Drug Registration Requirements in Sudan
Drug Registration Requirements in Sudan
Drug Registration Requirements in Sudan
facturing license (photocopy) for the company to manufacture pharmaceutical products for use in the country
alth authority in the same country.
ement of Licensing Status of Pharmaceutical Product (SLSPP) conforming to the format recommended by the
ion, issued by competent certifying authority in the of origin authenticated, certified and stamped by Sudan Em
P certificate issued by competent certifying authority country of origin authenticated, certified and stamped b
n country of origin.
ntries where the company is registered confirmed photocopies of the certificates of registration in those count
mation and details about the pharmaceutical including at least the following information:
address of both Chairman of Board of Directors and Managing Director of the company.
US $ of local sales of products manufactured in the during previous 12 months.
US S of exported products manufactured in the plan names of importing countries during previous 12 months.
an of the factory, indicating location and floor area buildings and facilities.
technical full-time staff of the factory, their posts and qualifications (Name : Post': Qualifications ).
jor equipment.
useful information about the company, its manufacturing plants and their products.
g to the Pharmacy and Poisons Act it is an offence to manufacture, import, sell, offer for sale any pharmaceuti
istered under the provisions of the Act, and regulations directives issued under the Act. So all applicants for
on of pharmaceutical products should be familiar with all such provisions and requirements issued by the Fed
Pharmacy. Directorate General of Pharmacy in the Federal Ministry of Health, the executive arm of the Boar
eutical products submitted for registration should be manufactured in a registered plant. The criteria for
on of a pharmaceutical product are:
ons for registration should -be submitted to the DGO according to the time schedule specified by the Directora
ector establishment authorized by the Pharmacy and Act to deal with The applicant should fill two copies of th
d applicant in typewriter and should not overlook any information require part of the form. The prescribed du
ould be fixed first copy of the form. The applicant should also pay the prescribed application and registration
h the receipt to the application form.
certifying the accuracy of documentation and information submitted for registration should also be filled by
g signed by responsible person specified by the applicant.
cant should present with the application form, these documentation and samples (as shown in registration
nts). All documents should be in English and/or Arabic.
synopsis should be submitted with the application it should cover all aspects of the documentation with refere
cuments in a reference list. The general synopsis should provide a concise review of the information required b
harmaceutical product to enable it to consider the for registration. The general synopsis should be an accurat
on in the manufacture full data file. Claimed about registered products should be shown.
on for registration is accepted only for products produced in registered manufacturing plants.
mporary pre-registration approval is required for local manufactured products, which enables the manufactu
n of new pharmaceutical product for final registration applicant should submit the following documentation.
d prescribed application forms in three copies and overlook any information required in any part of the form.
d duty stamps should be fixed to the first copy of the form.
on formula showing amount and specification for ingredient and purpose for its use.
method of manufacture.
method of analysis.
or certificate of analysis.
ype and material of packaging including pack sizes description of the inner and outer package.
ration Requirements:
ration file submitted should include the following documents.
WHO type Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product issued under WHO Certification Scheme on the Quality o
utical Products moving in International Commerce.
icate of the Pharmaceutical Product should be issued by competent authority in the exporting country as notif
ated and stamped by Sudan Embassy in country of
osition formula in the Certificate of the Pharmaceutical Product should show A the active and inactive ingred
/closure system.
ion formula
omplete composition and quantitative formula of that with justification and purpose of use of each ingredient w
g to reference book, which shows allowance for used ingredient for that purpose. This should show unit dose
ility of active and inactive ingredients and their effective product physicochemical properties should be shown
data on the active ingredient(s) chemical structure solubility of active ingredient in water and other solvents s
anol, acetone and buffers of different, pH, and other physicochemical properties
redient present in the form of salts or hydrate should be described quantitatively by their total mass and by th
iety of the molecules.
on on the chemical stability of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and physicochemical stability of relevant.
address of manufacturer of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(s) (API) including any alternative manufacture
ite attach a GMP certificate issued by the drug control authority.
edient is tested on the basis of a monograph in pharmacopoeia, it is sufficient to provide a copy of the monogr
with any test methods referenced but not duplicate monograph.
list of tests and limits for results for each experiment (solvent, liquid to adjust pH, coating materials, capsule
on the dosage from) including test method.
edient is tested on the basis of a monograph in a pharmacopoeia, it is sufficient to provide a copy of the mono
with any test methods referenced not in the monograph.
etails of any specifications additional to those in the pharmacopoeia, including microbiological limits for mat
s control procedures during manufacturing of the pharmaceutical product. Description of the finished product
ailed visual description of the finished product and packaging. Specifications of the finished product:
rmaceutical product applied for registration is including pharmacopoeia, its specification should be the same
dition of that Pharmacopoeia.
list of tests and limits for results for the finished pharmaceutical product details of test methods. If the ingredi
he basis of a monograph in a pharmacopoeia, provide copy of the monograph in that pharmacopoeia, togethe
eferenced but not duplicated in the monograph.
etails of any specifications additional to those in the pharmacopoeia. Provide both release and expiry limits fo
detailed method of analysis of the finished product determine its compliance with quality specifications
tion of active ingredient(s) of the finished product, purity, uniformity in performance, etc.). Difference betwee
ethod latest pharmacopoeial method should be justified.
he results of validation of the assay method for product formulation. For pharmacopoeial method provide data
ate that the method is applicable to this formulation.
other (e.g. outer) packaging, and state what materials are made from.
he specifications for any part of the container/closure system(s), which comes into contact with the product, or
, cover.
tal products, packaging components that will at and come into contact with any part of the product must comp
nts specified by the BP, USP, or EuP.
nformation and data about the stability of the container packaging materials to the product storage conditions
he results of stability testing of the formulation in the proposed marketing pack. Results should include physica
uld also be provided on the product's stability during a processing prior to use that may recommended on the l
nformation, such as reconstitution of a powder, dilute injection, or dispersion of a tablet.
proposed shelf life with justification in terms of the stability testing, and the difference between release and
ect to both locally manufactured or imported product additional stability studies are required whenever major
ons are made to formulation, manufacturing process, packaging of preparation.
e and lablel:
eling of the outer pack should include at least following information:
e name of the pharmaceutical product.
ame of the active ingredient(s) showing the amount of present in a dosage unit.
ecification of active ingredient(s)
ckage size for retail sale (number of dosage units, weight and description of unit).
gistration number of the pharmaceutical products (if registered)
armaceutical dosage form.
orage conditions and precautions.
anufacturing and expiry date and batch number (should be in an uncoded form).
arnings or precautions that may be necessary.
Others (measuring unit,.)
he name, country and address of the manufacturer
egal status for distribution purposes (e.g. to be distributor on prescription onlv)
Package insert
Method of administration and the route of administration not for oral use.
Name of excipients to be of a safety concern for some patients or known to have a recognized action or effect.
ling of the inner (primary) pack should include at least the following information:
he trade name of the pharmaceutical product and form.
ame of active ingredient(s) showing the amount of present in a dosage unit.
ecification of the active ingredient(s).
anufacturing and expiry date and batch number.
e name and country of the manufacturer.
ute of administration, (if not for oral use).
Package size for retail sale, (number of dosage units, volume or weight per pack) except for tablets, capsules
r injection and suppositories (rectal and vaginal)
he following information.
posed C&F price for registration in Sudan. The specification of entry should be indicated.
lesale and retail price in country of origin (certified authenticated and stamped from the competent authority
le sale price in other countries including neighbouring countries to Sudan and African countries.
posed retail price for registration in Sudan.
nding Category
ate dispending category (proposed method for distribution in the country of origin with justification of that
ation (Over the Counter), pharmacy only, hospital only or prescribed.
cy report:
pharmaceutical specialists submit detailed report of efficacy studies carried out on the product.
generic product submit detailed documentations of equivalence studies on the product in accordance to WHO
ndations, stamped and authenticated from the competent certifying authority in country of origin. This is requi
ached list.
ed advantage:
med advantage over the registered products should be shown and supported by reference to randomize, contr
ve trials. Details of these trials should be given in an appendix.
pecial requirements must be imposed on the storage of samples of Reference Standard are needed, their storag
should be written on the label of the inner and outer container.
nce, colour, shape, friability, hardness, uniformity, with its specification, uniformity or thickness and diameter
on, moisture and dissolution in full details.
nce, moisture,' colour, shape, brittleness, dissolutic description of appearance and the colour of the filled mat
y of weight with its specifications.
nce, colour, odour, pH, viscosity. It is recommended that a heating - cooling cycle to be employed between 4-4
nce, colour, odour, clarity of solution, pH
and Elexirs:
on of colour, odour, taste and appearance, etc. pH specifications, refractive index with its specification, speci
with specification, colouring matters, flavour and preservatives used.
ble preparations
ontainer and sealing
nce, colour, clarity of solution, uniformity of weight, preservative (if applicable) and pH.
ion of solution on reconstitution of powder for injection, stability and strength through the recommended stor
reconstitution of powder for injection.
nce, shape, colour, uniformity of weight, disintegration, or melting time with specification.
ol pharmaceutical:
ty of content (with limitation).
nt used
gredient/propellant ratio
ological data:
ose toxicity, species used and route(s) of administration
dose toxicity, species, dose, duration, numbers a methods of evaluation
ction toxicity, dose, species and numbers of animal studies of teratogenic and embryotoxic effects.
cokinetic information to validate interspecies comparison toxicity
al Pharmacology:
action relevant to the proposed therapeutic use.
pharmacology on vital body systems.
ncentration effect relationship of primary or generation W pharmacological action
on, distribution, biotransformation and main routes elimination.
rapeutic efficacy:
ed trials carried out to support each claimed indication
nge use, modification of dosage in special group, e.g. children,
ly or malnourished individual, patients, with other irreversible effects.
ons with other drugs like to be given concurrently.
on with specific foods
e concerning dependency potential
drug been used in pregnancy? Is it excreted in bre Specific contraindications
endations concerning treatment of overdose or antidotes.
ng letter with explanations
al of health authorities in the country of origin for company name authenticated
ped by Sudan Embassy, country of origin
ertificate of Pharmaceutical product for the new company name issued by the
horities in country of origin (as notified to WHO), certified by Ministry of
ffairs, authenticated stamped by Sudan
n country of origin.
mples from each, labeled with the new and old company name
ertificate of analysis.