Ultra High Gain CMOS Op Amp Design Using Self Cascoding and Positive Feedback
Ultra High Gain CMOS Op Amp Design Using Self Cascoding and Positive Feedback
Ultra High Gain CMOS Op Amp Design Using Self Cascoding and Positive Feedback
DOI 10.1007/s00542-016-2971-7
Abstract This paper presents an ultra high gain two stage the basis of chip area, power consumption, gain, bandwidth,
CMOS Operational Amplifier which is designed using CMRR, PSRR etc. For instrumentation applications, where
self-cascoding and positive feedback technique in order to the signals are of very low strength, the high gain Op-Amps
provide gain enhancement. By comparing the circuit with are required. In today’s CMOS technology, the channel
other designed circuits it has been shown that applying pos- length is being constantly reduced for low voltage applica-
itive feedback increases the gain of the Op-Amp without tions. This gate channel length reduction gives rise to a major
affecting other properties of the amplifier. The proposed problem; it decreases the output resistance of the MOSFETs.
circuit is designed in 45 nm technology using Cadence Due to this fact the small signal gain of the Op-Amp reduces.
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment tool at ±1 V supply. This small signal gain is further reduced by the short channel
The Op-Amp is designed to achieve a high gain of 141 dB effect in submicron levels (Razavi 2001; Allen and Holberg
while maintaining a UGB of 101 MHz and phase margin 2002; Baker 2005).
of 60°. The simulation results conforms the estimated theo- For sub-50 nm MOSFET designs it becomes necessary
retical improvements. The dependence of various proper- to employ additional gain enhancement techniques for
ties such as slew rate, UGB, settling time and phase margin instrumentation applications of Op-Amp. There are many
of the designed Op-Amp on compensating capacitor CC techniques to enhance gain, but most of them employ add-
has also been analyzed in this paper. Finally, the simulation ing additional gain stages. While employing additional gain
results have been compared with a previously reported Op- stages makes the compensation methods more complex.
Amp utilizing positive feedback technique. Also the chip area can be utilized effectively if fewer num-
bers of gain stages are used.
Many CMOS Op-Amps with high gain have been devel-
1 Introduction oped and reported in the past decades. These designs typi-
cally achieve gains of 100–120 dB. The highest reported
In recent years, Op-Amp has become most important integral gain was 140 dB, where three comparators were cascaded
part in electronic instrumentation and measurement circuits. (Purcell and Abdel-Aty-Zohdy 1997). The higher gain
Due to its huge applications, it has become a necessary part CMOS Op-Amps typically use 3–5 gain stages or gain-
in analog electronics in the same way as logic gates in digital boosting schemes to achieve the high gain and generally
electronics. Since, the past decades, extensive research work require several compensation capacitors. The Op-Amp pre-
has been going on for improving the performance of the Op- sented in this paper utilizes composite cascode connections
Amp. The performance of Op-Amp has been improved on and positive feedback for enhancing the gain.
* Abhishek Pandey
[email protected] 2 Positive feedback
VLSI Design Group, Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering, Birla Institute Addition of the positive feedback circuit in the differen-
of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835215, India tial pair of the Op-Amp results in gain improvement. Now
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that MOS transistors are significantly being scaled down where, gm is the small signal transconductance, go is the
positive feedback circuits can be a solution to increase small signal output conductance and CL is the load capaci-
the small signal gain. The major problem associated with tance of the amplifier.
positive feedback is the possibility of amplifier instabil- If it is assumed that β(s) > 0, we can rewrite the Eq. (1)
ity. However, amplifier with positive feedback can be sta- as
bilized if it is properly designed assuming amplifier open
Y (s) gm
loop gain is small. The degradation in maximum intrinsic H(s) = = (3)
X(s) go + sCL − gm β(s)
gain (gmro) of a transistor due to transistor scaling helps
maintaining the stability when the positive feedback circuit β(s) can be realized as a constant or zero order system.
is added. Another problem of the most positive feedback Hence, we can assume that β(s) = k.
implementation is a strong dependence of the amplifier’s The position of pole for the feedback part can be given
gain on transistor matching. All of these problems can be as
eliminated by the proper selection of W/L ratio and com-
go − g m k
pensation capacitance. PPFB = − (4)
A lot of research has been done in the application of
positive feedback in Op-Amps. It has been already dis- And DC gain is given as
cussed in several publications that by applying a positive gm
feedback a compensating negative conductance is gener- ADC = (5)
go − gm k
ated which in turn enhances the amplifier gain (Schlarmann
et al. 2002; Wang and Harjani 1995). In most of the pro- where, k is carefully chosen so that the value of the denom-
posed structures a negative resistance is generated from the inator of ADC is small enough to result in high gain. But if
feedback generated at the output node which helps generate too much high gain is applied by increasing the DC value
high DC gain by compensating some of the positive resist- of β(s) or increasing k, the pole of the positive feedback
ance at the output (Pude et al. 2010; Khameh et al. 2010; part may end up in the right hand side of the plane which
Dadashi et al. 2011, 2012). One of the initial implemen- will make the system unstable. However, these shortcom-
tations of the application of positive feedback in differen- ings are eliminated when the positive feedback is an inter-
tial pair was implemented in a comparator (Allstot 1982). nal part of the circuit and the circuit is utilized in negative
Then a positive-feedback transconductance amplifier was feedback configuration.
designed for high-frequency applications (Young et al.
1988). Several new CMOS amplifiers with very high DC- 2.2 Positive feedback within a negative feedback block
gain that used internal positive feedback techniques were
presented (Amourah and Geiger 2001, 2002). A differen- The shortcomings of the previous section are eliminated
tial pair positive feedback topology was introduced for when the positive feedback is an internal part of the circuit
enhanced transconductance gain (Ramírez-Angulo et al. and the circuit is utilized in negative feedback configuration.
2010) which was further improved and the improvement In the system shown in Fig. 2 the positive feedback
resulted in the higher small signal gain (Tran et al. 2010; provides gain enhancement while the negative feedback
Chakraborty et al. 2015a, b). But most of these circuits ensures the system stability. The transfer function of the
were implemented with differential output. system can be written as
Y (s)
2.1 Classic positive feedback block H(s) =
gm (6)
The transfer function of a positive feedback circuit (Fig. 1) is =
go + sCL − gm β(s) + gm β ′ (s)
Y (s) α(s)
H(s) = = (1) Y (s)
X(s) 1 − α(s)β(s)
H(s) =
where, X(s) is the input transfer function and Y(s) is the (7)
output transfer function, α(s) is the amplifier transfer func- =
go + sCL + gm (β ′ (s) − β(s))
tion and β(s) is the feedback transfer function.
If a first order model is utilized to analyze the amplifier In this case also we can take β(s) = k and β’(s) = k′.
gain it can be written as (Schlarmann et al. 2002) Therefore, the location of the pole can be given as
gm go + gm (k ′ − k)
α(s) = PPNFB = − (8)
go + sCL (2) CL
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From the above equations it can be said that for the sys-
VoD gm1
Av = = 1 1 1 (10)
ViD ro1 + ro3 + RoFB − GmFB
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Fig. 9 Schematic diagram of the proposed Op-Amp with biasing applied using MOS voltage divider
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Table 1 W/L ratio of the transistors used in the proposed circuit And the voltage gain of second stage (Fig. 5b) is given by
MOSFET W/L ratio (m) gm1 gm4 (gm2 + gmb2 )
A2nd = (16)
M1a 30u/45n gds1 gds2 (gm2 + gm4 + gmb2 )
M1b 4.19u/45n where, gm1, gm2, gm4 is the transconductance of M1, M2,
M2a 30u/45n and M4 respectively. gmb2 is the bulk transconductance of
M2b 4.19u/45n M2. And gds1 and gds2 is the drain to source transconduct-
M3a 110n/45n ance of M1 and M2.
M3b 30u/45n
M4a 110n/45n
M4b 30u/45n 4 Proposed circuit
M1c 4.43u/45n
M2c 4.43u/45n From the previous sections it is evident that a higher gain
M3c 60n/45n can be achieved if self-cascoding and positive feedback tech-
M4c 60n/45n niques are applied in an Op-Amp. The circuit given in Fig. 6
M5c 4.43u/45n is a differential input, single output operational amplifier uti-
M6c 60n/45n lizing self-cascoding and positive feedback technique. In this
M5 2.57u/45n circuit M1a, M1b, M2a, M2b, M3a, M3b, M4a, M4b, M7a,
M6 2.57u/45n M7b, M8a and M8b forms the composite cascode structured
M7a 7.29u/45n Op-Amp. M1c, M2c M3c, M4c, M5c and M6c are used for
M7b 7.23u/45n the positive feedback. M5c and M6c transistors form a resis-
M8a 4.56u/45n tive load at the output. M5c is diode connected load in series
M8b 4.56u/45n with M6c. In this circuit, by placing biasing transistors M5
M9 60n/45n and M6 and applying Vb2 in their gate, increases the small
M10 120n/45n signal resistance of the differential amplifier which in turn
M11 120n/45n increases the small signal gain of the amplifier. Along with
M12 12.04u/45n that, it also provides a transconductance between the feed-
M13 500n/45n back and output of the circuit. So, mainly the Ro of the circuit
M14 12.39u/45n will improve and it will finally enhance the small signal gain
M16 730n/45n of the circuit. In this circuit high level of transistor matching
is required in order to optimize the circuit for high gain.
Three more designed circuits are given in Fig. 7. If the
biasing transistors M5 and M6 are removed from Figs. 6,
If the output voltage is taken from the drain of M2 then the Fig. 7a can be realized. Similarly, if the cross coupled MOS
voltage gain of the self cascode connection ignoring M2’s transistors providing feedback are removed from the cir-
body effect is given as cuits of Figs. 6 and 7a, the circuits given in Fig. 7b, c are
formed respectively.
ACC = −gm1 gm2 rds1 rds2 (14) In the differential stage of the circuit 7a, let us consider
3.1 Op‑Amp using self‑cascode structure that transistor M1a and M1b, M2a and M2b, M3a and M3b
and M4a and M4b forms self cascode structures SC1, SC2,
Op-Amp designed using composite cascode structures SC3 and SC4 respectively. Then we can say that without
are bound to give better results due to the greater output considering the positive feedback circuit of the circuit in
resistance exhibited by the composite cascode structures. Fig. 7a the small signal gain of the differential stage of the
The voltage gain of the differential stage (Fig. 5a) is given circuit given in Fig. 7c is
below (Comer et al. 2004). ADiff = gmSC1 Ro(Diff )
2 g (g
gm5 = gmSC1 Ro(SC2) ||Ro(SC4)
m6 m8 + gmb8 )
A1st = (15) If the positive feedback circuit is added then the small
gm5 gm6 gds7 gds8 + gm5 (gm8 + gmb8 )gds5 gds6
signal gain of the circuit given in Fig. 7a becomes
where, gm5, gm6 and gm8 is the transconductance of M5, M6
ADiffFB1 = − gmSC1 Ro(DiffFB1)
and M8. gds5, gds6, gds7 and gds8 is drain to source conduct-
ance of M5, M6, M7 and M8 respectively. And gmb8 is the −1
= − gmSC1 Ro(SC2) ||RoFB1 || (18)
bulk transconductance of M8 GmFB
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And for the second stage, the gain will remain same as
given in Eq. (19).
In Fig. 6 the voltage biasing Vb1 and Vb2 can be applied
using MOS voltage dividers. The proposed circuit modified
by the MOS voltage dividers is shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 13 THD analysis of
proposed circuit with 1 KΩ load
resistance and 2 V Vop−p at dif-
ferent harmonics of 500 Hz
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For the proposed circuit a compensating capacitor of settling time of the circuit almost remains the same with
600 fF was chosen, which resulted in phase margin of 60° the changing value of CC. And the phase margin of the cir-
and unity gain bandwidth of 101 MHz along with 141 dB cuit improves with increasing CC. From the result we can
DC-gain, which is shown in Fig. 10. The bandwidth is low conclude that 600 fF produces an overall satisfactory result.
because the product of gain bandwidth is always constant. Now a day’s THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) is used
Therefore if gain is increases then bandwidth is decreases. to quantify the distortions caused by amplifier non linear-
A ±1 V power supply used for this circuit. For proper ity. THD is generally measured in terms of dB or percent-
working of the device high level of transistor and capaci- age. The THD of the proposed circuit with respect to output
tor matching is required. As we know that slew rate and peak to peak voltages at 1 kHz frequency and with a load
settling time is very much dependent on the compensating resistance of 1 KΩ is given in Fig. 12. Another THD plot
capacitor CC. Figure 11 shows the transient response of the is given with respect to different harmonic frequencies of
proposed circuit with a step input of ±100 mV for various 0.5 kHz with Vop-p (peak to peak output voltage) of 2 V and
capacitance values of the compensating capacitor and load load resistance of 1 KΩ is given in Fig. 13.
resistance of 1 KΩ. Table 2 lists the results in terms of slew The THD analysis has been done with respect to Vop-
rate, settling time, phase margin, and unity gain bandwidth p using different load resistances at 1 kHz frequency and
with respect to the values of compensating capacitor. The the highest peak of the graph has been noted along with
phase margin graph is started from 180°, because the out- the Vop-p at which the highest THD peak has resulted. The
put is referred to the inverting input. 180° and −180° both result has been tabulated in Table 3.
are same in AC simulation. The common mode gain, PSRR, ICMR and output
Table 2 shows that with increasing CC the UGB and voltage noise of the proposed circuit has been plotted in
slew rate of the circuit decreases as they should be. The Figs. 14, 15, 16 and 17 respectively. From Fig. 14 it can be
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