Darshana Mala - दर्शनमाला
Darshana Mala - दर्शनमाला
Darshana Mala - दर्शनमाला
The DARSANA MALA is the most beloved work of Shri. Narayana Guru Devan.
It is a poem(Sanskrit) of one hundred verses, divided into ten chapters of ten verses each.
This is not unusual in the Indian tradition where aphoristic verses are often preferred to the long
verbose treatises which are the only form used by western philosophy. Panini's Grammar and
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are classic examples of this terse poetic style.
The DARSANA MALA is a mala, Sanskrit for a necklace or garland, of the "darsanas". A
darsana is more or less translatable as a school of philosophy or a thought-system.
Traditionally in India there are six schools, but here Narayana Guru has divided the poem into
ten and not six sections, which do not correspond strictly to the traditional darsanas. Perhaps
the word darsana could be translated here as "philosophical viewpoint".
For example, the first chapter's point of view is that the world is real and has a creator.
The next chapter will suppose the opposite; another will view the world as consciousness; yet
another from the point of view of action etc.
Thus, he presents ten possible visions of the universe, of ourselves and of the value or purpose
of life - which together comprise philosophy. These different viewpoints could be taken as
contradicting or excluding each other, especially in the context of western philosophy. The Guru
however links them together by a common thread of value which runs through them all. Each
darsana or "vision" is thus related structurally to the others, as are the verses inside each
The many possible systems of thought that may seem to contradict each other are brought
together by the Guru in this work and united by a common thread of value. Narayana Guru
adopts a different logic for each vision – he grades them by going progressively from the known
to the unknown, starting with the vision of a “real” world created by a “real” god, which is the
way most people see the universe.
In the first chapter, he starts in the Upanishadic tradition with "Adhyaropa" as the first Darsana.
Adhyaropa means “supposition”, as in:
“let us suppose this world is real”.
The second vision is Apavada: “non-supposition”
“let us suppose, as some philosophers do, that the world is not real”.
7. yada'tmavidyasamkocastada'vidya bhayankaram
namarupatmana'tyartham vibhatiha pisacavat
YADA, when,
ATMA VIDYA SAMKOCAH (BHAVATI), knowledge about the self shrinks,
TADA, then,
AVIDYA, nescience,
NAMA RUPA ATMANA, taking name and form,
PISACAVAT, ghost-like,
ATYARTHAM BHAYANKARAM, in most terrible fashion,
IHA, here,
VIBHATI, looms
EKASYA EVA, for one only (i.e. for the absolute alone which is the cause)
SATTA, existence,
ASTI, there is,
ANYASYA, for another (i.e. for the world which is an effect,
ASAU, in this existence,
KYA VIDYATE, where could it be,
SATI, within what exists,
SATTA, existence,
ASTI CET, if we say there is (existence is),
ATMASRAYAH, there is petitio principi, (i.e. tautology),
ASATI, within non-existence,
(SATTA ASTI, existence is),
YADI, if we should say,
ASAMBHAVAH, impossibility (i.e. contradiction),
API, also,
SYAD,would come to be
ATMA,the self,
KSHIRAVAT,like milk,
RUPA ANTARAM,to another form,
NA YATHA INDRAJALENA NIRMITAM,as if created by Indra's magic,
VIVARTAM VIDYATE,exists as (an eidetic) presentiment,
(i.e.being non-existent,it appears as existent)
VISVAM,the universe,
VRIDDHASYA,to the mature mind,
VIYADVANAM IVA,like a sky-forest,
ATMANI,in the self,
PUTRIKA RUPAM, puppet form,
BALASYA,to a child,
VIPARYAYAM IVA,as contrariwise (would seem)
YATHA,just as,
(GHATASYA) UTPATTEH PRAG,before the origin (of the pot),
ABHAVAH,the non-existence,
MRID-EVA,is the clay itself,
(TATHA JAGAT UTPATTEH PRAK),(in the same way, before the origin of the world),
YA BRAMANAH PRTHAK NA VIDYATE,what as other than the absolute is not there,
YA BRAHMA HI,what is the absolute indeed,
SA MAYA AMEYAVAIBHAVA,such is the negative principle of indeterminate possibility
SUKTIKAYAM,in the mother-of-pearl,
KALPITASYA,what is a presentiment,
RAJATASYA,of silver,
AJNANAM,lack of knowledge
NIDANAM,the basis,
ATMANI,in the self,
YAD,that which,
KALPITASYA,of what is imagined,
JAGATAH,as the world,
NIDANAM,the basis,
AJNANAM,lack of knowledge,
TAT-TAMAH-ITI-AVAGAMYATE,this is known as darkness
YATHA DRIG-DRISAM SVAYAM NA PASYATI,as with the eye that cannot see itself, (TATHA)
ATMA ATMANAM (SVAYAM) NA PASYATI,(so) the self does not see itself,
ATA ATMA NA BHASYATE HI,therefore indeed the self is not the object of consciousness,
ATMA-YAM PASYATI SA BHASYATE, that which the self sees is the object of consciousness
PARAMATMANA MANVE VADAMI GRIHNAMI,by the supreme self "I speak, I grasp",
SRINOMI-ITYADI RUPATAH,"I hear",in such forms,
KARMA KRIYATE,actions are accomplished,
CITENDRIYATMANA,by the self of pure reason and the senses (having the form of ego-sense
with motor senses)
ATMA,the self,
ASANGA EVA,is detached indeed,
AJNATAYA,due to ignorance,
SANGIVAT,as if attached,
KARMA KAROTI,does the action,
JNAH,the wise man,
NA KAROM-ITI,saying "I do nothing"
NA KARMASU SAJJATE,is not interested in action
8. astijanmarddhiparinatyapaksayavinasanam
sadbhavamiha yo yati sa nanyo'vikriyatmanah
2. ahantaya'ntarbahirasti yadevamidantaya
bhanavrttya'nvitam yattu jnanam sopadhikam
YAT,that which,
AHANTAYA BHANA VRITTYANVITAM ANTAH, accompanied by the active consciousness of
egoism inside,
EVAM YATTU,that by which again,
IDANTAYA (BHANA VRITTYANVITAM CA) ASTI,as if accompanied by active consciousness
thisness) as outside,
(TAT) JNANAM,(that) awareness,
MATAM,is understood to be conditioned
3. anatmanamahankaradinam yenanubhuyate
saksi tadatmajnanam syadyenaivamrtamasyate
ANATMAKAM,as pertaining to the non self,
ASANKHYAKAM,as innumerable,
AHANKAR ADI KARYAM,as effects such as egoism etc.,
YENA,by what,
AVAGAMYATE,awareness attains,
TAT,that,ANATMAJNANAM (ITI),as awareness of the non-self,
AVADHARYATE,it is said to be
5. yathavadvastuvijnanam rajjutattvabodhavat
YAYA,that by which,
SAHACARYA-SAMSKARA-JANYAYA,as originating in associative innate disposition,
JNANARUPAYA,having the form of awareness,
VRTTYA,by function,
MIYATE,are brought into awareness,
SA-ANUMITI,this is inferential (awareness)
1. bhaktiratmanusandhanamatma'nandaghano yatah
atmanamanusandhatte sadaivatmavidatmana
ATMAANUSANDHAMNAM,meditation on theself,
ANANDAGHANAH (BHAVATI),Consists of bliss,
TATAH,for that reason,
ATMAVID,a knower of the self,
ATMANAM,the self,
ATMANA,by the self,
SADA-EVA,forever always,
ANUSANDHATTE,meditates upon
BRAHMA,the absolute,
ANUSANDHIYATE,is meditated upon,
YATAH,because of this,
BRAHMA,the absolute,
ANANDAGHANAM, consists of bliss,
SADA BRAHMA-ANUSANDHANAM,constant meditation on the absolute,
BHAKTIHITI-AVAGAMYATE,is thus known as contemplation
SARVE,all,ANADAM-EVA,even bliss,
DHYAYANTI,do meditate,
NA (DHYAYATI),does not (meditate),
YAT,that which,
ANANDAPARAM,as pertaining to bliss,
(TAT),(that),BHAKTIH-ITI,as contemplation,
UPADISYATE,it is taught
YAD,that which,
CIDATMANI,in the reasoning self (i.e. in the absolute which is in the nature of wisdom)
MANAH,the mind,
YUNAKTI CA and gets united,
NIRODHA-RUPAH SAH AYAM,that which is of the form of restraint (of the mind),
ITI SAMSITAH,is praised to be
DRASHTA DARSANAM DRISYAM CA,the seer,the sight and
the seen,
NA VIDYATE,are not present,
TATRA,there (i.e. in the ultimate self),
HRIT,the heart (or mind),
YAVAT VASANA (VIDYATE),as long as incipient memory factors (are present),
YOJAYET,it should be joined,
AYAM YOGAH,such is yoga,
ITI YOGAVIT (VADATI),(says) the knower of yoga
4. cittasya tailadharavadvrttya'vichinnaya'tmani
nirantaram ramyate yatsayogo yogibhih smrtah
MANAH,the mind,
YATAH YATAH,from which or which other (interest),
TATAH TATAH,from that or that other,
ETAT,this (the mind),
NIYAMYA,having restrained,
ATMANI,in the self,
YOJAYET,should be joined,
AYAM YOGAH,this is yoga,
IHA,in this here, (yoga),
YUJYATAM,let it be united (i.e.let it be joined,let samadhi be practiced)
PUMSAM,for man,
SARVA-ANARTHA-KARAH,which is the source of all
KALPITAIH,with the objects of wilful
VASAN-JALAIH SAHA,together with the various incipient memory factors belonging to the will,
YENA,by whom,
ATMANI,in the self,
NIRUDHYATE,is restrained
YOGAVAYUNA,by the breeze of yoga,
VASIKRITYA, being drawn to its side,
YOJITAH,having attained to yoga union,
MANO-BHRINGAH,the bee that is the mind,
SVANANDA-MADHU-MADHURIM,the nectar sweetness of self-bliss,
PIBAN,while enjoying,
NA SPANDATI,does not flutter,
(TADA YOGA SYAT),(then yoga takes place)
9. dhyanamantantarbhruvordrstirjihvagram lambikordhvatah
yada syatkhecari mudra nidralasyadinasini
BHRUVOH,of the two eyebrows,
ANTAH,in the middle,
DHYANAM DRISTIH (CA),meditation and gaze,
LAMBIKA-URDHVATAH,placed beyond the uvula,
JIHVAGRAM (CA),the tip of the tongue also,
(SYAD),(takes place),
JIHVAGRAM (CA),the tip of the tongue also,
(SYAD),(takes place),
NIDRA-ALASYA-ADI-NASISNI,of sleep,fatigue etc., dispelling potency,
KHECARI-MUDRA,an attitude enabling one to attain the freedom of space
10. jnanam karmeti loke'smin dvidha yogah samasatah
anayoryogavistarah sarvah parisamapyate
ATISUDDHAM,the extra-pure,
PASCAT TRIDHA,again is of three kinds,
EKAM VARE,one in the elect (knower of the absolute),
EKAM VARIYASI,one in the more elect (superior knower of the absolute),
EKAM VARISHTHE,one in the most elect (most superior knower of the
SUDDHAM,the pure,
BRAHMAVIDI CA STHITAM,exists in the (simple) knower of the absolute
4. asuddhasuddham virajastamo'nyatsarajastamaha
mumuksau prathamam vidyat dvitiyam siddhikamisu
ASUDDHA-SUDDHAM,the impure-pure,
VIRAJAS-TAMAH,is without passion and inertia,
ANYAT,the other (i.e. the impure-impure),
SARAJAS-TAMAH,is with passion and inertia,
PRATHAMAM,the former,
MUMUKSHAU,(as) in one who desires liberation,
DVITIYAM,the latter,
SIDDHIKAMESU,(as) in those who desire psychic powers,
VIDYAT,is to be known
YAH,he who,
SARVA-KARMANI SAMNASYA,renouncing all action,
SATATAM BRAHMANISHTHAYA,always established in the absolute,
DEHA YATRA YAI,continuing the course of the daily life,
AVANAU CARATI,wandering in the world,
(SAH) BRAHMAVIDVARAH,(he) is the elect knower of the absolute
YAH,he who,
SVAYAM,by himself,
NA VETTI,does not know,
TATHAIVA VEDITAH-API,and likewise even when made to know,
NA (VETTI),(he) knows not,
SA VARISHTHAH,he is the most elect,
NYAM,such a one,
VRITTI-SUNYAH,void of activity,
KEVALAM BRAHMA,is the absolute alone (in himself)
ADVITIYAM,without a second,
BRAHMA EKAM-EVA (ASTI),one absolute alone (there is),
NA ANYAT ASTI,nothing else there is,
(ATRA) NA SAMSAYAH,(here) is no doubt,
ITI MATVA,having thus understood,
VIDVAN,the well-instructed one,
(ATRA) NA SAMSAYAH,(here) is no doubt,
ITI MATVA,having thus understood,
VIDVAN,the well-instructed one,
DVAITAT,from duality,
NIVARTTETA,should withdraw,
(SAH) PUNAH NA-AVARTTATE,(he) does not return again
|| ॐ तत ् सत ् ||
07 November 2009, 05:43 AM
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