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The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic
The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic
The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic
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The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic

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THE CURE FOR GOD'S EPIDEMIC is a revolutionary book dedicated to last reformer of India who wanted to create a worldwide religious revolution. He was a saint and an intellectual warrior. By his name the minds of Priests, Acharyas, Pundits, and Mullahs tremble with fear. This book is based on logic and reasoning -a book which opens up Hinduism and sheds light on Islam and Christianity. This book will make you to think who you are and why you are on this planet. For Hindus it will be an eye opener as what they have been practicing so far and even practice today is not what Hindu Dharma is? This book is bound to touch your inner soul and mind.

The Book focuses for the first time in the History of religions on the following topics.

Is Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, etc. a GOD or not?
Who is the True GOD and does GOD exists -a scientific approach?
Concept of GOD, Matter and Prana -i.e., the Life Force
What is True Spirituality?
How can all religions live in peace?
Theory of Karma from Scientific angle
How is the universe created?
How was the human created first?
What happens after death?
Why one should NOT marry with cousins or direct blood?
What the Universe is made up of?
Demolishing Big Bang Theory!
Unified Theory of Creation
Concept of Prana
What is Space?
Release dateApr 26, 2016
The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic

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    The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic - Roshi Bharat



    Before we start this book, let us perform and understand the only Prayer of Humanity. [Upadesh Manjari, Swami Dayanand Saraswati]

    Swami Dayanand Saraswati wrote in Upadesh Manjari:

    In Sandhyopasana, one must deliberate upon the meaning of Gayatri Mahamantra. By concentrating through this mantra on the superb glory of the Creator of this universe, the impurity of the intellect is removed and capability of acting according to dharma (righteousness), is generated. You cannot find such a depth of meaning in the prayer songs of any other sect. Gayatri mantra, which acts as a protective armor of the soul, is known by various names.

    1. It is called Gayatri mantra because it is composed in Gayatri chanda or meter. In Gayatri chanda, there are 24 letters.

    2. It is called Savitri mantra because the "devata " or deity of the mantra is Savita .

    3. It is called Guru mantra because at the time of taking into his fold and imparting education to his shishya or pupil, the guru or teacher first explains the meaning and importance of this mantra and makes him chant it.

    4. It is called Mantraraj because it is the topmost mantra among all the mantras.

    The importance and potency of Gayatri mantra manifests itself in the fact that it is quoted in all the four Vedas.

    In Rigveda it is cited in 3/62/10. In Yajurveda it is quoted in three places: 3/35, 22/9, and 30/2. In 36/3 Bhur, Bhuvah, Swah is appended to the main mantra. In Samaveda, the chanting is according to intonation in Rigveda.

    In Atharvaveda, it is described as Vedamata: "Stuta maya varada vedamata, prachodayatam pavaani dwijanam".

    Gaya is the power of the senses and also life breath, "tra" is protector. Gayatri protects the intellect by empowering it to control the mind which tends to forcefully drag the senses toward material objects.

    Gayatri Mantra:

    Aum, Bhur, Bhuvah, Swah

    Tat Savitur Varenyam

    Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi

    Dheeyoyonah Prachodayat

    AUM: The primal and supreme name of God

    Bhur: The Giver of Life

    Bhuvah: The Remover of Pain and Sorrows

    Swah: The Bestower of Happiness

    Tat: That

    Savitur: Of the Creator of the Universe

    Varenyam: Worth assimilating

    Bhargo devasya: Luminescence, which by its radiance destroys all sins

    Dheemahi: We meditate upon and assimilate

    Dheeyoyonah Prachodayat: May he inspire and enlighten our intellects

    O God! Giver of Life, the Remover of All Pain and Sorrows, Bestower of Happiness, the Creator of the Universe, thou art most luminous, adorable and the destroyer of sins. We meditate upon thee. May thou inspire, enlighten and guide our intellect in the right direction.

    In Gayatri Mantra, God is addressed as Savita. In Shatpath Brahaman (1/1/2/7) the word Savita is described as Savita vai devanam prasavita. The Supreme Power which created the Divine Forces (Sun, Moon, Earth, Wind, Fire) is called Savita.

    In Taitreeya Brahaman (3/101/2), Savita has been described as Savita Prasavita, deepto, deepyan, deepyamanah. Savita is the Supreme Creator who has created all. He is himself luminous and radiates everyone by his radiance.

    AUM is the primal and complete name of the Supreme Power. The three letters in AUM describe the three Supreme qualities of God: Creation, Preservation, and Dissolution. He is the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe.

    Chanting of AUM denotes the three processes of creation. While chanting A for the sound to emanate from within, the mouth opens, symbolizing the beginning of creation. While chanting U the sound emanating from within continues to prolong with the mouth open, symbolizing the continuity and preservation of the creation and when M is chanted, the mouth shuts symbolizing the dissolution of the Ccreation. The word AUM is symbolic, descriptive, comprehensive, and manifests expression of the Supreme Power--God. This is the reason why we chant AUM at the beginning of every mantra, thinking of him alone, concentrating on his divine qualities only, and praying to him and only him. He is "poorna" or complete or perfect, omnipotent and "anandswarup" or Blissful. His benediction radiates and spreads over all living beings, all animate and inanimate objects, just as the light of the sun through its luminous rays spreads in all directions and on every object.

    AUM is Bhur, Bhuvah, and Swah. He is Bhur, the Giver of Life. His energy is generated in the earth which enables a small seed to force its way out of the soil and sprout into a plant and grow into a large tree. He, in his own mysterious way, breathes life into the fetus in the mother's womb enabling it to develop and grow in that dark closet surrounded by water, yet pulsating with a heartbeat indicating the existence of life. He is the life-giving force Bhur.

    AUM is Bhuvah, the Eliminator of Pain and Sorrows. Life is an intricate complexity. There are more thorns than flowers strewn on the path of life. The prick of a thorn causes pain. Pain is caused by several factors: abject poverty which deprives a person of even one square meal per day; want or need which leaves a person hungering for basic necessities of life; physical disability and deformity which prevents one from leading a normal life and causing dependence upon others; sickness which brings in its trail physical and mental suffering; natural calamities which cause colossal destruction; and death which in a fraction of a second snatches away someone who is most precious to a person. All these factors cause untold pain, misery and suffering. In these moments of utter despair we turn to God to rescue us from the clutches of pain and give us solace. Implicit faith in him relieves us from suffering for he is Bhuvah, the Remover of Pain and Sorrows.

    AUM is Swah, Bestower of Happiness. Happiness comes like a ray of the morning sun which in a moment dispels darkness and spreads light everywhere. Light kindles hope, propels a person to move forward fearlessly, goads him to realize the true meaning of life, urges him to enjoy the bounties bestowed upon him by the untiring Donor and to acquire happiness by being at peace with himself and with his fellow beings. The source of all happiness is Swah from whom happiness springs, flows and spreads.

    Gayatri mantra is divided into three parts: (1) tat savitur varenyam (2) bhargo devasya dheemahi (3) dheeyoyonah prachodayat.

    Tat is the Supreme Power which is beyond description. All adjectives, superlatives and epithets fail to describe him in entirety. In one of his couplets, Saint Kabir wrote that if the water of all the oceans were to be turned into ink and the wood of all the forests of the world used to make pens, the whole earth and sky were turned into paper--even with all these materials, if he were to try to write about the glory and greatness of God, even then he would fail to describe him completely. The more one tries to describe him, the more he realizes that vocabularies fall short of words and speech becomes silent. Perhaps this was the reason why the sages laid down their arms saying "neti neti means na iti na iti" This is not the end. This is not the end. There is much more which is beyond our comprehension, which has not been visualized, which is yet to be known, for there is no means available to measure the height of his greatness and the magnitude of his magnificence.

    That Tat or indescribable Supreme Power is Savita, the creator of the universe. His supremacy manifests itself in his creation which is flawless and perfect. Time cannot bind him for he made Time. From time immemorial to eternity, the process of creation and annihilation is continuous. The most powerful and most technologically developed telescopes have revealed that there are several heavenly bodies which are in different stages of formation. This process of creation is unending.

    The earth on which we live is just a small part of the vast universe. Rotating on its own axis to complete one round every 24 hours, it revolves around the sun. All celestial bodies are in motion and yet there is order in their rotation. There is rotation but never collision. The creator has bound them by his supreme power which keeps them at particular distances. We are awestruck on beholding his superb creation. We marvel at the sight of celestial bodies and more at the invisible power which with his invisible hands he has created this universe. That creator of the universe is Savita.

    God, who is the creator of the universe is "varenyam" worth accepting, imbibing, and assimilating. He is varenyam because he is great. All the powers put together cannot surpass him in greatness. His greatness lies in his divinity which is sublime, in his power which is unchallenged, in his supremacy which is infinite, and in his grandeur which is splendid.

    His greatness manifests itself in varied forms, shades and benedictions. He is varenyam because he is adorable. Being our Divine Father, he provides for us. He cares for us. He protects us. He inspires us to move forward steadily on the right path, through the voice of our conscience. He dissuades us from doing wrong. He rewards us for our virtues and punishes us for our sins. He is varenyam because he is our ultimate goal. He is our final destination. We forgot him but he does not disown us. We disbelieve in his existence, but he does not reprimand us for our disbelief. We cry and call him for help; he comes as our savior. We remember him in sorrow and pain. He gives us solace. We pray to him with devotion. He answers our prayers. He and he alone is varenyam.

    In Gayatri mantra the varenyam alluded to is the devasya bharga of Savita. Devasya bharga is the divine luminescence. Among all the divine powers of God, his luminescence is most outstanding. This bharga or luminescence which totally destroys all the sins is varenyam worth imbibing.

    Describing the capability and capacity of the human brain, a great scholar wrote that if it is sharpened and channeled in the right direction, it can absorb and assimilate the contents of all the books in the libraries of the world. Intellect, which is the ingenious power of the brain to learn, understand and assimilate all that is learned cannot describe or even visualize the divine luminescence of the creator of the universe.

    The luminescence of the sun is conceivable up to a certain degree. Being the subject of the senses, it can be seen partially with the naked eye. Looking directly at the sun without the aid of sunglasses can damage the retina of the eye and can even cause blindness. Human eyes cannot behold the luminescence of the sun, how can they perceive the luminescence or bharga of Savita who is the sun of all the suns in all the universe? His luminescence is reflected in the suns and in all the luminous bodies. Its power, its radiance is beyond comprehension and out of reach of the naked eye. This bharga of Savita totally annihilates sins. It is not by the wielding of a magical wand that such a miracle happens. It is by dheemahi (concentrating on the divine luminescence of God) by assimilating and imbibing it, that the seeds of sinful thoughts that perpetrate in our minds--which spur us to commit sins--are completely destroyed.

    Savita is the divine lighthouse. The light emanating from any lighthouse enables many a sailor who has drifted and gone off the course in the tempestuous water of the ocean with dark clouds thundering and spreading a black sheet across the sky. It aids in keeping away from dangerous cliffs and steering the ship in the right direction. Similarly, by concentrating on the divine bharga, the dark shadows of sin are expelled from the mind, and the vacuum that is created therein by the expulsion of sins is filled with brightness. Savita is the benefactor, we are the beneficiaries. He is the Giver, we are the receivers. He is the Supreme Powerhouse. Our minds are like switches on the switchboard. His light is eternally present. To receive that light, all that we have to do is to switch on. His light will flow automatically and spontaneously unto us and fill our inner being with its radiance. The potency of this light is capable of destroying all sinful thoughts which continuously defile our minds and misguide our intellect.

    This power of destroying sins is acquired by constantly and consistently meditating upon the divine bharga, and in practice we strive to make it an integral part of our existence. In the third part of the Gayatri Mantra, we pray to the Supreme Power to enlighten our intellect's dheeyoyo nah prachodayat.

    The word Nah is very significant. It means our Nah transcends all geographical boundaries. Nah includes me also. This me or I makes one realize that he or she is a part of the larger congregation of humanity. While chanting the Gayatri Mantra, we do not pray that our intellect alone be enlightened. We pray that the intellect of all human beings be enlightened. Intellect is the discerning faculty of the soul which enables a person to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil, virtue and vice. It has to be sharpened to discerning power which is always there in us, but its strength is reduced if it is not applied effectively, just as any weapon which lies unused for a period of time, accumulates rust, loses its sharpness, and becomes blunt.

    In the Vedas, the human body is compared to a chariot whose owner is the Atman or Immortal Soul who travels in the chariot, the Intellect is the charioteer who drives the chariot, the Mind is the reins, the five Senses or Indreeyan are the horses. If the charioteer is efficient, he has a firm hold on the reins which enables him to control the horses. Being in a commanding position, he is able to make the horses run in the direction he wants them to run. He, the charioteer, knows the path. He knows how to avoid pitfalls and by his acumen, he enables his master to complete his journey smoothly and safely. On the other hand, the charioteer who loosens the grip on the reins, loses control of the horses which race uncontrollably, ending up in disaster.

    The mind has a constant and consistent flow of thoughts. It does not remain inactive even for a single moment. The first Shivasankalpa Mantra of Yajurveda (34/1) explicitly states, Yajjagrato doormudaitti davivam, tadusuptasya tathaivaitti….., which means just as in the awakened state the mind roves to distant places, similarly it wanders in sleep also. It does not rest even for a second. This mind which generates thoughts, when not controlled by the intellect, is capable of causing extensive damage to an individual. It inclines more towards vices. Vice is a cumulative result of evil thoughts. Evil thoughts trigger evil actions and these evil actions degenerate an individual. Degeneration is the path of descent. Descent is easy. Ascent is an arduous endeavor.

    Usually a person tends to take the easy path, not realizing that it will be disastrous. Disaster can be averted if his perception is clear. Clear thinking comes if a person does not submit himself to the mind, but instead allows the intellect to control the mind. He does not allow the mind to dictate terms to him, instead he lets the intellect make the decisions. The intellect becomes the master and the mind an obedient servant. The subservient servant cannot take decisions; he only follows his master's instructions. He is like a puppet in his master's hands. The master has firm grip of the strings attached to the puppet and controlling its movements can make it dance to his tune.

    Similarly, the intellect which controls the mind does not permit the mind to go astray. Instead, it steers in the direction it considers right. The intellect can be in a commanding position only when it is enlightened. Enlightenment emanates from the realization of one's true self. The true self is not the physical body which is composed of panch bhootas, five elements: akassh (space), agni (fire), vaayu (air), jal (water), and prithvi (earth). The physical body decays and perishes and the five elements return to their original sources. The true self is the Atman or Soul which is unborn and undying. It is immortal.

    In the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna explaining the immortality of the soul to Arjun states:

    "Nainam chhindanti shastrani, nainam dhati pavaka, na chainam kledayantiapa, na shoshyati maruta." or: Weapons cannot pierce it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot make it wet, wind cannot dry it.

    "Na hanyate hanyamane shareere" or: It is not destroyed even when the body is destroyed.

    This soul is so minute that it cannot be seen, but its existence cannot be denied. Its existence in the body keeps it alive and its departure from the body turns the same body into a corpse. The Atman or the soul alone can perceive God. The realization of our true self is a step towards realization of God, and enlightenment of the intellect leads us to self-realization. Enlightenment of the intellect paves the path for the liberation of the soul from the cycle of life and death.

    It accomplishes this by erasing from the chitta (id), kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), and ahankar (pride). By casting them off, the hurdles on the way to self-realization are removed, the blurred vision is restored and we begin to see and realize our true selves clearly. This realization of the true self is the right approach to realization of God. This realization is made possible only by an enlightened intellect. In practical life, the enlightened intellect guides a person and enables him to come out unscathed from the most difficult situations. Spirituality can elevate the soul to such heights that it can come in direct communion with God. In Gayatri mantra we pray to Savita, the creator of the universe to enlighten this intellect of ours so that we may see things in their true perspective, discard that which is sham, false, impure, wrong and sinful and acquire that which is substantive, true, pure, right, and virtuous.


    An Illogical Example

    Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.Karl Marx

    From time immemorial, the greatest part of humanity has been interested in the story of Adam and Eve. I tried to understand the Bible, Quran, Torah and other Hindu scriptures by applying logic and reasoning and nearly all of them failed until I determined to use only Truth. This is a journey of getting out of shackles of deep-rooted belief systems, a journey never written so far. I found that the credibility of Bible became false in Genesis. To compound this, the same is true of the Quran and Torah since they all share the same creation story. I strongly feel that as these stories can be proven as falsehood; there is no need to continue warring about separate beliefs. Furthermore, so many people who died in the name of God; died for nothing.

    Then God said, Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Genesis. (1:26) King James Version.

    FFT (Food for thought): Above the word our is used. This is the plural form. I can draw only two conclusions: either A) It is referring to angels, or B) there are multiple gods. I think this will refer to angels as Genesis starts with In the beginning God created heaven and earth. If this is the case, I wonder why there is no mention to the lives and events of the angels. It also means man is not God's first creation. It is possible that there were or are multiple gods.

    Further "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God." (Genesis 1:27)

    If we analyze this verse and verse 26, words used are likeness and own. God created man in his own image. This draws a question: If we are created in his likeness or image, and man is filled with hate, murder, greed, chaos and many other bad traits, then God would possess these as well, thus such a God would be a corrupt God and full of impurity and not worth worshiping. Such a God is not omni-benevolent.

    Considering the omni-benevolent God which is the true God in this book, the God of the Bible, Quran, and Torah would not have created Evil (Satan) knowing the horrible things which evil can bring. If God loves all, he would not create Hell, as Hell would result in suffering for his children. Even simple parents, such as we are, do not burn our children. Even if the child becomes a criminal, we bar such a child from all our property and relationships, but a mother still cries when she see her son killed by police.

    If God is omniscient, and has ability of omnipresence, why did he create Eden, and place within it the Tree of Knowledge, and the Tree of Life. If God had the capacity to know everything, then he was aware, even prior to creating man, that the result would be getting him cast out of Eden. If we consider that God was testing his creation, it means such a God is not sure of what he created and thus cannot be considered omnipotent. In both case he fails, he is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent. We have war, disease, pestilence, and genocide. Why would God go through with all of this knowing such things?

    The other question which come in my mind is with the tree placed in Garden of Eden. Why place the Tree of Knowledge, knowing Adam and Eve would eat from it? Why create the serpent which tempted them to eat said fruit? In Chapter 3 verses 8-11, God came into the garden, and Adam and Eve went into hiding. God was not able to find them so he called out."

    Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, Where are you?"

    God was unable to find them so he had to call out.

    Adam replied, I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.

    He seemed confused about why they were naked. It was Adam’s response of shame which prompted him to ask if they ate the fruit.

    God said: Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?

    If God were omni-present, he would have been there when they ate the fruit. If he knew, he would have gone to the garden, and said What did I tell you, Adam, about eating my fruit!

    God is contradicting Adam by saying "Who told you that you are naked?" so before eating fruit Adam was unintelligent and had no knowledge, and before that God created him in his own image. Such a God would have been unintelligent as well, with no wisdom.

    The Tree of Knowledge further confused me. If Adam or Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge and gained infinite knowledge, why do we still have ignorant people in this world? Why did it take so many years to create electricity, airplanes and so on? If they gained all the knowledge on good and evil, then we would have the capacity to understand evil is bad, and good is good. If mankind knew good was good, and preferable over evil, then mankind would never choose to be evil. So evil that today we are destroying our own planet, killing animals and creating mass pollution. The only way around this, since we are created in God's image and likeness, is to say that God is incapable of being inherently good, which would mean he is also evil.

    Thus we can see that in all these books, God does not possess any omni qualities; since he in logic does not exist. We all walk separate spiritual paths, all leading to the same destination. So let’s stop wars and killings in the name of God.

    Chapter 1


    The objective of this book is to create an anti-virus against a virus which is widely found in society. Viruses are tiny organisms that may lead to mild to severe illnesses in humans, animals and plants. This may range from flu or a cold to something more life threatening like HIV/AIDS.

    Viruses by themselves are not alive. They cannot grow or multiply on their own. They need to enter a human or animal cell, and take over the cell in order to multiply. These viruses may also infect bacterial cells.

    The virus particles or the virions attack the cell and take over its machinery to carry out their own life processes of multiplication and growth. An infected cell will produce viral particles instead of its usual products.


    Viruses are not simply taken into cells. They must first be attached to a receptor on the cell surface. Each virus has its specific receptor, typically a vital component of the cell surface. It is the spreading of these receptors-molecules on the host cells that determines the cell-preference of viruses. For example, the cold and flu virus prefers the mucus lining cells of the lungs and the airways.

    How do viruses infect?

    Viruses do not have the chemical machinery needed to survive on their own. Thus, they seek out host cells in which they can multiply. These viruses enter the body from the environment, soil, water or air or other individuals via nose, mouth, or any breaks in the skin and seek a cell to infect.

    A cold or flu virus, for example, will target cells that line the respiratory or digestive tracts. The HIV that causes AIDS attacks the T-cells (a type of white blood cell that fights infection and disease) of the immune system.

    Life cycle of a basic virus

    There are a few basic steps that all infecting viruses follow which collectively are known as the life cycle of a virus. These include:

    1. A virus particle attaches to a host cell. This is called the process of adsorption.

    2. The particle injects its DNA or RNA into the host cell called an entry.

    3. The invading DNA or RNA takes over the cell and recruits the host’s enzymes.

    4. The cellular enzymes start making new virus particles called replication.

    5. The particles of the virus created by the cell come together to form new viruses. This is called an assembly.

    6. The newly formed viruses kill the cell so that they may break free and search for a new host cell. This is called release.

    You might be wondering about my purpose of explaining about the virus. Well, I invite you to read on.

    We all know the word god and we know how dedicated we are toward our belief or faith system. In spite of all logic and reasoning which we apply in day-to-day life, we are totally deprived of it when it comes to understanding God. The word God has spread widely and has resulted in many problems on this planet, so I coined the term ‘God Virus".

    The Life Cycle of a God Virus

    1. The God Virus attaches to a host (common people like us) cell. This is called the process of adsorption (Dissolves the surface of our cells).

    2. The God Virus injects its DNA or RNA into the host cell (common people like us) called an entry.

    3. The invading DNA or RNA takes over the cell and recruits the host’s enzymes.

    4. The cellular enzymes start making new God Virus particles (replication).

    5. The particles of the God Virus created by the cell come together to form new God Viruses. This is called an assembly.

    6. The newly formed God Viruses kill the natural cells so that they may break free and search for a new host cell. This is called release.

    7. This God Virus spreads very systematically via carriers called priests, mullahs, pundits, Acharyas etc.

    8. The God Virus creates anti-bodies which fight against any exterior thought, logic and reasoning as a defense.

    9. God Virus creates an escape route in the human brain that as soon as any thought becomes too strong to invade the defense mechanism, it creates a flight or fight response, thus overtaking other organism or running the host from its place and thus protecting its survival.

    10. People with lower intelligence illiterates, poverty-stricken, sick, and aggressive, or those who are afraid of nature are a major target of this virus. Thus 90% of earth's population is in danger or has already been impacted by this God Virus.

    11. After a struggle, if it leaves the host body, it immediately looks for a new host.

    The above is a very short explanation of the virus attack cycle. One virus has been creating havoc on this planet for the last 2500 year. It is called God Virus. The current chapter helps us in understanding this virus, and Chapter 2 of this book is the anti-virus for this virus. This virus works exceptionally well via tools called religions which people practice. I request all my brothers and sisters not to take this book as criticism; this is an endeavor as a student to find answers to some unknown mysteries by using simple logic and reasoning. I am talking about religions and not about dharma. It is important to understand the difference between two.

    Religion can be started from a book or a man, or can be a cult which people follow with no logic and reasoning. Anything followed without logic and reasoning is called faith or belief and once it surpasses logic and reasoning, it is no more a faith or belief but is transformed into Truth. Religion, faith and belief are something which cannot stand the test of natural laws, They get torn apart when logically discussed. Dharma is a set of laws which teach us how to live with nature, with all species in such a way that all can live happily.

    In this chapter, we will explore how religions impact us and our world. Have you ever pondered what makes religion so powerful? What makes people kill thousands of people, rape women, and kill innocent children, consider one part of the world as Kaffir or Pagan, teaching enmity against them? What can make people circumcise themselves or take a dip in water to change their mind? What can be behind mass killing of Hindus by Mughal rulers or why is a cry made in every war for someone whom no one has seen? Why were holy wars or holy crusades required in Europe and Middle East few centuries back? Why were so many Jews killed?

    What makes people blind to logic and reasoning? What is it that makes people irrational? Why do people get upset when you talk about religion, and why do they spend so much time in front of dead idols? If these questions have ever struck your brain, then enjoy this book. For the last 3500 years, a few religions have penetrated deep into the society and have been working hard to wipe out one another by converting as many people as possible. There has been a long history of mass killings. Those who attempted to question were either persecuted or punished hard. The best examples are Galileo Galilee and Copernicus, punished by the Church because they challenged Christianity.

    I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect intended for us to forgo their use. [Galileo Galilee (1564-1642)]

    This is what he said and he was right, though persecuted. God has given us intellect and reason and there is the purpose behind this. The purpose is that he wants us to understand him and recognize him, otherwise we would all have been animals. Some religions are against logic and reasoning and if you argue, then the most dangerous virus, called the God Virus, overtakes the cells of the host and sends a shock wave throughout their body which makes them kill people or fight. The current world is proof of this fundamentalist approach. In every corner of the world, we can see people of specific belief blaming others for their viral infections. They are spreading across the world, but still keep harping about the rights of their own faith, always blaming others for their economic or social deprivation. If they are oppressed by others, their population and expansion should have stopped. In reality, the trend is reversed.

    In modern days, we have an army of Priests, Mullahs, Acharyas and Pundits who spread the belief that disease and your problems are due to Satan and evil spirits. If you spill water, perform Havan or donate to a particular house of worship, or recite some stanzas, verses and mantras, everything will be cured. The only requirement is that on the back of everything, keep the God Virus in your brain and the rest will happen automatically. These preachers or carriers of the God Virus have not seen God themselves, but still they impart the virus into common people. This virus works best under circumstances of fear and this book will teach you how to come out of fear and become a perfect anti-virus of the God Virus.

    It is astonishing to see the way this God Virus is creating religious zombies. Because of the world becoming fanatics, I was instructed by God in my soul to write this book for all of us. Soon we will find that the God who instructed me is different from the one prevalent in modern society.

    The violence and intolerance expressed by fundamentalists and cults throughout the world bring an urgency of understanding religion and its power. Some of the most dangerous people are preaching hatred and intolerance against most peaceful people on earth and that is done by injecting the God Virus from early childhood. this virus is strengthened by continual recitation and reading of scriptures without allowing children to question and challenge these scriptures, thus making the virus so strong that it overtakes acumen. By the time the children grow up, such an injection takes them to a level much lower than animals where they kill each other by detonating themselves. Even animals will not kill themselves unless they go crazy or mad. Imagine the kind of virus this is…

    Read this from one of the great preachers:

    We-with God’s help-call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslims ulema, leaders, youths and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan (U.S troops) and the devil’s supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson. [Osama Bin Laden]

    We can see how God has been called to ignite hate, intolerance and a call for revenge is made by invoking the God Virus. This virus might be dormant inside people, but with such provocative thoughts it gets invoked at a tremendous pace.

    So much blood has been shed by the Church because of an omission from the Gospel: Ye shall be indifferent as to what your neighbor's religion is. Not merely tolerant of it, but indifferent to it. Divinity is claimed for many religions; but no religion is great enough or divine enough to add that new law to its code [Mark Twain].

    Humans are religious animals; humans are the only living species that has true religion, several of them. Is he not the only species that loves his neighbors as himself and cuts their throat if their theology is not as straight as his own?

    The God Virus of different religions has made a graveyard of the globe, people impacted by this virus in trying to be honest, trying to smooth their brother's path to happiness and heaven have created animosity among the human race.. The higher animals have no religion and they live in peace and kill only when required for food; we humans kill not for food but for God or in the name of God. Can any sensible person imagine killing for God, or because God has ordered them to hate idol worshipers so we must be jealous of them and boycott them. We are told that if we do not follow a particular path, then we are going to be left out in the hereafter. I wonder why? It seems a questionable taste. Some major religions claim to make your life happy and if you follow their scriptures, then heaven is for you. You will have virgins, fruits, and so on.

    According to my estimate, in the last 2000 years people impacted by the God Virus have butchered million and millions of humans and those who are following these religions are fighting among themselves still today. The fight is for the quality of the God Virus. The carriers of this virus kill each other in order to prove the superiority of the God Virus, the fight is for the quality of the God Virus. A mad race is on and innocent people are falling prey. The best example of such a clash is the different sects of Islam, i.e. Shia and Sunni.

    India is an extraordinary nation having two million gods, and Indians worship them all. All other countries are paupers when it comes to religions. India is the only millionaire. Doesn’t this sounds like people living in delusional disorder? A whole nation worships each and every thing, for to Indians, everything is God. This is one of the best examples of how the God Virus can spread in an entire nation in varying forms. Such is the devastation that the nation has lost its original identity.

    I remember my day in Atlanta when I went to a particular church. I have a habit of going to different religious places and understanding what they preach and teach, looking at each scripture from a skeptic's eye. I attended a complete two-hour session, I was quite impressed to see how people were dancing and crying in the name of Christ. After prayer was done, a few people started with testimonials. One girl said I got this much money. Another said, I passed my exam because priest gave some blessings of Christ. I cannot understand if she had not taken the exam what blessings would have been received, or had she not studied, how would the blessings have worked. After the session, the priest came to me and asked me my religion. I replied, I am human. It was a shock for him. He again asked me what my religion is and I repeated my answer. For him, this was one person standing in his church and replying in this manner. Then I asked him a question.

    Do you consider yourself as a true believer of Christ? He replied, Yes.

    I said, Just now in your speech, you mentioned that true believers can do anything. Can you divide water in a glass into two parts the way you mentioned that the river was divided into two by Jesus?

    He got upset at me and then I left. This is spirituality in the churches. It is nothing but big political organizations working hard to put their patented God Virus in people’s heads to convert all people in the world for something which no one knows. Jesus Christ felt the Supreme Psychic Consciousness (SPC) and was an enlightened soul, but followers have changed his true message. I have the utmost respect for Jesus, but teachings created many years after his death must be analyzed. Anything which defies dharma must be rejected. Any teaching which creates hate or enmity must be removed, as this is not the Jesus I know, and I am sure he would not teach such thing to his followers.

    Another important aspect is religious conversions. Have you ever wondered how a person seemingly perfect reasonable to you with no noticeable concern for religion might meet with an accident or some other terrible mishap. During this time of pain and agony people infected by the God Virus can suddenly come and cling to this person. They inject him with an idea of a Force which gets angry; a Force which punishes you; a Force which will listen to you if you give away your logic and reasoning and become a blind follower. Come with us! We will tell you about your past, the reasons why it happened to you.

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