Humanities Humanism

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OUTPUT #01: Answer the following questions comprehensively:

1. What comes into your mind when you hear the words:

a. Humanities- are studies about human culture, such as literature, philosophy, and
history. Studying the humanities gives you general knowledge, but not a practical

b. Humanism – is a belief that human needs and values are more important than
religious beliefs, or the needs and desires of humans

c. Humanitarianism- the promotion of human welfare.

d. Art- is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing

artifacts, expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill,
intended to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power

e. Art Appreciation- is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless
qualities that identify all great art. The more you appreciate and understand the art of
different eras, movements, styles and techniques, the better you can develop, evaluate
and improve your own artwork.

2. What is the important of Art Appreciation?

Art appreciation helps open up the mindset of the people, by listening to different perspective
and views as well as interpretations of the art, it encourages thoughtful conversation and the
understanding that there is more than one approach to everything.

3. Why is art important in life?

- Art, in its many forms, is something that we usually indulge in at our leisure. Each of
us have our own choice of art that we enjoy- some of us might like to read, some
paint, while others watch movies. Each of these is a separate form of art in its own
right, and they all provide the much needed respite from our daily hectic lives. Art is
not just something the artist creates to showcase their talents. More often than not, art
begins to take form when there is a need for expression of thoughts and emotions that
cannot be expressed otherwise. It is said that all art is a confession, and it is true to an

4. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be a successful in

the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.
For me being DETERMINED to their work, a person may have a lot of qualities like being
well educated, intelligent or talented but it doesn’t have any value if he doesn’t work hard or
having determination with their work. Being persistent a person continues to work in spite of the
external factors like being bored, demotivated, stressed, having personal problems. Secondly,
being talented without determination with their work is worth of nothing. I remember when I was
in high school I had a classmate who was very talented in Mathematics but he didn’t had the
desire to work with it. He was never studying, and he was taking average grades. If he would
have put some more effort in that subject I am sure he would have been a champion.
In brief, I believe that being determined and continuing working on the things we have
started is the best skill one can have in order to be successful. Of course all the skills are
important to succeed in life but If I can chose one skill I chose this because the world doesn’t
stop and it is better for us not to stop too if we want to have a stable job, and lastly without hard
work /determination any other talent or skill is worthless.

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