Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker used to treat travel sickness, dizziness caused by inner ear problems like vertigo, and sickness caused by motion. It works by inhibiting contractions of vascular smooth muscle cells and blocking certain calcium channels. It should be taken orally three times a day. Cinnarizine may cause side effects like drowsiness, sweating, dry mouth, headache, and gastrointestinal irritation. Nurses need to monitor for somnolence and advise patients to use caution if taking other CNS depressants due to increased drowsiness.
Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker used to treat travel sickness, dizziness caused by inner ear problems like vertigo, and sickness caused by motion. It works by inhibiting contractions of vascular smooth muscle cells and blocking certain calcium channels. It should be taken orally three times a day. Cinnarizine may cause side effects like drowsiness, sweating, dry mouth, headache, and gastrointestinal irritation. Nurses need to monitor for somnolence and advise patients to use caution if taking other CNS depressants due to increased drowsiness.
Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker used to treat travel sickness, dizziness caused by inner ear problems like vertigo, and sickness caused by motion. It works by inhibiting contractions of vascular smooth muscle cells and blocking certain calcium channels. It should be taken orally three times a day. Cinnarizine may cause side effects like drowsiness, sweating, dry mouth, headache, and gastrointestinal irritation. Nurses need to monitor for somnolence and advise patients to use caution if taking other CNS depressants due to increased drowsiness.
Cinnarizine is a calcium channel blocker used to treat travel sickness, dizziness caused by inner ear problems like vertigo, and sickness caused by motion. It works by inhibiting contractions of vascular smooth muscle cells and blocking certain calcium channels. It should be taken orally three times a day. Cinnarizine may cause side effects like drowsiness, sweating, dry mouth, headache, and gastrointestinal irritation. Nurses need to monitor for somnolence and advise patients to use caution if taking other CNS depressants due to increased drowsiness.
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TAMAG, VIGAN CITY 2700 ILOCOS SUR DRUG STUDY NAME AND DOSE, FREQUENCY, MECHANISM OF INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS NURSING CLASSIFICATION ROUTE, DURATION ACTION ADVERSE EFFECTS RESPONSIBILITIES OF DRUG OF ADMINISTRATION Cinnarizine It's used for: Parkinson's disease. Possible side effects As with other Dose: 25 mg inhibits travel sickness History of severe include: antihistamines, Cinnarizine contractions of (also called depression cinnarizine may Frequency: Thrice vascular smooth motion Hypersensitivity to drowsiness cause epigastric Calcium Channel a day muscle cells by sickness) cinnarizine sweating distress; taking Blocker blocking L-type dizziness and dry mouth it after meals Route: Oral and T-type sickness caused headache may diminish voltage by inner ear skin problems gastric irritation. gated calcium problems (such lethargy channels. as vertigo, gastrointestinal Cinnarizine may Cinnarizine has tinnitus and irritation cause also been Ménière's hypersensitivity somnolence, implicated in disease reactions especially at the binding to as well as start of dopamine D2 movement treatment. receptors, problems/muscle Therefore, histamine H1 rigidity caution should receptors, and and tremor be taken when muscarinic alcohol or CNS acetylcholine depressants are receptors used concomitantly.