1-J2 - ProtectionConsiderationsforCGTStaticStarting Final2
1-J2 - ProtectionConsiderationsforCGTStaticStarting Final2
1-J2 - ProtectionConsiderationsforCGTStaticStarting Final2
Abstract-- This paper was written by a Working Group of the for firing the turbine. The LCI is operated during ignition,
IEEE Power System Relaying Committee to provide guidance which takes about 2 minutes. Finally, the LCI accelerates
to the industry to better understand the Combustion Gas the machine to full speed bringing the unit up to 0.9 per
Turbine (CGT) static starting process. This paper discusses unit speed.
the static start sequences, the categories of machine grounding
used during static starting, short circuit characteristics of
synchronous machines during static starting, and protection 1.00
applications employed by the Load Commutating Inverter 0.90
(LCI) controller and generator.
Index Terms—Combustion Gas Turbine (CGT), Load 0.70
Commutating Inverter (LCI), Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD),
Speed (pu)
to Full Speed
Generator symmetrical short circuit current at no load
Ignition can be determined by the equation:
P ⎡⎛ 1 1 ⎞ −t / T "d ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ −t / T 'd 1 ⎤
I sc rms = ⎢⎜ − ⎟e +⎜ − ⎟e + ⎥
0.00 3V ⎣⎝ X"d X ' d ⎠ ⎝ X ' d Xd ⎠ Xd ⎦
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
where; P = three-phase rated VA, V = rated line voltage,
Time (min) X”d = per unit machine subtransient reactance, T”d = field
short circuit subtransient time constant, X’d = per unit
Figure 2, Static Start Sequence – V/Hz vs. Time machine transient reactance, T’d = field short circuit
transient time constant, and Xd = per unit machine
synchronous reactance.
II. CATEGORIES OF MACHINE GROUNDING The expression 1/X”d represents 1.0 per unit voltage /
METHODS DURING STATIC START X”d per unit in the equation. However, the stator will be
subjected to less than 1.0 per unit voltage during the LCI
A. High-Resistance Grounding with neutral grounding Start sequence. Therefore, generator symmetrical short
transformer circuit current at static start can be determined by the
Grounding the neutral of a generator through a equation:
distribution transformer with a secondary resistor is ⎡⎛ Vpu Vpu ⎞ −t / T "d ⎛ Vpu Vpu ⎞ −t / T 'd Vpu⎤
I sc rms = Ibase⎢⎜ − ⎟e +⎜ − ⎟e + ⎥
common practice in North America. The resistance is ⎣⎝ X"d X ' d ⎠ ⎝ X ' d Xd ⎠ Xd ⎦
typically sized to be equal to the total phase-to-ground
The inductive reactance values will vary depending on
capacitive reactance per phase, Xc, to avoid possible
frequency (speed) during start up. Generator reactances and
damage from high transient overvoltages that can occur
time constants for a typical cylindrical rotor machine were
from ferroresonance. The neutral resistance typically limits
used for this analysis. Those were as follows:
ground fault current to 3-25A or less. If this equipment is
left in the circuit during static starting, a ground fault on X”d = 0.135 per unit
the DC link of the static starter will cause DC current to T”d = 0.03 seconds
flow in the primary of the distribution transformer with X’d = 0.215 per unit
resultant quick saturation. On saturation, the DC current T’d = 0.7 seconds
through the neutral is primarily limited by the transformer Xd = 1.91 per unit
primary resistance. The distribution transformer’s thermal Figure 3 shows a plot of the available initial RMS
capability will be exceeded if the fault is not removed. The symmetrical short circuit current versus time during the
transformer is less vulnerable than the grounded Wye PTs static starting process for the example CGT. The available
connected in the generator circuit, which have less initial RMS symmetrical short circuit current for the
capability to withstand DC. DC faults must be removed example generator at rated speed, no load is 7.41 per unit.
quickly and are detected by measuring primary DC current During the stages acceleration-to-purge, purge, ignition,
in the generator neutral. and initial acceleration-to-full speed, the speed and voltage
are controlled to maintain a constant volts per hertz level of
B. High-Resistance Grounding with neutral resistor 0.77 per unit. Thus, initial short circuit current at these
Grounding the neutral directly through a resistor is a stages is 77% of the 7.41 per unit at rated, or 5.7 per unit.
common practice outside of North America. Again, the Following the initial acceleration to full speed stage, the
object is to limit ground fault current to less than 3-25A. field will be excited to bring the generator voltage to the
DC faults are detected by measuring primary DC current in ceiling starting voltage (typically 25.6% of rated voltage).
the neutral. This voltage will be maintained while speed is increased
throughout the remainder of this stage (see Figure 1), thus
C. Ungrounded reducing the volts per hertz and available initial short
Generator static starting with the machine ungrounded is circuit current to the minimum value of 1.9 per unit seen in
conducted by design by one manufacturer to eliminate the Figure 3 at 90% speed.
possible problems caused by a DC-link fault. The design
switches the high-resistance neutral grounding scheme out
measurement becomes less accurate. Figure 4 shows the
6 magnitude response of a DFT when the DFT length is
equal to the power cycle and when it is 110% of the power
Acceleration to Purge
5 cycle.
Available Initial Isc (per unit)
4 80
to Full Speed
Coast Down 60
3 40
Input Signal (100 samples / cycle)
-80 DFT Fundamental Magnitude (length = 100)
0 DFT Fundamental Magnitude (length = 110)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
The machine was initialized at 1 pu speed and voltage for waveform and as a result no CT saturation. The phasor
the first plot and 0.3 pu speed and 0.23 pu voltage for the magnitude is decremented as expected for a synchronous
second plot. All quantities are per unit and time is in generator. Phases A and B show CT saturation (green and
seconds. A three-phase fault was applied at the machine red traces do not coincide). This causes a slight reduction
terminals and the CT primary and secondary currents were in the phasor magnitude. In the 18 Hz plots, the peak value
captured. A generic Fourier transform was used to calculate of the fault current is reduced somewhat due to the
the current phasor magnitude (shown in blue). reduction in voltage. Phase B current is relatively
symmetrical with no saturation occurring. The peak value
of the phasor magnitude is also reduced because the
instantaneous value decrements before the fourier ramps to
its ultimate value. Saturation occurs this time in phases A
and C but the degree of saturation does not differ
significantly from the 60 Hz case. In general the transient
response of the generator and its CTs are not adversely
degraded at this frequency and should not create problems
for relay settings calculations.
ungrounded during startup, then detection of ground faults
is accomplished via the LCI controls.
c. Volts per Hertz
Volts per hertz protection specific to startup operations is
required due to lower than rated stator voltages and
variable frequencies.
B. Drive Mechanism Protection
Typically a number of protective functions are provided
in the drive mechanism for Static Starting Combustion
Turbines. These functions provide for the unique
protection requirements for static starting from DC to rated
frequency levels. Analog to digital conversion of the input
currents and voltages are used in protection algorithms
within the LCI controller to protect the drive components
and machine. These input quantities are measured to detect
an alarm, fault, or abnormal operating condition and initiate
action such as an immediate shut down of the LCI starting
Figure 7 illustrates Drive Mechanism Protection examples of two manufacturer’s approaches. Typically some form of
Instantaneous, Inverse Time Overcurrent, and some form of Differential protection can be included. A ground fault detection
system is generally implemented in the drive system that can be an active injection system. An undervoltage and overvoltage
protection is also typically provided. Typically, drive system protection monitors input (source) and output (load) current and
voltage, along with LCI, exciter, and machine operation. In some cases Volts per Hertz protection is included to insure proper
flux levels are maintained. Supply transformer protection can also be included. Protective functions in Protective Zones 2 and 3
are accomplished by analog to digital conversion of current and voltage, then measurement by comparator against specific
Manufacturer A protection is shown on the left side of the schematic. It incorporates overcurrent and thermal protective
relays for the transformer in Protective Zone 1, and multiple protective functions in the drive control for Protective Zones 2 and
Manufacturer B protection is shown on the right side of the schematic.
Source Bus
Protective Zone 1 50 Protective Zone 1
Manufacturer A: * 51N
51 Manufacturer B: *
Load Overvoltage
Load Overcurrent
Load Commutation Failure
Load Phase Lock Loop
C. Generator Protection
Figure 8 illustrates generator and GSU protection schemes for Manufacturer A. Note that during LCI Start, the generator
circuit breaker, 52, is open, and the LCI disconnect switch, 89-SS, is closed. LCI start is conducted with the generator
ungrounded and neutral grounding transformer disconnect switch 89-DS open. 87GT requires special consideration during start
up. Differential current pickup should be adjusted to accommodate the maximum LCI start current from the generator neutral
87 *
51 * T
59 * to Aux TX
52 87 *
89-SS 60
24 27 59
81 81
AVR 41
87 * 49
32 40 46
Figure 9 illustrates generator and GSU protection schemes for Manufacturer B. Note that during LCI Start, the generator
circuit breaker, 52, is open, and the LCI disconnect switch, 89-SS, is closed. Manufacturer B LCI start is conducted with the
generator grounded and neutral grounding transformer disconnect switch 89-DS closed. 87GT and 87T require special
consideration during start up. Differential current pickup should be adjusted to accommodate the maximum LCI start current
from the generator neutral CTs.
51 *
59 * to Aux TX
87 *
52 T
87 *
LCI 60
* 27 59
81 81
AVR 41
21 /
51 V
32 40 46 50
In closing, the topics discussed in this paper provide the protection engineer with an understanding of the Static Start process
for Combustion Turbine driven generators. The paper addresses in detail the sequence of events and starting process details.
Salient points for application consideration such as generator grounding, short circuit characteristics during static start, and key
protection elements are presented. Within protection elements considerations the following are discussed; low frequency
response of CTs and relaying, protection application, and drive mechanism protection.
Two manufacturer’s schemes are presented as examples in the paper as well as a generic protection system one-line. It is
recommended that all of these points be given careful consideration and that the static start and generator manufacturer is
included when developing the static starting protection scheme for their system due to the specific differences between one
manufacturer and another. The C37.102 “IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection” as well as other pertinent industry guides
should be reviewed for further details.