Preparing and Cooking Doner Kebabs: Good Practice Guidance

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safe method for kebabs

 Keeping part used kebabs or leftovers sliced
meat is not recommended. It is safer to use  Food handlers must be suitably trained in food
fresh doner kebabs each day, and minimise hygiene matters, and to a least a Level 2 award
waste by selecting smaller sized blocks of in food safety.
meat that suit the demands of your business.  Food handlers must be trained in your food
 If you do have leftover meat on the doner safety management system
ensure that it is cooled as quickly as possi-  Ensure that vertical grills are serviced regularly
ble (ideally within 90 minutes) before being  Fire extinguishers must be available.
stored in the fridge (below +8oC), or in the
freezer (below –18oC). Consider slicing and
storing enough cooked meat to serve cus-
Good Hygiene Preparing and
tomers in the last hour of the trade, and turn
off the heat of the spit to commence the
 Food handlers must maintain a high degree of
good personal hygiene at all times—including
cooling process earlier. regular hand washing, wearing appropriate pro-
tective closing and never handling food when
Doner Kebabs
 Alternatively consider slicing and cooling the
kebab meat rather than cooling the part used
suffering from illness such as sickness and di- Good practice
kebab. Sliced meat can be cooled quickly  Regularly clean and sanitise work equipment Guidance
by placing the container in a sink of cold wa- throughout the day. A suitable food safe disin-
ter. fectant , or sanitizer should be used
 Always use separate equipment for raw meat
and cooked foods
Reheating  Make sure your probe thermometer is disinfect-
 When re-heating part used doner kebabs ed before and after each use to minimise the
make sure the vertical spit is on full heat and potential for cross contamination.
the cooked meat is above +75oC all the way
through to destroy all the bacteria
 You can also reheat sliced kebab meat in Craven District Council
the microwave—but make sure the reheated 1 Belle Vue Square
meat is above 75oC prior to service Broughton Road
 Regularly service the vertical spit, in accord- North Yorkshire
ance with the manufacturers instructions, to BD23 1FJ
ensure it is capable of cooking the doner ke- 01756 706258
bab thoroughly.
If you require this document in an
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Good Practic3e Guidelines
 If you are using ‘safer food better business’ This leaflet is produced by Environmental Health, Craven
you will need to adapt it to incorporate your
Doner kebabs—thin slices of meat cut from a Making kebabs
 Ensure the bolts on the kebab knife are se-
large block of meat cooked on a vertical Identify a separate work area and equipment for the cure and will not become loose during use.
spit—are potential sources of food poisoning raw meat. Consider making or purchasing different After using the knife ensure they are still in
if care is not taken during their preparation, sized kebabs—smaller ones for quieter days—to pre- place
cooking and handling. vent having any leftovers. Thoroughly wash your
 Ensure that the outside of the doner kebab is
hands before and after preparation and before touch-
thoroughly cooked before cutting/shaving the
ing any other surfaces, such as fridge handles.
The following guidelines have been complied to help meat.
food business operators minimise the risk of produc-  The knife should not come into contact with
ing unsafe food. Use a two stage process for effective disinfection af- any raw meat
When buying kebabs from the third party, ensure that terwards:
 Remove the meat immediately, never leave it
the supplier is reputable and operates to high stand-  Use a cleaning product to remove visible dirt, in the drip tray of the vertical spit since this
ards—and that the kebab label bears an food particle and debris, and rinse to remove can result in the cooked meat becoming con-
‘Identification Mark’. That ‘mark’ is a any residue taminated with bacteria and blood from the
set of letters and number inside a  Apply disinfectant using the correct dilution and juices of raw meat
small oval. XX000
contact time—according to the manufacturers  During busy periods use a griddle or hot place
It is applied at the production site EC instructions—and rinse with drinking water to further cook the sliced meat before placing
and ensures traceability of the food. T o check the  Disinfectant or sanitiser must at least meet the in the pitta bread. Since cross-contamination
authenticity of identification go to: official standards of BS EN1276:1997 or BS can occur during the slicing process—the in- EN13697:2001. Check with suppliers that they ner parts of the doner will be less cooked and
ents/list_en.htm meet the required standards still raw in the middle parts—the second cook-
ing step will destroy any harmful bacteria left
in the meat before it is eaten.
Delivery and storage Cooking and Service  Do not cut too many slices of meat for keep-
Frozen and chilled kebabs must be transported hy-  Start cooking the doner kebab on the vertical ing in a bain marie
gienically so that the meat does not become contami- spit making sure the lengths of the burners are  If you keep sliced, cooked meat from the don-
nated. When kebabs are delivered, check that they equal to, or longer than, the block of meat being er in a bain marie or warming pan, you must
are in a good condition; are within the date code and cooked. keep the temperature of the food above
have been stored at the correct temperature. Never  Make sure the doner kebab has been cooking +63OC. Regularly probe the temperature of
accept frozen kebabs that have partially defrosted as for long enough before being served so that bac- the food, and keep written records of the
the meat may not be safe to use. teria has been sufficiently destroyed checks. The meat should not be left in the
Store kebabs either frozen (below –18oC0 or chilled  Never turn off the gas to the vertical spit during bain marie for more than two hours—after that
(below +8oC) and separate from cooked and ready to the cooking process, or turn it down during slow it should be thrown away.
eat foods. Regularly check the temperature of the trade, as this will allow bacteria in the meat to  Never top up the bain marie.
storage units and keep a written record of the continue growing and multiplying
checks,. If you make your own kebabs ensure  Ensure the kabab knife is thoroughly clean and
the mince is delivered at 3oC or below. disinfected before use

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