How A Bill Becomes A Law: Beginning of The Bill

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Making and enacting laws is Congress’s greatest responsibility. The U.S. House of
Representatives and the U.S. Senate consider legislation in four forms:

 Bills: There are two types of bills, public and private. Public bills affect the general public
while private bills affect a specific individual or group. In order to become law, bills must
be approved by both Chambers and the President.
 Joint resolution: Similar to a bill, joint resolutions originate in either the U.S. House of
Representatives or the U.S. Senate, but—opposite of what the name suggests—never
jointly in both Chambers. Also like bills, joint resolutions require the President’s
approval to become law.
 Concurrent resolution: Legislation addressing a matter affecting the operations of both
the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, concurrent resolutions are voted
on by both Chambers of Congress and do not need the President’s signature to pass.
 Simple resolution: Legislation addressing a matter affecting the operations of either the
U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate, simple resolutions only need to pass in
the Chamber it effects.
Bills are the most common form of legislation. While most bills can originate in either Chamber,
bills regarding revenue always begin in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Beginning of the Bill:
Although ideas for bills can come from anywhere, the two most common sources are Members
and their constituents. For example, a bill may be inspired by campaign promises made by
Members. Or constituents with ideas for laws may contact their Representatives. The
Constitution guarantees a constituent’s right to submit ideas for legislation to his or her
Representative in Congress.
Introduction to the Bill
In the U.S. House of Representatives, any Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may
introduce a bill any time the House is in session. In order to officially introduce the bill, the
Member places it in the “hopper,” a wooden box on the side of the Clerk’s desk. The Member
introducing the bill is known as its primary sponsor, and an unlimited number of Members can
cosponsor a bill.
When a bill is introduced, the title of the bill is entered in the House Journal and printed in the
Congressional Record. The Clerk assigns the bill a legislative number and the Speaker of the
House assigns the bill to the appropriate committee.
The Bill Goes to Committee:
When the Chairman of the committee receives a copy of a bill, the clerk of the committee
places the bill on the committee’s legislative calendar. While the bill is in committee, the
committee members will seek expert input, hold “mark-up” sessions to make any changes or
updates deemed important, and, if necessary, send the bill to a subcommittee for further
analysis through research and hearings.
When the committee is satisfied with the content of the bill, it is sent back to the House
for debate. It is also possible for a bill to die in committee if the legislation is deemed

Consideration and Debate

By tradition, all bills must be given consideration by the entire membership of the House, with
adequate opportunity for the Members to debate and propose amendments. The rules of
debate are decided during the first day of each new Congress, including the amount of time
allocated for debate on the bill. Typically, the bill is read section by section and Members are
given the opportunity to propose amendments and debate the bill’s content.


When debate is over, the Speaker asks “shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time?” If the
Members agree, the bill is read by title only.

If deemed necessary by the Speaker, voting on a bill may be delayed up to two days. There are
three methods for voting:

 Viva voce (voice vote): The Speaker asks the Members who support the bill to say “aye”
and those who oppose to say “no.”

 Division: The Speaker says “those in favor, rise and stand to be counted,” and then
again for those who oppose to stand and be counted.

 Recorded: The most common way to collect votes, Members either slide their electronic
voting cards into the electronic voting machine and select “yea,” “nay,” or “present,” or
complete a paper ballot which is handed to the tally clerk to be recorded.

The votes are tallied and, if a majority of the House has voted in favor of the legislation, it
passes and is sent to the U.S. Senate. If the bill fails, yet the Speaker feels the bill should
become a law, it may be sent back to committee for further research and updates. Otherwise,
the bill dies.

Senate Action
If a bill passes in the U.S. House of Representatives, an exact copy is sent to the U.S. Senate. The
bill is sent to a Senate committee for review and discussion before proceeding to the Senate
floor for a vote. The Senate, like the House, considers each amendment separately before the
bill is voted on. Unlike the House, the Senate typically votes by voice.

The Bill Returns to the House

If the bill is passed by the Senate, both the House and Senate bills are returned to the House
with a note indicating any changes. If the Senate has made amendments, the House must vote
on the bill again as both Chambers of Congress must agree to identical legislation in order for it
to become law. If the Speaker of the House decides the Senate amendments require further
research, the bill can be sent back to committee before the House votes again.

The Bill Is Enrolled

When both Chambers have passed identical legislation, the enrolling clerk prepares the final
document for presentation to the President of the United States. The enrolled bill is printed on
parchment paper and certified by the Clerk of the House. The Clerk reviews the bill to ensure it
is accurate and sends it to the Speaker to be signed. The Speaker then passes the document to
the President of the Senate for signature.

Presidential Action

Once the leaders of both Chambers have signed-off, the Clerk of the House delivers the bill to a
clerk at the White House and obtains a receipt. When the President receives the bill, he has
three options:

 Pass: If the President approves the bill he signs it and, usually, writes “approved” and
the date, although the Constitution only requires his signature.

 Veto: If the President does not approve the bill, he must return it to its Chamber of
origin with his objections within 10 days.

 Pocket Veto: If the President receives the bill and does not sign or return it to Congress
with objections within 10 days—excluding Sundays—it becomes law as long as Congress
remains in session. If Congress recesses before the 10 days have passed, the bill dies.

Back to Congress

If the President vetoes the bill, it is sent back to the U.S. House of Representatives. From here,
the Speaker may decide not to pursue the bill further, send it back to committee for further
consideration, or return to the bill to the House floor for a vote. In order to override the
President’s veto, the bill will need to pass by two-thirds majority in both Chambers of Congress.

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