Grade Crossing: 254 Railway Geotechnics

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254 Railway Geotechnics

tamp, it is especially important to design and maintain good drainage so

that water would not stay in the track; (3) because of large impact forces
exerted on the track from rail running surface discontinuities, the track
foundation should be strengthened using methods such as underlayment
HMA; and (4) design and install resilient and damping materials, such
as rubber pads, under the platework or ballast mats between the ballast
layer and the HMA underlayment to reduce and attenuate dynamic impact
forces. Grade crossing

Although grade crossings are not typically allowed for high-speed passen-
ger track, they can be found at many locations in freight railway track as
well as in transit track. The cause of many problems in grade crossings are
associated with the change of track superstructure at the crossing, as well
as poor drainage conditions.
Best practices for this type of track transition design include the follow-
ing: (1) design and maintain good drainage so that water will not accumu-
late and stay in the grade crossing as well as in the adjacent track; and (2) if
weak subgrade soil is identified, it needs to be removed or treated not only
under the grade crossing but also under the adjacent track.
As stated for other transition types, it is also a common practice to reduce
tie spacing and increase tie footprint in the track that approaches the grade
crossing to reduce ballast and subgrade stress to minimize the formation of
a dip. Also, stabilization of the ballast should be considered.

5.4.2 Examples of design and remediation

The following are several track transition design and remediation examples
that have been implemented in the field: most have been proven effective while
one has not as will be described. These examples are chosen to illustrate how
design and remediation can meet the design principles described earlier. Reduce stiffness and increase

damping for track on bridge
At the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST) in Pueblo, Colorado
of the United States, two multispan concrete bridges were built in 2003,
both with ballast decks. Standard concrete ties were used on the bridges
and in the approaches. Track roughness started to develop at the approaches
soon after the bridges went into service, and ballast tamping and surfacing
operations were required every 2–8 MGT. This situation is found on many
railways’ ballast deck concrete and steel bridges, where these bridges and
their approaches require frequent track maintenance work due to rough
track geometry, mud pumping, and tie cracking.

© 2016 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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