Traumatic Rupture Aortic DX TX

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Traumatic Aortic Rupture: Diagnosis and

James S. Gammie, MD, Ashish S. Shah, MD, Brack G. Hattler, MD, PhD,
Robert L. Kormos, MD, Andrew B. Peitzman, MD, Bartley P. Griffith, MD, and
Si M. Pham, MD
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Department of
General and Thoracic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

Background. Traumatic aortic rupture is a relatively remaining 24 patients had repair with partial left heart
uncommon lesion that presents the cardiothoracic sur- bypass. In 1 patient hypothermic circulatory arrest was
geon with unique challenges in diagnosis and manage- required. Two patients (7.7%) died. There were no cases
ment. To address controversial aspects of this disease, we of new postoperative paraplegia in the bypass group.
reviewed our experience. There was no morbidity directly attributable to the
Methods. The study was performed by retrospective administration of heparin for cardiopulmonary bypass.
chart review. Conclusions. In a discrete group of patients with trau-
Results. Forty-two patients with traumatic thoracic matic rupture of the aorta, the rupture will become
aortic ruptures were managed between January 1988 and complete during the first few hours of hospital admis-
June 1997. Nine arrived without vital signs and died in sion; aggressive medical treatment with b-blockade and
the emergency department. Admission chest radiographs vasodilators in the interval before the operation is an
were normal in 3 patients (12 %) and caused significant essential aspect of management. Active distal circulatory
delays in diagnosis. Four of 30 patients admitted with support with partial left-heart bypass provides the opti-
vital signs had rupture before thoracotomy and died. mal means of preventing spinal cord ischemia during
Twenty-six underwent aortic repair. In 1 patient repair repair of acute traumatic aortic rupture.
was performed with simple aortic cross-clamping, (Ann Thorac Surg 1998;66:1295–300)
whereas a second was managed with a Gott shunt. The © 1998 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

T raumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta (TRA) remains

a therapeutic challenge. Parmley and associates [1]
defined the natural history of this disease in a classic
third of repairs in North America are done without
bypass [9]. Because of the rarity of this injury, individual
experience in its management is necessarily limited. We
autopsy series from the presurgical era, observing that reviewed our experience at a level one trauma center
80% of patients die at the scene of injury of free rupture over the past 9 years to evaluate outcome and to outline
and exsanguination into the chest. When the mediastinal critical technical aspects of bypass management and
pleura, adventitia, and sometimes part of the aortic wall aortic repair.
are spared, the victim will have a mediastinal hematoma
of variable size and may survive to reach the hospital. Of
these patients, more than 50% succumb to mediastinal Material and Methods
hemorrhage over the ensuing week [1]. Aggressive diag- Between January 1988 and June 1997 we treated 42
nosis and timely operative intervention provide the op- patients with blunt injuries to the thoracic aorta. There
portunity to salvage most of these patients. were 32 male and 10 female patients. Age ranged from 15
The most feared complication of operative repair of
to 83 years, with a mean of 34 years. Three patients
TRA is spinal cord ischemia and paraplegia as a result of
sustained falls, 1 patient was a pedestrian struck by a car,
thoracic aortic cross-clamping. Despite a vast literature,
1 patient was hit by a falling tree, and the remaining 37
controversy continues to surround the optimal method of
patients were involved in motor vehicle crashes.
spinal cord protection [2–10]. Although there is substan-
Means are reported with standard deviations. Compar-
tial evidence suggesting that the use of bypass to support
the distal circulation during aortic cross-clamping is the ison of continuous variables was with Student’s t test.
safest approach [11], many surgeons continue to advocate
the “clamp and sew” technique [12], and more than one Results
Accepted for publication May 6, 1998. Multiple injuries were the rule: injury severity scores
ranged from 26 to 59, with a mean of 40 6 9 (an injury
Address reprint requests to Dr Pham, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Suite C-700 PUH, 200 Lothrop severity score of 40 predicts a mortality of 41%). Nine
St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (e-mail: [email protected]). patients arrived without vital signs. Eight of them under-

© 1998 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/98/$19.00

Published by Elsevier Science Inc PII S0003-4975(98)00778-4
1296 GAMMIE ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Free Rupture Early After Admission
Time to
Patient Admission SBP Max SBP Location Arresta Medical
No. Clinical History (mm Hg) (mm Hg) CXR of Arrest (min) Therapy

1 74-yo man, fall; 9 L fluid before 68 117 Hemothorax Operating room 75 No

arrival, L CT in ED: .2 L blood
2 77-yo man, fall; 2 L blood from 82 114 Hemothorax CAT scan 45 No
L CT before arrival, 10 units
PRBCs before arrival
3 75-yo man, MVA 74 144 Wide Angiography suite 65 No
4 47-yo man, MVA 134 230 Wide Operating room 130 No
Time from admission to arrest.
CAT 5 computed tomographic; CT 5 chest tube; CXR 5 chest radiograph; ED 5 emergency department; L 5 left; Max 5 maximum;
MVA 5 motor vehicle accident; SBP 5 systolic blood pressure; yo 5 year-old.

went emergency thoracotomy in the emergency de- All injuries with the exception of two were located in
partment and 1 had bilateral chest tubes placed; none the descending thoracic aorta at the level of the ligamen-
survived. Families of 3 elderly patients with multiple tum arteriosum, just distal to the takeoff of the left
injuries and substantial comorbidities declined operative subclavian artery. One tear extended proximally to the
intervention. transverse aorta and necessitated placement of an inter-
Four of 30 patients (13%) admitted with vital signs position graft to reconstruct the origin of the left subcla-
progressed to complete aortic rupture within 2.5 hours of vian artery. Another patient had two tears: one at the
admission, before repair could be completed (Table 1). ligamentum arteriosum and a second on the underside of
Three of 4 were hypotensive on arrival and probably had the aortic arch. All repairs were performed via a left
active leaks (2 had hemothoraces on radiographs). A posterolateral thoracotomy. Interposition grafts were
fourth patient was normotensive (134/80 mm Hg) on used in all patients but 1, in whom a primary repair was
admission and was resuscitated with 4 L of crystalloid done. Ten patients underwent laparotomy and 4 patients
and 2 units of packed red blood cells. Sustained hyper- underwent orthopedic procedures in addition to thora-
tension persisted over the first 2 hours in the hospital cotomy.
(maximum systolic blood pressure 5 240 mm Hg), until In 1 patient early in the series repair was performed
he suddenly became hypotensive during angiography. with the “clamp and sew” technique, whereas a passive
Despite urgent transfer to the operating room, free rup- (aorta to aorta) heparin-bonded (Gott) shunt was used in
ture of the aorta was visualized at thoracotomy and he another. Since then all patients have had distal circula-
died. The remaining 26 patients underwent operative tory support with partial left-heart bypass as an adjunct
repair of their thoracic aortic tears and form the sub- to aortic repair. Fourteen patients were managed with left
stance of this report. atrial to distal (distal aorta or femoral artery) bypass, and
Time from hospital admission to repair ranged from 25 10 were managed with venoarterial bypass (pulmonary
minutes to 127 hours, with a median of 5 hours. Four artery to distal bypass in 9, femoral venous to femoral
patients had delays of more than 24 hours to repair. In 3 artery bypass in 1). Heparin requirements for each of
patients, normal admission chest radiographs were re- these strategies are listed in Table 2. The heparin dose
sponsible for the delays, whereas the fourth patient had was higher for the venoarterial bypass group (mean, 316
repair postponed because of concern of anticoagulation units/kg) versus the left atrial to distal group (mean, 73
in the setting of a traumatic brain injury. Diagnosis in all units/kg). In general, patients given heparin for cardio-
cases except 1 was confirmed with aortography. One pulmonary bypass had some form of assessment of their
patient was taken to the operating room within 25 min- intracranial status before the operation. Among 24 pa-
utes of arrival on the basis of a highly suggestive chest
radiograph and transesophageal echocardiogram. Eight
patients (8/26 5 31%) were evaluated with transesopha- Table 2. Method of Distal Circulatory Support
geal echocardiography, which in all but one instance
No. of Heparin Dose
clearly demonstrated a tear. Method Patients (units/kg, mean [range])
Three patients had normal chest radiographs on ad-
mission. Two of these films were available for retrospec- LA to distal 14 73 (0 –125)
tive review by a trauma radiologist and were confirmed Venoarterial bypass
to be normal. Two of these patients had development of PA to distal 9 316 (50 – 480)
Interval mediastinal widening developed 29 and 123 Femoral to femoral 1 300
hours after admission in 2 of these patients, whereas the Gott shunt (Ao to Ao) 1 0
remaining patient was noted to have a new pulse deficit Clamp and sew 1 0
in his left arm 27 hours after arrival. In each case, Ao 5 aorta; distal 5 distal aorta or femoral artery; LA 5 left atrial;
aortography confirmed the presence of a TRA. PA 5 pulmonary artery.
Ann Thorac Surg GAMMIE ET AL 1297

tients placed on bypass, 14 had negative head computed Table 3. False-Negative Admission Chest Radiograph Rates
tomographic scans before the operation. Of the remain-
ing 10 patients, 1 had a small subdural hematoma and Radiographs/Total
was given minimal-dose heparin for partial left-heart Author Year (%)
bypass, 5 had nonfocal neurologic examinations with a
Hilgenberg et al [3] 1992 3/48 (6.2)
Glasgow coma scale score of 15, 2 had Glasgow coma
Higgins et al [14] 1992 0/19 (0)
scale scores less than 15 in association with a nonfocal
Walls et al [5] 1993 4/27 (14.8)
examination, and 2 were not fully assessed.
Read et al [6] 1993 3/16 (8)
Comparison of the low-dose heparin group (left atrial
Hunt et al [2] 1996 6/144 (4)
to distal bypass) and the full-dose heparin group (veno-
Fabian et al [9] 1997 19/259 (7)
arterial bypass) revealed no differences in outcome as
Gammie et al (present study) 1998 3/26 (12)
assessed by duration of mechanical ventilation (median,
9 versus 4; p 5 0.9), hospital length of stay (19 versus 13
days; p 5 0.8), or mortality (there was one death in each
group). after admission. Aortography confirmed the tear at the
Median cross-clamp time was 49 minutes. Median aortic isthmus. He was noted on arrival to the operating
cardiopulmonary bypass time was 54 minutes. Femoral room to be without femoral pulses and to have developed
artery mean arterial pressure during bypass ranged from paraplegia. Aortic repair was performed with left atrial to
40 to 88 mm Hg, with a mean of 65 6 12 mm Hg. Proximal femoral bypass. Postoperative somatosensory evoked po-
mean arterial pressure during bypass ranged from 52 to tentials identified a lesion at the level of the spinal cord.
115 mm Hg, with a mean of 82 6 18 mm Hg. Gradients Median intensive care unit length of stay was 7 days,
(proximal 2 femoral mean arterial pressures) ranged with a range of 2 to 35 days. Total hospital stays ranged
from 26 to 53 mm Hg, with a mean of 117 6 24 mm Hg. from 7 to 51 days, with a median of 16 days. There were
Bypass circuit flows ranged from 0.9 to 2.4 L/m2 per 26 complications in 15 patients: prolonged respiratory
minute, with a mean of 1.4 6 0.4 L/m2 per minute. failure (vent . 4 days), 10; pneumonia, 7; pancreatitis, 4;
Overall hospital mortality for patients undergoing re- vocal cord paresis, 1; acute renal failure (temporary
pair was 2 of 26 (7.7%). One death occurred in a 58-year- hemodialysis), 1; missed duodenal injury, 1; candidemia,
old woman involved in a motor vehicle accident. Associ- 1; and cortical blindness, 1.
ated injuries included multiple rib fractures and a
malleolar fracture. Aortic repair was performed using
venoarterial (pulmonary artery to aorta) bypass. Cross-
clamping of the aorta precipitated hemodynamic deteri- This report details a recent clinical experience with
oration with bradycardic arrest. Postoperatively she suf- traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta. This is an uncom-
fered two additional cardiac arrests and died on mon injury: among an average of 1,600 blunt trauma
postoperative day 7 of multiple organ failure. Autopsy admissions per year at our center during the study
revealed significant two-vessel coronary artery disease period, 4.4 TRAs were diagnosed and 3.2 were repaired.
and a small myocardial contusion. The second death was A recent survey of 50 trauma centers in North America
in a 30-year-old man who underwent repair using left documented an average of 2.2 cases of TRA per center
atrial to distal aortic bypass. At the time of cross- per year [9]. The relatively infrequent occurrence of this
clamping, massive bleeding occurred from a second, entity means that few surgeons are able to accrue large
previously unrecognized, tear in the underside of the personal experiences. We have reviewed our experience
aortic arch. Before control could be secured, he exsangui- to emphasize critical aspects of diagnosis, medical man-
nated. agement, techniques of distal circulatory support, and
Two patients suffered paraplegia. One was a 28-year- operative repair.
old man with multiple injuries including a ruptured Three of 26 patients (12%) in this series had normal
spleen and a liver laceration necessitating splenectomy admission chest radiographs, even when reviewed retro-
and hepatorrhaphy. He also sustained a closed head spectively. These-false negative radiographs caused sig-
injury with a subdural hematoma and multiple rib and nificant delays in treatment of the underlying thoracic
extremity fractures. Initial diagnosis of his thoracic aortic injury. These patients had 30-, 33-, and 127-hour intervals
injury was delayed as a result of a normal admission from injury to repair, in comparison with a median time
chest radiograph. A widened mediastinum developed 5 to repair of 5 hours for the entire series. Delays in
days after admission. He was repaired without hepa- treatment in 1 case almost certainly and in another likely
rinization with the use of a Gott (aorta to aorta) shunt. contributed to paraplegia. Woodring and King [13] re-
Lower extremity paralysis was noted postoperatively in ported two normal chest radiographs in a series of 32
the intensive care unit, and somatosensory evoked po- patients with known thoracic aortic transections, for a
tentials confirmed a spinal cord lesion. The second pa- false-negative rate of 6%. Other recent surgical series [3,
tient was a 19-year-old man injured in a motor vehicle 5, 6, 14] have reported false-negative rates between 0%
accident who also had a normal admission chest radio- and 15% (Table 3).
graph. Suspicion of an aortic tear was raised when a Our experience is at odds with the radiology literature,
marked pulse deficit developed in the left arm 27 hours which suggests that a normal chest radiograph is strong
1298 GAMMIE ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

evidence for the absence of an underlying aortic injury. Table 4. Summary of Morbidity and Mortality With Partial
Mirvis and colleagues [15] reviewed the admission chest Left Heart Bypass
radiographs of 205 patients with blunt trauma undergo- Author Year Patients Paraplegia Mortality
ing aortography, 41 of whom were found to have aortic
tears. They concluded that a normal interpretation of an Benckart et al [23] 1989 21 0 3
erect chest radiograph has a negative predictive value of Hess et al [7] 1989 16 0 1
98%. Marnocha and Maglinte [16] concluded that a nor- Higgins et al [14] 1992 10 0 0
mal aortic arch combined with the absence of tracheal Read et al [6] 1993 16 0 2
and nasogastric tube deviation ruled out an aortic injury. Walls et al [5] 1993 8 0 1
Our series, in accordance with previous reports in the Forbes and Ashbaugh 1994 21 0 4
surgical literature, demonstrates a surprisingly high in- [8]
cidence (12%) of normal admission chest radiographs in Nicolosi et al [24] 1996 18 0 ...
patients with TRA. A high level of suspicion is necessary Fabian et al [9] 1997 43 2 7
to avoid the catastrophic results of a missed aortic injury. Gammie et al 1998 24 0 2
(present study)
Although some reports have suggested that medical
therapy and deliberate delayed operative therapy is Total 177 2 (1.1%) 20 (11.3%)
acceptable management of a TRA [17], 4 of 30 patients
(13%) in this series admitted with vital signs had rupture
within 2.5 hours of arrival and died. Of these 4 patients distal flow, and clinical data confirmed high rates of
experiencing free rupture during initial diagnostic and paraplegia. Mattox and colleagues [21] and others advo-
resuscitative measures, it is clear that at least 2 had cated simple cross-clamping of the aorta and repair of the
substantial leaks before arrival. Three of 4 were hypoten- injury without distal circulatory support. The “clamp and
sive at the time of admission. The 1 patient with sus- sew” technique emphasizes speed of repair, with many
tained hypertension during the first 2 hours after admis- authors demonstrating a benefit to cross-clamp times
sion likely would have benefited from pharmacologic less than 30 minutes [19]. Olivier and associates [22]
blood pressure control. Few patients in our series re- introduced the technique of left atrial to femoral bypass
ceived medical therapy (b-blockade, antihypertensives), with the centrifugal pump in 1984 and began the current
in accord with practice across North America: Fabian and trend favoring this technique for mechanical distal circu-
associates [9] documented that only 17% of patients with latory support.
TRA received medical therapy. Our experience suggests A recent metaanalysis of articles reporting outcomes of
that the threat of completion of rupture of a thoracic treatment of traumatic thoracic aortic tears in more than
aortic injury in the early hours after admission is real, 1,000 patients provides strong support for the use of
and institution of aggressive blood pressure control dur- mechanical partial left heart bypass during repair of TRA
ing expeditious evaluation should not be overlooked. [11]. Overall paraplegia rates were 19.2% for simple
b-Blockade, possibly in combination with vasodilators cross-clamping, 11.1% for passive (Gott) shunting, and
and analgesics, should be given to all hemodynamically 2.3% for active augmentation of distal perfusion. These
stable patients undergoing evaluation for a possible TRA. data also emphasized the rapid increase in the incidence
The presence of hypotension not readily explained by of paraplegia that occurs with cross-clamp times in
identified injuries should increase concern for imminent excess of 30 minutes when the “clamp and sew” tech-
rupture. nique is used. Our experience with paraplegia after
All patients except 2 in this series were supported repair performed with active distal circulatory support is
intraoperatively with partial left-heart bypass. The opti- similar to recent series reporting minimal neurologic
mal method of preventing spinal cord injury in the morbidity with partial left-heart bypass. In 177 patients
patient with TRA has been a source of considerable undergoing repair of TRA with distal circulatory support,
debate in the literature [3–10]. The approach to intraop- the incidence of paraplegia was only 1.1% (Table 4).
erative protection of the spinal cord during repair of TRA Paraplegia did not develop in any patient in our series
has evolved. Initial reports of repair on full cardiopulmo- arriving in the operating room in hemodynamically sta-
nary bypass emphasized prohibitive rates of hemor- ble condition and without evidence of preexisting neu-
rhagic complications. Mortality was attributed to uncon- rologic compromise. Despite the compelling weight of
trolled bleeding as a sequela of obligatory systemic published evidence supporting the role of distal circula-
heparinization for cardiopulmonary bypass. However, in tory support in minimizing the devastating complication
many of these reports investigation of intraabdominal of paraplegia after TRA, support for the “clamp and sew”
injuries was deferred until aortic repair was completed, technique remains strong [12]. In general, these authors
with predictable adverse consequences. Gott [18] intro- acknowledge the importance of the 30-minute ceiling
duced the 9-mm heparin-bonded shunt with inflow from and express confidence in their ability to complete the
either the proximal aorta or left ventricular apex and repair in less than this time. Fabian and associates’ [9]
outflow to the descending thoracic aorta or the femoral survey of North American trauma centers documented a
artery, as a means of supporting the spinal cord and cross-clamp time in excess of 30 minutes in 67% of cases.
viscera [19]. Experimental work by Molina and associates Since the mid 1980s, our approach to distal perfusion
[20] suggested that the Gott shunt provided inadequate during repair of traumatic transections of the aorta has
Ann Thorac Surg GAMMIE ET AL 1299

almost exclusively been one of partial left-heart bypass heparinization. Although long-standing dogma held that
(see Table 2). We carry out partial left-heart bypass in heparinization in this population of patients was highly
one of two ways. Left atrial to femoral artery (or descend- undesirable, Pate and associates [10] have recently
ing aorta) bypass is usually established with minimal pointed out that there are few data to support this belief.
heparin (5,000 units) and consists of a simple circuit with In our experience, most patients were assessed for intra-
only a centrifugal pump. Recently we have cannulated cranial and intraabdominal injury before administration
the posterior surface of the inferior left pulmonary vein of heparin for bypass. We did not observe bleeding
with a 24F cannula in lieu of the atrial appendage. This complications resulting from heparinization in any pa-
has provided flow of 2 to 3 L/min and is an effective tient in this series. In addition, comparison of the low-
nonpharmacologic means of controlling blood pressure dose (left atrial to femoral) and full-dose (venoarterial)
in proximal and distal circulations. In contrast, venoarte- heparin treatment groups revealed no relationship be-
rial bypass requires full systemic heparinization and a tween heparin dose and outcome.
complete cardiopulmonary bypass circuit, including an Technical aspects of safe repair include a generous
oxygenator, heat exchanger, and cardiotomy. For veno- fourth intercostal space thoracotomy for optimal expo-
arterial bypass, we generally cannulate the pulmonary sure and repair of thoracic aortic injuries. Double-lumen
artery with a 32F right-angle cannula (TF-032-L-90; Re- intubation should be performed when feasible to permit
search Medical Inc, Midvale, UT) directed toward the single-lung ventilation and provide wide exposure. Prox-
right ventricle for inflow and the femoral artery or imal control of the aortic arch should be between the left
descending aorta for outflow. The pulmonary artery is a carotid and subclavian arteries, with separate control of
reasonable option for inflow when venoarterial bypass is the subclavian artery. Bypass is established and dissec-
used because it is easily accessible via a left thoracotomy tion commenced. Once the aorta has been clamped, the
and offers adequate inflow and ease of cannulation. An extent of the tear is assessed, and the distal clamp is
excellent (and perhaps superior) alternative for inflow for repositioned as close as possible to the injury to allow
venoarterial bypass is venous cannulation of the femoral maximal perfusion of the intercostal vessels from the
vein (femorofemoral bypass). distal pump flow. The adventitia surrounding the injury
Venoarterial bypass offers several advantages over left is typically distorted by hematoma and invariably has
atrial to femoral bypass. These include the ability to cool retracted. It is critically important to incorporate gener-
to 34°C (which may enhance spinal cord protection) and ous amounts of adventitia within the suture line.
later rewarm the patient (of particular importance in the In conclusion, traumatic rupture of the aorta is an
coagulopathic trauma population). An oxygenator in the uncommon injury that requires aggressive diagnosis and
circuit avoids difficulties in maintaining adequate oxy- treatment. Our review has emphasized several important
genation of the patient during single-lung ventilation. In aspects of the management of this disease. A TRA can be
our experience, intubation with a double-lumen tube is present despite a normal chest radiograph, and the
not always possible (eg, massive orofacial injuries) and resulting delays in treatment can lead to significant
the presence of venoarterial bypass permits discontinu- morbidity. Progression of TRA to complete rupture can
ation of ventilation to achieve critical exposure. Venoar- occur within hours of hospital admission. Judicious ad-
terial bypass also affords the surgeon the option to ministration of a b-blocker and vasodilators to patients
perform hypothermic circulatory arrest should a complex with a suspected TRA should begin in the emergency
aortic tear be encountered, as was necessary in 1 patient department and continue to operation. Distal circulatory
in this series. By using venoarterial bypass, the perfu- support is critical for effective spinal cord protection.
sionist can rapidly add volume to the circuit, a capability Administration of heparin for bypass, in our experience,
not present with the left atrial to femoral circuit without was not associated with significant morbidity. Manage-
adjunctive rapid infusion systems. Cross-clamping of the ment options for bypass include left atrial to distal and
aorta predictably leads to proximal hypertension, distal venoarterial bypass. The decision as to which to use
hypotension, and a markedly increased left ventricular should be tailored to the specific clinical situation.
afterload that may necessitate the concomitant adminis-
tration of vasodilators, inotropic agents, and the admin-
istration of volume in the patient on left atrial to femoral References
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J. Kent Trinkle, MD 1934 –1998

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Dr voted a great deal of time and effort to improving The
Kent Trinkle, member of the Editorial Board of The Annals, and for this we are grateful beyond measure. We
Annals of Thoracic Surgery for 15 years, and Associate shall miss him as an Editorial Board member, but much
Editor for 8 years, first in charge of Book Reviews, and more as a superb human being. I invite you to read the
later the Section on Collective and Current Reviews. In homilies about Dr Trinkle written by his two long-time
addition to his duties as Chief of the Division of Cardio- associates, Dr Fred Grover and Dr John Calhoon, in the
thoracic Surgery at the University of Texas Health Sci- Transitions Section of the CTSNet.
ence Center in San Antonio, plus his numerous other
commitments at the local, state, and national level, Kent Tom Ferguson
was always a faithful supporter of our journal. He de- Editor, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery

© 1998 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Ann Thorac Surg 1998;66:1300 • 0003-4975/98/$19.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc

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