Starkville Dispatch Eedition 11-27-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Friday | November 27, 2020


Revisiting Mississippi State’s 1936 win over Ole Miss
[email protected]

n a rivalry marred by absurd end-
ings, Saturday brings the latest
chapter of the annual Battle for the
Golden Egg.
After the Southeastern Conference
bumped the start of this season to
late September coupled with slews of
cancellations related to the COVID-19
pandemic, this year’s 93rd edition of Ole
Miss and Mississippi State’s longstand-
ing feud will not be played during the
final week of the season for just the
ninth time ever. It also marks just the
second time in 119-year history of the
rivalry that MSU will play two regular
season games after the Egg Bowl.
The only other time it happened?
1936 — a season in which MSU, then
named Mississippi State College,
snapped a decade-long winless streak to
the Rebels and appeared in the school’s
first ever bowl game.
“It’s only the Ole Miss-State college
feud, fanned to life again by the autumn
winds of late fall football,” Reflector
sports editor Hunter Cox wrote at the
time. “But wotta game!”

‘Just watch us down there’ Mississippi State’s 26-6 win

over Ole Miss in 1936 gave the
The Mississippi State athletic depart-
Maroons their first Egg Bowl win
ment was in shambles when Mitchell since 1926. The Maroons went
Robinson joined the administration in on to their first ever bowl appear-
1932. ance later that year, falling to
A Jackson native and former student Duquesne 13-12 in the Orange
at Augusta Military Academy, Millsaps Bowl. — Courtesy photos/Missis-
College and, eventually, Mississippi sippi State Special Collections
State, Robinson previously served as a
partner at Robinson and Julienne, Gen-
eral Insurance for more than a decade.
With a keen business mind and a sharp,
military-based way of thinking, he insti-
tuted stark changes in an MSU athletic
department that was wrought with poor
facilities, underfunding and dysfunction
upon his arrival as the college secretary
— now known as the vice president of
business affairs.
Robinson instituted The Athletics
Board of Control, functionally a board
of directors to control the athletic
department and advance its deplorable
conditions. He was also heavily involved
in the hiring of Major Ralph Sasse as
the school’s football coach in 1935.

Area hospitals see spike in COVID cases, have not reached ICU capacity
Total cases surpass 6,000 in Golden cent data available on the
Mississippi State Depart-
149 new cases and Lown-
des saw 118, compared
of trustees
“We think we can see a
maximum of 15, and once
Triangle since pandemic began ment of Health website. to 107 and 113 last week, The hos- we get to 15 we’re talking
Clay County has had 899 respectively. Clay County pital saw about diversion (to other
BY TESS VRBIN symptomatic patients per cases and 27 deaths, and had 72 new cases and Nox- three to five hospitals),” he said.
[email protected] day. Noxubee County has had ubee County had 29. COVID-pos- As of Tuesday, OCH
As of 6 p.m. Wednesday, 700 cases and 17 deaths. OCH Regional Medical itive patients has eight COVID-positive
COVID-19 cases in the Oktibbeha County has had The four counties now Center saw an increase per day in Jackson patients, four of whom are
four Golden Triangle coun- 2,435 positive COVID-19 have compiled a total of in COVID-19 coronavirus October but in the Intensive Care unit,
ties continue to increase as cases and 62 deaths, and 6,362 cases since the pan- patients in the past two has seen an average of which has six beds, Chief
the holiday season begins Lowndes County has had demic began. weeks as cases in the area eight to 10 per day recent- Medical Officer Todd
and local hospitals con- 2,328 cases and 64 deaths, Oktibbeha County saw have risen, CEO Jim Jack- ly, with a maximum of 12 at Smith said.
tinue to manage several according to the most re- the sharpest increase with son said at Tuesday’s board one point, Jackson said. See COVID, 3A


1 Joaquin Phoenix, co-star in the films Monday, Nov. 30 MEETINGS
“Her” and “Gladiator,” was born in Dec. 1: Starkville
■ Virtual Christmas Tree Light-
what U.S. territory in 1974? Board of Alder-
2 What singer-songwriter is known for ing: Columbus lights its city tree
men meeting,
often keeping her face hidden under a via Facebook Live and WCBI at 6
p.m., with carolers and special 5:30 p.m., City
shaggy wig?
3 What is both the Greek god of music guests including Santa and Miz Hall
and a longtime NASA program? Claus. Virtually chat with Santa Dec. 7: Oktibbe-
James Shepperd
4 Who wrote a memoir titled “The following the lighting. Main Street ha County Board
First grade, Annunciation
Princess Diarist,” which topped best- Columbus, 662-328-6305. of Supervisors

66 Low 47
seller charts in early 2017? meeting, 9 a.m.,
High 5 What kind of illnesses are Petya,
Showers likely
ILOVEYOU and CryptoLocker?
Answers, 6B
Tuesday, Dec. 1 Chancery Court-
Full forecast on ■ “Deck the Halls”: Lowndes
County Master Gardeners host a Dec. 8:
page 3A.
Christmas decorating seminar at Starkville-Ok-
10 a.m. via Zoom. (Members may tibbeha Consol-
INSIDE sign up to attend in person at the idated School
Lowndes Extension office, if de- District Board of
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A
Comics 4B Opinions 4A sired.) Register for the video con- Willie Williams lives in West Point. Trustees meet-
Crossword 6B Religion 5B ference at He has been a referee for high ing, 6 p.m., 401
Dear Abby 4B to receive a link. 662-328-2111. school sporting events for 15 years. Greensboro St.


2A FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump says he’ll leave if Electoral College seats Biden

President announced that he will travel to then that might alter the results.
“This has a long way to go,”
lomatic Reception Room after
holding a teleconference with
Trump’s administration has
already given the green light for
Georgia to rally supporters ahead of two Trump said, even though he
U.S. military leaders stationed
across the globe. He thanked
a formal transition to get under-
way. But Trump took issue with
Senate runoff elections that will determine The fact that a sitting Amer-
ican president even had to ad-
them for their service and jok-
ingly warned them not to eat too
Biden moving forward.
“I think it’s not right that he’s
which party controls the Senate dress whether or not he would much turkey, then turned to the trying to pick a Cabinet,” Trump
leave office after losing reelec- election after ending the call. said, even though officials from
BY JILL COLVIN — as he spent his Thanksgiving tion underscores the extent to He repeated grievances and both teams are already working
The Associated Press renewing baseless claims that which Trump has smashed one angrily denounced officials in together to get Biden’s team up
“massive fraud” and crooked convention after another over Georgia and Pennsylvania, two to speed.
WA S H I N G - officials in battleground states the last three weeks. While key swing states that helped And as he refused to con-
TON — Pres- caused his election defeat. there is no evidence of the kind give Biden the win. cede, Trump announced that
ident Donald “Certainly I will. But you of widespread fraud Trump has Trump claimed, despite the he will be traveling to Georgia
Trump said know that,” Trump said Thurs- been alleging, he and his legal results, that this may not be his to rally supporters ahead of two
Thursday that day when asked whether he team have nonetheless been last Thanksgiving at the White Senate runoff elections that will
he will leave the would vacate the building, al- working to cast doubt on the House. And he insisted there determine which party controls
White House if lowing a peaceful transition of integrity of the election and try- had been “massive fraud,” even the Senate. Trump said the rally
the Electoral Col- power in January. But Trump ing to overturn voters’ will in an though state officials and inter- for Republican Sens. David Per-
lege formalizes — taking questions for the unprecedented breach of demo- national observers have said due and Kelly Loeffler would
President-Elect Joe Biden’s vic- first time since Election Day cratic norms. no evidence of that exists and likely be held Saturday. The
tory — even as he insisted such — insisted that “a lot of things” Trump spoke to reporters in Trump’s campaign has repeat- White House later clarified he
a decision would be a “mistake” would happen between now and the White House’s ornate Dip- edly failed in court. had meant Dec. 5.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH of arrangements. Linda James formerly employed as
OBITUARY POLICY Mr. Gregory was a mail handler with the
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS — Lin-
tion including visitation and
born Feb. 2, 1947, in da Ann Hill Grandberry U.S. Postal Service and
service times, are provided Columbus, to the late “Grand- was a member of Greater
free of charge. Extended Johnny Gregory and New Canaan Baptist
Nu” James,
obituaries with a photograph, Lillie C. Neal. He was a Church.
73, died
detailed biographical informa- graduate of R.E. Hunt In addition to her par-
Nov. 19,
tion and other details families High School and a ents, she was preceded
may wish to include, are avail- 2020, at her
member of Shiloh Full in death by her husband,
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Gospel M.B, Church. residence.
be submitted through funeral Grave- Same James; siblings,
homes unless the deceased’s He is survived by Ora Maddine Twine, Tal-
his wife, Brindle Greg- side ser- James
body has been donated to
vices will ma Sue Hill, Henry Jeff
science. If the deceased’s ory; daughter, Janice Hill and Jessie R. Hill;
body was donated to science, Davis of Grand Rapids, be at 2 p.m. Saturday, in
the family must provide official Hopewell M.B. Church and one great-grand-
Michigan; stepdaugh- child.
proof of death. Please submit
ter, Ashley Ashford of Cemetery, with the Rev.
all obituaries on the form pro-
Tommy Shelton officiat- She is survived by her
vided by The Commercial Dis- Columbus; siblings, children, William Lamar
Isola Gregory of St. ing. Visitation is from 2-6
patch. Free notices must be
p.m. today, at Carter’s Gradberry of Florence,
submitted to the newspaper Louis, Missouri, Ber- South Carolina, Norvell
no later than 3 p.m. the day enice Vaughn-Forte’, Funeral Services. Car-
Ray Grandberry and
prior for publication Tuesday Henry Neal Jr. both of ter’s Funeral Services of
through Friday; no later than 4 Travette Denea Grand-
Columbus and Brenda Columbus is in charge of
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday berry-Lewis of Colum-
Ree of Brooksville; and arrangements.
edition; and no later than 7:30 bus; 10 grandchildren;
a.m. for the Monday edition. two grandchildren. Mrs. James was born
and 11 great-grandchil-
Incomplete notices must be re- Pallbearers will be May 14, 1947, in Fort
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. George Turner, Tim Worth, Texas, to the late
for the Monday through Friday See OBITUARIES, 5A
Edwards, James Butler Henry E. Hill and Emma
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
and James Johnson Jr. Mae Hill. She was
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
p.m. for Sunday and Monday
publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.

Louise Robinson
Louise Hicks Robin-
son, 58, died Nov. 20,
2020, in West Point.
Graveside services
will be at 2 p.m. Sun-
day, in New Prospect
Cemetery. Visitation
will be from 2-6 p.m.
Saturday, at West Me-
morial Funeral Home.
West Memorial Funer-
al Home of Starkville
is in charge of arrange-
She is survived by
her husband, Richard;
mother, Emma L. Ho-
gan; children, Kennie,
Kendrick and Kyle;
siblings, Helen Peo-
ples, Sabrina Williams,
Audrey Williams,
Eloise Carter, Tequila
Stallings, Lenora and
Ledora Hogan, Quincy
Stallings and Frankie
Hogan; and six grand-

Hunter Gregory
Hunter Lee “Charles”
73, died
Nov. 20,
2020, at
side services will be at
noon Sunday, in Memo-
rial Gardens, with Otis
Washington officiating.
Visitation will be from
noon-5 p.m. Saturday,
at Carter’s Funeral
Services. Carter’s
Funeral Services of
Columbus is in charge
The Dispatch • FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 2020 3A

Mississippi hospitals using antibody therapy to help fight virus

The new therapy can be used by high-risk patients who have tested of Mississippi Medical Center
Assistant Vice-Chancellor for
Pinkerton said the treatment
is the latest in a string of “good
positive for the virus and have not yet been hospitalized Clinical Affairs, last week at a
briefing with press.
science” coming out to help
physicians fight the virus.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Monoclonal antibodies were The one dose is administered George Regional Hospital Wiggins Mayor Joel Miles,
approved on Nov. 21 through intravenously and can be used in Lucedale administered the
who tested positive for corona-
JACKSON — Mississippi emergency use authorization in individuals ages 12 or older, treatment for the first time to
hospitals are administering a virus earlier this month, was
by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad- according to the Mississippi two COVID-19 positive patients
new antibody therapy to coro- ministration. The therapy can State Department of Health. last Friday, WLOX-TV reports. treated with monoclonal anti-
navirus patients in hopes that it be used by high-risk patients “The goal is to keep them out Days later, both patients were bodies on Monday. Miles told
will improve outcomes and limit who have tested positive for the of the hospital and keep them doing well with few symptoms, WLOX that a day later he expe-
hospitalizations as new cases of virus and have not yet been hos- from decompensating more,” George Regional Hospital Chief rienced his first fever-free day
coronavirus are on the rise. pitalized. said Dr. Alan Jones, University of Staff Dr. Jay Pinkerton said. since November 14th.

COVID City of Jackson

Continued from Page 1A
Baptist Memorial
Hospital-Golden Trian-
COVID-positive employ-
ees must self-isolate for
and NMMC-Tupelo Pres-
ident David Wilson asks
For the week of Nov.
16, Annunciation Catho- officially approves
flying of new state flag
gle in Columbus had 22 10 days after symptoms Gov. Tate Reeves to in- lic School in Columbus,
COVID-positive patients begin or 10 days after stitute a statewide mask Millcreek of Golden Tri-
as of Wednesday morn- testing positive if they do mandate to curb the angle in Columbus, Mag-
ing, pulmonologist Peter not show symptoms. spread of the virus. nolia Christian School THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Tofts told The Dispatch, NMHS follows the “We believe the last in Macon and Starkville
and nine were in the ICU, CDC’s quarantine guide- place anyone wants to Christian School and Oak JACKSON — Mississippi’s capital is the lat-
which has 18 beds. lines, Blanchard said, be for Christmas is in an Hill Academy in West est place where officials have decided to fly the
Tupelo-based North which call for 14 days of ICU,” the letter states. Point reported no new new state flag ahead of legislative approval in
Mississippi Health Ser- quarantine if exposed to cases among students or January.
vices, which includes COVID-19. Area schools staff, MSDH data shows. Jackson will fly the flag, which voters ap-
North Mississippi Med- Some states allow The Lowndes County Other private schools in proved Nov. 3. It is decorated with a magnolia
ical Center-West Point, COVID-positive citizens School District saw its the area were not listed and the phrase “In God We Trust,” replacing a
has seen a total of 71 to continue to work as largest weekly increase as reporting to MSDH. Confederate-themed flag state lawmakers re-
COVID-positive inpa- long as they do not show in new cases with 29, the Mississippi State tired months ago as part of the national reckon-
tients throughout its symptoms, which Carter University publishes
majority coming from ing over racial injustice.
system as of Wednesday, said hopefully will not be daily COVID-19 case
15 students and staff at The state Legislature will formally enact the
according to the NMHS allowed to happen in Mis- updates on its website.
New Hope High School, new flag into law at the start of the 2021 session
website. Chief Medical sissippi. As of Wednesday, MSU
according to data up- in January. After that, the flag will be flown at
Officer Jeremy Blanchard had 109 positive student
dated every Monday at public buildings across the state.
declined to provide The
Dispatch with data specif-
Getting vaccine access ht t p s://w w w.low ndes . cases and five employee However, many officials across Mississippi
All three hospitals said The district cases. There were 46 pos- have already made the decision to begin flying
ic to NMMC-West Point.
they are in the process of has had a total of 148 cas- itive student cases and the new flag ahead of time. The day after the
Blanchard also declined
completing paperwork to es since the start of the eight employee cases as election, the new flag was hoisted outside City
to say how many employ-
get access to one of the school year. of Nov. 18. Hall in Hattiesburg and on the campus of the
ees systemwide have test-
COVID-19 vaccines cur- As of press time, the Mississippi University University of Mississippi in Oxford.
ed positive for COVID-19.
rently in production by St a rk v il le - Ok t ibbeha for Women has not up- In a unanimous decision, the Jackson City
Smith estimated about
20 of OCH’s 650 employ- national pharmaceutical Consolidated School Dis- dated its case data on its Council on Tuesday agreed to display the new
ees have tested positive companies. trict and the Columbus website since last week. state flag at City Hall and city-owned properties
for the virus during the The Food and Drug Municipal School Dis- MUW had two new cases across the city, The Clarion Ledger reports.
pandemic, but OCH Chief Administration recently trict had not disclosed among staff and four new “This is the capital,” said Councilman Ken-
of Staff Will Carter said authorized the use of an COVID-19 data from the cases among students neth Stokes, who requested the city begin flying
the actual number is like- antibody drug to treat week of Nov. 16 to Nov. during the week of Nov. the flag in an order on the council agenda. “It’s
ly higher, and a positive COVID-19, and Smith 20. SOCSD had nine pos- 16 to Nov. 20 and has the largest city in the state. It just seems like the
antibody test showed he said OCH is developing itive cases among stu- seen a total of 70 cases right step.”
had the virus at one point. plans to administer it and dents and three among since Aug. 14. Stokes wrote in his order that the council’s
Health care workers will hopefully be ready staff during the week of Mississippi has seen approval will “evidence the full support of the
are considered essential within the next week. Nov. 9, and CMSD had a total of 147,382 cases city of Jackson to the flying of the new state
and therefore not sub- “This medicine is for one student and three of COVID-19, with 1,746 flag.”
ject to strict quarantine the mild and early stages staff cases in the same new cases from Tuesday When the new flag goes up remains unclear.
requirements if they test of COVID to hopefully time period. to Wednesday alone, and The city’s chief administrative officer, Robert
positive for the virus, mitigate or prevent hos- School districts are re- 3,763 deaths, according Blaine, told the Clarion Ledger he will assess
Jackson said, and the sys- pitalization, because the quired to report the num- to MSDH data. how many flags will be needed in Jackson.
tem could not function if success rate does not ber of COVID-19 cases
an entire ward or depart- tend to fare well once among staff and students
ment temporarily shut (people) become hospi- to MSDH weekly. When
down due to virus expo- talized,” Smith said Tues- schools report fewer than
sure. day. five confirmed COVID-19
Instead, a COVID-pos- The FDA’s specific cri- cases in a week, MSDH
itive employee must teria for who can receive lists the number as be-
quarantine for 10 days the medication include tween one and five.
and can return as long being over 12 years of West Point Consol-
as they show “a reduc- age and not being admit- idated School District
tion in symptoms” and ted to a hospital. reported one to five new
have been fever-free for About 12.5 million cases in three buildings
24 hours, Jackson said. people nationwide have — therefore ranging
These employees must contracted COVID-19 from three to fifteen new
wear protective equip- since Jan. 21, according cases — from Nov. 16
ment including masks to the Centers for Dis- through Nov. 20, accord-
and goggles, and keeping ease Control and Preven- ing to the MSDH website.
the workspace clean is tion, with 52 new cases None of the schools
also necessary, he said. per 100,000 people in the within the Noxubee
Baptist employee past week as of Wednes- County School District
health nurse Johnny day afternoon. is listed as reporting to
Judson said 92 of the An open letter dated MSDH. Superintendent
hospital’s 1,182 employ- Nov. 24 on the NMHS Rodriguez Broadnax
ees have tested positive website from Blanchard, could not be reached for
for COVID as of Nov. 1. NMHS CEO Shane Spees comment by press time.

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Fri. Sat.
Major 10:31p —
Minor 5:01p 5:30p
Major 10:52a 11:33a
Minor 5:35a 6:29a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Voice of the people

kill everybody.” pi. I know many including my- going to be confronted with

Encourages Christmas lights Since I am unwilling to risk self that didn’t have to go other a deep recession, or maybe a
the gym, my exercise is walk- places to have a satisfying life depression, after replacing a
ing. Most days, I walk the Riv- by staying in “Possum Town.” Republican president.
With COVID-19 in mind, I think it would be a great idea for erwalk. The last dozen times I I have not made a fortune, but Reeves states young chil-
Columbus homeowners and surrounding areas to light up the walked there, only one person through hard work have made dren have suffered from in-
holiday nights with Christmas lights on their property. While I passed was masked. I do a lot a good life for my family. I live doctrination in far left socialist
we remain socially distanced, there’s nothing to prevent of walking on the grass about teachings. Name them!
in a home that was built in the
families from doing a drive by to see the twinkling lights. ten feet from the walkway. My Michael Cohen’s, Trump’s
late 40’s in a subdivision that
Just as we did with the teddy bears and stuffed animals so least favorite thing there is the personal attorney for over 10
is subject to flooding, but it’s
small children could discover them while out and walking, the long bridges with bare-faced years, says Trump makes fun
groups lounging and talking. home and it’s paid for. I think of Christians.
lights are in like fashion. Merry Christmas, and I hope to see your father and brother have
lots of lights. Raymond Deskins, in Cohen says when the
Virginia, has been charged done well. Mr. Edwards of J5 religious leaders were praying
Ed Oakes
with assault for deliberately has done well from all reports. for Trump and laying hands on
blowing on women asking him So what is your point? Is it a him, he asked Cohen, can you
to wear a mask. Should one of “racial” thing? believe there are people that
Believes knowledge of civics responsibilities. the women die of COVID-19, A final thought: Mr. Biden believe that bulls--t?
is missing among Americans American’s need to edu- perhaps he will be charged might be our new President, It’s my opinion, if we are a
I realize that The Commer- cate themselves in how our with homicide. He was, after the jury is still out with the Christian nation, Trump would
cial Dispatch leans Left in country’s government actually all, trying to kill them. voting irregularities. If he is, never have been nominated for
their political ideology. I am a works. Governor Reeves has for the life of America I hope president, much less elected.
Conservative Constitutionalist. “The United States of extended his mask mandate to he’s up to the job, but with his Steve Bannon, once Trump’s
The majority of the time we America is a Constitutional Lowndes County, adding his cabinet appointees he has re- the chief strategist, just re-
will disagree about political Republic and not a Democracy. mandate to the one already leased, I have my doubts. Free cently tweeted on Facebook,
issues and that is okay. A Democracy is not a Constitu- in force locally. I doubt it will health for illegals, Green New saying Dr. Fauci and Wray, the
The First Amendment of tional Republic. It is important have much effect. A rule not Deal, firearm confiscation, director of the FBI, should be
our Constitution protects our to know the difference.” enforced is not a rule. open borders and weakening beheaded.
freedom of speech and free- It is imperative that “We Bill Gillmore our military. To the support- Giuliani, Trump’s personal
dom of the press among other the people” educate ourselves Columbus ers, you do have Harris as a lawyer, made motion with hand
things. Everyone is entitled to about what is occurring in our backup. I pray that if Mr. Biden across the throat, to cut heads
their own opinions. However, country. We are voting our is inaugurated, he will support off of top Democrats.
the media should be non bias freedoms away. Constitutional Comments on recent items Israel. If he doesn’t, America’s Trump’s rhetoric is similar
in reporting. At one time (pre Republic > Democracy Repub- in the paper days will be numbered. Look at to Jim Jones, who poisoned
Obama) the media was able lic > Democratic Socialism > In the November 24 edition Genesis 12:3. over 900 of his cult followers,
and could consistently report Socialism > Marxist Socialism of The Dispatch it was stated God Bless America! says massacre survivor, with
information in this manner Wake up America! “Columbus ends FY2020 with Lee Roy Lollar his constant bullying and
but not anymore. I read the Candi Vezina a $2.8M surplus.” In normal Columbus intimidation.
paper and watch the news to Columbus times that would be good news, Editor’s note: This letter Trump has never been in a
be better informed but I do not but the amount of debt was makes reference to presidential situation where he couldn’t lie,
need to be manipulated how not mentioned: $35-40 million steal, cheat or buy himself out
to think. It is up to the individ-
A rule not enforced... and counting. The city has
voting irregularities. There
has been no evidence presented of, until now, according to his
In the novel CATCH-22, set refinanced the loans for street
ual to determine what is best that supports widespread voting niece.
in WWII, Captain Yossarian paving years ago from some- Now, under Trump, we have
for “we the people” and how irregularities, though some legal
we want the government run says to Clevinger, “They’re try- one that doesn’t care about all these hate groups that are
challenges to the vote counts are
to protect our Constitutional ing to kill me.” After learning Moody’s credit rating. The only thriving.
still pending.
rights and to protect our coun- that Yossarian is referring to time you can get a loan with a They even had plans to
try from enemies foreign and the enemy, Clevinger answers, bad credit rating as an indi- kidnap the governor of Mich-
domestic. “They’re not trying to kill you. vidual, you pay a high interest Alarmed with direction of igan, try her for treason, with
Our forefathers were ex- They’re trying to kill every- rate. Maybe it is different for a country under Trump 200 more militia men standing
tremely intelligent men that set body.” Yossarian says, “What’s municipality. Please enlighten Governor Reeves states by to take over the state capitol
up a Constitutional Republic the difference?” me! Using a metaphor, “pay- revisionism has aimed to tear and burn it down.
as our form of government. A I feel like Yossarian. I am day someday” sound familiar? down American institutions, Before this could happen, it
constitutional republic gives well past my three score and Saving money has come at a and is poisoning a generation. was stopped by the FBI, head-
“we the people” the power to ten, and have type AB blood, cost from Columbus’ finest: Reeves has been a staunch ed by Wray, the man Bannon
elect the chief executive and which studies have shown to our policemen and firemen supporter of Trump. wanted to behead, and 14 of
representatives to govern our have the worst outcomes from and women. Both departments Monday, more than 100 them were arrested.
country. They do not have un- COVID-19 infections. Bare- are understaffed, underpaid former Republican national se- Marjorie Greene, a member
limited or uncontrolled power. faced people are trying to kill and overworked. But we are curity officials demanded party of QAnon, a hate group that
The Constitution was framed me. They are everywhere. My saving millions? At what cost? leaders denounce Trump’s Trump loves, was just elected
to give “we the people” the We have an amphitheater refusal to concede the pres- to be a Senator from Georgia,
partner and I went to an estate
power to protect our country not finished with a $400,000 idential election, calling it a who is known for promoting
sale with several items of great
from a tyrannical government. entrance, a new fire station that dangerous and anti-democratic conspiracy and bigoted views.
interest, but when we opened
Civics, a social science has been under construction assault on U.S. institutions. Larry Hogan, Republican
to door to the house, five for five years at a cost of $1 mil-
dealing with the rights and I don’t know what the Re- governor of Maryland, says
unmasked people were sitting lion-plus (originally budgeted publican party stands for, cer-
duties of citizens needs to be with Trump and the Repub-
inside chatting. We left. I went at $650,000 or so), streets that tainly under Trump, not truth
taught in schools. I seriously licans trying to steal the
doubt that most people would to Military Hardware for some are terrible, overgrown ditches and honesty. Maybe some of election, we’re like a Banana
be able to pass the citizenship bolts. All the customers were and stopped-up drainage, but a you never-Bideners can tell me. Republic.
test. Americans have become masked, but only the 20-year- lot of pretty flower in the down- They used to be the party of Socialism? Well, compared
quite lazy and seem willing to old clerk was masked. All the town area. family values and fiscal respon- to the above, it may be worth
be “spoon fed” how to think rest of the staff were bare- On Nov. 25 Andrew Colom sibility. But not anymore. a try.
and what to do. It is not okay to faced. They were trying to kill wrote a column slamming the For the second time in a James Hodges
be ignorant of our rights and me. “No, Bill, they’re trying to “Friendly City” and Mississip- row, a Democrat president is Steens


Giving thanks and maintaining perspective, even in a pandemic

Editor’s note: The follow- agriculture is shrinking, Let’s be thankful for the billionaire for the rest of society. Larry Ellison,
ing column was intended and the share of wildlands and millionaire investors who, at their co-founder, executive chairman, and
to run in the Thanksgiving and oceans that are pre- own risk, have invested billions of chief technology officer of Oracle: $3
Day paper, but is running to- served is on the rise. dollars to make new drugs, new tests trillion. Larry Page and Sergey Brin,
day due to space constraints Global absolute poverty and, eventually, new vaccines. Let’s cofounders of Google: $5 trillion.”
yesterday. is falling. In the 1800s, 90% not forget the billionaires and million- Finally, let’s give thanks for this
of people lived in poverty, aires who create innovative companies wonderful country we live in and the

ona Charen is off on $2 a day. Today, that such as Amazon, Apple or Walmart, generous people within it. We just
this week. The number has dropped to either. In the best-case scenario, we experienced a terrible year. Tragedy,
following column 8%. The size of the world’s take these entrepreneurs for granted. deaths, the pandemic and political
is by Veronique de Rugy. population living in slums At worst, we drag them through the fights tore us apart. And yet, through
Every Thanksgiving, has declined drastically. mud and accuse them of being greedy it all, through yelling and screaming,
we make a conscious effort Veronique de Rugy Vaccination rates continue and self-interested jerks. through the many tears shed, it’s im-
to give thanks. This year, to increase, saving the lives Self-interested they may be, though portant to recognize all of the remark-
even in the midst of a pan-
demic, I’d encourage you
America’s of millions of adults and
children around the world
their innovations benefit us all enor-
mously. In fact, those inventions ben-
able acts of charity and love that fellow
Americans have shown one another:
to be genuinely grateful for
everything you may take
civil society who, not too long ago,
would have been killed by
efit us much more than they benefit
the entrepreneurs. Nobel Laureate
young people delivering food to elder-
ly neighbors housebound by the virus,
for granted. There is still
so very much.
is like no other diseases that we no longer
worry about today. Child
William Nordhaus’ work shows that
successful innovators in the United
breweries making hand sanitizers for
their consumers and communities,
Let’s be thankful that
we continue to do so much
that I know labor is declining. So are
workplace accidents, as are
States during the second half of the
20th century personally captured, on
church volunteers feeding the poor,
donors filling the coffers of thousands
better on a global scale. of. Americans most forms of violence and average, a mere 2% of the social value of charitable organizations devoted to
Dwelling on apocalyptic infant mortality. The list of their innovations; 98% of the value those in need.
headlines might lead some are the most goes on and on. created by their innovations went to America’s civil society is like no
to think otherwise, but a Let’s also be thankful for consumers. other that I know of. Americans are
new book by Reason’s sci- generous the globalization of science Back in 2019, the American Enter- the most generous people in the
ence correspondent Ronald that has allowed for the prise Institute’s Michael Strain did a world. And I, for one, am grateful to
Bailey and the Cato Insti- people in fastest development of vac- little back-of-the-envelope calculation live in such a place and call it home. I
tute’s senior fellow Mar- cines and pharmaceutical based on Nordhaus’ findings to see hope you are, too. Happy Thanksgiv-
ian Tupy shows that this the world. treatments in the history how much of a benefit some of the ing!
pessimism is unwarranted. of medicine to combat billionaires that people routinely com- Veronique de Rugy is a senior
In “Ten Global Trends Every Smart the novel coronavirus. The intense, plain about have created for the rest research fellow at the Mercatus Center
Person Should Know,” they outline 78 international and fast-sharing world of us. According to that year’s Forbes at George Mason University. To find
improving global and U.S. trends that we live in has allowed scientists and 400 list, he writes: “Jeff Bezos is worth out more about Veronique de Rugy and
should put a smile on everyone’s face. companies to exchange knowledge, $114 billion. This implies that the total read features by other Creators Syndi-
For instance, you learn that con- learn what worked and what didn’t, value Mr. Bezos has created for the cate writers and cartoonists, visit the
servation efforts are growing, in part and provide products that will save rest of society adds up to $5.2 trillion. Creators Syndicate webpage at www.
because the share of land devoted to lives around the globe. Bill Gates has created $4.8 trillion
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 5A

Continued from Page 2A

David Mitchell Mr. Malone was Bennie Will Jones and Nathaniel, Mard Ella, Mr. Bradshaw was Carter officiating.
MILLPORT, Ala. — born June 27, 1970, in Mary Frances Wil- Isabell and Ida Ruth. born Aug. 21, 1952, in Visitation will be from
David Lee “Sugar Bear” Noxubee County, to liams. She was formerly She is survived by West Point, to the late 10-10:30 a.m. prior to
Mitchell, 88, died Nov. the late Robert Charles employed as a cafeteria her husband, Willie M. Charlie J. Bradshaw services at the ceme-
19, 2020, at DCH-Hos- Malone and Annie Low- manager for Lowndes Tate; children, Emma Sr. and Mary Earl Clay tery. Carter’s Mortuary
pital of Tuscaloosa, ery Malone. He was a County School District M. Ivy of Kalamazoo, Bradshaw. He was Services of West Point
Alabama. member of Hopewell and was a member Michigan, Eris Tate, formerly employed as a is in charge of arrange-
Funeral services will MBC. of Oak Grove M.B. Lesia M. Jackson both painter specialist with ments.
be at 2 p.m. Saturday, In addition to his par- Church. of Columbus, Jeanette B&W Fabrication. Mrs. Townsend was
at Holly Grove M.B. ents, he was preceded In addition to her T. Wallace, Ronald He is survived by his born Oct. 24, 1963,
Church, with the Rev. in death by his siblings, parents, she was Tate, Kevin Tate all of wife, Judy; children, to the late Jimmy Lee
Richard Hood Sr. offici- Eddie Earl Malone and preceded in death by Tupelo, Joseph Tate Dewayne, Shedrick, Dean Jr and Dollie Ruth
ating. Carter’s Funeral Robert Earl Malone. her husband, Godfrey and Ester Duck both Damion, Tavares, Kim- Herrod Dean. She was
Services of Columbus He is survived by his Hairston; son, Rickey of Macon; siblings, berly and Charlise; sib- formerly employed as
is in charge of arrange- wife, Mattie Malone; Green; siblings, Annie Agusta Gillespie and lings, Gregory, Thom- an electronics associ-
son, Jerrick Boykin Lee Weatherspoon, Robert White both as, Gaylor, Elaine, ate.
of Cincinnati, Ohio; Diane Weatherspoon, of Kalamazoo, Mich- Carolyn, Cassandra She is survived by
Mr. Mitchell was
stepchildren, Rashawn Willie Mae Henderson, igan; grandchildren; and Yolanda Sparks; 17 her husband, Tracy L.
born Dec. 26, 1931, in
Shanklin, Shedrick Willie great-grandchildren; grandchildren; and two Townsend; children,
Palmetto, Alabama, to
Shanklin both of Ben Jones and Sam, and great-great-grand- great-grandchildren. Latrisha S. Townsend
the late Dave Mitchell
Macon and Qundisha She is survived by children. and Christopher T.
and Louise Mitchell. He
Pratt of Columbus; her children, Michael Ophelia Stallings Townsend; step-chil-
was formerly employed
siblings, Dorothy Jones of Crawford and Mildred Spraggins STARKVILLE — dren, LaTisha Belk,
as a truck driver for
Hearn of Brooksville, Patrick Weatherspoon WEST POINT — Ophelia Stallings died Roger Brownlee,
Boyett’s Trucking Com-
Linda Robinson, Glenda of Columbus; siblings, Mildred Mae Rupert Nov. 10, 2020, in St. Yarvish Brownlee and
pany and was a member
Harlan, Eddie Will Shirley Jean Carr, Spraggins, 102, died Louis, Missouri. LaShon Crownlee;
of Holly Grove M.B.
Malone, Talitha Sutton Mary Dell Rice, Arthur Nov. 18, 2020, at her step-brother, Micheal
Church. Graveside services
all of Macon and Annie Lee Morgan, Wash daughter’s residence in R. Barr; and two grand-
In addition to his par- will be at 11 a.m. Satur-
Orra of Georgia; and 12 Weatherspoon, West Point. children.
ents, he was preceded day, in St. Mark Ceme-
grandchildren. Timothy Robinson, Graveside services
in death by his chil- tery. Visitation is from
dren, Carolyn Hayden
Bobby Weatherspoon are at 2:30 p.m. to- noon-6p.m. today, at John Thomas
and Melissa Hannah; Tarcari Walker all of Columbus, Valerie day, in Mt. Zion M.B. West Memorial Funeral COLUMBUS —
COLUMBUS — Tar- Tate of Memphis, Church Cemetery, with John E. Thomas, 56,
siblings, Lillie Mae Home. West Memo-
carie Tyshun Walker, Tennessee, DeAndreya the Rev. Erusia Culpep- died Nov. 25, 2020, at
Gardner, Harvey Ray, rial Funeral Home of
24, died Jones, Latoya Matthews per officiating. Visita- Baptist Memorial Hos-
Franklin Dee, and Bust- Starkville is in charge
Nov. 9, both of Northport, tion is from 2-2:30 p.m. pital-Golden Triangle.
er Lee; one grandchild; Alabama, Eddie Weath- of arrangements.
and one great-grand- 2020. prior to services, in She is survived by Arrangements are
Grave- erspoon of Clarksville, the cemetery. Carter’s incomplete and will be
child. Tennessee, Antwan her children, Tom-
He is survived by side Mortuary Services of mie Lee Stallings Jr., announced by Carter’s
services Matthews of Atlanta, West Point is in charge Funeral Services of
his wife, Dosie Max- Georgia and Troy Mat- Cornelius Stallings
ine Mitchell; children, will be at of arrangements. Sr., Wayne Stallings, Columbus.
11 a.m. thews of Charleston,
David L. Mitchell Jr., Mrs. Spraggins was Alonzo Stallings and
South Carolina; eight
Riletta Baker, Angale Saturday, Walker
grandchildren; and sev-
born Feb. 14, 1918, in Pamela Simmons; and Curtis Crawley
Williams all of Colum- in Mayhan Clay County, to the 12 grandchildren. COLUMBUS — Cur-
Cemetery of Macon. en great-grandchildren.
bus, Steve Jordan of late Scott Rupert Sr. tis Crawley, 81, died
Visitation is from and Lubirda Porter Nov. 25, 2020, at his
Tuscaloosa, Alabama,
noon-6 p.m. today, at Willie Fulton Rupert Taylor. She was
Willie Davidson Sr. residence.
Gary Mitchell, Virginia WEST POINT —
Hannah, Stephanie Carter’s Funeral Ser- STARKVILLE — formerly employed as a Arrangements are
vices. Carter’s Funeral Willie D. Fulton, 38, Willie Dell Davidson
Cox, Jason Anderson, homemaker. Sr., 71, died Nov. 20, incomplete and will be
Services of Columbus died Nov. 18, 2020, in She is survived by announced by Lown-
Tony Bridges all of 2020, at his residence.
is in charge of arrange- Columbus. her children, Shirley des Funeral Home of
Millport and Regina Graveside services
ments. Graveside services Hogan, Barbara Srag- Columbus.
Williams of Caledonia; will be at 3:30 p.m,
Mr. Walker was born will be at 2 p.m. Sat- gins, Irma Spraggins,
15 grandchildren; and Saturday, in Green-
Sept. 7, 1996, in Colum- urday, in Sessums
21 great-grandchildren.
bus. Community Cemetery.
Claretha Sims, James wood Cemetery, with Joseph Jarrell
Otis Spraggins all of the Rev. Al Lathan Sr. STARKVILLE —
He is survived by his West Memorial Funeral West Point and Deloise
Willie Kelly parents, Lofay Walker Home of Starkville is Reese of Aberdeen;
officiating. Visitation Joseph Jarrell, 42, died
STARKVILLE — will be from 3-3:30 p.m. Nov. 26, 2020, at his
and Joe Tate of Co- in charge of arrange- siblings, Emma Lou
Willie L. Kelly, 73 died prior to services at residence.
lumbus, Demetric and ments. Brown of Jackson
Nov. 17, 2020. the cemetery. Carter’s Arrangements are
Felicia Dunn of Kem- He is survived by his and Scott Rupert Jr.
Funeral services will Mortuary Services of incomplete and will be
per; children, Madison mother, Magnolia Clark of Chicago, Illinois;
be at 2 p.m. Saturday, at West Point is in charge announced by Lown-
Sharkey, Jaedyn Walker Fulton; and sister, Nata- 46 grandchildren;
Beth-el Church. Burial of arrangements. des Funeral Home of
and Tarcara Walker all sha Fulton-Bolton. 45 great-grandchil-
will follow in the church Mr. Davidson was Columbus.
of Columbus; siblings, dren; and seven
cemetery. Visitation is Diesha Walker of Ma- Quince Tate born Jan. 22, 1949, in
from 4-6 p.m. today, at great-great-grandchil- Clay County, to the late
con, Demetrica Dunn MACON — Quince dren.
West Memorial Funeral of Kemper, Brie Thom- Ella White Tate, 92, Odell Davidson and
Home. West Memo- as of Shuqualak, Secora died Nov. Helen Davidson. He
rial Funeral Home of Tate, Brooklyn Miner, 23, 2020, in
Willie Goins was formerly employed
Starkville is in charge Joe Tate, Devin Tate WEST POINT — as a computer operator
Tupelo. Willie R. Goins, 80,
of arrangements. all of Columbus and Grave- with B&W Steel Fabri-
He is survived by his Steven Bailey of Mus- died Nov. 23, 2020, cation.
side in Stone Mountain,
wife, Ella Mae Kelly; kegon, Michigan. services He is survived by his
children, Willie Kelly Georgia. wife, Ethel J. Davidson;
will be at Graveside services
Jr, Stanley Kelly, Tina Sarah Hairston 2:30 p.m. children, Willie David-
Holliday, Janet hill and will be at 11 a.m. Sun- son Jr, Sharon Taylor,
CRAWFORD — Sar- Saturday, Tate day, in upper Prairie
Janice Kelly; siblings, ah F. Williams Hair- in Drake Janice Jefferson, Felicia
Walter Kelly, James Creek Cemetery of Frazier and Delbrina
ston, 72, Hill U.M. Church Woodland. West Memo-
Willie Kelly, Dorothy died Nov. Cemetery, with Mack Davidson; siblings,
Ware, Barbara Davis, rial Funeral Home of Betty Lane and Johnnie
21, 2020, Young officiating. Car- Starkville is in charge
Helen Wordlaw, Berry at Baptist ter’s Funeral Services Lee Davidson Sr.; eight
Kelly, Annie Johnson Memorial of Macon is in charge
of arrangements. grandchildren; and four James Bolin
and Tina Johnson; and great-grandchildren. Graveside Services:
Hospi- of arrangements. Friday, Nov. 27 • 11 AM
nine grandchildren. tal-Golden Mrs. Tate was born Charlie Bradshaw Jr. Beersheba Cemetery
Triangle. July 7, 1928, in Macon, WEST POINT — Tammie Townsend College St. Location

James Malone Grave- Hairston to the late Sherrod Charlie J. Bradshaw Jr., WEST POINT
NOXUBEE COUN- side White and Emma Bell. 68, died Nov. 18, 2020, — Tammie Dean
TY — James Earl services will be at 2 She was formerly em- at North Mississippi Townsend, 57, died
Malone, 50, died Nov. p.m. Saturday, in Oak ployed with Johnston Medical Center of West Nov. 18, 2020, at North
15, 2020, at Hospice Grove M.B. Church Tombigbee Furniture Point. Mississippi Medical
Ministries in Ridgeland. Cemetery, with the Rev. and The Berry Family Graveside services Center of Tupelo.
Graveside services Therman Cunningham and was a member of are at 11 a.m. today, in Graveside services
will be at 11 a.m. Satur- officiating. Visitation is Mt. Zion M.B. Church. Mt. Zion M.B. Church will be at 10:30 a.m.
day, in New Providence from 2-6 p.m. today, at In addition to her Cemetery, with the Saturday, in new Hope
MBC Cemetery, with Carter’s Funeral Ser- parents, she was Rev. Erusia Culpepper M.B. Church Cem-
Willie Ivy officiating. vices. Carter’s Funeral preceded in death by officiating. Visitation etery, with Fredrick
Visitation is from 2-5 Services of Columbus her children, John is from 10:30-11 a.m.
p.m. today, at Carter’s is in charge of arrange- Kennedy, Ruth, Johnny prior to services, in
Funeral Services. Car- ments. Mack, and Willie L.; the cemetery. Carter’s
ter’s Funeral Services Mrs. Hairston was and siblings, Wilford, Mortuary Services of
of Macon is in charge of born Feb. 6, 1948, in Sherrod Jr., Cleothis, West Point is in charge
arrangements. Crawford, to the late Willie, David, Amos, of arrangements.

Congress braces for Biden’s national coronavirus strategy

BY LISA MASCARO get the pandemic under far, Murray warned, with- new round of COVID-19
AP Congressional Correspondent control. Republicans have out a distribution plan. “A relief, federal officials say
resisted big spending but vaccine can sit on a shelf. doses of the vaccine could
WASHINGTON — agree additional funding is A vaccination is what we’re begin shipping within a
Congress is bracing for
needed. With the nation on talking about,” she said. day of Food and Drug Ad-
President-elect Joe Biden
edge but a vaccine in sight, As Congress weighs a ministration approval.
to move beyond the Trump
the complicated logistics
administration’s state-
by-state approach to the of vaccinating hundreds
COVID-19 crisis and build of millions of Americans
out a national strategy to raise the stakes on the ma-
fight the pandemic and jor undertaking.
distribute the eventual “We have an incredible
vaccine. challenge on our hands,”
The incoming adminis- said Sen. Patty Murray of
tration’s approach reflects Washington state, which
Democrats’ belief that a is approaching the anni-
more comprehensive plan, versary of its first reported
some of it outlined in the case of the virus last Janu-
House’s $2 trillion corona- ary.
virus aid bill, is needed to A vaccine can only go so
6A FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Egg Bowl
Continued from Page 1A
Having cycled through to open the year. A 68-0 of Kosciusko flipped a clined bids to the Orange
17 coaches in 40 years of win over Sewanee and a pass to Chuck Gelatka to Bowl, ultimately sending
football, Sasse brought 32-0 victory over Loyola bring MSU down to the the Maroons to Florida
MSU a level of discipline also ensued. Losses to Ole Miss 10. Two carries for a date with Duquesne.
and a proven track record Alabama and LSU, in by C.W. Steadman result- Touchdowns by Pickle
of success. A graduate of which the Maroons were ed in the Maroons’ first and Fred Walters, the
the United States Mili- held scoreless, dampened score of the day. latter of which was a
tary Academy, he saw ac- 1936’s rip-roaring start, Ole Miss responded 40-yard reception from
tive duty overseas during while a 0-0 tie against when Herb Baumstein Pee Wee Armstrong
World War I, serving as a TCU completed its 4-2-1 chunked a scoring pass of Meridian, put MSU
commander of the 301st opening to Sasse’s sec- to Dave Bernard for the ahead 12-7 in its first
Tank Division, earning ond season in Starkville. Rebels’ lone score of the ever postseason contest.
the British Distinguished Guided by “Chunkin’” contest, while Hapes was But as time ticked down,
Service Order awarded to Charlie Armstrong and a minimal factor. Duquesne tailback Boyd
officers who performed co-captain “Chicago” As crowd noise grew Brumbaugh connected
meritorious or distin- Bob Keenan, MSU was to a fever pitch, Sasse’s with end Ernie Hefferlie
guished service in war. a heavy favorite enter- MSU squad roared out of for a desperation 72-yard
A college friend of ing the 1936 Egg Bowl, the third quarter break. touchdown pass, sinking
famed Tennessee coach despite the Rebels having Bernie Ward hit Ike the Maroons’ hopes in
Robert Neyland, Sasse re- won 10 of the past 11 ri- Pickle for a touchdown South Florida with a 13-
turned to his alma mater valry games dating back reception. After an Ole 12 loss.
as a math instructor and to 1925 — two years prior Miss fumble at its own MSU finished its
assistant football coach to the indoctrination of 8-yard line, Bob Hardison season 8-3-1 with all
following World War I. the Golden Egg trophy. notched the Maroons’ three losses coming by a
Sasse was later elevated The only non-Ole Miss third score with a touch- combined 20 points.
to head coach at Army Egg Bowl win in that down scamper of his own. Sasse would coach
from 1930 to 1932, com- span? A 7-7 tie in the 1929 Armstrong, who one more season at MSU
piling a 25-5-2 record. edition in Oxford. missed the LSU game before succumbing to a
“He was truly enthusi- “The Johnny Rebs are with a shoulder injury, nervous breakdown that
astic about the prospect said to have the power, delivered the knockout left him homebound. Dr.
being held out by the but that power has failed blow, hitting Dennis J.W. Eckford, Sasse’s
boys themselves, as he to win any major con- Cross 35 yards downfield. physician at the time,
considered the mate- tests,” Daily Mississip- Ducking two Ole Miss suggested he’d never
rial numerous and big pian Sports Editor Billy defenders, Cross raced coach again, leading the
enough to go places,” Gates wrote on Nov. 18, into the end zone for a former Army man to
Purser Hewitt wrote 1936. 60-yard score. resign from his coaching
in the Jan. 22, 1935 Before a Mississippi As the final whistle position following the
edition of the Jackson record crowd of 22,000 blew, MSU fans rushed 1937 campaign.
Clarion-Ledger ahead of fans at Scott Field, where the field in a scene Started by Sasse’s
Sasse’s hiring. the Robinson-led athletic described as “wildly ju- squad in 1936, MSU won
Officially hired on department previously bilant” for Maroons fans six of the next seven
Feb. 4, 1935, Sasse met unveiled a brand new and “somewhat dejected” Egg Bowls, in a tradition
with boosters in the Delta scoreboard earlier that the Ole Miss contingent. continued under Spike
during a basketball game year, Ole Miss star “Armstrong’s pass to Nelson and Allyn McK-
running back Ray Hapes cross netted the fourth een. McKeen, who played
between MSU and Delta
appeared for the Rebels. and final touchdown and for Sasse’s old pal Robert
State Teachers College to
Suffering an injury two the hysterical crowd Neyland at Tennessee,
preach his vision for the
weeks prior, fans flooded swarmed on the field a would guide the Maroons
Ole Miss head coach Ed few minutes later to carry to the 1941 Orange Bowl,
“Just watch us down
Walker with telegrams the victorious (Maroons) the second and only post-
here,” Sasse reportedly
from fans asking him to off the field and to bring season appearance MSU
said on his way from Fort
save him for the MSU the Golden Egg back would make until the
Knox, Kentucky, where
game. Walker obliged. to its rightful resting 1963 Liberty Bowl. McK-
he was last stationed, en
“Coach Walker has place — Mississippi State een left the school as the
route to Starkville.
been taking no chances College,” Reflector Staff winningest head coach in
with his Little star, Ray Writer Jimmie Robert- its history in 1948.
A roaring start to 1936 Hapes,” Cox wrote. “‘Tis shaw wrote. “The victory was deci-
Sasse’s squad rolled said that the young man sive, smashing and more
in his inaugural season was kept on the sidelines
in Starkville, finishing partly on account of the
MSU’s first bowl than made up for the
disappointments of past
8-3 for the first winning many telegrams that the appearance: The years,” Robertshaw wrote
season at MSU in nine University coach received Orange Bowl of the 1936 Egg Bowl.
years. to ‘Save Hapes for State.’ Following the win over Decisive and smash-
While a 2-3 SEC And he did. We really Ole Miss, MSU stomped ing, indeed.
record aided in holding appreciate it too. What Mercer 32-0 before earn-
the Maroons out of a bowl a shame it would be not ing its first ever victory
game in 1935, the team to have that little boy over Florida a week later.
again sprinted out of the to practice our tackling Capping his second
gate the following year, technique on.” season in Starkville with
outscoring opponents 155 The ninth Battle for a 7-3-1 record, Sasse’s
to 19 in the season’s first the Golden Egg saw team tentatively accepted
seven weeks. offensive play stalled a bid to the Cotton Bowl.
There were blowouts until late. MSU broke Days later, Tennessee
of Millsaps and Howard through when Fred Hight and Alabama both de-

Several Mississippi musicians

garner Grammy nominations
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Best Contemporary Blues their first album, “Shake
Album Grammy nomina- Hands and Shorty,” which
JACKSON — Several tion for “Up and Rolling.” came out in 2000.
prominent Mississippi North Mississippi All- The Grammy winners
blues and rock artists stars previously received will be announced on Jan.
have received Grammy a Grammy nomination for 31, 2021.
Jackson’s 86-year-old
Bobby Rush received a
Best Traditional Blues
Album nomination for his
album “Rawer Than Raw.”
Rush previously won a
Grammy award for his
2017 record, “Porcupine
Rush has won twelve
Blues Music Awards and
been inducted into the
Blues Hall of Fame as well
as the Mississippi Musi-
cians Hall of Fame and
the Rhythm and Blues
Music Hall of Fame.
Jimmy “Duck” Holmes
of Bentonia also received
a Best Traditional Blues
Album nomination, for his
album “Cypress Grove.”
Holmes, 73, is the own-
er of Mississippi’s oldest
surviving juke joint, the
Blue Front Cafe. Holmes’
parents, sharecroppers
Carey and Mary Holmes,
opened the business in
the late 1940s.
Luther and Cody Dick-
inson of the Hernando
rock band North Missis-

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Bulldogs drop pair of contests to Liberty, Clemson

BY GARRICK HODGE went by the wayside, as of the gate on fire, con- dogs were outscored 44- and we’ll improve.” to Iverson and Deivon,
[email protected] the Flames converted a verting their first five 32 in the second half. Four Bulldogs were in it was something he’s
school record 19 3-point- shots taken, all of them “I think both teams double figures, includ- not used to and you can
The NCA A tourna- ers to sink the Bulldogs 3-pointers. we lost to in the start ing Tolu Smith and D.J. see there were times
ment rematch didn’t go 84-73 in the first match- At halftime, MSU had of the season will be in Stewart, both who had where he was just trying
as planned for Missis- up between the two almost as many points the NCA A tournament a team-high 20 points. to remember to come
sippi State men’s basket- teams since Liberty’s as it scored at the end of the day,” Abdul Ado chipped in 14 back and get the ball
ball. 80 -76 victory in the 2019 the en- Howland said. “I would points, while freshman as a point,” Howland
After a dismal offen- NCA A tournament. tire night be surprised if Clemson Deivon Smith scored said. “We played him
sive output in its season With the loss, MSU We d ne s - and Liberty are not in 10. Stewart, who typi- too many minutes, to be
opener, MSU fine-tuned starts a season 0 -2 for day, as it the NCA A tournament. cally rotates between honest. Not having Iver-
its free throw shooting the first time since the took a 41- We were planning on the three and two po- son here puts a heavy
and scoring output en 1967-1968 season. 40 lead having four games un- sitions, had to handle amount of weight on his
route to shooting 57.4 “I thought (Liberty) into the der our belt prior to shifts at point guard due shoulders.
percent from the field did a good job penetrat- break. The Howland getting here. We had to the absence of Iver- MSU has its home
and 15-of-19 from the ing and kicking out,” Bulldogs a chance to pull out of son Molinar, who was opener against Texas
charity stripe against MSU coach Ben How- scored 41 points, 26 (the Space Coast Chal- unavailable for a second State at 7 p.m. Monday
Liberty Thursday in the land said postgame ... of which came in the lenge) and use COVID straight game due to an at Humphrey Colise-
Space Coast Challenge “They shot the hell out paint, without the bene- as a reason, but I didn’t undisclosed reason. um. The Bulldogs’ next
in Melbourne, Fla. of it tonight, give them fit of a single 3-pointer think that was the right “He’s played minutes three contests will all be
The problem was, credit.” and made 11 of 13 free thing to do. Our young at the point which we in Starkville.
the perimeter defense The Flames came out throws. But the Bull- guys will grow from it, typically expect to go See MBB, 3B


keeps late
Sweat, Washington in 1st after
cousin close
[email protected]
Thanksgiving win over Cowboys
MACON — Teddy
Young wears the memo-
ry around his neck on a
small silver chain.
At the bottom, held
on by a slim black clip,
Dantrell Rapheal Frank-
lin is immortalized in
a small
b l a c k -
a nd -white
stands on
the side-
lines in
his No. 90 Young
jersey, his
football helmet halfway
The chain, which
Young never takes off,
is how the Noxubee
County football coach
keeps his late cousin
Franklin — more
like a little brother to
Young — was shot and

Watson’s 4
TDs lift
Texans to
Jerome Miron/USA TODAY Sports
The Washington Football Team defense celebrate a touchdown scored by former Mississippi State standout defensive end Montez Sweat
(90) against the Dallas Cowboys during the second half Thursday at AT&T Stadium.
41-25 win THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for a field goal. The Cowboys were playing five-year career.
over Lions ARLINGTON, Texas —
“I never would have dreamt
in a million years something
a day after strength coach
Markus Paul died at a hospital
McLaurin had the defen-
sive play of the game, tack-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Alex Smith has Washington at like this would be happening. following a medical emergen- ling Smith at the Washington
least temporarily in first place Just thankful for it and mak- cy at the team’s facility. Paul 4 after Smith’s interception
DETROIT — De- in the NFC East after win- ing the most of it every day.” was honored with a moment of in the open field near the 50.
shaun Watson dropped ning on Thanksgiving for the Gibson’s second score was silence before the game. The Cowboys went 6 yards
back in a protected first time, two years after a a 23-yard run on the first play The Cowboys trailed 20 - the wrong direction and had
pocket at midfield and planned holiday showing was after an ill-advised fake punt 16 when they faced a fourth- to settle for a short field goal
perfectly lofted one wrecked by the quarterback’s attempt by Dallas as Wash- and-10 from their 24-yard line and a 20 -16 deficit late in the
of his four touchdown career-threatening leg injury. ington beat its division rival early in the fourth quarter. third quarter.
passes, connecting with Smith and his teammates on Thanksgiving for just the Darian Thompson took the “I was just trying to make a
Will Fuller in stride just aren’t going to concern them- second time in 10 tries, the snap in front of punter Hunter play,” said McLaurin, who led
before he reached the selves with how bad their divi- most frequent visitor for the Niswander and pitched to Ce- Washington with seven catch-
end zone. sion might be. Cowboys in their annual holi- drick Wilson on a reverse that es for 92 yards. “But when our
Houston’s star quar- Antonio Gibson ran for day home game. was stuffed for a 1-yard loss. defense got that stop, that’s
terback made it look three touchdowns, Smith had Washington (4-7) slides On the next play, Gibson when I kind of felt like, ‘Wow,
easy, and the Detroit Li- a scoring pass and Washing- ahead of Philadelphia (3-6 -1) easily beat the Dallas defense that was a big play.’ You never
ons did their part to not ton pulled away in the fourth in the NFC East and will stay to the left pylon. After another give up on any plays because
put up much of a fight. quarter of a 41-16 Thanksgiv- in first place if the Eagles lose Dallas punt, Gibson capped a you never know what’s going
Watson had a pair of ing victory over the Dallas to Seattle on Monday night. clock-killing drive with a 37- to happen.”
go-ahead touchdown Cowboys on Thursday. It was the third win in five yard score for a 34-16 lead. Dallas’ last lead was 10 -7 in
passes in the first half Smith was days away from games since a five-game los- Washington made it a blow-
the second quarter after Dal-
and threw for two more a second career Thanksgiv- ing streak dropped Washing- out when Montez Sweat tipped
ton’s 54-yard touchdown pass
scores in the fourth ing start in a visit to Dallas ton to 1-5. and intercepted a pass right in
to Amari Cooper, who had 112
quarter to help Houston two years ago when he was “Our record’s not the best,” the face of Andy Dalton and
yards on six catches.
injured. Now he has a second Gibson said. “We’re still in was free to run 15 yards for a
pull away and beat De-
straight victory in his improb- it. That gives us hope. That’s TD.
troit 41-25 Thursday. Pass and catch
able comeback. what we’re pushing for is we Gibson, who already was
And still, he wasn’t Smith’s touchdown pass
“It’s hard to put into words,” can still make the playoffs the rookie leader in touch-
satisfied. was a 5-yarder to tight end Lo-
said Smith, who was a modest right now. We’re going to keep downs rushing and now has
“It was definitely gan Thomas, the former col-
19 of 26 for 149 yards and got going.” 11, finished with 115 yards on
good, but I missed two lege quarterback who chun-
bailed out on his only inter- Dallas (3-8) couldn’t build 20 carries.
touchdowns,” Watson ked the ball into the second
ception when receiver Terry on a big win at Minnesota, And two-time rushing
said. deck of seats not long after
McLaurin ran down Dallas losing for the fifth time in six champion Ezekiel Elliott of
The dynamic quar- linebacker Jaylon Smith to games since star quarterback Dallas had just 32 yards while his 28-yard pass to McLaurin
terback finished 17 of prevent a tying touchdown be- Dak Prescott’s season-ending losing his fifth fumble of the on a trick play set up Gibson’s
See WATSON, 3B fore the Cowboys had to settle ankle injury. season, by far the most of his first TD.
2B FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

No. 1 Gonzaga defeats No. 6 Kansas

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the Bulldogs are as talent- 29-15, Kansas made a NCAA Tournament, may-
ed as the Kentucky team couple of runs to cut the be the Final Four.
FORT MYERS, Fla. in 2014-15, which went deficit to as little as five. The Bulldogs are deep
— Coach Mark Few and 38-0 before losing to Wis- However, Kispert heated and look like they can
Gonzaga keep reaching consin in the Final Four. up and kept the Jayhawks play defense as well as
new heights. “I thought we played at bay. Gonzaga led 54-46 any of Few’s teams. They
While the top-ranked a great team,” he said. at the half. can score from the inside
Bulldogs opened their “They have four guards Thanks to 62 points in and the outside.
season with a 102-90 vic- who I think will be the the paint, the Bulldogs Kansas never gives
tory over No. 6 Kansas, best guards we’ll play all shot 65% from the field. up. Not many teams in
Few won his 600th game. year.” “We definitely can’t the country could get
“I got an ice shower in Suggs, who got in foul start games like that,” in a 14-point hole to the
the locker, which I didn’t trouble in the first half, Garrett said. “We have to nation’s No. 1 team and
expect,” said Few, who scored 17 of his 24 in the be better.” come back to tie it. Howev-
has been at Gonzaga since second half. er, the Jayhawks couldn’t
1999. “(Kansas coach) “I played patient, COVID-19 news recover from Gonzaga’s
Bill (Self) and I set this up picked my spots, picked Three non-athletes second offensive attack.
for a big college basket- my moments,” Suggs that are part of Gonzaga’s
ball game on Thanksgiv- said. traveling party were iso- “I thought we had a bad
ing Day before the Cow- Few said Suggs was lating in their hotel rooms 25-28 minute start,” Self
boys game. That’s why we special. “And he’s so good after one tested positive said. “We gave up a lot of
love college basketball. to coach,” he added. for the coronavirus. layups, we turned the ball
There’s a lot more games Marcus Garrett led A total of 112 tests were over. Yet we could’ve had
like this coming across Kansas with 22 points given and no players from a two- or four-point lead.”
the season.” and Ochai Agbaji added any of the four participat-
Drew Timme scored 17 points. Agbai picked ing teams tested positive, Fierce freshmen
25 points, Jalen Suggs up his fourth foul midway tournament officials said. While Suggs took over
had 24 and Corey Kispert through the second half, Auburn and St. Joseph’s the game at times for Gon-
added 23 as No. 1 Gonza- which hurt the Jayhawks. also are participating in zaga, Bryce Thompson
ga pulled away for a state- When he left, Kansas the tournament. and Jalen Thompson had
ment win. trailed 70-67. “To get the game in solid openers for Kansas,
“We’re not that expe- “We needed Ochai out was really important for combining for 23 points.
rienced of a team com- there,” Self said. “We’re our guys,” Few said. “The “(Jalen) was in attack
ing back,” Few said. “We not deep enough to make Kansas program and ours mode,” Garrett said. “He
needed Drew and Corey up for him.” were consistently doing guarded well and was a
against a high, high level The Jayhawks rallied the right things. We did competitor. Bryce had
team. We needed their ex- from a 14-point deficit the protocols and test- the same aggressive
perience and toughness.” in the first half to tie the ed hundreds of times. mindset.”
The Bulldogs built a game at 57. I absolutely marvel at
double-digit lead in the Gonzaga went on a what these guys have UP next
first half at the Rocket 12-3 run to take a 20-9 done. They’ve never com- Gonzaga, which is
Mortgage Fort Myers lead. Timme scored eight plained.” playing four morning
Tip-Off, then saw the Jay- of those points from the nonconference games
hawks tie it twice in the inside. He and the Bull- Big picture in West Coast time, in-
second half before put- dogs constantly broke The way these teams cluding top-10 match-
ting them away. Gonzaga down Kansas’ defense, played each other, it ups with Baylor and
went on a 22-7 run to go which led to three layups wouldn’t be a surprise to Iowa, will play Auburn
up 96-78. in a row. see Gonzaga and Kansas on Friday at 11 a.m.
Self said he believes With Gonzaga leading meet again late in the EST.

Contacting the Sports Department

If you need to report game scores or statistics, you can call us at 662-327-2424 ext. 126. If you need to reach
sports editor Garrick Hodge, email him at [email protected]. If you need to reach sports writer Ben
Portnoy, email him at [email protected] or sports writer Theo DeRosa, email him at tderosa@cdispatch.

High school football coaches who don’t speak to a reporter from The Dispatch are asked to email information
to the sports department from their games. The Dispatch will include its prep football coverage in Sunday’s
edition, so we will contact coaches Friday night or Saturday to get details. Coaches, please let us know what is
the best time for us to contact you.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
25 for 318 yards with four touchdowns “My focus every day is on the guys in recalled. “It hit me square in the hands.” identical twins, embraced before the
and no interceptions. He has thrown 15 that locker room and working as hard as On Detroit’s next snap, Jonathan Wil- game and played against each other for
touchdown passes without getting picked I can to help them be successful,” he said. liams fumbled and Houston took advan- the first time.
off once in the past six games. The Lions retained Patricia and Quinn tage with Watson’s 2-yard touchdown pass
“You’ve got to give some credit to the
guys up front,” interim coach Romeo Cren-
for this season and ownership said there
was an expectation they contend for the
to C.J. Prosise to go ahead 13-6. Elite company
“Three turnovers early in the game Watt became the third NFL player to
nel said. “If they give him time, he’s able to playoffs by playing in meaningful games killed the momentum,” Stafford said. have at least 100 sacks and six touch-
make plays. Guys can get open and he can in December. And, that seems highly un- Watson’s 33-yard touchdown pass to downs in a career. The others are Jason
hit them. He has that kind of accuracy.” likely. Duke Johnson gave the Texans a 20-14 Taylor and Julius Peppers.
Texans star defensive end J.J. Watt had Detroit quarterback Matthew Stafford lead early in the second quarter.
an early pick-6 and Fuller had six recep- said the scrutiny on Patricia has not ap-
tions for 171 yards and two touchdowns, peared to affect him.
Watson’s first touchdown pass to Fuller
early in the fourth put Houston ahead 34-
Trump’s take
including a 40-yard touchdown catch in “He’s the same guy every day,” Stafford Watson and Stafford were among a
17. He connected again with Fuller, who handful of players on both teams that
which it looked like he and Watson were said. “The guy comes to work, grinds, and was wide open, with a 34-yard touchdown
all alone on a practice field. wants to win like all of us. He’s a passionate took a knee during the national anthem,
on a trick play after handing the ball off a social justice statement that didn’t sit
The Texans (4-7) have won two straight coach, who loves the game. I’ve had a lot of and getting it back on a lateral.
for the first time this season and three of respect with how he’s continued to come well with President Donald Trump.
Stafford was 28 of 42 for 295 yards “No thanks!” Trump tweeted.
their past four games with Crennel. to work.” with a 14-yard touchdown pass to Mo-
“That’s good, but we haven’t won Detroit, which was coming off its first
hamed Sanu in the fourth and an inter-
enough,” Crennel said. shutout loss since 2009, scored first before
ception that Watt returned for a score.
Injury report
The Lions haven’t, either, and it might collapsing with turnovers on two straight Texans: FB Cullen Gillaspia (back)
Detroit’s Adrian Peterson had a pair of
cost at least one man his job. snaps and three consecutive possessions and WR Kenny Stills (quadricep) were
1-yard touchdown runs in the first half inactive.
Detroit (4-7) might end the season with in the first half. Houston’s defense entered
— and tried to take some blame off Pa- Lions: CB Desmond Trufant aggra-
interim leaders after losing consecutive the game with an NFL-low five forced
games for the third time this season, drop- turnovers. tricia for the latest loss. vated a hamstring injury in the second
ping coach Matt Patricia’s record to 13-29- Watt put his hands up on a rush just “It has nothing to do with the head quarter in another setback for a sec-
1 and general manager Bob Quinn’s mark in time to pick off Stafford’s pass and re- coach,” Peterson said. ondary that had rookie CB Jeff Okudah
to 12 games under .500 over five seasons. turned it 19 yards for a touchdown in the (shoulder) and CB Mike Ford (concus-
Patricia was peppered with questions first quarter. Brotherly love sion) inactive. RB D’Andre Swift (con-
about his job being in jeopardy, and evaded “I saw he was going to throw quickly so Detroit defensive back C.J. Moore cussion) along with WRs Kenny Golla-
each query. I stopped rushing and jumped up,” Watt and Houston defensive back A.J. Moore, day (hip) also missed the game.

Continued from Page 1B

killed in November 2017, an assistant under Ty- Coaching and grieving blew out Corinth. Then cousin, a big fan of high getting a little easier,
and ever since, Young rone Shorter at Noxubee they held off Louisville. school football, on Nox- but it’s still hard on me,”
Franklin’s death fell
has been coaching in County, his cousin was On Dec. 2, 23 days af- ubee County’s season Young said. “Some days,
on a Thursday night.
his memory. This fall, there to support him. ter Franklin’s death, — who the Tigers play some nights, I still think
The next evening, Nox-
he has the Tigers two Franklin texted Young Noxubee County beat next; how he expects about him a lot and shed
ubee County faced a
wins away from another to wish him good luck East Central 41-35 in the game to go. Young tears. It’ll get better
Class 4A second-round
state title, and it’s all for before each game and the state championship talks about the problems with time, but right now,
playoff game on the
Franklin. was in attendance Fri- game. in his life. Then he sits it still has its days.”
road at Yazoo City.
“Now, everything I day nights whenever he in silence with Franklin A month after Frank-
do, I dedicate to him,” Early Friday, Short-
didn’t work. Still close for a few minutes before lin died, Young, his
Young said. “He’s just er and Young talked for
On Nov. 9, 2017, with Before the Tigers getting up to go. brother and Franklin’s
my guardian angel.” a long time. If Young
Franklin just home take the field every Fri- “It just helps me be brother all bought their
didn’t want to coach,
for the holidays, the close to him,” Young chains with Franklin’s
Shorter said, he didn’t day, Young makes sure
A ‘country kid’ two planned to hang
have to. to pay Franklin a visit. said. “That was my best picture hanging on the
The only year Young out at another cousin’s friend — we grew up, we end.
Young, in his first Whether it’s after
and Franklin shared birthday celebration in did everything togeth- Since then, after ev-
season calling plays for practice on Thursday,
the football field for Shuqualak. Young was er.” ery Noxubee County
the Tigers, had already later Thursday night
Noxubee County’s high getting ready to leave For Young, that be- touchdown, Young has
made up his mind. He’d or sometime Friday
school team, the Tigers when one of his other comes more important developed a tradition.
be there. morning, Young heads
went 14-0 and won their aunts pulled her car up
He got in his car and down to New Jerusalem around this time of year. Upon each score, he
first-ever state champi- to the house and honked
drove west, affording Church in Shuqualak — Franklin’s birthday was raises Franklin’s pho-
onship. the horn. He ran out-
himself more than two the church he attends Oct. 6; he died in Novem- tograph to his lips and
It was 2008, when side.
hours to think. When every Sunday — and sits ber. It’s been more than kisses it — a way to hold
Franklin was a fresh- Franklin, she told
he arrived at the stadi- down next to his cous- three years now, but the his cousin close.
man defensive lineman him, had been shot in
the head. um, the team embraced in’s headstone. pain is still there. “I just keep him with
and Young was a senior
Young and his fami- him. Young updates his “As time goes by, it’s me,” Young said.
wide receiver. And de-
spite their differences ly rushed to the scene, A nd when it came
in age and position, the where Franklin lay in- down to it, Young found
two were always close. jured on Church Street. it surprisingly easy
Growing up in They could tell it didn’t to focus on the game.
Shuqualak with Frank- look good. Noxubee County failed
lin, the son of Roy and According to the to score on its first two
Valerie Franklin, Young Meridian TV station possessions, but the Ti-
said his cousin was WTOK, Franklin was gers soon pulled away.
a “country kid” who shot by his best friend, At halftime, with his
loved hunting, fishing Christopher Scott, who team leading 26 - 0, ev-
and riding horses and was cleaning his gun. erything started to hit
four-wheelers. The baby Scott was later arrested Young. Again, after the
of the family, Franklin and charged with man- final horn capped a 39 - 0
— who went by “Ralph” slaughter. win, he felt the impact.
— was always smiling Franklin was trans- “It was very tough
and upbeat. ported to Noxubee Gen- at that time trying to
“If you’re having eral Hospital in Macon get my mind prepared
a bad day and you go and pronounced dead to coach a game and
around him, he’s going that night. He was 24. also grieve at the same
to find a way to make “Everybody loved time,” Young said.
you laugh and make you him,” Young said. “It Still, he and the Ti-
smile,” Young recalled. was tough for our family gers found success. In
When Young became at that time.” the next round, they

Continued from Page 1B

“We have to grow up way too many turnovers. meantime, we have to find
here in a hurry,” How- Some of that is youth and a way.”
land said. just not executing. We had Molinar, a sophomore
a lot of moving screens to- guard who was expected
Missed free throws, day. It’s hard to have your
first game being against a
to be a central cog of the
MSU lineup, was not avail-
turnovers plague really good ACC team like able Wednesday for an un-
Mississippi State in Clemson.” disclosed reason and will
season-opening loss to Missing Iverson Mo- not play in Thursday’s
linar from the lineup,
Clemson MSU dropped a 53-42
matchup against Liberty.
Mississippi State had Howland said he hopes to
contest to Clemson in the have Molinar back in the
as many turnovers as it
Space Coast Challenge lineup on Dec. 4.
did missed free throws in Melbourne, Fla. The
in its season opener Neither team was effi-
42 points scored was the cient offensively from the
Wednesday night. fewest in a single game
Considering that num- get go, as the Tigers start-
by a MSU team in the Ben
ber was 19, it was a subop- ed 0-of-10 from beyond
Howland era. The previ-
timal result for the Bull- the arc, while MSU went
ous low was 48 against
dogs. 2-of-11 from the charity
Vanderbilt in the 2016-17
“Shooting 8-of-27 from stripe in the first half. As
the foul line is obviously a team, the Bulldogs shot
“(Getting better on of-
atrocious,” MSU coach fense) has to happen in a 30 percent from the floor
Ben Howland said post- hurry and we have to do a and held Clemson to 35
game. “It’s the key stat of better job,” Howland said. percent shooting.
the game. How we could “We were playing against Tolu Smith picked up
be 8-for-27 is mind-bog- a really good team and a double-double with 12
gling. I know I’ve never a really good defensive points and 10 rebounds,
had a team shoot that team. We’ve been in the while D.J. Stewart
poorly, so obviously it’s top 20 in offensive effi- chipped in 12 points and
on me. We have to spend ciency the last few years six rebounds.
way more time on foul as a team. We’ll get there, “We’re a young core,
shooting than we are. If we’ll gel. Obviously it will so in time we’ll be able to
we just make 75 percent help when we get Iverson play a lot better,” Smith
of our shots, it’s a two- back because it gives us said. “There were a lot of
point game in the last few an experienced guy who first game jitters, even for
minutes. can make plays for him- myself. I feel like in time,
“Nineteen turnovers is self and others. In the we’ll be able to gel better.”
4B FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 The Dispatch •

Bama’s Jones, Auburn’s Nix playing well entering Iron Bowl

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS quarterbacks Tagovailoa that was at home, not at Bowl, too, but couldn’t Harris and wide receiver to 180 pounds, has a lot
and Jalen Hurts seem a Bryant-Denny Stadium overcome having two in- Devonta Smith and a for- more seasoning than he
Alabama quarterback distant memory. even if it’s before a crowd terceptions returned for midable line. did in that last Auburn
Mac Jones was a skinny “You know, people al- shrunken by pandemic touchdowns. He passed ‘”You see it on TV and game.
three-star recruit who ways give you a rating or rules. for 335 yards and four stuff but I’m not on social “I think he’s got a lot
had to wait in a daunting whatever in high school, “I think it gives me a touchdowns after replac- media,” Jones said of the more experience, he’s
line for a starting shot. Bo but once you step on cam- lot of confidence, know- ing an injured Tagovailoa Heisman hype. “All of got a lot more knowledge,
Nix arrived at Auburn as pus that doesn’t really ing that I’m going into a for the last few games. that’s really is a distrac- he’s a lot more confident,”
a prized recruit and has matter,” Jones said. tough place,” said Nix, Now, Jones is one of tion. We obviously have said Alabama coach Nick
started every game since. That goes both ways. who won a high school the nation’s top passers great players here and it Saban, who won’t be at
They have taken differ- Nix arrived on campus state title at the stadium. and directing one of the probably makes me look the game because of a
ent career paths but both with more acclaim as a “Obviously we have a ton most dangerous offenses. a lot better than I actually positive COVID-19 test.
enter Saturday’s Iron five-star recruit and the of guys coming back, a lot He ranks third nationally am, and there’s players on “I think the improvement
Bowl playing well. son of a former Auburn of the same skill guys that in passing efficiency and our team that should be in is pretty obvious to ev-
Jones has emerged as quarterback, Patrick Nix. we had last year, and then yards per game with an that talk.” erybody that watches the
a Heisman Trophy con- He also didn’t get the time obviously a lot of guys average of 366. He’s also His numbers are wor- games.”
tender and a worthy suc- to ease into Southeastern on the defensive side of second in yards per at- thy of Heisman consider- Ditto for Nix since his
cessor to Tua Tagovailoa, Conference football and the ball that do the same tempt (12.41) and comple- ation, though it’s a season three-interception perfor-
leading the top-ranked has had to learn on the thing. tion percentage (78.5). where not all the likely mance when Auburn was
Crimson Tide into the job, with all the growing “So I feel comfortable. And he’s among the candidates have had equal upset by South Carolina.
game against Nix and the pains that entails. A lot of the guys that leading Heisman contend- chances: 2,426 yards and He has passed for five
No. 22 Tigers. His days Nix did help direct Au- made big plays last year, ers. Jones acknowledges 18 touchdowns against touchdowns and rushed
as a largely unheralded burn to a 48-45 Iron Bowl they’re back.” he has the luxury of lead- three interceptions. The for two more against just
recruit destined to labor win in his first start in the Jones made some big ing an offense loaded with 6-foot-3, 214-pound Jones, one interception in the
behind eventual NFL bitter rivalry. Of course plays in last year’s Iron stars like tailback Najee who arrived at closer three games since.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: lightly around the us for six months. Her friend’s
Every year issue to avoid up- parents had to return to Europe
for the last setting her. I feel to finish wrapping up some
15 years or so, my bad that she has things and then would return for
husband’s sister spent time and their citizenship appointments,
has sent us a huge money on these so we agreed to the arrange-
box of home- unwanted cookies ment. Rent-free, because we
made cookies for all these years. are nice.
Christmas. My No one on My daughter got a school
husband is from a that side of the offer in Houston and moved
large family, and family has ever there in May. Now it’s just her
she does this for said anything, and best friend and us at the house.
each family. I know perhaps, many of Well, COVID-19 happened, and
ZITS it involves a great them enjoy the the parents are banned from en-
deal of time and cookies. Evidently tering the U.S. They have asked
effort on her part, even a carefully us if she can stay until the ban
and she sends worded “thank is lifted, which who knows when
them via priority Dear Abby you, but we can’t this will happen. We agreed, but
mail, which means consume them” now it’s November.
an additional note would cause I miss my personal space,
expense. family problems. I tried not and I need her to move out. I
The problem is, we don’t eat sending an acknowledgment; feel she has overstayed. But
cookies. Weight is a concern the cookies kept coming. What’s I don’t know how to approach
for both of us, and I avoid sugar your suggestion? — SWEET her or her family and say this
or sugar products as I don’t PROBLEM IN CONNECTICUT arrangement will end soon. How
believe they are healthy. Before DEAR SWEET PROBLEM: should I handle this? — CROWD-
we retired, we took the cookies I suggest you keep things the ED IN THE SOUTH
to work to get rid of them or they way they are. Your sister-in-law DEAR CROWDED: You have
GARFIELD were thrown out. needs something to occupy been more than generous to
Many years ago, I asked my her mind and give her a sense your daughter’s best friend,
mother-in-law what to do so as of purpose during a time of and I hope your generosity has
to not cause hard feelings. She year when people can become been appreciated not only by her
advised, “Don’t say anything; depressed. Get creative. Those but also her parents. She is an
she needs something to keep cookies might be appreciated by adult, and she needs to be told
her busy.” I then asked a a church group, a residence for the arrangement she had with
brother-in-law how he handled seniors or even holiday gifts for you is coming to an end. Set a
the unwanted cookies. He said, your neighbors if you repackage date for her to leave and notify
“Throw them away or give them them. her parents that they may need
away, but DON’T TELL HER.” DEAR ABBY: My 22-year-old to make other living arrange-
My SIL suffers from mild de- daughter asked if her 23-year- ments for her if she can’t do it
pression, and everyone tiptoes old best friend could stay with herself.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. watching. control. You can manage your
27). You’ll hit a streak. Your ef- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). end of things, but that in and of
forts are working in the way you You are the type of friend who itself may not be enough to get
intended them to or even better. comes early to the party and a thing headed where you want
Reinvest in success. Relation- stays late to help clean up a it to go. It’s a day for realistic
ships grow, especially those mess you didn’t make. You have assessment.
with new people. You attract the friends who would do the same LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
sort of scenarios you’ve long — if you’d let them. No parties There’s no reason to judge your-
dreamed of living. When the are happening today, but let self now. Nor should you subject
fantasy lands in reality, that’s them help anyway. yourself to the judgment of oth-
when things really get good. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). ers. It’s a time to accept your
Aquarius and Cancer adore you. It will be liberating to recognize right to create your precious life
BABY BLUES Your lucky numbers are: 1, 24, the difference between infat- to whatever extent you can.
44, 37 and 5. uations, preoccupations and VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April 19). actual love. Love isn’t about the Run your day through your
Happiness may be the best amount of time you spend think- mental projector before you
revenge; no one said it was the ing of someone; rather, it’s the launch into it. As you picture
easiest. Today, you attempt to home you make for someone in each responsibility you will tend
grab some and it runs off. Let your heart. to, you will get ideas as to what
it go. Stick with your path and CANCER (June 22-July 22). would make the experience
goals. Happiness will catch up Relationships are co-created, even better.
just when the right people are so no one is completely in LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Attention to detail saves the
day. You like to know for certain
that your being on the scene
made things different. When
you doubt your impact, you’ll
BEETLE BAILEY speak up, touch people, do and
change something.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You can’t control other
people’s reactions, but you can
predict them. Knowing more
about your audience helps you
predict more accurately. This is
why time spent in research and
observation is invaluable.
21). Your desires make them-
selves known to you, usually
obviously but sometimes subtly.
Today is a subtle one in which
MALLARD FILLMORE your wants speak in whispers,
nudges and inklings.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You prize self-sufficiency,
but it may be worthwhile to pay
someone to fix the problem of
the day. Even so, you’ll try to
learn as much as you can from
the process.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). One solution doesn’t work
for everyone, but it will probably
work for you, especially because
you’re so excellent at following
instructions. A step-by-step
guide will lead you exactly where
FAMILY CIRCUS you want to go.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You know when you’re
thinking, but how do know
when you’re overthinking? If the
thought process doubles back
on itself more than a handful of
times or spirals downward, then
it is likely unhelpful.

The Dispatch • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 5B

journey easier.” For more information, call
Mississippi State 662-327-0604 or e-mail unitedchristian@ Women Prayer, Worship Service
School Ministry Church of the Eternal Word, 106
Mississippi State School of Ministry 22nd St. S., holds a prayer and worship
service every Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
will be taking applications for enrollment
into their online degree granting program.
Celebrate Recovery Call Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322 or
Celebrate Recovery, the nation’s 662-329-1234, for prayer requests.
Earn your Certification, Associates, largest Christian recovery program, meets
Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree in Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at Meadowview
Religious Studies. We are an accredita- Church, 300 Linden Circle in Starkville. Prayer Ministry
tion School of Ministry authorized through Millions have found help, healing, and New Beginning Everlasting Outreach
State of Mississippi and Federal Govern- support for hurts, habits, and hang- Ministry invites the public to call in with
ment. Our degrees are for ecclesiastical ups using our popular Biblical 12 step their prayer requests at 662-327-9843.
purposes only. We accept transcripts and program.
your life experience also can also be used Prayer Service
for degree granting purposes. For further
information feel free to call 662-425-
Recovery Room Church of the Eternal Word, 106
New Life Assembly, 4474 New Hope 22nd St. S., Columbus, holds prayer
8443 Road (near Dollar General) hosts Recov- service Thursday nights 5-6 p.m.
ery Room, at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday. Find Contact Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322.
Fellowship Dinner, Youth Service help, healing, and support for any hurt, Church service times: Sunday school 10
Pleasant Ridge Faith Center, 923 habit, or hang-up using our Christ-cen- a.m.; Sunday worship 11:15 a.m.; Tues-
Ridge Road, hosts a fellowship dinner and tered 12 steps. day Bible study 7 p.m. For information,
youth service every third Sunday. call Pastor District Elder Lou Nabors,
Prayer for Youth 662-329-1234.
Gospel Book Club Every second and third Saturday,
Friendship M.B. Church, 1102 12th Pleasant Ridge Faith Center hosts a Fitness Transformations
Ave. S., invites the public to join its Com- prayer for the youth from 2-3 p.m. The Transformational Church, 2301
munity Gospel Book Club from 6-7 p.m., Jess Lyons Road, hosts boxing lessons
on the fourth Friday of each month, to Prayer, Free Coffee Mondays and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m.,
study and share views of the Holy Bible. Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, weight-loss boot camp Tuesdays and
Open to all ages and ethnicities. For more 2221 14th Ave. N., hosts free coffee and Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and both on Satur-
information, call Barbara Mattison or a prayer community outreach service from days 9-11 a.m.
Lillian Murray, 662-570-5595. 8-9 a.m. every fifth Saturday. For informa-
tion, contact Jesse Slater, 662-328-4979. Youth Fellowship
Grief Support Group The Transformational Church, 2301
The Oil of Joy for Grief and Mourning Radio Program Jess Lyons Road, hosts Youth Fellow-
offers a grief support group at 6 p.m. Apostles Patrick Perkins invites the ship from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tuesday.
every second Thursday of the month at public to tune in to WTWG, radio 1050 Games, prayer, service, food, and more.
United Christian Baptist Church, 232 AM for Perfecting the Saints Broadcast, Transportation available. For informa-
Yorkville Road East. “Making your grieving Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. tion, call Iris Roberson, 662-295-7456.

High court blocks NY virus limits on houses of worship

Court’s three liberal justices and still on the court, the jus-
tices divided 5-4 to leave
New York Gov. Andrew
Cuomo, a Democrat, said
Chief Justice John Roberts dissented in place pandemic-related
capacity restrictions af-
Thursday the ruling was
“more illustrative of the
BY JESSICA GRESKO late Wednesday night, fecting churches in Cali- Supreme Court than any-
The Associated Press with new Justice Amy fornia and Nevada. thing else” and “irrele-
Coney Barrett in the ma- The court’s action vant from any practical
WASHINGTON — jority. It was the conser- Wednesday could push impact” given that the
With coronavirus cases vative’s first publicly dis- New York to reevaluate restrictions have already
surging again nation- cernible vote as a justice. its restrictions on houses been removed.
wide, the Supreme Court The court’s three liberal of worship in areas desig- “Why rule on a case
barred New York from en- justices and Chief Justice nated virus hot spots. But that is moot and come
forcing certain limits on John Roberts dissented. the impact is also muted up with a different deci-
attendance at churches The move was a shift because the Catholic and sion than you did several
and synagogues in areas for the court. Earlier this Orthodox Jewish groups months ago on the same
designated as hard hit by year, when Barrett’s lib- that sued to challenge the issue?” Cuomo asked in
the virus. eral predecessor, Justice restrictions are no longer a conference call with re-
The justices split 5-4 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was subject to them. porters.

You must also file the original
of your response with the Clerk
of this Court within a reason-
able time afterward.
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Issued under my hand and seal
of said Court, this 9th day of
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
November, 2020.

Cindy E. Goode, Chancery Clerk

To place ads starting at only $12,
Lowndes County, Mississippi call 662-328-2424 or visit
BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander-

G. Dewey Hembree, III (MSB
Legal Notices Legal2247)
No. Notices Apts For Rent: Other Sporting Goods

IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF 1020 Highland Colony Pkwy,
Crawford Army Surplus
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Ste 702 on Main in Crawford.
SIPPI Ridgeland, MS 39157 Now for sale: Metal Ammo
Call us: 662-328-2424 (769) 524-2300; (601) 510- RENTALS
LLC PLAINTIFF .155mm Howitzer treated
Legal Notices Publish: November 13, 2020 1 BEDROOM wood ammo boxes,
V. November 20, 2020 $5&10; Army steel
The following vehicle has been November 27, 2020 2 BEDROOMS bunkbeds, $125; Field
abandoned at Atlas Recovery & LARRY SMITH, MYKLE K.
December 4, 2020 3 BEDROOMS Artillery camo nets with
Towing, 4009 HWY 373, spreader poles, $225;
Columbus, MS 39705:
LEASE, Unissued camo (BDU/

© The Dispatch

ACU/ABU) military 6−
1994 F150 FLOWER, Jr., a/k/a TOMMIE
DEPOSIT pocket fatigues, $35 & M−
VIN# 1FTEX15N4RKB67023
SMITH, III, THE UNKNOWN AND 65 field coats & fire−
retardant coveralls, $50;
2011 Malibu
VIN# 1G1ZD5EU2BF144419
SR., DECEASED, THE UN- Call us: 662-328-2424 CREDIT CHECK polypro col weather under
KNOWN HEIRS OF EDDIE B. garment, $18;
2003 Grand Cherokee
VIN# 1J4GX48S93C522565
THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF General Help Wanted
662-329-2323 OCP T−shirts, $5.
Call 662.769.1889
2411 HWY 45 N
OF DECEMBER, 2020 AT 6:00
CAUSE NO. 44CH1:20-cv-
part-time employees
needed at small personal
care home in Columbus,
Houses For Rent: North
Open for season!
Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
Over 50 years experience!

TOWING, 4009 HWY 373,

MS. Must pass back-
ground check. Call COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES.
Repairs, cleaning, refin−
ishing, scopes mounted & Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
Witnessed under my hand on THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Collegeview Personal Care 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 zeroed, handmade knives. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 2 8 9 3 7 4 1 5 6
662-327-9463. bath townhouses. $650 to Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
this the 24th day of November, COUNTY OF LOWNDES given numbers.puzzleThe object 7 1 5 8 2 6 4 3 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

$750. 662−549−9555. of West Point, turn right on
TO: Tommie Lee Flower, Jr. Ask for Glenn or text. Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 6 4 3 1 9 5 7 2 8
PART TIME mature person grid
/s/Frank Stump a/k/a Tommie Lee Flowers, Jr.
for retail store. Sales ex- Mobile Homes for Rent
left on Darracott Rd, will 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 5 6 4 1 8 2 7 3
15743 Basin Lane
Victorville, CA 92394 perience a plus, computer
see sign, 2.5mi ahead given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 8 3 7 5 6 2 9 4 1
PUBLISH: 11/27 &
12/4/2020 skills and very flexible
shop on left. object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. 662−494−6218.
numbers 4 2 1 9 3 7 8 6 5
contains the1same to 9 number
You have been made a Defend- hours. Email resume to $650 dep + $650/mo. No
ant in the suit filed in this [email protected] pets, quiet area. Leave full the empty spaces so 5 7 2 6 8 9 3 1 4
Court by Bayview Loan Servi- only once. The difficulty 3 9 4 7 5 1 6 8 2
Too much
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- name & message,
cing, LLC (the “Plaintiff”) seek- that each row, each
SIPPI 205−712−6697. level increases from
ing a judgment in favor of the RETAIL STORE needs entry column and each 1 6 8 2 4 3 5 9 7

Plaintiff for confirmation of title level employee. Part time, Rooms For Rent Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 11/26
and reformation of certain in- flexible hours, ideal for
struments in the chain of title.
local college student. ROOM FOR RENT, FULLY
the same number only once. The difficulty level
Defendants other than you in
this action are Larry Smith, Email letter of introduction FURNISHED, WEST POINT. increases from Monday to Sunday.
CAUSE NO.2020-0221 or resume to
Mykle K. Smith, Judy K. Smith, Includes appls, furn & util.
Daisy Flowers Hawkins, Sarah [email protected] $400 per month.
Flowers Sykes, Eddie B. Smith, No deposit.
III, unknown heirs of Eddie B. 662−295−4701.
Letters of Administration hav-
Smith, Sr., deceased, un-

ing been granted and issued to
known heirs of Eddie B. Smith,
the undersigned upon the Es-
Jr., deceased, and unknown
tate of Delena R. Gavin, de-

Real Estate
heirs of Peach Flowers Smith
ceased, by the Chancery Court
a/k/a Peach Flower Smith, de-
of Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi on the 18th day of
ceased. Ads starting at $25
November, 2020. This is to
You are required to mail or
give notice to all persons hav-
hand deliver a copy of a writ- Ads starting at $25
ing claims against said estate Apts For Rent: West
ten response to the Complaint
to probate and register same
filed against you in this action Lots & Acreage

with the Chancery Clerk of
to: G. Dewey Hembree, III,
Lowndes County, Mississippi
McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC,
within 90 days from the date of 1.75 ACRE LOTS Good/

1020 Highland Colony Parkway,
the first publication of this no- Bad Credit Options. Good
Ste 702, Ridgeland, MS
tice. A failure to probate and credit as low as 20% down,
39157, the attorney for the
register this claim will forever $499/mo. Eaton Land,
bar the same. Apartments & Houses 662−361−7711.
This the 23rd day of November,
Start your
AFTER THE FIRST PUBLISH 2 Bedroooms hunting land, north of
Millport. $585 per acre. de-cluttering by
3 Bedrooms
placing a garage
PAMELA McGEE, ADMINISTRAT- Call for more info,
OR 205−695−2248 or
Furnished & Unfurnished
sale ad today!
PUBLISH: 11/27, 12/4 &
1, 2, & 3 Baths Mobile Homes for Sale
First Pentecostal Church of
& Credit Check Brand new, never lived in.
Ads starting at...
Columbus, MS is accepting Fully furnished, perfect for
You must also file the original
1 day $10
bids for a Commercial General of your response with the Clerk an older couple or person.
Contractor to build a new of this Court within a reason-
Church build according the ap- able time afterward. 327-8555 Attached front porch with
roof. May have to be
proved blueprints. Job site is at

3 day $18
moved unless lease is
311 Tuscaloosa Road, Colum- Issued under my hand and seal Apts For Rent: Other approved by land owner.
bus, MS. Blueprints can be of said Court, this 9th day of $40,000. 828−674−8659
examined in the office at 311 November, 2020.

6 day $34
Tuscaloosa Road in Columbus,
MS 39702. Cindy E. Goode, Chancery Clerk

Lowndes County, Mississippi
Bids will be accepted through
Monday November 30, 2020. BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander-
Please call 662-245-1098 or
son Price includes 4 lines of text;
662-574-3202 or email
Ads starting at $12 $1/line after base cost.
[email protected] for more
information. SUBMITTED BY: Firewood / Fuel
G. Dewey Hembree, III (MSB
PUBLISH: 11/20 &

11/27/2020 MCGLINCHEY STAFFORD, PLLC Various lengths.
1020 Highland Colony Pkwy,
Ste 702 662−295−2274.
Ridgeland, MS 39157
(769) 524-2300; (601) 510-
Lawn & Garden Ads starting at $12 ACROSS
Medical / Dental 5609 (fax)
STIHL EQUIPMENT: Trailers & Heavy Equipment
1 Sacred chests
Publish: November 13, 2020 BG 55 Hand held blower 5 Archaeologist’s
November 20, 2020 $50. JD D110 42" Lawn Tractor find
November 27, 2020 FS 55RC Grass Edger $50. $800.
December 4, 2020 HS 45 Hedge Trimmer $50. 9 Cruller’s kin
662−368−6779. 6’ x 10’ Carry−On Trailer, 11 Poppy yield
fully lighted, high sides 13 Love to
$1,000. 662−368−6779. pieces
Need a 14 Wild dog
new car? 15 Kitten cry
Community 16 Appended
18 “My bad!”
Ads starting at $12 20 Take to court
21 Wander off
Good Things To Eat 22 Lawyer: Abbr.
23 Bowler, e.g.
24 “That’s obvi-
ous!” DOWN 17 Use a towel
25 Lively folk 1 Washington 19 Vaccine type
dance successor 22 Polly or Em
Start in the classifieds section for 27 Trait carriers 2 Western 24 Hate
your buying and selling needs! 29 Overhead contests 25 Showed over
trains 3 Is discrimi- 26 Late hour
30 Rudely nating 27 Colt creation
Ads starting at $12 for one week! interrupts 4 California’s 28 Western
32 Use an easy Big — range
chair 5 Rum drink 30 Awaited

Service Directory
34 Pot fill 6 Mayberry kid 31 Birth-related
35 Skirt 7 Is in charge 33 Exist
36 Cricket, for temporarily 37 Sulky state
one 8 Leave in a
38 Audacity hurry
Promote your small business starting at only $25 39 Caesar’s land 10 Attack, in a
40 Must have way
41 Blue hue 12 Bucks
Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping


CO. Building, roofing, Bucket truck & stump LANDSCAPING L.L.C.
remodeling, & home repair.
Licensed & Bonded.
removal. Free est.
Serving Columbus
Phone: 662−549−1878
Landscaping, Property Read local.
662−242−3471. since 1987. Senior
citizen disc. Call Alvin @
Clean Up, Plant Care,
Bush Hogging,
Carpet & Flooring 242−0324/241−4447 Herbicide Spraying
"We’ll go out on a limb for
you!" Painting & Papering
Five Questions:
Slag − $400 Ext/Int Painting.
Clay Gravel − $250
Available for hauling any
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Repair. Pressure Washing.
1 Puerto Rico
materials. Filling in Free Estimates. Ask for
specials! Larry Webber,
2 Sia
swimming pools.
Columbus. Call Walter, 662−242−4932.
**HOLIDAY SPECIAL** 662−251−8664.
3 Apollo
4 ROOMS − $100 Lawn Care / Landscaping SERVICE
1 Room − $50 WORK WANTED: Licensed
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor Special Prices.
2 Room − $70 Interior & Exterior Painting.
3 Rooms − $90 electrical, minor plumbing, JESSE & BEVERLY’S
4 Carrie Fisher
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars insulation, painting, demo− LAWN SERVICE
DAVID’S CARPET & lition, gutters cleaned, Mowing, cleanup, tree
UPHOLSTERY pressure washing, land− cutting, landscaping,
CLEANING scaping, cleanup work. sodding & bush hogging. Are you a painter?
Call for more info! 662−242−3608. 662−356−6525 Advertise here! 5 Computer vi-
One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424

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