Cec 526 Experimental Geotechnics - Ii: Static Cone Penetration Test (SCPT)
Cec 526 Experimental Geotechnics - Ii: Static Cone Penetration Test (SCPT)
Cec 526 Experimental Geotechnics - Ii: Static Cone Penetration Test (SCPT)
Experiment No. 2
Prof. Sowmiya
Cone Penetration Test
Closed ends; no
✔ The Static cone penetration test is also known as “Dutch Cone test”.
✔ The static cone tests in a valuable method of recording variation in the in-situ penetration
resistance of soils.
✔ It is useful in cases where the in-situ density is disturbed by boring operations, thus making
the standard penetration test unreliable specially under water.
✔ The results of the test are also useful in determining the bearing capacity of the soil at various
depths below the ground level.
✔ In addition to bearing capacity values, it is also possible to determine by this test the skin
friction values used for the determination of the required lengths of piles in a given situation.
✔ The static cone test is most successful in soft or loose soils like silty sands, loose sands,
layered deposits of sands, silts and clays as well as in clayey deposits.
✔ A steel cone
✔ Measuring equipment
Cone assembly and friction jacket for static cone penetration test
Tip Resistance
✔ The tip resistance is measured by load cells located just behind the tapered
✔ The tip resistance is theoretically related to undrained shear strength of a
saturated cohesive material, while the sleeve friction is theoretically related
to the friction of the horizon being penetrated.
✔ The tapered cone head forces failure of the soil about 15 inches ahead of the
tip and the resistance is measured with an embedded load cell in tons/ft2
✔ The tip of the cone penetrometer
senses out ahead of itself as it
induces a local bearing failure of
the soil it passes through.
✔ The tip resistance recorded by the
instrument is an average across
this tip influence zone.
✔ Therefore, caution should be
exercised when evaluating in-situ
strength parameters for horizons
less than about 8 inches (20 cm)
Local or Sleeve Friction
Set up of static cone penetration test: (1) Manually operated (2) Mechanically operated
• The cone is pushed alone through the soil strata to be tested at a steady rate of 10 mm/sec through
a depth of 35 mm each time. Cone resistance Qc is recorded.
• Then the cone and the friction jacket is pushed into the soil and the combined resistance (Qt) is
Frictional resistance (fs) = Combined resistance – Cone resistance
• The cone resistance shall be corrected for the dead weight of the cone and sounding rods
in use.
• The combined cone and friction resistance shall be corrected for the dead weight of the
cone, friction jacket and sounding rods. These values shall also be corrected for the ratio
of the ram area to the base area of the cone.
• The test is unsuitable for gravelly soils and for soils with standard penetration value N
greater than 50. Also, in dense sands the anchorage becomes too cumbersome and
expensive and for such cases dynamic cone penetration tests may be carried out.
Relationship between cone point
resistance and angle of internal friction
for uncemented quartz sand ( Robertson
and Campanella, 1983b)
The friction ratio is an indicator of the
soil type penetrated. It permits
approximate identification of soil type
though no samples are recovered.
Symbol Parameter
γt Soil total unit weight
Ko Lateral stress coefficient
Eʹ Drained Young’s modulus
su Undrained shear strength
ϕʹ Effective friction angle