Haccp Plan - Water Treatment Risk Assessment & Control Measures
Haccp Plan - Water Treatment Risk Assessment & Control Measures
Haccp Plan - Water Treatment Risk Assessment & Control Measures
Ingredient / Potential hazard state Rationale (inclusion or exclusion as a Significance of What preventive measure or controls can be applied to prevent Is this step a CCP? (Y/N)
Process step hazard) Hazard this significant hazard?
(biological, chemical or physical)
Se Lik Sig Q Q Q Q CCP
v e 1 2 3 4
DEEPWELL Biological 2 D 12 Ensure the cleanliness of deepwell, cleaning the filter every - - - - No
1,2,3 Patogen microbial contamination Source from ground water 3 years
Physical Residue can be carried by water 4 D 21 Ensure that filters are installed - - - - No
Residual Sendimentation
Iron Injection Biological Not expected to occur - - - - - No
Chemical Excessive levels of Fe can be harmful 4 D 21 Ensure that Fe -1 is injected according to usage standards - - - - No
Larutan Nasco Fe -1 to health
Biological Bacteria carry from ground water 2 D 12 Do the entire cleaning 1x a year - - - - No
Patogen bacterial contamination sources
Ground Tank Chemical There is excess checmichal Fe-1 4 D 21 Ensure that Fe -1 injected meets the usage standards - - - - No
Larutan Nasco Fe -1 dissolved in the ground tank Performs thorough cleaning
Physical sediment deposition from water pipes 4 D 21 Performs regular groundtank cleaning 1x per year - - - - No
Prepared by: Hygiene Officer Document No. : HRY-ISO-H22-02
Approved by: General Manager Revision No: 0
Implementation Date: 3 July 2019 Page: 2 of 3
Ingredient / Potential hazard state Rationale (inclusion or exclusion as a Significance of What preventive measure or controls can be applied to prevent Is this step a CCP? (Y/N)
Process step hazard) Hazard this significant hazard?
(biological, chemical or physical)
Se Lik Sig Q Q Q Q CCP
v e 1 2 3 4
Ingredient / Potential hazard state Rationale (inclusion or exclusion as a Significance of What preventive measure or controls can be applied to prevent Is this step a CCP? (Y/N)
Process step hazard) Hazard this significant hazard?
(biological, chemical or physical)
Se Lik Sig Q Q Q Q CCP
v e 1 2 3 4
Chemical There is excess chlorine mixed into 2 D 12 Ensure that the chlorine given complies with the 0.3-0.5 - - - - No
Chlorine the water stream ppm standard for distribution
Physical Odor due to chlorine exceeds the 2 D 12 Ensure that the chlorine given complies with the 0.3-0.5 - - - - No
Smell amount ppm standard for distribution
Biological There is exposure to bacteria from 2 D 12 Ensure chlorine is injected in accordance with standards, - - - - No
Growth of microbial pathogens the piping system and performs regular 1x domestic cleaning
Domectic Tank Chemical There is excess chlorine mixed into 2 D 12 Ensure that chlorine is given in accordance with the 0.3-0.5 - - - - No
chlorine the water stream ppm standard for distribution, checking chorine levels
regularly on a daily basis
Physical Not expected to occur - - - - No