HUM Freshers 2017 Pages
HUM Freshers 2017 Pages
HUM Freshers 2017 Pages
7. Recipe Corner
We want to be happy. We want to something more akin to, ‘the one To be Hindu, is to be a seeker. At
grow and flourish. We want to find who flows closer to’. Closer to what NHSF, you will find friends of all
that elusive thing called inner peace. you may ask? Closer to Dharma. tastes and persuasions and some
Ultimately, I would argue that all Dharma is what Hindu culture is just like you, yet in all our diversity,
our pursuits and dreams boil down built around. It is our singularity. there is a common thread. Seek
to these simple truths. out that common thread. Seek
But how do we flow with Dharma? friendships. Seek enjoyment. Seek
However, these simple truths, Just as in mathematics the most knowledge. Seek out role models.
turn out not to be so simple, profound equations are simple and But above all else seek to integrate
and are states that humanity has elegant, it is also the case for truths Dharma into your life.
pursued since recorded history. concerning our inner life. Rishis
The Rishis too, some 5000 years developed a simple approach for Yours in the service of Dharma,
ago, delved deep into the ocean of how we may achieve these higher
consciousness, and investigated states that we all want; one of which Drishti Mae
the dark recesses of the human is through pursuing Shreya (that NHSF (UK) President
condition. They discovered through which is good), over Preya (that Graduate in Chemistry
reason, logic, and svadhyaya (self- which feels, or appears to be good), University of York
study) that these higher states which this edition explores.
of mind could only be achieved
when we live in a flow with ‘We’re kept from our goal,
Dharma. In fact, the word Rishi not by obstacles,
is often translated to mean ‘seer’, but by a clear path
but etymologically the word is to a lesser goal’
HUM is a National Hindu Students’ Forum (UK) publication established in 1993.
NHSF (UK) strives to distribute correct information. If there is an error which you find, please email [email protected]
One of the most stirring Yogic immortality for his ardent student, peace of mind, the fire ritual that
scriptures, the Katha Upanishad uses Nachiketa. Yamaraja explains leads to heaven, and the secret to
two marvellous words to help us see that we are constantly faced with immortality. This story between
which course of action will lead to choosing one of two paths: Preya, Yamaraja and Nachiketa truly
trouble in the long run and which the lure of pleasurable sensual encapsulates the meanings of Shreya
will lead to detached, loving living. enjoyment and temporary ego and Preya; allowing us to tread the
These words apply to every choice, and satisfaction; or Shreya, the path of Shreya.
in every circumstance; so they dispel commitment to do that which is
the haze that often surrounds a beneficial and good in the long run, When we live for only today,
difficult situation. that which will help us attain the controlled by the desires and
lasting eternal fulfilment of self- demands of our senses, we follow
Our Katha Upanishad explains it so realisation. the path of Preya (pleasure). On
well and beautifully; so whenever this path, Yamaraja states, we are
you have a choice, ask yourself this To give you some further blinded by avidya, (ignorance), and
question: “Which is Preya and which background; more than 3,000 cannot see our true nature, which is
is Shreya, the long term good?” years old, the Katha Upanishad is divine and eternal. Giving in to our
one of the latest texts in the Vedic senses tends to give us temporary
Preya is what we like, what tradition. Written when Vedic pleasures, but it consumes our
pleases us, what offers immediate culture had reached its darkest hour, energy and ultimately leaves us
gratification to our senses, feelings this Upanishad encapsulates the feeling depleted and unfulfilled. No
and self-will; without providing us entire range of yogic wisdom, and matter how many times we give
with a lasting benefit in the long offers teachings on how to find the in to our senses, they are never
term. higher purpose and meaning of life. satisfied; craving more each time.
Preya traps us in a vicious, never-
Shreya means choosing the best It is cast in the form of a dialogue ending cycle of birth and death. It is
consequences, whether it feels good between an accomplished master, stated that we should attain ‘moksha’
or not-often forgoing a temporary Yamaraja, the Lord of Death, and a within all our scriptures but we
pleasure for the sake of a lasting true seeker, Nachiketa, in search of cannot do so if we are not free from
benefit. what lies beyond death. The story this never-ending cycle.
begins when young Nachiketa’s
So as we now know in simple terms father, in a fit of anger, gives him The path of Shreya (goodness), is a
what both Preya and Shreya mean; away to Death. Nachiketa waits way out from this maze of worldly
let’s move on to the story recited at death’s door for three nights charms and temptations. Shreya
through our Katha Upanishad. without food and water, before is based on vidya (knowledge). It
Yamaraja, the Lord of Death, Lord Yamaraja received him and means having an understanding
begins to unravel the mystery of granted him three boons: his father’s about the true purpose and
meaning of life; knowing that of the greatest danger’ to health, every man’s need.’ Discrimination
attaining such understanding to security, to personal relations means understanding that the
requires commitment. We need to and to life itself. In daily living, welfare of each of us is part of the
discipline our mind and senses, and discrimination means making wise welfare of us all.
live a balanced lifestyle: eat right, choices; knowing what to do and
meditate, sleep and speak well; what not to do. This path is initially harder, and
whilst promoting harmony and seemingly less enjoyable, but its
peace in our relationships. We must learn to discriminate effects are beneficial and long-
between what is permanent and lasting. Shreya leads us inward to
Our Srimad Bhagavad Gita, states what is passing. Everyday we the core of our being; which is true
in a verse that regular meditation should chose to improve our health, happiness and peace. This eventually
will protect us from life’s greatest promote lasting security and deepen guides us to freedom from the
dangers; ‘Svalpampasya dhalmasya relationships - things that in the endless cycle of birth and death;
trayate mehato bhayat’; even a little long run, contribute to your own which is simply ‘moksha’.
meditation will guard you against wellbeing and the world. In this
the greatest fears, ‘…against physical lies your happiness, your salvation, The choice is truly ours, which path
ailments, emotional problems, disrupted your very future. In simple terms, we want to tread, but we have to
relationships and spiritual alienation.’ our scriptures say: the way we eat, remember that it will have a clear
speak and sit should be improved effect on our life’s journey. So I leave
The Srimad Bhagavad Gita goes constantly and with this driving you with a thought lifted directly
further in explaining about the thought, we can impact all around from our Katha Upanishad which
discriminating faculty; us. sums up this dialogue so simply:
‘When you keep thinking about sense ‘The good (Shreya) and the pleasant
objects, attachment comes. Attachment So to tread the path of Shreya, set (Preya) are two different things.
breeds desire; the lust of possession a goal; however small at first, and They motivate a person to pursue two
which, when thwarted, burns to anger. honour it no matter what. Each time different goals. The one who embraces
Anger clouds the judgment and robs you exert effort aligned with your the good meets with auspiciousness. But
you of the power to learn from past higher intentions, you are practicing the one who chooses the pleasant is lost.’
mistakes. Lost is the discriminating Shreya. Whether choosing to ~ Katha Upanishad 1.2.1.
faculty, and your life is utter waste.’ be tolerant of someone who has
criticised you, or refraining from - Anon
It is evidently said without going out to party or to do other
discrimination, by contrast, things of Adharma, just so you can
‘anything goes’. One of the warnings get up and meditate in the morning.
in the Yogic scriptures states that Gandhi once said, ‘There is enough
‘Lack of discrimination is the source on this earth for every man, but not for
The easy option is obviously the takeaway, due to the vast range of cuisines
available, the ability to summon food straight to your halls, and of course,
the almost instantaneous delivery of food (probably Domino’s pizza);
ordered seamlessly through your phone. The hard option is then cooking
the food for yourself. Each come with their own pros and cons and I’m sure
you probably have a tally like this is in your head:
Pros Cons
Easy Unhealt hy
No effort Expensive
Hinduism would split both of these Shreya path; without being wavered
options into two paths: by the Preya path. The Preya path
looks far more appealing – e.g.
1. Shreya path - This is the watching the latest TV shows,
path which leads to permanent drinking alcohol, partying, and
happiness; it is a tougher path to eating fast food. Whereas Shreya
follow, however the end results are studies at the library, maintains an
more fruitful. organised budget, goes to bed on
time and strives to live a healthy
2. Preya path - The easier path lifestyle. Even though Shreya may
which leads to immediate sound tedious; in the long term,
enjoyment, however does not it is path that will lead you to
provide long term contentment. contentment.
In the example above, the Shreya Now I am not going to say that I was
path would be cooking at home; it someone who continually stuck to
may be harder initially, but the long the Shreya path throughout
term results are more beneficial. University; especially in my first
However, due to the ease and year, I was probably 60% on
immediate enjoyment that the the Shreya path and 40% on the
takeaway can bring, we may be Preya path. I got caught up in the
tempted to choose the Preya path. excitement of it all, however after
Imagine the Shreya path is a the dust settled, realisation struck
gourmet vegetable pasta and the me. I had come to University with
Preya path is a large margherita a goal of wanting to graduate with
Domino’s pizza (with wedges of a first-class honours degree and
course). The vegetable pasta just I realised that I would need to
does not have the appeal that the knuckle down if I was to achieve
pizza has. Even though it may this. The key was balance and the
lead to bad repercussions for your lifelong mantra of ‘Everything in
health if eaten all the time, the moderation!’ Having been through
pizza will satisfy your immediate it all and come out of the other
hunger, which explains why most end (with my first), I can say it was
people will go for this option. This definitely worth the sacrifice. Life is
is synonymous with the view of about looking at the bigger picture
individuals who are often quoted and the longer term; something that
to say “You can start the diet can bring you short term happiness
tomorrow!” may not necessarily be the best
decision for you.
University poses many Shreya vs
Preya scenarios and having a long Shivangee Maurya
term vision and goal for what you National Events Team
want to achieve at the end of Graduate in Pharmacy
University can help you chose the Keele University
1 cup super fine almond flour
1/2 cup deglet noor dates, about 12. Soak in water for 30 minutes and drain (if you use Medjool dates, you
might want to scale down to half the amount because they are sweeter)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp cardamom powder (from green cardamoms), optional but nice
A pinch of sea salt or pink salt
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. I start the oven before I begin making the cookies, because of how quickly
they come together.
2. Place the dates in the bowl of a food processor and puree until you have very small pieces.
3. Add the remaining ingredients to the food processor and process until the dough comes together.
4. Divide the dough into 12 portions and roll each portion into a ball.
5. Arrange the dough balls on a baking sheet, about an inch apart. Then, using the tines of a fork, press down on
each ball once and then once again at a right angle, to make a cross-hatch design.
6. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for 13-14 minutes or until they turn lightly golden on the sides and the
top. Remove, and let the cookies cool on the sheet.
Masala Potatoes
Karwari Style (30 minute Recipe)
10 medium red or yellow potatoes, cut into a 3/4th-inch dice
4 Kashmiri or Byadgi chillies, soaked in water for at least 30 minutes
(Use 2 guajillo peppers if you can’t find these)
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp vegetable oil
1 tsp black mustard seeds
1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric
Salt to taste
Juice of 1/2 a lime
1. In a dry saucepan or cast iron skillet, roast the garlic, skin on, for a couple of minutes, turning over once, until
slightly soft. Peel and place in a blender with the soaked chillies and 1/2 cup of water or the soaking liquid. Blend
until smooth and set aside.
2. In a large wok or saucepan, heat the oil. Add the mustard seeds and when they sputter, add the fenugreek and
fennel seeds and turmeric. Stir for half a minute, then add the potatoes.
3. Stir well to coat the potatoes with the spices. Turn the heat to medium and place a tight-fitting lid on the pan.
Pour some water over the lid (a rimmed lid works best for this- the water on the lid helps the potatoes steam
without sticking or burning). Cook the potatoes for 15 minutes or until they are fork-tender but not mushy.
4. Add the red chilli-garlic paste and stir well to mix. Let the potatoes cook in the past for 2-3 minutes until the
water dries out. Add salt to taste and lime juice and garnish, if desired, with coriander.
5. Serve hot with rice and dal.
We have all heard of the epic tale and wife. In this day and age, one wondering why I bring up the
known as the “Ramayana”. Some of can only talk about being the ideal topic of Sewa. This now brings us
us may not know it in great detail, person, but it is easier said than to the vital theme of good and evil.
but have definitely been taught the done. Providing we strive to change Lakshmana himself, Shri Ram’s
story of Shri Rama and Sita Mata for the better, regardless of whether brother, symbolises the ideal of
– whether it was at the Mandir, we become the ideal person or not, sacrifice. He leaves the luxuries of
home or school. Roughly translated, we are definitely progressing as the palace, and his wife (Urmila)
‘Ramayana’ means ‘Ram’s human beings. to accompany his brother in exile.
Journey’. The epic is an integral Lakshmana, known to be the
part of Hindu literature, exploring At NHSF (UK), we encourage all to avatar of Sheshanaga; the great
themes of duties, righteousness and do Sewa; not just on Sewa Day, but serpent, which Lord Vishnu rests
yes, good and evil. perform such activities daily without upon, accompanied Shri Ram and
keeping count. To me, Sewa is Sita mata in exile to protect them.
Before delving into the essential sacrifice. Sacrifice is when we think He does this by sacrificing sleep
theme of good and evil, we must less and less about ourselves, and for fourteen years! The sceptics
briefly consider the traits more and more about others. It is to amongst the readers will surely
Shri Rama and Sita Mata have give ourselves to service. It is to give question this in that the divinity
taught us. Shri Rama has taught and a part of what we have – whether taking form of an ordinary man
still teaches the world, through his this is a part of our time, our wealth, cannot go fourteen years without
actions alone, how to live a life as an a kind word, a helping hand or a sleep – and I question this too.
ideal man, son, brother, friend and supporting shoulder. Such little However, reflecting on this further,
a husband; he had a devoted wife deeds of service are sacrifices, and we merely understand the world
whom everyone admired, which to do them daily without keeping from what we see and observe
brings us to Sita Mata. Known for count is real sacrifice, and therefore, today - it’s relative. Additionally,
her dedication, valour and purity, Sewa. one could say it was a psychiatric
Sita Mata is the embodiment of mind trick hypnotising someone
the ideal woman, daughter, sister Some of the readers may be to be awake, by convincing him
that someone (Urmila, his wife) is Moha (delusion), Lobha (greed), rushed over to Ravana. Ravana
sleeping on his behalf. Mada (pride), Maatsarya (envy), said to Lakshmana that if he has
Ahamkara (ego), Matasara come to him as a student, he
For all the duties of sacrifice (jealousy), Manas (the mind) and must sit at his feet as the teacher
Lakshmana presented in the Buddhi (Intellect). The importance must be respected, thus breaking
Ramayana, he was still human and of controlling one’s senses and Lakshmana’s ego.
had his flaws, being temperamental projecting just the intellect alone is
and having a slight arrogance considered paramount in Hinduism. Seeing Lakshmana at his feet,
about his persona. Nonetheless, Upon advice given to Ravana to Ravana taught Lakshmana many
these more “negative” traits slowly shun these nine emotions and only things, but the most compelling and
deteriorated through the support of keep intellect, Ravana replies that the one that I will leave you with
Ravana himself, who set Lakshmana the possession of these facets are all is…
on the right path. equally important and complete him
as a being. Ravana had no control “You must defer bad actions as much
Ravana, the king of Lanka, was a over his senses and desires, which as you can, keep delaying them.
wicked yet great scholar. The ten lead to his demise. Once a good, noble action comes
heads he is described to have are said about, you must do this without
to symbolise the mastery of the four Towards the end of the battle, when delay and as early as you can.”
Vedas and six Shastras - making him Shri Ram rescues Sita Mata, Ravana
the most intelligent being of that was struck by Shri Punit Vara
time; and thus his ten heads stood Ram and was nearing death. Shri National Campus Team
for the multiplicity of his genius. Ram asked his younger brother, Graduate in Aerospace Engineering
Though a great scholar, Ravana, Lakshmana, to go to Ravana, to Queen Mary University of London
through his ten heads, personified learn something that no other
the ten negative interpretations, person except for the great scholar
emotions and senses in a human (Ravana) could ever teach him.
- Kaam (lust), Krodha (anger), Lakshmana, obeying his brother,
Vipasha Surange writes about her Her mother said this: “Financially, cannot stand on their own two feet.
experience as a Youth For Sewa we are stable. I work every day, I’m not trying to portray the typical
intern working with Surajya, an I earn just about enough to keep “oh we should be so aware of our
NGO in Pune where 43% of the us going. Sneha has 3 siblings so privilege, we should be grateful for
city’s population lives in slum it is a big household, but I didn’t everything we have, those poor
dwellings (Vastis). send Sneha out to work for the people have absolutely nothing”.
money. I sent her to work, against I’m saying quite the opposite. I’m
My project is to start a weekly the wishes of friends and family, saying that they have so much that
Sanskar Kendra for kishori because she needs to learn the value we don’t, there is so much we can
(teenage) aged girls - aiming to of hard work and money and needs learn from women in the vasti! How
create respectful, conscientious, to experience what it’s like out to be dedicated, hard working, how
compassionate, confident, there. There’s no use in keeping to economically run a household,
disciplined, organised girls who will girls shielded inside the vasti until how to give your children
be the leaders of tomorrow. they’re off to be married – if we responsibilities from a young age to
do that then when will they learn prepare them for adulthood.
Every time I speak to these girls I’m to take care of themselves? To
blown away by how much they do, stand on their own two feet? It’s a They have so much capacity, inner
how much inner and outer strength tough world out there, especially strength and dedication –the insight
they have and how they carry out all for a girl, but it’ll be even tougher and wisdom you get upon actually
of their responsibilities with a smile if the girl doesn’t know how to be getting to know vasti life will last
on their face. independent and how to navigate you a lifetime.
the streets for herself. Sending
One encounter stood out for me Sneha to work adds to her own I implore every one of you to, at
amongst them all. When I went sense of self-confidence and adds to some point in your life, visit a vasti
on home visits last week we went our confidence in her. Sneha cooks and get to know the women there.
to Sneha’s house. Sneha is 13, she as well, she’s a fantastic cook! Many They are the true embodiment
goes to school and she works. She’s days she cooks dinner for us.” of strength, ability, virtue and
not been working for long, a few hard work. They are the true
months maybe, and now she’s had It makes me look back, admittedly embodiment of women power.
to stop because school has started ashamedly, at our lifestyle in the
again. Her work (she was paid) was west - how we complain about the Vipasha Surange
going to a couple’s house (both smallest of things, how we molly- 2nd Year International Relations at
families know each other well coddle our kids to the point that KCL
and trust each other), doing their they’re not able to be independent Culture Executive NHSF KCL
cleaning, cooking, and spending and self-sufficient. I look back in
time with the aji (grandmother) shame at the fact that so many kids,
there. It was only for a couple of boys and girls, start university not
hours every day and Sneha got on even knowing how to make a cup
really well with the family. I asked of tea when girls the age of 13 are
Sneha’s mother why she sent Sneha tasked with cooking dinner for their
out to work at such a young age. Her whole family in the vasti. We shield
answer will always stay with me. our children to the point that they
Youth for Sewa is an unpaid 6 week summer internship initiative led by Sewa UK and NHSF (UK) to connect young dynamic individuals
from diverse backgrounds with NGOs in rural India.
The internship focuses on self-development through the journey of service in underprivileged communities. It is an opportunity for
individuals to contribute their energy, time and ideas and make a real difference.
Projects are available in health care, education, environmental awareness, women’s empowerment, rural development and micro-finance.
Applications are now open for the 2018 Internship - - @youth4sewa
THE Creator:
The Supreme Being
OF Objective:
Utilise It
But the catch is - you are both of others, without any personal Back to Gods great game - Life;
players. reward, this is Shreya; it is a lifelong which we all started playing when
mission and needs Shraddha, we entered this world. We are both
Shreya is a character that doesn’t Dhyeya-Nishtha and Veer-Vrat. Preya and Shreya. We are both our
have many gadgets, his outfit isn’t biggest villain and simultaneously
cool and his life missions require Shraddha is a feeling; indescribable our biggest hero. We carry out acts
a lot of time, effort and sacrifice; by the English language, however it which we know will not benefit us
the rewards are not immediate. loosely translates as ‘faith’. I would in any form; however we try finding
However he grows in value as a call it an emotion similar to love. ways to justify these acts. The best
character. Love what you do, serve society way to overcome the villain within
with love and see how slowly this is with the ultimate weapon known
Then we have Preya who is a real Shraddha starts to build. as our conscious. Becoming a more
risk taker, he’s got all the gadgets conscious person, reflecting on
required; power and wealth, Dhyeya-Nishtha – Once you have all our thoughts and actions and
however his missions are short identified your Shraddha, the only continuously improving on them
and quick. He gets little reward for way to maintain and keep building helps us tread the path of Shreya.
himself and gains access to cheats this Shraddha is Dhyeya-Nishtha:
which will help him acquire more continuous action. If you believe ‘Your body is a weapon and consider it
wealth and power. However, it in your Shraddha, act upon your to be very strong. Consider your mind
ends up losing value to the players Shraddha. A huge amount of ‘effort’ to be very strong as only with a strong
character because it’s ‘easy’. is required for this. mind and body you will be able to cross
the ocean of life. Have a strong faith in
In my personal opinion, through Veer-Vrat – Build the courage to yourself, your body and mind.’
my observation, Shreya is within stand by your principles. Once the - Swami Vivekananda
everyone, yet most of us become Shraddha and Dhyeya-Nishtha has
overpowered by Preya. In our day to been established, you will require Nikhil Parbat
day lives, we want to ‘live life’. We courage. The courage will allow National IG Team
would rather go out for a “session” you to protect your principles Assistant Project Surveyor
with our pals than dedicate our time and tirelessly establish your life’s Redrow Homes London
for a better and higher cause. When mission.
an individual works for the service