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The Missourian will introduce you to a member of the MU football team in each paper this season.

Lineman No. 75 Jack 6’ 6” | 305 lbs. | Freshman
Jack Meiners is slated as one of the handful of freshmen to see the field for
the Tigers this season. Meiners is an avid weightlifter who holds all the lifting
TIGERS records at Chaminade Prep High School in St. Louis.

Sunday & Monday, September 13-14, 2009 n se rving the comm unity since 19 08 n Join the conversation at n 50 cents

Where Welcome-back comeback

streets Missouri wins at home after trailing 20-6. More on 1B

have no
Three outer roads off
Providence Road will
receive new names.
By Greg Mitchell
[email protected]
Rock Bridge High School is a
familiar landmark to Columbi-
ans, but people might not know
that the street it is on has no
Some of the outer streets of
the Providence Road corri-
dor are without official names
because of the confusion sur-
rounding a flurry of road con-
struction in the area and the
transfer from state to local con-
trol. That’s causing problems
with mapping inconsistencies
and with safety, so the Colum-
bia City Council is consider-
ing an ordinance to name the

“This is an impediment to
efficient emergency service
and general record-keeping.”
Planning and Development director,
on the confusion over road names

“As the area has evolved,

the starting and ending points
of the named roadways have
changed to the point where Jessica Cherry/Missourian
the official road names are Tigers’ wide receiver Danario Alexander breaks through Bowling Green’s defense in the second half of the game. Missouri won 27-20.
not clear and names are not
consistently applied,” Planning

Funds short for last rites of impoverished

and Development Director Tim
Please see STreets, page 5A

Playful Boone County and With four months left in 2009, for those who do not qualify for of that as possible.” With the high cost of final

Boone County’s yearly budget county assistance. Typically, “I think all the funeral homes arrangements, Rice said most
funeral homes are of $3,000 for indigent burials Rice budgets for between seven in our community have stepped funeral homes pursue crema-
feeling the pinch of has run dry. In the past eight
months, county government has
and 10 indigent services a year,
and he said he usually handles
up to that challenge and helped tion for indigent services. While

families out in a lot of cases on both Rice and Bach expressed
burying the needy. helped to finance 10 cremations somewhere between 10 and the worst day of their lives,” the economic advantages of cre-
By Margaret Menderski at $250 each and a $500 burial. 15. The home does not always Elkin said. “I’ve found that all mation, both also acknowledged
[email protected] Northern District Com- receive county reimbursement the funeral homes are willing that some families are uncom-

for parks
The man’s corpse was discov- missioner Skip Elkin said the because those in need might
to help.” fortable with the procedure.
ered without a name or a fam- county will have to dip into its not meet the qualifications for
ily, and consequently his final emergency fund for any addi- county assistance.
expenses fell to those he had
tional indigent arrangements
this year.
“One year we did about six
more than we budgeted for,”
Parks and Recreation never known.
“The last few years we’ve Rice said. “The next year we By August 2009, the Boone County Commission had used up all
Every year, Bruce Rice and
seeks public input on other funeral home owners find
been getting close,” Elkin said. did three less than I budgeted funds set aside for indigent burials for the year.
“This year we hit our cap real for. There’s no way to tell how MONEY USED FOR INDIGENT BURIALS
a new master plan for themselves responsible for the
early. I think it’s indicative of many we’re going to do.” In dollars per year
final arrangements of people
the 460-acre park. with minimal assets and little
what’s happened in the econo- Bach-Yager Funeral Chapel $3,000
my. People are capped out, and opened in February and has yet $3,000
By Catherine Martin to no immediate family. I think that’s why at the end of to handle an indigent service.
[email protected] “There was a man that was August we’ve reached our bud- Owner John Bach has worked $2,500
An ambitious new master killed in a vehicle accident,” get limit.” in the funeral business for near-
plan for A. Perry Philips Park Rice said. “No identification. Records show that since 1999, ly 15 years. Before opening his
and Gans Creek Recreation Nobody knew where he was Boone County has provided own home, he was the manager
Area includes an indoor sports $2,000
from or who his family was. funding for 44 cremations and at Memorial Funeral Home in
complex, an indoor ice rink, That went on for two or three six burials. Columbia. In his time at Memo-
shelters, playgrounds and ball months, and eventually he was The county’s share of $250 for rial, Bach said, he saw fewer $1,500
fields while still preserving cremated.” cremations and $500 for burials than 10 cases subsidized by the
much of the natural character This nameless man’s final does not cover the cost to funer- county.
of the land south of Gans Road. arrangements rested with al homes. A typical cremation “A person had to have less $1,000
The plan will be the subject Rice’s Parker Funeral Service at Parker is estimated at $1,325, than $1,000 in assets — money,
of public hearings from 6 to 8 & Crematory and the Boone and if a burial is pursued, $500 property, car.” Bach said. “So,
p.m. Tuesday and Sept. 23 at the County Commission. Each year is barely enough to dig a grave there’s not a lot of them out $500
Activity and Recreation Center, the county budgets a certain — let alone buy a plot. Rice esti- there. There’s a lot of them that
1701 W. Ash St. amount to subsidize the burials mated a standard, low-budget will say they don’t have money
of the underprivileged. To qual- burial at $5,000 to $6,000. to work with, but there’s not a
Park extras ify for assistance the deceased
person must have less than
“As much as we hate to, we
get by on that,” Rice said. “It
lot of them that qualify. A cre-
mation service is over $1,000.
1999 2000 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 * ’08 ’09
* In 2007, Boone County began offering twice as much funding for burials and cremation
than they had in previous years.
The park plans include more $1,000 in assets, and their fam- ends up costing us money actu- If I’ve truly got someone that
ily must be unknown or unable ally.” doesn’t have any money for it,
than just a playground: Source: BOONE COUNTY COMMISSION BETH HOAG/Missourian
to cover the cost. Parker also funds services then I’m going to cover as much
n Indoor sports complex
n Indoor/outdoor water park
More meals huey lewis Today’s Index
n Indoor ice rink Corrections: Abby 8B
n Equestrian area on wheels in the news weather A caption for a photo on page 1B in Calendar 2A
n Sports fields A $25,000 grant will Huey Lewis and the Today: Friday and Saturday’s edition Classified 5B
n A dog park allow Meals on Wheels News will perform Mon- Mostly misidentified Missouri linebacker Jeff Life Stories 4A
to provide weekend and day at Jesse Hall. sunny. Gettys as Will Ebner. Gettys is a junior Lottery 2A
n Hard-surface courts
evening meals to the Page 8A Temp: from Houston, Mo. Ebner is a sopho- Opinion 6A
The park property consists homebound. Page 8A 80° more from Friendswood, Texas. Sports 1B
of two tracts: 140 acres of the Tonight: Mostly cloudy,
rock bridge Tour of Missouri cyclist Juan Jose Sudoku 6B
former Philips property and
320 acres south of Gans Road new school high wins
with a 20 percent chance
of showers. Temp: 59° Haedo’s name was incorrectly spelled Our 101st year/#308
formerly owned by the Crane
family. The combined 460 acres
zone signs Rock Bridge High School Page 2A in an article on 2B in Friday and Sat-
urday’s edition.
2 sections
16 pages
makes the area the second-larg- Seven school zones will wins in football against
get electronic speed limit A graphic on 1B in Friday and Satur-
est park holding in Columbia, Photo courtesy of the University MuCluer North. Page 1B
only slightly smaller than Cos- signs. Page 3A Concert Series
day’s edition misidentified the state
mopolitan Park. Huey Lewis and the News of Kentucky.
Please see parks, page 5A 6 54051 90850 3

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