Subsoil Drainage Detailed Design

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Engineering Drainage/Waterways Subsoil Drainage Subsoil Drainage -

Detailed Design

Subsoil Drainage - Detailed Design
Document No: D09#90695 Revision: 3A Date amended: 25-Apr-2012

The information below is intended to reflect the preferred practice of Main Roads Western
Australia ("Main Roads"). Main Roads reserves the right to update this information at any
time without notice. If you have any questions or comments please contact Cameron
Smith by e-mail or on (08) 9323 4916.
To the extent permitted by law, Main Roads, its employees, agents, authors and
contributors are not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made by
you on the information herein displayed.

Revision Register

Ed/Version Number Clause Number Description of Revision Date
1 All Guideline Developed 13-May-2002
1A 1.6
Main Roads Technical
Specifications updated.
1B 1.6
Relinked to Updated
Specification 403.
2 All Guideline Revised and Approved. 08-May-2009
3 Header Contact updated. 11-Nov-2011
3A Header
Telephone number of contact
person updated.
Table of Content
2. Chapter 2 of 3. DETAILED DESIGN
2.1 General
2.2 Location of Subsoil Drainage
2.3 Design Information
2.4 Flushing Out Points
2.5 Subsoil Drainage Outlets
2.6 Geotextile for Subsoil Drains
2.7 Geocomposite Drains
2. Chapter 2 of 3. DETAILED DESIGN
2.1 General
The design of subsoil drainage should be undertaken as part of the geotechnical
investigation for the site by a suitably qualified engineer. Specialised guidance may be
found in Gerke (1987) and NAASRA (1983).
Subsoil drainage may be required:
to ensure adequate drainage of the pavement and subgrade
to lower the water table below the road formation
to intercept groundwater that could infiltrate the pavement.

Generally subsoil drainage should be designed to the Average Annual Maximum
Groundwater Level (AAMGL) which can be obtained from Waters & Rivers Commission.
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Waters & Rivers Commission may impose limits to the lowering of ground water levels.
This needs to be confirmed on a project by project basis. Subsoil drainage should be
designed to provide the required capacity. To avoid the system failing due to partial
blocking of the pipe, the pipe should be designed to carry at least three times the
expected flow. However, the minimum slotted pipe to be provided is 100 mm diameter for
maintenance purposes.
The design shall take into account maintenance requirements to ensure the effective long
term operation of permanent subsoil drainage installations.
The minimum desirable grade of subsoil drainage is 1%, however in some instances this
may not be practical to achieve.
For specific design details of subsoil drain components such as geotextile, filter material
and drainage pipes, reference should be made to the manufacturer's product catalogues
which provide information to assist in this area.
2.2 Location of Subsoil Drainage
Figure 2.1 indicates examples where subsoil drainage should be placed with respect to
the carriageway and the pavement.

Figure 2.1 Typical examples of subsoil drainage
2.3 Design Information
The subsoil drainage design information shown on the drawings shall be in accordance
with the requirements of Main Roads' Design and Drawing Presentation guideline.
2.4 Flushing Out Points
Typical details are shown in Figure 2.2 including cleanout openings which should be made
easily accessible for maintenance operations, and should be provided at intervals of not
more than 60 metres and at abrupt changes of grade and alignment.
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Figure 2.2 Subsoil Drain Flushout Points
2.5 Subsoil Drainage Outlets
The outlets of sub-soil drains not discharging into gully-pits, manholes etc. should be
constructed together with a small area of stone pitching to prevent grass growth and
blocking of the outlets. To aid finding the outlet a post marker shall be provided. The
preferred marker is a 80x40x1200mm steel box section capped, painted white.
If a subsoil drain discharges into a solid pipe then manholes for this pipe shall be provided
in accordance with the requirements described in Main Roads' Guide to Piped Systems.
If a subsoil drain does not terminate in a gully pit or man hole but rather discharges by a
surface outlet, the last 6.0m should be made impermeable by encasement in concrete or
2.6 Geotextile for Subsoil Drains
Before specifying geotextiles, it is important to undertake a soil analysis to determine the
required geotextile properties. Past experience has shown that soils with silt content and
a low plasticity index may clog certain types of geotextiles. A proper design of geotextile
filter should be carried out based on the application, soil boundary and hydraulic
conditions. It may also be warranted to undertake analysis of the groundwater as certain
elements such as iron oxide can be detrimental to the performance of certain geotextiles.
The use of geotextiles shall be in accordance with Main Roads' Specifications 403
Sub-soil Drains. The Specification covers the supply and installation of subsoil drains
only. It is the designer's responsibility to ensure that the geotextile specified is adequate
to perform not only its design function but also withstand any construction loadings.
2.7 Geocomposite Drains
Geocomposite drains comprise a prefabricated polymeric drainage core with an outer
geotextile filter. They are generally referred to as Prefabricated Geocomposite Edge Drain
(PGED). PGED is a cost effective and easy to install solution for subsoil drainage works
including; roadside edge drains, under kerb drainage, cross drainage across highways,
under drains for road widening etc. Advantages of PGED include:
Geocomposite drains have a larger surface area than a round pipe, so they
generally collect infiltrating water more quickly.
These drains have a fabric filter fully supported by an internal core so it will not
intrude or burst.
These drains may clog due to the intrusion of fines and to buckling during or following
construction. Because it is nearly impossible to clean a geocomposite drain once it
becomes clogged, the presence of erodible fines and the potential for migration should be
investigated before such a drain is selected. In considering their use, risks associated with
these drains becoming blocked and the adverse effect on pavement performance should
be considered. For more details on geocomposite edge drains, refer to Austroads
Pavement Rehabilitation - A Guide to the Design of Rehabilitation Treatments for Road
Pavements (2004).
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Gerke, R.J., 1987, Australian Road Research Board's Special Report No. 35,
Subsurface Drainage of Road Structures.
National Association of Australian State Road Authorities, 1983, Guide to the Control of
Moisture in Roads. Sydney. NAASRA.
Austroads 2004, AP-G78/04 : Pavement Rehabilitation - A Guide to the Design of
Rehabilitation Treatments for Road Pavements. Sydney. Austroads.
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