Epilepsi Mexico Diagnostico 2020
Epilepsi Mexico Diagnostico 2020
Epilepsi Mexico Diagnostico 2020
The current definition of epilepsy proposes three possibilities to consider this diagnosis, the first when a patient has two or
more unprovoked or reflex seizures in >24 h; the second, an unprovoked or reflex seizure with at least a 60% probability of
continuing to present seizures; and the third, the presence of an epileptic syndrome. The classification of the type of seizure
divides them into three possibilities depending on how they begin; they can be of focal, generalized, or unknown onset. Focal
seizures can be subclassified into those that have or have not lost consciousness, then categorized as to whether the symp-
toms are motor or non-motor, and further give a descriptor of the event, which is nothing else but the description of symptoms
and signs presented by the patient during his seizure. The classification of the type of epilepsy, proposes three diagnostic
levels, the first related to the type of seizure, the second to the type of epilepsy, and the third to the type of epileptic syndrome,
without forgetting etiology and comorbidity. These concepts are basic for the approach of any patient who presents epilepsy.
Juan Carlos Reséndiz-Aparicio
PPE, Instituto Nacional de Neurología y
Neurocirugía Dr. Manuel Velasco Suárez
Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil Dr. Juan N. Navarro Date of reception: 21-01-2019 Disponible en internet: 12-04-2019
Mexico City, Mexico Date of acceptance: 28-02-2019 Rev Mex Neuroci. 2019;20(2):63-68
E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.24875/RMN.M19000024 www.revmexneurociencia.com
1665-5044/© 2019. Academia Mexicana de Neurología A.C. Publicado por Permanyer México. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND
Rev Mex Neuroci. 2019;20
Aware Impaired
tonic clonic tonic clonic
clonic epileptic spasms
myoclonic Behavior arrest
myoclonic tonic clonic
myoclonic atonic
epileptic spasms*
epileptic spasms*
palpebral myoclonia
Behavior arrest
Due to inadequate information or inability to be included in another category
symmetrical or asymmetrical and that involves the same oral-facial, perseveration, sexual, undressing, vocaliza-
muscle groups. A myoclonic seizure is a brief (< 100 ms), tion, walking, or running.
sudden, involuntary, single or multiple contractions of
the muscles or muscle groups, with variable topography
(axial, proximal, or distal extremities). The myoclonic
seizure is less repetitive and sustained. Related with the senses, thus, in this case, are not
signs but symptoms. The most frequently reported
symptoms are: auditory, gustatory, olfactory, somato-
sensory, vestibular, visual, and pain.
Motor activity, which is more or less coordinated, that
generally occurs when awareness is deteriorated and
after which the subject is generally (but not always)
amnesiac. It commonly resembles a voluntary move- These are seizures that present as having an emotion
ment. The most frequent include: aggression, manual, as a prominent initial feature, such as fear, pleasure or
Rev Mex Neuroci. 2019;20
spontaneous euphoria, laughter, crying, expressed in seizure. It frequently occurs in clusters or bursts. Epi-
bursts, or flares. leptic spasms are more frequent in children but can
occur at all ages.
Absence seizures can be divided into four types:
Typical absence, atypical absence, myoclonic absence,
The most frequently reported data from this group and absence with palpebral myoclonus. Typical absen-
are: acalculia, aphasia, attention impairment, déjà vu ce seizures are of sudden onset, interrupting ongoing
or jamais vu phenomena, dysphasia, illusions, memory activities, blank stare, does not respond when spoken
impairment, forced thinking, altered responsiveness, or to, lasting from seconds to half a minute, and with very
hallucinations. quick recovery. It’s important to remember that the
word “absence” is not synonymous with blank stare
since this can also be encountered in focal onset
Alteration of the autonomic nervous system function, Atypical absence seizures show changes in tone that
which may involve the cardiovascular system, pupils, are more pronounced than in typical absence; the on-
diaphoresis, the gastrointestinal tract, vasomotor and set and cessation are not abrupt. Myoclonic absence
thermoregulation functions. presents with sudden, brief (<100 ms), involuntary,
In focal seizures, there are two sections that were not non-repetitive nor sustained, and absence. In absence
included in previous classifications, the epileptic spasm with palpebral myoclonus, we observe eyelids jerking
(previously only classified within generalized seizures) at a frequency under 3 per second, eyes commonly
and behavior arrest1,2. deviated upward, generally lasting <10 s, frequently
A focal onset seizure, with or without impaired awa- precipitated by ocular closure, with high possibility of
reness, motor or non-motor, can progress to a bilateral photosensitivity.
tonic-clonic activity. The term previously used for this
type of seizure was a secondary generalized partial
Question 9. When do we classify an
seizure. At present, we must classify it as a focal onset
epileptic seizure under the heading of
seizure that evolves into a bilateral tonic-clonic
unknown onset or unclassified?
The term bilateral tonic-clonic is used for focal seizu- When there is no evidence about the onset of the
res that propagate to both cerebral hemispheres, while seizure, focal or generalized, it may be classified under
generalized is for seizures that originate simultaneously the heading of unknown onset seizure, and in this case,
in both cerebral hemispheres. a limited classification can be carried out with the fin-
dings that were observed.
The heading “Unclassified” applies to the type of
Question 8. ¿How are generalized
seizure when there are no data described in the ILAE
epileptic seizures currently classified?
classification of 2017, either because the information is
They are divided into seizures with motor or inadequate or because of unusual characteristics1,2.
non-motor symptoms. Among those with motor, symp-
toms are the generalized tonic-clonic, clonic, tonic,
myoclonic, myoclonic-tonic-clonic, myoclonic-atonic
Question 10. How are epilepsy and
seizures, and the epileptic spasm. For non-motor,
epileptic syndromes classified?
there are absence seizures1,2. A myoclonic-tonic-clo- Since April 2017 the epilepsy classification set forth
nic is a type of generalized seizure that was not in- by the ILAE establishes three levels of diagnosis: the
cluded in the previous classification. These seizures first level is the type of seizure, which incorporates all
imply one or various bilateral jerks (myoclonic) of the of the concepts in all diagnostic levels revised pre-
extremities, followed by a tonic-clonic seizure1,2,8. Ato- viously, focal, generalized or of unknown onset, and
nic seizures present sudden loss or reduction in mus- now we have added two important concepts at all
cle tone involving musculature of the head, trunk, diagnostic levels: patient comorbidities (associated
mandible, or extremities. pathological entities) and etiology. Some patients can
The epileptic spasm is usually more sustained than only stay at this diagnostic level because it is not pos-
a myoclonic movement, but not as sustained as a tonic sible to study more, and this can be valid or be the
J.C. Reséndiz-Aparicio, et al.: Definition and classification of epilepsy
Comorb d t es
Epileptic Syndrome
first step in their evaluation. The second diagnostic Question 11. How are seizures and
level applies when there is at least one encephalo- epilepsy in the newborn classified?
gram and a cerebral imaging study. At this level one
There are various classifications for neonatal seizu-
must establish the type of epilepsy, which can be fo-
res. The Volpe classification9 considers the clinical fin-
cal, generalized, or combined; this is for focal, gene-
dings (mostly used by pediatricians and neonatologists)
ralized (which is common in various epileptic syndro-
and the Mizrahi classification10 considers the physiopa-
mes) or unknown type seizures. The etiologic diagnosis
thologic origin, be it epileptic or non-epileptic. In 2018,
can be in any of the following fields: structural, gene-
the ILAE issued a new proposal to classify seizures in
tic, infectious, metabolic, immune, or unknown. On
the newborn (Fig. 3) that includes four parts: the pre-
occasion there can be >1 etiology in the same patient,
sentation, established in the critically ill newborn who
for example, a patient with tuberous sclerosis that has
must be under vigilance in view of the possibility of a
cortical tubers would suggest a structural etiology, but
seizure; diagnosis, by performing a video-EEG; mani-
also genetic due to the base disease. The third diag-
festation, which could be by clinical signs or only elec-
nostic level constitutes an epileptic syndrome. A group
troencephalographic data; and fourth, the type of sei-
of characteristics that incorporates types of seizure,
zure, which could be with motor symptoms. It is called
specific EEG findings, characteristics form imaging
sequential when the symptoms in the newborn show a
studies, age-dependent frequency, age at onset, and
motor sequence and the seizure is of a non-motor type.
remission when applicable, specific triggers, varia-
tions during the day, on occasion prognosis, distincti- Recommendation Level of recommendation
ve comorbidities both intellectual and psychiatric, and It’s desirable for health R‑PPE
all can have implications on etiology and treatment. professionals to know the
current definition of epilepsy to
This classification eliminates the term benign which be able to apply it
has been substituted by the terms autolimited or drug
It’s desirable that health R‑PPE
responsive (Fig. 2). professionals know and apply
Epileptic syndromes can be classified by age groups, the current classification of the
as was established by the ILEA classification of 20107, types of epileptic seizures and
but that is subject for another Guide.
Rev Mex Neuroci. 2019;20
No seizure
Video EEG
(without EEG correlate) Diagnosis
(with EEG correlate)
epileptic spasms
Seizure type
Behavior arrest