consent” for data processing in a “take it or leave it” deal.
Despite having ample time to prepare for the new regulations, companies are still
trying to figure out the full ramifications of the changes. And not all companies
are impacted equally, as Forbes explains:
Concern for digital privacy isn’t exclusive to the EU. And the GDPR has only served
to amplify calls for U.S. governments to address the issue. The State of California
recently enacted its own law aimed at protecting consumers’ data privacy. As
Reuters notes, the response from the tech industry and other concerned groups has
been mixed:
Despite all the confusion around the new regulations, it’s clear we’re in the middle
of a major shift. Our approaches to digital privacy are constantly being
renegotiated. Some believe the key to privacy lies in blockchain technology,
which is like a digital ledger that allows information to be distributed but not
copied. As Fortune describes, this technology may transform our relationship with
our own information:
Today, we give away our data to companies like Facebook for free, and they
monetize that information without sharing their revenues. In a blockchain
system, your data is your own and only you have the private keys and ability to
access this information. Then, you can share and monetize that data as you wish.
Trade-off: a situation where you give up or sacrifice one thing to get another thing;
“The money’s good, but the workplace is terrible, and I’m just not comfortable with
the trade-off anymore.”
Data privacy: “data privacy” is about the collection, protection, and distribution of
information, especially about people or organizations and businesses.
Recent spate: many bad things that have happened recently; “The recent spate of
building projects has caused a lot of disruption to traffic in downtown.”
To let slip: to reveal information or secrets; “I think we’re going to agree to the
employees’ demands, but don’t let that slip in our first meeting.”
Jurisdiction: an area governed by a particular system of laws; “This sales tax only
needs to be collected on sales made within our jurisdiction.”
Robust: strong and powerful; “Sure I think we’ll win the court case. Our lawyers
have put together some really robust arguments.”
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): a law of the European Union that regulates
data and information privacy for all individuals in the European Economic Area.
Portable: able to be carried or moved from place to place; “The new Edge Desk is
completely portable; it’s desk and chair combo folds up so you can take it
To honor: to do what you promised or what is your responsibility; “If the client isn’t
paying their invoices, then what’s to say we have to honor our part of the
Audit trail: information recorded on paper or a computer that proves exactly how
something happened; “I’m sure we can find out if those checks were deposited. I
always keep a really detailed audit trail.”
Diligent: working very hard and carefully; “If we want to avoid another penalty, we
need to be really diligent about health and safety.”
To slip up: to make a mistake; “Everyone makes mistakes Gwen, but this is the
fourth time this week you’ve slipped up with the bookkeeping.”
Fine: a penalty of money; “If we don’t get our taxes done by Friday, we’ll have to
pay a pretty big fine to the government.”
To usher in: to make a situation or activity begin; “A number of big accidents have
ushered in a new age of environmental regulation.”
Wave: a lot of people or activity; “The new tax law has created a wave of
companies looking to relocate to cheaper countries.”
Terms of use: the rules that you agree to in order to use a service.
The bulk of: most; “A few years ago, the bulk of our advertising budget was spent
on TV and radio, but now it’s mostly online marketing.”
Legislation: a law; “This new legislation will make it even easier for foreign buyers
to purchase property in our country.”
High-profile: famous or easy to see in the media; “We’re hoping our new high-
profile CEO will bring a lot of public attention to our services.”
To file: to take official action; “After three employees filed complaints about poor
treatment, HR has been very busy figuring out what happened.”
Consumer rights: laws that protect the public from harm by companies and their
services and products; “Our legal team has suggested we make a public statement
to show everyone we care about consumer rights.”
“Take it or leave it”: a situation where you can accept something as it is, with no
changes, or reject it; “We’ve got lots of potential buyers for this machine, so you
can take it or leave it at the asking price.”
Ample: enough or more than enough; “With an ample supply of labor, companies
are finding they can save a bit of money on wages.”
Ramifications: the ways one thing or event affects others; “It seems like a little mistake
on the website, but the ramifications are huge: we’ve probably lost $100,000 in sales.”
Tech giant: one of several large technology companies like Google and Facebook.
To wrap your head around something: to try to understand something; “Ernie, I’m
trying to wrap my head around these projections and so I have a few questions for you.”
Steep: expensive or high, for prices; “Shipping companies are complaining that fuel
prices just keep getting steeper and steeper.”
To amplify: to make something louder or stronger; “These layoffs are just going to
amplify current dissatisfaction among remaining employees.”
To enact: to make a law; “Before enacting a new trade law, governments typically
consult with industry experts.”
Legislator: a person who makes laws; “Legislators have said quite clearly that they
will bring greater stability and oversight to the banking sector.”
Unintended consequences: a surprising result, or one that you didn’t try to create;
“One of the unintended consequences of the new software has been a reduction in
paper usage.”
Bill: a proposed law; “A bill to protect the environment was passed by Congress.”
Advocates: people who actively support an idea or policy; “Human rights advocates
are asking manufacturers to ensure their factories have the right safety measures.”
Landmark: very important in history; “Our research and development team has just
made a landmark discovery in drug research.”
To shake up: to upset or make major changes to something; “Several new social
media companies are hoping to shake up a sector dominated by Facebook.”
National debate: if there is a “national debate” about an issue, then many people
throughout the country are thinking and talking about it; “There’s a national debate
raging on the news about how to increase female leadership in business.”
To dismiss: to refuse to accept something; “I told the foreman about the problem
weeks ago, but he dismissed it as nothing important.”
Major shift: a large or major change; “A wave of new millennial employees have
brought a major shift to many of our HR policies.”
Revenues: money gained through sales; “Revenues have gone up this quarter, but
with increased spending, we’ve actually seen profits go down.”
As you wish: whenever or however you want; “As an independent consultant, I can
accept or refuse projects as I wish, without anyone telling me what to do.”
A. Collocations
Match words from each column to make collocations found in the article.
1. Unintended a. Rights
2. Audit b. Consequences
3. Recent c. Shift
4. Bold d. Trail
5. Ballot e. Spate
6. Major f. Moves
7. Terms g. Measure
8. Consumer h. Of use
B. Vocabulary Quiz
a. Jurisdictions
b. Landmarks
c. Campaigners
d. National debates
2. If you’re having difficulty ________________ the new terms of use, call the
company and have someone explain it to you.
a. as you wish
b. watering down
c. slipping up
d. wrapping your head around
a. Bill
b. Ballot measure
c. Ledger
d. Legislation
a. Revenues / credit
b. Turnover / slipping up
c. Fines / non-compliance
d. Ramifications / honoring
5. The digital age has brought a ________________ to the collection, storing, and
dissemination of information and data.
a. Bold move
b. Take it or leave it
c. Major shift
d. Recent spate
a. Honoring
b. Slipping up
c. Enacting
d. Amplifying
8. Which of the following terms applies to people who attempt to persuade other
people and governments of a policy or position?
a. Legislators
b. Tech giants
c. Ushers
d. Advocates
A. Collocations
B. Vocabulary Quiz