Lab Iv. Silicon Diode Characteristics: 1. Objective

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In this lab you are to measure I-V characteristics of rectifier and Zener diodes in both
forward and reverse-bias mode, as well as learn to recognize what mechanisms cause current flow
in each region of diode operation. We will also see more clearly how real diode characteristics are
both similar to and different from those of the “ideal” diode.

The first section of the procedure involves identifying the physical structure and
orientation of diodes based on visual observation. The two remaining procedural sections will use
the LabView program IV to measure the I-V characteristics of test diodes in forward and
reverse bias. Although it is possible to collect the data for this lab very quickly, it is essential that
you understand the different regions found in the I-V characteristics of these diodes and the
mechanisms by which current flows through them.
Information essential to your understanding of this lab:
1. Understanding of the operation of biased p-n junction rectifier diodes
2. Understanding of the operation of the Zener diodes
Materials necessary for this Experiment
1. Standard testing stations
2. One rectifier diode (1N4002)
3. One zener diode (1N4740)

Here is a chart of symbols used in this lab. This list is not all inclusive, however, it does
contain the most commonly used symbols.

Table 1. A chart of the symbols used in the Lab IV.

Symbol Symbol Name Units
E electric field V / cm
A junction area cm
Dp diffusivity of holes cm / sec
Dn diffusivity of electrons cm / sec
p hole life time sec
n electron life time sec
g general carrier lifetime sec
w depletion width cm
Lp diffusion length of a hole cm
Ln diffusion length of an electron cm
Vbi built in voltage V

All of the equations from the background portion of the manual are listed here.

Table 2. A chart of the equations used in this lab.

Equation Name Formula
1 Ideal Diode Equation I f  I0 e ( qVappl / nkbT )
1 
2 Reverse Saturation Current  1 Dp 1 Dn 
Equation I 0  ni qA

 NA  p ND  n 

3 Ideality Factor Equation  q  V2  V1 
n   
 k bT  ln I 2 I 1 
4 Piecewise Diode Equation I f  I piecewise e  ( qVappl / n piecewise kbT )
5 Forward Recombination qni wA
Current Equation I fr 
6 Ohmic Resistance Applied Vappl = VA - If RS
Voltage Equation
7 Reverse Bias Avalanche   Vappl  m 
Current Breakdown I avalanche  I 0 / 1    
Equation   Vbr  



From examining Figure 1, you should note that the anode corresponds to the p-type side
while the cathode corresponds to the n-type side of the diode. On the rectifier and Zener diodes
you will be able to identify the n-type side, or the cathode, by the band, circling the package, as
seen below.

Figure 1. Diode nomenclature and identification of polarity.

Understanding a diode cracks the floodgate of understanding for complex semiconductor

devices. In fact, many complex devices may be reduced to pn junctions, resistors and capacitors.

The materials and applications of the two major types of diodes studied in this lab are found in
Table 3 below.
Table 3. Materials and specifications of diodes.
Diode Type Rectifier Diode Zener Diode
Material Silicon Silicon
Voltage Range Vbr to 1.2 V -VZ to 1.2 V
Current Range -5 uA to 1.0 A -20 mA to 100 mA
Typical Forward and
Operation Reverse bias Reverse bias
Rectification and
Application switching Voltage reference



When you take your measurements for this experiment, you will find the response of your
diode for both the forward and the reverse bias modes of operation. If you took your data from
both modes of operation and plotted it on a linear scale it would look similar to Figure 2.

Figure 2. An ideal diode I-V characteristics.

The “ideal diode” equation is a good approximation of the diode current over selected
ranges of voltage, but not for all possible voltages. In particular, it works reasonably well for the
voltage ranges: Vbr /2 < Vappl < 0 V and a ~5kT/q < Vappl < 2/3*EG V. Note that Vappl is the voltage
“applied” across the depletion region of the diode, EG is the band-gap and Vbr is the reverse bias
break down voltage. This equation does not describe the current flowing through the diode well
from 0 V to ~5kT/q V and voltages more negative than Vbr/2. The Ideal Diode Equation is

I f  I0 e
( qVappl / nkbT )

1 (1)

where the variable I0 is called the “Reverse Saturation Current” and is calculated for abrupt
junctions as
 1 Dp 1 Dn 
I 0  ni qA
 (2)
 NA  p N D  n 

Dp and Dn are the diffusion constants,  p and  n are the minority carrier lifetimes, and A is the
cross sectional area of the junction. The variable n is called the “ideality factor.” The ideality
factor changes depending on the mechanism causing current flow in your semiconductor. One way
of determining n is the following equation,
 q  V2  V1 
n    (3)
 k bT  ln I 2 I 1 
Where both (I1,V1) and (I2,V2) are points taken within the region where a particular current
mechanism dominates. The chosen points should be taken a considerable distance away from each
other on the voltage scale. (I1,V1) is identified as the lower voltage point and (I2,V2) is identified
as the higher voltage point. We will address more about the ideality factor later as we modify the
ideal diode equation.


In order to more accurately model a real diode, a number of non-idealities that are
commonly found must be taken into account. The Ideal Diode equation makes a number of
assumptions. The first is that it assumes low level injection of carriers across the junction.
Second, it is assumed that the resistance of the n-type and p-type regions is negligible. There
are points in the I-V characteristics of a real diode where these assumptions do not hold accurately
enough to model a real diode. To help you better see the regions where these assumptions do not
hold in a real diode, the ideal diode equation can be renamed as the piecewise diode equation (4) to
emphasize that certain mechanisms dominate certain regions of a diode’s I-V characteristic.

I f  I piecewise e
( qVappl / n piecewise kbT )

1 (4)
Ipiecewise is one of three different constant values depending on the mechanism dominating the
current flow in the current regions of the I-V characteristic. Likewise, npiecewise has one of three
characteristic values depending on the mechanism causing current flow in the diode. Vappl is the
voltage applied to the depletion width, which can be approximated to VA, the voltage applied to the

A significant part of the analysis of this lab is evaluating the ideality factors (npiecewise) to
determine the regions in which certain current mechanisms dominate the current flow. What would
happen if you plotted (4) on a semi-log graph (current (log) and voltage (linear))? According to
(4), the characteristic should look like three approximately straight lines each with a slope of
q/(npiecewisekbT) if qV in the exponent of (4) is greater than a few kbT. This tells us that we will be
able to recognize what is the dominant current mechanism in our experimental diode by finding
changes in the slope corresponding to npiecewise.

Forward Recombination Region

In the first region, denoted by the lowest solid line (green) in Figure 3, recombination in
the depletion region is the dominant mechanism causing current to flow. At low forward voltages,
the depletion width hardly shrinks while allowing some majority carriers to start diffusing across
the junction. These carriers end up recombining inside the depletion width instead of making it
across the depletion region. We call this the forward recombination region. In this region the
ideality factor, npiecewise, is approximately equal to 1.5 to 2.0. In addition Ipiecewise is equal to Ifr
where Ifr is

qni wA
I fr  (5)
In general, forward recombination current dominates only for very small current values (nA range
for discrete silicon diodes at typical room temperatures).

Figure 3. I-V characteristic for a forward biased realistic diode.

Diffusion Region

The second region of the characteristic is called the diffusion region of operation and is
approximated by the middle solid line (orange) in Figure 3. In this region Ipiecewise is the same as I0

(equation 2) and npiecewise is equal to 1. Diffusion is the dominant current mechanism in this
region. In summary, the intermediate current values in the I-V characteristic of a diode can be
approximated by diffusion current effects alone. Currents in this region are in the  A range in
common discrete silicon diodes operating at room temperature.

High Level Injection Region and Ohmic Effects

The upper most solid line (blue) in Figure 3 is the region in which we begin to see high
level injection and ohmic effects. The high level injection region has a substantially steeper
slope than the ohmic region which becomes much flatter at higher currents. Note that the high
level injection region is oftentimes obscured by the slope-over associated with the series

Most of the effects in the high level injection region are due to a change in the majority carrier
concentrations on both sides of the depletion region. In the high level injection region, Ipiecewise is
equal to Ih0 and npiecewise is approximately equal to 2.0. Deriving Ih0 is something that we will be
doing analytically from the graph and not by using an equation. High level injection would
typically occur at larger current values (10’s of mA range for our discrete silicon diodes at typical
room temperatures) if it is observed at all.

Recall that up to this point we have assumed that the resistance in the n-type and the p-type regions
of the diode are negligible. The series resistance of the n-type and p-type regions becomes
measurable in the ohmic region and must be accounted for in order to make our approximation
more accurate. A voltage drop occurs across the series resistance, RS, as If flows through the diode
affecting Vappl, the voltage across the depletion width. Through Ohm’s Law we find that,
Vappl = VA - If RS (6)
where RS can be found by taking the reciprocal of the slope of the tangent to the I-V curve in the
ohmic region.

Using the theory of this section you should be able to develop a piecewise approximation
of your experimental I-V characteristic when your diode is forward biased. Developing a
piecewise approximation of the characteristic is a major portion of this lab. If you do not
understand the theory above, read it again before going on.


All diodes can start conducting large currents in the reverse direction for reverse bias
voltages bigger than the breakdown voltage, Vbr. This large reverse current is non-destructive as
long as it is limited to a small enough value (a current limiting resistor can do this). Note that the
Joule power dissipated in the diode is I*V. Since Vbr is generally quite large (~10V for our 1N4740
diode) even a relatively small amount of current can cause the amount of Joule power dissipated in
the diode to be large! As result, it can be surprisingly easy to cause the diode to literally burn up!
There are actually two types of “Zener” diodes. [1] Diodes with reverse breakdown
voltages smaller than ~6EG/(kBT) have their operation dominated by the Zener effect and therefore
are true Zener diodes. You can read about the theory of operation of these diodes in the textbook
you are using for the class. Diodes with reverse breakdown voltages greater than ~6EG/(kBT) have
their operation dominated by an avalanche multiplication effect. These diodes are still called
“Zener” diodes, but they are actually “avalanche breakdown” diodes. Their reverse bias current at
voltages just below breakdown, Vbr, is modeled in Eqn. (7).

Idiode(avalanche) = I0 / ( 1 - ( Vappl / Vbr )m ) (7)
The variable m in Eqn. (7) is a fitting parameter that depends on the doping of the pn junction.
Empirically, it has been found that m ~ 2 for a n+p silicon diode. (This is a diode with a very
heavily doped n-type region connected to a comparatively lightly doped p-type region.) m is ~ 4
for a p+n silicon diode. Look at Eqn. (7) carefully and note that the current becomes infinite when
Vappl = Vbr. Of course, infinite current is impossible, so this equation only applies for |Vappl| < |Vbr|.
When Vappl becomes ≥ Vbr, the current is limited by factors other than the diode’s avalanche
multiplication and as a consequence this equation no longer describes the current.
All “Zener” diodes are designed to operate in reverse bias and have a very steep current-
voltage characteristic at the reverse breakdown voltage. Once a Zener diode breaks down, an
increase in applied voltage may source more current to the circuit, but the voltage across the diode
will stay almost exactly at Vbr. Thus, a Zener diode operating in reverse bias breakdown can
provide a reference voltage for systems that need one like voltage regulators or voltage

1. Study the Figure 5-37 in Streetman and Banerjee and describe the I-V characteristics of typical
realistic diode in your own words.
2. Outline sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the lab manual. Take note of main concepts contained in each

We are using incremental steps in voltage to plot the current response of the rectifier and
Zener diodes and practice recognizing the regions where certain mechanisms dominate the current
flow. Open IV in the 3110 folder. You will take the forward I-V characteristics of the
rectifier and Zener diodes.
Do not interrupt the Keithley Source Measure Unit during testing. If you do, it may
register an error in its memory and will not work properly. If this happens, turn off the SMU and
then turn it on again. This will manually clear the memory.

Part Voltage Range (V) Step Size (V) Limit
Rectifier Diode 0.0 V to 1.2 V 0.02 V 1.0 A
Zener Diode 0.0 V to 1.5 V 0.02 V 1.0 A

A. Connect the positive lead from the SMU (bottom Keithley, GPIB 25) to the anode and the
negative lead to the cathode. This will place your diode in a forward bias configuration.
B. Enter the proper voltage range and voltage steps for the diode you are currently testing into
the program from the table above.
C. Enter the proper current limit (compliance value for the SMU) into the program for the
diode you are on.
D. Run the program and save the data into a spreadsheet.
E. View the data using a log(Y) – linear(X) plot with Y ranging from 100 pA to the current
limit as found in the table above.
 To change the Y-scale to logarithmic, right click anywhere on the graph, then
select Y-scale, then Mapping, then Logarithmic.

 To change the Y-scale range, first deselect the auto scale option in the Y-scale
menu. Next, simply double click on the upper or lower limit and set the value to
the desired range after the auto-scale has been deselected.
F. After you have data in the log (I) vs. linear (V) form, take a piece of paper and use its
straight edge to approximate each region. Not all regions may be present in the data you
have, so look carefully and compare the regions to those shown in Figure 3. Fill out the
table below by recording the voltage range for each region. Also plot up the ideality factor
versus voltage using equation (3) to aid in the interpretation of the data.
G. In order to find the series resistance (RS) of the diode, change the X-Y scales of the I-V
curve to linear-linear scale. Estimate the series resistance of the forward biased diode RS.
It can be found by taking the reciprocal of the slope of the tangent to the I-V curve in the
ohmic region. Plot up the resistance of the diode versus the voltage in order to estimate the
resistance of the diode.

Recombination Diffusion High Level

Part Ohmic Region
Injection Effects
Rectifier Diode

Zener Diode


You will measure the reverse bias I-V characteristics using the IV for each
diode with its respective settings, shown in the table below. To place your device in reverse bias
using the settings in the table below, connect the positive lead from the SMU (bottom Keithley,
GPIB 25) to the cathode and the negative lead to the anode. To the best of your ability, estimate
the break down voltage (Vbr) for each set of parameters and record your estimate in the table below.
Some diodes may not break down in this voltage range. If they do not, record NB for no

Part Voltage Range (V) Step Size (V)
Vbr (estimate)

Rectifier Diode 0.0 V to 50.0 V 0.25 V 0.100 A

0.0 V to 10.0 V 0.1 V 0.200 A
Zener Diode
Vbr + 0.25V to Vbr – 0.25V 0.005 V 0.200 A

Type a lab report with a cover sheet containing your name, your partner’s name, class (including
section number), date the lab was performed and the date the report is due. Use the following
outline to draft your lab report.

 Introduction: Type a summary of the summary of the experiment.

 Forward bias I-V characteristics
o Create a Linear (I) vs. Linear (V) plot and a Log (I) vs. Linear (V) plot for each set of
data. Make sure both axes are labeled and the graph is appropriately titled.
o Identify and suitably color-code each of the regions.
o Derive RS from the Linear (I) vs. Linear (V) plot for each diode.
o Use Equation (3) to find npiecewise for each region. Using this value and with the
measured If values, calculate Ipiecewise for each region

 Reverse bias I-V characteristics
o Create a Linear(I) – Linear(V) plot for each set of data in the reverse bias. Mark the
breakdown voltage if applicable on the plot. Keep in mind your diodes may not
clearly show the breakdown voltage.
 Conclusions: Type your conclusions for this lab.


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