EM Assignment

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why states ne used ?

Compare tar da Ita stater and

Auto tensforme startes tottth De
Ans: State are u ed in machin eA to provide controlled
method of startag the metoY whieh helps gedue the
startrg urnt nd toque, these by eatending the
ufe ot the motor
and the conneted equipment
provide proteetion agint ovenloadng the motos
Heá eomparison bten Diset On Üne CooL staste

stas- Datta staster and Auto-tansfovner starter :

(i) Dì<et On ne lOoL) state

) pesaton !- Connets he moto dtety to the pouwr

l voltage at etat.
Supply, prdingttuwl
) Advantagu i simple de ign, touwer ast
st, easy to
Disadvantagesi tigh storting cusunt ctypieally 6- tima
the rated usrent), which can cause o toge
drops ?n the posr suppy and neehaniea!
streu on the motor and conneeted equipment.
d AppU eatton ' Sutable fos mall motoa eohee the

starting surge is aceptabl.

(u) star- 0elta stante:

oton -

Initially, the motor ts started in 'star'

condigusaton lwinoing ends are conneted to a
pofnt and each phase is connetd to
pely voltaqe, ohiah veducu the voltuqu
aLIDI1 ach coindng. Aftex a penod, it switda
to datta conguston (winding ande are connd
in seriu), provi ding full voltage
Advantuges- Reduedl staring currnt (around of Do
stav Hng current), ocser mehniead strsg
Bn the motor andconneded cquipment.
) sadvantagsi More eompex oirig and eontol system,
hiqher Pnítal cost.
d Appi eatien , Suitalle for medium to laTqe motors
shese vedusing
redueing the stontng
) Auto - Isansform cx stadter :

Opesation Using of an auto- teanformes frittally veduu

the voltage applied to the motor duing start
p , then ?nereases the

Voltage to ull vaue.

Advantga i- Retued starttng eurrent tavoud 50- bor »f
DoL tartng curent), smoother aueleraton,
(ouer mchanieal sts.

Ois advantags- Hiah coLt compard to BoL starter, but

loer thn stastas- eelta state,Mose compex
o'hwing and control syten.
A) Appleaton - Suftalse for medium to large motoys, cohise
ed ueing the starting urent and achieving
Lmoother aeleraten aru fmportant.

tummary the choiee of ctaster dependa on the moto sie

L tarters
appieation equremnt and eoat conideaton1. Do
eult în high atertng
sfmple and cost lletu bit
turYents tohile star- dlta and auto4rantformea
frovide Te deed starting currente and smoother oecelesation,
but ve complux and costuy:

Qia A 20 HP thte phae, 400V star- ton nectd fndueten metey

qave the fo lla voing test e wlte
Dc tet ith the sttoi oindg ot too phase in cevs:2Iy,31
No load t ut 40oV appied oltage, 8A Une eurrent. watmter
wendi ng Q360 w and 1|60 w
Short as uit teut i- 140V uppied voltagc, 38 A
çnc ur rent,

Datr mine the pacamet bt the ea uN lent eireu'it. Asume

In 0c tust two phau ot ctato windig are in series
No load tyti

R360- ||60

1200 0.2165

Q30.04 2 130.38N
I, cos

No Q00.94
I, sin O,

Short druit tut




R0-83 0495)

8089 d.0518

Ko z

Rz 132.38n 0352
@o) A thee phase delta connected cage type fnduton motoy
Lohen tonnedd itety to a 400v 50 H> suppy takes a
eurrent of 05A in cach tato phae.. Cnd out
G) The ine eurynt for 0oL stardfng.
startng ad
(H) Line and phase starting bur reats for Y-4

Ans - The Une vent qor

urent for 0oL startng J3
= |81865 A

A0D 2 2304

poduee (U5 b062A

Star inga phase eurrent Bob2 A

Startig ine wrrent G0bA,

D.4 what are he ditferot mathoo to ffnd voltage wLqulation

n an Attrnator 9 wite o bri bout the didferent

Ansi Nol4age rgulaton in an alterror velers to the abitty

the altenato to maintain a contant voltage output
arying lond tondition . There several
un dey
methoda to detemine te voIkage rqulatton of an
alte nator !
Þ) ynehonous Impedanu (or EMe)
Ths he oper
mehod conmpaves
withe the voltaqe. ohen the alternatr is
altemator CE,)
fud- toad currnt at a giuen power ator CEeis
voltag guaton is qiven by :
-fe prentage
N.R. E

u) N.M. br Avnpese Tusn) Method

methad is based Dn the anpee tuns squid to

stalbieh the qap 4u* fn the atexnato
the aalY qp

pesuntag voltagu requlatton te qlues by

Z2 total
(00 ' . :whene

(w) Pot lor Arnpse) Method

his mthod is boned

aterntoY, The fes untage vo ltage yuaton ftuen by.
, R. X100 '7,

short cht o tege

2ero pows factoy Cz.f. e) Method


Ais method compare the voltase qguotion at fut load

with unfty pooer foetor to the voltage Yequlaton at
ame load eoith 2e0 pos tator. fhe peruntage
04 volkage requlation \s
Ve. Ezne- Euee):
ltage at ful toad eofth onfhy pouer fa ctor.
Eupe ve
the altematoda
Thee mcthoda p0vide di4fesent pess peetiuas wwd to cvauate
gulation prformance and
voltaqe ot alter nators in
design and opetation
and Impoue the
Vaneu ppieatons.

the lfeeti of atmature eacti en looth synhrorua

Q.5) DrA)
motor for UPe, 2PPlad ad 2Pf lag londi .

qenetator and
produas fux e P Pduced în the
Ans when field wnding x rent then
winding and i.f Tt
aTmatuve MME or ux ohihiu
armature urrent ?t sel produLei
aomatuse s u en,
termed an
nature o armature ea tton is dupendent
factor o4 the load.
Reuitue load Cu.Pe

C4enesator Moto
Purey nduedoy (2 Pf lag
4enerto Mo tor

De -
magnhing Maqnet ing


Lagging powLr aetor:.

Genesator - Motor

De magii fartiay
Lading pooder factor; -

Gentor: Motor!

Magnetisr Dmagneiiny
.o Dariue poesy ange charatyistic Bt a 3 phae aldexnatr.
Express the seal ad Teaiue powar for pows output and
oeveloput pour.
Ang In pocwex ange quation de study te dependent af
the pooer ange 5 and the quation is
deiveel n suh a manner that armatue Cuen t

daesn't appar the eyaton


utput podes - Sput

&put | 2s1

Ral fosT, Pput - cos (0. - 6)- Vecas Be

sin Os

Developeel poses:



Reatie por, Aev 2

h pouJer enpecs ion devived eprecent per phae power and
In oddx to deriue the pouoe for 3- phases We must
mulfply the ex pxssion by a fator 3.
In hese epressDn the voltaga bing ws eol ae
per phae voltage
In syndhronous machine, fouder ic not
uY rent
given by producet of Sndweed EMF and ammature
but DL neeA to taee Lomplex

pocder angl equatorn Eg cannat chang

usant is hange and Can s sumed to
untts the teld
t the encoato isis eonneet ed
genLOator +o a Snfn
be conetomt
Smpedence t qeneaton ofd
be congtont hne 6n voarialle in poer
aloys be

ange &, S is aled

pouwer anye.

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